Subcontractor Connections

By moc.liamtoh@56srellese

Published on Jul 18, 2013


Subject: Subcontractor Connections - 7

Usual disclaimers apply.

Please do not copy my work or use it without my permission.

This is not a true story, just something from my imagination. If you have any constructive criticism for me I welcome it because I think I can only get better by learning from my mistakes.

Just as I started to awaken, I heard noise rustling. I rolled over and looked at the alarm clock. 4:45 AM. Then I heard sounds of sobbing. I realized it was Jase.

"Jase," I whispered, "what's wrong?"

"I gotta get home..." he stammered.

I got up out of bed and went around to him on his side of the bed. I bent down, and could see that he had been crying.

"Jase -- it's done between you and admitted it yourself. It was done years ago," I consoled.

I leaned in and wiped his tears from his face and kissed him firmly on the mouth. He met me with his lips and his tongue was gently pushing into my mouth.

"Remember, you have to be honest with her, yourself, Gray, Matt, and me. You are welcome here. This is your new home," I gently reminded.

"Thanks, Evan -- I appreciated it," Jase said.

With that, I gently slid my hands down Jase' side. "Here, lay back down for a bit, get yourself pulled together, and then you can go get your and Gray's things," I continued.

Jase lay back down in bed and rolled to spoon Matt. As he settled in, I started gently rubbing Jase's hip and ass. I reached up under the sheet and started rubbing Jase's ass. I worked my fingers gently into his asshole and started fingerfucking him. First, one finger pushing in and rolling, then two, then three.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, fuck me," he groaned softly.

I pushed my fingers into his ass and pulled them out repeatedly until he asked for more.

"Fuck me," Jase pleaded. "Open me up...."

"I bent down and put my nose and mouth to his asshole. His ass still had the faint smell of man spunk from earlier in the evening. I darted my tongue in and out of his hole which caused faint grumbles and growls to come from Jase's core.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............Aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrg.............MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm......" he groaned.

I reached up and started gently caressing Jase's chest. I started playing with his right nipple, pinching lightly, and then sliding down into his freshly shaven pubic area. I was quicky greeted by Jase's hard cock. I grabbed Jase's hip and pulled him toward me. He rolled, and now he and Matt were ass to ass.

Jase pulled the sheet back to fully reveal his cock. I lowered my mouth around his cock and started slowly bobbing my head over his meat. His cut cock was hot and salty, as it just started to leak pre-cum. I savored the moment. Jase had a low, gutteral growl, almost like a cat purring.

I continued sucking and ravishing his cock with my mouth. Jase's body was becoming overwhelmed as his legs began to stiffen. His thighs were stretched tightly. I reached up between his legs and stuck my fingers back in his asshole as his juices built.

"OOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooohhh...." he growled.

I pushed my fingers more deeply into his asshole and continued my assault on his cock.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm.....oooooooooooooohhh......yessssssssss," he hissed.

Finally, his body and mind collided. His body was racked with what seemed to be one of the biggest orgasms I had ever seen.

I cock exploded with cum into my mouth. He pumped load after load deeply into my throat. His salty cum was dripping out of the sides of my mouth as I kept tightenting my lips and milking all I could from his cock.

While sucking his love juices from his cock, the movement in the bed stirred Matt. Jase's body was tremoring in ecstasy. His chest was heaving as he regained his breath. His ass clenched around my fingers, and my mouth was dripping Jase's cum down my chin.

Matt started rubbing his own cock to get hard. I saw his hand moving under the sheets, and I stood and went back around the bed. I flipped the covers off of Matt, and he too was hard. As much as Jase and I had ravaged Matt over the last two days, I was surprised that he was still horny. I lowered my head to his cock and started to suck on Matt. To my surprise, Matt h rolled his ass up into the air and put his legs back to the sheets.

"Fuck me," he pleaded. "Ride my ass..."

Who was I to argue? My cock was raging hard, and I wanted to satisfy both my men. I knelt up on the bed and lowered my cock into Matt's gaping love hole. I slowly pumped my hips into Matt's ass. . "MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......OOhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........." he groaned.

With every groan from his mouth, I plunged my cock more deeply into his asshole. I wanted to fill his asshole with my love juices. Slowly, deeply....I pushed my cock into Matt. I arched my back with every thrust and seemed to be swallowed more deeply by Matt's asshole.

Matt's cock was slapping against my chest. His cock too was leaking precum. I knew neither he nor I had much longer we could hold out.

