Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Dec 2, 2007

Lesbian Stories from the Life/College/- Us & Them November 19, 2007 COPYRIGHT 2007

Author's Note: This is just a tale to relieve those odd, movie-like dreams I have been having. The dreams have occurred for weeks, in small pieces. When I outlined these visions it started to make sense. Perhaps this was my brain's way of fighting through my chronic writer's block. So please, if you like the story feel free to let me know. For those sweet souls that have emailed me in the past, send all comments to my new address. Yes, it is the same name but a different inbox at Also loyal readers may remember most of the characters from my past submissions. If not familiar, go ahead and back track on them. -------------------------------------

Before living in California and before taking the alias Crystal Crocker, Bronwyn Price was twenty-one years old and wishing for the world. She had three unchangeable opinions that she was passionate about: love thy self, love thy friends unconditionally and hate all that are heterosexual.

"Please, can someone tell me why, out of all the neighborhoods in Calumet City did they have to move next door?" Bronwyn exclaimed, as she watched her new neighbors fawn over a newly bought car.

If there was one thing she hated more than a backstabber or waiting in a long line or even a hetero male was a straight girl. It would make Bronwyn sick to her stomach and want to run in the other direction, when seeing them in public. Bronwyn did not even have straight friends.

"So judgmental. So snotty. Think they have the right to stare at gay people. They think their hair is better than mine. They have annoying children." Bronwyn would say, bantering in a heterophobic manner.

Before actually encountering her straight female neighbors-whom looked as though they walked off of a Laguna Beach episode- Bronwyn awoke in a hotel room. There, Bronwyn blinked twice and was alive again. The first thing she noticed, upon sitting up, was the blinding white sunlight bathing the space around her. Then Bronwyn realized she was in a bed that was not her own. It was a rather large bed and she was not alone.

"Who the ffff-" Bronwyn grouched.

The person closest to Browyn shifted and immediately realized it was Abby. Looking over her, Ms. Price recognized the other occupant under the fluffy blanket to be Nia. Bronwyn sighed and mentally thanked the Lord she was not about to experience an awkward, post-coital morning with two people she did not even know. Needless to say this has happened to her before. Bronwyn put her feet on the floor to stand and stretch. She took one step forward, to walk into the bathroom and slipped on a vodka bottle. Bronwyn swung upwards in mid-air, before landing with a thud.

"Girrrrllll." Abby said in a husky voice as she slowly woke up.

Abby accidentally nudged Nia awake, whom slipped out of the bed and tumbled over the nightstand. Nia crawled to where Bronwyn was still laying on the floor. Abby hung over the side of the bed to look down at them.

"When did everyone leave?" Abby asked, her dark green eyes droopy.

"I don't know." Nia groaned, rolling on the carpet and mysterious articles of clothing. It could have been their clothing, considering they were in nothing but underwear, but it was more than likely the garbs belonged to someone else.

In the back of her hazy mind, Bronwyn recapped exactly what she could remember. They arrived at the room about a quarter to 11pm. The three had to wait in the lobby until the room was ready. Sorry for being unpunctual with timing, the management of the Hilton hotel allowed Bronwyn and her friends a free tab at the bar. It took about thirty minutes for them to be allowed in the presidential suite. In that time, those that were invited to the hotel party arrived in groups. The party was for Nia's twenty first birthday. Originally they were to have affair at home, but the hetero habitué moved in next door. Before this, Bronwyn had no neighbors on either side of her house. She would throw fierce parties and there would be no one to complain. However, as of three days prior to Nia's party, adversary moved in next door and radiated agitation.

Knowing full and well that her parties were rambunctious, Bronwyn thought it would be smart to get a hotel room instead. The suite at the Hilton was noted as sound proof and large enough to fit many. The turn-out of the soiree was more than expected. Those invited, which was a little over fifteen friends, brought others. The room was packed, but the balcony served as an extension. When Bronwyn and the others walked around the room the morning after, there was a vast assortment of liquor bottles, clothes, cups and food dishes everywhere.

"What the hell?" Nia said as they walked through.

She could not remember much of anything that had taken place, the night before. Neither could Abby. Bronwyn tried to think, but she was still drunk.

"I'm starving. Let's go downstairs." Bronwyn suggested.

