Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Jul 4, 2004


Stories from the Life- Maybe, maybe not



(Oral,strap-on, highschool, ff, FF )

Comments are more than welcome. Good or bad. Short or long. I'd love to hear from people that took the time to read what I wrote.

Chapter 1

(Bernada): My sister is a lesbian. My older sister Chloe. It took me a while to accept the fact this was true; that my own sister was married- or whatever its called- to another woman. Chloe had been dating Kimera, her "wife", since they were my age, sixteen. They are now twenty-five years old.

They confuse me.

They act like a stright couple. For example: they live in a lovely house in a nice neighborhood, go shopping together, do taxes together, sleep in the same bed,etc. They are even talking about having a baby. I don't know why this suprises me so. Perhaps I thought them to act in a diffrent manner, them being a lesbian couple.

"How did you think we should act?" Chloe had asked me when I brought it to her attention while having a sister-sister outing one day.

I just shrugged. Chloe later told me she ran our conversation by Kimera that same day. Chloe said Kimera laughed and made jokes about it. She's a humorous person, that Kimera, but I can't help to say that I don't like this woman. Chloe knows this. She tells me how she used to bring Kimera around- when they were still in highschool- and that I couldn't get enough of Kimera. I had to be a small child at the time. Six years old to be exact. Kids are stupid so they don't know who to hate, who to like. What sparked and when it was sparked to dislike Kimera, where it came from, I have no idea. Perhaps it was when I realized what "lesbian" meant.

"Duncan has a wife. Lila has a husband," I was sitting at the kitchen table while my mother cooked dinner. I was about twelve years old and I was wondering about my older siblings. There was about ten of us, me being the youngest.Chloe is the child before me. The oldest, I believe, is in their mid-thirties.

"All your brothers and sisters are married as I recall." my mother said as I struggled with the list.

"No. Chloe isn't." I said shaking my head.

"Well, not married. Close to it, though." my father chuckled.

"But I never met the guy she was with." I said.

"Yes you have." my mother said.

"No." I said slowly trying to think if I had.

"Chloe comes by everyday. Who's with her?" my father asked.

"Kimera, but thats all I see her with." I said.

"Thats it. Kimera is Chloe's.....girlfriend." my father said looking at my mother. He had a unsure look on his face.

"Kimera is a girl and so is Chloe." I said confused.

"Chloe's a....lesbian, sweetheart." my mother said.

"What's that?" I asked.

They spoke no more of it after that. I learned what a lesbian was when I went to school the next day. My best friend Amber and others informed me.

"Its a nasty man hating woman." Amber had said. She was quite disgusted.

"Your sister is a lesbian? She doesn't look like one." another friend said.

"Of course not. Girls like that never are a lesbian until some dirty dyke comes and makes them that way." Amber stated. "Sorry, Bernada. Now your sister is stuck. She'll never like men again."

"Is it really that bad?" I asked.

"Of course! Lesbians get raped and killed and stuff like that all the time. There are so few of them that other dykes make other girls gay so there are more of them. Your sister is in big trouble and you have her dirty dyke girlfriend to thank." Amber said.

I ran to the bathroom crying.

I suppose thats what sparked it. As I got a bit older, though, and learned to know better, I still had this hate for Kimera. Though I knew her intentions were not to hurt Chloe, I still had this dislike, distrust toward her. Her smile, her laugh, her hair- everything Chloe adored about Kimera, I hated. Even her eyes get on my nerves. They're a stunning baby blue color. The kind of eyes one would see on a Alaskan Huskie. Whenever I visited Chloe's house or whenever Chloe came to visit, Kimera was always right along beside her. Kimera tried to be my friend but I didn't let it happen. I was being a bitch. I know I was. But I didn't care.

Then something odd started happening. I started thinking the reason why I hated Kimera so much was a much more personal reason. I was starting to think I hated Kimera because I was avoiding what I really was.

I was starting to think I was a lesbian myself!

(Chloe): Kimera sat on the bed in the guest room alone. She had been making the room nice for Bernada. My sister was going to be staying with us for a while because our parents were going on a trip to Germany to visit family. I walked into the room to find my love sitting there, a sad look on her face.

"What's the matter?" I asked. I stood in front of her and stroked her hair.

"I don't know. Its just going to be weird having her here. She already doesn't like me." Kimera explained.

"She's young. Girls her age always find something to not like." I said.

"Yeah, but its like I try so hard for her to like me. Its bad enough it took me a while for your parents to like me." Kimera said playing with the strings of my jogging pants.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine sooner or later." I said kissing the top of her head.

