Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Jul 7, 2004


Stories from the Life- Maybe, maybe not (chapter 2)




(Bernada): 'Oh my god. Am I gay?!?................

When friday came along, I was quite nervous.

"This is crazy." I mumbled to myself. I was standing in front of the mirror, all dressed up. I looked sexy, I knew, but was still a bit self conscience. Was I over dressed? Were the shorts too short? Do I look like a slut? Is my hair ok? I fixed up my baby doll tee, the words Von Dutch going across my small tits. I slipped on some flip-flops and walked into the living room. Chloe and Kimera were sitting on separate arm chairs drinking wine. They looked like my parents: Kimera had on her reading glassess, reading the newspaper. Chloe was flipping through Better Homes and Gardens.

"I'm going out." I said.

They looked up at me. "Where?" asked Chloe looking me up and down.

"To a party with Frankie." I said.

They now looked suprise.

"I hope you know what your getting yourself into." Kimera warned.

"I have an idea what kind of party this is." I said.

"Ok, then. Have fun." Chloe said returning to her mag. "Just don't come in too late."

I walked outside and just as I stepped off the porch, there came Frankie.

"Wow. You look good." Frankie complimented.

"Thanks." I blushed.

Was it her smile or her way of speaking that made me so soft?

"I just wanted to see if you were ready. My friends are at my house taking forever to get dressed." Frankie complained. "They're really starting to piss me off."

"I know the feeling." I said.

We walked down to her house and when we entered, it was very busy. There were girls all over the place, trying to get their hair in order, trying to get their clothes on, trying to find their clothes. There were a scatter of boys, all appeared queeny.

"Are you guys not fuckin' ready yet?" Frankie asked.

"I'm trying but I can't find the hair gel." one girl said.

"In the goddamn basement where all the hair shit is." Frankie said making her way to her bedroom, leading me by the hand the whole way. There were only a few people in there. Two girls doing their hair in the mirror and a girl laying on the bed asleep.

"Amanda." Frankie grumbled walking over to the sleeping girl. "Go away. Let me sleep, please." the girl said- Amanda.

"No, you gotta get up and get ready now! You have to shower don't you?" Frankie said.

"No. I took one fifteen minutes ago. I'm just laying here now." Amanda said. I noticed she was wearing a white robe, her hair was damp.

"Well, get up and do your make-up in the basement. Its almost 11pm." Frankie looked at her watch. "It is 11. Come the hell on."

The girl finally got up and walked out the room.

"I need a hair clip! Somebody get me a clip!" one girl at the mirror stated. "Chris! Chris!" she called.

"What?" a tomboy came walking into the room.

"Sweetie, can you get me a hair clip?" the girl asked sweetly. "Huh? Well, what does it look like?" Chris asked frowning.

"It looks like teeth. You'll know it when you see it. Its in the basement with the gel and shit." the girl said and Chris left the room.

"I'm ready to get the fuck outta here!" a very tall blonde stated walking into the room. Her hair was in a neat crew cut. I had to admit, she was damn cute.

"Ok look, you get in your pick-up and take as many people as you can." Frankie instructed.

"No! We have to leave together so we can enter the party together." a boy said entering the room.

I plopped on the bed and sighed. This was what usually happens when I'm about to go out with my friends. It was a bit worse here, though.

"Grrr. I'm gonna kill something if you guys don't come on!" Frankie said.

"Is this it?" said Chris coming back in the room.

"Its too small! Go get a bigger one." the girl said taking it from Chris.

"Fuck this. I don't even wanna go anymore." Chris said walking out the room.

"No. Come back, baby." the asian girl ran after Chris.

"What's the goddamn hold up?" the pink haired girl came walking in. When she saw me, she turned and left.

"I'm ready!" said Amanda coming back in the room all dressed up. "I just need to put on some make-up."

"Jeez! Will you hurry it?" Frankie said.

"I promise I will." Amanda said and kissed Frankie on the lips.

