Stupid Jerk

By K

Published on Sep 5, 2005


I'm sorry about taking so long to post this. I'm working on my rewrites for my book and other what nots. Oh yeah, I'm moving soon, so after like the next 2 chapters there may be another delay. I like to get these out weekly, and I've fallen behind that schedule. I really appreciate all the emails I've received. Lastly, usual disclaimer things apply: Don't read this if you're not supposed to, but if you do anyway, why not enjoy it? If you're uncomfortabled by gay/bi/whatever teens and their stories or portrayals of sexual congress between them, then you must have written the wrong website address in the bar. Please go elsewhere. Enjoy.


Stupid Jerk: New Things

"'Sup," Darryl greeted him softly, "That was a heavy practice, wasn't it?"

Sam broke into a huge grin and walked up to Darryl, wrapping his hands around his waist. "'Sup, Berry," he called Darryl. It was a nickname he coined after they first kissed. In his opinion, Darryl literally tasted like strawberries. Right before what Darryl would call his most magical kiss, he had been delightfully binging on the fruit. Sam thought the name was appropriate, especially when Darryl would blush. And of course, that's exactly what he was doing now.

"I love it when you blush like that. I can make my big, hulking, black man blush, just by calling him Berry. So sweet," Sam bragged and dove his tongue into Darryl's shortly unprepared mouth. They began kissing furiously, each of them forgetting where they were and how easily their cover could be blown. 'I don't care,' Darryl told himself. He was content as long as he was wrapped in Sam's arms.

They were now pretty heavy. At some point Darryl's shirt was tossed elsewhere, not to later be found by either of them. Sam, who was already shirtless was quickly losing his shorts, and damn them for they wouldn't come off quickly enough. He cursed them as Darryl pushed him back, crushing their brawny bodies onto the lockers.

Darryl detached himself from Sam's mouth to help him take off his shorts. He began kissing Sam's neck, sucking on the space right next to his Adam's apple. He slowly kissed down to Sam's collar bone and smiled at his secret boyfriend before he began playing with his now erect brown nipple. He continued to twist it in his fingers, making a loud moan emanate from deep in Sam's throat. He reached down into Sam's shorts and massaged the hardness there through Sam's jockstrap.

Just as his mouth lowered to Sam's other nipple, "Perdon! Lovebirds? Perdon," came Paco's voice.

I shook Darryl violently. When he falls asleep he's out completely. World War IV and the Apocalypse could occur simultaneously on top of him, and he'd sleep through them. "Darryl!" I shook him again and whispered, "You're snoring." Deirdre glared at him over my shoulder. He returned the glare.

"If you ain't wanna see this, then why'd you come?" she rolled her eyes, angrily.

He just leered at her and then looked at the screen.

"Hey!" Tom whispered, "Not now!"

George leaned pass Tom, "He's right! Watch the movie!"

"SHHHHHH!" came harshly from people in the audience.

I laughed silently to myself. The five of us were at the movies. Deirdre and George wanted to see some movie with Diane Keaton and some other guy, and when me, Tom, and Darryl tried to persuade them to see something else, they just glared blankly at us. We gave in, not wanting to hear for days on end how horrible our choice was. The movie wasn't bad, just a chick flick basically. I leaned over to Darryl and whispered, "Don't fall asleep again. But if you do, try not to say his name." I didn't have to look at him to see the blush washing itself over his face. Another shh! Flew out from someone. I flicked whomever it was off.

Sometime during the rest of the movie, I zoned out. I swear I blinked once. Then the credits were rolling, and we were leaving. A badly wasted eight bucks. Damn boring movie. Deirdre, George, and even Tom loved the movie. They went on and on about it, even though we had just seen it. They joked and laughed about moments that I had no knowledge whatsoever about. Darryl and I lagged behind. "So when'd George become part of the group?" Darryl asked.

"Ever since Deirdre wanted to exact revenge for me. Sabes que I've wanted to get her alone so I can ask her what she's gonna do. Pero she and George are attached at the hip, now. So, I say we act like it ain't nothin'?" I answered.

He shrugged, "I guess." I looked up to find that we were the arcade, right next to a Claire's.

"C'mon, George, let's go!" Deirdre said with too much excitement.

George rolled her eyes, "Okay. . . I do not do Claire's. It's like taking all things girly and shoving them into this one small space."

"You are a girl," Deirdre said emphatically and pulled an annoyed George into the store. "You guys go do guy shit."

