
By John Doe

Published on Aug 8, 2021



The following is a work of fiction loosely based on real life. Any similarities to anyone are purely coincidental. The story is intended for a mature audience. This story depicts supernatural creatures, such as Vampires and Faeries.

This story is a reupload; now split up into smaller, more followable chapters. I took a small sabbatical from writing; but I'm back, stronger than ever.

This is my first story; I hope that you enjoy it.

Please let me know if you have any feedback! Email me at

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Dylan -- 16 years old.

Conor - 123 years' old (17 years' old)

Jack -- 16 years' old Luke -- 17 years' old Nathan -- 15 years' old

Dylan, is an orphan with a scholarship. He arrives in grade 10, halfway through the year, hoping for a new life and a fresh start. However, after he arrives, he realizes not everything was as it seems -- as he encounters someone... supernatural. Thereafter, his life is changed forever.


Dylan struggled to believe he'd managed to get the opportunity. So much so, that he could barely contain his excitement. A fully paid swimming scholarship, to a top-end boarding school. It was almost too good to be true.

Life in foster homes had been turbulent; since his parents died 7 years prior. His experience wasn't pleasant. He'd never been able to call something his home, and he never thought he'd be able to remove himself from the system. But now, he found himself in a new environment - if there was anything that could be considered a fresh start, it was this.

As they drove down the long, windy driveway, it was natural that Dylan swallowed hard in nervousness. He brushed his blonde hair out his eyes. He'd been before - for his interview and a small orientation day, when none of the other boys were there. Now, it was the Sunday before the start of term.

The sun was almost set. He felt so nervous as the deputy head, who'd driven to pick him up from his city nearly an hour and a half away, parked in front of the spectacular main entrance of the colossal, old school. Mrs. Fleury had done a good job of calming his nerves on the way there. She smiled at him as he climbed out of the car. He watched the large building loom in front of him as he pulled his bags from the trunk.

A prefect emerged from the entrance; a big guy with pimples. He introduced himself as Henry with much less than a small nod. He grabbed one of Dylan's luggage bags.

"You'll be fine, Dylan," he heard Mrs. Fleury say. "Just be yourself. You'll do great," she added.

Dylan nodded in response. "I will. Thank you, ma'am," he said nervously.

Henry escorted him around the large Victorian architecture that was St. Nicholas School - down a side path towards the dormitories. It was a beautiful school premises with gardens and old architecture; and a massive forest spanned for miles all around it. The dorms were close by; across a courtyard and some gardens. Near the edge of the premises, three separate 3-story buildings, separated by another courtyard between them, awaited.

The buildings houses on the left and right were Lance House, and Shield House -- but Henry led him into the center dorm -- Sabre House. Walking into the 3 story building he heard activity throughout. Heads turned his way as they walked through the entrance foyer up the stairs. Dylan tried his best not to make eye contact with anyone. His nerves were killing him already.

On the first floor, down the hall, to the 10th grade dorms. His room was the 4th on the left; a room with 5 others in it. Dylan found himself slightly Frozen at the entrance for a few seconds, as the others turned their heads to look at him. Socializing wasn't his strong suit.

He felt even more awkward as Henry silently put down his bag, before he turned and disappeared. Dylan found himself motionless... if it wasn't for a tall, skinny, brown haired boy quickly came forward with his hand outstretched.

"I'm Jack." He said cheerfully. Dylan smiled thankfully, shaking his hand. They were soft; he felt a sense of comfort in him.

"Hey, I'm Dylan." He said. Jack smiled as he nodded. The interaction led the other 4 to come forward. A fist bump each. Tristan, Myles, Jarrod. Mason. Dylan knew he'd probably forget their names. All but Jack's. The tall boy had a smile that made Dylan feel a little fuzzy inside.

The dorm room was split into 3 cubicles, with two beds each. Jack stayed in the bed next door to him, sharing his cubicle. Dylan felt almost instant relief as he put his bags down, looking around the room. His other roommates continued with their own activities.