"I guess." she grumbled.

"Besides, I bet she's excited to be staying with us." I added.

That made Kimera smile a bit.

(Bernada): I was pissed! First off my parents didn't want me to come along on the trip with them.

"You can hardly speak German. It'll do you no good to come. Your relatives will be disappointed you can't speak your native language." they had said. Yeah, ok. They might as well had said they were ashamed of me.Not only that, I have to shack up with Chloe and Kimera. Shit! Then I have to get up early to drive to school since they live in the city and my school is in Oak Park. Thats like a twenty minute drive away! I was so pissed off!!!

(Kimera): I was watering the grass when Bernada's BMW pulled up in the driveway.

"Hey! Can I help you with that?" I asked when she approached the house with her duffle bags. "No." She said and walked into the house. My smile faded and I went back to watering the grass. Now I was frowning. I heard a basketball bouncing and didn't have to look up to see who it was.

"What's with the face?" Frankie asked as she got closer. She lived down the street. A sixteen year old baby dyke that visited us every so often. She was like our dauther.

"Nothing. The sun is in my eyes." I said grinning, fixing my face to a happier mood though I wasn't in one.

"Yeah, it is really sunny today. You still want me to help pull the weeds up out back?" Frankie asked, reminding me of the chore she'd offered to do for us the day before.

"Oh yeah. Just get started and I'll be there to help as soon as I'm done with this." I said.

" 'k. I'm just gonna get some water first." she said and disappered into the house.

(Bernada): I heard footsteps come in the house. I was sitting at the kitchen island looking through a vogue magazine I'd found sitting there. I was praying it wasn't Kimera who had come in. I really didn't feel like her usual- "Hey! How's it goin'?"- thing that she does!

"Hey, Chloe." a voice said. The figure it belonged to walked past me and to the refridgerator. It appeared to be a boy. The neat, spiky hair cut and the way they were dressed sent me off.

"I'm not Chloe." I said in a rather bitchy tone.

The "boy" turned. I was a bit suprised to see it was really a girl! She had a pretty face; long eye lashes and girlish lips. She turned pink when she looked at me.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I thought you were Chloe." she said.

"I'm her sister." I said.

"Oh, ok. Jeez, you look just like your sister." she complimented.

"Really?" I was flattered more than anything.

"Yeah." she smiled. The girl had a rather cute smile that made my heart thump in a odd way. She turned back to grab a water bottle out the ice box.

"Who are you?" I asked a bit curiously.

"Oh, I'm Frankie." she said.

"How do you know my sister?" I asked.

"I'm a kind of friend of their's. Well, they're friends of my fathers." Frankie said.

"Fathers." I questioned.

"I have two dads." she said.

"So they're gay?" I asked.

"That's how it works." Frankie chuckled.

"Damn, is everybody around these parts homosexual?" I asked raising one eyebrow.

"Pretty much. If you haven't noticed, we are in the heart of Belmont." Frankie said.

"Belmont? Why does that sound familiar?" I tried to think.

"Place of the best novelty shops in Chicago. Place of the Pride parade. Also known as 'Boys' Town'." Frankie listed.

"So your gay too I'm guessing?" I asked, dreding the answer.

"100% lesbian." Frankie nooded, an arrogant grin about her pink lips.

"Oh fuck." I grunted. I hopped off the stool and went into the guest bedroom, taking the mag with me.

There, I closed the door and flung myself onto the bed. My face landing flat on a pillow.

"I'm in gay hell!" I muffled into the soft cushion.

(Kimera): "What's that girl's deal?" Frankie asked while we weeded the yard.

"Homophobic maybe." I said.

"She does know her sister is a lesbian, right?" she asked.

"Of course. She's just weird, thats all." I said.

"Yeah, really. You should have seen how she ran out the kitchen." Frankie laughed.

We did the yard until it began to get late. Frankie went home for dinner and said she'd come by the next day. I went in the house and hopped in the shower. I had been sweating all day. The cool water felt nice on my hot skin. Just as I had gotten into the shower, I heard Chloe's keys being set on the hall table.

(Chloe): I walked into the house after a long day of shopping with Skyla. I set the bags down and heard the shower going upstairs. I walked down the hall to the guest bedroom. I saw Bernada's car was out front. Odviously she had arrived. I opened the door to find her on her bed reading a mag and listening to her cd player. I knocked on the already open door to get her attention. She looked up at me and removed her headphones. "Hey." I said leaning on the door frame.

