Subcontractor Connections

By moc.liamtoh@56srellese

Published on Jul 19, 2013


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This is not a true story, just something from my imagination. If you have any constructive criticism for me I welcome it because I think I can only get better by learning from my mistakes.

Well, the last 4 weeks have been a bit rough. After moving Jase and Gray in, we got them unpacked and went out for a nice dinner at a neighborhood burger restaurant. Gray had a hard time focusing on his meal, let alone his sore, dripping asshole. During the meal, Jase kept sliding his hand down the back of Gray's shorts and working his finger in and out of Gray's already tender asshole. Gray would cuddle in closer to Jase, but throughout the meal, our waiter was watching us quite closely.

Our waiter was a college-aged student who was quite attractive. He looked to be about 22 and appeared to be quite intrigued by our table's actions. Finally, Jase decided to brave it, and slid his thumb into Gray's ass while he was looking. Gray groaned and our waiter walked back over. I looked at his nametag. His name was Andy.

"Is everything ok?" Andy asked. "Your young friend seems a bit distracted. Is his food alright?"

Jase looked over at Gray and shifted his middle finger into Gray's asshole. "Everything ok, son?"

"Yeeeaaaaaahhhhh....just got the......squirms," Gray stammered.

Andy's excitement was quite obvious. He was getting a boner.

Jase then slid two fingers into Gray's ass. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhmmmm..." Gray growled.

"Why don't I check back with you in a couple minutes. I'll bring you a creamy dessert for the youn man," Andy said as he looked at Gray with a wink.

"Excuse me?" Andy asked.

"Certainly," Jase added.

"I wonder what he's bringing you?" Jase asked.

"Don't know...." Gray said.

About two minutes went by and Andy came back. "Hold out your hand, young man, I have something for you," Andy said. Gray held out his hand and Phil did not appear to have anything in his hand. Andy wiped his palm on Gray's hand, and his palm was full of cum. Andy had gone to the restroom and jacked off in his hand and brought it to Gray.

Matt, Jase, and I all looked at each other and smiled. Matt said, "Hrm...Gray, maybe we should come back here again to try this place again. What do you think?"

Gray put his hand to his face and licked all of the cum off of his hand. "The desserts are the best."

"When do you work again, Andy?" Jase asked.

"I work next Thursday," Andy said.

"If we come back next week, can we ask to be seated in your section?" Jase asked.

"Or maybe he could come out to eat with us some night when he doesn't work, huh Dad?" Gray said.

"Sure son, maybe another day," Jase added.

We finished our meal, and Jase left Andy a $10 tip. He placed it in Andy's hand, and then went to the manager to compliment how good Andy's service was and how caring he seemed about the customer -- especially his son who was having a bit of a hard evening.

So, after leaving the restaurant, we all went to the Piercing and Tattoo Den, and we asked to talk to one of the piercing techs. A big man came out of the back and said, "Name's Butch. How may I help you all?"

"Butch," I started, "Jase and I would like to get a nipple pierced each and have a bar put in, and Matt wanted to have both nipples pierced and have the same bars placed. Matt also wanted a Prince Albert piercing."

"Ok, what kind of bars do you boys want? Thicker, thinner, curved, straight, color?" Butch asked.

Jase and I looked at each other and said, "Thicker and curved...silver" almost in unison.

"Ok, number 10 curved barbell with a 6 millimeter ball, silver, ok?" Butch asked.

"Sure," I said.

Before Matt could start, I asked, "Can we get a smaller curved barbell, but do they make a more pointed end?"

"Sure, a number 14 with a 4 millimeter cone cap," Butch responded.

"And the PA?" Butch asked.

"How about something a little thicker, kinda horseshoe shaped?" Jase asked.

"Okay, a number 4 with a circular barbell," Butch said.

"And for your son?" he asked Gray.

"Uhhh.....aaahhh....uhhh..." he stammered.

"How old are you, boy?" Butch asked.

"Almost 17," he said.

"One of you guys his dad?" Butch continued.

Jase said, "Yeah, I am."

"If he wants something, you're gonna have to sign a waiver and a parental release for him," Butch said.