"Welcome to hell," Jack said jokingly, sitting on his bed. "Nah, Jokes. It's cool that you're here," Jack told him. "I've been alone in this cubicle because my old roommate got sick and dropped out," he said. "It's not so bad here. Some people make it out to be pretty shit but... I like it here."

"I hope so," Dylan said. "Sure is better than where I lived already, that's for sure." He said, as he started packing his clothes into his designated cupboard next to his bed.

After they'd unpacked, it was Sunday dinner, 6pm. The small bell sounded, and the dorms stirred to life as they piled towards the dining hall - Dylan stuck to Jack's side. He felt nervous - he felt eyes on him as they walked. He didn't know what to think of it. If it wasn't for Jack, he didn't know how he'd feel, being completely alone. He'd known him for less than 30 minutes, but Jack seemed to have taken him on - he could only be grateful.

The dining room was a warm open room with long tables splitting the grades; Jack led him to their 10 grade table, and sat next to a couple others in their year. He let Jack do the talking; his eyes darted around the room, observing the faces around him. His eyes scanned the crowds of boys. Interesting faces, younger and older. Then... his eyes found another; that was staring right at him from the grade 12 table.

He lounged easily. A pretty face, skinny body, ginger hair. Their eyes locked; for a couple of seconds Dylan found himself lost in them -- they were bright blue eyes... visible from across the room. He was... mesmerizing. Dylan noticed his flawless skin as he blinked in surprise.

Then the boy smiled at him. Dylan got tingles in his stomach; he couldn't help but smile back, before he looked away; too nervous to look back. But he felt his eyes on him.

Why was he looking at him? What did he want? That smile... surely he wasn't... no, he couldn't be. Dylan found himself swallowing. Curse these thoughts that haunted him. He knew it would be a problem, coming to an all boy school. He was only just coming to terms with his sexuality. Being bisexual wasn't as easy as people thought.

And there were so many pretty boys around him. He didn't know how he'd be able to cope. But surely the ginger boy wasn't... interested? He gazed backwards, but the Ginger Boy wasn't sitting there anymore. He didn't try to look around to find him.

The thought played in his mind as they waited for the older grades to grab food, before they were called themselves. As he waited in the line behind Jack, he felt eyes on him again. He looked around; he noticed a couple heads looking away. But he'd seen them. He sighed. He was the new kid, after all. Finally getting food, he ate slowly - the meal seemed to take ages. Dylan still felt eyes on him, but now he didn't dare look around.

After the meal they headed back to the dorm; here, Dylan pulled on his sleeping boxers. Dylan's eyes noticed some of the guys pull off their tops and pants and grab towels; heading for showers. Dylan swallowed; he knew he'd have to go and shower eventually. He didn't know what that experience would be like.

Jack didn't go shower; but when he pulled everything off to his briefs, Dylan realized he was insanely skinny - but he didn't seem to care. He was cute, too. And Dylan could just make out the shape of his dick through his briefs; but he didn't want to stare, in case Jack noticed him. That would be awkward.

For the rest of the evening, Jack sat cross legged on Dylan's bed, chatting softly. Jack told him about his interests; Anime and Running. Dylan told him his own. He felt himself become more comfortable with his environment; it would take a little. But at least Jack helped a lot.

Dylan was almost surprised when Lights out was called at 9pm. There was gentle ruffling and chatter for a little longer, before the dorms fell into silence.

But Dylan struggled to sleep. Soon, it was way past lights out and he was still wide awake, staring at the ceiling. There was soft breathing and the sound of the trees rustling outside. He was stuck in his own head - this new place, these new faces. And pretty faces, too. Such pretty faces... that 12th grader, the ginger boy, his face etched in his mind. Jack, too.

Dylan sighed; his dick was hard as a rock, as usual at this time. Most of all, he wanted to take a wank. He hadn't taken one for a few days, and it was really adding up. It was probably why he struggled a bit with his hormones that day. But he was so scared he'd wake up someone; so he didn't dare.

Then it was around midnight when he heard it. A small, soft moan; coming... from Jack. Dylan froze; slowly, turning his head so as to not be heard, he saw the blanket move up and down near Jack's crotch. His new friend was doing it. He was wanking.

