Stronger Than He Knows

By Aaron Saxon

Published on Mar 27, 2012


I want to thank my editor and friend Anthony for his continued help with this story. He has a story of his own called Alex's Guardian Angel, I think many of you might enjoy reading.

Now, for the legal stuff. If you are under 18 or it is illegal to read such things where you live, please leave now, otherwise enjoy this continuing story.

Chapter 3

I awoke the next morning to a stirring in my groin telling me I had to go to the bathroom but something felt strange. It took me a few seconds to realise that Tyler was actually holding my morning boner. He was sleeping so soundly I didn't want to wake him. A huge smile came across my face as I laid there just enjoying the feeling of Tyler's hand on my cock. He was lying on his side up against me, I watched as his chest would rise and fall with his gentle breathing. About 10 minutes later I knew I couldn't hold it in any longer. I slowly moved his hand off my cock enjoying every bit of the sensations it was creating and laid it gently down on the bed.

I scooted to the end of the bed and got up to go to the bathroom. I looked back at the boy who had just made me feel so good as I got my boxer briefs and put them on before opening his door to walk the few steps to the bathroom. It must still be early because it didn't sound like anyone one else was awake yet. I got in the bathroom, pulled down the front of my underwear and emptied my bladder. When I was finished, I washed my hands and took a glance at myself in the mirror grinning before I exited.

I walked back in to the bedroom and saw Tyler still sleeping soundly. After our fun last night I was really feeling good. I lingered a few more minutes and decided to crawl back into bed and sleep a few more hours.

I was sleeping pretty soundly, dreaming that I was running from something, until Tyler caught up to me. Spinning me around, he took me in his arms and so gently kissed me on the lips. He moved back for a second, until I leaned into him and placed my lips back on his. A few moments later, I felt his tongue on my lips and so I opened my mouth up and let his tongue enter. As we were kissing, he reached his hand down and was groping my hard on through my shorts. I must have been moaning lowly, because before I knew it, I felt something on my arm stirring me from my sleep.

"Were you having a nice dream?"

"Um, yeah I was." I turned a little red as I said this.

"What was it about?" Tyler asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Um, um, it wa-was..." I couldn't finish the sentence.

"It's okay, I'm just giving you crap. It was probably about some girl right?"

I couldn't tell him the dream I was having was about the two of us, so I just nodded. I hated lying to Tyler but I didn't want to wreck our friendship by telling him I was starting to like him as more than a friend.

After more playful nudging back and forth we decided to get up and go get some breakfast. First though, it was Tyler's turn to use the bathroom. I waited out in the hall while he took a leak and washed his hands. He opened the door and as he exited our arms brushed against each other. I blushed again and he smiled as we headed down to the kitchen. The closer we got the stronger the smell of pancakes and sausage got.

As we entered the kitchen we were greeted by Tyler's mom Jane.

"Good morning boys, sleep well?"

"Morning mom. Yeah, we slept well." Tyler said grinning and winking at me.

"Good morning Mrs. Mayes."

"Take a seat boys, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes."

We took a seat at the breakfast bar. After a few seconds of Tyler and I sitting down, a plate of pancakes and sausages were put in front of us.

"Help yourselves boys."

We dug in, I don't know whether it was from the excitement of the night before or what but as soon as I took one bite I realised I was starving. I tucked in with fervor.

"What are you boys going do today?"

"We are gonna meet up with this other new kid named John, and then David here is gonna show us newbie's the sights."

"That sounds nice."

"Not really Mrs. Mayes, there isn't that much here."

"David, please call me Jane, Mrs. Mayes makes me feel really old."

"Ok Mrs. Mayes, I mean Jane."

"Will you boys need some money?"

"I was thinking that we would hit the park this morning, come back for lunch, have a bit of a muck around and then head off to the swimming pool."

"Well I'll leave you a bit of spending money for some drinks while you're out."

"Thanks mom."

With that Jane went off to do some things elsewhere leaving me and Tyler alone. We polished off the plate of food before heading back up to Tyler's room where we got dressed before going back down to wait for John.

We sat down on the sofa and Tyler asked if I wanted to watch some TV while we waited.

"Sure." I said with a smile.

Tyler turned on the TV and started to channel surf. After about ten minutes and finding nothing that interested either of us, he shut it off and we both sighed.

"What do we do now?" I asked him.

"Wanna play a card game?" Tyler asked whilst he got off the sofa and made his way over to the book case to retrieve the deck of cards.

"Ok, but I only know how to play go-fish."