With that the girls put on whatever they could find. Still a bit tipsy and it being early in the morning, they did not care about appearance just then. Bronwyn put on a hoodie, over her lace bra, and pulled on some shorts. Nia reached for a shirt, which bore the words 'I look like a lady but fuck like a man' and a pair of jeans. Abby put on a polo and sweat pants. They looked like fools, but figured no one would notice them, let alone care. In the hotel restaurant they sat at the bar and ordered whatever sounded good. That is to say the girls ordered a lot. Bronwyn, Nia and Abby had slim figures, but when they were hung-over calories did not matter.

"Shit! Shit!" Nia suddenly remembered. "We have to pick Amelia up from the airport."

"Calm down. Her flight comes in at twelve. It's only nine." Bronwyn assured.

After breakfast the girls went back to the room, popped open a bottle of wine, put on a good CD and danced on every surface of the room. They hopped on tables, chairs and counter tops. After all of that, they filled the jacuzzi tub with warm water and bubbles. All three stripped, jumped in with the pinot bottle and giggled about what may have happened the night before. When it came time to leave, the girls gathered all of the half full liquor bottles and put them in a bucket to take home. They then checked out, loaded into Nia's car and headed for the airport.

When they pulled up the airport entrance twenty minutes later, Amelia was already standing out front. Her green eyes lit up like stars when Bronwyn stepped out of the car. The two embraced sweetly. After loading up the car with Amelia's luggage, they flew down the expressway for home. On the way, Bronwyn, Nia and Abby went over the night before. Their memories of what they could not remember slowly surfaced.

"I'm so mad I missed that." Amelia chuckled as they pulled into the driveway.

As Bronwyn helped Amelia with her bags, she noticed her neighbors sitting on their porch. When inside the house Bronwyn sat in the front window.

"I cannot stand a straight girl." She started as she looked out, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh, so that's them." Amelia smirked over Bronwyn's shoulder.

"Of course. And they already look like a problem."

"I can already see that blond one is the leader, of course. The brunette looks snooty. The red head is hot." Abby stood next to Bronwyn.

"The brunette's kinda cute too." Nia squeezed in.

"Oh no no no. Won't be any of that. We don't do the whole be-the-striaght-girl's-play-toy thing, remember?" Bronwyn said.

Just then the neighbors looked over at them. Bronwyn and the others ducked out of sight. Meanwhile outside, the neighbors went on with their own banter.

"See, I told you they were nasty. Standing there, watching and hoping for a piece." The blond said.

"Are you sure they're a bunch of lesbians, Della?" The red head asked the blond. "They look....normal."

"Alice, those are lipstick dykes. The tricky ones." Della huffed.

"I bet they're nice." The brunette smirked innocently.

"I bet they'll try feeling you up." Alice laughed.

"I bet we'll be moving soon." Della frowned.

Just then a black pick-up truck parked out front of the Lesbian Residents. Out stepped what they mistook as a boy, at first sight.

"Oooh he's cute." Alice smiled.

"He's a woman, sweetie." Della corrected.

As they gawked at the butch girl, Bronwyn came out of the house. She jumped into the girl's arms and kissed her deeply. After breaking the kiss, Bronwyn looked over at the neighbors and waved to them mockingly. Della was so disgusted she ran inside. The other two followed.

"Yeah. We are moving soon." Della growled. *********************************

A month went by and it was close to mid-summer. In the past weeks, the two houses made it clear they were rivals. They also ended up in the same places ironically: the mall, theater, local restaurants. Each run-in never went without snide remarks and frowns. In the air of those conflicts, Amelia kept to herself, though she disliked the 'straights' herself. She was not very rowdy anymore. Amelia was alot more serious, those days. While her friends went about their days looking for the next best thing, Amelia sat around in her room or out on the back deck reading books concerning her science major. She was actually on summer break, from the University of Iowa. Bronwyn always joked about Amelia being a smart blond. She was also less materialistic than the others. Amelia was gorgeous, but did not need heels or short skirts. The smart blond was feminine, with a relaxed sense of fashion. One day, while out on the backyard deck reading, as the others tanned nude, the straights came out to their backyard to also tan.

"Oh my God Della, must they!" Alice whispered when she noticed her naked neighbors lounging.

"They probably fuck each other too. At the same time." Della shook her head, setting her beach towel on the lawn.

"You guys, come on. At least they have nice bodies." Audrey, the brunette, said.

"You know, it's just sad. Girls die to have a body like that and they waste it on each other." Alice said.

"Well let us not worry. We look better." Della grinned.

"The girl with the light brown hair has nice hair." Audrey inserted, referring to Bronwyn.

Over on the otherside of the fence, Nia suddenly lifted her sunglasses and sat up.

"I just got this odd feeling. I think they were looking at us." She said.