"Hi." she said.

"How long you been here?" I asked.

"Since early this afternoon. I didn't bother showing up at the airport to see the parents off." she said.

"Yeah, I missed you there. What was with that?" I asked.

"They piss me off, thats what's with that! They didn't wanna take me 'cause they don't want me to embarrash them." she said, her brow frowning.

"Well, maybe if you took who you were more seriously, maybe you could have gone." I explained.

"What? I'm happy to be German." she said with an attitude.

"Yeah, ok. And hiding your accent really shows it." I said in a rather sarcastic tone.

"I'm not having this conversation with you right now." Bernada said putting her headphones back on.

I just turned and left, closing the door behind me. I went upstairs and into our bedroom. The bathroom door was open, the hiss of the shower could be heard. I smiled. I had been day dreaming about fucking Kimera all day. Its one of those urges I get often. I took off my clothes, put on a silk robe and walked into the bathroom.

**** (Kimera): I heard a knock at the shower door. Peeked my head out to see the love of my life standing there, a sexy look on her face.

"May I help you, Miss?" I asked in a silly way.

"I was wondering if you wanted some company." Chloe said dropping her robe. My eyes dropped with it. I admired her body, my pussy tingling. Though I knew her body all too well, it still effected my hormones like it did the very first time I saw her nude. I opened the shower door and let her step in. She stood under the water, getting her beautiful body and long blonde hair wet. I stepped close behind her.....

(Chloe):......her strong arms wrapping around my waist. I leaned into her when I felt her soft lips on my neck. I shivered as they moved to my freckled shoulders. Her hands came up my stomach and to my breasts. My nipples were hard under her palms. Kimera tweeked the pink knobs between her thumbs and index fingers. She knew how extremly sensitive my body was, my nipples being just as tender as my clit. I moaned, it came out low, almost silent. One hand continued to play with my nipples while the other came down between my legs. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip when her fingers glided between my slit.

(Kimera): I could feel how slick she was between her thighs. Chloe got wet very easily. I brought my other hand down to her pussy. With one hand I spread her labia, with the other I stroked her clit with my middle finger. Chloe put her hand to the back of my neck, turning her head and bringing my lips to hers'.

"I've been wanting you all day." she whispered bewteen kissess, then she moaned.

(Chloe): I was so hot, so horney, that I could feel a climax coming already.

"Eat my pussy." I begged Kimera. She pinned my back to the shower wall. I shivered a bit when the cool tile came in contact with my skin. She paid attention to my rock hard nipples before getting down lower. I inched down the wall a bit, making my legs more open for her. Kimera got on her knees in no time. I could feel the warmth of her mouth on my cunt. I grabbed my breasts, the feeling of her about to taste me was so intense. The tip of her long tongue poked my clit, I shut my eyes tight. She gave the numb a quick flick before wrapping her lips around it.

"Ooooooooh, Kimera." I whined. I twined my fingers in her hair.

(Kimera): I was playing with my own pussy as I sucked her swollen clit. Her moans alone were making me so hot. I wanted to come so bad. I wanted to come all over my hand as I ate Chloe's pussy. The thought of pleasuring her always turned me on. I could do it to her and come on myself without even simulating my own cunt. I've done it many times before. Rubbing myself added to that drive even more so. My sex was becoming slicker the more I played with it.

(Chloe): I felt two fingers slowly going into my hole. Kimera's fingers were digging into me as far as they could go, my walls pulsed around them as they went deeper. It felt so good, it was feeling so nice that I couldn't keep still. My back moved up and down the tile wall, my moans getting louder, my body growing more and more sensitive.

And that's when the phone rang.......

(Kimera): "Fuck!" Chloe said. "Answer it. It could be important."

Disappointed, I stood up, and went for the phone on the night stand in our room. I was pissed to have stopped what I was doing.

(Chloe): I turned off the water and followed Kimera into the bedroom.

"Its your mom." Kimera said handing me the phone. A look of frustration on her face. I couldn't help but find it cute.

"I'm bored. Its a long flight." my mother said when I got on the phone.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" I asked shaking my head. My mother was quite the 'blonde'.

"I need you to help me with this crossword puzzle. Your father isn't much help." she said.

As I sat on the bed and tried helping my mother, I watched Kimera dry off, moisterize her body, and dress into her boxers and a shirt.

"I'm going to make dinner." she said, a frown was on her face when she left the room.

I too was also upset. My mother's voice didn't make my sexual frustrations any better.

