Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Jul 8, 2004


Stories from the Life- Maybe, Maybe not 3



(oral, fingering)

Chapter 3

(Bernada): Chloe and Kimera were preparing for a get together. They set ice coolers and chairs outside in the backyard. I helped a bit until Frankie came over to drop something off.

"Jerry said to keep this case here till tonight." Frankie said setting a box down.

"Ok. You coming over later?" Kimera asked.

"I've seen you guys play poker and its crazy. I'll stay at home and chill." Frankie said. "How about you Bernada?" she asked looking over at me.

"Well, I didn't figure that out yet." I said.

"Well, why don't we do something? Like I'll show you around town." Frankie suggested.

"She'd love to go." Kimera answered for me. We looked at each other and she winked at me.

"Great. I'll come by for ya at about 7." Frankie said. "I just need to take care of stuff at home first."

(Kimera): "Your a monkey." Bernada said to me after Frankie left.

"Hey, I was just trying to help." I defended.

"I don't know what to do. I mean what will I say? How should I act?" she stumbled.

"Be yourself. Look, think of how you would act with a boy. Think of Frankie as a boy except don't be suprised when you grab for her dick and there's nothing there." I explained.

Bernada burst out laughing.

"Your so goofy, Kim." Bernada said.

"I'm serious. I've been with girls that were doing it with a female for the first time. They always seem to be cool until they start grabbing for stuff. Its like they forget." I said remembering my wild days.

"Was Chloe like that the first time you were with her?" Bernada asked.

"No. She was nervous because she was a virgin before there was me." I said.

"A virgin lesbian wise or a virgin in general?" she asked.

"She had never been with a boy or a girl." I said.

"Was she striaght before there was you?" she asked.

"Oh no. Trust me, she wasn't. When she heard the word penis, your sister would cringe. I remember she was looking in a porn magazine and saw a dick and she threw up all over." I made a face remembering her vomit getting all over my bed as we sat there looking threw the mags we had found.

"Then how does......I mean you guys do of those things." Bernada hinted.

"Oh. A strap-on?" I asked.

"Yeah, that." she said blushing.

"Well yeah we do but when we bought it we made it clear we didn't want one that resembled a real penis." I explained.

"So....what does it look like?" she asked.

"Its shaped like a dolphin." I smirked and sure enough Bernada started laughing.

(Bernada): After taking advice from my sister-in-law, I went to my room to get ready for my night out. I couldn't understand why I was so nervous. I figured it was the fact that we would be alone this time. Just as I had finished getting dressed, I heard Frankie's voice in the other room. I suddenly was rushed with excitment. I slipped on some flip-flops and hurried out the room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I said.

"No, I just got here." Frankie said smiling.

I noticed her eyes inspect me. A small fire ignited inside me.

"Well, I'll see you kids later. Have fun." Kimera smiled at us as she scooted us to the door.

"So where we walking to?" I asked when we were outside.

"Walking?" Frankie pulled out her keys and pressed the small remote. I saw it unlocked a flashy, metallic red convertible.

"Wow. Nice ride." I said.

"Its my baby." Frankie said opening the passenger door for me. I never had anyone do that for me before.

We went cruising around downtown. It was fun for the most part. We parked by the lake front and walked on the beach, she carried my flip-flops and her own.

"The lake is so beautiful." I said feeling a breeze hit me.

"Yes. I agree." Frankie said moving strands of hair out of my face.

I looked at her and we caught a moment in each other's eyes. I turned away blushing.

"Whats the matter?" Frankie asked.

"Nothing. This is just so weird for me." I said.

"Have you always been curious?" she asked.

"Well, just recently." I said.

"Did it start at the party or before then?"

"A little before all that happened."

"I figured you were when I first met you."

"How so? I acted crazy the first time we met."

"The girls that over react about lesbians are always always always the ones that are bicurious." she stressed.

"Really? Wow." I looked out onto the water and watched a boat bob in the distance.

"Here, lets sit." Frankie spread out the blanket she had been carrying on her shoulder.

We sat there looking at the dark water not saying a word.

"Why don't you have a accent like your sister?" Frankie asked me suddenly.

"Oh. Well....." I hesitated. "Well Chloe and all my other brothers and sisters were actually born in Germany. I was born here."

