Story Time

By Ryan White

Published on Jun 11, 2023




"Stick it in me, come on, fuck me!"

Laying back, digging a solid hole into my mattress, and staring upwards with the utmost lust in my current horny ass state, I reached to the promised land and approximately swept my clammy, sweaty fingers all over the hunk's eight pack ripped torso, my dick getting ever harder, more harder if that was at all possible, feeling every inch, every ridge, every nook and cranny of his incredible powerful upper body.

With a sly smirk and a blaze in his beautiful caramel colored eyes that would make a titan melt into molten lava, the guy that I had hired for the night maneuvered his tanned physique directly over my own, reaching down and grabbing my rock hard seven incher, giving it a few tosses, a few jerks, making sure that it was as hard, as hard could be, before the little shit surprised the fuck out of me, leaning down and swiping his rough, wet tongue twice over my deeply red cockhead, more specifically, my flaring piss slit, no doubt gathering up the insane amount of pre cummy goodness that had been forming there.

I hissed with sexual desire, pulling him and his gigantic nine-inch fuck stick closer to me, willing him, forcing him to fucking PLUNGE that organ right into my backside without any sort of mercy. I was that horny, I was that needy...I needed to be fucked THAT bad, and without any sort of question. The guy above me actually had his tongue sticking out as he saw my wet, rimmed hole, that had not seen any sort of dick in nearly about a month...I was about to fucking remedy that.

Carefully placing his dick near my gaping ass hole, he flexed his body once more, and I kid you not, I nearly fucking came without even so much as touching my cock...the guy was beautiful beyond belief, and it was actually sad to realize that this...all of this...tonight...what was happening right at that moment and time, couldn't be made permanent...

...but for a hired male prostitute, he surely knew what he was doing. My eyes bulged out of their sockets as he I felt his huge cock slowly being inserted into my most private crevice, the more his organ stretched my hole, the more the warmth spread through my entire chest and intestines.

FUCK...he was BIG! Holy mother duck...I hissed to myself as he neared a full four...five...six inches inside of me, filling me up to the max, his stiff fuck stick doing all sorts of magic on my fragile body.

The dude had to be at least ten years younger than I was, and for a split second, I wondered what the fuck had happened in this extremely sexy ass man's life to make him choose this kind of living...fucking random strangers for money. When his dick neared a full seven and a half inches up inside my poop chute, that suddenly wasn't a thing any more.

"'re fucking wreaking me..." I groaned out as with a final, solid push, he had his entire nine inches inside of me, and believe you me, I was feeling EVERY fucking inch imaginable. The guy only smiled as if he was all sorts of proud, and finally did what I had paid him for nearly twenty minutes ago...he started to fuck the shit out of me.

My body felt like it had suddenly evolved into some sort of plastic Barbie doll...his potent thrusts in and out of me was like an out-of-body experience. His hair was sweaty by now, hanging sexily over his forehead, his perspiration droplets dripping onto my chest with every bang he gave my poor defenseless ass.

Once more I reached up and allowed my right hand to explore his titanium hard stomach and upper chest...Jesus, did this guy LIVE in a gym? His abs flexed every time he pumped his steel iron hard cock inside me, over and over again, my insides felt on fucking fire...this was quite frankly the biggest cock I ever had up there, and believe me, there had been a lot.

His cock was pushing all the right buttons, until my eyes rolled back inside their sockets all by themselves, he as he finally managed to find my prostate...

"JESUS!!" I shouted out loud, not even caring about the possibility what the neighbours might think...if they didn't know me by now, after living here for nine fucking years, then they never would.

That big phallus was reaching places that had never been reached ever before, it felt like I had literally been taken to the moon and back. His ripped body was literally pounding me, his cock ripping my insides apart time and again. For a moment I wished that he could never fucking stop. It was way too good.

He slowed down somewhat, taking a well-deserved breather to compose himself, leaning down to take a bite out of both of my nipples, stimulating them one by one until they were two stubby nubbins standing as erect as they possibly could, before he wiped the sweat from his forehead, and began to slowly trust his dick inside me once more.

Building up solid speed, he once more hammered that awesome tool of his inside me, until I felt this was it...the more that I fought against it, the more I knew it was a lost battle...

