Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Aug 8, 2003


Stories from the Life- mid summer of love/chapter 2



(oral, toy)

Chapter 2

Its been a week and a couple of days now since the band members arrived in Miami. Things were going pretty well: Atlantis and Lex saw more of each other as the days went on, Jamie showed her friends how well she could surf, and Lovett had been thinking of all kinds of ways to get Ashley alone. No matter how many times Lovett went over and asked Ashley out some where, the pink haired girl always made up some excuse not to go.Little did Lovett know she was playing a simple game of "hard to fuck".

A little fed up but still determined, Lovett decided to try one last attempt. So she put on white short sleeved botton down shirt, baggy vintage like camo shorts, a shell necklace, and a pair of flip flops. She let the shirt hang open to expose her white sports bra and wore her blonde hair down over her shoulders. Lovett then went down to the kitchen and grabbed a picnic basket off the table.

"Whatca up to?" Cassidy asked Lovett as she scrolled into the room.

"Nothing." said Lovett looking through the wine cabinet for a dated bottle.

"Oh? Doesn't look like nothing.You got all your abercrombie on.Who you all dressed up for?"

"Nobody....really.Just gonna go pay the friends across the water a visit."

"Mmm hmm. Anybody in paticular you wanna visit over there."

Lovett was about to answer when Cassidy cut her off and said "Wait wait.Let me guess. Pinkie?"

"Pinkie?" Lovett laughed. "She has a name you know."

"You know how I am with names."

"Well, her name is Ashley and yes I just so happen to be going over to pay her a visit."

"Visit? Don't you mean you wanna spend the night?"

Lovett just smiled as she read the bottle of wine in her hands.

"Wine and fruit. I never seen you so romantic." Cassidy said looking in the basket.

"Well, this girl seems special." Lovett said.

"More of a dits if you ask me."

"So she's a silly one.Don't hate.You just mad cause I never went out my way for you before."

"Oh sure.Your right.You never did cook me dinner on our first date.Yeah, you never fed me strawberries the morning after we first had sex.Oh I suppose those were just dreams I guess."

"Cassidy, lets not start this again."

"Start what? Aren't I only telling the truth.Your the one that said lets just be friends after a few months then the very next day I see your having a threesome.Your such the romantic, aren't you?" after her last sarcastic remark, Cassidy turned on her heels and walked into another room.

Lovett just shook her head, grabbed the basket and the bottle of wine and walked out the house.


Ashley sat on her bed and towel dried her hair.After a long day she finally found the right color hair dye. Hot pink.No other color would do for Ashley.Had to be that right one. So as she sat there, fresh out a wonderful shower, she heard the doorbell ring, heard the door open and then heard her twin call up the stairs for her.

"Someone's at the door for you" Chris said.

'Who could that be?' Ash thought to herself.

With a question mark in her mind, Ashely threw on a robe and came down to the door to find a grinning Lovett standing there.

"And what might you want my dear?" Ashley said with a cocky grin.She leaned against the door frame, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, I noticed I hadn't seen you all today and wondered what you were up to.So I threw on some flip flops and thought I'd just pay my friend a quick visit." explained Lovett.

"Oh really?"


"You look pretty dressed up to be 'just' stopping by along with that basket and that pricey looking wine you got there."

"Oh this?"

"Yeah, this"

"Oh, girl.Its nothing but fruits and some aged bottle of 'Cloud 9'." "Cloud 9?"

"Thats the actual name of it."

"And fruit?"

"I figured it was too last for an actual dinner."

"Mmm hmm." Ashley raised her pink eyebrow.

"So will you join moi on a nice, cozy part of the beach for a quick snack?"

"Moi? Why the french?"

"Ashley." Lovett said in a desparate grumbly tone.

"Ok ok.Let me quit playin' with you.Ok.I'll come with you."

"Great!!!" Lovett's whole face lit up.She almost leaped off her feet.

"But let me go get dressed first."

"I wouldn't mind ya coming as you are" Lovett winked.

Ashley gave her a look.

Lovett laughed and said "Ok.All right.Let me go set up camp down over there and I'll run back and get you."

"Ok." with that Ash went into the house to go put some clothes on.Lovett ran down the beach to do what she promised.


"This wine is great." Ashley said as she sipped the liquid from the wine glass.

"Yeah.It is good." Lovett said feeling herself getting turned on by the way Ash licked the wine from her lips.

"It must be expensive.Where do you get the money to buy such stuff?"

"Oh.The shack used to be my parent's get away spot but I wanted to stay in it till I was ready for college.So they had left over wine and things."

"What college were they planning on sending you to?"


Ashley nearly choked on her drink. "Yale?"

"Yeah.My dad has some kind of partnership with that school."

"Wow, your daddy must be a paid man."

Lovett chuckled. "I suppose you can say that."

"Man, I did not begin to think that about you."

"Of course not.If you didn't keep blowing me off all those times, maybe you would have known that." Lovett flicked a grape at Ashley.

