Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Jul 20, 2004


Stories from the Life- Jamie's story



(oral, clit bumping)

Chapter 1

I remember being about four years old and playing in my parent's bedroom one afternoon. I sat at my mother's vanity and applied on her make-up. I put on her jewlery and one of her dresses. I slipped my small feet in her high heels and attempted to walk in them. My parents came in the room when they heard me fall.

"What on earth is going on?" my mother asked.

"I'm trying to look like you, mommy." I remember saying.

"Well isn't that sweet." my father said smiling. My mother grinned and adored what she saw.

I remember being about six or seven years old. I was playing in my parent's room and opened my father's closet. I tried on his rusty work jeans and tried putting on a belt to hold them up. I put on one of his polo shirts and one of his dirty trucker's hats. I pulled on his boots and wobbled to the mirror. I grabbed my mother's black eye liner and drew a mustach on my upper lip to match my father's, though his was blonde.

"Don't you look hansome." I heard my father say when I walked into the kitchen.

"I look like you daddy." I said.

My father laughed and my mother frowned. She hated what she saw.

Things changed after my father died when I was ten.

I remember being thirteen years old and sneaking into my step father's closet. He was in town with my mother. I took off my skirt and pink tank top and tried on his clothes. I tied my long blonde hair back and put on a baseball cap. I put a pair of socks down the front of my panties and looked in the mirror. I smiled. I liked the way I looked. I felt comfterable and free. The only thing that threw the outfit off were my breasts. They were budding already and I hated it.

"What the hell is this?" my step father yelled when he walked in the room. He grabbed me and beat me till I blacked out. All I remember was the pain and my mother screaming for him to stop.

Why was that time any diffrent? Why was I treated diffrently from dressing up like him. I didn't understand it at all. Shouldn't he had been flattered?

*********Three years later

I woke up that morning at 5am like I did everyday. There hasn't been a day in my sixteen years I haven't gotten up with the sun. I was so used to it that I didn't need an alarm clock to wake me. I slipped some jeans over my boxers and a shirt over my sports bra. I slipped on my muddy boots and headed out to the stables. My step father owned a huge dairy farm we lived on. He made me feed the cows and turn on the machines for milking before I left for school every morning. On the weekends I had to tend to everything myself until sunset. All my older brothers moved out a while ago so I was left to do most of the work.

After doing my work I went to my room to shower and brush my teeth. By this time it was about 7pm. I dressed for school in my usual attire: jeans, a polo shirt, and flip-flops. Summer was near. The hot country weather proved this weeks before. I grabbed my book bag and went into the kitchen. As soon as I walked through the doorway, I feeling of dred came over me.

" 'morin'" I said tossling my little brother's hair.

My step father was at the table as well reading the paper. My mother was at the counter brewing coffee.

"Good morning, sweetie." my mother said after clearing her thoart. Her eyes were red and puffy. I felt angered thinking my asshole step father had her crying again.

"I need you home right after school." my step father said russling through the newspaper.

"Why?" I asked sipping some orange juice.

"Don't worry about it. You just be home like I said." he grunted.

I looked at my mother who seemed worried.

"One of the cows are to go into labor this afternoon." my mother said looking at my step father. She seemed to be lying.

"Ok. But I thought it wasn't due till another month." I said.

"The doctor said it diffrent." my mother said sniffing.

I had been keeping track of the cow's pregnancy and I knew good and well it wasn't due till the end of the next month. I just kept that quiet not wanting to start an argument.

"Ok. I'll be home right after school" I said insted "but I gotta sign up for summer soccer practice."

"No. Don't." my mother said almost urgently.

"Why?" I asked. I looked around the table. My brother seemed hurt about something and my mother seemed in a panic. My step father just calmly read his paper.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked feeling sick.

"Nothing. I- I mean we need you home as soon as school is out." my mother's voice seemed to be breaking. She covered her mouth and left the kitchen.

I sighed and tried to ignore all this. I just turned to my little brother.

