Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Feb 16, 2005


Stories from the Life- Puddle of Fears



(Oral, Strap-on)

***** Author's Note: Places concerning the city of Chicago are purely fiction. Just in case you wondered why they don't exist. Also, comments are needed. Motivation is fuel.*********

Red gathered all she needed before leaving the house: things to mail off, her sling bag, and Ozzy. Stepping out into the late afternoon, Red was stung with the delicate, yet smouldering heat of the mid-June weather. She was thanking herself for not using gel. Red knew it would have bled into her eyes because of the heat. Today, her rather short hair lazily laid on her head. Allowing the color its true and natural tone.

Red dropped envelopes of bills and payments into the corner mailbox. Ozzy frantically led the way to Kimera's house. A stop Red had promised to make. The huge German Shepherd trekked up the porch steps. Red found the door was open, and the screen closed. Chloe emerged in the doorway before Red could make any indication that she had arrived.

"Guten Tag! I was on the couch reading and I saw you walk up." Chloe said, as if reading the tall woman's mind.

"Where's Kimera?" Red asked after greeting Chloe with a warm hug.

"Upstairs in the bedroom." Chloe pointed.

Leaving Ozzy downstairs, Red found her friend where Chloe had promised.

"There is no way I can pack for this trip." Kimera complained. She was almost distraught, helpless.

The vast selection of clothing in the huge walk-in closet made this hard for Red to believe. She noticed the clothes scattered about the suitcase on the bed.

"Where are you going again?" Red asked, picking through the assortment of expensive ties and shirts.

"Amsterdam!" Kimera shined. Anybody apart of the 420 club' knew what was in Amsterdam- legal marijuana and cafes to serve it to you."What's the weather like?" Red asked. I'll start from there.' She thought.

"Chloe says its usually cold." Kimera answered.

"Well, pack some sweaters, slacks, and nice, collared shirts." Red suggested.

Kimera opened a drawer filled with rows of neatly folded, cashmere sweaters.

"Now, how hard was that?" Red questioned.

"This is hard. Oh shit! What colors should I wear?" Kimera looked about her collection of sweaters as if they were in disarray.

"You are such a gay." Red shook her head.

Kimera, influenced by Demetrius' queeny persona, refused to walk outside of the house in anything that would be considered cheap, tacky, or/and out-of-season.

"When are you leaving?" Red asked, helping the Italian woman pick through a wide selection of colors.

"Tomorrow morning. Early tomorrow morning." Kimera groaned. "Hey, when do we get to meet your little girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend." Red clarified. "Just someone I enjoy being around."

"Mmm hmm." Kimera was clearly not convinced.

"I'm serious. Its not what you think."

"Who knows? This could be it."

Could it?' Red thought to herself. Do I enjoy her company a little too much? Could I be falling for someone? Finally? Again?'

"Or have you built an immunity for love?" Kimera added, cutting into Red's pondering. "We'll just have to see."

Red took Ozzy for a long walk. She needed to clear her mind from what Kimera had said. `This can't be happening. Not again. Dammit! Not now. I'm not ready yet.' Red found Skyla and Bear sitting on the porch when she walked back home.

"Depressed?" Bear asked Red. She couldn't help but notice.

"No. Its just hot is all." Red answered, perking up to save face.

"Your girlfriend stopped by looking for you. She's cute." Skyla informed Red.

"Grr. She's not my girlfriend." Red growled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Soon-to-be, shall I say?" Skyla was too cocky for her own good.

"I don't know." Red shrugged. " What did she want?"

"Didn't say. She just said to call her or come to her place." Bear answered.

Red nodded. She contemplated what she should do."Go to her." Skyla suggested. She took a guess at what Red was thinking.

"You think so?" Red was clearly unsure of what to do.

"Yeah. It'll be better that way." Bear said.

Leaving Ozzy to her friends, Red's feet lead her to Francis' apartment. She felt she shouldn't be going. She felt she was setting herself up for disaster. Red didn't want to become attached. It would only bring her fears back to life. Francis greeted Red when she arrived.

"I was just wondering if you would come over." Francis commented.

`Me too.' Red thought, still sizzling from their recent embrace. They went to the squeaky futon.

"Sorry for how I'm dressed." Francis apologized. "I just got out of the shower not too long before you showed up."

Red noticed the boy-shorts and ribbed tank Francis was wearing. Her mahogany skin reflected the glow of the scented candles lit about the place. The flames danced on her brown eyes. Francis' damp hair curled, making her more beautiful than Red had ever seen her. Her smooth, thick thighs made Red's mouth water. `She looks good enough to eat.' Red thought this. She had the urge to grab the dark girl and devoir her whole. Her desires would be easier to follow if Francis wasn't such a mystery.

Red wasn't sure of what the other woman wanted. Too many mixed signals. Too little time together.

"How was your day?" Red asked to break the lingering silence.

"Fine. I cleaned up the place and did all my laundry." Francis answered.