"No, problem," Jase said.

"What do you want, son?" Matt asked.

"I want what you're getting. Can I get a Prince Albert, Dad?" Gray asked.

"Sure, son," Matt said, "as long as it's ok with your dad."

"Sure son, sure," Jase said.

Butch paused and started ringing up. Forty nine for one nipple piercing, forty nine for the other, ninety eight for two, and four hundered for the two Prince Alberts, plus nineteen each for four bars and balls, and thirty nine each for two circular barbells. "Eight hundred and forty dollars for all -- less a 20 percent group discount -- that'll be six hundred and thirty dollars."

I grabbed my stash of money from my pocket and said, "My treat."

I handed Butch six one-hundred dollar bills, a twenty, and a ten.

"Paid in full -- cash on the barrel head," Butch said.

"Yes sir," I acknowledged.

"So who's going first?" Butch asked.

"I...." I started, but Jase interjected.

"May I?" he asked.

"Sure..." I said.

"Take off your shirt. Which one?" Butch asked.

"Left, man, left." Jase said.

"Ok, I'll swab your nip, and you'll feel a pinch and a poke. Then, I'll push the bar through and put on the beads, ok." Butch asked.

"Sure man, let's go," Jase said.

"Ok, here we go...."Butch said.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh........aaaarrrrrrrrrr....fuck man....pinch and a poke!" Jase said.

"All done man..." Butch said. He explained the hygiene and care to Jase, and I was up.

Butch pierced my right, and then Matt crawled up and Butch pierced both nipples.

"One of you want to help him pull down his pants so we can do his Prince Albert?" Butch asked.

"Sure, my pleasure," Jase volunteered.

"Turn your head just a sec, man, I have something I want to give him before you start," Jase said.

"Ok..." Butch hesitated.

Jase pulled down Matt's pants and revealed his unscathed cock. He lowered his head and put his whole cock in his mouth and stretched Matt's cock out and let his cockhead come out with a "Pop!"

"Ok, he's ready," Jase said.

"Grab his billfold and put it in his mouth," Butch said to Jase. "Bite down when it hurts," he directed Matt.

"Fuck you all," Matt lip synched at us.

"Let's do this," Matt said.

Butch grabbed Matt's cock and pushed the needle into his cock. Matt bit down and screamed. Then Butch pushed needle through and out the head of his cock. Matt's cock bled a little.

"Hold still, man, have to push the barbell through and put the balls on...," Butch said.

Jase grabbed the wallet from Matt's mouth, and Butch said, "Ready to sit up and take a look?"

" fucking cock!" Matt exclaimed.

"Remember, no jacking off for 4 weeks and no sex for 12. If it hurts, stop. Keep the piercing clean and wash it twice a day with soap and water or peroxide," Butch said.

"Ok..." Matt grimaced.

"Ah, don't be such a fucking baby," Jase said.

"Fuck you!" Matt said.

"Ok, son, it's your turn," Butch said. "Drop your shorts, son"

Matt said, "Let me help. Give me a minute, Butch."

Matt pulled down Gray's shorts and even in light of his pain, stretched Gray's cock in his mouth, and then proceeded to roll him on his side and spread his asscheeks and bit at his asshole. Gray yipped like a pup. Matt rolled him back on his back and said, "Ok, he's ready."

Butch swabbed his cock with an alcohol swab.

"Can I use your wallet, Dad?" he said, looking at Matt.

"Sure, son, sure," as Matt handed his wallet to Gray.

Butch looked over at Jase, back to Matt, and back over at Jase. He was obviously confused.

Gray put his teeth into the wallet, and Butch said, "Here we go..."

Gray screamed while biting Matt's wallet and getting his cock pierced.

Forty five minutes later, Matt, Jase and I were carefully pulling our shirts back on, and Matt and Gray were easing their packages back into their pants. Jase and I helped Matt and Gray get their cocks back into their underwear. Butch gave us a couple telfa pads to catch a little blood until their piercings clot.

Jase and I put our arms around Gray and Matt's hips to help stabilize them while they moved slowly back to the truck.

