
By John Doe

Published on Aug 8, 2021



The following is a work of fiction loosely based on real life. Any similarities to anyone are purely coincidental. The story is intended for a mature audience. This story depicts supernatural creatures, such as Vampires and Faeries.

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The next morning, Dylan found himself awake before everyone. He'd had a restless sleep, which wasn't good before his first day of class. His mind was everywhere. His consciousness almost couldn't fathom what he'd seen. He pulled himself up, and was dressed before Jack even stirred awake.

Jack dressed; when he changed his briefs, he made no effort to hide; but he was facing the other way, so Dylan only got to see his light skinny bum. Still, it was quite the sight. And it triggered his memories from the night before again. He still struggled to put it to rest in his head at all.

The uniform was uncomfortable - A smart shirt, tie and blazer. Thankfully, it was chilly and overcast, so the long pants weren't too hot. He looked left; Jack was just finishing his tie. Dylan realized how good he looked in uniform; and sighed. It seemed like this was going to be harder than he thought, dealing with these thoughts and feelings; especially when Jack looked at him, and gave him his sweet smile.

A bell went at 7, signaling breakfast. He kept with Jack as they walked out the dorms. The fresh air of the courtyard felt amazing; the smell of the gardens filled his nose. He felt hopeful again. He was in a brand new school, after all. They made it to the dining room, and as Dylan walked through the doors... and what did you know. Sitting at the 12th grade table, watching him as he entered, was the Ginger Boy.

Dylan froze on the spot. He couldn't believe it. The boy smiled at him in amusement. As their eyes locked, the image of his naked body and his dick squirting cum filled Dylan's mind. He felt his dick start to grow real quick. There was a second where Dylan thought ... no, there's no way he knew that he'd seen him. Jack brought him back to reality, bumping his shoulder. "You alright?" He asked. Dylan blinked at him; when he looked back, the boy wasn't looking at him anymore. He chatted lightly to someone at his table. He realized his heart was beating insanely quickly.

There was something about that boy. He couldn't place it. But he knew, there was... something.

They got in line to grab breakfast - Dylan just took a bowl of cereal. He and Jack sat opposite each other; as his new friend told him more about his Anime Hobby, Dylan watched his gentle face; realizing how pretty his tall friend actually was. That, and he couldn't get the image of him wanking out his head. By the time he finished his cereal, he had to wait 5 minutes for the boner he'd gotten to go down.

After breakfast, back to the dorms to fetch his school things. He was given a key for a locker in the school - he just had to find it. Jack had a vague idea. They heaved their bags onto their backs and headed for the main building. The school premises were big. It was almost a maze - Dylan's locker was on the first floor near the Math's department. It was also just across the way from Jack's, thankfully.

As Dylan unpacked most of his bags, he looked at his schedule - a busy day of Physics, English, Math and Chemistry. He couldn't wait for the day to be over - mainly because that meant he could finally climb into the pool. He was here on a Swimming Scholarship, after all.

The bell gave him a fright; he took his required books, and he and Jack headed towards the science department. Thank goodness, Jack was in his first class - the teacher also hardly noticed his presence as he sat at the only open chair, next to a boy with questionable hygiene. However, his second lesson had no Jack - and to make matters worse, the English teacher, a happy woman named Ms. Pecker, made him stand to introduce himself.

The day seemed to drag on. 3 lessons, before their first break. As Dylan piled his books into his locker, he suddenly felt a presence standing behind him. He blinked, slowly turning - and his heart dropped.

The Ginger Boy stood behind him, lazily holding a workbook in his left hand. His bright blue eyes were piercing. His beautiful freckled face was mesmerizing; his tie was slightly undone; yet he looked... good. His skin was pale, yet completely smooth and... perfect. Dylan couldn't tell why. His aura was striking. Dylan could feel him; he felt his presence for sure. And the boy smiled at him.

"You must be new here," he said. Dylan blinked in surprise. He'd come up to him. He smiled nervously.