"Hey Kyle, you still wanna play frisbee later this evening?" I asked.

"Uhhh....if your still around." he mumbled.

"Kyle!" my step father yelled. Kyle sank in his seat.

"Don't yell at him!" I shouted as I stood up. "And what the hell did he mean by 'if I'm still around'?"

"Nothing! Just go to school and be here after wards!" my step father stated.

I grabbed my backpack and stromed out the house. I slammed the door behind me. I got in my pick-up truck and drove to Melissa's house five minutes down the road. I calmed down a bit when the wind hit my face from the open windows. The smell of grass and hay filled my nose. I loved the smells of my small town. I've never been outside of North Carolina a day in my life and its all I knew.

When I got to Melissia's house, I looked to see if her father's truck was outside like I always do. Then I went inside the house.

"Hello?" I called from the bottom of the staircase.

"Yeah, I'm up here." Melissa called down.

I smiled and made my way to her room. I entered and she was sitting on the bed towel drying her hair. She still had on her robe. I could smell fruit.

"New shampoo?" I asked.

"Yeah. That other stuff was making my hair all poofy." she said. Her eyes looked like she had been crying.

"What's the matter?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Nothing. Shampoo ran in my eyes." she said smiling. "Oh ok. Ya know, everybody at home have been acting funny lately. But today they seemed a little more strange." I said.

"Yeah. Makes ya wonder 'dud it?" she said. Her accent was a bit thicker than mine.

"Yeah." I said.

I laid down against her pillows and closed my eyes. Her bed was so comfterable. I felt her body climb on top of mine and we started kissing. I attempted to remove her robe, but she stopped me. She straddled my hips and sighed.

"What's up?" I asked kissing her hands.

"Nothing. Your just so damn cute is all." she said.

"You always say that. Really, what's the problem?" I asked.

"Jamie" she started "Would you still love me if you were to go away far?" she asked.

"Of course. You know I would." I said undoing the straps of her robe. I opened it. She quickly closed it.

"Stop." she seemed embarrashed.

"Now come on. I've seen you naked plently of times." I said.

"Yeah but I still feel funny." she said blushing. Melissa was a chubby girl. No matter how much I told her she was still beautiful, she remained self consciene.

Her hands glided up my shirt. They lingered on my tight abs.

"Your so perfect." she said. She appeared sad.

"My body doesn't make me perfect. Nothing makes anyone perfect." I said leaning up to kiss her lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. I finally got her robe off. I kissed her neck and her shoulders lightly. She leaned back a bit and I kissed her breasts. I circled her hard nipple with my tongue and sucked it softy. Melissa laid me down and removed my clothes. She kissed my stomach tenderly and worked her way down. She rubbed her face in my trimmed blonde hairs and kissed the folds of my vagina. I closed my eyes as she licked me. It always felt so good. I loved how gently her mouth worked on my clit and the swollen folds. Melissa came up to kiss me and began grinding her mound into mine. That felt even better. I sat back on the pillows and she put her thighs over mine. This abled our pussies to touch. We rubbed them together softly. Melissa moaned in my arms and kissed my neck. "Oh Jamie." she softly said.

Our mixed wetness allowed our clits to glide over each other easily. Melissa held me tight as she came, her juices leaked all over my cunt. Her breathing became faster. I felt her clit throbbing against mine and I came too. My come stirred in with hers'. My body trembled as my oragasm finished.

We laid down and held each other, exchanging soft kissess from time to time.

"We have to get cleaned up and go to school." I whispered into her hair.

"Fuck school. Its the last day. Nobody comes on the last day." Melissa said nozzling my next. "Just lay here and hold me." then she began to sob. I held her tighter and she cried harder. I was becoming even more worried now. I started thinking about when I left the house not too long before. I remember my mother was sitting on the couch. Up until this very moment, I realized she was crying!

My worry turned to dred. What the hell was going on?

At about 2:30pm, Melissa urged me to get dressed.