We each helped one up into the truck, and Jase and I slid in.

We drove home that night, and I gave Matt and Gray two painkillers each. I walked Gray to his room and said, "Son, you better get some rest. You have school tomorrow." I said, "Fortunately tomorrow is Friday, and MOnday is a holiday, so you have a long weekend."

"Yeah....fuck it hurts," Gray said.

"I know. Give it a couple days, take the pain killer, and it'll be much better by Tuesday."

Jase gave Gray an excuse to stay out of PE for a week to heal. But, he knew he'd have to get back to his normal routine.

"Night, Dad." he bid.

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Night, son."

I went into our bedroom, and Jase was working on getting Matt settled. Jase said, "You know, Butch said know jacking off or sex for a while. He didn't say anything about fucking Matt though..."

"Fuck you, Flicher, fuck you! No fucking way tonight," Matt said.

Just kidding," Jase said.

Matt hobbled around in pain for the weekend, and he took a sick day for a groin pull on Monday. He knew he had to go back Tuesday.

Jase and I favored one arm each, but we were fairly ok by the middle of the next week. Still a little tender, but otherwise, we were all healing well.

Jase and I each abstained for the first week from sex, but by the end, we were both so horny we couldn't go any longer. Jase and I shared several intimate moments fucking, sucking, rimming, and enjoying each other.

We could tell that Matt was getting hornier by the day, but his cockhead was still quite tender. On day 10, I walked in and caught him trying to jack off.

"Oh, baby, save it. It'll feel better in a few more days," I said.

"My fucking cock is gonna explode, and my head's gonna be right behind. I haven't gone this long without cumming since I was a kid," Matt said.

"I know...let me take some of that stress off you tonight, okay," I said.

"Ok," he said.

When Jase got home, I asked him to call Gray in. I called for Matt, and we all convened in our bedroom. I put my arm around Gray and said, "Son, let me help you." I pulled down his underwear and turned him around. I gently pushed him over and started rimming his ass. I was very careful not to get any spit near his PA.

Jase saw what I was doing, and he went over to Matt and pushed him over. He copied what I was doing. We each rimmed Matt and Gray until their assholes were well stretched. Their holes were opening, and we each carefully stuck one finger in the holes. We both proceeded to finger fuck them, but we knew we couldn't tease them too long, or they'd blow a gasket in sexual frustration.

Then, Jase and I sixty-nined each other until we each came. Jase shot his in my throat. I remembered his sweet spot, and he spewed his penned up load down my throat. He filled my stomach with cum.

Likewise, I shot my load into Jase's throat, and we both had a little relief from our sexual tension.

Over the next couple weeks, we took turns putting the dildo in Matt and Gray's asshole.

Tonight is the night that they both can try to carefully jack off. All of our nipples had healed well. No infections or problems, and tonight is the test. We have invited Andy over to have supper with us. Unfortunately, we were not able to catch up with Andy before tonight, and we are expecting him any time. Because of the minor bleeding and pain, we cancelled meeting up with Dane as well. He understood and has taken a 4-way rain check. Gray had resumed classes and was not changing into his jockstrap or showering for PE. Fortunately for him, PE was in 7th hour, so he could just come home in his PE clothes. Gray was clearly regaining his strength, but he was taking it easy and not pushing his limits to cause a problem.

It is about 5:30 p.m., and the doorbell rang. It was Andy. Andy had figured out that we all shared the same house, but I don't think he knew what to expect walking in. I greeted Andy at the door and called for Gray. Gray came out in his loose legged PE shorts. He had no shirt on, and his strong chest was glistening under the lights. Andy could not take his eyes off of Gray.

Then, out came Matt. Matt walked out shirtless with his gym shorts. For a man almost 50, Matt still makes my heart flutter and cock jump every time I see him. His rugged chest, almost hairless belly, beautiful eyes, and coarse gray hair is an absolute aphrodesiac for me. Unfortunately, his gym shorts looked like they were from the 1980s and were loose polyester. However, they always provide some great peep show shots of his cock. Can't wait to see what comes about tonight. As Matt entered, Andy once-overed Matt's strong chest, and I saw his eyes scan up and down his body, pausing at his waist. I had on a t-shirt and khakis, but no shoes or socks, and then out came Jason. Jase came out in a pair of loose shorts and flip-flops. Andy gave Jase a similar once over and said, "Damn, guys, nice eye candy here tonight."

