Sugar Baby

By Titan Hoop Club

Published on Oct 25, 2021


One April day, Tiffany received a call that her grandmother had passed away. It was not a completely unexpected phone call, but Tiffany felt guilty that her own calls and letters to the woman who raised her were infrequent. Her grandmother deserved better, she thought.

Explaining to Mary what had happened. Mary, thoughtfully asked if there was anything that she could do? Tiffany thanked Mary, but said that it was her responsibility.

The next morning, Tiffany made the nearly five-hour drive across the desert alone, and made arrangements for a speedy cremation. Tiffany knew that she would never return to the area, so she would rather have her grandmother's ashes, then have her laid to rest, unvisited, in some dusty desert plot.

Tearless, Tiffany rationalized that her grandmother was no longer in pain. And if there was a God, she would surely be meeting him... or her!

When she returned to Beverly Hills, Mary thoughtfully extended her condolences again, and promised to take Tiffany somewhere nice when the school year ended.

On the drive back to California, Tiffany had time to think. With her grandmother now deceased, she had no other living relatives or potentially judgmental acquaintances from her Nevada days. There would be no more need for lies to anyone, and she could be completely "out" with her lesbianism, and her relationship with Mary. "Fuck 'em if they don't like it," Tiffany thought.

As the plane winged it's way to the Mexican seaside resort, Playa de la Bonita Chica, Mary and Tiffany had had a serious conversation the night before. It would be a break for both ladies, and if they hooked up with other women on the trip it would be their business, and both promised not to be jealous or let it affect their relationship.

"What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico" would be their motto on this trip.

What made the resort unique was its high priced exclusivity, and it catered to only very wealthy lesbians. Keeping the resort hidden and exclusive was part of its charm.

There would be no couples bedrooms at the resort. Every guest was assigned their own luxurious room. Guests could come and go with each other as they pleased without upsetting a partner they might have arrived with. It was stressed that everyone needed to understand that in advance. No drama would be tolerated. There were 20 or less rooms available.

It was about a 90 minute drive from the nearest airport. Mary and Tiffany were met by a very discreet female limousine driver who took them to the resort. Cocktails and refreshments were available in the limousine.

Unsurprisingly, the resort was of Spanish style architecture, and was located at the top of a small crest, with no other surrounding properties. There was a pool, and a clearly marked path to the beach below. In short, it was paradise.

When Mary and Tiffany entered the lobby, there was one couple checking in in front of them. Both wore pretty floral dresses, and the smaller one was wearing a wide hat and sunglasses.

As meeting other guests was part of the purpose of each stay, the couple in front completed their transaction, and turned to see Mary and Tiffany. "I'm Sandy," said the taller blonde, and extended her hand to Mary and Tiffany. "And this is my daughter Susan." Susan removed her sunglasses to say hello. It was clear that she was no more than sixteen years old. A very pretty girl, she was still in the process of getting her curves and filling out.

Mary and Tiffany politely introduced themselves, and two sexy female bellhops picked up Sandy and Susan's luggage, and showed them to their rooms. As Susan was following the bellhop, she looked over her shoulder again at Tiffany.

In her head, Tiffany asked herself what that young girl was doing at a lesbian resort, and was that woman really her mother?

A pretty Mexican clerk checked them in. After describing some of the amenities of the resort, she concluded with, "And all of the staff is at your completed disposal," as she motioned at several pretty girls and women in resort uniforms.

Not wanting to go to their rooms just yet, Mary and Tiffany sat down in the bar area. Wary of Mexico's notorious water and ice microbes, Mary ordered a Scotch, neat. Tiffany ordered a bottle of Coca Cola. Relaxing at the table, they surveyed the scene. There were all ages represented. There were some women that likely had been in relationships for 40 or more years, and there were same age partners, and predictably the cougar and kitten couples you would expect, like Mary and Tiffany.

Several nicely toned women were milling about by the pool. One of them was wearing a lifeguard suit, and looked like she was straight out of Baywatch. Mary thought to herself what the desk clerk had said, "All of the staff is at your complete disposal." Did that mean that she could have sex with anyone in a resort uniform? Mary's head began to swim while looking at all of the sexy employees and guests.

Tiffany couldn't get her mind off of Susan, the young teen that she had met in the lobby. "Just what was her deal?" Tiffany asked herself.