"Yeah but wouldn't you still have an accent?" Frankie seemed confused.

"....I do but I hide it." I admitted.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I always got teased for it when I was younger so I hid it. I suppose I've been hiding it for so long I kinda lost it." I explained. "Chloe thinks I'm ashamed of who I am. I suppose thats true."

"Not really. I see where she's coming from but your just trying to fit in. Nothing wrong with that." Frankie said. "But people like your sister take their customs very seriously."

"Yeah. Thats Chloe." I sighed and looked over at Frankie.

We were sitting quite close. It was then I realized how blue-green her eyes were and the sprinkle of freckles on her nose. Again, we caught a moment in each others' eyes. I had the urge to lean over and kiss her lips but had to hold myself back. I saw it in her eyes too that she wanted what I wanted.

"So..." I broke myself away from her gorgeous face "how's your girlfriend?" I had to end the awkward moment somehow.

"Oh. Amanda." Frankie sounded uncomfterable. "She's ok I guess. Somewhere off being Amanda."

"Are you guys ok?" I asked noticing her expression.

"Not really. She's has such high standards. I mean its great she takes the time to take care of herself but at times it can be annoying. She's not real at all. Amanda is one of those girls that doesn't think outside the box. All her thoughts are based on a Cosmo magazine." Frankie explained.

"My friends are like that too. I can never have a real conversation with them. If its not about hair or clothes or drinking, they don't care." I said.

"Exactly! I mean I want someone I can have a real, intellectual converstaion with. Thats why I hang around your sister's house. When their friends come over, we can talk till the sun comes up. I can't do all that with Amanda. If she's pissed at me, I have to show up at her house with flowers and shit."

"See, I don't need all that bundle of roses bullshit. Someone can give me dandilions wrapped in tissue and I'll be happy." I said.

Frankie laughed at that.

"I like how you think." she said smiling bright.

I smiled and blushed a bit. 'She likes the way I think'. I never heard that one before.

"Just for one day, I want somebody to like me for me." I began.

I looked out on to the water again and fell silent. Frankie got up and walked away for a second. I didn't think of what she maybe doing. When she returned I continued.

"I just want someone who doesn't want to play games. Just one day, one good night, I want somebody I can talk to about real stuff and not have to worry about anything else. For just one night. Thats all I need." I finished and sighed.

Frankie nudged me and I looked over. To my suprise she held up a fist full of dandilions wrapped in a crinkled napkin.

"Let me be that somebody tonight." she said.

Her voice was low and sexy. I looked into her eyes. She looked so beautiful then. I brought her face to mine, I couldn't resist, and kissed her soft lips. Frankie kissed me back, applying more pressure on my mouth.

"Wait." I pulled away. "What about Amanda?"

"Amanda's not here." she said and brought me back for another kiss.

'This can't be right.' I thought to myself when I slipped her my tongue. Frankie slightly parted her lips and welcomed my tongue into her mouth. She sucked on it and then tangled her tongue with mine. Her tongue ring clacked on my teeth as our kiss became more intense.

"Lets go back to my house. My dads will be at Chloe and Kimera's." Frankie said.

All I could do was nod.

(Kimera): I sat there with my friends, under the stars, and wondered what Bernada was up to at that moment. I ......

(Chloe): ....couldn't help but wonder. I just hoped she wasn't doing anything she would regret later. I prayed that wouldn't come to pass. I looked over at Kimera, who was seated next to me, and she smiled at me. I could tell she knew what I was thinking.

"She'll be fine." she said holding my hand.

"Who'll be fine?" Bear asked over hearing us.

"My sister. She's out on a date." I said.

"Ooooh. I hope she's not doing anything I wouldn't do." Red said.

"No, Red. I think you mean you hope she won't do anything you would do." Kimera said poking her.

"No. I know what I meant. I won't be out laying up with some guy." Red defended.

"Oh come on, Red." said Jerry, one of Frankie's fathers. "You can't tell me you wouldn't make love to a man."

"The day I put a dick in me is the day I shoot myself in the head." Red said.

We all laughed.

"Well trust me Red, she won't do anything you wouldn't do." I said. "Trust me."

