Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Feb 8, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" chapter 8

Mike chatted with the two men for a few minutes and Bradley offered their help. There was no need in them setting up until around dark anyway. More propane was needed so Mike showed Bradley how to weigh the tanks and print the tickets. He introduced Marcus to Lizzie. Mike was at the point he needed to pull out a spare register and Lizzie agreed to run that for him. Mike needed to focus on getting more stock out of storage. His store and the grocery store both looked like the day everyone was concerned about Stuart. There were even trucks and cars parked out in the road.

"Alright boy. Just mark a ticket with how many and send them inside the store." Lizzie said. "Boy ?" Marcus said. "Yes BOY and BOY if you fuck with Mike's money Lizzie will fuck with your head. You feel me ?" Lizzie said. "What is your problem ?" Marcus said. "Don't have one yet. Don't make YOU as my first problem. " Lizzie said. "Damn you can be bitchy." Marcus said. "Oh I am the one and the only true bitch. You don't want to meet that side." Lizzie said before walking off. "Bitch." Marcus whispered. "That's me ." Lizzie called back as she adjusted her wig.

Bradley was a ruggedly handsome man. Mike was in the stock room and sat down to take a break for a minute. Bradley looked to be in his early to mid thirties. Mike caught a trace of what sounded like a Texas accent. Bradley had fairly short cut dark hair but looked a little coarse and curly. He sported a very close cut dark goatee on his square jaw. His eyes were an ashy color but would make most men he looked at blush. Mike could see hairs from his chest showing through the open button on his shirt. Mike guessed he was close to six foot tall, give or take an inch and he looked like he never drove past a gym. Marcus on the other hand looked to be in his late twenties. He was the California surfer boy. He stood almost the same height as Bradley and had the same muscles but his brown hair was cut short and had blond tips that he spiked with gel. Marcus was loaded with muscles too but the tight white t-shirt showed no signs of hair underneath it and it was obvious from their state of pointed excitement that he loved nipple play. Bradley was a little cocky but in a "I know I am hot" way. Marcus acted in some ways like a privileged twink. Mike had to admit that both men had what looked like hard bubble butts and though Marcus did not show much package wise Bradley bought his jeans to accent his endowment.

Mike grumbled as he toted the cases from the store room. He stocked vienna sausage, canned smoked oysters and sardines for times like this. He hated sardines but anything canned that did not have to be warmed would fill a belly and keep a person going if a storm caused too many problems. People also stocked things like this and beans in their storm cellars. The customers seemed to not wait for him to unpack the cases. They would just grab a full case and head to the register. The line at the stock room had cleared and Mike was able to get at lest one case of everything back on the shelf. He also stacked a couple of full cases in front of the shelf of all the items.

He heard Lizzie at the front door shouting. "Get to work frosty." she shouted. "Who the hell you calling frosty ?" Marcus shouted. "You. Looks like you have mountain peaks with snow on them on top of your head now get to work." Lizzie said. "I got your mountain peaks." Marcus shouted back. "Oh please baby boy. You would get lost in all this now get back to work. You have a line." Lizzie shouted.

Mike walked out to the trailer to give Marcus a break. "Go take a break. I appreciate your help." Mike said. "Who is that crazy bitch ?" Marcus asked. "You mean Lizzie ?" Mike said. "Yeah her. '' Marcus said. "She owns the bakery across the street and let me forewarn you. She is not in bitch mode yet so be careful" Mike said. "Who is that stud over there ?" Marcus said looking towards one of the farm hands loading a pickup. "That is Clay. He is one of the local farm hands." Mike said. "Well I smell cherry pie on my menu." Marcus said. " Careful there. The cherry pies around here carry guns." Mike said. " Well I brushed across his package and planted a hand on his ass while we were getting the cases out and he smiled and winked. I think he needs some of my AK47. Shoots like a machine gun when the time is right." Marcus said. "Just be careful." Mike said. "Well if you are cock blocking you might want to try out my AK47." Marcus said. "Not interested. Sorry and not cock blocking. Just saying be careful is all. Hell if he is willing go for it." Mike said. "Sure you don't want a little taste. I can show you what you are missing with Stuart." Marcus whispered. " Believe me Stuart has more than enough to please any man and I am happy. Go take your break." Mike said.

Kurt was not scheduled to work but came in to help. He took over for Bradley on the propane and once the bakery was sold out Lizzie's niece closed up shop and came and took over for Mike. Mike had given both Lizzie and Hazel a break. Earl had come to get some supplies and brought his neighbors son. Once they had what they needed they began helping others carry their supplies to their cars.