"School should be out by now. We best get to your house." she said. I had told Melissa about what my step father and my mother had informed me about that morning.

"We? You sure? Cow birth isn't too pretty." I chuckled. Melissa smiled bitterly.

We got dressed and hopped into my pick-up. As we drove, Melissa started crying again.

"Stop the car, please." she sobbed. I pulled over. My house could be seen in the distance.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked. "Is something wrong?" Odviously there was.

Melissa nodded. "Oh there is. Its really bad." she said.

"Tell me. Please tell me." I begged feeling tears burning my eyes.

"I don't think I can. They'll have to." she cried harder. "Just promise me whatever goes on, you'll still love me."

I stared out at the road ahead blankly. I studied my house: cars were parked out front. One looked to be Melissa's father's truck. I felt sick to my stomach. I gripped the steering wheel and started to sweat. I took a deep breath and pressed the car on down the road. I parked and Melissa and I entered the house. Sitting in the livingroom were Melissa's parnets, my parents, my little brother, and a funny looking bald man. They all looked at us as we sat down.

"What's going on?" I asked trying to stay calm. "And who's he?"

"This is Dr. Hulup." my step father said. He looked angery.

"Doctor? Oh my god. Am I dying?" I asked, my body feeling with panic.

"You should be!" Melissa's father stated.

"Arnold!" Melissa's father said.

"No, your not dying. He's just here to help you with your.....condition." my mother said trying to stay collected.

"Condition?" I asked.

"I'm here to help you change your lifestyle." the doctor smiled.

"Lifestyle?" I was still puzzled.

"He's here to make you stop being a dyke!!!" Melissa's father yelled.

I was speakless. I looked at Melissa who was trying to cry silently.

"What are you talking about? I'm not a dyke." I lied.

"Oh please. Please don't give us that shit." my step father said.

"Yeah. Its odvious. We know. We all know." Melissa father stated.

I looked at my mother. All the color had drained from my face.

"I was cleaning your room a few weeks ago and found love notes." my mother said dropping her eyes.

"Then she called me and oh my god to think you were in my house, in my dauther's room when I got that call!!!" Melissa's mother spat.

"I told her to send you home right away and not say a word. I didn't want you to run off somewhere." my mother said. "Oh this is fucked up." I said shaking my head.

"Ya goddamn mother fuckin' right it is." Melissa's father said.

"I always knew something was up. I clean her sheets you know." Melissa's mother cringed.

"You did this foolishness to her. I want you sent somewhere so you can't infect some other girl." my step father said.

"Me? I did this to her?!? She's nothing she wasn't before I met her!" I shouted.

"Keep it up you dirty bulldagger with the lies." Melissa's father grunted.

"No! You keep it up with all this bullshit your dumpin' on me!" I stood up unable to sit anymore.

"Please. We have company." my mother said.

"Fuck him! And fuck you too you nosey bitch!" I yelled. "I'm not goin' anywhere with that ugly piece of shit over there! You all can kiss my ass."

"You have no choice but to leave with Dr. Hulup." said my step father.

"And what if I don't?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well you won't live here." he said looking me right in the eyes.

I paused. "Then where the hell am I supposed to go?"

"The other resort was for you to stay with your godmother.

"Bye! I'll go then. I'm not changing what and who I am for no mother fuckin' body!" I said.

"Good riddance you nasty dyke! That'll teach you for fucking my dauther!" Melissa's step father said.

"I just got off the phone with you god mother. She said you could live with her." my mother said.

I looked at her.

"Where does she live?" I asked.

"In Chicago." she said.

"What?!!" I said. That seemed on the other side of the world.

"Here's the directions and a map." she said holding them out for me.

I snashed them from her hand.

"Do I even know her?" I asked.

"She used to visit all the time. Remember? She had the twin dauthers?" my mother said.

"Oh yeah." I remembered their weekend visits. They stopped after my mother married my step father.

