Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Aug 21, 2003


Stories from the Life-Mid summer of Love/Chapter 3




Chapter 3

It was the late afternoon. Lovett sat on the kitchen counter reading the news magizine, Cassidy sat at the kitchen island with Kimber and Lex.

"I never heard of that." Kimber said.

"I have. Its some kind of extra sense, right?" asked Cassidy.

"Yup. Only so many people have that." said Lex.

"Have what?" asked Lovett turning her attention away from the article she was into.

"There's this sense where some people, such as myself, can smell object when the object isn't even present." explained Lex.

"Huh?" Lovett was completly lost.

"Ok. Lets say if I think of a italian person, I can smell garlic. Or if I think of candy I get this sweet felling in my mouth." said Lex. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She noticed a frownish look on Lovett's face.

"Because you sound really stupid and you make no sense. Sometimes I don't see why you even bother to talk." said Lovett returning her eyes back to her magizine.

Lex's feelings were hurt.

"Thats cool you have that sense." said Cassidy. "Its interesting too."

"What else do you have a sense about?" Kimber asked Lex.

Insted of answering, Lex got up and walked to the door to leave.

"Where you goin'?" Lovett asked.

"I'm gonna go put a final finish on my board." Lex replyed without looking back and continued to leave, letting the screen door slam behind her.

"You hurt her feelings, Lovett. Just to let you know." Kimber said forcfully.

"Ok?And?" said Lovett raising her blonde eye brows and shaking her head.

"And? Dude, you do it all the time. You always make her feel like shit and not even care. What's your deal?Don't you even fuckin' care?" explained Kimber.

"Apparently not." said Cassidy.

"Look, its not my fault the girl is sensitive.Nobody asked her to be all depressed and shit." said Lovett.

"And nobody asked you to be an asshole either." with that, Kimber walked outside to find Lex.

Lovett just sighed and continued to read her article.

"You are a little-" Cassidy began before Lovett cut her off by saying "Don't you say a damn word."


Kimber walked into the tool shed to find Lovett applying some polish on her surf board she took the time to crave and design herself.Replacing the one that snapped in half a while ago while surfing.

"It looks good." Kimber said looking over the impressivly decorated board.

"Thanks. All I gotta do is put this stuff on here, let it dry for a day or so, then test it out on the waves." said Lex.

"Thats cool. We should go surfing this weekend." said Kimber.

"Good idea." Lex clearly seemed down.

"Look man, Lovett does pick on you alot. She does it to everyone."

"Yeah but with me she knows she can get away with it better. She was like that when we were kids and continues to be the same stuck up asshole her parents made her out to be. But she is my friend."

Kimber felt a deep saddness for Lex. It was painful to see such a soft girl take bullshit from someone she saw as a friend. It was enough to bring tears to Kimber's eyes.

"Can we borrow Lex for a sec?" said a stranger's voice. Lex and Kimber looked over to see three feminine valley girls standing in the doorway.

"Whats up?" asked Lex.

"Well we have this friend and she thinks your really cute and wanted us to bring you to this party in town. Wanna come with?" said one of the girls.

"Uh ok. I don't mind." said Lex.

"Does your hot friend wanna come too?" asked another girl referring to Kimber.

"I'll catch up later." Kimber said.

"Ok then. Don't keep us waiting." said the girl and winked.


After getting tired of Cassidy's nagging, Lovett went outside to say sorry to Lex. When she went out to the shed, she only found Kimber there polishing the board.

"Where's Lex?" asked Lovett.

"She went to Spike's party with some girls." said Kimber.

"Oh great." Lovett said. She knew when Lex got depressed, she always went out to go get wasted or cooked on some crazy shit.

Lovett got in her jeep and headed to where she knew the party would be. Arriving there she made her way through dancing bodies searcing for Lex.

"Hey there sexy" said a girl Lovett knew.

"Oh hi, Barb. Have you seen Lex?" said Lovett.


"My friend. Short, black hair, green-blue eyes."