I reached up and started pumping Matt's cock with my hand. Just a couple jerks on his cock, and he exploded. His cock cut loose streams of white cum onto my chest and face. His cum was running into my mouth. I had trouble focusing between letting Matt's cum into my mouth and fucking his

Then, my body tensed. My own cock started pulsing. I could feel the juices rushing down my cock. My cock exploded with an intensity as I had never felt. I spew load after load into Matt's ass. His asshole consumed every drop of my cum. I collapsed on Matt and rested there for a few moments.

"Ok, loves, we need to get up and get our day started," I faintly said.

Matt was still relishing his stretched hole again by feeling my juices leaking out his contracting asshole. Jase was starting to revive, and tried to stand.

"Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh...." Jase groaned. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...."

Jase got his footing and walked slowly to the bathroom. Then, I heard him go down the hall toward the laundryroom. He came back with his clothes and Matt's clothes. He set Matt's on the bed next to me and started to get dressed. He put his leg up on the bed to start into his underwear and said, "See anything you like?"

"Hell, yeah," I said, and grabbed his balls and slid my two fingers in his hole."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...thanks, Evan," he said with a smile.

He pulled on the rest of his clothes and said, "I gotta go. I'll grab something on the way for breakfast.

I might be a bit late to the jobsite....let the boss know..." he turned and said with a wink.

"Just get done what needs done," I gently reminded.

He smiled.

Matt and I hauled out of bed, and he said, "Meet me in the shower in 2.."

He hustled down the hall, and I heard the water come on.

I walked in the bathroom and there Matt stood. His cock was starting to revive already, and he was still horny. I gently pushed him toward the shower, and closed the door.

"Sellers, I am so fucking horny," he started.

I put my finger to his lips and hushed him.

I knelt down in the shower and started sucking Matt's cock again. I didn't know that a 48 year old repressed man could have the endurance that Matt did. I was loving it. He only needed about 20 minutes to revive and he was ready to go again. This time, however, was even shorter.

His rock hard cock met my mouth, and I swallowed his cock fully. I took his entire cock into my mouth. I still had Jase's love juices on the sides of my mouth. They mixed with my mouth juices to form a mixture perfect for Matt's cock.

I sucked his cock for just a few moments, and he, too, cut loose with another load of cum. Matt shot into my mouth, and gave me another salty dose of man-juice this morning.

I stood and lathered up some soap. I washed Matt's chest, back, ass, and fingered his asshole while I was cleaning him.

He and his ass were becoming the objects of both my and Jase's affection.

I pulled Matt forward and got his hair wet. I grabbed the shampoo and lathered his head. Then, I put my head under the water to wash my hair. I rinsed my hair and then moved Matt under the water, and we finished.

Matt stepped out of the shower and had his back to me. Water was dripping down his freshly fucked hole. He turned and I got another glimpse of his love pole.

"You're a lucky bastard, Sellers..." I thought.

I grabbed a towel and dried Matt off. He rent to the bedroom and grabbed his clothes and got dressed.

I heard him grunting a bit.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, just a little stiff," Matt said.

"Again?" I asked.

"Fuck you," he said.

His head poked around the corner, and Matt smiled and winked.

"Maybe later, love, maybe later," I said.

"You better get going and go get your things, too," I gently reminded.

"Yeah, it's gonna be quick," Matt said.

"Ok..." I responded.

I heard Matt grab his keys, wallet, and phone and out the door he went.

I quickly got dressed and pulled myself together for work. I grabbed my wallet, keys, cell phone, and a granola bar, and flew out the door to my truck. I felt my cell phone vibrating.

It was Jase.

"Hey man, all done. She wasn't home so I grabbed a few clothes, my personal effects, Gray's clothes, a couple other sentimental items for him, and got the hell out of there," Jase said. We should be home about 5:20 after I pick up Gray from school. Evan, I appreciate this more than you will ever know. See you both later," Jase finished with his message and hung up.

"Well, one down, one to go...." I thought.

Just as I hung up, another message beeped through. "Gotta be Matt," I thought.

I dialed into voice mail.

"Hey, man. It's me. I went home, picked up a few clothes, bathroom shit, and got the fuck out of there. She wasn't home, but I didn't want to see her. I left her a note saying goodbye and see you in divorce court," as he ended the message.

"Well, that's Matt, straight and to the point -- or maybe closeted gay and to the point," I chuckled to myself. "Gotta find humor and levity whenever possible in these situations."

