Summer of Submitting

By sammythesub19

Published on Jul 30, 2023


Chapter Two: Introductions

As I headed over to the nets the man didn't seem to follow. So much for the help I thought. I started picking things up awkwardly trying to carry too many things at once, it suddenly got very embarrassing, my own fault. Clearly trying to prove that I can carry more than what people expected, a helmet started to slip and then a bat hit the ground. Great. A couple of people started to look over and murmur, just ignore them I thought...

As I started to reconsider my approach when out of nowhere a wheelbarrow appears next to me, and it's being pushed by the middle aged guy.

"How about we use this, spotted it behind the changing rooms, might make your life easier" he said with a laugh.

Red in the face, I mumbled a weak sure and start piling things in. Pretty clever though, I thought to myself, it should only take us two trips max now.

"Right then boy, do you want to show me where we're headed? You can guide me".

"Sure" I wasn't sure why I was needed at this point, he had it in hand and heard where the shed was from Susan, maybe he just wanted the company which was understandable and that's the least I can give for the help. Plus it was my job, would have been strange to leave him to it.

We started down the winding path that led us past the changing rooms and just as we got behind them and out of site the man exclaims with a smirk.

"So then lad, you're not much of a cricket fan are you?"

"What gave that away?"

We both laughed, the ice completely broken. I felt immediately comfortable. My shoulders dropped.

"I can just tell, you seem like you're more of a thinker, cricket should be a game for old farts like me to occupy our Saturdays and get us away from the wives. Not for young boys like yourself. Should be out with your friends enjoying yourself"


"That's...exactly how I feel, I hate cricket, sorry..." I laugh to make it feel not too harsh a statement in case he really loves the game. "It's too slow for me, I would rather be anywhere else enjoying the weather, meeting new people" I throw that out there to see if he picks up on it, but he lets me keep talking.

"Think my Dad hopes I'll get into it, but that's not going to happen. Also thinks he brings me along otherwise he doesn't know what I get up to."

"Ohhh okay, are you a bit of a wild child, or are you the secretive type?


We arrived at the shed, it was much further from the changing rooms then I remembered. Deep into the woods to the point where you can't even hear anyone from the ground, we must have been walking a few minutes, not that I noticed.


He opened the shed door and started placing the equipment in, I awaited with baited breath to hear of any assumption he had of me.

"You're obviously the secretive type, that's why he wants to keep an eye on you. Doesn't know what you get up to at night or when he's not around. Which is smart on his part but boring for you. Being the secretive type also makes you shy, but once you're comfortable with someone you'll do anything for them, the best kind of person"

" that what you think?" I batted my eyelashes with a little smirk, trying to turn a little more flirtatious.

"It's what I know, I've come across young lads like you. I know the type".

We started to head back down the trail when he suddenly said:

"Get in"


He gestured with a nod towards the wheelbarrow.

Suddenly I revert to an awkward teenager. "What? No..." I responded weekly.

"Oh c'mon, don't be awkward. Get in it'll be fun"

I don't know why I didn't want to, maybe I didn't want to be emasculated in public. But really that's exactly what I wanted, I just needed to relax and have fun. He was right.

As soon as I sat my butt in the wheelbarrow he took off full speed down the winding path. We were both laughing our heads off until we get back to the practice nets. I got out all dizzy, laughing and suddenly very aware of myself. I look around to see if anyone is looking but no once had noticed we'd got back.

Seemed like there had been a wicket just before we came around the corner and everyone was very engrossed in the proceedings happening on the field.

"I might be up to bat earlier than I expected, c'mon let's get the rest of this equipment into that shed."

"Okay, what number are you up to bat?" I asked like I cared, I wanted him to talk more.

"Five and Andrew hasn't been on his game recently to tell the truth so he might fall quickly".

Once the last of equipment was loaded into the wheelbarrow, he took off down the path pretty rapidly and I had to pick up my step to keep up.

About halfway there there had been no conversation, I didn't like the silence, it made me overthink what I'd been saying before: did I embarrass myself? Did I put him off somehow? I assumed he was just getting his head in the game when I felt it was my turn to break the ice.

"You seem all tense, you getting your head in it?"

"Ha, no I'm always ready to bat. They're getting a bit too dependent on me to be honest.

"I did want to ask you something, I actually think I recognise you now I've had a better look at you and I'm trying to put my finger on where I might have seen you before...

"Hmm that's weird..." I said trying to buy myself some time what I racked my brain from the worst / best case scenario.

I tried to trace back through all of the sites and all of the Skype calls and conversations, trying to remember if I recognised anything about him that could give me a hint if we talked that way before. After a rapid think I realised it was pointless, there had been so many conversations and calls especially with guys who just wanted to show body and not face.

As soon as I was faced with having to face one of these men in a scenario out of my control I suddenly felt very nervous.

Thankfully that line of questioning seem to fizzle out once we got to the shed.

"Let's start loading things in the back, there's more space in there. I'll get in the shed and you hand it in to me."

Once we were finally there I handed him the last helmet, he suddenly paused and beckoned me in.

"I need your help just for a sec, would you mind?"

I immediately stepped in the shed without question even though I couldn't think of what he'd need help with at this point.

As soon as I got in he said `here, hold this' and while I stepped to the back of the shed to hold the helmet I'd been handed he moved around me to the entrance and closed the door.

Next: Chapter 3

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