Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Sep 14, 2003


Stories from the Life- Mid summer of Love: Lex's Journal/chapter 4




Chapter 4

Lex: Journal entry

December 20, 2001

I sat in the dark walk-in closet of my bedroom. Everyone in the school was down at that football game including my roommate, McKenzie or Lovett is what she likes people to call her. I sat on the floor masturbating vigorously with the long thick candlestick I had stolen from the chapel earlier that day. I had a picture in my head of my kissing the soft breasts of a beautiful woman. I imagined how she smelled, how soft her skin was. I always fantasized about putting my fingers in another woman's tight wet pussy. I wanted to feel how sticky and soft it was inside. I wanted to taste her juice and suck on her cunt.

I wet my index finger with some spit and fucked my asshole. I always wanted my ass licked. Have a girl wiggle her long tongue inside it. I was so close to coming. So close to creaming all over the towel I was sitting on. I couldn't wait to taste my sweet juices as I stroked my throbbing......


The closet door swung open, bamming on the wall from the forceful swig. My eyes flew open and I looked up at the figure standing over me. So there I was, sitting there in my white school shirt, dress slacks around my ankles, candlestick hanging out my cunt and a finger up my ass while two other people stood over me. You can't imagine how red my face got.

"Hmm. I knew I smelled something." Lovett said putting her hands on her hips.

"Lovett!!!" I spat. I couldn't believe she just burst in on me.

"Hey don't get all mad at me cause you got caught jillin' off here." Lovett said.

"You could have at least knocked." I said pulling my knees to my chest, resting my chin on them.

"Knock?" Lovett said tilting her head to the side. Something she always did when I said something she found stupid.

"You have company." I said pointing at her friend standing there laughing her head off.

"You know Kelsey." Lovett said.

"Still. She doesn't have to know my business." Lex said.

"Or your addiction shall we say. Everybody knows you do it. Its no secret." Lovett explained.

"Cause you got a big fuckin' mouth." I said standing up. Juice ran down my leg. They both saw it.

"What a virgin." Kelsey said. She was probably the only black girl in this whole broading school. Really. I don't like her neither. She was an asshole just like Lovett.

"So what?!?Don't act like you never jerked off." I said pulling up my pants.

"I don't need to." Lovett said. "Because we go out and meet people just like we're gonna do tonight."

"Huh?" I said.

"Yup. We're going to New York. It's only a bus ride away." Kelsey said.

"I know that but you sure we can just leave?" I asked.

"Yeah dummy. So look, you get cleaned up. We gonna go sign out and stuff. If you're not ready in 30minutes, then Kelsey and I are out." Explained Lovett.

"Whatever. I'll see about it." I said. Anytime we go out anywhere, Lovett always tries to hook me up with some girl. She always thinks its about time to lose my virginity and shit. Its not that I don't wanna have sex, its just that the girls she gets for me be trashy. Like lets say we meet two girls. You know the type that one girl is really hot and the other has something not so right with her. Well I always get the 'bad' one. Or either their both cute but one is dumber than a box of rocks. Really. Or they both be cute but one be crazy as hell. Either way it goes I always get the "bottom of the barrel". Lovett sees that it works like that.

I went down to the showers and took a hot shower. I wasn't showering to go out, this was a routine I did anyway before bedtime. I was really having second thoughts about joining Lovett and her buddy that night as I went back up to my room in my robe. As I dried off and oiled my skin, I looked over at Lovett's bed. I saw she had left some clothes out for me to wear tonight: a polo shirt with the school's patch on it, a pair of tan khakis, and my tweed jacket. I hated when she did that. It showed how much she wanted me to go. Made feel bad not too so I put the clothes on, through on the jacket, my knitted hat and headed downstairs. I found Lovett standing there waiting talking with some other girls. She wa pretty popular.

"Its crazy how you can get ready so fast." Lovett said. "But I suppose it's a good thing."

I didn't even realize I was ready that quick.

We headed out the tall front doors.

"Where's Kelsey?" I asked.

"Oh, she's in the car. They're letting me take my car out again." Lovett said.

"I don't like Kelsey. She's a asshole and she's fake as hell." I said.

"I know how you feel. Listen, next Saturday it'll just be you and me. I promise." She always says that but never goes through with it. So when she talks like that I just nod.

We drove around the city. It was quite crowded and nowhere to park. Lovett and Kelsey wanted to go to some club I REALLY didn't wanna go to. I really don't do the party scene. It's just not my thing. So Lovett got mad at me and shit and we started arguing. Like usual.

"You're so fuckin' boring, Lex!" Lovett was saying. "You never wanna do shit! My grandma has more fun than you do."

"You know what, I don't have ta explain myself to you! I do what the fuck I wanna do." I was yelling. Kelsey loved to hear us have a spat. She got a real kick outta that.

