Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Jul 14, 2003


Stories from the Life- The next 4 weeks




Hello fans.This is indeed another story but I want to try something diffrent this time. A friend of mine said I write too much sex and made a very valid point on their saying that. It was so valid that I thought "Hey, perhaps others feel the same way."So in result with this story, there will be some sex( of course) but some soft spots.I hope you enjoy.Any feedback is very welcome.Oh and another little thing, if you see

this---->"@as", that just means "At Another point."

Chapter 1

"Whew!" said Chris letting her suitcases drop on the floor. "We're finally here"

The group of friends stepped into the miami beach house which was to be their home for the month of July. It was furnished with everything seven seventeen year olds may need. The house was loaned to them by Chris and Ashley's' mother whom owned it. The only instructions she left to them was "not to fuck it up and buy their own damn food." Those were her exact words.

"How many rooms are there again?" asked Tandra who was big on her privacy.

"Like about uh... three up stairs and two down the hall and one in the attic."said Chris. "Which means two people will have to shack up in one room or sleep on the back porch which is closed in."

"Well I wouldn't mind the back porch." said Atlantis.

"Ok.Well lets all find where we wanna sleep" said Chris and with that everyone went their own way.Ashley followed Atlantis to the back where they found a futon, some chairs and a table.The porch was screened in and had a roof to block out the outside.It also over looked the blue water of the ocean,and right outside the screen door was the finished patio.This was perfect!

"You sure you wanna be out here?" asked Ashley.

"Yeah." said Atlatis looking around her new bedroom.

"Well I wouldn't mind you sleeping in my room" Ashley had a lusty twinkle in her eye.

"I'll be fine.When it rains it'll help me sleep, I can watch the sun come up, smell the ocean.This is a great place to be.I'm suprised no one is fighting me for this spot" explained Atlantis.

"Ok.You can put your clothes in my room if you like.Hmm speaking of room, I better go find one" Ashley giggled at herself and skipped off to find a place to sleep. Atlantis smiled at how silly her pink haired friend was. Ashley had been trying for the longest time to sleep with Atlantis but failed to do so.Its not that Atlantis didn't find Ashley attractive, its just the fact that they were in a way cousins.By marriage that is.Ashley's mother was married to Atlantis' aunt.They could pass off as cousins but the only huge diffrence was that Ashley was white and Atlantis was black.LOL She knew Ashley has had a big crush on her for the longest and in return Atlantis had been crushing on her as well.The reason for them not ever hooking up was because one: they were cousins and two: because they had been bestfriends since they were little big headed children.To Atlantis, getting involved could hurt their friendship.


Meanwhile across the other side of the water sat another beach house. Outside swiming in the water was the four girls that lived in the shack. Lovett, the house leader, looked across the way and saw unknown figures outside the house.

"Hey, Cassidy" said Lovett to her new little girlfriend "Hand me some bonoculars"

Cassidy got up for her beach chair and handed Lovett what she had asked for.She looked through the eye holes to examine the new comers.

"Hmmm" Lovett thought to herself checking out the girls.They all had pretty faces from what she could see.That bothered Lovett.She had a feelings these girls could be trouble or maybe it was her own insecurity kicking in like it always did when a female more attractive came along.Not that Lovett wasn't sexy herself.She knew she was hot.Was damn proud of it but would swear up and down she is not full of herself.Bullshit.

"Whatca lookin at?" asked Lex, one of the house mates and a very goodfriend of Lovett's.

"Them over there." Lovett pointed "I wonder what they're on."

"What do you mean?" asked Lex.

"Like are they 'family' "said Lovett.

"Naw.I don't remember having cousins coming to visit" said Lex.

"No, idiot.I mean 'family' as in rainbow.Gay.You can be a real fuckin jackass when you wanna be. Ya know that?" spat Lovett.A real fucking asshole when she wanted to be.

"We should get them to come to our party on the 4th" said Lex.Always the calm one.

"Well everybody comes to our parties.No need in trying.They'll come."Lovett smiled at her own little pun.

"Hey it looks like some people are coming to visit" said Kimber, another house mate.

Lovett had just then realized she turned her attention away from what caught her eye in the first place.She looked over at the long plank that connected the two beaches to see three people walking on it.

"Who are they?" asked Octavia, the last housemate coming over to join her 3 friends.

"I don't even know but sure looks like we're about to find out" said Lovett.


When they made their way over Chris, Ashley, and Jamie introduced themselves.The six girls they approached had their lovely tans and cute faces.All were tomboys.

"Nice to meet you all" said the short,black haired Lex.