"Sounds like my day." Red paused. "Its better now that I'm here...with you."

Dammit! What are you doing? What are you saying?' Red scorned herself mentally. Are you fucking nuts. I think so. I really do.'

"That's good to know." Francis giggled cutely.

`Now you look stupid. Good going.' Red's face flushed.

"What's the matter?" Francis asked.

"Nothing. Its just hot." Red said. `Is that the excuse of the day?'

"You think we should do something tonight?" Francis suggested.

"I suppose. What do you think we should do?" `Keep it up, Red. You're only digging yourself deeper.'

"Not sure. Lets go see the city. Something like that."

"I've seen all of Chicago. It won't be anything new." Red realized how dry her comment was. "But you know what I haven't seen?"

"What's that?"

"Your bedroom."

Francis laughed, her eyes seemed to smile with her plump lips.

"Getting ahead of yourself? Aren't you?" Francis said.

"Well it's the truth. Take me on the grand tour. I'm game." Red's conscience congratulated her. She was diving back into her old self."Why wait for the bedroom?" Francis straddled Red's lap. Their tongues twined together, snaking around seductively. `Maybe after this you'll learn not to return her calls.' Red didn't like what her mind had suggested.

"Wait. We should wait." Red said through wet kisses.

"No. I've waited long enough."

Francis pulled at Red's rugby shirt until it was off. She kissed the broad, freckled shoulders. Red felt her sex awaken. Francis gnawed at the crotch of Red's jeans, hungry for what was heat that lurked beneath the denim. Red undid the button and zipper when Francis pulled away long enough to remove her tank top. Francis' mouth explored Red's torso, gliding her tongue on every crevice. Red's hands found the dark girl's around bottom as they lip-locked again.

Francis broke the kiss when she felt Red's phone vibrate in her pocket.

"Your phone." Francis said.

Red pulled it from her deep pocket.

"Yeah?" she answered.

"Are you with that girl?" Autumn's voice asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Red had told all her friends about the girl.

"How far is her place from the Babe-Rock Café?"

"A few blocks I think. Why? What's up?"

"We wanna meet her! Everybody is here. Skyla, Bear, Demetrius, Kyle, Tomgirl, Pony Boy, everybody!" Autumn named off. "Chloe and Kimera just walked in. Please come. You don't have to stay long."

"Uh." Red looked at Francis. "Hold on."

"What's going on?" Francis asked.

"My friends want to meet you." Red said.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Do you want to meet them? We won't stay long."

"Yeah. Of course." Francis' smile made this believable.

"Ok. I'll be there soon." Red confirmed to Autumn.

"She's coming!" Red heard Autumn say to those around her.

Comforts of the evening were just starting to settle over the city. Red walked beside Francis, considering if she should drape her arm around the girl or take her hand. Red let the thought pass. She did neither.

"What kind of a place is this." Francis asked.

"It's a small gay café. Sometimes small, acoustic bands play there." Red answered. "You'll like it. Its really laid back and the people there are really chill."

Red opened the door for Francis when they got to the café. Red looked to the back and spotted her large group of friends. Autumn was right, everyone was in fact there. She introduced Francis to everyone, and everyone to Francis.

"She is cute." Chloe gushed.

"I told you." Skyla said.

"I hope we didn't interrupt you two." Pony Boy said.

"No. Not really." Red said, lowering her head to hide the blush on her face.

Of course everyone caught the jester and laughed in unison.

"Stay for a bit. Please. Have a drink with us." Kimera offered to Francis. "I'm paying the entire tab."

Francis looked at Red.

"We can stay for a while." Red winked.

Francis relaxed and accepted Kimera's offer.

"Oh yay! Now we get to hear the story." Demetrius gushed. She was always for details.

"What story?" Kyle asked.

"About how they met, silly." Demetrius answered.

Trading off, Red and Francis explained how they crossed paths. They went into detail about Francis writing an article for the Gay Times paper Red worked with.

"I heard about her before and read the book. I just had to introduce myself." Francis had said.

"You read the book?" Tomgirl asked. "Damn, it seems everybody and God read that damn book."

The book was a true story based on the year Red vowed to give up sex. Its still a bestseller. The book just made the Top 10 list in Europe.

The night cooled off when the late hours of the evening set in. The group plucked off slowly. No one wanted to leave, but just about everyone had a job to attend to in the morning.

"Please, you should bring your girlfriend around more often." Kyle said when she walked Red and Francis out.

Red froze. `Why, why, why, why, why does everyone insist they call her my girlfriend?'

"I'll do that." Red held the scream back in her throat.

On the way back to Francis' place, Red had that urge again to lock hands with Francis. This time, the want to do so was more urgent. Risking her chances to not seem vulnerable, Red brushed the back of their hands. Perhaps a subtle invite would encourage Francis to make the move first. Francis looked at Red, feeling the jester. Almost automatically, their fingers twined together, palm pressed against palm. Red melted, pieces of herself falling to the ground.