Mike walked out the back door and leaned against the building. He could hear voices so he stepped around the storage building to see Marcus leaned against the building and Bradley peaking around the building towards the propane tanks. "Now that is one hot little corn fed piece of ass." Bradley said. "Who is ?" Mike said, startling Bradley and Marcus. "Who is that boy weighing the propane ?" Bradley asked. "That is Kurt. He works here part time after classes." Mike said. "Damn. You might know he would be jailbait." Bradley said. "No he is eighteen. He is a freshman." Mike said. "So he works here ?" Bradley said. "Yeah a few hours a week." Mike said. "I might need something in the store room not available on the shelves." Bradley said. "Not in my store." Mike said. "Cock blocker." Marcus said. "Not at all. If he is interested that is between you two or you three. Just not in my store and not while he is on the clock." Mike said. "So you don't care ?" Bradley asked. "Non of my business as long as you don't force him." Mike said. "No man can say no to my man here." Marcus said. "Well most men may not but there are some." Mike said and smiled.

Mike went back to the office to use the computer to change the sign outside. "Closing at 5:30. be safe neighbors. Rescue " flashed in sequence on the sign. Marcus had went to their SUV until he spotted Clay helping load cases of water and other items. He quickly made his way to the farm hand who had removed his shirt. "Fuck me, fuck me hard he is hot." Marcus whispered. The hair on his chest was wet and sticking to his skin. "Mmmm." Marcus thought. "Need some help ?" Marcus said. " These older folk need help loading." Clay said. "Hi my name is Marcus." Marcus said, extending his hand. Clay wiped his sweaty palm on his jeans. "Names Carl. Nice to meet you." Carl said. "Believe me the pleasure is all mine." Marcus said and smiled.

"Need some help or a break ?" Bradley asked. "Sure if you could pull the tickets I can fill these faster and get the line down." Kurt said. "My names Bradley. Nice to meet you." Bradley said. "My name is Kurt. Nice to meet you and thanks for the help. You just passing through ?" Kurt said and smiled. " Marcus and I are storm chasers just like Stuart." Bradley said. "So you are like Stuart then ?" Kurt asked. "J u s t like Stuart." Bradley said and winked causing Kurt to blush. "Oh fuck he blushed. He is so fucking cute." Bradley thought. "Sounds like a fun job." Kurt said as he started the pump again on the tanks. "Ever been storm chasing ?" Bradley said. "Not professionally." Kurt said. "If you want you are welcome to ride along with me and Marcus." Bradley said. "Marcus won't mind ?" Kurt said. " Marcus and I are partners, business and otherwise. We work together and sometimes play together." Bradley said and winked.

"You don't have some crops or cattle to prepare for the possible storms ?" Marcus said. "Nah got all that done early. Help these folk out then hunker down at home and wait it out." Carl said. "I guess we are going to look for a motel or something." Marcus said. "Got an empty bedroom if you two don't mind sharing. Beds clean and warm and got hot and cold running water. House is small but concrete and steel so it stays fairly safe. You are welcome to it." Carl said. "Your wife won't mind ?" Marcus said. "Ain't got one and never plan to have one." Carl said and winked at Marcus. "I will talk to Bradley but I am sure he will go for it. Thank you for offering I will let you know." Marcus said. Marcus almost ran to Bradley to tell him about the offer from Carl. Marcus was excited as he told Bradley. "Yeah I know Carl. Lives out at the edge of the old Toller place. Very private." Kurt said.

"So you know where he lives ? Bradley asked. "Sure." Kurt said. " Tell Carl thanks and you go with him. If you don't mind when we close up here I can follow you out if you don't mind showing me the way." Bradley said to Kurt. "No problem." Kurt said. " Kurt here is going to ride along with us tonight. Maybe even more." Bradley said looking at Marcus with a look of I don't want any lip. "Sounds cool to me. I will go tell Carl. See you at his house later." Marcus said before turning to run back around the store.

Closing time came and Mike had talked to Stuart a few times. He was still a few hours out but he said he was only stopping for gas, coffee and to piss. Mike kept stressing for him to be careful. The doors were locked and LIzzie and her niece had left with free supplies for their help. Mike had hidden some items for both Hazel and Kurt. Bradley stood with the group as Mike put the cash in the floor safe and the ammunition in a fireproof vault. "Alright guys like always thanks for the good work. Thanks for the help you and Marcus gave too." Mike said. "I want you two to go home a get safe. Do you have a safe place to go Kurt ?" Mike asked. "He is riding along with me and Marcus tonight. We will keep him safe." Bradley said and winked at Mike. "Make sure he is s a f e." Mike said. "Oh safety is the way we roll." Bradley said.