My balls contracted, my ass muscles pulled together, and you could see it in his was feeling it inside his rock-hard cock...his eyes were glossy, his mouth was open slightly, with his tongue hanging out, his teeth gritted as he knew what was coming.

That was what I was hoping would happen...that my own orgasm would fucking SEND him over his own edge. I didn't even have time to actually warn him, it was way too late, his cock was doing Harry Potter magic inside me and I had enough.

My sperm bolted out of my dick, I fucking swear, like it had never done before. It was literally all over the place, globules of thick, virile potent protein splattering everywhere you would even dare to fucking look. His eyes were wincing...he could no doubt feel what was happening to me, because he suddenly increased the speed of his technique, doubling his efforts in launching his thick awesome dick inside my spent fuck hole.

Over and over, reaching his body over mine, pounding the days out of me, until he seemed to panic, nervously forcing himself to pull his cock out of me, before he stood over me upper body, his cock at the ready a few inches from my thirsty mouth, ready and waiting to fire.

"Gonna cummmm...gonna cum all over you..." he whispered urgently as he ripped off the condom that he had been wearing all this time, and started jacking his nine incher with a serene urgency like a severe mad man who hadn't fucking eaten anything in days.

His wild hair was flooding his forehead, there was literal fire inside his eyes, and my own once more flickered over his lanky, muscled torso as he was ready to reach his own damning crescendo.

"Fuck...fuck...fuck...aaaaaaah God...." He hissed, more like croaked out of his raw throat as he brought his dick even closer to my open mouth, until I felt his thick streams of silvery liquid positively POUR over me like raindrops at the start of a severe thunderstorm.

The velocity of the spatter reached my dick, as it once more came on its own and I kid you not, that had NEVER happened to me ever before. Our combined sperm mixed on my upper and lower body, and I did my very best to, gobble up every inch of sperm from this beautiful, sexy stud that I could manage.

Even his cum was delicious as hell, just like it's owner. I savored what I had in my mouth, and swallowed it down, the essence of the sweet/sour flavour and aroma lingering around in my subconscious for as long as I could manage it.

Suddenly, everything was quiet, there was no noises, except both our rapid breaths coming thick and fast, and before I knew it, the guy that I had hired was up and at it, getting dressed as fast as he could. He wasn't even so much as looking at me as he did so.

Now, don't get me wrong...he was a hooker after all. A male prostitute if you would. But...for some reason, I felt...fucking SAD as hell.

Did I really want him to go, after giving me one of the best sexual orgasms I have had in my entire thirty-one years on this earth? Of course not!

But then I was only eight-thirty at night. He obviously had more clients for the remainder of the evening that he had to go ahead and pleasure. I wasn't anything of value to him anymore...apart from his fee that he had demanded up front. The guy looked even better with his clothes on, that was the worst fucking part...he was devastatingly handsome. He finally dared to even look at me, and he smiled weakly.

"Thanks, I guess. I'll just let myself out. Call me, if know..." he said before he got the hell out of there as fast as he could.

I laid on the bed, still in a state of semi orgasmic bliss, still naked as the day that I was born, my dick still semi hard from the second bout of cumming that I had endured. He didn't even say goodbye...or acknowledge me as a human being. And why the fuck would he...that little annoying voice at the back of my brain know...the one we all have and love to fucking hate.

You were nothing by a good time call, dude! You paid him for a service, which he provided...and wonderfully too. Sigh.

I gotta get out there...I can't do this anymore, I thought to myself as I gingerly stood up and tried to get dressed, which was a challenge in itself with an asshole that felt like it had been ripped to shreds.

As I turned around to look where the fuck my boxer shorts had landed in the earlier tussle to get them off as quick as possible, I caught my reflection inside my full-length mirror, situated in my room. I shook my head, swallowed some pent-up saliva, before getting closer and closer to what I saw.

I was a good-looking guy to be perfectly honest, even if I had to say to myself. I was reasonably muscled from years of playing non-competitive soccer, I had a decent set of abs...nothing like those of the God who had just fucked my brains out, but it was nothing to be sniffed at either. I had short black hair, usually styled in the modern way that I liked; however, it was a sweaty mess right now.