"They can't help what they really want." Amelia joked, keeping her eyes in her book and sipping iced tea.

"How come when we wanna tan, they wanna tan?" Bronwyn asked, turning on to her stomach.

"How come when we're at the movies, they're at the movies? How come when we're taking out the garbage, they're taking out the garbage? It's God playing with us and loving it." Abby explained as she rubbed on more tanning lotion.

"Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way." Amelia chimed.

"Murphey's Law is kicking our ass." Bronwyn scoffed. *****

Amelia was outside on another humid day pulling weeds. She was bored and decided to do some gardening. Bronwyn, Abby and Nia were at work. Amelia was normally left alone during the day, needing to entertain herself. So as she carried on with snipping, pulling and sweating Amelia became lost in her thoughts and MP3 player. After an hour or so, she stood to get a drink of water. Amelia was startled to find the brunette from next door standing behind her.

"Sorry. I was just about to tap you." The girl apologized.

"Yeah. So what do you want." Amelia was coy and a little annoyed.

"Um, do you have, uh....I was making...something and I realized I don't have any sugar." The brunette seemed embarrassed and intimidated.

Amelia softened a bit, but kept up her guard. She allowed the girl to come inside. As Amelia went into the pantry, the brunette looked around the kitchen and peeked into the living room.

"Every thing's really colorful. A lot of nice tones." said the brunette when Amelia returned.

"Yeah." Amelia said handing her a cup full of sugar, then walking to the refrigerator for a water bottle.

"A lot of artwork too."

"Want to look around?" Amelia knew the girl wouldn't leave if she didn't.

The girl went to observing, taking in the exotic art and stylish decor. Amelia could not help but be brazen, though it appeared her neighbor was harmless.

"What do you do?" The girl asked, still fawning over certain items.

"Studying science." Amelia answered.

"Wow. What do your friends do?"

"They're models."

"Really? You guys are full of surprises. Who do they model for?"

"Magazines. Private publications. Stuff like that." Amelia did not want to include their job required them to undress. To change the subject she asked, "What was your name?"

"Aubrey. Thanks for asking......and the sugar."

Later that evening, during dinner, Amelia told her friends about the surprise visit.

"Sounds like she likes you." Nia grinned.

"Don't take the bait. It's a trick." Bronwyn said.

"Oh I know. I figured her to be the spy." Amelia cinched.

The next day, home alone again, Amelia was reading on the back deck. As she had figured would happen, Aubrey appeared again.

"Just wanted to return this cup and to say thanks again." Aubrey had said.

"Well, you're welcome." Amelia started to dismiss her, but then invited Aubrey over for tea. Her neighbor looked elated.

As they sat at the deck table, Amelia was thrown a series of questions. She allowed Aubrey over knowing that would happen, further proving the girl was a the sleuth for the other straight girls. It was rather amusing and Amelia had been bored, so the girl served as entertainment.

"I mean, how do it?" Aubrey asked.

"You know, I never understood why straight girls ask that knowing the answer will disgust them." Amelia laughed.

"Well...come on. Just curious."

"I bet. I don't know, we just do it. It's kind of like extended foreplay, with a orgasm."

"That doesn't sound like sex." Aubrey apostatized. "But if that's all you can do, then I guess that's fine."

"Yeah, well, it gets the job done. More tea?"

"Yes, thanks. And what really draws you to a woman? Like what is so special about it all?"

Amelia sighed and went to fetch more tea from the kitchen.

"No. Really. Have you ever been with a man?" Aubrey followed.

"If I had a penny for every time I heard that..." Amelia shook her head, as she poured the tea.

Amelia explained that trying to sleep with a man for her was like a striaght man doing the same, just to be sure of their sexuality. Aubrey seemed to excogitate Amelia's supposition. Then she went on to ask the difference between a man and a woman.

"Men have rough hands and thick skin. Basically I hate what you like about them. Girls are smooth. Then when they touch you or if you touch them, you both feel it in the same place if not all over." Amelia explained, slowly sinking into the thoughts having experienced those things.

"What else?" Aubrey asked.

"They're emotional, but it can be kinda cute. Then there's that knowing exactly what the other wants. Like, how to touch or kiss them. You know just what they want when they sigh or it's in their eyes, the way they touch you, talk to you."

Amelia was snapped out of a dirty fantasy when she heard Aubrey's cup crash on the floor.

"Sorry. It slipped." Aubrey looked shocked and her face was rubicund.

"It's fine." Amelia leaned down to pick up the pieces, as well as Aubrey.

