Story Submission: Gay Male - Authoritarian

By Ted

Published on Mar 6, 1997




by Ted (


The following contains graphic descriptions of sadomasochism, dominance/submission and homosexual sex. It is intended as entertainment for adults 21 years of age or over.

If you are under 21 and/or offended by any of the above activities, stop reading NOW!

The persons, places and events in this story are fictional. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ted squirmed with both anticipation and apprehension as he knocked on Rog's front door. When he'd agreed to visit Rog in St. Louis, the idea seemed exciting -- but now, hearing footsteps approach, his confidence was evaporating.

The door opened and Ted found himself staring at a tall, heavy man who towered far over his own five-foot-nine-inch form. "C'mon in, cub," the burly man said in a deep voice. Ted entered, walking past the big 'bear' into a room cluttered with packing boxes and piled clothing.

Rog turned to look at the young cub as he entered, smiling appreciatively at the snug- fitting faded jeans stretched across Ted's compact, tight bottom, and the flash of bare skin revealed where his white sweatshirt touched the jeans' waistband. This is gonna be fun, the husky man thought, more fun than this cub knows!

"Moving, huh?" Ted asked. "Yep -- but let's get somethin' straight, cub," Rog said, advancing slowly, "In here, you NEVER forget to end a sentence respectfully!" The cub paled a little at the bearded man's tone. "Sorry, Mister Bear," he replied, "It won't happen again, sir!" "I know it won't, cub," Rog said, " 'cause that's gonna be your first lesson of the day!" The beefy man seated himself on a large box and spread his thighs. He patted his knee. "Bend over, boy," Rog delivered sentence. Ted paled even more, but the big bear saw that the bulge in the front of the young man's jeans swelled as he slowly walked over to accept his 'punishment.' Reaching up, Rog grabbed a fistful of the front of the cub's sweatshirt and pulled him quickly across his knee. "When I tell ya to do somethin', cub, ya do it right then! That'll be lesson number two!" the bear snapped.

Ted lay trembling slightly across Rog's knee. Oh, please, don't let it be too hard, he thought apprehensively, but even as he waited for the spanking to begin, his cock swelled and pulsed in his jeans in eager anticipation. Rog rested his big right hand on the seat of the cub's jeans. He put his right leg over Ted's left leg, locking the cub firmly in place with his butt thrust up and his groin pressed against the big man's left thigh. Rog raised his beefy paw and brought it down hard across the denim-clad bottom. SMACK! Ted's body jerked at the hard spank. SMACK! Again Rog whacked the cub's backside. "Ya won't forget to be respectful to this bear from now on!" he said, raising his hand again. SMACK! "I won't, I promise, sir!" Ted said. SMACK! "Promises won't do ya any good, cub. I'll decide when you won't forget!" SMACK!

With a slow but steady rhythm, the tall man firmly spanked Ted's jerking buttocks through the faded jeans. The cub didn't attempt to struggle, but the increasing sting of every SMACK! forced him to involuntarily clench the cheeks of his bottom together, though he kept his lips pressed shut. "Get up, cub," Rog ordered after delivering the thirtieth spank, "I don't think you're gettin' the message." He moved his leg to allow the young man to stand up. Ted stood submissively, arms at his sides, as the bear reached out and unbuttoned his jeans, then pulled them down around his ankles. Again Rog pulled him down and across his leg. Now for some real fun, the big man thought, relishing the sight of Ted's bottom clad in tight white jockey shorts.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Rog began spanking the cub just as hard as before, but faster. Ted jerked at the sharp hot sting of the whacks with only the thin cotton of his jockeys to protect his behind. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The husky man smiled to himself as the cub began squirming, wriggling his increasingly-hot buttocks from side to side to try and avoid the painful paw- spanks. A little harder, this cub's just about ready for the main event, Rog thought. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! His bottom stinging and heating up under the bear's spank-assault, Ted couldn't keep silent any longer. "Uh!" SMACK! "Ow!" SMACK! "Ah!" SMACK! "Owtch! Please Mister Bear, no more!" SMACK! "Yow!" SMACK! "OW! Please, please, I'll be good, OWW!" the cub pleaded, his backside burning hotter with every hard whack Rog delivered, and his achingly hard cock wetting the front of his briefs with precum..

We're gettin' there, the hefty bear thought as he listened to Ted's yelps. Yet there was still no catch of tears in the cub's pleading, and that would have to be remedied. Mentally counting the whacks, Rog stopped briefly when he reached sixty. Suppressing a sigh, the cub relaxed across his leg. "Don't get comfortable, boy," the big man said. "That was only lesson number one. Number two's gonna be a lot worse!" "Please, Mister Bear, PLEASE not too hard!" Ted begged for mercy, knowing there would be none from this commanding man -- and deep inside himself, glad that there would be no mercy.

Rog hooked his hand in the top of the cub's jockeys and pulled them down to his knees. His half-hard cock snapped to thick, rigid attention in his heavy work jeans as Ted's tight cupcake bare butt was revealed, glowing deep pink with the heat of the chastisement. Enough warm-up, he thought, reaching back to pull out the paddle he'd stuck in his hip pocket. The big man raised the twelve-inch-long wooden paddle and smacked it down firmly across the cub's bare bottom.