Tom, Darryl, and I looked at each other. "Guy shit?" we all laughed in unison. We went into the arcade. Tom saw some fighting game and became completely enamorado. He zipped over to it to begin playing it. He and his opponent, a short black-haired girl, threw trash-talking obscenities at each other as they play. Darryl and I found some large racing game where you sat in a real seat and actually had to use a pedal and steering wheel. Trabaja! All that work just to play a game. I didn't really want to drive. Honest to say, I suck at driving, though I'll never admit it if accused or asked. Darryl won easily, which he wouldn't let me live down. (Especialmente since we had four consecutive races before I gave up.) While he stupidly victory-danced, a cheerleader named Hanna walked by.

"Hey, Darryl. Hope the team's ready for our first game in a week, right?" she said, hugging him. She looked over at me, "And who's your friend?"

I laughed on the inside as Darryl looked at her like she was an idiot, "That's Paco."

She faces me, "Siskey?!?" I nodded. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed, "It's your hair. It's all gone. Hmm. I liked your hair, nice and long and black. It made you look really cute. I mean you had beautiful hair." She lightly touched my arm, "Why'd you cut it all off?"

I sighed. Earlier me and Darryl had gone to his house, and his mom cut my hair for me, while chastising me for getting drunk and hurting myself. Darryl tried to come to my defense - that it wasn't my fault - but she was having none of that. I looked at Hanna and then pointed to the bandage, a little angry from the fact that she called my hair beautiful and now it had been razed away. "I got hurt."

"Oh, and you didn't want that shaved patch, right?" she asked.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Thought so," she concluded, "Well, though your hair was long and beautiful (believe me all us girls just loved your hair), you still are totally hot. I mean, you just look so different, but not in a bad way." She paused. "Well since you and Kara aren't going out anymore. . . You can - um - feel free to you know - ask someone out every once in a while, right?" She winked. "Well, then, see ya around. You too, Darryl." She sashayed away.

Darryl beamed at me and punched my arm, "She wants you."

I rubbed my arm where he punched it, "Sometimes, you and Tom are too strong for your own good. And yeah, I kinda' picked up on her flirtin'."

He wiggled his eyebrows, "Well, you gonna go after it?"

"Her, not it. She's not an 'it'. I mean, she's cute and all, but I'm not lookin' right now." I stated simply.

He gave me the most incredulous look, "I thought you were over her."

"I am," I looked away.

He moved in front of me and shook his head, "I'm your best friend. I know you, and you aren't."

I looked away from him again. He was right, and he knew it. I hated times like these, when he ended up being all wise and sage about me. No, I wasn't over Kara. She was my girlfriend, la novia mia! iMia! Not Sam's, not Darryl's, not any jock at all. She was mine. Me, the tall, thin, Peruano artsy guy. The one who sketches as much as possible, didn't really favor sports, and really wanted to get the spot for designing the school's new mural. She wanted me. She shifted the "cool" balance here in West Bumblefuck. She did that for me. She risked her reputation, her oh-so-dearly-coveted and loved reputation. And she was a great girlfriend. We had deep conversation; she could argue like a champ, be wild and spontaneous, and yeah la tira fue buenisima. Dios mio was sex with her good!

But, she left me for stupid reasons. False reasons. Then what does she do? ?Que hace ella? She becomes Sam's cover. After all the shit she gave me about seeing me and Darryl "make out" (that's what she amped it up to), she becomes a gay guy's cover. Yeah, it was smart. The head cheerleader and the captain of the football team being together makes the perfect couple. Ay, how cliche is that? Of course that's right up Los Bumblefuckians' alley. A typical, high school "match made in heaven". Pues, Dio tiene que cagar en su relacion. Yeah, I did want that. God should just shit all over their "relationship"; however, I was okay with it, knowing that Sam's shacking up with Darryl was it's own type of shitting on their "ideal" relationship.

Damn, I shouldn't hate their relationship that much, should I? I guess if they're all happy, I could deal. Really, I could.

Darryl looked at my guilty expression; he clapped me on the back, "Don't shit over it. It's natural."

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Hey, be happy, Paco," he said, clapping me on the back again, "You wanna play somethin' else?"

I shook my head, "Nah. I'm'a'go sit over there on a bench. Go have fun. Play some games. Disfrutalos." He looked unsure for a moment and then went back to the racing game. I walked over to the bench and stretched out, slouching. I leaned my head back onto the small tiled platform behind the bench and closed my eyes. I don't know how long I was like that, but I didn't open my eyes until I felt the bench sink slightly as someone sat down. I heard them say, "Yo, Paco?" They sounded surprised to see me. Fully opening my eyes, I saw Sam sitting next to me. I sat up slowly. I really didn't need to see him right now - the fucking girlfriend-stealer - but then I thought to myself, 'He's gay. He doesn't want her.' I laughed at my own thought. He cocked an eyebrow.