"Ooooh her. I saw her in the back with some girl."

"Thanks,Barb. See ya around." with that, Lovett 'swam' through the sea of people hoping to find Lex in time.


Lex sat on a couch in a dark room, full of girls making out and filling each other up. She herself was necking with a girl she only knew for two minutes. The girl straddled her lap as they were locked in a intense, wet french kiss. Lex was given a extasy tab not too long ago and the effects from the drug really started to kick in. Ex was famous for getting people all heated up. The girl sank down to her knees and took off Lex's shorts.

"I always wanted to do this to you." the girl said before lowering her head between Lex's thighs. Lex laid her head back on the couch as incredible sensations shocked her pussy and her entire body.

Lovett came into the room and saw she was too late. Not because Lex was getting head but saw she had a bottle of something in her hand.

"Lex!" Lovett said hoping to get her attention.

Lex lifted her head and saw her friend standing there.

"What? Can't you see I'm busy?" said Lex. Her speech a bit slurry.

"I gotta speak to you." Lovett said.

"Alright." Lex excused herself and walked away with Lovett, holding up her unfastened cargos as they spoke.

"Why are you doing this?" Lovett asked.

"Doing what? I took a little pill, drank a little of........whatever the hell they handed me, smoked a blunt with some people. No big deal." said Lex.

"What?!? Your fuckin' burnt out. You can hardly stand."

"I don't see why you even care. You don't care when you call me a jack ass and shit. You didn't care all those times you hurt me and made me feel like shit. Why give a shit now?"

"Because I'm your friend and I don't want you to get hurt or anything."

"Too late. I was hurt days, weeks, months, years ago. Thanks for wanting to care now.Thanks for wanting to be a good friend. Thanks for nothing." Lex turned and walked back over to the girl who continued what she started before.

Lovett didn't know what to say. She felt told off. So she walked out the party, and despite all the girls that were throwing themselves at her, she just drove on home. Lovett felt herself in a sulking mood. Lex, for the first time, had actually hurt Lovett's feelings.


"Why you so silent today?" Ashley asked Lovett. They lay in a hemmick together under the shade of a tall palm tree. They laid there sharing a chilled wine cooler.

"I........" Lovett started to talk but stopped.

"Go on. Whats up?" said Ash.

Lovett sighed. "Do you think I'm a bad person?"

"No. Of course not."

"Well I do."

"Why would you think that? Your personality is so genuine to me."

"Shows how much you know about me."


"If only you knew what kind of person I can be."

"Tell me what the issue is. Maybe I'll understand."

"Well...........Lex came in this morning from some party. She had got 'dead' off some serious shit last night because she was throwing up for a while. Anyways, she wouldn't have done that if it wasn't for me."

"What did you do to make her go get tight like that?"

"Its like she does dumb shit when she's depressed. I should know. I've known her since I was little. Her mom used to babysit me. Anyways, all our lives I just been such a dick to that girl. I pushed her around and shit and didn't give a damn. I still do."

"Why would you go do a thing like that?"

"I saw my father do it all the time to other folks and was raised to step on the 'small people' to get you places. It worked for him so I thought it would work for me too."

"Give me an example."

"Ok. Well back in grammer school I wanted statis and I wasn't gettin' it hanging out with Lex. Nobody really liked her cause she was this little 'flower child'. Her parents were hardcore hippes. They dressed her and man the kids made fun of her something terrible. The main kids that would mess with her were the popular kind. I wanted to be known and shit like that too.So Lex being two years younger than me, I knocked her around and made her look stupid when ever I could.I would trip her. Push her against lockers. Throw shit at her just so my 'friends' would get kicks off it. Sadly all that shit worked for me and she still stayed my friend. No matter how mean I became. No matter how much I put her down. Lex still stayed my friend. I broke my leg freshman year and little Lex put me in a shopping cart and wheeled me 2 miles to a hospital even after embarrashing her in front of the whole school. This girl took the fault of me smoking in the girls' bathroom at school even after I spit in

her face for telling me smoking was bad. I slept with the girl she really liked and bragged about it. Even after all that Lex still was my friend. So yes, I'm a out right asshole."

