STORY:Frat Paddling m/m


Published on Dec 10, 1994




The following story is from a book called SWAT PATROL which has just been published for mail order. If you're interested in the book, you can send a check for $13.70 ($11.95 + $1.75 s&h) to the publisher, SBPC, P.O. Box 20034, Santa Barbara, CA 93120. If you want a brochure, send a mailing address to


Excerpted from "SWAT PATROL: Pledge Paddling On Fraternity Row"

by B.D. "Buzzy" Ross

Copyright (c) 1994 by A.D. Thompson & Co., Publishers

All Rights Reserved.

Five pledges are in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner. Seventy

Actives and 20 pledges make a pile of dirty dishes and the five

pledges on K.P. duty grumble about their having to do this. Ron is

at the sink with his hands in the water washing plates. Bill is

drying the clean plates that Ron hands him. Dave is cleaning the

top of the stove. The other two pledges are putting dishes away and

wiping off tables in the dining room. Six foot tall Dave, with sun

blonde hair is the stud of the five. Dave has managed to stay on

the good side of the Actives and has not suffered too much in the

bent-over position. Bill, on the other hand, has become the

Actives' favorite target for paddle practice. Bill's butt is

constantly red and sore from the hard paddlings he is always being

administered. Ron's butt has been protected by his Big Brother

Bruce who has kept the other Actives at bay.

Bruce is sitting in Pledge Trainer Byron's room listening to Byron

complain about certain pledges. Byron tells Bruce that Dave, in

particular, seems to need a little work. Adam, Dave's Big Brother

seems not to take much interest in Dave and is not giving him the

proper guidance. Dave is neglecting his pledge assignments and has

had several run-ins with the Swat Patrol. Byron tells Bruce that he

admires the way Bruce has guided his Little Brother Ron. Ron is

adjusting well to pledge life. Byron tells Bruce that Adam is away

at an Honors Convention for a week and that Dave could use a little

help: would Bruce be interested in taking Dave under his wing and

molding him into a decent pledge? Bruce agrees because he knows

Dave to be a basically decent guy who is just a little wild. Bruce

knows that a firm hand will help Dave immensely. Byron tells Bruce

that he thinks all Dave needs is a little attention and maybe a

little discipline. Bruce tells Byron not to worry, he'll take care

of Dave.

Ten minutes later, Bruce is back in his room. He picks up his

pledge whistle and blows it. Rick, the pledge on hall duty double-

times it to Bruce's room where Bruce tells him to go and get Dave

and bring him to Bruce's room -- on the double. Rick trots down the

hall and up two flights of stairs to the pledge room in the attic.

Dave is lying on his cot reading an assignment for his English

history class. Rick shouts from the doorway for Dave to get his ass

down to Brother Bruce's room right away. Dave asks what's up. Rick

tells him that he doesn't know but that Bruce didn't seems to happy

about something. Dave, wearing only boxers, picks up his Levi's

from the floor and pulls them on, buttoning the fly as he heads out

the door. When he reaches Bruce's room on the first floor, he

knocks on the doorjamb and waits for Bruce to tell him to come in.

Bruce tells Dave to enter and to shut the door behind him. Dave

leans against the wall and casually asks Bruce what he wants him

for. Bruce, seated at his desk, tells Dave to stand at attention,

right now. Dave looks quizzically at Bruce, shrugs his shoulders

and does as he is told. After all, these Actives have some strange

ideas regarding pledge behavior, Dave thinks. I'll humor him a

little. Bruce approaches Dave and tells him that various Brothers

have complained about Dave's attitude and that, with Adam out-of-

town, someone needs to take charge of Dave's life. And that someone

is going to be Bruce. So Dave better snap to and start obeying the

pledge rules and getting into the spirit of the pledge class

activities or he'll be de-pledged and be out on his ass. Dave

realizes that Bruce is serious and begins to worry that maybe he

won't make it into Chi Delta Theta. Dave knows that each semester,

several pledges are kicked out for one reason or another; usually

for having bad attitudes toward the Brothers and the House. Dave

likes the fraternity and wants like hell to be initiated so he

decides that he better kiss up to Bruce and get into his good


"I'm very sorry Sir."

"My job is to see to it that you conform to the pledge training

standards as set forth in your pledge book" intones Bruce.

"Henceforth you will report to my room every evening at ten o'clock

so that we can review your day and resolve any complaints I've

received from the Brothers. And I kid you not, Dave, you will pay

for each complaint or negative comment, do you understand me


Yes, Sir; Thank You Sir!"

"That's more like it. Now get down and give me twenty!"

Dave gets down in the push-up position and rapidly gives Bruce his

twenty. Dave's arm muscles sting but he resists the urge to

complain. Bruce tells Dave to get to his feet.