"Sam," I shook my head, "Hiyou?"

"I should be asking you that. You're the one who took the hard fall. You were like bruised and shit on the side of your head. Doctor Kaiser said that you hit your head around that area more than the one time in front me and - in front of me. So, I figured you must not have used your hand to knock on the door? I'm real sorry about it," he apologized. "I made sure we got you over to your house without anyone seeing. I didn't wanna cause no big thing, y'know."

"You ain't got nothin' to be sorry about. It wasn't your fault, and thanks for taking me home and shit," I assured and thanked him.

"Don't mention it," he smiled. "So, hangin' out here?"

"Yeah, we went to a movie earlier," I told him, glad that "we" didn't need to be specified, "Oh yeah, George came along too."

"George, the cheerleader or George on the team?" he asked.


"Oh, I didn't know she was part of your group," he commented, eyes cast down.

"She is now," I explained.

"Oh?" he asked, "Seems like the three of you were pretty exclusive till Tom showed up."

"Exclusive?" I asked incredulously.

He nodded, "Yeah, exclusive. I mean, y'all been like that since you moved in like fourth grade. Y'all were just so tight. Made other people feel left out."

"Wait, you think you aren't a friend?"

"I know when I'm home and wanna shoot the shit and not with guys from the team, you were always across the street, and that Darryl or Deirdre would be there. We would hang out and shit, but I just felt outta the loop," he explained. This was a new side of Sam that I was seeing. I never knew that he could be so . . . deep.

"Well, we ain't wanna make you feel that way," I apologized.

"It's nothin'," he waved his hand as if shooing something away, "I know you didn't and I'm not mad about it so, no worries."

We both looked up to see Tom and Darryl walking to some other game together. I saw Sam's lingering stare at Darryl. I took a deep breath, "I think it's cool, the two of you." He looked confused. With my eyes I gestured towards Darryl. He smiled and then looked shocked. Then angry.

"Wait, he told you?!?" he whispered harshly, looking around us. Before I could answer, he continued, "I told him not to tell anyone. I can't believe he told you!"

"He didn't," I explained calmly. He visibly relaxed.

"Well then how-"

"I put two and two together. I really had no idea until last night." I smiled at him, "Interrupted you, didn't I?"

He looked guilty for a moment and then grinned, "Yeah." Neither one of us said anything for a while. We both just sat there. He finally broke the silence, "I'm sorry about Kara."

I stared at him, bewildered. "?Que?" I asked.

"I didn't want to take her away from you," he continued. This was coming from nowhere. "Me and Darryl talked about it. He said that you're not over her."

"Well that's a lie," I said too quickly and angrily.

He frowned, "Okay. I'm just - I'm sorry about her and you breaking up. It was cool to see such a not-so-typical couple." I grunted. He opened his mouth to say something and closed it. He scratched his head and stood up. "Well, there she is now," he pointed to Kara who was with George and Deirdre, they all had bags in their hands, chatting it up. "See ya around, Paco. And thanks for keeping me and Darryl a secret."

The three girls came over to us. I stared at Kara angrily and she coyly smiled at me and then kissed Sam. Their hands clasped together. He asked her what she bought. She held up some bag and went on about how she met up with Deirdre and George in Claire's; and that they went shopping. "What've you been up to?" she asked me and Sam.

"Nothin'," Sam answered, "Just talking."

"Where's D and T?" George asked.

"Arcade, still," I answered.

Deirdre exhaled, "I'm beat. Let's get them. We're ready to go."

"K," I went to fetch the arcade addicts. Both Darryl and Tom reluctantly left their gaming. All five of us left the mall together. George fit in as well as Tom did. She became a natural part of our group. Our maybe no longer "exclusive" group. We all somehow piled into her car. We sat in tired silence as she drove us home.

Here are some translations again. Keep words astericked (*) in mind for the future. (One more thing, should I continue to do some of these translations? Please email me at and let me know. I love your comments, whether they good, flat, or total flamers. Thanks, K.)

Perdon: "pardon", [a direct cognate that one]; it can also be "pardon/excuse me"

Sabes que*: "You know that...." (i.e. Sabes que I'm going to the store); or "Do you know how/that...." (i.e. Sabes que she is going to the concert?)

Enamorado: enamored

Trabaja!: Work!

Especialmente: especially. ["ly"=mente]

La novia mia: MY girlfriend!

Que hace ella?: What does she do?

La tira fue buenisima: The sex was the best.

Dios tiene que cagar en su relacion: God should (literally "must") shit on their relationship.

Pero*: but

Next: Chapter 6

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