Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Jul 3, 2002


Note: Tony is a girl and the characters in these stories are African American.

That same afternoon Coco and Kandy went their own way while Tony and Dee did their thing as well. Soon though it was night. At around 11:00pm, Tony and Dee decided to go to that big beach party. It was a perfect night for the cops not to be on patrol because all kinds of crazy things were going on: people were fucking behind some rocks over here, some kids getting high over there as Urban music filled the late night air.

"Damn this place is crazy" said Dee looking around.

"Yeah you know those College kids kick some wild parties for sure. " said Tony. "Hey there go Coco. I'll be right back." Tony ran off in Coco's direction. Of course Dee shook her head seeing her pussy whipped friend run off after her future wife. As Dee stood there wondering where she went wrong with Tony, Tammy came up and tugged on her arm.

"Hey" Dee said happy to see Tammy, looking as beautiful as ever.

"Come walk down the beach with me" said Tammy holding on to Dee's hand.

They walked until the were in a empty area on the beach. The lake breeze softly brushed over them, lightly chilling their skin. This made Tammy shiver.

"Baby you cold?" asked Dee.

"A little." said Tammy.

"Don't worry I'll keep you warm. "Dee stood behind Tammy and wrapped her strong arms around her shoulders as they looked over the dark lake. The full moon beautifully reflected off the rippling water. The moment was perfect to romance in.

"Now earlier at the park" Dee began "what did you mean by not minding my mother thinking you're my girlfriend?"

"Don't be silly, Dee. You know what I meant." said Tammy.

"Maybe we should go together. We'll make a cute couple don't you think?"

"Ms. Deleiah Huxley, are you asking me out?"


Tammy turned and wrapped her arms around Dee's neck.

"What do you mean by 'Maybe'?" asked Tammy looking deep into Dee's dark brown eyes.

Dee kissed Tammy's soft lips, having to lean down a little to each them. The kiss started off soft and sweet then got deeper and more passionate. Dee wrapped her arms tightly around Tammy, feeling things she never felt before all at once. Tammy slowly broke the kiss to rest her head on Dee's shoulder. Dee buried her face in Tammy's neck and inhaled her sweet perfume.

"Do you want to go back?" asked Tammy.

"No lets keep walking. I'd rather be with you." said Dee leading Tammy down the beach holding her hand.

They took about ten steps before they tripped over what could have been a big rock.

"Hey! What the hell?" said a voice Dee recognized as Tony's.

Getting a better look, the rock turned out to be Tony laying on top of Coco. Both were half naked.

(Part 3)

Weeks turned into a month and Dee was still with Tammy. This was the longest Dee had been faithful to anyone. They waited a little while to make love, which was new because Dee is a real straightforward person. Usually the same day she hooks up with a girl they end up fucking. It took them about a month to do they thing and Dee was in heat bad. She badly wanted to sleep with Tammy but for some reason wanted to wait with this girl.

One clear night Tammy and Dee were on the phone. It was probably around 11 o'clock and they had been talking for hours.

"Tell me some thing," said Tammy.

"What?" said Dee.

"Do you jag off?"

"Jag off?" Dee started laughing.

"You know what I mean. Masturbate"

"Naw not anymore."

"Why not?"

"Cause I got people to do it for me."

Tammy chuckled. "Girl you are a trip."

"I'm just being honest. Do you do that?"


"Come on now. You got to answer."

"Yeah." Tammy blushed. She should have seen this coming.

"Mmmmmmm. How often do you do it?"

"Why you need to know all that"

"Just asking. But uh yeah, when you gonna let me do that for you?"

"Do what? Oh that. Ummmmmm when ever you feel like it. Pick that place and time"

"At yo' house right now"

"What? Nigga you crazy."

"I'm serious."

"Dee, you live like 15 minutes down the street."

"So? I'ma run my black ass down there."

"Yeah right."

"Watch me."

"Yeah ok. I'd like to... hello?"

All Tammy heard was the dial tone of the phone. Dee had hung up, snuck out the house and was zooming down the street barefoot in her boxers and a wife beater. She breezed by Coco's apartment building. Coco and Kandy sat on the front stoop with some friends.

"Coco, was the your cousin?" asked one of the friends.

"I think so," said Coco looking down the street at the running figure off in the distance.

"Why she running like that?" asked another friend.

"I don't even know," said Coco.

Dee made it to Tammy crib in about 5 minutes. She beat a 15-minute trip. She lightly through small pebbles up at Tammy's window until she poked her head out.

"The fuck? Dee?" said Tammy looking down into the darkness at a shadowy figure.