"Shit, Andy," Matt started, "we saw you watching Gray when we were in a while ago. We saw you watching Gray squirm as Jase worked his fingers in Gray's hole. We wondered if you wanted to partake?"

"Uuuuuuhhhh...mmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmm... yeah!" he finally affirmed.

Gray stood and said, "Let me show you." He dropped his shorts and showed Andy his PA.

"Damn....son....what did you do?" Andy asked. "It looks fucking sweet."

"Gray has something he wants to share with you tonight, Andy," Matt said.

"He does? You do?" he asked of both Matt and Gray.

"Tonight's his first opportunity to wank since his PA. Can you help?" Jase asked.

"Fuck yeah, sir." he said politely.

Andy stood up. He quickly kicked off his thongs and pulled of his shirt. Andy had dark brown hair, and a thick bush of hair growing around his belly-button. He had some hair on his pecs and was obviously excited by the site of Gray.

"Need a lift, Gray?" he asked.

"Sure, man, carefully," Gray said.

Andy pulled his underwear and shorts off and scooped Gray up in his arms. He put his left arm around Gray's back and his right arm under Gray's thighs. Andy's 7", uncut cock was under Gray's hips, and Gray held him tightly. Andy carried Gray towards his bedroom. Gray gently closed the door.

"Well, Jase, tonight is Matt's night," I said.

Jase said, "Fuck yeah, stud, tonight you get to unload."

Jase scooped up Matt just like his first night hear, and I followed them down the hall. I shut off the overhead light in the living room, and as we entered our bedroom, Jase carefully set Matt on the bed.

"Lie back, stud, and let us look," Jase said.

"Nice work, if I must say so myself," I said.

"Roll on your side," Jase said.

Matt rolled, and I grabbed the vibrator and turned it on high. I then put some lube on the dildo and worked some into Matt's asshole. I slowly pushed my thumb and then my forefinger into Matt's hole.

"Ooooooooooohhhhhhh...." he said as his whole body shook.

"I'm not going to last long," he said.

"This is your night," Jase said. "We're here for your pleasure, but I'm here for your cum." Jase smiled.

I pulled off my shirt and Jase dropped his shorts. Jase's cock was rock hard. I was having a hard time keeping my focus on Matt so we could drain him, but also on Jase's cock.

I reached up and carefully rubbed Matt's cock. His cock was hard, but I never realized how sexy seeing a Prince Albert in an erect cock was.

A couple more slow rubs, and Matt started to cum. "Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh.......fuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkk.......aaaaaaahhhhhh."

Matt shot a massive load of cum out around his PA. Cum shot out the top and bottom of his piercing. His cock was coated with his own spunk.

I worked the dildo out of his ass and let him collapse. It seemed like we were torturing him after making him wait a month, and then not letting him cum and relax.

I got up and kissed Matt on the lips. "Man, you are a great fuck!" I said. I lightly caressed the top of his ear and ran my hand through his hair.

"Thanks, man," he said.

"Get some rest," Jase said.

Jase scooped Matt up off the bed, and I pulled back the covers. Jase sat Matt in the bed and threw a sheet over him. Tonight would be the first night that Matt will have slept nude since his PA. Nice to get back to our routine.

Jase said, "Let's go peek in on the boys."

I agreed, and we walked down the hall to Gray's room. Jase stuck a finger up in front of his face and gently cracked the door. I slid in behind Jase, and he reached back and started groping my cock. I unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my pants, and pulled my pants and underwear down around my ankles.

Jase proceeded to start stroking my cock. This whole scene was so hot. There was Andy laying face up on Gray's bed, but the head of the bed faced away from the door. All we could see Gray's torso, hairy legs, and feet. Andy's legs were tan and toned. His legs were covered with a thick blanket of dark brown hair. Then, sitting on Andy's cock was Gray. He was bouncing up and down letting Andy pummel-fucking his hole. Gray was gently rubbing his cock.