"Yeah, I'm... the new guy." He said. The ginger boy smirked.

"Always good to have new faces," he said... and stuck out his pretty hand. "I'm Conor."

The name rattled into his head. Conor. He certainly wouldn't be forgetting it. Dylan took his hand... It was so soft. So gentle. It took a second before Dylan realized he was just holding and feeling his hand. He looked up, and the boy watched him with interest. He felt himself swallowing hard, as the image of the boy's dick shooting wads of cum flashed into his mind. His own dick jumped in his pants.

"I'm Dylan." He added. The boy's bright blue eyes seemed to look inside of him. The moment was intense; Dylan felt butterflies surge through his stomach as the boy smiled again.

"Really good to meet you, Dylan," he added. "It's nice to have a new pretty face around here."

Dylan felt his cheeks burn bright red at the comment. Did he just call him... pretty?

"Th... thanks." He replied with a small embarrassed smile. But if anything, Conor seemed to enjoy that even more as they finally let go of each other's hand. "So I know how weird it is to be in a new place, but... if you need anyone to help you or show you some cool places... I'd love to," he said. Dylan couldn't believe the words. His reality felt flawed. Surely it wasn't real.

He smiled nervously. "Thanks. That would be cool." He said.

"You're also in Sabre House, right?" He asked. Dylan nodded. Conor smiles cheekily. "Great. Won't be hard to find you." He said.

Dylan felt his lips curl into a little smile. "Yeah. I've got swimming after class but... I guess I should be free after that. I'm still getting used to this place."

"Swimming?" Conor asked, and Dylan nodded.

"Yeah, I'm here on a scholarship." He added.

Conor's eyes seemed to light up a little. "Well... What do you think of night swimming?" He asked. Dylan blinked.

"N....night swimming?" He asked. Conor nodded.

"There's a lake just outside the school grounds, through the forest. Super easy to get to, and none of the staff ever check it after bedtime." He added. "You keen?" He asked.

Dylan's eyes widened. He hadn't even been here a day and he was already going to break curfew rules? The urge to refuse was big but... the urge to say yes was even bigger.

He nodded. "Sounds fun," he added, his heart rate increasing exponentially.

"Cool! Looks like tonight's a date, then?" he said with a smile. Dylan's eyes widened at the comment. He was speechless. "I'll come get you after lights out," he added... before he gently touched Dylan's cheek; sending shockwaves through his body.

"O... okay," Dylan said, frozen on the spot as he felt his gentle touch. Conor smiled, as his finger maneuvered upwards, gently pushing Dylan's fine blonde hair out of his face. His touch was so soft... electric. Then, he let go.

"See you tonight," he said; and he was gone; leaving Dylan standing with his mind moving in all directions. His brain tried to comprehend what had just happened when Jack arrived just then, pulling Dylan from his thoughts.

The ginger boy's beautiful face was etched into his mind, though, as he followed his friend out the school building. Something strange was going on. It was too strange for Dylan to properly fathom in his head. And it had to do with that boy.

Jack took Dylan out into the school grounds for break; showing him the beautiful sports fields, where they chilled during their 40-minute break. He took Dylan to a lovely tree, where the two of them sat and chatted and laughed. The overcast weather was the only downside.

Dylan found himself enjoying Jack's company more and more as time went by. He was a simple soul, with a beautiful heart. The rest of the day seemed to edge on slowly; lunch was near the end of the day, before the last 2 lessons. Served chicken wraps, Dylan realized how delicious the food really was here.

The last part of the day took the longest - French was horrible. When that Final bell went off, the relief was unmatched. And most of all... now it was time to swim. Dylan couldn't get back to the dorms fast enough. He grabbed his bag, and was gone before any of his dorm mates had even gotten back - heading south of the fields to the pool area.