"You all have a key. You know that we use the store as a rescue command post so the first here open up and we will start head counts." Mike said. "Where is the latest list ?" Hazel asked. "In the safe with the ammo. You all know the combination." Mike said. "Where is Stuart ?" Kurt asked. "He is headed this way but still a few hours out. " Mike said. "Good he will help keep us all safe." Hazel said. "Me and Marcus have this one right here so don't worry about him." Bradley said.

Mike made it home and went to the master bathroom. Before he slowed down to feel the strain of the day he did a little prep for Stuart's arrival home.. Once well cleaned he filled the jacuzzi tub with warm water. Sliding into the water he felt the stress and soreness of the day begin to melt away. Stuart called every few minutes and even thought about pulling over so he could face time to see his lover in the tub but decided he wanted to get there to see it in person.

"Sounds like the first storm is coming fast. If you need a shower might need to get it fast." Carl said. "Oh sure. I did work up a sweat today." Marcus said. Marcus stood in the shower under the warm water. Carl walked into the bathroom and stood beside the toilet. "Um what are you doing ?" Marcus asked. "Clipping my nails. Do it over the toilet so I can just flush it." Carl said. He stood there in his jeans with no shirt. Marcus cock began to grow. Since Carl stood there he slowly tried to put on a show.

A hand touched his back and it brought him out of his soaping fantasy. He turned to see Carl standing behind him in the shower. "Lean over." Carl said. Marcus put his hands on the shower wall and leaned over. Carl took and soaped his hand and began to run it in between Marcus's ass cheeks. "Just making sure you get the important parts good and clean." Carl said just before slipping a soapy finger inside Marcus. "Fuck me." Marcus whispered. "Oh that will happen but it's early yet." Carl said. Marcus had not realized that he had said it loud enough for Carl to hear.

Bradley pulled up and parked the SUV behind Kurt's car. He had stopped and filled the SUV and also filled the tank in Kurt's car. His excuse was that it might be needed. His motive was for Kurt to be more comfortable with him. The door was partially open so they walked into the house. Bradley followed the sounds of the running water to the bathroom. He watched as Carl slowly slid his soapy finger in and out of Marcus's ass. Kurt walked up beside him and Bradley pulled him in front of him and placed his arm around his chest. "Save us some hot water." Bradley said. "Plenty for all." Carl said. Turning the water off and stepping out Marcus's eyes almost buldged. Carl was a walking wet dream and had a huge cock and balls to finish out the fantasy and it was still soft.

Both Carl and Marxus were at the other end of the house with just a towel wrapped around their waist, Kurt's body tingled and seemed to be have lightning bolts shooting through it as Bradley soaped him and washed his body in the shower. When it was Kurt;s turn he was very cautious when it came to Bradley's cock and balls. "Got to get that soap in there boy to get them clean." Bradley said. Kurt did not take near the time on Bradley that he had received but his fingers felt like they had lightning bolts going through them. No one in town knew that Kurt was a total virgin just like Mike was. Everyone had figured that Mike was gay but no lover's around Kurt could not judge how the community would react. His heart almost burst when he saw the turn out at the store to help Mike if needed.

Bradley had gone to the other end while Kurt dried off. Seeing the two still in towels he came back to the bathroom. "I think I have a change of clothes in my car." Kurt said. "Don't need them yet." Bradley said and took Kurt by the arm. Kurt started down the hall just in his towel when Bradley reached out and pulled it from around him. "Don't need that either." Bradley said. Kurt stopped in shock but when Bradley pressed his hairy chest to his back he just wanted to melt into the hunky man. "I like my eye candy." Bradley whispered in Kurt's ear.

"Sounds like we got a little over an hour before the fun starts. I got chili enough for all of you if you are interested." Carl said. Marcus was proud of his body but he still envied the small young guys. Kurt had more of a swimmers build. He was slightly muscular but the only hair besides his head was his crotch and very thin treasure trail. His little ass jiggled a little as he walked and his cock was probably six inches if it got hard. Soft he produced about three inches and tight fitting balls. "Looks quite comfy." Carl said and removed his towel and lay it on the counter. When he turned around Bradley's mouth even dropped open and began to water. "Should have chatted you up at the store a long time ago." Carl said and winked.

