Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Sep 17, 2002


Title: Stories from the life-The life



Skyla Huxley, leaning into the waves of the music of her stereo, smoking weed through a bong in her room. Led Zepplin and life was good. A hit, a very palpable hit, thought Skyla as she took a deep hit off the bong.

She heard, or thought she heard, the front door downstairs of the two-story house open and close. She'd been alone in the place, except for Red and one of her hoes fucking in the next room. She'd been alone with Led Zepplin and the bong. No longer. She hoped it wasn't Demetrius. She took another hit of the water pipe, held it in till she thought her lungs would implode within her.

It was Demetrius. Oh damn.

Ok, so Demetrius, with her short black hair, her lean muscular body, her honey colored eyes, and bright smile, was what a lot of girls thought was "sexy". Even Skyla could have thought that. She might have over looked Demetrius' self-absorption, flamboyant ways, her ego trips, but if only Demetrius for some unfathomable reason, wasn't after Skyla's ass. If only she hadn't tried, more than once to seduce her. Skyla didn't mind messing around with girls like Demetrius- lean, smiling, studs with dazzling smiles. But Skyla Huxley had never been, and most certainly did not want to be fucked. She of course didn't mind a little oral given to her but to be entered with a strap-on, even fingers, was a no-no.

"Hey Sky," said Demetrius kissing Skyla right on the lips. A kiss Skyla wasn't sure she really enjoyed. "A few of the `family' were gonna go to the gay pride parade a few blocks away." Continued Demetrius, "I wanted to know if you wanted to come along."

Demetrius, being the shameless slut that she is, batted her long eyelashes at Skyla. "Can I hit that?"

"What, the bong or my ass?" asked Skyla.

"The bong silly girl" laughed Demetrius.

Skyla passed the water pipe to Ms. Detri and, with an audible sigh, pulled on her Abercrombie flip-flops and struggled to her feet. Not that it would be necessarily a bad thing, but she felt duty bound to go. Even though Skyla didn't really like Demetrius' silly friends, a trip to the annual gay pride parade would be cool.

Demetrius handed the pipe back to Skyla, and she took one last hit.

"...and she's buying a stairway to heaven", kvetched Led Zepplin, as Skyla hit the stop button on her stereo. In the sudden silence, the sounds of vigorous fucking became clear. Red had left her bedroom door half open, and on the way out, Skyla snuck a look. A young skinny girl, just Red's type, was lying on her back on Red's king sized bed, legs in the air, her long braids splayed all over the paisley patterns of the African bedspread. Red's tanned body hunched over her, plowing into the girl's pussy with a strap-on. The older woman (Red) had the girl's wrists pinned down to the bed, which rocked and shifted with every hard stroke. By the time Skyla and Demetrius had gotten to the front door, Red climaxed, her moans echoing through out the empty house.

It was a typical summer day in Chicago, which was to say a hot, clear day. As the six of them headed to the parade, Demertrius chattered on about some party being held at rainbow beach that night.

"This is gonna be so damn fun" Demetrius was saying "Its gonna be as fun as last year. I'm so excited!"

"Well honey," said the glamorous Sidney Porter purred, "take a valium."

Tomgirl, Ms. Center of attention, put her hand to her ear in an exaggerated flourish. "Could those be the sounds of our gay pride? Are we there yet? And does anyone have another joint?"

Parker Sunglow, the only man among them, grimaced comically. "Tomgirl, your already stoned to your balls!"

"You should talk," said little Tomgirl cutely.

Parker Sunglow smiled. "No hope without dope."

"Over that way", said Skyla Huxley, feeling a little put off by all the flamboyance in full sail. "I think I can see the parade."

When they turned the corner near the local guitar shop, there it was, the procession, a gaggle of gays and lesbians in rainbow colored clothing, leaping, cheering, smiling, and dancing. There was a light smell of leather of leather daddies and the smell of weed of a group of tomboys somewhere around. Floats rolled down the street loaded up with drag queens, even drag kings. A group of people ran down the street waving the honorary rainbow flags. So many people everywhere happy and proud to be a gay, happy to be a lesbian, happy to be a bisexual.

A float full of sexy guys and girls came passing by catching everyone's eyes. And Sidney thinking `clit-first' ran and jumped right on the moving mobile, dancing on every girl she could.

"Oh shit" said Parker "That looks fun."

And soon the whole gang jumped on the floats procession, except for Skyla who was, in fact, about to slip away when she spotted the cute young girl, the tall bicurious girl who also noticed her.