"Or maybe you just need to be a better person. You shouldn't let how your dad was effect you so strongly."

"I try but I still remain the same person." A tear trickled from the corner of Lovett's eye. Ashley kissed it the tear away.

"You just have alot of growing up to do, babe. All it takes is some will power and it'll get you far."

"I hope so. Hey, you ever thought about being a shrink?"

"Yeah.I guess I talk like one because thats my mother."

"I bet she's understanding."


"Lucky you. My parents were never around."

"Well that could be your root."

"My root?"

"The reason why you are the way you are. Lets work from there. Tell me all about your relationship with your parents."

"Well if your ready for a long story...................."


"I did something bad." Lex said to Atlantis. They sat in a small row boat fishing in the mid afternoon.

"What you do?" Atlantis asked waiting for the worst.

Lex sighed. "I got fuckin' wasted last night. I mean I did everything from Ex to weed to hard liquor to doin' stuff with a girl I JUST met."

"All this in one night." Atlantis said raising her eye brows.

"You'll be suprised what can happen in one night."

"What made you go do this?"

"Lovett upset me. I know thats a stupid reason but its only so much a person can take."

"You know what, I think Lovett is a son-of-a-bitch. Something is really not right with her to be actin' like that."

"Her dad is the same way. So is her mother and her aunts and shit like that. I think its genetic.You think so?"

"Well, if lesbians run in my family, I guess assholes can run in the genes just the same."

"Lesbians run in your family?"

"Yeah. The majority of my family members are women and most of them are lesbians. Another odd thing is males don't survive in the family. No boys are born and if they are they die at birth, get miscarried or die in a freak accident later on in life. My grandmother says we're cursed."

"Cursed? You have a interesting family."

"Yeah I guess. We inherit alot of shit so that makes us some what rich. Plus we're all really smart and most of us have good looks.I suppose we were blessed with some good things."

"Do you have a inheritance from the family?"

"Sort of. Phoenix and I got some kind of factory in india somewhere. My grandparents owned alot of shit like land, buildings, factories and all that."

"Thats cool. My parents just own a plantation and they grow crops and shit on it. Well, they used to till they got arrested."

"For what?"

"They were also growing and selling weed and shit. Go figure."

"Thats insane. So that must be why you're here with Lovett?"

"Yeah. Hey, what are your friends like to you?"

"Well, they support me in everything I do. I look to my twin because she just loves life. She's happy all the time and if you ever asked her how she was feeling, she'll always say she was doing good because she really is.She has a reason to be too."

"Whats the reason?"

"We were born like two months before we were supposed to be and we stayed in the hospital for months after we were born because we were having all kinds of problems. When we were finally able to come home, we came home on heart machines. As babies we were real sickly and as little kids we were in and out the hospital. Phoenix had pnemonia six times! Doctors said we probally wouldn't last past ten years old but we did. They also said we could never play sports but we've been on the track team, won medals and stuff.So yeah, Phoenix has a good reason to be joyful."

"Thats some story. How about everyone else?"

"Chris is fuckin silly as hell and comes up with the craziest ideas. Ashley is really empty headed at times. Like she has her 'blonde moments', but she's very intelligent in my opinion. Michelle is quiet but if you took the time to talk to her you'll be so happy you did. Jamie is clumbsy and we tease her about her accent all the time but just for fun. When she, Michelle and Phoenix are together, I just can't stop laughing. And Tandra......well she's just Tandra. She's stuck up because she goes to a private school,her mom works with models, she's spoiled and she's pretty and she has pretty friends and yeah, she does get on my nerves but she's my cousin and I love her to death. We all have our disagreements on stuff but find ways to get past them. We've known each other forever. Well, not Jamie. She got kicked out her house like two years ago and started living with Chris and Ashley but we're so close to her."

