
By John Doe

Published on Aug 8, 2021



The following is a work of fiction loosely based on real life. Any similarities to anyone are purely coincidental. The story is intended for a mature audience. This story depicts supernatural creatures, such as Vampires and Faeries.

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His eyes snapped open. Standing above him, Dylan saw his bright blue eyes as he smiled down. His beautiful face was striking, even in the darkness. He put a finger to his lips; Dylan nodded. He sat up, as Conor signaled towards the door. He only had his briefs on - and he was still rock hard - but Conor held out a jacket for him. He put it on slowly, making sure his hardness was covered before he got out of bed and followed him through the doorway.

The dorms were fast asleep. The clock read 11:45. They made their way down the stairs and outside; Dylan's eyes widened in surprise as he realized the chilly, overcast weather had all but disappeared - the air was chilly on Dylan's bare legs and feet, but bearable.

He only had his briefs and the jacket on - he gazed at Conor and saw he didn't even have a jacket; shirtless, with just a pair of jocks. His body was smooth and skinny- the moon lit them both up as they made their way towards the forest.

"It's not far," Conor told him. Whatever tiredness Dylan had was gone. The grass was soft beneath his feet; soon the school was out of sight. It was super dark in the trees, and Dylan's eyes were still adjusting.

"I can't see," he said to Conor, whom he could hardly make out. But then... he felt his soft hand take his, as he led him onwards. His skin was cool and gentle. And when he looked at him... he swore he could see his eyes through the darkness.

Then... they broke the tree-line and the lake stood big and proud. The beach was small, with light sand along the edge. The water was still. The moon reflected off the water; Dylan could see almost perfectly now.

"Whoa," he said.

"Cool, huh?" Conor said, giving him a smile. He took a deep breath in. "I love the night," he said. Dylan's eyes moved up and down the beautiful boy's body. He was such a sight to behold.

"You ready to swim?" Conor asked. Dylan blinked; he'd almost forgotten why they were there.

"I didn't bring a towel," he said without thinking, and Conor lightly bumped his shoulder with a laugh.

"You don't need one," he said softly. "C'mon," he said - and with one movement, he pulled off his boxers; Dylan got a peak of his soft dick, as the stark naked boy walked into the water. Dylan watched his beautiful bum as it entered the flat lake; just past his waist, he turned to Dylan who stood watching, and smiled cheekily.

"C'mon! It's just us!" He said in encouragement. Dylan slowly unzipped the jacket in response, putting it on the ground next to him. He swallowed hard as the scene he knew Conor best from flashed into his mind. He needed to be quick or he'd get a boner.

He quickly peeled his briefs off, leaving him stark naked as he walked into the water. He looked at Conor as the boy blatantly stared at Dylan's dick. The water was freezing - but that didn't stop Dylan's cock from starting to get hard as he felt the older boy's eyes on him.

He finally got next to Conor, his dick submerging before it got larger than a semi. The water was dark; they couldn't see their parts just under the water. Conor gave him a smile.

"Not so bad, huh?" Conor asked. Dylan took a moment to look around... and realized it was beautiful around them.

"Really nice," Dylan said. As he looked back, he saw Conor gaze at his bare body - it gave him butterflies in his stomach. And when Conor noticed him, he just smiled. He wanted Dylan to know. Dylan's heart raced at a million miles per hour as Conor took his hand and pulled him further into the water; they stood opposite each other, shallow enough to stand with just their heads out the water.

"Happy?" Conor asked. Dylan breathed deeply; the water was cold but... it felt amazing. He nodded.

"Yeah, this... this is nice," he replied.

"So..." Conor started, "Where are you from, exactly?" Conor asked him. Dylan blinked.

"I'm... I'm from the City," he said. Conor smiled at the response.

"Your family lives there?" He asked. Dylan swallowed at the question.

"I'm... not really. I don't... I came from a foster home. I don't really have a family," he said. Conor's eyes widened at the response.

"I'm... sorry," he said sincerely. Dylan just shrugged, feeling the water around him.

"It is what it is," he said.

Conor nodded... Dylan noticed the boy had gotten a little closer to him now. Dylan's eyes were locked onto his Peary blue ones. It was insane, looking into them. He found himself mesmerized.

"And you?" Dylan asked. Conor blinked at the question. "What about your family?" He asked.

"Well..." the ginger boy started. "I haven't really had a family for a long time," he said. Dylan's eyebrow raised at the response. He didn't quite understand it.

"But don't worry about me," Conor said. Dylan noticed he was even closer; he could almost feel his breath. Dylan became all too aware that they were stark naked; his dick started getting hard under the water. And Conor's eyebrow raised... almost like he knew about it. Dylan almost jumped in surprise when he felt Conor's hands gently take hold of either side of his waist. That was all it took for his dick to stand to attention.