The weather was rarely good over the school, so the poo was Indoors. The smell of chlorine entered his nose as he entered, and immediately felt himself smiling. A few others had arrived - he made his way to the coach, a big man standing at the edge writing on a clipboard. As he neared, the guy looked up and smiled.

"You must be Dylan!" He said. He nodded, the coach gently patted his shoulder.

"I've heard some good things about your swimming ability," he said.

"Thanks," Dylan said nervously. "I hope I live up to it." He added.

"I'm sure you will," the coach said. "Go get dressed and get some warm up laps in." He said. Dylan nodded and made his way to the change rooms on the right.

Thankfully there wasn't anyone there. He chose a locker in the 3rd row, putting his bag on the center bench and pulled off his tie and shirt quickly as he pulled his Speedos out his bag. He looked along the row, making sure he was alone before he pulled off his underwear. Stark naked for a split second, he quickly pulled on his Speedos - just as another boy walked past the row of lockers.

Dylan didn't feel self-conscious about himself. He wasn't small - his body was smooth and lean from his swimming. More... he was still coming to terms with himself and his sexuality, and his biggest fear was being exposed to other boys and suddenly getting hard. He was sure he'd get used to it... but he was new to the boarding school thing.

He put his stuff into a locker, grabbed his goggles and towel and made his way to the pool. Picking a lane, he jumped; the cool water felt amazing on his skin. He did a few quick laps to warm up - it felt so good to be back in the water. Swimming was his escape. He almost got lost in it before he came up to the pool edge - his coach stood above him, looking smug.

"Your technique is brilliant, Dyl. Keep it up. Today is long distance training - how far do you think you can swim?" He asked. There were a few others in the pool now, doing their own laps.

Dylan smiled. "Probably quite far." He said. The coach laughed.

"That's what I like to hear. Try to get a kilometer in, and we'll see from there." He said, and left Dylan to his devices.

Dylan just did him - he got through the kilometer relatively quickly. Faster than the other guys. He did a few extra laps, practicing his sprint starts before he climbed out, sitting on the edge with his feet in the water. The relaxation he found from the swim eased his mind from the confusion he felt from his experiences the last day. He at least felt home again.

He felt eyes again. He sighed; getting used to the feeling. His head turned towards the bleachers on the left... and his heart almost stopped. A boy watched him. It only took a second for Dylan to recognize the brown hair and light freckles on his face. It... it was the boy from last night; the one sucking Conor off... and he was watching him.

But when Dylan looked in his direction, he looked away quickly. He had a towel around his waist. Dylan didn't know what to think of it at this point in time, he didn't know what to think of anything. Dylan's eyes crept down the boy's bare body; he felt his dick stir as the image from the previous night played back in his mind - not gone, after all. so he looked away quickly. Being in a speedo, he didn't need that right now.

He got up and made his way to the change rooms; his heart beating quickly. He went straight to the shower; putting on the warm water and letting it light up his soul. A few others came in; Dylan's heart jumped when he saw they'd taken off their swim stuff, showering naked. He breathed deeply; he didn't get a boner, thankfully. He heard them chat and joke around. He was also grateful they didn't seem to think it was weird that he didn't take his speedos off.

He finished up, drying himself again and heading to his locker. Pulling out a fresh pair of briefs, he dried himself quickly, pulled off his swim trunks and quickly pulled on his underwear. As he dried his hair, he heard a locker very close open. He finished his hair and his eyes looked right; his heart jumped a beat again. Damp brown hair, light freckles. It was the boy he'd caught staring. The boy who was with Conor the night before -- in their row. He dug through his locker, looking for something.

Dylan quickly looked away; praying he hadn't seen him. He didn't know how to react to that -- his senses and his head felt like it was going to explode. He pulled out a shirt to wear, but before he could pull it on... he heard a voice next to him.

"Hey, um..." it started. His heard turned slowly; the brunette boy was next to him, looking a little nervous. Up close, Dylan realized how strikingly lovely his face actually was. He couldn't believe this was happening... again.