"How did you meet Chris and Ashley?"

"They're my cousins too. By marriage though. My aunt married their mother when they were like six years old. Thank god for that. They used to live in Cabrini Green." "Whats that?"

"Its a really really fucked up place in chicago. Its so run down and the murder rate is outragious. I think its torn down by now."

"God, everybody has a story.I wish my friends were more like yours. Kimber is ok. Cassidy is a bitch.Octavia cool but always gets into fights whenever we go places. Lovett can be cool. When she's not being a dick , she can be so playful and talkitive. One night we stayed up talking about everything on our minds." Lex sighed. "I wish she could be that way all the time."

"She'll get better. She'll realize she's wrong someday. She just needs to grow up."

"Yeah, really. I like talking to you. You actually listen and responde. Kimber listens but she's not always around. I don't bother to talk to Octavia and everybody else."

Lex stared at the water, her eyes turning a dark green. Atlantis looked at her and her own eyes started to tear.


Jamie wondered down the beach in the moon light by herself. She missed home. The one she came from in the first place. She missed her mother even though she was the reason for Jamie leaving home. Jamie walked so far down the beach, she found herself at Nina's side of the beach. She could see there was a dim light shining a room. Nina had to be home and Jamie had the sudden urge to go see her. She hadn't seen the brunette since the day they met a week or so ago.

Jamie went up and rang the doorbell. She hoped she wasn't intruding. Nina came to the door in a silk robe, her long hair damp.

"Oh. You finally decide to show up." said Nina looking Jamie up and down.

"Sorry. But any other time I came to see you, you weren't home. I swear." Jamie said.

"I see."

"May I come in or were you busy?"

"You can come in."

They walked into the dark house. Only candles, set up all around the living room, eluminated the space.

"I was just sitting down to read." said Nina sitting down on a cozy arm chair.

"Susie Bright?" Jamie asked.

"Only the best."

"She is really good. Hey, do you still have my shirt?"

"Oh yes. That. You know, I didn't think you were ever going to come by for it.I was just starting to think of using it as a rag." Nina walked out the room to get the shirt for Jamie. Jamie, being the 'Curious George' that she was, got up and wondered around the room. Looking at all the fancy art work. She wondered over to the fireplace and fumbled with the small figures on top of it. Jamie picked up a figure of a naked woman made from wood. Just then she heard Nina coming back into the room so she spun around, hiding the figure behind her back.

"Find something?" Nina asked tossing the shirt on a chair.

"N-no. Just looking." Jamie said. Embarrashed she may have been caught being a bit nosey.

"Mmm hmm. Then whats that behind your back?"


Nina walked up to Jamie. Getting really close. Their bodies touching. The top of her head only came right under Jamie's chin. Nina placed her hands on Jamie's shoulders, her hands slid down the toned arms. She trailed them all the way behind Jamie's back, her hands finding what the platnium blonde was hiding.

"Your a lair." Nina said. "But a cute one." She tilted her head up and kissed the dimple of Jamie's chin. Nina then placed her hands on the back of Jamie's head, bringing it down for a kiss. When their lips touched, Jamie felt every nerve in her body react. She dropped the wooden figure from the sudden rush of adrenilene.

"Sorry." Jamie said against Nina's soft lips after a thud was heard.

"I don't care. I thought it was ugly anyway." Nina snaked her tongue into Jamie's mouth, letting their tongues wiggle against each other.

Jamie placed her hands on Nina's ass, pulling her closer to her. Nina sucked on Jamie's lips as the kiss got deeper.

'Oh my god.' Nina thought. 'The last thing I need is for the police to come wondering in here.'

Nina silently broke the hot kiss and took Jamie to her room. Entering the room, it remined Jamie of the books she snuck from her mother's bookcase. The kind of books where the big strong man takes the woman into a candlelit bedroom. White curtains flowing in the open windows as a gusty breeze passed through. Only this time, it was two women in such a place. The perfect romance scene. Only the two weren't in love, just looking to feed desires.