"You need to lighten up and live a little. Your fifteen years old and don't wanna do shit! That's a damn shame,Lex. A damn shame." She repeated herself when ever she wanted to get her point across.

"You know what? Stop right here!" there was this rank lookin' motel right there. "I'm staying here! I'll ride the bus back in the morning. Fuck you." I got out the car, slamming the door. I had some money on me so I knew I could get by for the night. I could hear Lovett zoom off as I entered the dusty building. The people in the lobby looked like pimps and hookers and mess like that. Some looked like dirty old men and perverts waiting for a little 5'2 Ivy League kid to walk in. I was pure bait and I knew it but still I bought a room key. I'd rather stay here than see Lovett at that moment. Stupid prick.

I made my way through the cigarette smoke and perverts of the lobby as I headed to the elevator. When I got in there it was just me and the operator. A big fat sleaze in a tight bellboy suit. Looked like he hadn't shaved in weeks. Didn't smell like he took a shower in a minute neither.

"Hey kid." I heard his deep salty voice say to me. "Lookin' for a good time?"

I knew what he meant. "Umm yeah... I guess." I said looking up at him. Damn he was a tall bastard.

"$30." He said. "What do ya want?"

"What do I want?" I asked a bit confused.

"A man or a woman?" he said in a smart-ass kinda way.

"Oh umm... a woman." I said. I wasn't really thinking at the time what I was getting myself into.

"Ok. What room ya in?" he asked.

"Room 33." I said.

"Ok. She'll be up in after a while." He said.

"Umm two things though. How do I pay?"

"Pay her."

"Ok. Another thing... Is she clean?"

He gave me a weird look. " I don't know. Depends on what you mean by clean. I swear, you little rich kids sure are picky. How old are ya anyway?"

"Uhh.." it took me a second too long to answer.

"Whatever." He let me off at my floor and I went in my room. It looked like they tried to be a bit upscale but not quite. The television looked busted, the couch had busted seams, the bed looked old, and the floor creaked. I kicked off my shoes, took off my jacket and sweater and sat on the bed. It was kinda soft.

This is it.' I thought. You finally get to do it.' I felt excited and nervous all at once. My cellphone rang on my belt. I checked out the caller ID. It was Lovett. I started to answer but didn't. I couldn't speak to her. I was too mad. Then that's when I heard a knock at the door. I swallowed hard. I was suddenly struck with a fit of fear. I broke out into a cold sweat. I slowly moved to the door and opened it. There stood a rather tall woman. She had shoulder length brown hair, hazel brown eyes and skin the shade of coco but had a tint of olive in it. She had on a mini skirt and a tank top that stopped just above her belly botton.The girl was pretty hot but looked pretty young.About 19 or 18 years old. I just stood there checking her out. I'm sure I had a silly look on my face.

"You just gonna stand there and watch me all night?" she asked popping her gum between her front teeth. She had a bit of an attitude.

"S-s-sorry. Come in." I let her walk past me and I closed and locked the door. She went over to the bed and sat down.

I sat in the chair across from her.

"Whats your name?" I asked trying to get over how scared I was.

"Why? Is it impor'ant?" she had a thick New Yorker accent. It was also quite cold.

"Just wanted to know what ta call ya." I said looking at the floor.

"Well come on den. Lets go. I gots shit to." she said taking off her skirt and top. I lost my heart in my stomach when she stood there naked. She laid on the bed.I just sat there in shock.

"Would you come on?" she said. I hated that she was being such a asshole but I came over and sat next to her.

I ran my hand up and down her long legs. They were smooth. My hand found her feet which were nicely done.

"I don't have all night. Do wha tu need to do so I can go." her broken language was making me really nervous.

"Can we just take it slow? Its my first time." I said.

"Figures." she said sitting up. "You got a cigerette?"

"Yeah." I went over to my jacket and fetched her a cancer stick. I lit it for her and sat back down next to her. I couldn't stop staring at her tits. They were so big.

"Look" she said getting my attention "Sorry if I'm so mean or whateva but I don't like this kinda job."

"What you mean?" I asked interested in whatever she had to say.

"I don't really do girls. I just do it cause Bruno pays me extra for it."

"I understand." I said. She looked at me for a minute. As if thinking out something.

"You are pretty cute though. Where yo' girlfriends at?" she asked.

"Oh I never had one of those." I blushed.

"I cute thing like you should have all the women around you." she chuckled. "You never been wit' a girl what so eva?"


"Well I know sum body that'll fix you right up.I'll go get her." she got up and put backon her clothes. "Be right back." with that she left the room for a while.

The longer I waited, the more nervous I became. Finally I heard a knock at the door. Before I could get up, the girl opened the door. She had another 'call girl' with her.The other girl was also tall and had long brown hair but had dark blue eyes. She had Louie Vutton bag with her.

"Oh she's so cute!" the new girl gusted.