`Now is she your girlfriend? Red thought. Is this what confirms it?'

"I stared at the picture of you on the back of your book for months after I bought it." Francis said. "When I moved here I was hoping I would just run into you. It was until I made friends with girls here that made me not want to meet you as much."

"Why?" Red asked. She was intrigued by Francis' confession.

"They told me how much of an asshole you really were." Francis answered.

Red laughed. "They really said that?"

"Yeah. They said you were a jerk and that you never saw the same girl twice."

"Shit. What made you change your mind?"

"When I walked into the office the first day, I kinda stood back and watched you for myself. I saw how you were with the people you worked with. I never saw an asshole so loved and so kind."

"Am I?"

"Yeah. Don't you see it? When you walk into work, everyone seems to brighten and wake up. Even with your friends tonight. As soon as you walked in, everyone lit up. You put smiles on people's faces. You mean the world to so many. I can't believe you don't see that."

That was probably the compliment Red had been waiting so long to hear. Though she was touched by what Francis had said, Red was unsure of how to play off of them. `Does she want me to spend the night with her? No. I can't. This is getting too serious. I'm going home.'

Red climbed the steps of the stone apartment building.

"Its, uh, late so, uh, I'm gonna leave to now." Red muttered, her sea-green eyes focused on her feet. The tip of her right foot grinding into the cement step, her arms behind her back, her body swaying from side to side. She was the image of a innocent child, shyly asking for a treat.

"Are you sure?" Francis asked, obviously offering Red the chance to come in.

"Yeah. I am." Red looked up.

Her facial expression screamed some kind of shame. Some sort of pled. Some type of vulnerability.

"So...I'll see you tomorrow or something. See ya." Red turned and walked away.

Francis stood there watching the horribly attractive, red-haired woman walk down the street. She noticed Red suddenly stopped walking. She saw her turn and look back. Don't be an idiot.' Red thought. Don't you dare go back there. You know you'll never leave.' Discarding the warning, Red rushed back to Francis.

"You, um, don't have anywhere to go, anything to do tomorrow do you?" Red asked.

"No. Why?" Francis answered.

"Because...because I can't go home."

"Why not? Is something wrong?"

"No, no. Nothing's wrong. I just can't...go there. Not now." Red's conscience was kicking her with every word. "I need here. I feel if I go back home, I'll never see you again. Like, I feel like you'll...disappear. I know if I go home right now, I won't sleep. I'll miss you too much."

The words echoed in Francis' mind. Without saying a word, she lead Red up to her place. Can't turn back now.

They picked up where they had left off. This time they finally made it to the bedroom. This time they were naked under cool sheets and surrounded by dim darkness. Francis' tongue trailed up Red's stomach to her throat. Her dark, pert nipples pressed against Red's body. Their tongue rings clacked as they became lost in a deep, open-mouthed kiss. Francis' hands roamed Red's body. Francis waited so long to have her like this. All of her fantasies of having Red in her bed were finally brought to life.

Francis sat on Red's face, riding her tongue. Red held on to Francis' ass, licking the juices from the chunky girl's center. Her breathing added more heat to Francis' sex. Francis reached behind her, and entered Red with two fingers. Red fucked back on them, bumping her g-spot they went in deeper.

Francis stroked Red's clit with her thumb as her fingers continued pleasure Red from the inside. Warm come slivered from Red as she moaned into Francis' pussy. Francis kissed Red, catching the taste of herself on her lips.

"Fuck me please." Francis begged, licking Red's nectar from her fingers.

Francis retrieved a harness, and Red adjusted it to her hips. Francis went down on the blue, silicon dildo. Red could almost feel the sucking as if it were her own flesh.

"I like it from behind." Francis took her mouth from the toy and put her ass up.

Red draped over Francis, kissing her back as she slid inside the dripping hole. She gripped Francis' shoulders, pulling her back on the dick as she thrust forward. Francis clung to the black sheets. Francis' moans were so intense, Red thought she was in pain.

"Oooh. Let me ride you." Francis demanded.

Red sat with her back against the headboard. Francis mounted the dildo, and rode it slow. Red moved her hips up, driving the toy in deeper. She sucked the gumdrop sized nipples before her. Francis fell into a long climax, calling out Red's name until she was spent. She held on to Red, the dildo still embedded inside. Her body was just starting to subside. Francis lifted herself from the toy. Doing this caused her to come again.

Red licked the thick drops of come from Francis' thighs and pussy. Red snuggled into her warm arms. Francis rubbed her face in Red's hair as she held her close.

"Hold me tighter." Red's voice started to choke.

Tears trickled from her eyes. Francis felt them on her chest.

"What's the matter?" Francis asked.

She couldn't help, but show concern for the woman in her arms. Red didn't have to answer for her to understand. Francis had read the book. Red didn't need to explain.

Comments are needed and welcome :)

Next: Chapter 22: Love Dont Live Here Anymore

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