I should have a God damn boyfriend by now! For fuck sake!

I sighed...I seriously don't know what was up with me...the characters in the erotic stories that I write for the Nifty Archive LITERALLY has more sex than do. They actually FIND love, even if it is only coming from my sex and loved STARVED imagination.

God, I loved that archive. It gives you the freedom to actually write stuff that you have inside your deepest, darkest desires...and what was actually got to meet and interact with people who read them, and who has the exact same needs and lusts as you. I stumbled upon Nifty back in late December 2006 and I haven't looked back since. Wrote my first story for them two years later. I'm listed as one of their Prolific Authors.

Talk about which, I still have to fucking finish the final chapter of Perfect Guy...Urgh, but when real life and real issues got to you, the last thing you wanted to do was sit in front of a laptop and think up something that you HOPE to God, that readers of Nifty would actually like. Unlike actual authors...writing for an Erotic Archive doesn't pay you any money.

Of course, it doesn't, and that is not why we wannabe writers do it, either. It is more to get to know people with the exact same desires...hopes and dreams as you. To get to actually know people from around the world...people just like you and me. And of course, the feedback from stories is always more than welcome.

Yes...I fucking knew it...two new emails waiting for me in my inbox when I got into my Gmail account...asking...more like demanding when I would be posting the final chapter of Perfect Guy. The last chapter had been posted TWO months ago.

I placed my hands over my face and sighed. I had next to no fucking motivation to actually write anything at this moment. I replied with an answer as I always do, to any feedback that I get, explaining that it would be up soon...but I knew that was a total lie.

My previous record of receiving emails of feedback from my stories, was the strong total of 33...Perfect Guy smashed that total to smithereens...for Chapter Three of the story, I received the overwhelming total of 45...that was the most I had ever gotten for a single chapter of ANY story I had ever posted. And I didn't even have the guts to open my laptop. It was hands down the best story I ever wrote, and chances were that I wasn't even gonna finish it.

I laid back, with my phone at my side. I wonder if there is real love out there? Like the love that you sometimes read about in stories posted in the Nifty Archive. No, for real, the sex would be fact it would be more than fucking good, but I think that I'm at the point in my life, where I would wanna HAVE someone with me. Want someone to share my bed and my life BE there for me, and I for him.

Fuck, I'm getting soppy.

Lemme get some fucking sleep, I have a big day at work tomorrow.


"All tables are happy, Boss! Only the desserts to go now!"

"Good, you guys go on and take a quick five-minute break, before we have to serve them!"

"Got it!"

I sighed with sheer relief, glancing over the patrons inside my coffee shop that had come in for a pre-booked 60th birthday party, that had been arranged several weeks before. They had booked out the entire restaurant for this occasion, and needless to say we were completely full, and when I say FULL, I mean chock and block. Ass to fucking ankles.

I grabbed my phone out of the pocket of my jeans, and saw that I had an email from one of the readers of my stories, that I got regularly in touch with, before I noticed that one of my customers, a very good-looking guy, had stood up from the table he had been sitting at, and was now within inches from where I was, behind the counter.

"Hi, could I bother you for a refill Americano? And some more cold milk, please, we are all out over there," he said, casually pointing towards where he was sitting.

Jesus Christ. He couldn't have been more than twenty-five at the least, and he was drop dead gorgeous. Holy Mother Duck. Nothing compared to the hooker that I had in my bed at the weekend, but I wouldn't kick this dude out any day of the week.

"Sure thing, you can go and sit down, I'll personally bring it over," I said, slowly as I could, never taking my eyes off of him, openly checking him out, taking the massive risk that I was...I mean, for all I knew he wasn't even gay to begin with.

Well...if the wink that he gave me was anything to by, I think he was definitely interested.

As the party started to die down and I gave my staff the instructions to start cleaning up, I gathered the knowledge from one of my waiters that one of the patrons had asked if he could have a separate bill from the rest of his table.

As said waiter showed me who the customer was, my heart started racing. He was still here...Jesus, we had been so busy with entertaining the kids and making sure everyone was satisfied that I didn't even give him a second thought until now...

