Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Jan 6, 2007


A Day for the Rest of....pt3



Author's Note: This is the last installment, to my novel insert. I only wanted to focus on the two young lovers because, in the book, their relationship won't be such a centrel focus. The novel will have other characters, and border situations, that I'll cover. That is why I decided to present these tales.

Feedback is always welcome.

I want you so bad, I could cry.

Georgie thought this, all that fucked-up day. Finally, though, she was with Charlie. Her heart could stop aching, for the moment. For now they were fine. Georgie could be sure of that. Only for that time, though, the girl was positive they were safe. From her unpredictable mother, and the other iniquities of the world.

"Did she hurt you bad?"

Georgie asked, as she slowly undressed her lover. Kissing the gorgeous butch gently. Leaving peaks on her cheeks, and corners of her lips.

"No. Nothing that I could have felt." Charlie answered.

Georgie wanted to check her body for welts, and brusies. Also because that's all she could think to do. To just caress Charlie, like she so badly wanted to do, since their premature departure. It was also a loving apology, for her crazy mother's actions. Charlie's skin was blushing, as Georgie ran her hands up and down the length of her bare torso.

"Can you feel anything now?"

"I'm really sensitive." the boyish girl had long come down, on an odd mix of drugs.

That Bankhead turned out to have some heart. She knew of Angie's character, and also was aware that the older woman could do some serious harm to Charlie. Angie was ruthless. Especially when she was angry. Georige's family was indeed a real mob. Equipped with big guns, a regular army, torture chamber, and all. Beverly Bankhead was instructed to bring Charlie to the warehouse. The menage of torment. A place striaght out of an old gangster film. Chains hang from the ceiling, a chainsaw here, rope there. Before this scene, Bankhead helped the young girl out. Feeding her: muscle relaxers, vodka, hashbrownies, and more.

"You'll be numb. Nice and numb." she told Charlie.

"Will it really be that bad?" The toxins came on to her fast.

"She won't kill you."


"Just keep your eyes closed."

Charlie decided to wait and tell Georgie, what had went on. In that place. She didn't want to worry the girl, with how hot-headed her mother really was. There was a moment of clarity reached, however, after fellow female mobsters managed to halt Angie. Took some sweat, strong yelling, and time. When the others finally burst on to the deck, Charlie's fore and middle fingers were firmly between sharpened wire-cutters. It was what Angie had finally decided on, after moments of tossing the kid into stacked crates. Slamming her into the floor, and tables. Trying to think of something she could do. Something she could bring herself to do.

"This is so hard." Angie had said. When stringing Charlie upside-down, by her ankles. With robe, that was dangling, from above. "I only kill people, that kill people. Have you even ever held a gun? Gotten into a playground fight?"

Angie was breathless, and desparate for a option. A reason to properly punish the child.

"Sandbox scuffle in preschool." said the younger girl.

All circulation was rushing to Charlie's head. She was already disconnected, in her mind. Intoxicated at the time by liquor, 750 mg of viccodine, and strong marijuana. She felt free enough to joke her way out, but frightened enough to beg. Charlie just hoped, then, that the sudden bloodrush to her skull, would somehow cause her to faint. That's all she really could hope for.

After some thinking, and gaining some devient composure back; Angie finally settled on the fingers. They had to go. A lesson had to be taught here. This was something she always did. It was so easy. To crop off one's fingers, for some respect. The older woman snatched the pair of wire-cutters, from a near by table. Charlie opened her eyes too soon. Before she knew it, Angie had taken her right hand.

"Oh no! Please!!!" Charlie knew what was next. She somehow, earlier on, suspected this kind of action.

Bankhead rushed in, and some others, when the young girl's cries became too much. Too distressful, and innocent to ignore. They hoped she hadn't suffered much already. Hoping it wasn't too late to salvage the girl from true, abnormal pain.

"Angie, she's only a kid." Her sister had insisted.

"I know that. I'm trying to forget!"

Time it took, indeed, to stop Angie's wrath. Never had something like that been done before. There was never a reason. Angie was calmed enough, to be convinced that she should allow Georgie, to see Charlie. A long shot, but it was thrown out there.

"You sort of owe it to her. After showing her the day from hell."

