Summercamp Shower

By Steven A

Published on May 15, 2005



This is entirely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. There is no sex in the story, so if that's what you're looking for, look elsewhere. This is my first attempt at writing fiction, and your comments, concerns, etc. are most appreciated:

I think boys who have dads take it for granted that there's an adult male in their lives. There's so much dads do for their sons that people forget. They take them to sports practices and games, take them camping, and show them how to be men. I didn't have a dad. I had a great mom who did everything she could to make sure that her son played Little League and other 'boy things', but at the end of the day, it wasn't quite the same. I think my mom realized this, but she didn't know what to do about it.

When I was 12, (15 years ago) I was just entering puberty, and I was pretty confused. I was having weird feelings about my body; my penis was getting hard all the time, and I didn't know what to do about it. Making things worse was the lack of interest I had in girls in my class and the rather strong interest I had in boys. I knew this wasn't 'right', but there was nothing I could do about it. I didn't talk about it, but I didn't deny it to myself, either. I couldn't talk to mom about it, and there were no men in my life, with whom I could discuss my feelings.

That summer, my mother signed me up to go to a summer camp up in the woods of northern Minnesota. I didn't quite know what to expect. I had always lived in Minneapolis, and knew nothing about camping and the outdoors. I guess I half expected it to be like a hotel in the woods. When the bus arrived at camp and I had a chance to look around, I knew I was in a whole new world- one I'm not sure I was ready for.

The first day we got to know our counselors and the camp's facilities. There were eight boys in my cabin and two counselors. I was the only kid who hadn't been to the camp before, so I needed the most attention, I guess. One of my counselors, a 19-year- old college student named Andy, was assigned to me. I was immediately smitten with him. Andy was about 6'1" tall, 160 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes. He wasn't super cute or anything, but he paid so much attention to me. That was awesome. I didn't quite know what to make of it. I also noticed that Andy had a lot of hair on his legs. I suppose I knew in my subconscious that that was normal for guys his age, but I was so unaccustomed to being around adult men, that I found myself staring at his tanned legs with the countless curly brown hairs. I was also ashamed that my legs were so smooth and child-like.

The last activity our cabin did that first afternoon was a game of 'hide-and-seek' (childish, I know) in the woods. Andy and I found a really excellent place to hide, but it was rather muddy. After the rest of the cabin spent at least an hour looking for us, they had to give up. Andy and I got out of our hiding spot, but we were covered in mud. It was obvious we needed to clean up before dinner that evening.

After heading back to the cabin to get our towels and shower supplies, we headed down to the shower room. I hadn't been in there before, and I assumed it was similar to the shower set up at home. I was in for a rude awakening! The shower room was arranged much like an army barrack's shower room. It was a large tiled room with 12 showerheads in the walls. I pretty much panicked when I got in there and realized that I was going to have to be naked in this big room. I panicked even more when I realized that Andy was going to be naked with me, as there was no separate shower for the adults.

Andy walked in to the shower room from the changing area and turned on two showerheads, with one empty one in between, presumably to get the water hot. As he walked back to the changing area, he pulled his shirt off over his head. I just about died of fear and excitement. Andy wasn't especially muscular, but he had a good upper body. He was definitely toned and tanned. He also had thick, dark brown patches of curly hair under his arms. I was almost in a trance. Andy noticed something was weird, and he asked me if I was ok. I think he sensed that I was feeling uncomfortable, because he told me to not worry that nobody else would be coming down to the shower room at that time of the day. He also said that I didn't need to be completely naked in the shower if I didn't want to be. I just had to strip down to my briefs. That was quite a relief, and I felt better about pulling off my shirt and taking off my shorts. Andy just took his shorts off, too, leaving him in white briefs. He told me that the water was probably ready and that I should follow him in to the showers.

We each went to our own showerhead, and the water actually felt nice. We each stood under the showerheads, facing the walls. Andy talked with me a little bit about random stuff, and he was excellent at making me feel comfortable. We each proceeded to wash our hair to get the mud out. After a couple of minutes of silence, Andy turned a little bit to my side and quickly slipped his briefs off. He chitchatted a bit, so as to make sure I would look over at him, but otherwise he just continued on with the shower, as if nothing had changed. I didn't need the chitchat to notice what had happened! Now standing next to me was a completely naked man.