"That was ... like, good swimming," he said quickly. Dylan didn't know what to say at first.

"Um ... thanks." Dylan said. "It's been a little bit, I'm glad to be back in it," he said. The boy smiled.

"Looks like you've been in it a while." He added. Dylan felt more comfortable. His eyes couldn't help but dart down the boy's skinny chest for a split second as he talked. "I'm hoping to get a little better, I'm... not quite in the first team, yet," he said. "I'm... I'm Luke, by the way," he said.

"I'm Dylan," he said in response. The scene from last night seemed to be on loop in his head. He felt his dick start getting hard and he panicked a little, grabbing his pants and started pulling them on.

"You're 10th grade, right?" Luke asked him. Dylan nodded in response, and Luke smiled.

"And you're better than most of the 11th and 12th graders," he added. "I'm in 11th grade and nowhere near you," he said.

Dylan blushed at the compliment. "Th.. thanks. I just... practiced a lot. I didn't... really have much else, where I'm from." He said.

Like scratched his head. "Yeah, I get that. Home isn't exactly ... home for me, either," he said, as Dylan pulled on his shirt. "Anyway... sorry for bothering you," Luke said, looking at the floor. "I'm not really used to approaching new people," he said. Dylan blinked in surprise.

"You're not bothering me," he added quickly. Luke gave him a smile; it caused little butterflies to surge in Dylan's stomach. Oh no... he was another boy Dylan had to worry about. That, and the image of his lips wrapped around Conor's dick flashed through his mind. He hated his thoughts sometimes.

Dylan went to the bathroom to relieve a growing piss, and when he came back Luke was dressed. Dylan was slightly disappointed he'd missed that show, but they walked back to Sabre House together, chatting lightly. Luke's dorm was just down the way from his. By the time they got to their hallway, Dylan realized how nice Luke really was. And... even though he was a year older, he seemed to want to be Dylan's friend.

They waved goodbye; Dylan felt lighthearted from the interaction; mixed with slight arousal as his memories plagued him. He was still freaked out by the fact that 2 of the only boys he'd interacted with today were the ones he'd caught sucking each other off the night before.

Jack lay on his bed, shirtless, watching Anime on his phone. He smiled as Dylan entered. He shuffled up and invited him to come watch; Dylan put down his bags and lay next to him. The bed wasn't too big; Dylan could feel Jacks light skin against his arms. He was watching some fantasy anime; he lightly told Dylan the plot line as they watched. Dylan felt warm and comfortable with him.

Dylan noticed there were lots of big boobs and little clothing in the Anime Jack watched; but he didn't comment on it. Dylan's eyes couldn't help but wonder along Jack's bare chest and stomach. He was so smooth; with a little garden trail forming just above where his pubes would be. Dylan came to the realisation that he definitely found his friend attractive.

Dinner came way too quickly; Jack pulled on a shirt before they walked down together. The hall was buzzing with activity when they arrived. Dylan's heart started to beat quicker; it was nearing the night swim. They ate spaghetti - Dylan's eyes scanned the boys around him. His eyes found Luke, but he didn't notice him; too busy eating. His eyes floated again; and He found Conor again. He wasn't eating; he just sat and watched.

Dylan realized he hadn't even seen Conor queue for food, or eat. He smiled at Dylan, and gave a small wave; Dylan waved back, swallowing hard. Nervousness seemed to overtake him again as he finished his meal. But Conor was gone by the time he cleaned up.

As he walked to the dorms, he realized something - he needed to shower. Yeah, he'd had a small one at the pool earlier, but... he needed to soap up and wash his hair. They entered the dorms, and Dylan must have looked nervous as hell, because Jack noticed.

"You okay?" He asked. Dylan swallowed.

"I don't know." He replied. "It's nothing big, it's just... I need to shower," he said. Jack's eyes lit up in realisation.

"Oh! I see, you're nervous cause of the showers. I promise, Dyl, they're so simple. You think it'll be weird and all, but it's actually really chilled," he added.