Nina dropped her silk robe and laid out on the bed.On her back. Waiting for the young girl to take her. Jamie felt her heart thump against her chest. Nina had a small pudge stomach, breasts that were the perfect size (not too big, not too small), and big dark pink nipples. Her bush was trimmed nicely, forming a neat brown triangle. If there was anything Jamie loved was a woman with some meat. Chunk was absolutly sexy to this blonde girl.

Jamie kicked off her flip-flops, took off her shirt and shorts. She got on top of Nina, laying between her sexy legs. Jamie kissed at the woman's neck, smelling the intoxicating fragrnace as she went along.

"You smell good." Jamie said in Nina's ear before tracing her tongue on it.

"Fuck the foreplay." Nina said tossing Jamie on her back. Nina got on top, rotating into the 69 position.

"Suck my pussy." Nina's voice became dominate now. Jamie had to obey. She opened her mouth, covering it on the pussy before her and lapped at it. Nina's taste was diffrent to Jamie, but couldn't think of where she last licked a pussy like this. Whoever, it was sexy.

"Chew on my clit." Nina commanded. Jamie gentley did so.

"Harder." Nina said. Almost growling.

A bit hesitant, Jamie nibbled harder on the thick clit, causing Nina to groan and utter sexual obsenities under her breath. Jamie of humped the air. Her wet pussy was clearly out and exposed. Nina was applying no simulation to it.Jamie almost wanted to beg Nina to eat her and was just about to when the bedroom door opened.A figure walked in. Jamie looked over Nina's thigh to find Octavia standing there looking a bit suprised.

"Oh." she said staring at the display on the bed. "Oh." She said again. Still in shock. "Oh my. Um....may I join in?"

Nina smiled. "Get out those clothes and lets see what you got."

As Octavia took off her clothes, Jamie laid her head back on the pillow and thought 'Can this night get any better?'


Ashley went to the back to chat with Atlantis. She noticed they hadn't spoken that much so wanted to see if her friend/ cousin was up for a converstation. Just before entering the room, she heard giggling and smooching sounds. Peeking in, Ashley saw Lex on top of Atlantis. They were making out something massive. It should have been cute, but Ashley was jealous. She turned and walked out the front door.

'Why are there tears in my eyes?' Ashley thought. 'Why am I acting like this. She's not your lover. She's not your girlfriend. She's your best friend. She's your cousin.' Ashley felt disgusted at that last thought. "Cousin." Made it seem like she belonged on a farm somewhere.

'We're related by marrige.' Ashley thought. 'But would that still be incest? I'll ask Lovett.'

Ashely made her way over to Lovett's house and rang the doorbell. Cassidy came to answer. She didn't seem too happy to see Ashley.

"Hey." Ashley said being the chipper person she was.

"She's on the deck." Cassidy said trying not to sound bitter. Didn't do much of a good job."

"Thank you." Ashley could have said a smart ass remark but kept herself calm. No need for any drama tonight. So she walked past Cassidy and made her way to the deck where she found Lovett in a steaming, bubbling hot tub.

"Hey you." said Lovett. Her trademark smile upon her lips. "I was hoping you'd show up. I got something special for you. "

"What would that be?" Ashley asked.

"Why don't you jump in and find out."

"Oh. I don't have my bathing suit on me."

"I don't either." Lovett was coy with that one.

Ashley smiled and blushed.

"Aww come on. Don't act like I never seen you naked." said Lovett.

Ashley looked around, took off her clothes and quickly got in the hot tub. Letting the bubbles in gulf her body.

"Good.Now come here." Lovett pulled the pink haired girl to her. They kissed. A hot french kiss.

"What you got for me?" Ashley asked.

"Wait. I'll show you that later." Lovett said. "First I need you to sit up here." She had Ashley sit on the side of the tub and knelt between her legs. Lovett's bottom half was still hidden in the water. They kissed a little more before Lovett dipped down and nibbled on Ashley's pussy lips. Ash opened her legs wider. Lovett spread the pussy lips with her thumbs and took the clit into her mouth. Sucking on it hungerily.