I was cautiously optimistic about tonight. I was hoping all would go as well as possible. This whole situation could be rough on Gray, but I knew he and Jase were very close. If anyone could make lemonade out of lemons, it would be Jase," I thought.

I stepped up into my truck and headed for work. I pulled in the parking lot and saw both Jase and Matt's trucks. They were already on the site. Today should be Jase's last day on the site to complete a change order that Dane needed, and then he'd be moving to another location. I walked into my office and was met by Dane.

"Sellers, you're fucking late!" he said. "Where the hell have you been?"

"It's none of your business. But if you must know, I was helping a couple friends with a couple personal items..." I said.

"Yeah," he interrupted. "Was one of them fucking his ass and the other a blow job?" he said with a crotch grab. You fucking haven't changed in 20 years!"

I blushed. "Is it that obvious?"

"Well, the bags under your eyes say you have had a rough couple nights. And, if I know you, it was with a couple gorgeous guys -- one of them being that handsome fuck from the other morning," Dane said sarcastically.

"Ding, ding, win!" I said.

Dane said, "I think we should re-live our college days."

"Not now, stud, but how about coming over this weekend. I'll formally introduce you to Jase, Matt, and Jase's son, Gray. After Gray goes to bed, we can enjoy each other's company," I said.

"Count me in, and get your ass ready," Dane said.

"Yeah, I fucking remember," I said.

Dane was the textbook definition of a choade. His cock was 8" long and 8" in circumference. I never could fully get it in my ass, but I was sure that Matt would be able to after seeing him with the butt plug in his ass..

I scratched our address down on a piece of paper and then wrote, 7 PM. I handed it to Dane and said, "See you then?"

"Done!" he said. "You better be practicing stretching your hole," he teased.

"Believe me, Dane, I remember. Anyone who has ever seen your cock would never forget!" I said.

"Yeah, I know," he said as he turned his face as if to pretend to be coy.

The door slammed, and Dane was gone.

I sat down in my chair and leaned back. "Today is going to be a long day," I thought.

I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths.

I decided I was going to call my boss and see about taking the afternoon off. I needed to get some things done around the house to accommodate my new housemates.

I dialed the phone to my boss. The phone rang a couple times and a gruff voice answered, "Yeah, what?"

My boss, Ian, was a really rough character. He made Matt look a kitten.

"Ian," I started, "it's Evan."

"Oh, hey, Sellers, how the fuck are you?" Ian said.

Ian was the posterchild for homophobes anonymous. He was as straight as I imagined his dick, and was as intolerant or clueless in these issues as possible. I started, "Hey, I had a really rough night last night. The crews are all on site and pretty much on track. Any possibility I could bug out about noon and burn some vacation time? I have some personal items to take care of..."

"Oh, oh, sure. No problem. You know I think personal and family items need to be taken care of. Get the work done you need to and take off. But, don't make a habit of it," he snarled

"Oh, I won't boss. Thanks, I really appreciate this," I said.

"No problem, Sellers. Bye," Ian said.

I worked in the construction trailer all morning and worked on papers. Completed filings for the zoning office, permits, letters of correspondence, legal filings, etc. The morning quickly eroded, and I finished what had to be done. The next thing I knew, I looked down and my wall clock said 12:15 p.m. "Damn, I am late already," I thought.

I grabbed my cell phone and keys and walked to the lot. I started walking to the lot, and I decided to let the guys know what was going on. I called Matt first. His cell phone rang three times, "Yeah..." he said.

"Oh, hey, it's you," Matt continued.

"Gonna head home and do some cleaning and arranging. Gotta get ready for Gray to arrive and get his room ready. Also need to make some room for your and Jase's things," I said.

"Oh...ok....later...." Matt hung up.

Then, I dialed Jase. Very similar conversation, and he was gone.

I drove home, and pulled in the driveway about 12:40 p.m.

"Damn," I thought, "I only have a little over 3 hours, and Matt will be here. Then, Jase and Gray should arrive.

I worked on cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming and sweeping floors, cleaning up dishes, arranging some furniture, cleaning out drawers, moving an alarm clock to the spare bedroom, cleaning out a medicine cabinet in the spare bathroom, that will become Gray's to use, and an asundry of other items.

The next thing I know is that I looked up and it is 4:45. The door flies open, and it's Matt.

"I'm home..." he says with a slam of the door.

"Hey, stud. You need help getting your things in?" I asked.