(Bernada): I hated sitting at the dinner table with them. I didn't like Chloe for insulting me and I didn't like Kimera because, well, I just didn't like her. They talked amongst themselves as they ate and as I half heartily picked at my meal. Kimera had made it. It felt tanted to me. Every bite almost made me cring. Chloe made it clear she was mad at me as well. When she's mad at someone, she just doesn't speak to them.

"Chloe, I'm sorry." I forced myself to say.

She just kept on with her conversation with Kimera. I know she heard me. Kimera sensed the annamosity and lowered her brow a bit. I excused myself from the table and went to my room. I couldn't take my own sister being upset with me. I showered in the bathroom there, changed into my night clothes, turned off the lights and let my cd player softly beat in my ears.

(Kimera): "Whats going on? Why are you too mad at each other?" I asked when Bernada left.

"Because she can't handle the truth." Chloe said shrugging a shoulder.

"I see." I said. I knew not to keep up the question I had raised.

"I'm going to go to bed." Chloe said as she stood up. She went up the stairs without another word.

I cleaned off and washed the dishes and dried them soon after.

(Chloe): I went to the bedroom and laid on the bed. I was upset and sexually frustrated. I wanted so badly to go to Bernada's room and sort out our issue. But I knew there was something more I had to sort out first. I still wanted to fuck Kimera and wasn't going to sleep until I did. I started to undress, planning to lay on the bed and let Kimera take me when she entered the room. Instead I had an idea. I wanted to fufill something I had been dreaming about for a while now.

(Kimera): After cleaning the kitchen and taking out the trash I went upstairs for bed. I came into the room, finding Chloe there laying under the covers reading a book. I settled in next to her, put on my reading glasses and took out a book of my own. I wanted to finish what we had started in the shower but wasn't sure to make a move. I didn't want to bother Chloe while she was upset. I learned that the hard way a long time ago!

**** (Chloe): I shut my book and straddled Kimera's hips. I removed her glasses and shut her book, tossing it aside. It was time to put my fantasy into action.

(Kimera): I was pleased to see she was willing to pick up where we had left off. I brought my hands up either thigh and up to her tits. I started to caress them when....

(Chloe): ....I pinned her wrists down to the mattress. She looked a bit suprised at first.

"Let me handle you now." I said pecking her on her soft lips with my own.

I raised her wifebeater over her breasts and kissed them tenderly. Her back arched when my mouth found her nipple. It was already hard for me. I alternated on each nipple until I had Kimera moaning and squirming under me, which didn't take too long. I sat back and removed her boxers. I then climbed back on top and kissed her neck. I felt her legs stiffen as I swirled my tongue rapidly on the skin of her thoart. This was her soft spot. I grinded my crotch into her's, Kimera also moved against me. I was wondering at that point if she noticed my suprise hidden in my pajama bottoms.

(Kimera): There was something hard pressing onto my mound as we got into a hard, slow grind. I wasn't sure what to think but knew it felt good. Chloe gave me a quick french kiss and moved down between my thighs. She kissed my pussy lips before spreading them. With her thumbs she pulled back the hood out my clit. When exposed, Chloe whipped it with her tongue. I gripped the bars of the head- broad and curled my toes. Her tongue moved to my hole and circled it.

(Chloe): As much as I loved its taste, I had to force my mouth off her pussy. I sat back on my heels and said:

"I have something I wanna try."

"What would that be?" she grinned, a look of excitment on her face.

I pulled down my pajamas and the strap-on flopped out. She looked at it. Now she was shocked.

"I hope you don't mind." I asked a bit weary of what she might say.

"N-no. I don't. Just never....whew." she raised her eye brows and laughed.

"Whats so funny?" I asked.

"I don't know. It just looks funny on you."

I frowned and she stopped laughing.

"Sorry." she said. "But no, I don't mind it at all."

"So you do want me to fuck you?" I asked getting into a submissive mood.

"Yes." she answered spreading her legs wider.

"You want me to fuck you with this dick?" I asked slapping the head of the dildo on her slit.

"Yes, please." she said squirming.

"How bad do you want it?" I asked slipping only the head of "my" dick inside her.

"Real bad." she said and bit her bottom lip.

"Show me." a demanded.

"How?" a look of puzzlment she gave me.

I reached in the night stand and pulled out my vibrator, and handed it to her.

(Kimera): I always make Chloe masturbate in front of me. It turns me on so much. It was odd with her turning the tables on me that night but then again it excited me more. She watched as I put the vibrator inside myself. I pounded the toy in and out of me. I closed my eyes and moved my hips as I fucked myself. I would open them from time to time to find her eyes glued to what I was doing. It was so sexy. I fucked myself harder and faster when I felt myself about to come.