I put one hand on Jase's shoulder and the other over his lips. I gently turned him around and pulled my hand away.. I leaned in and planted a deep slow kiss on Jase. "Your son is growing into quite a young man..." I started.

"No, our son is growing into quite a young man," he corrected.

"Yes," I nodded, "our son."

I pulled Jase back toward the living room and sat down on the loveseat. I then sat Jase down on my lap, just like Andy and Gray were doing. I spat in my hand and started working spit into Jase's ass. Jase's asshole was opening to receive my cock. I pushed my cock straight toward his asshole, and Jase's asshole swallowed my cockhead and shaft whole. Jase then started bouncing his asshole up and down on my cock. With every slide up, he clamped his asshole on my cock. With every plunge down, he relaxed his cock to receive my whole cock.

While we were fucking in the living room, I heard Gray start moaning, "Ooooooooooooooohhhh, aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, Andy, fuuuuuuuckkkkkk me."

Then Andy responded, "I am going to cum.....I'm gonna shoot!!"

"Shoot in me, Andy. Please....give me your load," Gray said.

"Fuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkk.......FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! Aahhhh......Aaaaaaaaahhhh...aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh AAARRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Andy roared.

Then, we heard Gray, "FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK....I'm cummmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg!!!"

"Look at it shoot around the cock ring!" Andy said. "Fucking sweet!!!"

While they were cumming, their moans and groans heightened our sexual experience. All at once, Jase cut loose and starting cumming, "Oooooooohhhh...ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....r..OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH," as he shot his hot load on my chest, face, and cum was all over me.

I had cum dripping off my piercing bar on my right nipple. This sight cause my thighs to tense. My cock was inside Jase's ass, and I said, "Hang on stud, I'm cumming......AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! AAARRRRRRRR...........OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!"

I shot load after load of steamy cum into Jase's receiving asshole.

Out of no where, I heard the sound of clapping. There were Gray and Adam standing in front of us, clapping in approval.

"Dad, will you stand up?" Gray asked.

"Sure, son," and Jase stood.

Then out of his ass leaked a stream of my cum that ran down his leg. Gray said, "Hang on Dad, we got it."

Gray knelt down with a groan, and started licking my cum off of Jase's ass cheek and ham. "MMMmmmmmmmmmmmm, Daddy Evan. Really hot!"

I sat there, and my head was spinning. Here were two gorgeous young men standing before me cleaning Gray's dad's ass of my cum.

"Dad, can Andy spend the night?" Gray asked.

"Sure..." Jase and I said in unison.

Andy said, "Thanks, let's call it a night."

He and Gray walked down the hall and closed Gray's bedroom door again. All we heard was a bit of faint giggling as they settled in.

Jase went into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. "Can I join you?" I asked.

"Sure, man. Sure," he said.

We quickly showered and brushed our teeth. I turned off the light to the bathroom, and we both walked bare-assed to the bedroom.

Matt was lightly snoring. Jase pulled back the sheets and slid in, and I slid in the right side of the bed. I quickly flipped back the sheets and turned on the light on my nightstand.

"Look, Jase," I whispered.

"What?" he asked.

I pointed at his left nipple, my right nipple, Matt's nipples, and Matt's PA.

"Fucking hot!" he said just over his breath.

"Fucking hot!" I concurred.

I reached over, kissed Jase over Matt's head, kissed Matt's forehead, and turned off the nightstand light.

I looked forward to similar nights as tonight for the next 8 weeks. But, I couldn't wait until both Jase and I could resume fucking Matt's hole. It seemed ok for Gray, but 17 and 48 were two different things.

"We made it 4 with no sex, at least we can jack Matt off and let the fucking continue between Jase and I," I thought.

I smiled, sighed, and laid my head down on my pillow facing Matt.

I heard the light purr of Jase dozing off, and I wasn't far behind him.

"Where had these two been all these years?"

Let me know what you think about this segment of the story. Any positive or negative feedback would be great. Hit me up.


Next: Chapter 9

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