"That feel nice?" Conor asked him softly; Dylan wasn't expecting the question; he swallowed hard, but nodded. His mind raced. "Yeah, it... it's nice." He said. His eyes were lost in Conor's. he didn't really think; he reached his hands forward, and gently took hold of Conor's waist, too. Inherently, it caused them to move closer together.

The boys skin was so soft... he couldn't really believe this was happening. Lost in his hormones, they moved even closer together, their face ending up just inches apart.

"Your heartbeat is so fast," Conor told him. Dylan smiled at him; he was so lost in Conor's eyes.

"I can't help it," he said.

His eyes widened; his hard dick touched something else hard. Conor smiled at Dylan's reaction - he realized their dicks were touching. Conor's was as hard as a rock. Conor's hands then slowly slipped back from his hips to Dylan's bum; he gave them a gentle squeeze as their bodies finally pushed together. Their dicks pressed hard against each other; Dylan could feel Conor's hardness as they gently rubbed against each other; Dylan became aware of Conor's smooth chest and stomach as it pushed against his own.

Conor pulled him into a hug; letting go of his buttocks and wrapping his arms around his body, as the sides of their heads gently touched. Dylan's hands moved up, around Conor's back; their bodies pushed against each other as Dylan felt Conor's soft breath in his ear. He could feel his own heart pounding as Conor and he held each other; His own breathing was hard and ragged.

He was all too aware that his boner pulsed uncontrollably; in fact, he knew that if they moved around too much the friction might make him cum.

"You smell so good," he heard Conor say softly into his ear. "I recognize it," he added.

Dylan blinked. "You... recognize it?" He asked curiously. He held Conor close, who gently squeezed. He felt so safe; so calm; even though his heart was going wild.

"I do..." he said, and inhaled Dylan's scent. "I recognize it from the bathroom on Sunday night," he said.

Dylan's heart dropped. He froze, swallowing hard. He didn't let Conor go; but pulled his head back to look into his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes. Their faces were centimeters apart.

"W... what... what do you mean?" Dylan asked in confusion, and slight panic. But Conor smiled knowingly.

"I know you saw Luke and I in the bathroom, Dylan," he added.

Dylan seemed to freeze. His thoughts went wild; the scene played back in his head, which didn't help his boner that seemed to ache as it pushed against Conor's.

"H... how... how did you...?" He asked; but he knew he was the one who'd really been caught.

"I told you," Conor said. "I recognize your smell,"

My smell, Dylan thought? How did he recognize his...?

One of Conor's hands gently came out the water, and touched his face. Dylan knew then that it was okay. Conor knew all along. He actually found himself smiling. He was just confused.

"I'm starting to think you're not entirely normal," Dylan said. Conor lost his smile for a second.

"Yeah... you're right," he said. "I'm... I'm not what you think I am," he added.

"So what are you, then?" Dylan asked. But Conor gave him a smile again.

"I think you'll find out soon," he said. Dylan shook his head in amusement.

"Keeping secrets?" He asked. Conor raised an eyebrow.

"There's a reason why," he said. "Besides... what's wrong with a little secret?" He added with a cheeky smile.

Dylan was lost in his eyes again. Conor's hands slipped downwards to Dylan's bum again. He felt the older boy pull Dylan against him, rubbing his dick against Conor's a little. Dylan gasped in response; his foreskin retracted a little, bringing pleasure to his body.

Holding Dylan's bum, he lifted his feet off the lake floor; Dylan responded, lifting his legs and gently wrapping them around Conor's waist. The boy held him up and gently, slowly and sensually, started to grind Dylan against him.

Every movement caused Dylan's foreskin to retract against Conor's dick and stomach. They both started to breathe heavily; Dylan could see the desire in Conor's eyes. They hugged closely again; Dylan's face pushed against the side of Conor's as he held the older boy close, while he started humping against Conor as he felt the pleasure build.

Conor pulled him close with every movement - he gently kissed Dylan's neck, sending shocks through his body; causing Conor to squeeze his bum hard. Dylan couldn't help it; he moaned.

Dylan inhaled Conor's scent as the boy started to gently suck Dylan's neck. Dylan felt his eyes roll back; his foreskin had retracted, making his bare dickhead rub against Conor's dick. The pleasure rocked through his body; Conor started to hump Dylan simultaneously.

Then something happened. He felt something Pierce his neck; like a sharp knife - but there was only a split second of Pain, before it was replaced with pleasure so immense that Dylan's eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned deeply. Images started flashing before his eyes; memories of Conor the night before with Luke, and his experiences with Jack, Jack's hard dick as they stood in front of each other, the small boy with the hard dick in the shower. Then they weren't memories anymore; He imagined Jack on his knees, sucking him off, in the showers. He saw Luke next to him, jacking off and shooting a wad of cum as he watched.