(Bernada): Frankie's lips were kissing my neck so gently. I was laying upon the soft sheets of her bed. We were both naked at this point. The lights in the room were dimmed low. She had been painting my entire body with soft kissess. It felt so nice, but so wrong at the same time. It was probally the most erotic feeling I've ever had.

"This feels so....awkward." I said. Her mound was resting on top of mine.

"Do you want to stop?" Frankie asked.

"No. Please, no. I was just saying." I said.

"You sure?" she asked.

"Yes." I said.

Frankie kissed me so deeply. God she was a excellent kisser! She kissed my chin then my throat and down the valley of my small breasts. She sucked on my nipples. They were already hard and pert from her sucking on them earlier. Frankie went lower, kissing the folds of my pussy. Her tongue glided between my slit. I felt her tongue ring rub against my rosebud and I grabbed her head. She licked me harder there. It felt so good. I moaned and opened my legs wider. She sucked on my clit and nibbled it gently. It made the shocks being delivered throughout my body more intense. I took her hand, that was on my tit, and guided it to my pussy. She kissed up my stomach and suckled my nipples as she inserted two fingers into my tight hole. They went deep inside me.

"Oooooooh. Fuck me hard." I gasped.

I couldn't believe what I had just said! Frankie's long fingers fucked my hole hard and fast, just how I like it. The whole time she fucked me, her thumb was rubbing on my clit.

I came all over her hand after she fingered me for, what, fifteen minutes? Thirty? I wasn't sure but it felt like forever. How ever long it took for me a explode, the while, the bliss was beyond words. I came hard and rolled my hips as I gushed. Frankie continued to finger me as I climaxed. It only made it last longer. My moans came out as whimpers.

"Oh my god." my legs were shaking and I was breathless.

"Was it ok?" Frankie asked kissing my face.

"It was fucking intense." I managed to say.

Frankie smiled and kissed me passionatly.

"Can I do it to you now?" I asked.

"Uh....well" she seemed unsure. "See, I'm the kind of person that gives and not recieves."

"I see. Then how do you get off?" I asked.

"Oh I do." Frankie was laying next to me.

I could see a spot on the bed produced by her.

"You sure thats all you need?" I asked.

"Yeah. Getting a girl off is better than anything else. Well, to me it is." Frankie said.

We made out a bit more. This time we kissed till our lips were numb.

Later I wiped off and went home.

"I hope you understand this was a one time thing." Frankie informed as we stood in the doorway.

"Yeah." I was a bit disappointed but knew it was for the best.

"We can still be friends I hope." she said.

"Of course." I smiled. "I'll see you tommrow then?"

"Yeah. We'll spend the day in Boys' Town. I'll show you all the shops." she said.

"Ok." I pecked her on the lips and walked on my way.

I wanted to hold her. She smelled so good. I would have gave anything to sleep in her bed and cuddle. But, again, it was for the best that I left right then.

(Chloe): I came in the kitchen the next morning after showering with Kimera.

"Good morning, sunshine." I said to my sister and tossled hair. It was still wet from her shower.

She was sitting at the island eating cereal. "Hey." she said. She seemed happy as ever.

Kimera came into the kitchen dressed in boxers and a wife-beater.

"Sooooooo. How was your night?" Kimera asked Bernada.

"Great! We went to the beach and cruised in the city." Bernada said smiling bright.

"That can't be it." Kimera said. "Well.....we did go back to her house and-" Bernada began and turned pink.

"Bare me the details." I said covering my ears.

(Kimera): "Well besides what you guys ended up doing, how was it?" I asked.

"It was really nice. Really really nice." Bernada grinned.

"Would you do it again?" I asked.

Bernada's smile faded and thought.

(Bernada): "Probally not." I finally said. "It was great but its just not me."

"I understand. Well, you can never say you never tried it." Kimera said.

"So you guys agreed to just be friends I hope?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah. We made that clear." I said.

"Well thats good." Kimera said.

After that, we went on to speak of other things.

We went on to being friends, Frankie and me. I enjoyed my night with her, but never had my lesbian urges again.

I suppose 'the life' just wasn't meant for me.

END................comments are always welcome:)

Next: Chapter 17: Jamies Story 1

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