"I know it probably is..." Dylan said. "But like... what if, I dunno... what if I get a boner?" He asked.

But Jack just smiled. "Oh, guys get boners in the showers all the time. I've gotten a boner before. It's pretty normal for that to happen. We're boys," he said jokingly. The words eased Dylan's mind a little bit. Jack gently patted his shoulder.

"C'mon - I'll go with you," he said. Dylan didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing; but he nodded.

They both stripped down to their briefs, and Dylan followed Jacks lead as they grabbed towels and soap and headed out the dorms. The bathrooms and showers were 2 different rooms; entering the steaming room filled with chatter; there was a small queue to the showers hooks to hang the towels, directly opposite a wall with around 10 shower heads... filled with naked boys. The other boys waiting were all down to their underwear.

Dylan tried his best not to stare at them or look at their bodies, but it was easier said than done. He couldn't help but gaze at some of the bare bums and flaccid dicks, circumcised and uncircumcised. Some chubby boys, some skinny boys, some lean boys, some hairy, some not. He noticed there weren't any 12th graders in these showers. Standing by the door, a prefect watched to make sure nothing dodgy occurred.

And thankfully... even though he was now immersed with naked guys, he actually felt calm. His dick hadn't threatened to rise yet. Finally, he and Jack made it to two hooks. Dylan hung up his towel and breathed deeply.

"You ready?" Jack whispered. Dylan could only nod. Together, they pulled down their briefs, leaving Dylan completely naked in a room filled with other boys.

He couldn't help but gaze at Jack as they hung their briefs on the hook. His legs were skinny; his flaccid uncircumcised dick hung down below a tuft patch of dark pubes. He didn't want to get Caught staring or risk getting a boner. So he looked up; only to catch Jacks eyes gazing down at Dylan's own dick. His uncircumcised flaccid dick was actually around the same size as Jack's; just with lighter pubes, and Jack's was a little thinner.

His friend's eyes looked up, and he realized Dylan saw him looking; Jack's face flushed red. But they smiled at each other, before they grabbed their soap and headed towards two open taps.

As he showered, Dylan realized it wasn't too hard, to not get hard. He knew when he wore clothes it was so difficult to control his arousal sometimes... but now, His mind was relaxed; it probably helped that others around him were as chilled.

In fact, as he washed his hair he even managed to spare a gaze around him. The dicks and bodies were fascinating; hairy and smooth, big and small. His eyes found a boy 3 shower heads down, and his heart jumped - He must have been 8th or 9th grade; brown hair, skinny body. He was about a head shorter than Dylan. As He washed his arms, Dylan's eyes gazed down to his penis, that stood hard to attention; the foreskin pulling back, revealing a purple cock head. He was entirely smooth among his body, except for the smallest tuft of pubes - and he didn't seem to care one bit. And neither did anyone else.

Dylan looked away quickly as he found his dick responding to that. He breathed quickly as he got semi-hard, managing to stop the growth halfway up. He quickly washed his face; but when he rinsed, his eyes glazed left to see Jack looking at his semi-hardness. His friends own dick wasn't entirely flaccid anymore, either - the shaft was a bit bigger, and pointed to around 4 o' clock now.

Jack's eyes looked up, and he realized he'd been caught again. But Dylan just smiled as his heart jumped; Jack smirked as he went red again, quickly soaping himself up as he looked away. The thought that his friend was looking at his dick rapidly started to make blood pump, so he quickly soaped up and thought elsewhere; his dick stopped getting hard just halfway, and slowly deflated again to his relief.

Then, 2 minutes passed, and he was done. He went and grabbed his towel and dried himself.

"Not so bad, ey?" He heard jack next to him. Dylan nodded.

"Really not bad. Kinda nice, actually," he heard himself say before he could stop himself. But luckily Jack responded.