Amelia noticed Aubrey's hands shaking and that she was sweating. It was then that she knew exactly what was going on. After picking up the pieces, Aubrey excused herself and went home. She left in a bit of a hurry, leaving Amelia to wonder. ************************

Bronwyn decided to have a party a week later. She felt not much was happening so far in the season. It was a Saturday night and plenty of their mutual friends arrived around 10pm. Many others arrived later. People were inside and outside. Amelia was up in her room, not feeling like socializing. A lot had changed in her from two years prior. In the past she was always partying and going out. That's how she and Bronwyn had met. Then, after she through herself into school, Amelia lost the urge to go out and get trashed. However, school was not the only reason for this change.

Finally tired of reading, Amelia went downstairs for a beer. Gay girls and guys were everywhere. It was about one in the morning and everyone was heavily intoxicated. Amelia got caught up in conversation with those she had not seen in a while. That lead her from one beer to three to six. Then someone mixed her a drink of vodka and Pepsi. By that time Amelia was defiantly feeling the alcohol. As it became a bit later, the party moved to the outside. As Amelia sat off with some others, Bronwyn and her girlfriend Bobbi were cuddled on a lawn chair on the far side of the yard.

"Come on. We used to do this all of the time." Bronwyn was saying.

"I don't know. What if she's awkward tomorrow?" Bobbi said.

"She won't be. She never was. I promise. Besides, don't you think she's cute?"

"Very but-"

"And you always wanted to try it just once. She's perfect. Come on baby." Bronwyn was cupping Bobbi's crotch and kissing her neck.

Meanwhile, Amelia got up to go into the kitchen. She downed a tall glass of water and leaned on the counter. Bobbi and Bronwyn entered a moment later.

"You ok?" Bronwyn asked.

"I'm fine." Amelia smiled.

She did not realize how close the two girls were to her. Bronwyn looked at Bobbi and they giggled. Amelia started to ask what the hell was so funny, but then Bronwyn brought her hands around Amelia's waist. Immediately she knew what was going on. During the beginning of their friendship two years back, she and Bronwyn always messed around. They stopped after Bronwyn met Bobbi a year later.

"I couldn't help how cute you looked tonight." Bronwyn said, bringing her face closer to Amelia's.

The blond girl felt Bobbi's hand moving around her waist. Bronwyn kissed Amelia once and then again until her friend kissed back. Bobbi came in closer and Amelia turned her head for their lips to meet. Her legs began to shake as Bronwyn licked her neck. 'Damn', Amelia thought, 'I can't do this. This isn't fair to Bobbi. I'm already in love with her girlfriend, which is my best friend.......this is so fucked up.' While she was mentally fighting with herself, Bronwyn was leading her upstairs.

Bobbi laid on the end of Bronwyn's bed, her feet on the floor. Bronwyn knelt on the edge of the bed and pulled Amelia close. Amelia felt herself getting warmer, as her clothes came off. Her nipples felt amazing when Bronwyn sucked them. Bronwyn laid back to allow Amelia to undress her. Bobbi was naked from the waist up, jeans off and hand in her boxer-briefs. Amelia did find Bobbi very attractive because she was. 'Just focus on both of them. That'll make it easier.' Amelia thought as she laid in between Bronwyn's legs. Her friend swiftyly flipped her over and Bronwyn crawled up Amelia's body. Bronwyn aimed her pussy directly over her mouth. Amelia extended her tongue as far as she could and gave Bronwyn steady licks from back to front.

Bronwyn moaned libidinous words as Amelia sucked and tasted. Bobbi knelt in front of the bed, where Amelia's ass rested on the edge. Bobbi spread Amelia open and traced her tongue around the inner folds. Amelia squirmed and moaned against Bronwyn's pussy. Bronwyn, whom was well on the fringe of coming, stopped grinding on Amelia's tongue and moved to the edge of the bed.

"I want you both to lick me." She entreated, nudging Amelia down on to the floor.

Bronwyn opened her legs wide. Amelia began kissing her left thigh, as Bobbi pushed two fingers inside Bronwyn. Their tongues lapped over each other as both licked Bronwyn's vulva. Amelia sucked Bronwyn's folds next, while Bobbi continued to fuck her. When their tongues collided, Bobbi and Amelia would stop and kiss for a moment, then return to consuming Brownwyn. That alone drove Bronwyn crazy with lust. Her moans and grunts were evolving from husky to strained. Amelia had her mouth full of Bronwyn's clit and Bobbi had her fingers in deep, when Bronwyn's hips started bouncing and grinding. White secretions squirted past Bobbi's fingers as Bronwyn whimpered blissful groans. She had come quicker than usual. The brown haired girl normally lasted longer. The two on the floor kissed Bronwyn's throbbing pussy, as the muscles in her body relaxed. Bobbi and Amelia moved their kisses up Bronwyn's sensitive body, stopped to suck on intense nipples before going up to her neck and then lips. All three kissed and caressed each other for a moment.