"Brother Byron has asked me to adjust your attitude and I know a

very good way to do that. Your Big Brother Adam has failed you,

pledgebreath. He's gone easy on you and it shows. Now we're going

to have to do some catch-up work. I want you to get the desk chair

there and bring it here."

"Yes Sir!" Dave goes over to the desk and picks up the wooden,

captain's chair and brings it over to the middle of the room.

"Now we're going to do a little preliminary attitude adjusting.

Come around here and stand behind the chair. What I want you to do,

Butthead, is to bend over the back of the chair and grab the bottom

of the front chair legs. Got that, pledge?"

"Yes Sir!" Dave looks a little uneasy as he realizes that he is

going to get a paddling. Adam has only paddled Dave once and that

was a few light taps. Dave knows that some of the other Actives use

the paddle more forcefully because he has seen the red butts of

other pledges in the showers and knows that a real paddling can be

memorable. Dave bends over the chair and takes hold of the lower

part of the chair's front legs. His abdomen is touching the back of

the captain's chair and his rear-end is in position.

"Here are my rules for attitude adjustment, butthead: if you leave

the position without permission, the count starts over; if you

neglect to thank me after each swat, the count starts over; if you

fail to keep your butt up high, the count starts over. Got that,


"Yes, Sir!" Dave feels sweat on his forehead and knows that this is

going to be serious.

Bruce walks over to the wall next to the closet and takes the big,

fraternity paddle off the wall. Bruce had this paddle custom made

by the Santa Barbara Paddle Company. It's made of redwood with the

Chi Delt letters emblazoned across the blade along with "Cornell"

and Bruce's pledge-name "Hardswat".

"You're going to take five hard ones across your pledge butt and

you're going to thank me for each one. Got that?"

"Yes, Sir!"

Bruce takes aim and delivers the first swat. The sound of paddle

wood hitting Levi's covered pledge butt resounds in the closed

room. Dave's body jerks forward and a muffled grunt is heard as his

buttocks react to the searing pain created in them by the paddle.

The next four swats are delivered rapidly as Dave's body jerks and

his legs tremble. Dave somehow remembers to thank Bruce for each

swat although he has trouble getting it out after the last two are


Dave's butt is on fire! He has never felt a paddling like that.

Even his Big Brother Ceremony paddling wasn't as bad. Nor were the

paddlings he had gotten during the line-ups. Dave quickly realizes

that he had better not fool around with Bruce.

"Stand up and put the chair back where you got it. Hurry up!" Bruce

sits down on the edge of the unmade bed. He motions Dave over. Dave

comes over toward Bruce. Bruce notices that Dave's chest hair is

matted to his chest, a sure sign that Dave was sweating. Good.

Maybe he's learning something. "Stand right here next to me." Dave

comes closer and stands sideways to Bruce. "Now we're going to get

intimate, here. I think that what you need is a little pledge to

Brother bonding. So what you're going to do now is to drop your

pants. Do it!"

"Right now, Sir?"

"No, tomorrow, dumb shit! Of course, right now! Get 'em down! All

the way down, butthead, past your knees. O.K. now the boxers. Come

on, hurry up. I want you bare-butt! Down further -- to your knees:

let me see what kind of a man you are. Where'd you get that thing,

from Oscar Meyer? O.K. butthead, get over my lap and get that ass

of your in position for some brother to pledge bonding!"

Bruce puts his hand on Dave's back and shoves him forward a bit so

that Dave's butt is directly over Bruce's right leg. Dave's chest

is resting on Bruce's left leg. Bruce starts right in giving Dave's

already red butt cheeks good, hard hand swats. Bruce alternates

between each cheek moving the swats around so that the whole butt

is covered. Dave's legs are jerking with each swat as he feels his

bare butt being mercilessly swatted by this muscular Active. Dave

also realizes that his cock, positioned where it is on top of

Bruce's leg, is getting hard. Dave has never experienced this

before and wonders why he's getting a hard-on. He also worries that

Bruce will see it.

The spanking ends and Bruce tells Dave to get to his feet. Dave's

dick is at attention as he tries to turn away.

"What you got there, pledgebutt? Got a little excited did you? Like

a big, strong Active spanking your bare little pledge ass, do you?

Is that it, pledgebutt? You get off having your bare ass spanked by

an Active? What else do you get off on? I wonder? Does Dave also

get off on having an Actives tool shoved up his butt?"

Dave feels a knot in his stomach as he realizes that maybe Bruce

will actually fuck him. Dave also realizes that he's secretly

wanted this to happen but has never told anyone and even has tried

not to think about it himself. But sometimes in bed, lying on his

stomach, his cock hard and throbbing underneath him, he has wished

that a big, hunky stud would be lying on top of him with a big rod

inserted up his butt.

Bruce has never done anything like this before at Chi Delta Theta.