"That's fine." He said grinning at me again.

Tyler sat back down, pulled out the deck of cards from their box and began to shuffle them. I watched in awe as he began to deal seven cards to each of us.

"You go first."

"Okay, do you have any eights?"

"I do," he said handing it to me as I discarded the pair aside.

I could see Tyler was mulling over which card to ask me for when he finally asked if I had any twos?

I nodded and handed it to him and he discarded the pair.

This went on for about fifteen minutes when there was a knock on the door. Tyler put his cards down and got up to answer the door. A minute later, Tyler and John came bounding into the living room.

"Hi David," John said with a smile. His smile was just as bright as Tyler's and made me smile too.

"Hi John, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks. What's on tap for today guys?" John asked.

Both Tyler and John looked at me since they were new to town.

"I was thinking we could grab our bikes and ride to the park or the mall and then maybe going swimming later?" I asked that last part for John's benefit since Tyler and I had already settled on it earlier.

They both looked at each other and nodded in agreement. In unison they both said, "Let's go to the park and then swimming later."

John and I left to go grab our bikes and met back at Tyler's house. He was waiting for us with a basketball in his hand. "I thought if there was a basketball hoop we could play?" We all nodded and we were on our way.

We arrived at Roger Mills Park at about 11am according to the watch I was wearing. We leaned our bikes against a tall oak tree right near the basketball court. It was about 10' x 10' with 6 hoops that definitely showed their overuse. A few of them had no nets attached to the rims. No one else was using the courts and the park was mostly empty for a Saturday morning.

We settled on playing a game of 21 after about a five minute discussion. It quickly became apparent that Tyler was the better athlete of the three of us. He had rapidly racked up a score of 11 points to John's 5 and my 4.

The sun started to peak out from the clouds now that it was getting closer to noon, quickly warming up the court. We began to sweat. Tyler and John decided to remove their t-shirts and finish our game that way. As they began to remove them, I noticed first their little innie belly buttons and then their flat stomachs and how tanned their bodies were. I also noticed a bead of sweat roll down John's chest and over his stomach and stop at his waist band. My cock started to respond to what I was seeing. I adjusted my member so it didn't show so much in my gym shorts. John's pecs were flat against his frame. Tyler didn't notice me staring but John did. I began to blush as I quickly darted my gaze from his. When I did look back, John just smiled at me and asked if I was ready to continue as Tyler had been dribbling the ball for a few minutes. I nodded in agreement knowing that I was blushing at this point.

The game was decided about 20 minutes later with Tyler the victor, John came in second with 19 points and I brought up the rear, no pun intended, with 15. We decided to leave the park and head back to my house for a quick lunch before we would ask my mom to take us to the swim park.

When we got home my mom had three grilled cheese sandwiches and some ruffles potato chips waiting for us.

"What would you boys like to drink?" My mom asked us. "We have coke, lemonade, water, milk and fruit juice."

Tyler and I settled for cokes and John took a glass of fruit juice. As we were eating I asked my mom if she could take the three of us to the swim park after lunch?

"Sure honey."

We finished our lunch and Tyler and John went to grab a towel and their swim suits from their home as I raced upstairs to get my own. Just as I was coming downstairs, John and Tyler came walking up to the door. We got in my mom's van and headed on our way.

My mom handed me some money to get into the swim park and some for refreshments. The swim park was this giant indoor park with four slides on one side, an Olympic sized pool and a regular 10' pool for general swimming.

We entered the locker rooms the younger kids used. The room seemed to be pretty deserted. On one wall there were rules displayed on a big white board. First, it said that all who wish to swim must shower before entering the pool. Second, it said that no rough housing would be permitted and the only other one we paid attention to was the times there wouldn't be a lifeguard on duty.

As the weather was still warm and our swim shorts looked just like a normal pair of shorts we just wore them and a t-shirt to the pool. So we dumped our shoes, socks, towels and t-shirts in one locker and made our way to the showers to get wet before we went to the pool.

When we got in, Tyler was the first to the top of the slides, he seemed to think everything was a competition. We had fun going down the slides and messing around in the pool. John showed off by demonstrating how long he could hold his breath under water. He was also the fastest of us when it came to swimming. John had failed to mention to either Tyler or myself, until after he had beaten us by a big margin, that he had been school champion back in his old school.

"So are you going to try out for the swim team this year?" I asked.

"Mom wants me to, but the trouble is I baby sit my brother after school until mom gets home from work. I don't know how we would manage."

