Sunrise Sunset

By Nelson Kok

Published on Jul 23, 2001


Sunrise, Sunset, by Lost Ship

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. The characters featured in this story may be based in part on actual persons, but the names have been changed. It is not the intention of the author that the characterizations be detrimental to anyone. The views and opinions mentioned in the text do not necessarily represent those of the author. Situations and their result are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent any real event. This work is copyrighted by the author and is his sole possession.

Author's Note: I had some emails from some of you earlier on. Thanks again guys! I really loved hearing from you. And thanks for the kind words. And to those who may have just started reading, please write and tell me your comments. I would love to hear them. My e-mail address is "" Hope you like it.


Life is full of twists; you'll never know what will happen till you've come to the end of the road. But then again, the Chinese have a saying,

"The mountains have settled and the waters have run dry, therefore you're at the end of the road; Spring will come again and Nature will burst into a robust activity of Life".

Translated, it would mean,

"Though you have come to a dead end and there is a wall before you, walk around it and there's always something behind it."

Don't loose Faith when everything looks hopeless. Carry on and you'll find that everything will be better from that point onwards. After all, could it get any worse than that?! There's always a new day to look forward to; new faces to meet; new challenges to overcome; and above all, new love to discover! They come, they go; but someone else will come along. Although these people from your past and present will hold a place in your heart and leave a space when they go, you will always fill it up again, eventually.

From the last chapter:

Shit! I looked up and saw a truck crossing the junction, directly in my path! Think! Think! This isn't going to happen again. I was heading straight into another accident on my bicycle........

And the story continues...

Chapter III

Okay, buster! Think hard! The cute young doctor isn't gonna be there at the hospital this time. Frantically, I looked around. There's a patch of green just ahead of me by the road. Will a sharp turn throw me off balance onto the grassy side of the road? I didn't have time to ponder. Acting upon impulse, I gripped the seat of my bike with my thighs and lifted my whole body along with the bike. A sharp twist in mid-air and wham! The bike comes down to earth and propels me ninety degrees from where I had been headed... It swerves and I land on the grassy pavement.

I remember landing on my back because I felt my backpack cushion my fall. Still, my head was thrown back and I hit the ground with the back of it. Everything went black...

A light starts to shine into my eyes. "Owwwww! My head! Someone get me a glass of warm water," I said as I tried to sit up, but my head started spinning and I fell back again.

"Whoa there, Little Fella!"

"Ugh! What..?"

"Take a deep breath and rise slowly."

I cautiously raised my head and blinked. "Where am I?" I looked intently about and realized that it was the Principal's Office (we call it the Headmaster's Office). "Are you feeling any pain? Any numbness?" he asked. The frame of the man loomed over me. "We will have your parents come and pick you up."

"I'm feeling a lot better, Mr. Principal, Sir," I replied. But in actual fact, I felt like shit. My head felt as if it were splitting open and my mouth was dry. "I have to go, goodbye."

"Hold on a while there." A strong arm around me held me back. That familiar voice, where had I heard it before? I turned and looked at the face behind me. It was the Physical Education Instructor from the senior classes. I had seen him on the field with the track and field team many times. It felt so warm to be in his arms. Warm, mind you, not hot. It felt safe and comfortable the way he held me that day. "Mr. Principal, I think we should let Keith rest here for a while and check on him later before we let him go home."

"I agree with you, Mr. Choo. We'll ask him about the incident tomorrow morning."

Very gently, Mr. Choo moved his body away and nestled my head in the crook of his arm before laying it on the couch. God! I never did realize how good he looked. He was so close that I could smell him. A faint wisp of Drakkar Noir cologne mixed with a bit of musk arose from the warmth that was produced by our two bodies.

He was about 5' 10" and in his early thirties. There was a mustache just above his lips and black eyes that looked like night, with moderately thick eyebrows. A tanned complexion complimented his features. A firm body, not built from sports, but well toned, made him look healthy and robust. He had a slight buzz cut beard running from his sideburns to his chin. Not much of a beard, but it made him look attractive, yet not hunky like most athletics. A guy without BO (body odor), which makes him a hot guy, especially with girls.

I got home late that day. Mom was curious, but did not press for the truth when I told her there was an interview for the school librarian's committee. I went to sleep early that night, but didn't toss and turn. This time around, I was basking in a warm feeling. In my dreams, Mr. Choo held me. It felt so safe, warm, and fulfilling. I didn't know what came over me, but when I awoke the next morning, I looked forward to school, even though the bullies might be waiting to waylay me again.

"Keith, you're wanted in the Principal's Office, now." That announcement came after the third bell of the morning. Shit! This didn't look good. I knew I was in for some questioning, but I didn't want to squeal. Although Jason and his 'goons' had nearly killed me, I thought I'd let it drop so as to avoid further confrontation with them.

"Sit down, Keith." the principal said to me. What was he doing there? Mr. Choo was there as well. "Keith, it comes to my attention that someone tampered with the brakes of your bicycle yesterday. Is that why you lost control and plummeted downhill?"


"Keith, you don't have anything to hide," Mr. Choo said, standing up and walking to me. "I overheard what Jason and his friends were saying yesterday morning." he continued, while placing his hand lightly on my shoulder. God! Why was I shuddering? His voice was so hypnotic. "Tell us what happened."

"Well............." I then proceeded to tell them the whole story about the incident, leaving out the details of the encounter near the bicycle shed.

"Miss Lim, could you please round up the four boys mentioned and bring them here now?" the principal asked his secretary.