Mike had dozed off in the tub. The warm water had soothed his aches and calmed him from the day's chaos. The first tornado siren woke him from his sleep. "Shit." Mike thought as he jumped in the water. Quickly getting out of the tub he did not take time to dry and hurried to grab the small box he kept to carry into the shelter and ran for the back door. He turned and ran back for his cell phone and a portable charger. The wind was blowing and the rain blanketed as he made it out the back door and across the yard to the door to the shelter. As he started in he flipped the switch for the lights to come on. Usually he would watch the radar to see where the tornado was located but he had slept through all the warnings. "Well damn." he thought as he stood there still dripping wet. He found a shirt that he kept in case of emergencies and dried himself off.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Stuart thought as he dodged downed trees and power lines trying to get to the side of town Mike and now he lived in. There was a small tree down between the store and Mike's house. He used his truck to carefully push the tree away enough to get past. Once there he jumped out and grabbed his briefcase and laptop. Hurrying through the gate he stood under the breezeway a second before running for the shelter. Mike was startled as the door flung open at the top of the steps. He thought it was early for Stuart so he looked quickly for the shirt to cover himself thinking a neighbor may have needed shelter.

Stuart tossed everything to the side at the bottom of the steps. "Are you alright ?" Stuart said in a concerned voice. "Welcome home." Mike said. "ARE you alright ?" Stuart said, stripping off his dripping clothes as he walked towards Mike. Mike saw a look of urgency in Stuart's eyes.l "I am fine baby. It sounds rough out there." Mike said. "I was so afraid you tried to stay in the house." Stuart said with the same urgency. "My house ?" Mike said. "It's still there but are you alright ?" Stuart asked, still moving towards Mike. "Baby I am fine. The sirens woke me up in the tub. I forgot to grab clothes." Mike said. "Don't need them. I was so scared." Stuart said as he grabbed Mike and pulled him to his chest.

The kiss was urgent and animal-like. Stuart was almost rough handling Mike but was getting no complaints. I was so fucking scared something had happened to you." Stuart growled in the kiss. By this point, thank goodness, Mike was leaking like a faucet. Stuart was steady collecting the slick liquid and applying it to Mike's ass. His hands were frantic as was his kiss. Mike gasp as Stuart forced two fingers inside Mike's ass and began stretching them and twisting. "I was fucking freaking out." Stuart whispered. "I am fine baby. Even better now that you are here." Mike said. Stuart quickly removed his fingers and turned Mike around. Pushing his shoulders over some he spit into his hand and good three times and lubed his raging cock. Bending his chest over Mike's back and warpping one arm around MIke's chest and the other around his waist he bent his knees. His cock quickly found it's slick target and in one steady but slow motion he pushed into Mike until he lifted Mike to his toes proving he was in balls deep.

"I was so fucking scared." Stuart mumbled as he began to quickly move his cock in and out of Mike. Within moments he was fucking into Mike like a rabbit. He had moved one hand down and began to lightly pull one of Mike's nipples. "Uuuuuhhhhhhhhh......" Mike shouted and sprayed his built up load on the side of the cellar. "FFFFFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK." Stuart shouted as he pushed his cock deep inside MIke. He walked their bodies around as his body trembled and his cock unloaded deep inside Mike. With his arms still wrapped around Mike he moved them to the double bed and slowly lowered them with his hard dick still deep inside Mike flexing. Once they were lying down he turned Mike's head and lightly kissed his lips while he kept him spooned tight with Mike balls deep on his flexing cock.

"Baby I am fine. Was it that bad out there ?" Mike said. "Baby I am so sorry for that. When I saw you were alright the only thing going through my mind was breed him, breed him fast. I am sorry it was so rough." Stuart said, finally relaxing. "Don't be sorry. I actually loved it. I felt loved and protected even though it was a little rough. Hell it still feels like lightning bolts going through my body. "I told you that I loved you but this made me realize that I loved you so much it was crazy." Stuart said. "Baby I am fine, you are fine and I just got well fucked. Our world is good." Mike said. "So you are happy to see me ?" Stuart said and smiled. "Yeah well I didn't want to have to get Bradley or Marcus to do your job. I am thrilled you are home." Mike said. "Those two whores. I dare them to get close." Stuart said. "My hero. Don't worry they have each picked their target. Marcus went after one of the farm hands and Bradley after Kurt." Mike said. "Little Kurt ?" Stuart said. "The same one." Mike said and squeezed his ass ring around the still hard cock buried deep in his bowels. "As long as they stay away from mine." Stuart said, pulling his cock part of the way out and pushing it back deep causing Mike to moan. "You have no worries there." Mike said. "Come here sexy and kiss me." Stuart said.

Next: Chapter 9

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