"I've got an idea but it depends on a couple of things. I'll talk it over with mom this evening and if it works out like I think it will, I'll get mom to come over and talk with your mom about it. It's not fair for you to miss out on something you are so good at." I replied.

"Ok, well let me know either way, I'll give you my cell number later."

"Sure. Race you to the top."

As soon as I had said it, I was off. I just managed to beat Tyler and John to the top of the stairs to the largest slide. We spent another hour in and out of the water before we decided to go get some food. After the cost of getting in we didn't have a lot of money between the three of us for much, so we decided that maybe going home was the better option as Tyler was starving.

We went into the showers and quickly rinsed off the chlorine, we didn't bother taking our shorts off in the showers, much to my disappointment. We got out, dried off as best we could before we put the rest of our clothes on and started making our way home. We laughed and joked while we walked home. As we got onto our street, we dropped off John at his house, then I said bye to Tyler at his. While I very much wanted to go to Tyler's house, with the hope of seeing him jerk off again, I could hear my mom in my head say I shouldn't overstay my welcome. I had thought of asking Tyler to stay over at mine but while we were at the pool, he asked John if he wanted to sleep over.

When I walked in, I headed up to my room to get some underwear and dry shorts on, before going into the kitchen to see what I could get to eat.

"Don't have too much David, dinner isn't going to be too long."

"Ok mum."

"So how did the swim park go?"

"It was wicked, we had a good laugh and only came home coz we were hungry. John is a wicked swimmer too, but there might be a problem with him going for the swim team. You see it's only him, his mum and a little brother and his mum works. John looks after his brother when they get home from school until his mum comes home, but if John tries out for the swim team then he will have to stay behind in school some days which means there will be no one to look after his brother. I was thinking, as Cody and Nathan are around the same age, maybe Nathan could come over here on the days that John has swimming practice. Would that be possible? I mean Julie is already here watching Cody and it would give him someone to play with."

"It is certainly possible. There are a couple of potential problems with that though."

"What problems?"

"Well firstly, what if Adam and Nathan don't get along? I mean have you met Nathan? Another problem could be that Julie might not be happy looking after two boys Adam's age or she may ask for more money to do so. However I will see if we can sort something out. Have you got John's phone number?

"No we were going to swap numbers earlier but we forgot, you could just go round there, they live at number 1564."

"Ok, well you finish your sandwich and keep an eye on Adam for me and I'll go around to John's house and speak to his mother and see what we can sort out."

"Thanks mom."

"What is his mother's name?"

"Mrs Summers."

"Ok then, I was going to give you boys some cherry pie for dessert later, but if I am going to meet the new neighbours I am not going empty handed, so you'll have to make do with some ice cream tonight."

With that mom picked up the cherry pie and left for Mrs Summers' house. I quickly finished my sandwich before going to find Adam.

"Hey Adam can I come in?"

"Sure Davie." Adam was the only one to ever call me that.

"Was there a new kid in school with you the yesterday called Nathan Summers?"

"Yeah he's in my class, why?"

"What did you think of him?"

"I don't know, I didn't talk to him, he was pretty quiet. Why?"

"It's just that I met his brother yesterday and we went to the swim park together today with Tyler and he happened to mention how old his brother was so I wondered whether you had met him."

"Oh, I didn't know he lived so close, I didn't see him on the bus."

"Mom's gone around to talk to his mother now, you see John was hoping to try for the swim team, but as he baby sit's his brother, he can't unless they find someone else and I asked mom if he could come around here as Julie is already here looking after you."

"That could be fun. Julie is alright but she's a girl and they can be real boring at times, I prefer it when Jimmy looks after me."

"I know what you mean. So you'd be alright with it?"


"Cool. So what you been up to all day?"

"Watching a bit of TV and playing a few games of Mario. How was the swim park?"

"It was great, we had a good laugh. Come on, where's the other controller, I'll give you a thrashing on Mario kart."

"You wish."

Adam and I played the game for an hour before mum called us for dinner. We quickly washed up before we went down to the kitchen.

"I had a nice meeting with Mrs Summers. You'll be pleased to know that she was hoping to find a babysitter for Nathan to allow John to keep up his swimming. I suggested Nathan comes around tomorrow for a few hours to see how the boys get along and providing they do, I'll call Julie and see if she is happy to look after the two of them."

"Cool." I said.

When we finished dinner, I helped mum load the dishwasher before I went up to my room to play a few games on the Playstation. After a few hours of bombing and shooting, I switched the machine and TV off and got undressed for bed.

Next: Chapter 4

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