WAP! "YOWTCH!" Ted cried out at the blistering smart of the paddle on his sore cheeks. WAP! "YEOW!" WAP! "OWOWOW!! PLEASE NO MORE SIR!!"

WAP! Rog smiled grimly as he whaled the paddle over the young man's quickly-reddening backside. WAP! "OUCH OH PLEASE PLEASE SIR!!" Ted could stand it no more, the hot fire blazing in his bare buttocks forced him to start struggling. But the husky man was ready for that; quickly he wrapped his powerful arm around the cub's waist to pin him securely down, never missing a stroke with the paddle as he did so.

WAP! "OWWWWWW!!! PLEEEAASE!!!" Ted yelled, his butt sizzling with every blistering whack of the paddle. WAP! "I said DON'T forget to end a sentence respectfully, boy!" Rog snapped. "OWW! OWW! OH MISTER BEAR PLEEEASE I'M SORRY SIR!!" WAP!

Struggle though he might to evade the punishing paddle, the cub was no match for Rog's husky strength. The burly man held Ted securely across his leg as he continued the butt- burning paddling. WAP! "OWWWTCHH!!" WAP! "YEOW! PLEASE SIR!" WAP! "OW! OWOWWW!! OH GOD PLEASE MISTER BEAR I'LL BE GOOD!" WAP! Finally the cub's pleading held the cracking tone of tears, Rog heard. Ted's eyes brimmed with the fierce heat of the paddling, every whack of the paddle printing a sore red welt on his bare buttocks that pulsed with pain.

WAP! "OWWWWWW!" At the forty-first stroke of the paddle, the cub broke. His body raised, legs kicking, Ted cried openly and loudly as the big bear continued to paddle him soundly across the thick lower part of his bottom. WAP! "OWWW! P-p-please, OH P-PLEASE SIR!" he begged.

Smacking the wide paddle again and again across the struggling, sobbing cub's bare behind, Rog was aware that Ted's hard-on hadn't diminished in the least -- despite all the yelping and waterworks, the burly bear could still feel the rigid, hot, surprisingly large cock pressed against his thigh. He also noticed that the young man's struggles were more focused, more centered, as if rubbing that hot hard piece of meat against the bear's leg were more important than escaping the blistering paddle. WAP! "YEOWWWTCH! O- OH P-PLEASE S-SIR!" Ted sobbed as Rog slapped the paddle hard across his naked behind for the fiftieth time.

The red-hot agony of the paddling spread outward from Ted's bottom, filling his crotch, as he jerked and bawled from every searing smack. Without warning, the cub felt it coming, boiling up in his crotch and balls and hard dick, an aching ecstasy that even the pain in his glowingly-hot buttocks couldn't mask. WAP! "OWWWW! OH! OH! MISTER BEAR I CAN'T HELP IT OH GOD HERE IT COMES....!!!!" WAP! WAP! WAP! WAP! Furiously, Rog paddled the cub fast and hard as Ted sobbed and shot spurt after spurt of hot sticky cubjuice over the burly man's leg. The young man collapsed limply over Rog's thigh as the last few drops of his load dribbled out. The tall bear dropped the paddle to one side and ran his paws roughly over Ted's crimson, blazing bare bottom.

"I -- I'm awful sorry Mister Bear," Ted said submissively. "I really, really couldn't help it sir!" He winced at Rog's rough caresses on his tender, well-punished backside. "Don't worry, cub," the burly man reassured him. "Get down on all fours on the floor." Ted slid off his knee and assumed the commanded position on the carpet, his scarlet buttocks upthrust. Rog quickly stripped off his clothing and knelt down behind the cub. He spat into his hand and rubbed the wetness into the head of his thick hard bearmeat, then pushed the hard rod between Ted's blindingly bright-red cheeks and up against the cub's hole.

It was small and tight, so tight that Rog needed to push hard. But slowly the young man's hole opened, and the rigid cock advanced, stretching the tight ring of muscle. "Uhhhhhh..." the cub groaned, whether in pain or pleasure the big man didn't know or care. He pushed in a little further, and there was an almost-audible snap! as the flared head of his hardness pushed past Ted's hole and the muscle clamped shut around his bearpole. Oh Yeah! Rog thought as he slid slowly, deeply into the young man. The cub's tight hole gripped his hard meat like a hot, wet vise as the burly bear began stroking in and out of the burning slickness. Faster and faster he stroked, slamming in and out of Ted's ass, the cub yelping now and then as Rog's heavy balls slapped hard against the sore spanked buttocks. "Oh yeah boy, here it comes, yeah take daddy's load!" the bear shouted as the simmer of pleasure in his balls boiled over into delirious ecstasy. His heavy bearload shot into the cub with the force of a firehose, as Ted wriggled on the stabbing spear of cock like a gaffed fish.

Spent, Rog collapsed against the cub's back, then rolled off to one side. Ted rolled next to him, and the bear looked into the cub's eyes.

"Welcome to St. Louis," Rog said with a smile, as the cub nestled his head into the hollow of the big man's shoulder and sighed contentedly.


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