"Nah, it's not much. I had too much shit, and in unloading a wife, I decided to unload some crap," Matt said.

"Okay," I said.

"Where do you want me to put my stuff?" Matt asked.

"The second drawer of the chest of drawers is for you. Three drawers in the dresser, and you can have half the closet," I said.

"Damn, man, I don't have that much shit," Matt said.

"Well, use what you need, and we can shuffle later," I said.

"Yeah," Matt said, "thanks."

Matt took a whole 20 minutes to put his things away. He then went to the bathroom and put his razor, shaving creme, shaving lotion, tooth brush, comb, and brush in the medicine cabinet.

"Done," Matt yelled.

"Then, go get yourself in the shower. Make it a quick one, though. Jase and Gray should be here in about 5 to 10 minutes.

I heard the water for the shower come on, as well as the bathroom vent and light.

"Oh, a hot shower feels so good after a long days work!" Matt yelled.

All of sudden, Jase and Gray came through the door.

"We're home!" Jase yelled.

"Come in. Put your things down, have a seat, and I'll be right there," I said.

I walked into the living room. There before me stood a mirror image of Jase, but about 15 years younger. Gray had taken off his shirt on the way over. I reached out and said, "Hey, Gray. Glad you could come. I am Evan Sellers."

"Pleased to meet you, Ev...Mr. Sell....ok, what do you want me to call you?," Gray said.

"Uhhh..." I stammered. "How about Ev..."

"How about Dad or Daddy Evan?" Jase interjected.

"Ok," I said, "Whatever you're comfortable with."

Jase sat down and patted the couch for Gray to sit down with him. "We need to talk," Jase started.

I nodded my head in affirmation, as Gray looked at me.

"Gray, your mother and I have not been getting along now for a while," I said.

"Yeah, no kidding," Gray said with a smile.

"Evan has offered to let us stay here while your mother and I work out a few things. But, you need to know a couple things...." Jase continued.

"You mean, like you're gay?" Gray asked.

" knew?" Jase said.

"Yeah, I heard you two fighting occasionally, and last night Mom said you were probably out with a man," Gray said.

"Uuuuhhh, yeah," Jason continued further. "I spent the night here at Evan's house."

"No," I interrupted, "at our house, Jase," and smiled at them.

"Right," Jase affirmed.

"Have you...did you..will you...." Gray stuttered.

"Yes, Gray, I have slept with Evan and...." Jase started.

All of a sudden, out of the bathroom came Matt like a streak.

He walked out in the living room not knowing that Jase and Gray were there, and said, "Are they here y....?"

Matt was standing there with his hair slicked back and shower water was running down his chest and dripping off his cock.

"Ooooooohhh..." he said.

Gray made eye contact with Matt and quickly turned away.

"Gray, this is Matt," Jase said.

"Uh...pleased to meet you Daddy Matt," Gray said. I don't know which one was redder, Matt or Gray.

"Go get some underwear on, Yager," I said with a smile and a wink.

Matt turned to exit, but I noticed that Gray was staring at Matt's ass. I also saw Gray shifting as if to hide a stiffening cock.

"Hrm...." I thought, "like father, like son?"

Matt came back out and sat on the couch right next to Gray. He had on boxer briefs I bought him, but he had unbuttoned the fly to his underwear. I could see that Matt had other things on his mind. The head of his cock seemed to keep peeking out of the fly of his briefs. I figured that Jase would say something if he thought it was necessary.

"Gray," Jase tried to continue. "You have to understand that you will be 17 in a month, and you are now living in a house with 3 gay men. You may hear and see some things that you are not accustomed to. If we make you uncomfortable, please let us know."

"Yes, sir," Gray said.

"In a household with 3 other men, clothing may be worn at your discretion. If is just the 4 of us at home, you may lounge in your underwear, as far as I am concerned. Right, guys?" Jase asked and looked at Matt and myself.

"Sure," I said.

"Yup," Matt affirmed.

Gray said, "So are we gonna be the only ones here tonight?"

"Yes," I said.

Gray stood up, kicked off his shoes, pulled off his socks, and dropped his gym shorts. The only thing was, he was now sitting there in nothing more than a jock strap. "Is this ok?" Gray asked.

"I'm good," I said.

"Hell, yeah," Matt said.

"Yup," Jase agreed.

The only difficulty was he was sporting a late teen rock hard erection. I felt my own cock just about jump out of my pants.