Mary excused herself from the table, and said that she was tired from the flight and the drive, and was going to take a nap in her room. A pretty bellhop put Mary's luggage on a cart and led her to her room.

Mary was genuinely tired and in need of a nap. Seeing Mary's large cleavage peeking out of her designer dress, the dark-haired bellhop was disappointed that Mary had not made a pass. "Oh well," thought the bellhop, "She'll be here all week. I know I'll get my lips on those titties."

Tiffany wasn't sleepy, but thought that a cool bath would be refreshing. She repeated her thought to the blonde, athletic-looking bellhop who took her bags.

Entering the spacious room, the interior certainly matched the décor and theme of the exterior of the resort, with lots of high-end Mexican art and artifacts.

Without a word, the pretty bellhop walked to bathroom and began filling the large tub with water. "Wow, good service," Tiffany thought to herself.

While the bath was filling up, the bellhop, wearing a traditional cap and tight little shorts, began helping Tiffany undress. Now completely nude, it should be noted that Tiffany had allowed her blonde pubic hair to grow out again at Mary's request.

The bellhop extended her hand to the nude 18-year old, and helped her enter the tub. Tiffany wasn't prepared for the next question: "Would you like me to join you?" Tiffany smiled and nodded as the bellhop quickly undressed. She was about 5'8" with powerful legs, a firm butt, and small breasts with small brown nipples.

Tiffany complimented the girl, who appeared to be in her mid-20's on her firm, athletic body. The girl explained that she was a former professional tennis player, but she found that working at this resort was more lucrative... and fun.

The bellhop entered the tub facing Tiffany. It was a circular tub, and the faucet came down through the wall between them.

The girl, whose name Tiffany never asked, spread her legs very wide and motioned for Tiffany to sit in front of her. Tiffany quickly complied, and could feel the girls tits on back, and the warmth of her crotch on her butt.

Not wasting time with a wash cloth, the girl began pouring water on Tiffany's breasts and shoulders before squeezing and rubbing Tiffany's pink tits. Tiffany softly moaned at the touch, and began finger-fucking herself under the water. The bellhop released her left hand from Tiffany's boob, and cupped her hand underwater, as if to say. "I'll take over that job."

As Tiffany was already primed, the girl made her thrusts deeper and more forceful, as the water splashed and small waves were created.

Tiffany had been at the resort for barely an hour, and had already received her first orgasm from a pretty stranger. Tiffany lifted the girl to the edge of the tub and carefully parted her legs.

Tiffany could see the tan lines of a girl who probably spent most of her free time in bikini bottoms. Her dark pubic hair was trimmed to American tastes. Tiffany, who once feared eating pussy, ravaged the pretty bellhop with her tongue.

Exiting the tub, the pair tenderly dried each other off. The bellhop began to put her uniform back on, explaining that she had other guests to "service."

Tiffany put on her Tiffany watch to check the time. She had agreed to meet Mary for dinner in the restaurant at 6:30 p.m. Having already bathed with a friend, Tiffany thought about what she would wear to dinner.

Mary was already seated when Tiffany joined her. There was a general mingling around the bar as other guests tried to hook up with other guests.

Tiffany looked up, and saw the mother-daughter duo of Sandy and Susan being seated at a nearby table. Susan was still in her floral dress, but without her large hat and sunglasses, she looked even younger than before.

Susan noticed Tiffany too, and the pair made eye contact before Susan looked away, her face blushing to a deep red.

Dinner was excellent. Mary and Tiffany agreed to meet other women at the disco. Both danced for awhile, but Tiffany excused herself for the evening when it became clear that she was the target of a couple who appeared to be in their 60's.

As Tiffany headed back to her room, she noticed that Sandy and Susan were nowhere in sight. Why did Tiffany feel so disappointed?

Tiffany had never been attracted to "jailbait" before. What was going on now? Tiffany laid nude on her bed, and began to masturbate herself to sleep thinking about the little girl, Susan.

The morning seemed to come quickly. Mary and Tiffany met for breakfast. Mary admitted that she hadn't hooked up with anyone at the disco. Tiffany didn't mention her bath with the bellhop.

Mary decided to go to the nearby town to explore the shops. As part of the resort service, limousines were available 24/7. Tiffany said that she wanted to see some more of the resort, and wanted to hang out at the pool or go to the beach.