"Super nice; really free, yah know?" He said as they made their way back to their dorms with towels around their waists. Their room was empty - the others out or showering. Jack took the opportunity and threw his towel on his bed to reveal his naked form again.

"I'd probably be naked all day if I could be," he said. Dylan's eyes found him again; his smooth bum was nice to look at. Jack turned; Dylan's eyes found Jacks dick again as he pulled off his own towel, putting it on his bed; leaving them both naked in their cubicle.

Jack really was attractive, Dylan thought. His eyes moved up and down Jack's body; his skinny chest and smooth stomach, up his legs, and landing on his crotch. Dylan realized Jack wasn't entirely flaccid anymore again. It took Dylan a moment to realize Jack was looking at his dick, too... and as Dylan's own dick started to get harder, he watched Jack's dick start to get bigger and bigger, and rising higher and higher with every heartbeat.

Neither of them moved or covered themselves - their eyes were locked on each other's members. Dylan watched as Jack's dick rose, the foreskin slowly starting to retract as it pointed straight, and then... upwards towards the ceiling.

Dylan realized what was happening as his own dick inflated, bouncing as it got fully hard, also pointing straight upwards. The two of them had stood naked in their cubicle, watching each other get hard. Dylan watched intensely as Jack's dickhead poked through his foreskin. Jack's dick bounced lightly with every heartbeat, as did Dylan's. They were stuck on the spot, watching each other's cocks closely - almost like they were hypnotized.

"Whoah ..." he heard Jack say. They looked into each other's eyes... and smiled in understanding. Jack took his dick and lightly pulled down his foreskin; revealing his entire head; it was bright pink. Dylan followed his friends lead; pulling down his own foreskin for Jack to see.

"Nice..." Jack said, his eyes glued downwards. Dylan's heart raced as he realized what he was doing with another boy. They both lightly moved their foreskins back and forth, eyes stuck on each other. As they soaked each other in, Dylan felt closer to Jack than ever.

But the moment evaporated when they heard steps coming down the hall. They looked at each other and dashed for underwear; both pulling it on before one of their dorm mates entered the room. They quickly sat on their beds; their eyes locked and they laughed. Jack's dick was still hard in his briefs, as was Dylan's. They watched each other in silence for a few minutes - watching each other's dicks go flaccid in their underwear before they both stood up again. They looked in each other's eyes, and smiled.

"That was nice," Jack said. Dylan knew what he meant.

"Yeah," Dylan replied. "Really nice." He added; before more of their roommates got back. Before lights out, he and Jack lay on his bed and watched some more anime; only, being in their briefs, he couldn't help but half watch, and half watch Jack's smooth body. And he could swear that Jack was doing the same thing; Dylan was all too aware of his friend's skin against his own.

Lights out was called. Jack smiled at him. "Hey, tomorrow, I've got running practice, but after that ...I'll show you some special Anime," he said as Dylan got up and moved to his bed, climbing under his sheets. He smiled back.

"Sounds fun," he said. "First afternoon off, too. I'll entertain myself until you get back," he added.

"It's a plan," Jack told him, before the lights went out.

But Dylan lay wide awake again. Not only did the image of Jack's hard boner stay stuck in his mind... he was all too aware of what was going to happen. A night swim He had no idea as to when, though.

After nearly an hour he heard Jack start to wank again. Dylan looked at him through the darkness; his blanket was down, showing his stomach and chest; Dylan could see his right arm as his hand lifted up and down, just under the covers. His face looked blissful; eyes closed, completely unaware that Dylan watched him.

A few minutes later he groaned softly as he came. Dylan's dick was rock hard again; and his breath stopped as he watched Jack eat his own cum again. He couldn't believe the sight - but he was still too scared to wank. He wanted to get up and go again; he closed his eyes after Jack rolled over and went to sleep. Dylan's aching member needed to get relief. He almost got up to head to the bathroom, but then he remembered him. The ginger boy. Conor.

Next: Chapter 3

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