Dylan's eyes were glued. He couldn't look away. His dick started to throb almost painfully now. Jacks eyes were closed and blissful, facing the ceiling. After a couple of minutes, Jack let out a sigh that told Dylan he'd cum. But then... he couldn't believe his eyes when Jack brought his hand back out of the covers... and lightly sucked on his own fingers. Dylan's heart almost exploded when he realized what he was doing. He was... eating his cum.

Jack finished, and rolled over and went to sleep. Dylan's dick stayed as hard as ever; and there was no chance he was sleeping now. He waited a little, until he heard the soft snoring of his cubicle mate, before he got up and headed towards the bathroom. He needed to sort out his problem now.

The halls were quiet. Thankfully the light from the bathroom illuminated down the hall. He didn't have to worry about someone coming out suddenly and seeing his boner protruding from his boxers. He was as quiet as possible as he entered the bathrooms and moved towards the cubicles... but froze as he heard a sound. He blinked. He heard... heavy breathing. Coming from a cubicle, closed and locked. Was someone else in here taking a wank?

The curiosity took over. First Jack, now this. Did none of the guys actually give a damn? Then... he heard a hard swallow, followed by a small soft moan. Now his curiosity took over. It was almost like his legs got a mind of their own. He quietly moved to the cubicle next door, closed and locked it completely silently. He slowly and gently climbed onto the toilet as he became aware of the heavy breathing, and as his heart raced, he peeked over. His heart almost exploded.

Two boys were in the cubicle. The first... was the ginger boy. The 12th grader, from the dining hall, that had completely mesmerized him. So close that Dylan could make out his skinny, smooth, freckle covered body. He sat on the toilet, completely naked. The second boy was a brown haired kid, with a couple of freckles on his shoulders and skin - definitely a little older than Dylan, who knelt in front of him, and sensually and slowly sucked the ginger's dick.

Dylan could hear the suction as he serviced the ginger boy; He was so much more beautiful up close than Dylan had realized. He had a hand in the brown haired boy's hair, scratching it softly. The brunette boy was in his briefs, but they were pulled over his own dick which he wanked furiously as he sucked.

They didn't see him. If they looked up at all they would - but they were very occupied with what they were doing. Dylan watched the brunette boy move up and down the ginger boy's dick with care - knew what he was doing.

He came off, giving Dylan a clear view of the ginger's throbbing circumcised dick, standing around 6 or 7 inches, underneath a base of ginger pubes. He could also see the brunette boy's pretty face as he gently wanked it a little while he caught his breath, before he went down and sucked again.

Dylan couldn't help himself. His hand was in his boxers; he pulled his foreskin down and gently rubbed his dickhead that was covered in pre-cum. He was so quiet as he felt pleasure shoot through his body. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing.

Then, he heard the ginger boy grunt and whisper. "I'm cumming...". The brunette boy came off, and Dylan's eyes widened as he watched the ginger's dick pulse as he pumped 5 strands of cum onto his chest and stomach. The site was so hot Dylan almost passed out.

The brunette boy kept wanking - much to Dylan's surprise, he leant forward, and started licking the Ginger's cum up; starting at his chest, lapping slowly as he moved down his stomach and finally, to the gingers his deflating dick, as the ginger breathed in satisfaction. A couple seconds later, he groaned softly and shot a few strands of cum onto the floor in front of him.

Dylan quietly lowered himself back down. The image was burned into his head, and probably would be forever. He heard them clean up, unlock the cubicle and leave, leaving Dylan alone.

Dylan pulled his Briefs to his ankles. His uncircumcised dick throbbed hard, pointing straight to the sky. Dylan jacked off hard, with the image of what he just witnessed burned into his head. Not even a minute later, he squirted his thick cum onto the toilet bowl as his body shook with pleasure. He sat in awe for a few seconds. He couldn't believe what he'd just witnessed. Maybe this school wouldn't be too bad after all.

Next: Chapter 2

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