Tiffany had changed into a very tiny black bikini, and found a comfortable lounge chair by the pool. Realizing that this was Mexico, and that topless, or even nude bathing was OK at the resort, Tiffany removed her top to avoid tan lines. As soon as her beautiful breasts were exposed, the older couple from last night leered at her and waved hello. Tiffany didn't even want to imagine either of them between her legs.

At that moment, the waifish figure of Susan walked by. Seeing the now topless Tiffany, Susan blushed even redder than before, and she looked for a way to leave, but her legs seemed to be frozen.

"Susan?" Tiffany cheerfully asked. Susan looked at Tiffany. "I thought it was you. We met briefly yesterday in the lobby. My name is Tiffany." Tiffany noticed that the teen couldn't keep her eyes off of Tiffany's tits.

"Come for a swim?" Tiffany asked. Speechless, Susan gulped and nodded. Susan was about 5'4" with the slender figure and tiny breasts of a very young girl. Her straight brownish-blonde hair was parted in the middle, and went about six inches down her back. Tiffany by now could recognize a very expensive hair cut.

Susan was wearing her own tiny bikini. This one was a blue floral print. Her tiny tits were in no danger of falling out of her bikini top, and her small bottoms were cut to reveal a small, firm, very attractive teenage ass. Tiffany was eyeing Susan as much as Susan had been eyeing Tiffany.

"Would you like to sit with me?" Tiffany asked, pointing to the unoccupied lounge chair next to her. Susan blushed again, but sat down.

Tiffany carefully confined the initial conversation to small talk. Susan filled in the blanks pretty quickly.

Susan was from Manhattan, New York. Her father had died when she was a baby, so it had been her and her mother ever since. Her mother had wisely maintained controlling interest in her husband's company, and hired some very competent professionals to run things.

Susan attends a prestigious college prep boarding school in Connecticut, and comes home some weekends. Susan sighed and said, "At some point my mother started sleeping with girls. Shipping me off to school made it very convenient for her. Truth be told, I like it there, and I'm assured of getting into a good college. Also, I get to mostly avoid the drama of a revolving door of her partners."

Tiffany gave Susan a sympathetic look, and reached over and patted her arm. Tiffany then asked the big question on her mind: "Can I ask you how old you are?" Susan proudly announced, "Fourteen and a quarter." Susan's little boobs seemed to inflate. It was clear that Susan now considered herself a woman of the world, or a least a "big girl." Tiffany began coughing.

Tiffany asked Susan if she knew what the resort was about, and what she was doing here? Susan explained that with the boarding school closed for the summer, her mother had no choice but to bring her along. She knew it was a resort for lesbians, but so far no one had seemed to mind that she was there. She pointed in the direction of the two 60-year old's from last night. "One of them grabbed my ass."

Tiffany remarked, "I can't blame them. It's such a cute little ass." Susan smiled, and blushed again.

Tiffany cautioned Susan about the hot Mexican sun, and offered her some sun screen. Susan graciously accepted it, and removed her little blue bikini top to put the lotion on her breasts and upper body. Tiffany was intrigued by Susan's little bee sting boobies, and enjoyed watching her rubbing them with the sunscreen. Tiffany wanted to kick herself for not offering to rub the sunscreen on herself. Neither girl could seem to take her eyes of the other girl's tits.

"So, what's you mother doing now?" Tiffany asked. "I think she's fucking one of the pool girls, Susan said. "I saw her knocking on her door." In that moment, a blonde pool girl in a micro bikini and enhanced breasts asked them if they would like to order something?

Tiffany wondered if that was the pool girl in question.

"Susan, what do you plan to do all week?" Tiffany asked with genuine concern for the teen. If Susan "chose to go with the flow," the pretty girl would be a very popular attraction indeed at the lesbian resort. Tiffany's pussy was already wet for the long thin legs and tiny tits of the 14-year old.

Susan said that her mother told her that she was free to do whatever she wanted. Since it was Mexico, and not the US, it was unlikely that there would be any problems with hooking up with the youngster, particularly at an exclusive result. Susan further explained, "Last semester I kissed a girl at school... and I liked it." Susan put her arms behind her head to ensure that any guests near the pool would get an unencumbered view.

Remembering how Mary had once phrased it, Tiffany asked Susan if she would like to get out of the sun and "talk" in her room? For some reason, Susan looked to her left and to her right before smiling and agreeing. Was she looking for her mother?