"Well, in my defense for that, would it be fair to say perhaps I was just a little nervous."

"Maybe.But what would you be nervous about?"

"I don't know.Just not used to really hot girls hittin' on me." she knew she was lying but wanted to play the 'Shy girl' role.It got the studs everytime.She made herself blush and Lovett just chuckled and said "Your so cute."

"What?" Ashley said suddenly stopping in mid reach for a grape.

"Nothing." Lovett blushed.

"No.You know what you said."

"I don't know what your talkin about.Must be hearing things.Might want to get that checked out."

"Yeah ok Buster."

"Well I didn't say anything that wasn't true." Lovett placed her hand on top of Ashley's.She placed Ash's fingers in the palm of her hand and stroked them with her thumb.Ashley felt herself become warm and butterflies formed in her tummy.

"Do you have a girlfriend back at home?" Lovett asked before laying small kisses on each of Ashley's fingers.

"No." Ashley was almost breathless as she felt the blonde girl's lips on her skin.

"I would think a girl like you would have one."Lovett placed her chin on Ash's shoulder. "I was a little worried by it."

"Well you don't have to be now." Ashley turned her head and their lips met.

Lovett put a arm around Ash's waist as they deeply kissed in the most sensual way.Lovett laid down on the blanket, bringing Ash on top of her. Ash grinded herself into Lovett's thigh.The wine had gotten her so heated up she could hardly control herself.Ash licked on Lovett's neck.

"Oh yeah" Lovett whispered as intense circuts shot through her nerves.

Thoughtlessly, Ash went down and started chewing Lovett's pussy through the material of her shorts.To Lovett that felt great.She could hardly wait to get Ashley's mouth on her naked cunt.

"Mmmmmm. Is that what you want?" Lovett asked putting her hands on the pink girl's shoulders.

"Mmm hmmm" Ashley managed to responde with as she hungerly munched at Lovett's pussy.She took her mouth away and quickly began to unbuckle the blonde's shorts. She was able to see the frog pattern of Lovett's boxers after unzipping before Lovett stopped her.

"Whoa.Maybe we're going a little too fast." she said.

"Ok.I can take it slow.I love to slow fuck."

"No I mean this whole thing right now.Maybe we shouldn't fuck just yet.I hardly know you.I wanna know you better." Lovett couldn't believe these words just came out her own mouth.

"Oh." Ashley sat up.

"I hope I didn't upset you."

"No.......not really.I mean you got me all heated up I was looking forward to...... you know."

"I know but I don't wanna go too fast.For once I thought it was about time to get to know a girl before getting her in bed." knowing she was lying.She really had plans to work up Ash's sex drive over time.Lovett enjoyed wild girls and Ash seemed like the perfect applicant.

"Ok.I understand." "I bet you wanna go now.Don't you?"


"Ok.Help me pack this stuff up and I'll walk you back."

After getting everything together, Lovett walked Ash back to the house.

"The night was nice." Ashley said when they got to the door.

"Yeah.It was good to FINALLY get to know you." Lovett said.

"See you tommrow?"

"Of course.Hey, you guys can watch us perform at this bar in town and don't worry, we'll get you in."

"Ok.Good night then." Ash pulled Lovett to her for a quick kiss.

When they broke the kiss, Ash said "God.You are a great kisser."

Lovett smiled. "So I've been told."

Ashley watched her walk away.Her pussy was still fizzing.


The bar was full of ciggerette smoke, loud music and young bodies. Chris and everyone else parked on the bar stools and checked out the scene.

"I bet fights break out everynight." Phoenix said.

"I bet." said Ashley.

"When did they say they were gonna be on?" Chris asked referring to Lovett's band.

"They should be on now." said Atlantis looking at her watch. Just then the crowd of kids got crazy and cheered.

"I think thats for them." said Michelle.

Right away the sounds of rock music could be heard from the stage.Chris and the rest could hardly see the band on stage because a big crowd formed in front of it.

"Who's singing?" Tandra asked over the music.

"Uhhhhh......I think its Lex.Yeah, its her." said Michelle.

"Well the song sounds cool though I can't see a god damn thing." said Chris.

But even the music couldn't be heard with all the cheering going on.


"Unkle Plastik?" asked Tandra referring to the name of Lex's band.

"Yeah.We got the name from my uncle.He worked in a plastic factory and as a kid I always called him 'Uncle Plastic." explained Lex. "Thats cute." Atlantis said hugging Lex from behind.Lex fell into the embrace.Ashley frowned at them.

"Well, I did always wonder what you guy's band name was." said Lovett.

"Ms.Pajama." said Phoenix proudly.

"Huh?" said Cassidy. "And you guys teased our name."

"I think the name is awsome!" said Lex.

Cassidy looked at her and mouthed "Nobody asked you." Lex just frowned at her.

"It is pretty cool." said Lovett. "Where did you come up with it?"