"Mmmm." Bronwyn moaned. "Let me watch you fuck each other."

That very statement got both Amelia and Bobbi excited. Bronwyn defiantly had a way with words. She sat back against the headboard to observe. Amelia laid Bobbi on her back and nibbled on her breasts. Bobbi was squirming and tingling all over.

"Turn over." Bronwyn ordered her girlfriend.

Bobbi complied with no ado. Amelia could tell all of this was further turning her on. As she kissed down Bobbi's back, the boyish-girl raised her ass up a bit. Amelia kissed the well formed cheeks, slowly working her way in between. Bobbi's breathing became audible. Amelia stopped to work a finger inside Bobbi's pussy, which was very tight. She then circled her tongue around the puckered hole. Bobbi's body jumped forward a bit, caused by a jolt of thrill. She began moaning and rubbing her face into the mattress. Amelia was giving Bobbi's ass nice long licks, as her finger poked the girl's g-spot. The whole scene pressed Bronwyn to fondle herself. When Bobbi could feel her climax creeping she turned over, sat up on her elbow and pushed Amelia's face into her crotch.

Amelia covered Bobbi's vulva with her mouth and sucked hard. Bobbi moaned low and her body jerked repeatedly, as her orgasm spasmed through every nerve. While Bobbi laid back to recover, Bronwyn pulled Amelia over to sit back against her. She reached around to play with Amelia's breasts and kissed around her ear. Amelia leaned back and closed her eyes. Bronwyn's body felt so warm. Those crazy love-sick feelings began to return. 'Fuck, I want you all to myself. I want you to hold me like this everyday', Amelia was thinking, as their lips met for a gratifying kiss.

Amelia barely noticed Bobbi's tongue on her clit. She broke the kiss and looked down. Then shivered from the sensation. Bronwyn pulled on Amelia's nipples lightly, causing her friend's skin to prickle.

"Her mouth feels so good, doesn't it?" Bronwyn whispered in Amelia's ear.

"Mmm." Was all the blond girl could say.

"I told her you taste so good." Bronwyn's voice was so alluring right then, that it was painful. "Will you let her fist you?"

"Mmmmmm, yes." Amelia was more than happy to.

Bobbi came up and kissed Amelia deeply. Some lube, pushing and a short time later Amelia was full of Bobbi's hand. It was curled up inside Amelia's pussy and she was totally losing her head. It had been a while since someone had fisted her, but Amelia took in Bobbi well. Amelia's legs were being held up and open by Bronwyn, whom was muttering the dirtiest things.

"Aww fuck. Oooooooh not too hard. Yesssss right there. Mmmmmm." Amelia had her head draped back on her friend's shoulder, as she groaned blissfully.

Amelia seemed so transfixed on coming, that Bronwyn felt she would too. By the way the blond girl was licking her lips and groaning made Bobbi's heart race. Amelia finally squealed and spasmed, uttering her own raunchy words, as she climaxed. The next thing she knew, Amelia woke to the sound of a lawnmower. It was early morning. She was still in Bronwyn's bed. Her friend and Bobbi were still sleeping peacefully when Amelia went downstairs to make coffee. Amelia was sitting with a bowl of fruit when Bobbi and Bronwyn came into the kitchen.

"Hey." Amelia smiled.

"Hi." Bronwyn smiled back sleepily.

All appeared normal, until Bronwyn said, "Where were you last night?"

"What?" Amelia was confused.

"Did you ever come downstairs?" Bronwyn asked.

Amelia paused for a moment. "Huh?"

"Well if you did, I totally don't remember. All I know is I popped a mind relaxer earlier in the night. Probably shouldn't have done that."

"Who gave us those?" Bobbi asked.

It all began making sense to Amelia. A friend of theirs, a year or so before then, had made the same mistake. The friend said how they took a sedative to get high, drank and could not remember a thing. Amelia decided not to tell them what really happened. She forever kept this to herself and the pain. Amelia had hoped the experience would bring her closer to Bronwyn in a more romantic way. However, it only ached her heart more.

to be continued.......comments please ;)

Brittany Patrice Gay

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