Right then I felt a bit jealous. I couldn't understand why that was so.

Finally we all got to the party, which was dead until we came walking in. Soon the room filled with ciggerette smoke and loud music. I sat to the side and watched everyone else.

"Hey." said a girl sitting next to me. It was that Chris girl.

"Hi." I said.

"Why are you being a wall flower?" she asked nudging me.

"Don't know anybody." I said.

"Well, do you want a drink to loosen ya up a bit?" she asked handing me a glass of blue liquid.

"Sure." I said taking it. I sipped it. It was tasted like kool-aid.

"Good, right?" Chris asked nodding her head. I could tell she was a bit tipsy.

"Oh yes." I said finishing the drink.

"Here..." she handed me her drink. "Have another."

Various friends of Frankie's, I had gotten to know on the way to the party, would sit with me and talk and all of them would bring a drink for me. Soon I was tipsy myself. I got up to ask Frankie about something- I can't remember-but as I approached her, I felt a hand pulling me into a corner.

(Chloe): "I wonder what she's doing." I said finding myself unable to sleep.

"Oh Chloe, don't worry. She'll be fine." Kimera said holding me closer.

We were spooning as we laid there falling asleep.

"I just want to know what made her leave with Frankie." I said.

"Perhaps the girl is curious." Kimera said nuzzling her nose in my hair.

"You think so?" I asked in thought. The thought suprised me.

"Never know." Kimera said.

"Thats a shock. But what if-" I began to say but Kimera cut me off.

"Baby." she said.


"Go to sleep. Its after 1am. She'll be home. I trust Frankie." she said.

"Alright." I closed my eyes and slumbered off and on, worrying about my baby sister.

What was she up to?

(Bernada): I was kissing the mouth of a stranger. It was a girl. Her lips were soft, her tongue was long. I could tell as it invaded my mouth. Then I felt a kiss on my neck. It wasn't of the girl I was making out with but another girl. The first girl let the other have a turn at kissing me. The first girl went for my neck and gropped my tits. Then another girl came over and had her share of my mouth. Soon I was kissing three girls, then four, then five at a time! I felt hands on my chest, my ass, my crotch. I was kissing them, they were kissing each other. I never had this before. Thats for sure. I opened my eyes, and saw Frankie looking at me from across the room. She was dancing with her girlfriend. I hoped so badly that she would come over and join the gang of girls on me.

She never did.

Oh my god! Does this make me gay? Am I gay?!?!?!?

(Kimera): The next day Chloe and I went to Red's house. She lived five minutes away so we walked there. We were there most of the night drinking beer and catching up on the week's events.

"Hey, Red. Remember that beer we all drank when we went to Guatamala?" I asked.

"Yes. That stuff was so good." Red said.

"I don't like beer but that stuff was good." Skyla said.

"Well what would you guys say if I said I had two cases of Gallo at my house?" I said.

"We'd say 'Go get that shit'!" Skyla said laughing.

"Well, I'll be right back." I said getting up.

"Holy shit! Hurry back now." Red said getting excited.

I left and walked toward home.

(Bernada): The day after the party I was weirding out! I was so confused about what had happened. I was wondering was I a lesbian now. I got so wet kissing all those girls. I remembered almost coming when one girl massaged my pussy through my shorts. When I got in from the party, I remember taking off my panties and the seat was thick with clear juice I had secreted. I didn't know what was going on. I needed to know if I was really turning away from boys or not so I called up my friend Nick. I thought he could help......somehow.

(Kimera): I whistled as I walked home for the imported beer. I stopped to talk to a friend of mine before continuing on my way. It wasn't until I got close to the house that I noticed a car parked out front.

(Bernada): We were 69ing on the couch, Nick and I. I was on top with his dick in my mouth. He was eating on my pussy. I was enjoying myself, that was a good sign. I reached over and grabbed for Nick's jeans, the head of his cock still pressing at the back of my thoart. I dug in the pocket and pulled out a condom. I removed my mouth from him and opened the wrapping. I was ready for it to be inside me. This was really a good sign! I put the condom in my mouth and attempted to put it on his dick when........