...I quickly logged into the system and printed his bill for him. I took a deep breath and gave it to my waiter to take to him.

Minutes later, the waiter was back, and he placed the paid bill along with a white paper serviette that wasn't there when I gave my waiter the bill in the first place. Said waiter gave me a funny look, before he cleared off to clean some tables...and I was finally left on my own. Turning the serviette around, I saw a cellphone number written in the same black pen ink that we leave inside the bill to add tips for the staff.

Next to the cellphone number was a name written down...Daniel.


I looked up at him and he was looking straight back at me, as I did so.


I gently nodded so that only he could see what I was doing, before he winked at me yet again. I couldn't believe my FUCKING luck! Stuff like this...seriously and literally only happens in stories and in movies...I was actually shaking! That guy was so hot, he actually made my teeth hurt! And seemingly...I could have the opportunity to have a date with him, if I played my cards right.

I folded up the serviette and placed in the pocket of my jeans, and took out my cellphone to finally read the email sent from my regular reader.

Alan of the very first mounts of feedback I had gotten when Perfect Guy's first chapter had been posted, and he had religiously contacted me ever since, with each post. I always smiled when I got a email from him, and this time it wasn't different.

"Hey Ryan! Come on man, you've kept us waiting long enough! Are Nathan and Parker EVER going to get together for good? You promised you would keep writing, what gives? Hope you are well! Alan."

I sighed.

Although there was nothing actually stopping me from just deleting the email and not giving a shit, that was so not me...I felt guilty as hell...these people made the time to get in touch with me and to say that they enjoyed my stories...but MAN, there was just no WILL to actually write at the moment!

An hour or so later, we were just about ready to open for the public once again when in came fluttering a young woman, complete with a little girl of about six or seven years old. I wiped my hands on a wet wipe, before I made my way towards my new customers.

"Afternoon! We aren't open as yet, but I can get you guys some coffee, maybe a milkshake for her..."

The young woman shook her head, and she smiled at the little girl, and it was only then that I saw, that she too, had a phone in her hand.

"Apologies! I'm actually in a bit of a hurry...I can't seem to find my husband, he left his phone at home this morning, and I know he was here for brunch with a couple of haven't seen..."

She unlocked the phone, and scrolled down towards the gallery, along with a couple of more flicks of her finger, before she turned the screen towards me.

"...this man, have you?" she asked, and one look towards the hunk of a male specimen on the phone and I knew I had been played.


My knight in shining armor...the guy who had been flirting with me all damn morning...was married with a kid.

Story of my fucking life.

"If his name is Daniel...then yes. He was here. As you can see, they left a little while ago, I wouldn't know where they are," I said as nonchalantly as I could, meanwhile I wanted to rip the woman apart...and I had no reason to fucking do so. SHE didn't do anything was her scumbag of a husband who was busy playing away, not her!

She sighed and took the little girl's hand...and only then I realized the said young girl was the fucking spitting image of her father. How I missed that, when they walked in here, I would never know.

"Thanks again," the woman said, before the left the restaurant.

Sighing once more, I gave my staff permission to take their hour of lunch, and told them that I wanted to be alone to do some paperwork. No one seemingly gave it a second thought, and within minutes, I was all on my own. I took out the serviette on which this...Daniel bastard had written his name and cell phone number...and I crumbled it up and tossed it aside.

I sat on one of the bar chairs and took out my phone. Like I always did when ever this particular bout of depression hit me, I swiped through my photos of the happy gay couples that I always saved on there, whether it be from Facebook or Twitter. All of them, every single damn one of them happy, so fucking incredibly in love with the other.

A pain shot through my chest. I wanted that too.

So, fucking much.

I had my twenties and teen years where I had fucked and sucked everything that moved, as long it was male. I was gay, after all. I wanted more. Way more. I wanted someone to fucking share my life with.

At this moment, it felt like I never would realize my dream of actually being happy.


I forced myself to complete Perfect Guy that very same evening.

All the anger and hatred for what happened that day made me realize one thing...even though it might sound pathetic and it might sound writing was all that I actually had right now. It was all that really gave me purpose.