"Same here" said Chris.

"So uh whats the purpose of you guys being here?" asked Lovett.

"Well we wanted to do something diffrent this year so my mothers loaned us their beach house." explained Ashley.

"Mothers?" questioned Kimber with a confused frown.

"Well we have two" said Chris.

"Oh.Oooh.Ok.Looks like they have a bit of cash on their hands" said Lovett "You two must be spoiled rotton."

Chris and Ashley chuckled. "Perhaps or so I've been told" said Chris. Cassidy,big on name brand clothing, eyed Chris' clothing searching for a company name.

"Fubu?"said Cassidy "Isn't that a black clothing company?"

"Well yeah but I like to be diffrent"Chris smiled making her dark green eyes shine.Cassidy was charmed.She then looked at Ashley's clothes.

"Roxy,huh?" said Cassidy "Yep, spoiled rotton."

"Well anyways, what you girls doin' on the 4th?" asked Octavia, unable to stop staring at the blonde Jamie whom she found extremly attrative.

"Uh we really haven't thought about all that." said Chris.

"Well we always throw a big beach party on days like that so you guys are more than welcome to come" said Lovett. "Everybody is gonna be there."

"Ok.We'll look into that." said Jamie catching Octavia staring.Jamie just grinned.


After the guests had left, the house mates went on to talking.

"I call the one with the pink hair." said Kimber.

"No asshole, I get first pick and you know that." said Lovett. "I call the one with the pink hair.What was her name? Ashley?"

"Yeah" said Lex. "The other twin was hot and the blonde was cute too but I really don't go for the boyish type." Lex herself was a tomboy."I'll wait and see what the other girls look like.Didn't they say something about four others?"

"Yeah."said Octavia. "I personally like the blonde.Did you see the imprint of that stomach threw her shirt?Nice and cut."

Cassidy kept her desires for Chris to herself, knowing how insecure and babyish Lovett can become when new studs came around.


"Pug! Pug!Pug!" Jamie yelled down the beach for Ashley's little dog.It had ran out the house when everyone else went out shopping for food.Jamie stayed behind to fix things up.

"Pug!Pug!You little son of a bitch!Pug!" Jamie knew Ashley just adored her little dog.She knew Ashely would rip her head off if she found out she has lost Pug.

Suddenly Jamie spotted the little pup running down the beach,she ran after.

"Get back here you fuckin' rat!" Jamie called out. Pug looked back, wagged her tail and ran faster making Jamie curse more. They ran so far, they made it to the other end of the beach where another beach house sat. Pug dodged under the porch and Jamie craweled right under.

"What on earth!" said I voice.Jamie, shocked, grabbed the pup and came from under the porch to see a woman standing in the door way.Hands on her hips looking a bit upset.

"Oh uh sorry.My friends' little...... dog got loose and.... I had to chase and it hid" Jamie was clearly out of breath and found it hard to speak.

"Oh really?" the 5'5 woman raised an eye brow.

"Yeah.Sorry if I interrupted your studies or anything." Jamie said trying to keep the little dog in her arms from moving.

"Its fine I suppose" said the brown haired woman "though I was deep in my Susie Bright novel."

"Oh... uh... her books are cool."

"Aren't you a bit young to be reading such books?"

"Trust me, I do alot of things I'm too young for."

"Hmmmm. How old are you by the way?"


"Uh huh.Way too young to be involved in what ever you call yourself doing."

"But I sure know what I'm doin' when I do it" Jamie winked.

"What are you trying to say, little girl?" the woman crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well I can show you better than I can tell you." a cocky grin crossed Jamie's lips.

The older woman narrowed her eyes. "Lets wait till your older than I. Then we can talk."

"Huh? Lady, thats utterly impossible."

The beautiful woman smiled and said "I prove my point."

Jamie frowned.

"Oh and you might want to clean that dog piss off your shirt" added the woman. Jamie looked down and sure enough there was a warm spot of piss on the front of her blue muscle shirt.


"Pugs can be a hand full" said Nina, the attractive brunette Jamie had just met.She handed Jamie a dry towel "My wife and I have two."

Jamie paused from wiping the piss on her shirt. "Wife huh?" she said. "I'd like one of those some day."

"Your not gonna get at that stain like that.Take that shirt off and I'll clean it for you." said Nina.

Jamie pulled off the tank and handed it to her. Nina took a quick glance at Jamie lovely tummy.

"Six pack? Alot of girls around here have those.Must be a new trend" said Nina.

"No. I pretty much had it all my life sort of.I did alot of dancing, gymnastics and ballet as a kid." explained Jamie.