(Kimera):.....I walked in and damn near fell back! All I saw was my sister-in-law naked on the couch with a naked boy. When they heard me gasp, their naked bodies scattered to put back on their clothes. It happened so fast. The boy ran past me and out to his car and sped off. I looked at Bernada but she had gone. I went down to the basement to get the beer but was still stunned by what I had just witnessed!

(Bernada): I ran down to the basement. Soon, Kimera came down too. I was sitting at the bar that was down there. She came behind it and put a box on top of it. She opened it and pulled out a beer.

"So uh..." she began. I could tell she was at loss for words.

"Please don't tell Chloe!" I begged suddenly.

"I won't. Trust me. I never wanna bring it up again." Kimera said taking a swig of her beer. "Want one?"

"I don't know" I said.

"Here" she popped the cap off a bottle and handed it to me. "I won't tell."

I took a sip of the beer, it wasn't half bad.

"This is good!" I looked at the label. "What does Gallo mean?"

"It means rooster." Kimera said. "Its spanish. I got it imported from Guatamala."

"Wow. It was worth it, I suppose. I hate beer but this is pretty good." I said.

Kimera smiled.

"I better go then." she said picking up the case of beer.

"Ok." I said.

"Oh and um, just don't let it happen again. Not with a boy at least." Kimera said. "Chloe would chop up the couch and burn it if she knew a dick was on it."

That made me laugh.

(Kimera): When Chloe sent me out to do some food shooping the next morning, she was shocked to see Bernada ask to come along.

"I'm not going." Chloe said to her sister.

"I know. I wanted to hang with Kimera today anyway." Bernada said smiling, linking my arm with hers'.

Chloe just handed me the list and exhaled.

"Don't kill each other now." Chloe said as we walked out to the car.

(Bernada): "So whats this sudden change in attitude? Sucking up?" Kimera asked popping in a cd in the player.

"No. Just wanted to talk to you." I said. In truth, I was sucking up a bit.

"About what?" she asked setting the volume on the cd player.

"I have a....problem.....I think." I started.

I needed to get it out to someone that understood. I would have went to Chloe but I decided this was a way to break the ice with Kimera.

"With what? A boy? If thats so, I can't help ya in the department." Kimera said.

"You never been with a boy at all?" I asked a bit curious and to prolong what I wanted to say.

"Once." she admitted. Her cheeks blushed.

"Really? How did that happen?" I asked all ready for the story.

"Its silly." she chuckled.

"No. Go on, please." I begged.

"Well this was before I was dating your sister. He's gay and we were best friends at the time. We joked about having a baby together. Like he'd be the donor and I'd have it for who ever I married and we'd share it. Well one night......" Kimera started laughing before she continued. " I was at his house one night and I was a bit drunk and so was he. We were in his room and he said 'hey, lets practice on having a baby.' I was like ok and we got naked." Kimera pursed her lips and blushed deeper than before.

"Keep going." I said laughing. "How was it?"

"Lets just say he couldn't get it up and I couldn't know. So, yeah, nothing really happened. So I should say I tried having sex with a boy." Kimera finished.

"Wow." I said. "So you have no sexual feelings for a guy at all?"

"No. I mean I may find a man attractive but thats just because I like his body or what he's wearing." said Kimera.

"So ummmm...Lets say a girl gets turned on by guys but she thinks about girls and she makes out with a girl....girls and she still likes boys. What does that make her?" I asked trying not to seem odvious.

"Well I would say that makes her bisexual but it depends. Does she think about girls when she's with a boy?" she asked.

" When she's with a boy, thats what she thinks about. When she's kissing a girl, she thinks of a girl." I answered.

"Well, perhaps that makes her bisexual or just curious. She may have to go all the way with a girl to really know. I could be wrong." Kimera said.