As if it were some kind of incontrollable drug, the desire to look at his body was all-encompassing. I looked at Andy's face, but his eyes were closed with the water coming down over his face. Slowly my gaze lowered, as my eyes went to his hairy armpits, which were raised as he ran his hands through his hair. My curiosity took over, and I looked down at his penis. My heart was beating a mile a minute, and I nearly passed out from what I saw: my first adult penis- or any penis for that matter, other than my own. I audibly gasped as I took in the sight. It was hanging there, at least four inches long, over a set of large testicles. I had no idea a penis could hang like that. Mine stuck out about an inch from my body and just stood there. Andy's was so heavy that it hung down over his balls. What surprised me most, however, was how much hair he had around his penis. I knew guys got hair there- we were told that in school- but I thought it was just a little bit. I had no idea that it grew from leg to leg, all over his testicles, above his penis, and with a thick line going all the way up to his belly button- that now-familiar "inverted triangle" formation. Everything about Andy looked manly. His legs, which I already knew were hairy, looked even hairier when the water darkened the hairs and flattened them against his skin.

I immediately felt flush, and I sensed that familiar tingle in my body that usually preceded an erection. However, surprisingly, I didn't feel ashamed. Here was this cool guy standing next to me, completely naked, and it felt so natural. My confidence zoomed up through the roof, and despite the fact that my penis was now hard, I decided it was ok to shed my briefs, just like counselor Andy had done. Quietly, I pulled my briefs down over my now 2.5" hard penis, and tossed them off to the side. I was standing naked in front of another boy, and with an erection! Andy smiled at me, acknowledging what I had done, and went on with his shower.

After about another 30 seconds, Andy turned to me and asked if anyone had ever taught me how to keep myself clean "down there." He said that guys like us needed to take extra care to keep clean. I didn't immediately understand what he meant, but then after looking at his penis again, I saw that he also was uncircumcised. I knew from health class that every boy was born with a foreskin, but that most boys in the United States had it removed. I told Andy that the doctor had mentioned to me once about cleanliness, but that I didn't really know what he was talking about. Andy then asked me if I would like to know. I didn't quite know what he meant, but I said sure. I would not have said no to Andy to anything at that point.

Andy turned to face me and said that he was going to show me how to clean an uncircumcised penis. He sensed I was a little apprehensive, but said it was all right, and that I shouldn't feel embarrassed to watch him. With the water raining down over him, Andy took his hand and instructed me to see what he did with it. He was giving me permission to look at his penis!! He took his one hand and held his penis steady. With his other hand, he pulled back his foreskin, revealing a huge (in my eyes) mushroom- shaped penis head. He said to make sure to retract it and get some soap and water up there to clean out all the nasty stuff. His demonstration probably took about a minute, but it seemed like only a second as I unabashedly stared at his big, hairy organ.

At some point Andy told me to try it on myself. However, I was still erect at that point, and even though I tried, I was not able to retract my foreskin. I was embarrassed and ashamed that I had let Andy down, but he said it was ok. He said everything was different when the penis got hard. I mumbled something affirmative, thinking the conversation was over. However, I couldn't believe my ears when Andy offered to show me what happened to his foreskin when he got erect.

What he did next blew my mind. Andy started playing with his penis, cupping his balls, and rocking his hand back and forth over the shaft. In no time at all, his heavy, resting penis awoke from its slumber and stood at attention. What once was four inches long was now probably seven inches long- and very thick. He wrapped his fist around it, and I could still see several inches sticking out of his fist. I was in utter amazement. He then slowly pulled his foreskin back, revealing a hard shaft, throbbing with thick veins. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was so much bigger than I would have imagined a penis could ever be. After Andy's demonstration, I was able to pull my own skin back and keep myself clean. It was an intense demonstration, but it didn't feel weird or dirty at all.

Nothing inappropriate happened in that shower, and nothing inappropriate happened at that camp. Andy was an amazing counselor, and a great friend. I didn't have anybody else like him in my life, and I knew he cared about me. I felt safe around him, and for the four weeks I was at camp, my self-confidence grew to new heights. When I got home, I was a new person. I had developed a heightened sense of who I was, and I know that it was that confidence instilled in me in the woods of northern Minnesota when I was 12 that made me who I am today: a proud, secure gay man.

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