"Stop." she commanded and I took the vibrator out.

(Chloe): I didn't want her to come just yet. I wanted to be the one to control that. I could tell she was close. I got on top of her again and inserted the dildo inside. It went right in. Her pussy was so wet inside. I began fucking her slowly, I didn't want to hurt her. Her pussy was tight. I knew this from when I would finger her.

I fucked her a little faster when she grabbed my ass. I sped up more whenever her moans became louder the deeper I went. I also noticed the harder I fucked her, more pressure was put on my clit. I too began moaning.

"Oooooh yes. Ooooh Chloe." she moaned. I felt her nails in my back. It added to all the feelings that were effecting my body.

(Kimera): It was feeling so good.

"Kiss me." I said.

She brought her lips on mine and kissed me feverishly. The dildo was going in so deep and my walls expanded the harder she fucked me. Chloe sucked on my neck and my pussy pulsed and I felt the fizz of...........

(Chloe):.... a oragasm coming. I fucked her even harder and faster.Doing this simulated my clit more and more. The headbroad knocked against wall and the springs creaked.

(Bernada): I couldn't sleep at all. I was staring at the ceiling when the batteries in my cd player died.

"Shit!" I said throwing it on the night stand. I laid there for a moment and heard banging over my head.

"What the fuck?" I sat up and listened more closely. I then heard moans.

I got out of bed and crept up the stairs. I craweled to their bedroom door and looked in the key hole. I saw Chloe on top of Kimera, fucking her hard with a strap-on. I flicned my head back. I only took in the moment for a second. Tramatized, I crept back down stairs and into my room. Putting a pillow over my head couldn't muffle out the bullshit that was going on above me.

(Kimera): "Oooooooh. Oooooh. Ah. Yes." I moaned. I felt myself coming. I came so hard. I fucked back on the dildo as my oragasm splashed out.

"Ooooooooh Chloe." I cried.

(Chloe): I came soon after her's began. My clit thumped as I came.

"Mmmmmmmmm. Ooooo." I moaned as my climax finished.

I laid in her arms after we were spent. When I got up to take the toy off, juice ran down my thighs.

"We need a towel." she chuckled.

I grabbed the towel on the side of the bed and dried off. Kimera's body gave a jerk when I wiped the towel on her pussy. After drying off, I laid on her warm body and held her tight. Kimera pulled the sheets over us and caressed my back as she cooed softly to me. My ear was to her heart. I listened to it thump as I let myself fall asleep.

(Bernada): I went and sat on the front porce and smoked a ciggerette. I couldn't take the noise! I sat there looking out at the dark street when I heard voices coming up the sidewalk.

"Hey." said a figure stopping at the foot of the stairs. It was Frankie and she was with a friend: a girl with pink hair. She seemed a bit more feminine.

"Kinda late to be out walking around isn't it?" I asked.

"I'm a night owl. You seem to be one too." Frankie said.

"No. Your friends are keeping me up." I said.

"What are they doing?" Frankie asked.

"In their room being nasty." I said then took a long drag on my ciggerette.

"Really! Wow, thats so hot!" said Frankie's companion.

"Yeah, really." Frankie said.

"Ew." I said frowning.

"Oh, come on. Don't act like you never thought about it before." Frankie said.

"No,well....." I stopped myself. "Its none of your business. I don't even know you."

"What a bitch." Frankie's friend said.

"No, she's just playing 'hard-to-get'" Frankie said. "How about we can get to know each other?"

"What?" I said not undering why she was still bothering me.

"I hate having enemies. Besides, you seem pretty cool. I'd like to know more about you." Frankie smiled. Her smile made me soften a bit.

"All this sweet talk ain't gonna help, Frank. She's a dick." her friend said. It was killing me how she spoke about me right in front of me.

They both started to walk off when I said, "Wait." I realized what a bitch I was being.

"Yeah?" Frankie stopped walking and her friend gave a frustrated smile.

"Yeah, I have thought about it.....alot." I confessed.

"Well, there's a party coming up friday. You think you might want to do that?" Frankie asked.

"Sure." I said.

"Cool." she flashed that smile again. "I'll come by then." and she walked away.

Something inside me wished she hadn't. I felt this urge to make her stay longer.

Chapter 2 coming soon..........I promise

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Next: Chapter 15: Maybe Maybe Not 2

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