"I don't think I should be doing this," the girl had said as Skyla led her back to her house. The girl had come down to the parade, letting her curiosity lead her there. But now she was lying there naked on Skyla's bed, her long legs trailing off the mattress, her Baby Phat clothing heaped in a corner of the room. And though the girl said she had never done it with a girl before, her nipples pointed to the ceiling and her pussy was extravagantly wet.

Skyla looked down at the girl's pretty face, her closed eyes, her shaved pussy cunt. At the girl's thin well-defined body and her glistening pussy. Sex with straight girls, she thought. A turn on. Skyla kissed up the girls' leg, up her thigh till her lips reached the girl's pussy. She buried her face in the girl's crotch, feeling the smooth skin against her cheek, sniffing in the smell, the smell of sweet clean pussy. When she licked the girls' vertical slit, the girl moaned. "Mmmmmmmm."

So Skyla moved her tongue down, raised the girls legs in the air, and licked at the tight puckered asshole. As Skyla slurped her way inside, she played with the girls' swollen clit. This time the girl moaned even louder. Skyla rubbed her own clit as she ate out the girls' ass.

"Oh shit I'm gonna...." And the butt hole contracted around her tongue, the clit throbbed and a stream of girl cum flowed onto Skyla's tongue. "Oh fuck!" the girl screamed as she pinched and pulled her nipples while a strong orgasm washed over her completely. Skyla came herself, coming all over her hand. The smell of girl sex joined the wraft of lit incense in the air.

"Didn't know you liked my type too" said Red after the girl was gone on her way. Red, Skyla's best friend since high school, was like the house leader. She was an actual published author. Skyla thought Red's novel My right hand, my woman' was a little silly, let alone the damn title. Lately though Red's writings had consisted largely of articles in the intercommual newsletter Gay Times'.

"So where is everyone?" asked Skyla sitting at the kitchen table with Red.

"Chloe and Kimera went to visit Chloe's parents before the wedding , Demetrius I don't even know were the hell she at as usual, and Teddy is still at the doctor getting that yeast infection checked out. I told her about messing with those dirty bisexual bitches. And oh yeah a friend of mine from New York just got into town. She got to the crib while you were up in your room making all that noise. She's out buying some guitar strings."

The doorbell rang.

"That's her", said Red as she went to answer the door. About a minute later, Red and her friend stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Skyla, this is Dallas from New York," said Red. Dallas was a stud as well as Skyla and Red. She was pretty damn tall, built, short-haired, and dressed in Timberland wear from head to toe. She looked about their age, twenty, twenty-four.

"Hey Skyla" said Dallas shaking her hand with quite a grip.

"I'm sure you two will get along just fine and have a lot to talk about" grinned Red, "She's a 'top' too."

"Where have you dykes been?" Skyla asked Demetrius and her silly friends. She tried to remember whether it was exactly the same bunch that she had gone to the parade with, but while Dallas kicked back, Skyla and Red had been sampling the weed they had grown.

"Well if you must know we stayed at the parade for a minute, flirted with some parade girls, threw stuff at those anti-gay protesters, and got something to eat.", little Tomgirl preened. She was a cute little thing, Skyla knew, but she fucked like a wild cat, all scratching and Spanish curses once she got a tongue or strap up her pussy. Skyla knew this first hand.

The doorbell rang.

"Who the hell could that be?" asked Demetrius.

"Its my little sister and her friend. Their going to the beach party with us." Said Skyla.

"Oh good! A bunch of little baby dykes to play with", said Sidney, who everyone knew was a pedophile at heart.

Skyla let her guests in.

"Oh my god! They're adorable!" gushed Tomgirl.

"Yes very" said Sidney licking her lips.

"How old are these cute little things?" asked Demetrius being as silly as her friends.

"Eighteen" said Skyla's sister who had a look on her face,wondering why these people were acting this way.

"Awwwwww, how sweet" said Demetrius. "So what's your name?"

"Coco" said Skyla's sister. "And this is Kandy"

"Oh those are such cute suitable names." Said Sidney.

"Ok, why is everyone acting silly?" asked Coco.

"Because they ARE silly." Said Skyla.

"Lookie what I got" said Parker Sunglow waving a paper baggie in everyone's view, in which contained a handful of small white pills. Acid tabs.

"How much?" asked Red, ever the stoned businesswoman.

"On the house" said Parker.

He passed the baggie around. Each of them took a little white tab and popped it in her mouth. Everyone but Dallas.

"That's ok. Trying to stay clean" she smiled.

"Well shit, give me hers" said Red.