Susan was covering her small bare breasts with a towel as she walked to Tiffany's room. Susan wasn't sure if it was her imagination, but all eyes seemed to be on the cute young pair, and especially their attractive jiggling asses in their small bikini bottoms.

Tiffany put her hand around Susan's small waist as she unlocked the door. Entering the room. Susan seemed to be trembling with nervousness. Or was it just the air conditioning on her nearly-nude body?

With the couple standing in the middle of the room, Tiffany reached for Susan's towel and threw it on the floor. Susan's tiny nipples were as engorged and erect as they could be for a 14-year old.

"Why me?" asked Susan. "What?" answered Tiffany. "You're the prettiest girl here, and you could have anyone you want. Why me?" Susan asked.

Tiffany kissed Susan on the nose. "Well, I happen to think that you're beautiful, and intelligent, and that you deserve to be treated nicely. Especially if this will be your first time." Susan lowered her eyes as if to acknowledge that she was a virgin.

Tiffany, still topless, leaned in and kissed the young teen on the mouth, and reassured her that everything was going to be alright. No longer able to resist, Tiffany began to feel Susan's breasts with both hands before licking and kissing them, and rubbing Susan's bikini bottom with her hands. Susan had to keep herself from going limp.

Susan tentatively touched one of Tiffany's breasts as if might be on fire. Tiffany put her hand over Susan's, and encouraged her to rub as deeply as she would like, and to enjoy the feel of another girl's breasts. Susan's mouth was soon trying to swallow Tiffany's pink tits whole.

Tiffany positioned little Susan on the bed. There was a mix of fear and anticipation in her eyes. Tiffany had made out with the young girl, but she hadn't gone all the way. She was going to give Susan one last chance to get out of this, if she chose to. Tracing a circle around one of Susan's nipples while she laid on her back, Tiffany looked at the 14-year old intently, and asked "Are you sure about this?" Susan closed her eyes and nodded.

Tiffany moved down the bed and removed Susan's blue bikini bottoms. Susan involuntarily shuddered. It was obvious that Susan had only recently passed into puberty. Her pussy was only a tiny slit, and her tiny brown pubic hairs could be counted on two hands.

Tiffany fought off the urge to immediately sink her tongue into the splendid little pussy. Tiffany was going to romance the child. Tiffany began kissing her way down Susan's long, lean legs. Susan's legs were longer than her torso, so she appeared taller than her actual 5'4" height. Susan reminded Tiffany of a young, filly racehorse, still growing into her long legs and knobby knees.

Returning her head between Susan's legs, Tiffany had to part the young pussy with her fingers to achieve entry. Planning to go low and slow, Tiffany could resist no longer. She had wanted to fuck this little girl since she had first seen her in the lobby. Tiffany began to devour Susan's pussy like a famished animal. Susan's screams of pleasure were hushed by Tiffany, although she knew full well that most of the others in their nearby rooms were actively engaged in similar things.

Tiffany grabbed one of Susan's slender legs, and raised it high. Slipping her body between Susan's legs, their pussies met in the middle. Tiffany began to build up a rhythm as she scissored the pretty, blonde 14-year old. The slapping sound of their two bodies coming together seemed loud enough to be heard at the pool. Neither tried to muffle the sounds of ecstasy coming from each of their loud moans and squeals.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and a voice: "Susan, are you in there?" Susan and Tiffany froze. It was Sandy, Tiffany's mother. What could she want? How did she know where Susan was? Were the Federales going to drag Tiffany away to a Mexican prison for child molestation.

Susan looked for something to put on, and remembered that she had come into the room dressed only in a pair of tiny bikini bottoms. Seeing the towel that she had covered herself with on the floor, she opened the door a crack to speak with her mother. Tiffany was amused and turned on by seeing Susan's nervous, jiggling little ass in the door frame.

"Mother?" Susan asked. Sandy looked bemused seeing her naked daughter in the room of a strange woman. Susan's spare pussy hairs were visible below the towel.

With a little smirk on her face she said, "Susan, I'm glad that you've found a friend. I just wanted to let you know that I too have company this evening, and I will meet you tomorrow morning."

And that was it, Tiffany had just received tacit approval to continue fucking Sandy's 14-year old nymphet daughter. Susan walked back to the bed and into Tiffany's waiting arms.

News of Susan's availability must have gone around the resort like wildfire. By the next morning she was surrounded by women of all ages. Susan seemed to be drinking in the attention that she surely lacked in her real life.

Next Episode... More Resort Fun

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