"Yeah its me. How do I get up there?" asked Dee.

"A ladder is on the side of the garage. Use that."

Dee quickly got the ladder and climbed up. Tammy pulled Dee in.

"I told you" said Dee.

"I can't believe you here." Said Tammy.

"You said pick the place and time. So you gonna let me do that?"

Tammy's caramel colored skin blushed." Yeah we can."

"Won't your parents hear you screamin'?"

"Screaming? Oh shit, its gonna be like that?"

"Hell yeah. Where you been? Haven't you heard?"

Tammy laughed. "Yeah I've heard. But my parents ain't even here. They gone some where."

"They gone? Then why come you made me climb threw the window?"

"Well you never said you wanted to use the front door"

Dee gave Tammy a dirty look.

"No don't even make a face. You want this?"

"Hell to the mother fuckin' yeah."

"Then come get it." Tammy wrapped her arms around Dee neck and they fell back on the bed. Dee raised the front of Tammy's nightshirt and sucked her nipples. She sucked and licked each one in turn as Tammy moaned because it felt so good. Tammy tugged on Dee's shirt trying to pull it off. Dee got off the bed and undressed, Tammy slipped off her panties and her shirt. Dee lay back on top of Tammy and rubbed and naked body against her's as the deeply kissed. Again Dee sucked Tammy nipples then kissing her way down her flat stomach. She lifted Tammy's legs on to her shoulders as she went down to lightly kiss her exposed clit. Tammy's body tensed up and she let out soft moans that made Dee eat her pussy even better. Dee spread Tammy's swollen pussy lips and licked between them tonguing the tiny pee hole right above her vaginal opening. She reached up and pinched Tammy's straining nipples as she teased her clit with the tip of her tongue. Dee closed her lips around Tammy's clit and softly sucked it; Tammy sucked air sharply through her clenched teeth. Dee put a finger inside Tammy's sloping pussy and quickly pressed it against her G-spot over and over.

"Oh baby yeah," Tammy moaned as a strong shiver affected her from her nipples to her pussy down to the tip of her toes. That was probably the strongest orgasm she ever had.

"Damn baby, we should have did this sooner" said Tammy as Dee lay beside her.

"That ain't all I can do. Just wait till I got something extra on." Said Dee winking.

"I can't wait to feel that. I heard that be out of this world"

"Well you know. I know what them girls need."

"Lets not worry about `them girls', lets concentrate on us for right now" Tammy rubbed Dee's pussy with her hand. She climbed on top of Dee and traced her ear with the tip of her tongue. Dee grinded her hips up trying to grind her pussy into Tammy's. When Tammy wiggled her tongue inside Dee's ear, Dee quivered and nearly came. Her ears had to be the most sensitive part of her body, including her pussy.

Tammy kissed down to Dee's body briefly stopping to suck her nipples. She left tender kisses all over Dee's stomach before sliding her head down south. Tammy only had to give Dee's pussy a few licks and sucks before she came all over her lips and chin.

"Damn" Dee said breathlessly. "That's the fastest I've ever come in a long while."

"Shit, I didn't know I had it like that." Said Tammy amazed by her own power.

"What you mean? I thought you've done this before."

"No, never"

"You serious?"

"Yeah. Why I gotta lie?"

"Well shit that was pretty damn good for your first time."

"Hey can we try something?"

"Yeah sure"

"You know the 69 position?"

"Oh hell yeah!"

Some weeks went by and they were still together. June turned to August and early September came along beginning their Senior year of high school. Everything was going fine for the two of them. Dee was even at the point of introducing Tammy to her parents. Now that was really strange because with any other girl Dee wouldn't even considering doing something like that even though her parents knew she was a lesbian. Dee had never been so in love before.

Well it wasn't until the 4th week of the school year when Dee noticed Tammy starting to act weird. She hardly called Dee anymore, came over to visit or didn't want to hang out much anymore. Dee noticed Tammy would either be too busy or just too tired to want to spend time with her. Dee tried asking Tammy what was up but all she got was a "Nothing I just haven't been feeling too well that's all."

Dee didn't know what else to do so she went to the only two people she knew could probably help.

"Maybe she on her period" said Coco as she braided Tony's hair.

"If that's the case she been on for about 3 weeks " said Dee.

"Shit, that would be nasty to deal with for that long" said Tony always being the dumbass.

"Whatever it is I just want her to tell me. I try asking her but she give me the same shit" Said Dee.

"Maybe it's a personal issue" said Coco.

"Something too personal for her to keep from her own girlfriend?" said Dee with a little frustration in her voice.