"Be happy you have it.I bet all the girls fall for that stomach and that pretty face" said Nina.

Jamie blushed. "Well thank you. I never really used to like how my stomach cut like that or never used to think I was all that cute.Back in my home town I didn't get much attention and when I did it was only to be made fun of for having a boyish shape."

"Where are you originally from?" asked Nina.

"A small town in North Carolina." said Jamie.Her face almost sad and her icy blue eyes lost their twinkle.

"I thought I heard an accent" said Nina.

"Its fading a bit since I moved to chicago like two year ago."said Jamie.

"Chicago?What the hell are you doing all the way down here?" asked Nina rising her brown eye brows.

"Some friends and I came down here for vacation today. We're staying in that house down the beach for the month.It belongs to my friend's mother."

"Oh really.Well I hope you kids don't fuck it up and I pray your not as bad as those bastards across the water. Damn kids and their outragious parties.More like orgies if you ask me."

"Don't worry, we're pretty laid back.Well, at times we are.Where you from by the way?"

"New york.I needed a damn vacation and some time away from the misses."

"How long you guys been together if you don't mind me askin'"

"Seven years now.Been married since I was 27."

"Oh wow.Thats cool." Jamie then heard her watch beep.It read 8pm. "Hey I better go.I need to get this mutt back home before my buddy finds her gone.She'll beat my damn head off." Jamie said walking to the door.

"Don't you want some thing to cover up with?" asked Nina pointing out Jamie only had on a sports bra.

"Oh.Its fine.I usually walk around like this anyway" said Jamie.

'Shit, I wish I could do that.' Nina thought this to herself thinking about her own pudge of a stomach.

When Jamie was off down the beach, Nina leaned against the door frame as she watched the young girl go on her way.

'Wish I was 17 again' thought Nina. 'It'll be nice to fuck something fresh like that again.........or maybe I don't have to wish.' A evil grin came over Nina as she thought of all the fun she could have with that little blonde girl. Now she couldn't wait for Jamie to come by and get her shirt.


"POW!!!!" a loud noise could be heard from the other side of the water,waking Atlantis from her peaceful slumber. She rubbed her eyes and stepped out onto the patio.Fixing her eyes against the bright sun, Atlantis could see figures over the water popping off fireworks.

"POW POW" was heard followed by someone yell "WHEW!!HAPPY 4TH!!!!"

Atlantis couldn't help but grin and shake her head. "What a bunch of jackasses." she said before turing into the house.

After freshing up in the bathroom, Phoenix stumbled into the kitchen to find Atlantis and Tandra sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Tandra I didn't think this was your morning routine as well" said Phoenix.

"I suppose your routine is kicking the bitch out your bed.Is that right?" said Tandra sipping her steaming cup of black coffee. Phoenix just flipped her cousin the finger. Chris and Ashley came tumbling in followed by Chris' little bassett hound Buddha.

"Jeez, these girls can really start early." said Chris running her hand through her shaggy brown hair. It'll look better once she got some gel on it.

"Oh yeah" said Ashley "They sure are having that party.I hope it'll be a blast."

"A blast" said Chris mimicking her twins' innocent voice.

"Suck my feet you white son of a bitch." said Ashley elbowing Chris in the stomach.

"Whats the game plan for today?" asked Phoenix.

"Uh....lets go swimming" said Chris. "I can't wait to jump in the water."

The friends jumped when they were startled by a loud 'BANG!'


It was night fall soon enough. The beach party was full of young bodies dancing and grinding to the blasting music.Plenty of drinking, smoking and sex was in full sail. Lex went walking by herself along the plank to the otherside. She wasn't really a party person.Wasn't really into scoring girls that much either. Not that she didn't like sex, but didn't try to make it a daily routine like her other friends did. Lex was about to lit up a ciggerette when she saw a light coming off the side of the house of the new kids. She could see a figure sitting alone in the screened in porch.

'Didn't I just see you?' Lex thought to herself reconizing the brown skinned girl.

Lex went right up the steps of the tall patio and softly knocked on the screen door.


It startled Atlantis a bit. She was deep in her new Ann Rice novel.

"Sorry to disturb ya" said a girl from the otherside of the screen door."Why did you leave the party?"

"Huh? I was never there" said Atlantis.Then she thought. "Oh you must be thinking of my twin sister Phoenix."

"Oh.Sorry" the girl blushed with embarrashment.

"Its ok." Atlantis closed her book and took off her reading glasses. "Mind keeping me company?"

"No.Not at all" said the girl feeling butterflies in her stomach.

"Then come on in.Let me have a look at you."