"You don't have to go." my mother after a long silence.

"What? You don't want me here." I said coldly.

"I do! God I do. Your step father is just blowing off steam."

"You always say that and I don't even know why you fuckin' told him. You should have come to me first!"

"I didn't know what to do. He already had his suspicions anyway. He came to me about it in the first place."

"Whatever. I'm going and I want to be as far away from you and him as I can. You've betrayed me." I said trying not to look at her.

"Baby" she reached for me but I pulled away.

"Bye mom." I said, picked up my bags and left the room.

I threw my suitcases in the backseat of my truck, started it and was ready to pull off when Melissa ran up.

"No! Don't talk to me." I said unable to look her in the face.

"No, please listen." I could feel the urgency in her voice.

"No, Melissa. You could have told me sooner. We could have run away together." I said.

"But I couldn't. I just couldn't. I just can't leave everything behind. I over heard them talking last night. I just found out myself."

"You still could have told me so I could have prepared myself."

"Do you still love me?" tears streamed down her face.

"Bye Melissa." with that I drove away.

It was the longest drive of my life! It was late afternoon when I left home. My mother slipped me a wade of money as I left the house. I don't know how I did it but I managed to follow the map well. I cut through the tip of Virgina, through Kentucky, and all the way up through Indiana. I saw things that were familiar to what I was used to seeing: farms, big open fields, but they felt so new. I drove almost none stop. Of course I stopped on the side of the road to sleep when dawn hit the sky. By this time I was already in upper Indiana. I only slept for an hour or two.

I drove into Chicago in the middle of the afternoon. The traffic was horrible! That was ok, though, because it gave me time to goggle at the buildings. I was surrounded by structures that disappeared into the clouds. I was definatly not used to all this. Finally I came to my destination. The traffic and the unfamiliar streets threw me off a bit but I made it. I parked out front of the quiet neighborhood and looked around me.

"Well! You finally made it." I looked and a tall black woman was approaching me.

"Hi." I said wondering how she knew who I was.

"I don't think you even remember me. Do you?" she smiled.

"No." I said.

"I'm your god mother's wife. I used to come to your house when you were younger." she said.

"Really? Ca'nit seem to 'member ya." I said.

"Aw. Isn't that a nice accent you have on you." the woman cooed.

I blushed.

"Well come on in." she said grabbing one of my bags.

I walked in behind her and followed her into the kitchen.

"Here she is, Karen." the black woman said to another woman standing at the kitchen sink.

"Oh my god! You've gotten so tall!" Karen said when she turned to me. She embraced me.

"Soooooooo. How was the drive?" she asked.

"Long." I said.

"Aww. Diana, you hear that accent." she said to the black woman.

"Yeah. I noticed. Isn't it just so cute?" Diana said.

I blushed harder.

"Oh your adorable." Karen said.

"Thank you." I said bashfully looking at my feet.

Suddenly someone burst through the back door.

"Mom! I got awsome awsome awsome news!!!!!" the woman said. "You know that new show on HBO coming out?"

"Yeah." Karen said.

"They want me to write for them!!! Isn't that great!?!" the woman said picking Karen right off her feet.

"Oh Red thats good." Diana said.

"You bet! I rushed over as soon as I found out!" Red said. Then she looked at me with suprise.

"Jamie?" she asked eyeing me.

"Yeah." I said wondering how she knew my name.

"Shit. You got big!" she said.

" I know you?" I said trying not to sound rude.

"Yeah! They used to tote me and my little sisters to North Carolina to see you and your folks." Red said pointing at her mothers.

"Oooo ok." I said trying to remember.

"Wow. I remember when you were small. Now your a fuckin' bean stalk." Red laughed.

"Oh honey, watch your mouth." Karen said.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited!" Red said. "What brings you up here anyway?"

"Its a long story." I said exhaling.

Continued later...........Comments are needed to let me know if I should continue. Thanks and god bless :)

Next: Chapter 18: Butch on Butch Experience

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