"Everyone has secretes they keep from their lovers." Said Coco.

"Do you have secretes you keep from Tony?" asked Dee.

Tony turned her head to look up at Coco who had a guilty look on her face.

"When the time is right she'll tell you what's up" said Coco getting the attention off herself.

"I guess. But why she acting the way she is. Like not wanting to hang with us or even me anymore?" asked Dee.

"Well maybe she's depressed and when people get depressed they withdraw from friends and people they love." Explained Coco.

"Oh so you smart now huh?" said Tony. Coco tighten the braid she was working on.

"Ouch! Damn. Sorry" said Tony.

"Anyways that could be the case. Just go over there and try talking to her about It." Said Coco.

"She already tried that remember `ms.I want to be a shrink'." Said Tony.

"You know what I'm tried of your bullshit" Coco said as she threw down the hair comb and stomped down the street mad as hell.

"Oh shit. Look Dee, I'll see you later. Come over at around 6:30. Peace." Tony ran down the street after Coco trying to say sorry.

Dee walked to Tammy's house taking her cousin's advice with her. When she got there, Tammy answered the door.

"Hey baby!" said Dee hugging Tammy tight. "I haven't seen you since yesterday at school."

"Oh" was all Tammy could say.

"Can I come in?" Dee asked.

Tammy sighed and seemed a little annoyed "Sure,why not? You can't stay long though, I got to be somewhere."

"Where you goin'?"

"Gotta take care of some stuff"

They sat on the couch and Dee put her arms around Tammy who seemed to didn't want to melt into the embrace like usual.

"Baby please tell me what's up with you." Said Dee.

"...I can't."


"You wouldn't understand."

What? How you gonna tell me what I can or cannot understand? How would you know? You don't tell me anything so how would you know?" Dee was getting mad now.

"I think you better go"

"You know what fine. Fuck this. I don't need these kiddy ass games put on me. Bye!"

Dee walked put the door and slammed it hard. She went home and played some music to cool down some. She wanted to know what was going on so everything could be the way it used to be.

At around 6'o clock Dee headed to Coco's crib because she knew Tony would still be there. On her way there she saw Tammy walk out the local corner store. She started to say something when she an older woman walk out behind her and wrap her arms around Tammy's waist. Dee's heart fell out her chest. Tammy saw Dee staring and in her head she thought "Oh shit"

Dee walked up and said "So this is it? This is your business?"

"Whats going on" asked the woman.

"Go wait in the car, Terry." Said Tammy. Terry got in the Benz, leaving Tammy there alone to deal with her shit.

"Like I said, is this what you been busy with these last few days?" asked Dee drawing attention from people that knew her.

Tammy couldn't speak.

"Am I talking to a damn wall?!?" said Dee with steam almost coming out her ears.

"Yeah, I guess" said Tammy.

" You guess? So I take it I wasn't good enough for you then?"

"Its just that she's older and has more to offer."


"Like money and anything I could possibly want." "You leaving for all that?"

"Well you can't give it to me"

The next thing Dee knew she saw red and her fist flew into Tammy's nose. She punched her so hard it made a audible `POW' sound and Tammy hit the ground. Terry got out the car like she was about to do something.

"Get the fuck back in that damn car!" said Dee and Terry jumped right back in the car with the quickness.

Terry didn't get out the car until Dee was well down the street. She got out the car and helped Tammy into the car who was holding her broken nose that was pouring blood.

Meanwhile up in Coco's crib, Tony was fucking her hard with her strap while they lay on the couch making up for earlier that day. They had been fucking like this for about 30 minutes.

"Ooooooooooooooh Tony. Yeah baby. Oooooooh shit I'm coming" moaned Coco and she felt her pussy spasm as she can all over the dildo buried deep inside her pussy. Tony came a minute after she did.

As they laid there panting in each others arms, Dee knocked on the door.

"Who the fuck?" said Coco.

"Oh that's Dee" said Tony "Go open the door."

"Why? I'm tired, shit"

"Cause I can't to the door with this thing on"

"Ok" Coco pulled back on her shorts and answered the door. When she saw the expression on Dee's face she knew something was up. She opened her arms and let her cousin fall into them.

"Now tell me what's wrong" said Coco letting Dee cry into her shoulder. They sat on the couch and Dee told Tony and Coco what had just happened. When Dee was done telling her story, all Tony and Coco could say was "Damn."

So as Dee sat there crying, her cousin and best friend tried to comfort her. It was a sad thing to see that the player finally got played.


Next: Chapter 3: You Make Me Feel 1

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