"Oh well it was Phoenix nickname because all she used to wear was pajama bottoms.To school. Anywhere."explained Chris. "Right, Phoenix?"

Looking to where Phoenix was sitting, Chris saw she wasn't there but could be seen leaving the building with a two girls.

"Never mind." Chris mumbled. "She does that often. No matter where we go, she knows everybody."

"That reminds me of Lovett here." said Lex.

"Lovett, I need to talk to you really quick." Ashley said pulling the blonde girl away. Cassidy felt anger and jealousy build up inside her as she watched them walk away together.

'The bitch would do that in front of my face.' Cassidy thought to herself.


They stood there making out massively in a dark corner of the bar.

"I wanna fuck you." Ashley said in Lovett's ear as she nibbled on it.

"So soon?" Lovett said almost breathless.

"You know what. Why must sex have so many rules and restrictions especially at our age.We're young.I don't understand why sex has to mean something all the time.Yeah it feels great with someone you love or really like but shit, whats wrong with having sex just for fun? I don't wanna marry you, I don't wanna have your kids or anything like that.I just want to take you raw and dirty."

"Oh........ok." Lovett was taken-aback by Ash's speech.She did have a point though.

"So come on.I don't care where but I wanna fuck you tonight.I'll drop your pants right here if I was that kind of girl but I don't like an audiance.So lets say we jump in my car, go to your place and do what we need to do?"

"Ok.I'll go tell Lex."

"And I'll tell my sister I'm leaving too."


So they hopped into Ashley's pink drop-top beetle and drove back to the beach. There, Lovett took Ash to her room.They stood by the bed and kissed each other deeply.Ash broke the kiss when Lovett tried to undo her jeans.

"Let me do that." Ash said stepping away from Lovett.She undressed, taking off everything but her socks.Ash then sat on the bed, back against the headbroad, knees up, and spread her thighs wide.Girl juice glistened in the dim light of the room.

"Come and get it." Ashley said.

Lovett craweled on to the bed till her head was between the Ash's thighs. She kissed her stomach and worked up to the valley of her breasts. Ashley could feel chills run up her back as Lovett grazed her lips over her left breast to her nipples. Lovett kissed it, making it harder than it already was. Gently, with the tip of her tongue, Lovett slowly glided it from side to side on the hard nipple. Gradually she did the same to the other. Ashley could feel the inside of her pussy hole pounding.

Lovett entered Ash with one finger and stroked the soft walls, still simulating her the pink nipples with her tongue. Ashley let out a soft moan as she felt a light, pleasurable tremble.

"Do you like my finger inside you?" Lovett said kissing along Ash's collar bone.

"Try more." said Ash entisapaiting on Lovett adding more fingers in her cunt.

Lovett slipped two more of her long fingers inside the damp hole. She moved them in and out causing Ash to moan out more.

"Mmmmmmm.I like that." whispered Ash rolling her hips to the sync of Lovett's rhytmic fingers.

"I got something better." Lovett said removing her fingers from Ash's pulsing hole. She licked the cream off them and reached over for her night stand drawer, pulling out a 7 inch vibrator. Clicking it on, Lovett rubbed the tip of the toy on Ash's clit causing the girl's body to tease. Ashley played with her nipples as the toy sent electric shocks to her buzzing clitoris.

"Put it in me." Ash said. Almost begging.

Lovett put the vibrator inside Ashley and pumped it in and out. Doing this, she gave Ash's stiff clit a few quick flicks with the tip of her tongue. The whole time Ash lay there moaning and pulling her nipples. Lovett told Ash to lift her legs,lowered her head and touched her tongue to Ash's tight asshole.

"Hey!" Ashley sat up quickly.

"What?" Lovett asked.

"Thats my asshole."

"I can see that, silly."

"I don't know about all that."

"Oh come on. It'll feel great. Trust me."

"Ummmmm. How about not tonight."

"Ok ok." Lovett, disappointed, continued working the toy in Ash's pussy and sucked on her clit.

"Go faster." Ash commanded. Lovett did as she was told, moving the toy faster inside Ash.

"You comin'?" Lovett asked.

"Oh yeah. Oh shit! Oh god!Mmmmmmmmmmm.Ooooooooooooh." Ashely came as sharp chills waved through out her body. After a oragasm that lasted a few good seconds, Ash relaxed and caught her breath.


When she opened her eyes, dim sun light spilled through the open window across the room. She could tell the sun was still young as it sat far off in the horizon. It had to be about 5am. Ash looked over to see a sleeping Lovett next to her. She smiled. Quite proud of herself to be waking up in a bed with a sexy woman. This was the first time she ever woke up in someone else's bed.

Ash got up slowly and carefully slipped out the bed. Quietly putting on her clothes, she picked up her sandels and creeped out the bedroom door, leaving the house soon after.

to go on..............................................

Don't worry, the next chapter is on its way ;) Comments are still very welcome.

Next: Chapter 11: Mid Summer of Love 3

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