I was done...I was sick and fucking tired of guys who never meant what they say, always cheated even if they had a good thing going, and those idiots who never wanted to give a decent guy like me a damn chance.

If that meant, I had more time for writing, then so be it. At least I could mean something to someone out there, and of course, if a story was published on Nifty, it was there for life...I still to this day actually browse through stories written between was just a totally different era of content back then. For real.

Okay...better start refreshing my memory about what the story is about, I guess. I haven't posted anything in almost two months...I have nearly forgotten about the characters, let alone the actual storyline!

Okay...I logged into Nifty on my phone and darted into the Adult Friends section. Clicked on my own story, Perfect Guy. Jesus...two whole months without any sort of submission. I hoped to God that my readers who had previously emailed me about said story would still give it a chance. Touch wood, at least.

Okay. Chapter one.

As I read and re-read certain words and several other aspects, of course it all came flooding back. My lead character, Nathan Tanner, thirty-one years old, lanky, tall, slightly muscled, complete with blond hair and the most beautiful blue eyes that you could possibly imagine. My cock hardened as my eyes flickered over my own damn words. I swear there was something mentally wrong with me haha!

This was of course the story of Nathan Tanner, who lived in the fictional town of Freedom, where he was a high school teacher, and how he came to discover that he was in love with his gym buddy Parker Jones, but of course, it wasn't that simple as both of them were married to women, with blended families of their own.

At the beginning everything is cool between them, they bond and get to know each other just like two guys who gym together would. In time, and of course with Nathan going through a hard time in having been let go of his job, and his wife Nemona always being on his case in how he was going to provide for their family, he finds a real friend and confidant in Parker, who sympathizes with Nathan over his loss.

And it was during one of those times where Nathan and Nemona was really arguing and going at it, where she took a plate from the unwashed amount in the sink and actually THREW it at him, injuring the side of his head in the process. Parker, a qualified GP of profession realizes that Nathan is being physically abused by his wife, and decides that he needs to be where for his buddy in more ways than which time both men realize that what they really want in this world...

...was nothing more than each other.

The most genuine, beautiful sort of gay male love that you would EVER hope to find, sprouts like a fungus between the two men...and before they know it, they are locked in a love affair of which NONE of the two wants to let go of. With just the final chapter to go...and I was determined to end the story off with a fucking masterpiece.

Yeah right...stuff like this only fucking exist in story land. I was really starting to believe that true love was nothing more than a bloody myth.

No wonder I always write about and create characters just as such as Nathan Tanner...because guys like that are just what I always dream about. Blond guys were the sheer and utter death of me, although I wouldn't be picky with any one, if the connection was there.

I jumped slightly.

What the fuck?

Did...did my phone just VIBRATE in my hand for no good reason?

I reached out and checked if the damn thing was on silent mode...and sure as hell, it wasn't.

Electric currents? Did I keep the thing on charge for too long?

I actually turned my phone over in my hands, to make sure that nothing was wrong it. That...was weird.

But anyway.

I wanted to check a few things in Chapter three before I actually get into writing the final chapter, such as names and certain aspects to make sure I did the finale justice.


My hand quite literally trembled as I tried to maintain control over my phone. What in God's name was going on? Jesus, I suddenly remembered a story that I had once read online about phones that gets way too overworked and suddenly exploded in the hands of their owners...remind me to get a new one tomorrow, because I ain't taking this chance! did the story make its way back all the way to Chapter one? Last time I checked, I was logged in to reading the THIRD chapter.

Okay, this is officially weird.

I desperately wanted to break my writer's block, or whatever the hell it was that stopped me from doing something I really enjoyed, but obviously, my phone wasn't playing along. Tossing said phone into the kitchen table, I situated myself behind my laptop and logged into the Nifty Archive, and clicked once again onto my story.

I tried to enter Chapter three, but it seemingly didn't want to.

DUDE...I don't have the energy for this!? Now my phone AND my laptop is fucked? No wait, maybe it was the WIFI connection?

Chapter two, didn't wanna open either. I randomly tried opening Chapter luck either. Chapter three dice.


Chapter one then.

Oh, great, it actually


Guess I'm gonna have to do this from the start then.