"Told you." the brown skinned girl said. She left the room, closing the door behind her.

The new girl sat next to me. Sporting one of the prettiest smiles I've ever seen. She stroked the back of my neck with her finger tips. It felt good. The sensation made my nipples really hard.

"I'm Cindy." the girl said in a soft voice.

"I'm Lex." I said. My eyes focused on the floor.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"J-just a bit nervous." I managed to say.

"Its ok, little baby." her voice was so soothing. It was helping me relax more though I was still a bit tense. "What do you wanna do. I'm up for anything." she said kissing the side of my face. I closed my eyes and began to sweat more. At the same time I was getting awful wet.

"Anything?" I asked. The my dirty little fantasies were on the tip of my tongue but I was too nervous to say them alot loud.

"Yes. Tell me anything." Cindy said in my ear. She could tell I was really having a hard time with this so she took off her blouse. Exposing her beautiful breasts. Her nipples were hard and a dark rasberry color.

Cindy took my hand and placed it on one of her tits. I rolled her hard tip between my fingers. I couldn't believe I was finally doing this. She had her hand on the back of my neck. Cindy lowered my head to her softy pillows. I opened my mouth and she popped one of her nipples in. I closed my lips around it, sucking on it hard. I even nibbled the dark nipple making her moan.

"Mmmmmmm, you can be as rough as you like with those." she said as I pushed her tits together so I could lick and bit on both her nipples at once. I was so charged. She could tell. I wanted to so bad. I slid on the floor to kneel between her long legs. Not once stopping at what I was doing to her tits. I kissed her stomach all over. It was flat compared to my small poof of a tummy. Mine wasn't all out there but it did stick out a bit.

I sniffed her crotch. Pressing my nose into it. Cindy still had her tight jeans on.I wanted them off so bad. I ripped them off as fast as I could making her chuckle. Now she was just in her thong. I kissed the inside of her thighs. I moved down her legs, kissing the smooth skin as I went, and reached her feet. I know I'm gonna seem like a freak but a woman's feet turn me on so much. I sucked her toes. Cindy giggled and wiggled them in my mouth.

"That tickles." she giggled, smiling down at me.

"Is it ok." I asked.

"Knock yourself out." she said. And I did. I tongued between her toes, sucked on her heels, licked the bottoms of her feet. I was so into it. My pussy was on fire.

I was down on my hands and knees. I must have looked like a dog or something but I didn't care. I was sooooo horny! I moved her thong to the side and wasting no time I munched her cunt. I was really sloppy about it.I'm sure. Cindy stopped me. I looked up at her. Pussy juice and spit all over my mouth and chin.

"Let me show you how to do it." she said nicely. We switched places. I laid on the bed, my legs hanging off the side. Cindy had taken off my prep clothes. Throwing them on the floor to join her clothes. She spread my legs wide apart, holding them up.

"The key thing is to know what your licking, not just attacking it." Cindy explained. She spread my pussy lips and kissed my clit. My body jerked as a jolt of something shot me.

"Its ok." she said. Cindy very lightly let her tongue graze over my stiff clit. She took her time doing this. My back arched and I swallowed hard.

"You must be soft and take your time." she went on to explain in between soft sucks of my clit. Mmmm it was feeling so good. Cindy circled my pussy hole with the tip of her tongue. I shut my eyes tight and let out squekey moans as her long tongue made its way inside me.

"Ooooooooooo." I moaned. Sweat running all over me.

"You wanna come?" Cindy asked, withdrawing her snake like tongue.

"Yes." I whispered.

"What can I do?" she asked flicking her tongue ring against my pounding clit.

"Eat my pussy." I said.

"Anything else?" I felt her wet tongue licking my asshole. My body jerked again. "You like that?"

"Yes." I said. My voice had a whiny tone to it now.

"You want me to fuck you?" she asked.

"Yes please." I said.

"Where do you want it?" "Anywhere. Just fuck me. Please."

The next thing I knew, I was sitting on this long strap-on Cindy fished out her bag. After slapping a condom on it and lubing it up, she managed to get the toy up my ass. It took us a while because I was so tight but we got it in there and it felt sooooooo good. My back was to her. I was laying against Cindy's body, her tits pressing into my back. She had one arm around my waist and with the other she was finger fucking my soaked pussy with three fingers. Mmmmmm she was so good. I was rubbing my clit as Cindy moved her hips up, fucking my asshole with the strap-on. I was moaning. I was so out of breath. Intense new feelings were forming from my pussy, trailing all over my sweaty body.

Then a familiar feeling started building up inside my cunt.

"Oh my god. I'm gonna come." I said. Cindy fucked my ass faster, removing her fingers from my pussy to pull me down on her cock with both hands. She was quite strong. Suddenly extreme tingles raked my pussy, my girl cum shooting out my pussy on to the carpet. My come just kept squirting. It felt soooo good. Tears formed in my eyes. I tightened my pelvis so I could squirt out the last drops of pussy juice from inside me.