"Well, what if she does...have it with a girl and she really likes it. Would that make her bi?" I was really into it now.

"Well, if she likes having sex with both guys and girls then yeah, she's bi. But if she has sex with a girl once, its good for that one time and never has feelings for a girl again...then I suppose she's striaght." Kimera said.

"Ok." I said nodding and looked out the window.

"So yeah. Maybe you just have to have sex with a girl to really know." Kimera added.

(Kimera): Bernada's head whipped over and looked at me.

"I'm not as stupid as you think." I said laughing.

"I didn't say all that. I just....I don't know." Bernada said.

"Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked. "Yeah." her voice was low.

"When did you start feeling like this?" I asked.

"I don't know. A while now, I suppose. I just been having these dreams and urges lately." she said.

"Where do you think they came from?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I guess being around Chloe and seeing her in her nature. I wondered how she could be that way. I guess all that wondering made me a bit bicurious." she confessed.

"I see." I nodded.

"I guess.....I guess thats why I...felt weird toward you." she said.

I tensed a bit. I focused on the road not knowing what to say.

"I mean your not a bad person but....for some reason I always had this mind-set to not like you. I guess I thought you were stealing her from me....I think." she said biting her thumb nail.

(Bernada): "I thought that too." Kimera finally said after being quiet for a minute. "I guess all that bullshit I was pumping myself up with never let me get to know you and your a really great person." I said. Kimera grinned.

"You are." I said. "Your awsome to my sister and our parents love you."

"Well, I try." she said smiling brighter.

We sat there for a bit without talking. Clarity had finally been reached between us. I now focused on the music. I picked up the cd case that was resting on the dash board.

"Ani Difranco?" I said.

"Your telling me you never heard of her?" Kimera asked suprised.

"No. Can't say that I have." I said shaking my head.

"God, you haven't lived! She's great. Her lyrics, her face. Just everything about her is stunning." Kimera explained.

"What kind of music is this?" I asked.

"Folk. Its what...lesbians listen to." Kimera smirked.

"You people even have your own music?!?" I asked.

Kimera laughed. "Its a stereotype that all lesbians listen to folk music. Some do and others don't. Come to think of it, Red can't stand it."

"Red?" I asked.

"My bestfriend. I think you've seen her before. She's tall, really short red hair." Kimera detailed.

"Oooh her. Man, I always thought she was kinda hot." I blushed.

"Yeah, you and half of Chicago. That's a real playboy if you ask me. Red can have any girl she wants anytime and any place. I remember when we were in the army, Red screwed half the girls in Hawii. Thats where we were stationed." Kimera said. "Thats right. You were in the army a few years back. Why did you leave?" I asked.

"Red and I got kicked out 'cause we got caught up with some girls. They filed it as a D.O.O.R though" she explained.

"Whats does D.O.O.R mean?" I asked.

" Drop Out On Request." she said.

"Ok. Well, was the army fun?"

"Sometimes. All that work we had to do was tough, but it was worth it." Kimera patted her stomach.

"Let me see." I said wanting to see her washboard abs.

"No. I can't show you that." she chuckled.

"Oh come on. Its not like I'm asking to see something else." I said.

Kimera leaned back when we got to a stop light and raised her shirt over her tummy. Her abs were tight. I couldn't resist but to run my hand over it.

(Kimera): "That tickles." I giggled lowering my shirt.

"Aww. Thats so cute." Bernada said. "Your sister tortures me with it." I said thinking about all the times Chloe dug her fingers in my stomach and tickled me till I was beet red.

We talked alot more about various things as we shopped. She even told me about her night out with Frankie and what had happened. When we came in the house laughing like old friends, Chloe looked confused.

Again, Comments are very welcome. I would like to thank those for writing me and telling me what a good job I'm doing. Sorry there was no sex in this chapter but I promise more is to come in Chaper three.


Next: Chapter 16: Maybe Maybe Not 3

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