Before I could even attempt to read the little post to readers that I always placed at the top of each chapter, I once more felt a vibration, this time coming from the laptop itself. I stood up, got away from the laptop and the chair as fast as I could. This was SO not a joke anymore; I can't understand what the hell is happening? Was there an earthquake happening or something? A power outage that I didn't know about?

I started to feel for real...more dizzy and more confused than I had ever felt in my entire lifetime. Even worse than my worst binge drinking spree. I sunk to my knees as my dizzy spell worsened. Something was very wrong, even in my current confused state, I realized that.

I closed my eyes as a blinding light from both my cell phone and my laptop got too intense to outlast...Jesus, was I having some kind of seizure? Did I suddenly suffer from epilepsy?

What the hell was going on??


"Oh God, my head..."

"Just relax now, you're in good hands. Are you feeling any pain, apart from your head?"

I tried to shake my head to actually signal no...but even the slightest motion of movement made me wanna throw up every ounce of food that I still had in my stomach. Jesus. I couldn't fucking remember a time where I had felt as crap as this.

I gently, after a few minutes managed to fully open my eyes. It seemed like I was inside...was this a gym? I don't even have a membership any more, ever since I had installed my own home gym...what the heck would I be doing here? And for the love of God, WHY can't I remember anything?

My eyes blinked and I finally managed to fully focus on the things surrounding me. Yes, this was most certainly a gym. Several people were busy running their guts out on those treadmills, some people were pumping iron, somewhere simply rowing those boat things...still didn't explain what I was doing inside here in the first place.

"Is he awake yet, Parker?"

"Yeah, think so, he's very groggy. I wonder if I shouldn't get him to the hospital, I don't like his color. You say he just...seemingly came out of nowhere!?"

"Well, he couldn't have fallen out of the sky, now could he...listen dude...can you see me? Hear me?"

I cleared my throat and finally managed to stand on my own two feet, with the help of both the guys at my side. I frowned as I looked from the one to the other.

Holy Mother Duck...they were, they were really, really...fucking PERFECT! Jesus...I thought I had seen some whoppers in my time, but they were jelly tots compared to both of these dudes. Especially the blonde...he was just sexy on a whole other level.

"Uhm...sorry...I didn't mean to freak you guys out or anything...I just...I don't really know how I actually" I stumbled, finally actually deciding to open my mouth and not just stare at these two studs as if they were made of chocolate.

The black-haired stud looked over at his buddy and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well man, quite frankly, neither do we. Nathan here just came to refill his water bottle and he saw you laying on the floor. You had your eyes closed and you were holding your head as if you were in massive pain or something...look, I'm a doctor, I'll feel a whole lot better if I could just get you to a hospital, just to be safe..."

"Parker, he might have a family, a wife and kids who's looking for him, shouldn't we rather go to the police station first? No offence, but since you can't remember how you even got here..."

I saw that the guy with the blond hair was still holding his full water bottle in his grasp, and suddenly my throat felt as dry as the Kalahari Desert...I tried to swallow but it took some time. I literally still, had no idea where I was, or how I had seemingly...teleported from my living room to this...where ever this was.

"Could I...?" I asked the beautiful, stunningly handsome guy, and pointed to his water bottle as I did so.

"What...oh, yeah, of course, man! Go ahead, just take it easy. Look, I see this all the time from the boys that I teach at school, you try to do too much, too soon. I wouldn't worry if I was you, you look fit and healthy, so your memory should gradually come back, I hope."

I took the water bottle from the dude and took a couple of sips. To his credit, my head wasn't banging anymore and I was starting to get my bearings back. I was most definitely inside my living room the last time I had phone and my laptop had given insane flashing problems...they were fucking vibrating if I remembered correctly...and then...that bright...insanely white light that made me feel sick as hell...



As I held out the blonde guy's water bottle back to him, I suddenly pulled it back towards me, a certain name engraved on the side in permanent black marker caught my eye.

Goosebumps spread across my entire fucking body, it felt. I swallowed...careful not to faint again. This wasn't happening...Sweet Lord, this wasn't happening, it CAN'T be happening!

The blond guy...he said he was a school teacher.