"Jesus christ!" I screamed. My oragasm lasted longer. It kept hitting me stronger and stronger. Finally it subsided and I became limp against Cindy's body. She kissed my shoulder and ran her hands all over my body. Lightly rubbing my pussy.

"Let me try one more thing." she said. I lifted off her dick making a funny pop sound. Cindy had me sit back on the couch, put my ankles on her shoulders, replaced the old condom with a new one and fucked me in my pussy. It feels so good after coming and having something continue to fuck your pussy hole. My walls

were sensitive but felt so fucking good as Cindy fucked me. She had already 'popped my cherry' while she fingered me a while ago.Before she introduced me to her strap-on.

I came again. It wasn't as intense as the last but was still great.After all that I helped her come too. She showed me how to eat her pussy and I even licked her asshole. Cindy came all over.

I woke up the next morning to a knock at the door. I looked at the old alarm clock. It read 7:07am.

"Who the hell is this?" mumbled to myself as I stumbled to the door. I was nude so I wrapped a sheet around me.I opened it and there was Lovett. We just looked at each other for a second.

"I was worried." she finally said as if to be defeated. I just turned and flopped down on the bed on my stomach. Lovett looked around the room and narrowed her eyes. She did that when she knew some shit was up.

"Why are you naked?" She asked. I mumbled something about not knowing why. I was dizzy. When I came for the final time the night before, I felt really light headed. I suppose it carried on with me to the next morning.

Lovett walked over to me, sat me up on the bed and smelled my hands.

"Lex." she said "Either you been playing with yourself all night or someone else was up here."

"I guess." I said. I was still half sleep.

"Lex, did you do what I think you did." Lovett smiled.

"Yeah. She was a call girl and-" before I could go on to explain, Lovett scooped me up in her arms. Giving me a tight bear hug.

"I'm sooooooo proud!" she said dancing me around the room. I was like a little rag doll in her arms.

"Put me down ya big lumber jack." I said falling on the floor.

"Tell me everything!Details!!!" Lovett acted like I'd found the cure for cancer or some shit.

"I'd rather not. Not right now man." I said putting on my clothes. "I wanna go back to the school so I can sleep.

"Don't be a jackass. Just tell me.I tell you everything." she said.

"I know but.."

"Come on. Come on. Come on!" she kept begging.

Finally I bust out with the whole story as we walked out to the car.

"Man. Thats so cool. I can't wait to tell the girls." Lovett said.

"Don't please." I said.

"Its cool. I mean how many girls can say they fucked a call girl? You'll be the envy of the whole school."

"I guess." I looked out the window as we came to a stop light. Long and behold crossing the street was Cindy and the other call girl. Cindy looked over at me and blew me a kiss. I blushed and waved shyly. Then she was gone on her way.

"Wow. She was hot!" Lovett said. "Who was that?"

I just kept quiet. I was so blissed out with a silly grin on my face recapturing the events of last night in my head.

"Well not as hot as these girls Kelsey and I came across. Let me tell you..." Lovett went on to explain how she scored last night. I was only half listening.

Lex put her journal away after reading it. She sighed and looked out over the ocean. She could see the beach house Chris and everyone else stayed in as she sat on the front porch. They had left that morning. Lex was really going to miss Atlantis. They formed a strong bond with each other over the summer. She hoped they'd stay in touch and couldn't wait till next summer. Hopefully they would return.

"Hey there." Lovett said stting next to Lex.

"Hey." Lex said.

"You miss her don't you?" Lovett said referring to Atlantis.

"Yeah. I do." Lex said in a sad voice.

"Remember the summer before my freshman year we stole a carton of cancer sticks from my dad and a bottle of wine from your parent's wine celler and we drank and smoked all night in my dad's pool house?" Lovett asked.

"Yeah." Lex chuckled remembering the hangover they both had the morning after.

"Well I got a bottle of wine, a bottle of water and a pack of squares right here." Lovett said showing Lex the items.

"Water?" Lex asked.

"Yeah. It stops a hang over if you drink it while your gettin' drunk."

The bottle of wine was half gone as well as the pack of cigerettes.

"We need to quit smoking." Lex laughed as she was on her 4th square.

"I know." Lovett said taking a swig of the wine from the bottle.

"Let me ask you a question." Lex began. "Do you miss Ashley?"

"I don't know. I mean it was a drag to see her go but I ain't gonna miss her to the point where I have tears in my eyes. She was a good lay and was really hot and she was good to talk to. Other than that, I guess thats about all I'll miss outta her." Lovett explained.

Niether of them noticed but for the first time, they were both getting along. Moments like that don't always come about too often. So Lex enjoys it while it lasts.


Next: Chapter 13: Deep Inside of You

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