Story of Us

By Ashton Meyers

Published on May 25, 2011


Disclaimer: The characters in this story are real, but the names have been changed. The events in this story and fictional. This story contains consensual sex between teenage boys, and it may be illegal in your area. If so, please do not read beyond thes point. Or else, go ahead.


"We're here" Mrs. Simon shouted.

I opened my eyes and woke up. After a long journey of six hours, we had finally reached our camping spot. The school had organised a two-day camping trip. As usual, I was pretty reluctant to go because I usually don't go to picnics, parties, etc. But Ryan, my best kept insisting me, and finaly I couldn't turn him down anymore. After all, Tom was also going. He had been my crush since the last five months. We talk sometimes, but not always. I've caught him staring at me a few times, but may be I was overthinking. This has happened to me many times. The day I would catch him staring at me, that sparkling feeling would be in me throughtout the day. I often over estimate things.

I looked outside the window. It was somewhere inside the woods. I thought this was the perfect place to relax from stressful studies.

"It'll be fun. Don't worry." Ryan said, who was sitting beside be. We got down from the bus. It was about 5 o'clock in the evening.

"Actually this is not the real place. We'll be walking a few more miles from here and set up our tents. Please pick up your respective luggages and start walking." Mr. Patric, our chemistry teacher said.

I grabbed my bag and started walking along with the others. After walking for about 3 miles, we reached somewhere near a small river. That was the most beautiful site I had ever seen in my life. There were hills, snow covered mountains far away and this river flowing in between. There was a small wooden bridge that went over the river. Soon, we started setting up our tents.

"Do you have any idea how to put this thing?" Ryan asked.

"Nope. I never went camping." I replied.

"Hey, there's an instruction manual over here. How about I read the manual and you do the setting up?"

"How about I shove up this tent in your mouth?" He laughed

"Ok....ok.... I am doing it. Stop shouting at me."

After setting up the tent, Ryan went to chat with his other guys, while I sat by the river, gazing at beautiful scene.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around and saw Tom.

"Yeah. It is." I said.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked.

"Not at all." He sat down beside me. We both watched the sun as it went down behind the mountains.

"Is this the first time you are coming for camping."

"Yeah. How do you know?"

"I never saw you anytime before whenever any outing was organised."

"I usually don't come out. I am usually busy playing games in my PC and all that."

Then there was a moment of silence. I tried to see him from the corner of my eye. I could see him frowning. He was thinking something hard. Then he spoke up.

"Hey, can you meet me there tonight at 10 o' clock?" He pointed towards a big rock that was on the other side of the river.

"Umm.... Ok. But why?" I asked.

"Just come. I'll be waiting for you." Saying that, he got up and ran away. I just sat there wondering what was up.

Then Mr. Patric called everyone and assigned us some tasks. Ryan and I were told to collect firewood for the campfire along with some other people. It was really a tough job cutting off the branches. Not all of us could climb the trees. Fortunately, I managed to climb one of the trees and started breaking off the branches.

"Mr. Meyers, it looks like you've had a pretty good monkey training." Mr. Patric said. Everyone around me started laughing.

"Thanks for the compliment sir." I replied.

After collecting the branches, We assembled it in one place and put fire on it. Then we placed some carpets around it sat down. Ryan was sitting beside me and Tom just towards the opposite of me. He was chatting with his friends. After having our dinner, Mr. Patric started to play some songs on his guitar and we started singing. I looked at Tom and he gave me a smile. I smiled back and looked away. At around 9:30, we all decided to sleep. We all headed back to our tents. I and Ryan layed down in our tent and talked about things. I wished he would go to sleep so that I could go to meet Tom, but that big mouth kept moving on and on and on......

At around 10:10pm, he finally went to sleep. Thats when I decided to sneak out. I crossed the wooden bridge and went towards the big rock. I saw Tom leaning on the rock against his back. I was amazed to see his perfect body leaning against the rock. He was about 6 feet and 1 inch, a little taller than me. He was wearing a half shirt and jeans.

"Hi Tom" I said as I went towards him.

"Hi" He said with a smile. He looked even amazing under the moonlight.

"Sorry for being late. Its Ryan. I had to wait for him to sleep. I didn't want him to know."

"Its ok. I can understand. Lets go somewhere else." I started to follow him. Then we reached somewhere inside the woods. There was a pile of firewood already lit and a log of wood laying next to it.

"Come, sit down." He said as he sat on the log. I sat down beside him. It was pretty cold so I warmed myself with the fire. There was an awkward moment of silence. No one spoke anything.

"Ashton?" He said looking at me.


"I--I like you." That sentence gave me goose flesh all over my body. A strange chill ran through my body.

"I like you too, Tom." Maybe that's what he meant.

"No. I mean I really like you."

"And I really - really like you too."

"I...... Ashton, look at me." I turned towards him and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. I melted everytime I looked into those eyes.

"I love you." He said. I didn't know what to say.

These were the words that I've been eagerly waiting to hear for like, my entire life. Then he started coming closer to me. He closed his eyes. I felt everything going in slow motion. I knew what was going to happen. I closed my eyes too. Then I felt his lips on mine. At first, I hesitated. I didn't know whether it was right or not. Ofcourse it was right. What the hell was I thinking. I kissed him back. That was the moment I felt a real connection towards him. His lips were very soft and comforting. It was almost like a fairy tale, especially since Tom was someone I'd had a crush on for a very long time. There were butterflies in my stomach. We made out for like five minutes which felt like hours. Then I broke the kiss, my first kiss. I looked into his eyes.

"I think we should go before someone finds out we're out of our tents." He said. I nodded. We walked together quietly towards the bridge. On the way, his hand touched mine a few times and finally he grabbed it. We both held our hands and walked.

"So, how was it?"


"The kiss?"

"It was awesome. It was my first."

"Mine too."

"Really? I mean you never kissed anyone before. Not even Samantha?"

"Why does everyone think I and she were dating?"

"I just heard it from other people. But its good to know you two weren't together."

Then we walked in silence. Soon we reached the bridge. when we reached the middle of the bridge, we stopped walking and he turned towards me.

"Do you think our relationship will work out." He asked and kissed me.

"Lets just see where it goes." I replied. We kissed more longer but I had to break it because I didn't wan't anyone to see us kissing.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night." I replied. Then we departed out ways. I went to my tent and found Ryan was fast asleep. I layed down on my side and closed my eyes, thinking about all the things that just happened.

The song kept coming in my mind::

".....This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was ENCHANTED to meet you......................"

Enchanted - Taylor Swift.

To be continued........

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Next: Chapter 2

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