Dylan was powerless as he felt his body hit orgasm; his dick spasmed hard as he shot his cum between his body and Conor's, humping furiously. The orgasm lasted longer than he'd ever imagined; the images of his imagination still burning into his mind. When his orgasm subsided, the pleasure didn't; he became all too aware of Conor sucking his neck with force, but it felt so good; in fact, Dylan's dick didn't get soft, regardless of how big the orgasm he just had was.

Then he felt something warm shoot into his stomach, as Conor humped him hard; his friend was cumming all over his stomach.

Then he started to feel slightly lightheaded. He blinked in surprise, but Conor stopped sucking instantly - almost like he felt it too. Suddenly the feelings were gone, like a click. He was all too aware of a sharp pain in his neck.

There was a second where Conor couldn't look at him. Dylan felt his breathe calm from their erotic ecstasy; then he heard Conor swallow. Dylan pulled his head backwards and froze.

Conor breathed deeply. He couldn't make eye contact with Dylan - but Dylan could see his blue eyes shining far brighter than they should have. Then his eyes registered; Conor's mouth and his chin were covered with red liquid.... Dylan smelt it. It smelt like copper. Conor's mouth was open, and Dylan saw 4 sharp teeth lining his incisors in his mouth.

It clicked. Dylan looked at his shoulder. It was covered in blood. His blood. Conor... Conor drank his blood.

Vampire. All the strange moments... they made sense now.

Conor looked at him in the eyes... but his eyes widened in surprise. "You... you're not scared?" Conor asked him. Dylan blinked. He knew he should have been. But he wasn't. He shook his head.

"No," he said. "That... I've never... I've never felt like that before," he said; mesmerized by Conor's eyes again, as their brightness visibly returned to normal. Dylan still cradled Conor; who took a finger, and lightly pushed it against one of his sharp teeth, before he rubbed it on Dylan's neck. Dylan didn't need to see; he felt his neck heal instantly, and any irritating pain was gone instantly. The teeth disappeared, and Conor was back.

"What... what happened? I'm my head?" Dylan asked. Conor looked away for a second. "When I... ah... well, when I drink your blood I can make you see and feel what I want," he said. "Obviously I ... I wanted you to feel good, so... yeah," he said.

Dylan blinked in awe. "Wait, so.... did you ... did you see... what I saw?" He asked. Conor smiled. And nodded.

"Your friend Jack.... he's cute," he added. "Looks like you've been having fun with him," he said. Dylan couldn't help but smile. He should be terrified. He should be running and screaming. But he wasn't; instead, he was totally flabbergasted.

Dylan felt their sticky cum between them; the water cleared most of it away. Conor used his free hand to clean the blood off Dylan and his own face; all while they watched each other.

"I won't tell anyone," Dylan said. Conor blinked in surprise.

"I... I believe you," he said, and smiled. He seemed perplexed by Dylan's words. Dylan's feet found the ground again; their bodies separating. Dylan's dick started to deplete; the two of them both washed the cum off their bodies, before they made their way out the water.

Dylan got halfway up his legs; the air was chilly on his bare groin. But Conor grabbed his hand, stopping him. Dylan turned; Conor's beautiful naked body stood proud. His bare chest and stomach was smooth and lean, and his circumcised dick hung under a tuft of ginger pubic hair. This boy... he really was so beautiful.

"Are you sure? That you're okay?" He asked. Dylan nodded with a smile.

"Yeah. I can... understand why someone would be scared but... I just know you'd never hurt me," he added. Conor seemed to smile in pride.

"I've never... never met someone like you," he said. Dylan blinked.

"R... really?" He asked. Conor smiled; stepping forwards until their naked bodies were centimeters apart.

"Really," he said, and leant forward and gently placed his lips on Dylan's. Electricity shot through Dylan's body as he experienced his first kiss. They separated, and Dylan couldn't help but blush... after all that.

Together, they walked out the water onto land - Dylan almost couldn't take his eyes off of Conor's body. They grabbed their things and started walking back, naked. Conor led Dylan through the trees by his hand; near the edge of the school, they were nearly dry; Dylan pulled his briefs and his jacket on before they snuck back onto the premises.

The clock read 12:34 when they got back; not too long. The dorms were fast asleep when they entered; climbing up the stairs slowly.

Conor had to separate from Dylan, the 12th grade dorms being on the top floor - they looked at each other and smiled again. Dylan leaned forward and gently kissed Conor on the check. The boy smiled, before they parted ways.

Dylan made it to his dorm; Jack was fast asleep. He pulled off the jacket Conor had given him, realizing he still had it. He climbed under the covers, his hair still a bit wet, and lay staring at the ceiling.

He knew for sure now, that life would never be the same again. And he's only been at the school for a day.

Next: Chapter 4

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