His buddy with the jet-black hair...he said he was a doctor.

Both looked exactly like I had...

...written them to be.



...this...this is INSANE!?

But the water bottle...the name written on the side...

...there was no hiding from that.

As big, black and bold as brass.



"This is not normal...I wanna get out of here!"

"Look, guy, if you really wanna go, I suppose we can't stop you, but you really ought to get checked out..."

I snapped my head towards the guy with the jet-black hair. Jesus. Parker Jones. Had to be, I immediately knew it was him...once more, I had written and created him. I would know what he looked like.

The same with Nathan Tanner. The lead character of Perfect Guy...and I didn't know whether was this a dream, or some fucked up reality, but he did his name justice. His, and the story. He was perfect...beautiful...stunningly handsome. His blond hair was sweaty, and half plastered to his scalp from his exercise.

Now it all made sense...if it didn't before.

Nathan and Parker MEET inside a gym! CHAPTER FUCKING ONE! It's here, in the story Perfect Guy, where they meet and fall in love!


"I have to...I have to go...I can't be here..." I mumbled and took the first exit that I saw in the gym area that I was in.

Although I didn't actually write clearly how the gym looked inside the story, it was still very much a gym, and the exit was wide and clear for everyone to see. God only knew what I would be finding on the outside.

"DUDE! You still have my..." I heard what sounded like Nathan screaming after me, but there was no way I was gonna turn around and face the person that I had literally created with my own two hands for one second longer.

A white light shone straight into my face as I reached the outside, and I frantically turned each direction I could think of to see what was on the horizon...but once and utter darkness over took me before I could even as much as react...


Opening my eyes.

Seeing my familiar furniture, my big screen desk.


I got up as fast as I could, still a bit dizzy in my mind but not nearly as much as I was when...

...I didn't even wanna call it a name.

I picked up my phone and unlocked it.

It was still on Chapter one of my story, which was posted on the Nifty Archive.

Within seconds, I managed to scroll down to where I knew I would find answers.


Holy mother of...

It literally fucking CHANGED!

This wasn't my writing! I didn't damn well write...this?

Closing my eyes, before opening them again FAST, as if the images in front of me would simply change to the way it was...I stared in sheer and utter horror at the words before me.

"Nathan was worried now, he had never seen a man as pale as the hunk that was stood before him. He knew from the beginning that Parker, the guy that he had met only a couple of days ago, had some ladies going wild for him, but this total stranger was something else. He had a vulnerability to him which made you wanna hold him, and never let go. Nathan swallowed...slowly. This wasn't like him...he didn't go around checking out dudes at every street corner...he was straight for God's sake! Had been all his life! But how...he had to be blind not to realize that this guy...was hands down one of the most beautiful men he had EVER seen in his life!?"

"I didn't write that me in the story...Jesus Christ...what the hell is going on?" I whispered...I was really, honestly at a loss for words.

These types of shit happen...well...never! Not in reality!

My brain told me exactly what MUST have happened...only my heart knew that it was scientifically at least, simply not possible.

"There is no way that I was transported straight into my own story..." I whispered, before I noticed something laying on the floor, from where I had woken up several minutes before.

My head was swimming at this point. It honestly felt as if nothing could upset or surprise me after all of this.

And yet.

The water bottle...still labelled NATHAN TANNER laying in front of me, proved otherwise.

If this was some kind of fucked up nightmare, it suddenly turned very, very real...because that water bottle couldn't possibly be here, if it was.

That's why Nathan shouted after me back there...Jesus.

I sat down on my couch, staring blankly at the coffee table before me.

Somehow...some way...I had literally been teleported from the real world...

...into the story that I myself had created.

It didn't help to deny it any longer...the water bottle was a dead giveaway.

Nathan Tanner.


Real or not...created from my brain or not...

...Nathan Tanner was the sexiest man I had ever, ever seen.

And the worst part is, even if this was all, miraculously, somehow true... the hell would I possibly ever see him again??



Okay, so I know this is WAY out of my usual stories and WAY out of my comfort zone, but I WANTED to give this a try.

To see it if can work. And if you liked it and wanna read more, please be so kind as to send some feedback my way xx

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