"Ooooooooooooooo." Ashley groaned. Closing her eyes.

Lovett whipped the pink clitoris with her tongue bringing wimpering sounds from Ash's mouth.

"Oh your gonna make me come." Ash annouced feeling her climax coming sooner than usual.

"Not yet." Lovett said stopping the oral.She sat back in the tub and pulled Ash back in the hot water. Ash straddled Lovett's lap and felt something hard touch her stomach.

"Lovett!" Ashley said suprised.

"You like it? Its a decent size.I hope its ok with you."

"Of course." Ash said guiding the 12 inch toy into her cunt. Her walls streching with no problem around the thick object. She moved herself up and down on the dick, getting it in deep everytime.

Ash wrapped her arms around Lovett's neck. Lovett had her arms around the girl's small waist, moving her hips up to help fuck Ashley. Ash moaned and groaned as she fucked the huge rod.

"Oh shit." she stopped fucking the toy. "Can I stop for a sec?"

"Why?" Lovett asked.

"I don't want to come too soon."

"Ok. We can stop."

Ash rested her head on Lovett's shoulder, catching her breath.The toy was still deep inside her pussy.She waited a minute or two.

"Ok, lets go. I'm ready." Ash said.

"Turn around for me." Lovett said.

Ashley did as she was told and continued to work the dick in and out her pussy. Lovett kissed Ash's spine. Her own pussy was being simulated by the bubbles. She wanted to come. Lovett was so sexually charged, she could have came without touching herself.

"Let me fuck you in the ass." Lovett asked. Her voice begging.

Ashley paused. She was always a girl that was up for anything. THis was something neew. Why not at least give it a shot?

"Alright." Ash said.

"We dont have to." Lovett informed.

"I'm sure."

Lovett had Ashley bend over, her hands on the side of the tub. Lovett inspected the tight hole, it was tight and virgin. That always turned Lovett on. She spit on the hole and pressed her finger inside. Slow and carefull. Lovett slid the finger in and out.

'This isn't too bad.' Ashley thought to herself. The sensation she got from this was diffrent yet it felt good.

After Lovett stretched out the puckered hole enough with more fingers, she asked Ash was it ok to fuck her.

"I'll go really slow." Lovett assured her.

With her spit lubed cock, Lovett gently entered Ash's asshole. She got it half way in and let it sit rest there for a moment. She started to push more of the dick in her ass when Ashley whimpered in pain. Lovett pulled out and kissed up Ashley's back.

"We'll try again later, when your more relaxed."

"Ok." Ash said. Relieved the pain was over. "But you can still fuck my pussy." She reached back and guided the toy back inside herself. Lovett gripped Ash's shoulders and pounded the slick pussy hole. Ashley fucked back on the dick. Rambling on about how fucking good it was. Lovett loved dirty talk. It set her pussy on fire!

"Ooooooo fuck me fuck me fuck me." Ashley said as she came. A quake of electric circuts shot all through out her sensitive parts. "Ooooooooooo shit." she said catching her breath. Sweat dripping off her face. "I wanna eat your pussy so bad. I want you to come in my mouth."

Lovett couldn't object to that at all. Who could?

"Lets go in the house." Lovett said.

Hearing that, Cassidy turned and silently disappeared into the house. She watched the whole episode as she rubbed her clit.


Chirs laid on her bed, masturbating vigorously. She was so horny and hours had passed with her doing this. For some reason, she couldn't bring herself to an oragasm. Chris hadn't masturbated since she was 14. Since then she didn't have to worry about 'self simulation' after losing her virginity.

She could swear she was almost at that final peak when the damn doorbell rang.

"Shit!" Chris said. Sexual frustration setting in something nasty. She went down to answer the door. It was Cassidy. The person she had in her mind all this time.