As Jason and his friends arrived at the office, their jaws dropped when they saw me. I could tell there was fear in their eyes. They walked in with their heads hung low.

"Jason, I hear that you sabotaged Keith's bicycle yesterday. Do you know that you could have gotten him killed?"

"Whatever happened to cause this to ensue is not important," the principal said to me. "If your classmates irritate you, tell them to leave you alone. If they still do not listen, you have to report them to me or to a teacher." The stern expression on his face was enough to freak out the most hardened of students.

"I'm going to put the four of you in suspension for a week and detention for a month after that, you understand?" Nods all round from the four bullies followed. "And, if anything happens to Keith after this, I am going to hold the four of you responsible, even if you had nothing to do with it, understand?" Another round of nods. "Bend over the table now. I am going to punish you for this. Afterwards, I will send all your parents a letter asking them to monitor your behavior to make sure none of this happens again."

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! The four bullies winced with pain from the cane hitting their butts. "You are dismissed!"

"And Keith, I will have to punish you also for this. Had you refrained yourself and reported to me, none of this would ever have happened." I bent over the table, expecting him to whack me. "Ha ha! What are you doing, Keith?"

"My punishment to you is to have you help Mr. Choo with his evening Physical Education class for the Secondary One students." Whew! What a relief! With that, I was dismissed and told to report for my duties at five o'clock.

That afternoon, I arrived at half past four and reported to Mr. Choo. "Come to the Supply Room and help me with the stuff we're going to use today," he said. When we arrived there, he turned and said to me, "Keith, I know what happened behind the bicycle shed day before yesterday. I didn't tell the principal about it, because I didn't want to embarrass you."

I looked at him in horror and broke down. I was sobbing like a baby. "It's nothing unusual for boys your age. It happens." I was still sobbing. "We're going to do something about that." He had a smirk on his face. What did he mean? What was he going to do? I wished the ground would open up and swallow me at that moment.

"I won't tell if you don't. It's going to be a secret between you and me. But I need you to do something for me." He placed a hand on each of my shoulders and turned me around. He gave me a push toward a basket containing some volleyballs. "Pick up those now and bring them to the volleyball court. Wipe your tears and stop sobbing. You don't want the juniors to see you crying. Besides, I have plans for you." He slapped my butt and said, "Now git!"

My mind was full of questions as I walked, carrying the basket down to the court. What did he mean by that? My butt was burning where he slapped it. The slap wasn't hard, but I could feel a hot palm-print implanted on the spot. He seemed so caring and full of compassion when he talked to me. Why did he grin when he told me he knew? What had he known? What plans did he have for me?

It was getting quite late. An hour and half after the class started, the juniors were told to put the balls back into the basket. "Keith, here's the key to the supply room. Put the balls back in there and meet me at the car park when you're finished. I have to stop by the staff room for a while."

I put away the balls and walked slowly to the car park. I kept wondering what Mr. Choo wanted to talk to me about. It kept hounding me, driving me nuts. I was getting worried. But like most boys, it didn't bug me long.

Seeing him on the courts showing the students how to play volleyball was such a turn on. I began picturing it in my mind again. God! He was so hot! Seeing him jump to block the net was so erotic. The white shorts bunching up his thighs and stretching against his butt. His ass muscles flexed and his wet T-shirt clung to his chest and torso, while the biceps veined up to define his arms. I thought I was going crazy. I can't be trying to remember all this. It's not right. He's my instructor, damn it! Absentmindedly, I began to fondle my penis through my pockets.


I spun around and he was there. I turned a beet red from embarrassment. Luckily, he didn't see what I was doing, for I had been facing the hedge by the parking lot. It would seem as if I were fiddling with the loose change in my pocket.

"How did you come here just now? I assume your bike is still not repaired."

"By bus, Mr. Choo, sir."

"Keith, it's after school now. You can call me Alan." He smiled. That intoxicating smile! I nearly melted. "How are you getting back home?"

"I was going to have my parents come and pick me up, or take the bus home."

"Seeing that you came here by bus and your parents didn't show up to raise hell at school, I assume you didn't tell them about the incident?"

"Nope." "You want me to give you a ride? Let's go for a ride. There's something I want to discuss with you."

Oh shit! What was he going to discuss? "Thanks, that is if it's okay with you, sir."

"Alan, I told you."

"Okay, Alan."

"Get in the car."

We drove for a while and stopped by a house outside of town. "Please, Alan. I've gotta be home soon. My parents will be worried."

"Come on in and give them a call. There's something I want to talk to you about."

Shrugging my shoulders, I proceeded to follow him and called my parents, telling them I would be late. As I hung up the phone, Alan hollers from the back of the house, "Want a drink? Pepsi okay with you?"

"Sure, thanks!"

"Come on round to the back."

I walked towards the back of the house, into a room where I heard his voice. "Come on in." I looked around and found exercise equipment around with a huge walk-in closet. There was a treadmill, some weights, an exercise bench and a chinning bar. A damp T-shirt hung on the bench along with some damp shorts and briefs.

"Grab a seat. I'll be with you in a second."

I sat down and gazed toward the door.

"There's something that I wanna discuss with you."

I turned around and saw him walk out of the closet. He had nothing on except a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I know about everything that happened behind the bicycle shed. Jason and his friends were talking about it."

I just stared at him, my face was turning red and getting hot. It was not because of the embarrassment; it was because he was so scantily clad and I was sporting an erection in my shorts.

"Now, shall we get down to business?" he asked with a smile......

Next: Chapter 4

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