Straight vibrations

By Varstin

Published on Feb 9, 2001



Good vibrations

Straight vibrations

A few years ago I met my present boyfriend. We discovered that we were very different from each other, but still we were attracted to one another, We both were city people, although we didn't live in the same city. When we moved in with each other we decided that we would both leave the city we lived in. We decided to go live in a small village. Of course we knew that this would be a big step, since we didn't know if the people over there accepted a gay couple.

Well, we made the step and there isn't a moment that we regret our decision. In a way the people in this village see us as some guys who just happen to like each other enough that they are willing to spend the rest of their lives with each other. And some people still think we are brothers...

Anyway, when we live here for 2 years now, and we pretty much got to know our neighbours due to some activities in this village. You meet people you'd never get to know in the first place. During the summer holidays I'm involved with an organisation that makes sure that children have some fun during the holidays, while their parents have to work. Something like summer camp if you know what I mean. That was the reason I met Monique. She was a very decent and shy person who tried to build bridges with children by being direct and giving them a lot of rules. She was really a person who didn't like surprises or anything that was different from the rules. Don't get me wrong, she was a really nice person to be with, but I really think she could loosen up sometimes.

At the end of the season there was a great party and me and my boyfriend were invited also. There must have been around 70 people at the party, and it seemed that a lot of people had brought their partner. That was the first time I saw Monique's husband, Patrick. Although I really love my boyfriend I sometimes get an enormous sensation about other guys. Patrick was one of them. Luckily I can say those things to my boyfriend. When I walked up to him to tell him that I saw this very good-looking guy it seemed that he had spotted him also.

Patrick was a knockout. He was wearing casual clothes, a big red sweater, Levis and some sneakers. Just by being himself I felt enormously attracted to him. It took me several beers to finally walk up to him.

"Hi, you must me Monique's husband"

"Yes, as the matter a fact, I am, who are you?"

Monique was sitting beside him and was kind enough to introduce me. At the same time I was wondering why she never had mentioned the fact that she had a husband. Maybe it was because she got married so young. I knew that Monique was 23 now and if my guesses where right, he might even be a little younger.

Anyway, I made the connection and I continued me conversation with Patrick. We talked about the season, which was a success for the organisation, we talked about the local soccer players who did very well, and we talked about our work. It seemed that Patrick was active in the construction sector. He was carpenter, but sometimes he was also a chauffeur. He was so good with tools that his boss let him do all different stuff, which made his work very pleasant. I was intrigued by his words. Guys who worked at the construction site always did it for me. There is no other work that is sexier then being a builder. All the guys working their bodies in sweat are really a turn on for me.

We talked for over an hour. I had too much to drink to worry about Monique, Patrick captivated me and there was nothing I could do about it.

When Monique was talking to a friend, we suddenly hit the subject sex. It seemed that Patrick was very happy with Monique, but their sex life was rather.....well, lets just say that they hadn't had sex much. Monique was the kind of girl who didn't enjoy sex as much as a person should, according to Patrick. So I wanted to know more about the subject.

"Why is it like that, how do you manage to keep this relation going?"

"It's harder then you can imagine." Patrick said

"Ever considered cheating on Monique?"

"A Million times. I even had a discussion with her about the subject. She told me if she would catch me with another woman, she would leave me. And I love her too much for that to happen."

"Sounds to me you have still an option then."

Patrick looked at me surprised.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she said that she doesn't want you to have sex with other women..." In my sentence I laid the accent on the word women.

"Surely you are not suggesting that...come on man... I'm married, remember?"

"There are a lot of guys in your position. You live by the rules. So maybe it's time to make some of your own."

This conversation was turning out differently then I thought. I had the feeling that I shocked Patrick with my words. Anyway, I saw in my boyfriend's eyes that he wanted to go home, and it was not because he was tired. He always gets that way after some beers. We took our coats and said goodbye to all the people. Patrick was the one who jumped up and took his coat also.

"Honey, I'm just going to check out their new car, maybe take it for a ride. I'll see you in an hour."

What was this guy up to? In our conversation I never mentioned a new car. We drove home -it wasn't a long drive- and we kept quiet in the car. I wanted to ask him why he told Monique a lie. I wanted to ask him what he was up to, but in a way I was also excited to find out where this would lead.

When the three of us got to our house he was surprised that there were no extreme images or something. He must have thought that all gays have those.

"Nice home"

"Thanks" my boyfriend said. And with that he gave me a look. We didn't need many words to understand what the other was meaning. This was the go-and-get-him look. But how to get him? How to proceed making advances to a married man. I just had to try something.