I turned and looked over at Matt, and he was leaned back rubbing his cock outside of his briefs.

"Dad," he said to Jase, "I want to be one of the guys. I want to be just like you."

"Uhhhh, what does that mean to you, Gray?" Jase asked.

"I want you to love me just like you love each other," Gray said.

"Uhhhh, I am not sure you know what that means," Jase said.

"Yeah, Dad, I do," I want you each to love me just like you love each other. I want you to break me into the family," Gray said.

"I want you each to fuck me...." Gray said.

Matt stood and said, "You heard the young man. Let's oblige him" Matt stood and pulled down his boxers around his hard cock. He slid over next to Gray and said, "Stand up, boy. You sure you want this?"

"Yes, Daddy Matt, I want to be one of the guys," Gray said.

Matt pulled down Gray's jockstrap to the floor. Gray's uncut cock was huge. He must have had 10 1/2 inches of meat tucked in his jock. Jase's eyes lit up. He clearly did not know how well his son had matured.

"Bend over, son," Matt said.

Gray bent over and turned his ass toward Matt. Matt spat onto his index and middle fingers and let the saliva work into Gray's ass. Matt massaged Gray's asshole, gently easing his thumb in and out of his hole.

"Oooooooooohhhhhh..." Gray growled.

"Love me, Daddy Matt. Love me like you love my Dad," Gray said.

Matt turned Gray around and put his arms up over his shoulders and lowered Gray's ass toward his cock. "Son, this is gonna be tight," Matt said.

"Fuck me, Daddy Matt, fuck my hole," Gray said.

Matt lowered Gray straight down on his cock. Gray screamed with pain and pleasure. "Oh, Daddy, fuck me!"

Matt proceeded to raise and lower Gray repeatedly on his cock. Jase and I sat there and stared at them.

Matt was fucking Gray relentlessly. As I sat there, my cock was straining to be released from the confines of my pants. I kicked off my shoes and took off my pants. I started rubbing my cock through my underwear. Seeing Matt there fucking Gray was too hot. All of a sudden, Matt said, "I am gonna seed your ass, son. Gray hugged Matt's chest tightly and wrapped his arms more closely around Matt. Matt's back arched, he stood on tiptoe, and unloaded his cum store into Gray's asshole.

"Aaaaaaaaaaargh.........," Matt roared.

Matt slammed Gray's ass down on his cock to bury his cock into Gray's ass. Gray was sucking in air from his ride.

I stood up and said, "Time to change drivers."

I pulled off my t-shirt and tapped Gray on the shoulder.

"Daddy Evan, fuck me, please," as I looked over at Jase. Jase nodded in consent and smiled.

I lifted Gray from Matt's cock and lowered him on my own. I proceeded the ass-fucking that Matt had started and humped Gray's ass. My hormones were so wound up and I wanted to fuck Gray. As Gray's asshole sunk onto my cock, he groaned.

"Oh, Daddy Evan, fuck me....fuck me!" Gray demanded.

I raised and lowered Gray on my cock and looked over at Jase. Jase had now dropped his pants and was appeasing his own hormones

I fucked Gray's ass for several minutes until my cock couldn't take it anymore. This whole scene was like a fantasy out of my mind.

All of a sudden, a deep gutteral growl started resonating from within me, "MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... OOOOOOOOOOOOooohhhhh...."

I raised and lowered Gray a couple more times and shot my load deep in Gray's ass and co-mingled my spunk with Matt's spunk.

Matt had collapsed on the couch, but his cock was still relaxing from fucking Gray.

The next thing I knew, Jase rose to his feet. "My turn, son," he said.

He too shucked shoes, socks, shirt, jeans and underwear.

"Daddy, fuck me!" Gray said.

"You sure you want this, son?" Jase asked.

"Yes sir, more than anything," Gray answered.

"Ok, come to Daddy," Jase said.

Gray reached up and put his arms around Jase's neck. He started kissing Jase's chest in front of him. Then, he started nibbling on the nape of Jase's neck. Gray clearly knew his father, as his already rock hard cock thickened in front of our eyes. When I saw his cock thickening and looked at Matt, got his attention, and pointed at Jase's cock. Matt's eyes widened. Jase's sightly above average in size cock grew in girth. Jase then proceeded to lower his son onto his cock.

"Oh, Daddy, fuck me. Fuck my ass. Fill me with what you made me with," Gray demanded.

Jase started bucking Gray on his own cock. Tears came to both their eyes. They so loved and were in love with each other.