By the time they reached rainbow beach, Skyla had started to come on to the Acid. On full-moon nights like this, the beach was alive with activity. Loud urban music was being played out of someone's ride. Babies (young dykes) behind rocks screwing or smoking weed or whatever. While everyone went their own way, Demetrius ran off with her silly friends, Coco ran off with her gray-eyed girlfriend, Kandy went to flirt; Skyla lay back in the sand. She realized that the beach itself was alive, a pulsing, magical organism that rippled beneath her back. She looked up dizzily, and began to feel sick to her stomach. Then she got a severe case of the giggles. And then floated clear off the Earth and looked back on herself lying there stoned in the moonlight, and the world began to melt, thaw, and resolve into itself into a dew. In other words Skyla was stoned off her ass at this moment.

I'm just stoned', she heard herself thinking. I know what this is'. Only there was no way to define "this", just the overwhelming kaleidoscope of patterns that had begun to pinwheel behind her eyes.

Suddenly she refocused on the full moon after, what, a minute? A year? What meaning did time have anyway, when it was omni-dimensional. And is there really such a thing as the `right time'? People set watches and clocks a minute or/and a second off, so how would you know what time it is REALLY?

"You ok?" asked Parker Sunglow's voice, his face staring down at her, refused to settle down, and kept shifting and shifting. First she tried to understand what his question meant, could mean. Then she tried to nod without it flying off into space. Then she tried to say something, maybe she was saying something, but.... every.....word......became....a...solid.....object. And then Parker Sunglow laughed, became a monster and was gone.

She got to her feet and was walking, walking with these people. Her family. She looked across the beach, Skyla saw her sister disappear in the darkness with her girlfriend; she watched the two grow up over the years. Skyla felt herself about to cry. It was all too beautiful to think about. She walked till she saw Tomgirl, who dropped her knees and looked so vulnerable as a man with a immense hard-on waved his dick in her face. A hard-on' thought Skyla What a funny thing to have.'

Tomgirl wrapped her lips around the purple dickhead of the man's bulging cock and suddenly Skyla was so much closer, just inches away, so she could watch the wonderous sliding of hard cock flesh in wet mouth. And then the man pushed the young girl to the ground, and Tomgirl raised her legs so the man could go inside her. The man entered her and Tomgirl moaned and screamed. Maybe in some foreign language. Though all words were foreign, only flesh and desire and fucking were true. And as Tomgirl rammed her fingernails into the man's furry back, Parker stood over their straining bodies as he stroked his own long dick until he arched his body backward and spurted long shining ropes over the bodies below him. But Tomgirl and the man weren't done yet, and Skyla realized she was rubbing her pussy as she knelt beside them all, and it felt amazingly good. Someone's hands were on her shoulders, moving down her back, and she did not look to see who it was, because she was afraid she already knew. It was one of her friends, a friend who wanted what she was not prepared to give. The hand moved down to her pussy, almost inside her. She looked up. It was Demetrius. As she knew it would be. "Skyla I love you", Demetrius seemed to be saying.

She probably pushed Demetrius away because she was standing and no one was touching her. As she was walking, past maybe the sounds of Ludacris, and part of her must have been functioning well, the homing-instinct part, because she opened a door, went upstairs, and glided into her room, lit a candle and a stick of incense, and closed her eyes, sinking deep into the flow of feelings and thoughts.

"Hey, you're back. How're you doin'?"

Skyla's eyes flew open.


Skyla tried to figure out who she was, the tall stranger in her house.

"Dallas, remember? Red's friend."

"Dallas? DallasDallasDallasDallasdallasdallas." It was all too funny.

"What's so funny?" but Dallas' voice sounded like she was in on the joke.

"I'm just....just...just.."

"Stoned on acid, huh?" the tall woman's face kept changing, became friendly, then scary, then beautiful, very very beautiful.

"Must be some good stuff," said the beautiful woman. And she put her arm around Skyla. It felt good. She realized she must have been cold from being naked at the beach. Half naked. Half a naked is better than none.

Skyla laid her hand on Dallas' breast, feeling the nipple becoming hard under her touch. Dallas drew Sky to her chest. Skyla looked into the woman's face. Wise and sexy and beautiful all at once.

Her pussy felt so good.

"Lets move to the bed" Dallas said.

Skyla's mattress was covered with books. She swept it all onto the floor, kneeled on the bed, and waited. Waited for whatever Dallas wanted to do, for whatever Dallas was meant to do, for what Dallas would make her do. Skyla was coming down on the acid a little; the acid rush had ebbed enough so that Skyla was able to figure out that she was on acid. But she still wanted Dallas to do whatever Dallas was meant to do that moonlit night.