He has had a few anonymous experiences in the steam room at Teagle

Gym but never at the House. But Dave is obviously aroused and is a

very masculine, horny, pledge who also obviously wants it. So why


Bruce stands up and shucks off his T-shirt and unbuttons his Levi's

and pulls them down and off. He slides his boxers down and kicks

them into a corner. His big dick is already up and ready to go to

work. He walks over to the head of the bed and opens the drawer in

the table next to it. He pulls out the familiar red envelope

containing a Trojan and rips it open. He installs it over his shaft

and grabs the bottle of lube in the drawer.

Dave's hard-on is hurting he is so ready for it. But he doesn't

want to appear too willing so he turns away. He feels Bruce's

strong hand grasp his biceps and pull him towards the captain's


"Get over the chair, Dave. I want that butt up in the air and ready

to take it. You're going to like this, pledgebutt. I know you are.

I can see your butt quivering in anticipation already. That nice,

red, hot butt waiting for a studly Active to fuck it. Tell me you

want it, pledgebutt!"

"I want your studly dick in my ass, Brother Bruce, Sir!"

"That's better. Now get your butt up a little bit higher. That's

good. Here's a little lube for you." Bruce squirts out a little Wet

on his fingers and rubs it into Dave's asshole. He squirts some

more into his palm and rubs it all over his Trojan-clad dick. He

gives Dave's butt cheeks a smack and sticks his right index finger

up Dave's butt. Dave grunts. Bruce rubs his finger around inside

Dave's asshole and feels it relax a little.

"You ready for it, Dave? Here it comes. Say 'thank you' Dave!"

"Ohhh. Thank...You...Sir! Thank...You !"

Bruce is all the way in now and begins slowly pumping Dave's butt.

Hot butt skin slaps into Bruce's crotch as he works his cock in and

out. Within moments, Bruce's man-juice explodes into the Trojan

inside Dave's ass. Bruce grips Dave by the shoulders and pulls his

body backwards into his crotch as he tries to ram his cock in

deeper as his juice shoots out. Bruce collapses onto Dave's back,

sweat from his chest mingling with sweat from Dave's back. Bruce

rests his head on Dave's back as his chest heaves.

Dave has never felt anything like it. He never knew that his body

could feel that way. As Bruce's cock pistoned into his butt, Dave

had felt his own cock shoot a load which had left a large, goopy

pool on the seat of Bruce's desk chair. Incredible. Hot. Real man-


Bruce slowly pulls out and gives Dave's ass a couple of playful

swats. Dave stands up and as he turns, Bruce notices a telling

smile on his face. Bruce also notices the pool of cum on the seat

of his chair indicating to Bruce that Dave got as much out of the

exercise as he had. Bruce walks to the closet and removes a towel

which he tosses to Dave. He grabs one for himself and reaches down

and removes the Trojan and tosses it into the wastebasket. Both

guys towel themselves off.

"Let's hit the showers, Dave", Bruce says as he wraps the towel

around his waist. Bruce opens the door and heads down the hall with

Dave following. The Chi Delt shower is an old-style one consisting

of a large, tiled room with twelve shower heads spread around all

four walls, and an adjacent drying room with benches.

Bruce pushes open the shower room door and enters. Ron and Bill are

already inside under the water. Bruce drops his towel on a bench

and enters the shower room. Dave hesitates because he doesn't want

Ron and Bill to notice his red butt. He also wonders whether they

can tell that he's just been fucked. No there is no way they can

know that and they've both seen many a paddled ass recently in the

showers, he reasons. Dave drops his towel and casually walks into

the shower room. As he turns his back on Ron and Bill he hears a

hoot. Bill points to Dave's recently paddled butt and calls to Ron.

"Looks like your Big Bro finally found his paddle, Dave" Ron


"Great butt, Gregory! It's about time it got worked over!" -- Bill.

"Fuck you guys! Get off my back!"

Ron grins at Dave: "Looks like someone else got on your back just

now! Hey, I thought Adam was out-of-town."

Bruce turns serious and gives Ron a look which Ron knows well:

"Dave's taking a little retroactive pledge training from me while

Adam's away. If you guys don't watch it, you'll be bent over

getting your asses paddled, too. Ron knows what my paddlings feel

like, don't you Little Brother?"

"Yes Sir, Big Brother, Sir!"

"That's more like it. If I hear any more teasing of Dave, you'll

both have to report to my room for a taste of my paddle,


Ron and Bill in unison: "Yes Sir!"

"Good. Now shower up and get back to the pledge attic where you

belong. Dave, you'll report to me again tomorrow at ten for further

training. Got that?"

Dave grins inwardly as he anticipates another session of "training"

with Bruce.

You can order the whole book by sending $13.70 to SBPC, P.O. Box 20034, Santa Barbara, CA 93120. HOT!!

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