Pacey, Georgie's aunt, was able to assure her older sister. Georgie had been posted at her aunt's place. She was only told to wait there, and nothing more. It was about seven o'clock, by then.

I hate today. The more time elapsed, the more Georgie dwelled on the events. That had been set before her. Her mother's headlights flashed across the window, she had been sitting near, in the front room. Angie pulled into the drive-way, and blinked the lights three times. Georgie took it as a signal to come out, to the car.

"Now what?" She asked, when buckling into the cozy Mercedes.

"I'm sorry you had to wait." Her mother said, ignoring the question.

"What did you have to do?"

The older woman paused, looking into her rear view mirror. "Some thinking."

Georgie decided not to ask anymore questions. They were odviously getting her nowhere. Her mother drove a short way, and stopped at a random house. The younger girl reconized Charlie's sports car, after looking around confused. Pacey had brought her there, earlier in the afternoon, to deliver a message to Polli Burnstein.

"Don't be home late, please." Angie said, as she unlocked the doors. "The night gets uglier. You need to be somewhere safe."

Her daughter started to give excited questions. She halted the girl, before Georgie could breath or even air a word.

"This is already hard." Just go and we'll figure out what to do, with all of this, on a better day." The wiser woman shooed.

Then, finally, the two lovers were alone. They grabbed, and kissed. Firmly seizing one another. Of course they waited for the notorious Angie Levlein to disappear, on her way.

"Why are we here?"Georgie asked, after breaking away from devoruing Charlie's tongue.

"This is my house." Charlie, dizzy on lust and a hazy drug come-down, began pulling the love-of-her-life in for another kiss.

"Wait. What? I was in there earlier!" Georgie pointed.

"That's insane. Why?"

"My aunt was verbally dropping a message. Something about a meeting of some kind."

"So ....." Charlie didn't want to believe it. She stared off into space. It explained a lot of things, though, about Polli.

"She's one of them too. You didn't know?"

"No idea."

"How do you live with her, anyway? Where are your parents?"

Charlie started to explain. However, a feeling of wasting time stung her.

"Look, I'll go through all of that with you. But later. Right now we don't know how much time we have, to be together. So let's go inside. I think it's ok for now."

They went directly to Charlie's bedroom. There were voices, and music in the basement. Coming up through the hardwood floor, of the front room. Her friends were home, and maybe some others. However, there was no time for proper introductions. Charlie decided to wait, and introduce Georgie to her dearest friends. It wasn't that sex was the only thing that was important. It was all she could think to do. The only way to be closest to Georgie.

So, as they sat there, in the middle of the bed; Georgie searched Charlie's soft skin, with her palms, and fingertips. The room was darkened by the early, fall night. Though a orangey-glow, of the streetlight, hung dusty in a far window. Shining a rectangular spotlight, on to the center of the bedspread. Georgie was afraid to go any further. Still transfixed on the fear of the door flying open. Being reveiled at her most vulnerable. Charlie touched her face, leaned in to kiss it all over, and the brown girl was content. She unfastened the boyish girl's belt. Opened the jeans, reached past the secured toy, and went right inside her warmth. Charlie leaned back on her hands. The heat around Georgie's fingers warmed her entirely. She could feel herself growing wet and hot, betwen her legs. She moved inside Charlie deeper. Pushing up, pulled out just a bit, and then in harder. Going as far as possible, before slightly coming out again.

Charlie moaned girlishly into Georgie's ear, as she licked her neck. Georgie pecked her lips all over her collarbone, and chest. Flicking her tongue on the tips, of Charlie's taut nipples. She wanted to carry on long enough, just to make her lover sweat. However, the demand for her touch became too much. Her curved finger grazed Charlie's g-spot, in a tender moment, and she came warmly into Georgie's hand. It was a light climax, but enough to send Charlie into the back of her mind. Her spine arched, and every muscle tightened.

Georgie removed the rest of the other girl's clothes. Dildo, boxers, and even her socks. She lifted Charlie's legs, after pushing her back, and licked the trickling juices. Licking them up, as she slid her tongue over, and around, every crease. Tickling jolts coursed in Charlie's nerves. She pushed against Georgie's mouth. The movements of her body were, in fact, becoming uncontrollable. The jerking of her hips, almost made Charlie want to stop. She was losing herself, in a way only sex could fuel. Only a few times had a mouth touched her, like this. Never had it been so intense. Maybe it was her body being sensitive, from the recent orgasm. Perhaps it was all the love she had, for the darker girl. A love potent enough to shake her senses, like no other ever had.