The sexy woman pulled off Skyla's shirt. When she felt the strong hands on her torso, Skyla trembled. And then Skyla was laid on her back, looking up at the ceiling, at half naked posters of models on the walls, and Dallas was pulling at Skyla's clothes. Naked. Skyla Huxley was naked with another woman. A woman, who kissed her gently on the lips, then moved her mouth down over her chest, stopping to suck an intense nipple, then her belly, down to her pussy. The woman circled Skyla's hole with her tongue. She tried to shut it tight. Only she didn't because she didn't want to, because it felt so good, this amazing connection, the wet tongue probed inside her, the place her mother always told her was dirty. But it wasn't dirty; it was shining as full as the moon. And then the tongue, the sensation, disappeared. She jerked open her eyes. Dallas' face was inches from her own.

"Never been fucked before?" the beautiful woman asked.

"No" the words came out of Skyla's mouth. They must have. "No, but I want you to."

"Red warned me about you. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Just relax. You're too damn cute to hurt." The face smiled. "Much"

A finger pressed into Skyla's hole, which was tight and virginal.


"No what?" asked Dallas.

And Skyla thought she wanted to say ` No, I won't let you fuck me', but instead she said, "No, it won't hurt.

"Wait, be right back", said Dallas.

And Skyla could have got up, pulled on her clothes and closed her bedroom door, but she lay there, legs in the air, till Dallas returned. And Dallas knelt between her legs, pressed at her hole, this time the finger slid right in. Skyla moaned lightly.

"See, you know you want it." said Dallas.

And Skyla did want it; want that finger inside her, no not the finger as good and startling as it felt. She wanted something else inside her.

"I want a dick inside me," said Skyla. Weird.

"I know you do," said Dallas, her voice sounding extremely sexy.

Skyla looked down and saw Dallas' strap sticking out of her boxers.

"Its so shinny", Skyla said.

"Baby oil. That's what I went to go get. Baby oil." Said Dallas. She rested Skyla's legs on her shoulders and pressed the toy against her hole and Skyla thought `This is it, where I lose my cherry' and "cherry" seemed so funny, like she was a sundae or something, that Skyla almost laughed, but before she could, the shaft of rubber slid inside her and she gasped and it might have hurt a little bit, but Skyla couldn't tell because she felt like sparks were shooting out from the top of her skull. Suddenly an incredible feeling overwhelmed her pussy and her body as Dallas slipped in and out of her. The feeling felt so good it was almost too much for her to bare. Skyla wanted it to never stop.

She felt like a woman, like a man. She felt like a dyke. She felt like a happy little girl.

"You're crying?" Dallas sounded concerned.

"Just fuck me" said Skyla wiping away the salty tears.

And Dallas slapped her on the ass, which should have upset her, but just added intensity as the woman's big, fake sex tube rammed over and over again into her. Weird. And animal. And right.

"I got you girl. You're safe with me" said Dallas.

Skyla threw her arms around the woman's neck and held on.

"That's better", said Dallas. "Its nice to see a smile on your face."

The room kept spinning for hours.

Skyla slept till noon. She lay among her rumpled sheets for a while, feeling simultaneously drained and renewed. Ravaged. Reborn. Trying to recall just what had happened the night before. Her pussy still pulsed with pleasure.

When she staggered into the kitchen for tea, the first thing Teddy Bear said to her was, "well someone got well and truly fucked last night."

"Does it show?" Skyla smiled blearily.

"Yep" Teddy's cute chubby cheeks broke into a grin.

"So is that Dallas around?" Skyla hoped she sounded at least a little nonchalant.

"Red's friend? Nope left this morning."

"Left? For where?"

"Didn't say but it sounded like she wouldn't be back for a while. But she left you something though." Teddy pointed to an envelope, addressed to Skyla, on the table.

Skyla tore it open. There was a single sheet of paper that read two words: "Nice pussy."

Skyla spent the afternoon in her room, listening to Alanis Morisette. Yes. Alanis was something she listened to when she was feeling low and at that moment, that's how she felt. She tried to recapture the visions of the night before, drawing elaborate patterns with oil paints.

Red would come in every once in a while and smile enigmatically, or tousle Skyla's hair. But she never talked about the night before. And swore that she didn't know where Dallas had gone.

At sundown, Skyla went to Teddy's room down the hall and told Teddy how she was feeling. How she felt a little used and lonely.

"It'll be ok, Sky" Teddy had said. "Its normal to feel that way when the wrong person takes something like that away from you. It happens to the best of us."

When Skyla was feeling emotionally raw, like she did today, Teddy's advice and big smile could be a lifesaver.


Next: Chapter 5: After School Special

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