Jase was slamming his son against his thighs and pelvis. Gray bucked as he rode his dad's cock. Jase fucked him for what seemed to be an eternity, but all of a sudden, Jase couldn't control his love any more. Jase proceeded to tense his legs, and said, "Here it comes son. My love juices are coooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming...."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrggghhh......," Jase growled.

Jase shot load after load of cum into Gray's cum soaked hole. Jase lifted Gray from his cock and his hole dismounted Jase's cock with a "Pop!"

Jase said, "One more thing son to be part of this group."

"Oooooooohhhhhh dad, what's that?"

"I want your cum load in my mouth," Jase said.

"But Dad, I haven't ever...," Gray said.

"We all have your anal cherry, but now I want your first cum load," Jase said. Jase knelt down in front of Gray and wrapped his lips around Gray's cock.

Jase spun Gray around and pushed his torso forward. "Give my your ass, boy!" Jase demanded.

Gray responded, "Yes sir!"

Jase started darting his tongue in and out of Gray's cum soaked hole. Gray's asshole was looking like a newly opening rosebud.

"Ooooooohhhhhhhhh, Daddy...." Gray quivvered, "my cock, Daddy, my cock!"

Jase spun Gray around and clamped his thumb and forefinger around the base of Gray's cock. Then, Jase proceeded to feverishly suck on Gray's cock.

"Oh, cock!" Gray screamed.

Jase let Gray re-gain his composure and then proceeded to give Gray head again. Jase was edging Gray. This went on for what seemed like 10 minutes, and finally, Gray said, "Dad, I can't....I can't...."

"Hang on, son. You're fine. I'll let you cum," Jase said.

Jase finally released his grip from around the base of Gray's cock and slobbered a little more on Gray's cock. Finally, Matt and I could see Gray's 10 1/2" inches of meat thicken just like his Dad's. The vein in the bottom of his cock looked deep purple from the blood flow for his rock-hard erection, and the head of his cock was fully through the hood of his foreskin. Jase deep-throated Gray's cock into the back of his throat twice, forcing himself to gag on each thrust, and Gray let loose his virgin juices. Gray pumped load after load of man spunk into his dad's throat. I noticed that Jase was breathing through his nose working not to swallow. Then, he walked over to me and kissed me with a mouthful of Gray's spunk, then he walked over to Matt and proceeded likewise, and the kissed Gray. He then swallowed the remainder and said, "Welcome to manhood and welcome home!"

"Welcome home!" Matt and I responded.

Gray went to stand and a rush of cum ran down his legs.

"You might want to go hop in the shower, boy," I suggested, "you look like you could use one."

I tustled Gray's curly hair and kissed him on the cheek.

"Down the hall, first door on the left," Matt said.

"Good job, Jase. You've raised a nice, young man," Matt said.

"Agreed, Matt," I added, "your boy is now a man."

"Hey, I've got an idea..." I started. After we get him settled into his room and get both your things put away, let's go out to the tattoo and piercing shop and commence a new beginning with a shared occasion."

"He's too young for a tattoo," Jase said.

"Yeah, but he's not too young for piercings," I continued.

"Jase, would you consider getting one nipple pierced with a bar?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess," Jase said.

"Left or right?" I asked.

"Left, for the left side of the bed," Jase said with a smile.

"Ok, I'll get the right," I said.

"Oh, hold the fuck up," Matt said.

"Yeah, you're getting both pierced, my treat for all," I said, "I have been squirreling back some money for an unknown special occasion, and this is it."

"Wait," Jase said, "I'll pay for a Prince Albert for Matt."

"Oh, hold the fuck up," Matt said.

"Hey, stud, we're a threesome, and just as straight folk get wedding bands, we're gonna celebrate tonight!"

"Oh, what the fuck...I'm in," Matt conceded.

"We'll figure something out for Gray," Jase said.

Out of the shower came Gray.

"Look Daddy Matt, I'm just like you."

He turned to Matt and showed him his cock. Then he turned around and spread his asscheeks. "Gray is gonna sleep with a smile on his face tonight," I thought.

"C'mon, boy, get dressed. We have to put away your clothes, go out and get supper, and do a couple errands," Jase said.

"What do we have to do?" he asked.

"You'll see, son, you'll see," Jase said.

Let me know what you think about this segment of the story. Any positive or negative feedback would be great. Hit me up.


Next: Chapter 8

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