"Oh. Hey you." Chris said. "Whats up?"

"I wanna fuck you." Cassidy said. Before Chris could reprocess those words, Cassidy jumped on her. Wrapping her legs around her waist. Chris threw Cassidy on the nearest couch and they went at it hard, grinding, clothes coming off, nipple sucking, biting, the works. Chris had her head between Cass' legs, munching away at the hot pussy.

"Oh fuck! Oh yes!Eat my clit!Suck my hole." Cass held Chris' head in place as she screamed random shit. She came in a intense flash. Her body shaking. Moaning loud.


"Oh Ashley." Lovett moaned gently while Ash was down on her.

Ash was sensually licking at Lovett's clit. The hard numb pulsed and tingled. "I'm gonna come." she said, a stream of cream flowed of inside her cunt. Ashley licked it up, coming up to kiss Lovett's mouth.

Ash rested her head on Lovett's stomach.

"Did you and Cassidy ever have anything going on?" Ashley out of the blue.

"Yeah we did." Lovett said.

"No wonder she looks and treats me funny."

"She's a bitch all around.She's picky and doesn't get along with everyone."

"Do you think she's jealous?"

"Of course."

"What went on between you two?"

"Well we met at a party or whatever. At the time she was breaking away from her parents and was so much fun. I mean this girl was so rebelious. She wanted to be so bad and she made me feel so good. She was like me in a way. But anyways when she finally got away from her parents and shit she got......dull and bosey. It was like we were a married couple.After being out of her parents grip she got laid back and not so fun anymore. I missed the times when we got in trouble and sunk around her father.I'd sneek her out the house and everything. But shit just got boring and my feelings faded.I had to break it off after almost a year."

"Thats sad. That'll make a cool short story. But anyways, I think you two still have feelings for each other.I see how she looks at you. The feelings are still there. You guys make a cute couple."

Lovett chuckled. "I suppose.I still do like her. I'm not even gonna lie."

"I think you all can rekindle a old flame. Its possible.It'll take some patience though."

"Maybe later in life."

"How's things with Lex and you?"

"We don't talk too much these days. Actually, I haven't really seen her around lately."

"Because she's with Atlantis." Ashley sounded mad.

"Why you say it like that?"

"I don't know."

"Do you not like Lex?"

"I guess not but for a stupid reason."

"Whats that?"

"I-I........I have a crush on Atlantis."

"Oooooh. Its one of those situations."

"I guess."

"So you like your cousin?"

"Not by blood.You make it sound so.......incest."

"It is......kinda."

"But we're related by marrige."

"Well I guess thats diffrent. I don't think it is though cause when you think about it its having relations with people of the same blood line as yours. So I guess its not incest."


"Sounds like you all got stuff to work out there."

"Its a story alright."

"Tell me about it. Maybe I can help."


Jamie and Nina were in the 69 eating at each others pussies. Octavia helped Nina lick and suck on Jamie's pussy. Their tongues playing together on Jamie's hard clit. Suddenly Nina came all over Jamie's tongue. She was about to come herself but the mouths on her clit stopped working. Nina got off the bed. Octavia craweled up and kissed Jamie's mouth. She pinned the blonde girls arms over her head, up to the bed broad. Holding them there, Octavia worked her way down; sucking the pink nipples, kissing each pec of Jamie's six pack. Her mouth got lower.Between the thighs that were spread far apart. Jamie was so lost in Octavia's lips around her clit, she failed to notice Nina handcuffing her to the bed.

'Oh no. Not one of these bitches. ' Jamie thought as she felt the cool steel on her wrists.

"Whats with the cuffs?" Jamie asked.

"Ever had a fist in you, little boy?" Nina asked.

"Uhhhh......" Jamie was a bit lost. From being called a 'boy' to the word 'fist'.

"Here." Nina said to Octavia. She handed the young girl a bottle of lube.

to go on..........Comments are welcome.

Next: Chapter 12: Mid Summer of Love 4

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