She allowed Georgie to go on. Though the suction on her clit was blinding. Purple and green stars, were shooting around behind her tightly closed eyelids. Once able to control triumpantly, Charlie's groaning was breathless, and long. Audible enough to fill the room, from wall to wall. She was squirming, had her finger twined in her girlfriends's hair. Breaking into sweats, as though running. The whole while it was all driving Georgie insane, with passion. Her own body was reacting, to Charlie's bliss. This was how she always really wanted her. How she had really wanted any girl. Dominace like that is a virtue. Everyone wanted a small dose, every now and again. She had become lost in licking, and sucking. However, Georgie pulled away, before Charlie could come again. The room was too dark, to see why the brown-skinned girl had stopped. Before the young butch could protest, Georgie was pulling her on top.

The toy poked her thigh. Charlie would have denoted this postion. That extreme switch in bedroom-roles. But anything could go, with her Georgie. The action was, Charlie felt, overwhelmingly sexy. The bed began to squeak, when she eased herself down, on to the dick. She wanted to avoid noise, that would maybe expose them. Even though she was afraid her friends had already heard, the vulnerable moaning earlier on. They moved slowly together. Georgie would push up, then out. Charlie down and deep. They were laying perfectly atop of each other. Kissing with a passionate drive. Murmuring soft sounds, into each other's mouth, and neck. The tempo of the thrusting increased, gradually. As Charlie's core was building the strength to burst again, Georgie could feel an explosion of her own mounting.

The pressure of their movements, were effecting her clit. Stirring the bud with evey push, and grind. It was then that she learned the pleasures, of having a cock. Though abstract, some sensation, and lust was still there. They came all at once. Their fucking, kissing, biting, and groaning had finally become too much. A stormy climax was the only way out. Charlie had to put her face into the pillow, to ebb her screams. Georgie sank her teeth into the soft skin, between the other girl's neck and shoulder. She felt her clit throbbing. It pulsed tides of electric heat up, and around her pelvic region. Charlie felt an odd pressure grow, and explode inside her hole. A sensation that flew straight to her skull. Cascading a tremble of tickles, along the way. The experiance left her feeling faint.

They laid into each other's arms. Panting, sweating, smooching, and cooing. One's body felt too good, to move away from the other. All nine inches of the toy, was still lodged up inside Charlie. In the long minutes of recuperating. Her walls felt raw, and gentley pounded around the dick. She took Georgie from behind, after the long haired girl helped it back onto her hips. A finish took longer to reach, that time. For them both. Thus, every hard stroke was heaven. Every kiss on Georgie's back, intensified her sex-drive. Her rocking back, sent Charlie's lust deeper. Paradise was reached, when the butch girl flattened Georgie on her stomach. Laying her front on the other girl's back. Charlie wedged her arms between the mattress, and her lover. To help dig in deeper. Georgie entwined their arms, and held them tight.

Her pussy was swelling, and becoming tender, from the inside and out. A stream of milky secretions spilled out, past Charlie's cock. As a climax wrecked her slowly. She laid her face in the cool sheets. Air was starting to properly fill her lungs, again. Charlie softly pecked small kisses on Georgie's ear, shoulder blades, and center of her back. Dizzy thoughts, and emotions swirled through Georgie. She closed her eyes. It was all too beautiful to forget. To ever want to give up. Love did not have to be spoken, through words then. It was radiating from Charlie's sweet gestures, and seeping out of Georgie's pores.

Time turned out to be no worry. Not for then. Not for days, that followed. Seasons even changed, and still time never became a worry. Georgie lost a few friends. Gained some even. Her secert life was a little too much, for those she thought were also loyal. Though Charlie's friends protested that Georgie's life was nothing but trouble, she felt the girl was worth it. Worth the heavy baggage. This included the fact that Georgie was a heiress, to a family worth millions. To a family that killed, and traffic various illegalities. Angie was still a handful, but the relationship was respected. Highly disliked, but respected.

The End.

Brittany Patrice Gay

Next: Chapter 27: Rare Situation

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