The girl walked in the room. A bit nervous. Atlantis could have fainted.This girl was incredibly gorgeous. The girl had short black hair in a curly boyish fashion. Her eyes were a outstanding bright green. She had a fair tan and a slim build.Atlantis was a little disappointed about one thing though.

"Your so short" said Atlantis.She didn't like that all the really cute tomboys ended up being shorter than her.

The girl made a face. "Not really. About 5'3."

"Whew.Thats short to me."

"Well how tall are you?"

"6 feet."

The girl's eyes widened. "Damn, your so tall! Ever thought of being a model?"

"Considered it."

"You really should.Your pretty enough to be."

Atlantis smirked.

"I'm serious.Your pure model material.Well, to me you are."

Atlantis could tell how shy this girl was.She stood there with her hands behind her back switching from side to side. She reminded Atlantis of a shy little child asking of its mother's favor.It was so cute.

"How old are you?" Atlantis asked. "16" the girl bit her bottom lip.

"Hmm.Not bad. Whats your name."


"Is that short for something?"

"No.My parents were hippies of some kind."

"I thought my name was odd."

"What is it?" "Atlantis"

"Better than mine" Lex's eyes dropped to Atlantis' book "Interview with a vampire.That was a damn good book."

"Yeah.I love Ann Rice.This is my 18th time reading this"

"Oh my god.You must really like to read."

"I do."

"So you would rather read a book than party with your girls I see."

"Call me a geek but yes.I prefer to be cuddled up with a good book than party."

"I read some too..........Well I mean I would rather read than do whatever.How much do you read a day?"

"I can read two books in 2 hours or less"

"Cool.Have you read those Harry Potter books?" "All in like one day.In my opinion, it was a waste of a day."


"I don't know.Books like that really don't faze me, but the story line and plot was interesting."

"You must be really smart.Whats your GPA?"

"I really don't wanna sound like I'm bragging"

"Just tell me"


Lex froze.She felt so small compared to her own 2.3."

"So whats your reason for strolling on over here?"

"Ummm.....I kinda don't do the party scene myself.My friends tease me for that and shit."

"Why?They seem like a bunch of assholes if you don't mind me saying."

"At times they can be."Lex thought about all the cruel things they would say if she fucked something up or made a mistake.Atlantis looked at the girl with sympathetic eyes.

"LEX! LEX! LEX!" she could hear her name being called from outside.

"I better go" said Lex turning to leave.

"Ok.See ya around." said Atlantis.

When Lex left to run to her friends, Atlantis got up and looked through the screen.Lex and two of her friends had their arm around her shoulder.Atlantis could hear them saying something like "There's this girl that thinks your hot.You gotta meet her."

Atlantis could sense these people treated Lex like a piece of crap even though they seemed like buddy buddies.She just sighed and returned to her Ann Rice but couldn't get the short girl out her mind.


Lex, 20 minutes later, found herself in her room with a girl she hardly even knew.A girl that was hungerally eating away at her pussy.The girl wanted to jump into sex so fast, Lex didn't even have a chance to get wet.She could hear the party right outside her window, the sound of the girl licking her and could even feel her tongue but Lex kept slipping into thinking of the beautiful girl she had just met.Not the one giving her head at the moment, the one with the long sexy legs and baby doll face.Long eyelashes and a suductive smile.

'I have to see her again' was all Lex could think about. 'I have to.'

"How was it?" asked the brown eyed girl between Lex's legs.

"Huh?" Lex looked down realizing she was there in the first place. "Oh. It was great." she lied.

The girl licked her pink lips and smiled. "I better go now.My boyfriend is outside some where"

With that, the girl went off leaving Lex there alone.If there was one thing Lex hated was a girl with a boyfriend.

"Don't try to be a fucking dyke and you got a man" Lex would always say.Being bisexual is one thing. Swearing up and down that your a full fledged lesbian and then go fuck a man is another.

Lex, like usual, curled up into a ball on her bed and held a pillow close to her.She felt so used and alone after sex.No girl ever bothered to hold her.When she tried to talk to her friends about it, they would laugh and call her a baby.Lex cut off her lamp to darken her room but the lights and noise from outside wouldn't allow her to relax in peace.The bed felt cold though the night was humid.

Lex closed her eyes and cried herself to sleep.

to go on.............................

Well, tell me how you like this story so far.I know, I know. There wasn't really any sex but don't worry my friends, it'll come wink wink in the up coming chapters.So yeah, feedback IS needed for some support. Feel free to write ;)

Next: Chapter 10: Mid Summer of Love 2

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