"You're something," I said. "Leaving your wife behind. I wonder what she is thinking now..."

"Don't worry, as long as I don't look at other girls she's alright with anything."

"Well, so she trust you with guys. I think there is an opportunity for you there."

"I know what you mean. I'm a very good lover to women, but I wouldn't know how to get started with a man."

There it was. I was waiting for a line like that. I had too much to drink to think straight or play it safe.

"And what if the other man started, would that be alright to you?"

I laid my hand on his shoulder and squeezed him a little bit. He turned his face towards me and looked me in the eyes. He was so pretty and cute. Not to mention well build. I decided to go for the score. When I move my lips to his lips he pulled back.

"Can we do this without the kissing? Is that alright with you?"

"Sure man, no sweat."

"My girlfriend doesn't like giving me blowjobs. It has been almost 10 months since I've hade one. Maybe you can..."

He didn't have to finish his sentence. I unbuttoned his jeans slowly. When my boyfriend walked in he sat down to look at the site of us to hitting it off. Within seconds a firm beautiful cock came out of the jeans. This huge lovemaking machine impressed even my boyfriend. His cock was semi erect but as soon as I began to lick the head, it hardened almost instantly.

"Oh man, this is something I have been waiting for. This feels soooo great."

It was impossible for me to swallow his whole dick but I was enjoying myself. I pushed him to the couch where he sat down, his cock still hanging out of his jeans. My boyfriend got up and wanted to join. With two tongues we licked his precum of his cock. It tasted great. I like it when we both licking and kissing the same time. Gives that extra special feeling to it.

We licked this guy's cock like we were thirsty and hadn't had a drop of water in days. I wanted to receive the load of this married guy, I wanted to taste the cum of Patrick. So I licked his cock and kissed my boyfriend during the licking. I almost came myself when Patrick gave a big moan. His sperm was shooting out of his cock and I wanted to have it all. He shot his juice right into my mouth. My boyfriend tried to lick some of it of his cock and licked the rest of my face clean.

He sat for one or two minutes. Then he got up and buttoned up his jeans

"Man, thanks, this was really great. I think I can last for some weeks now. "

"Wait a second." I said. "I hope your not thinking about leaving."

"My girlfr...why?"

"You come in here, turn me and my buddy on, then we have to suck your cock and then you go away again? That's not the way it works over here. You gave me a hard on, so you better take responsibility for it."

"You don't get it man, I'm not gay. I'm not into having sex with a man."

"And letting a guy suck the juice right out of you doesn't count as sex?"

"Well, it's.....different"

"My dear married heterosexual. You said A, now it's time for you to say B."

My boyfriend looked at me. Sure I was role-playing, but with any luck he felt like he had to do this. And it worked. He actually started unbuttoning his jeans again.

"I take it you want to fuck me?"

"Boy, what we are going to do to you goes beyond imagination. Get naked and we'll see how this develops."

With a little bit of arguments he undressed fully and the nice thing about someone undressing is that you can see the full package. Our young Patrick had been training in the gym. On his right arm he had a tattoo. He was strong, he was manly, he was everything you which for a guy to be.

"Now listen carefully, you are going to sit on that couch on your knees, like you would sit at a Chinese table. That will give me room to move my head under your nice cock and balls. My boyfriend will take position in front of you, where he can pull my cock and suck your nipples at the same time. You got that?"

Patrick was in the game. He played wonderfully. He did everything I said. I like that in a boy. His balls were tasty and soft. I even got the chance to lick his crack. My boyfriend likes to kiss, but that was the only thing he really refused to do. Well, all right, you can't have it all. I wanted to fuck this boy's brains out. I was so in the mood. I like it when guys are willing and all ears what I want from them. So I turned him around, laid him on he couch so I could enter that hole I had been licking for some time.

"Is this going to hurt?"

Frankly, I couldn't care less. I just wanted my cock up on his ass. But I said some reassuring words to put him in comfort. While I pushed my cock him, my boyfriend decided he wanted to have a blowjob also, and moved himself in front of Patrick's face. He had no choice but to take it into his mouth. Wouldn't this be perfect I thought, both fucking a straight guy and cumming at the same time. I looked at my boyfriend and when he gave me the yes-I'm-ready look, we both came inside Patrick. My boyfriend made sure he swallowed the whole load, and by licking the cock clean from cum, I could tell he liked it.

After that he rushed back to his girlfriend who never suspected anything. We still see him from time to time. He visits us once or twice a month. We are okay with that, because what else has a married man has to do.....

This story is a true one with some extra chance of details to juice it up a little bit. Mail me if you liked it and if you would like to be in my next story. All things are possible.....

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