
By John Doe

Published on Aug 8, 2021



The following is a work of fiction loosely based on real life. Any similarities to anyone are purely coincidental. The story is intended for a mature audience. This story depicts supernatural creatures, such as Vampires and Faeries.

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Dylan's eyes gazed out the window, watching the rustling trees of the forest as his mind floated elsewhere. His imagination was playing images on repeat; the scenes from the previous night were in loop in his head. Stuck in his daydream. All he could see was Conor's beautiful eyes, and all he could feel was the most blissful orgasm he'd ever experienced ...

The experience... It was so sensual, yet so terrifying. But Dylan wasn't scared. Not one bit. He's learned something new about life that he never thought he would. It fascinated him.

"Dylan?" The sound of his teacher's voice snapped him from the fantasy. The short stubby Math's teacher named Mr. Lastly didn't look impressed.

Dylan went red as he realized the whole class looked his way. "Sorry, sir," he said. Mr. Lastly shook his head.

"Try not to fall behind," he said, and turned and kept teaching about trigonometry. Dylan swallowed hard - he had a point. It was only his 2nd day - He needed to focus; his marks were important for his scholarship. He tried his hardest to slip back into the subject but it was way easier said than done.

The relief when the bell went was unmatched. He was one of the first out the class; moving down the hall quickly to his locker as the school rustled to life, he tossed his books in and took a second to breathe deeply. His mind was just everywhere. Halfway through the day and he could hardly pay attention in his classes. He knew he could if he tried - but he just let his imagination slip. It was just... so hard not to think about it.

"How's your day going?" He heard the familiar voice of Jack say behind him. He shut his locker and turned to his friend with a sigh; at least seeing Jack's pretty face cheered him up.

"Okay. Struggling to get into it, but... I'll get there," he said. "And you?" Dylan asked, as they moved to Jack's locker.

"Ah. Same old same old," he said. "Teachers are dicks." He added, closing his locker door. "But that doesn't matter," he said, as they started towards the exit.

The day was overcast... again. Dylan was starting to suspect that sun wasn't a thing in this school. Although... Conor's face entered his mind. No sun... that's perfect for him. Maybe ... maybe he even had something to do with it. But he didn't let the thought drag his mind as he and Jack took in the fresh air, making their early towards their spot next to the sports field; sitting under a tall tree.

"You finding the school alright?" Jack asked him as they lounged back on the grass; Jack undid his tie and his top button.

"I guess so," Dylan said. "It's nice," he added; his thoughts trespassing on memories again. "It's just... my heads in a weird space, I think," he said. But that was an understatement.

"I'm glad it's not shitty," Jack told him. "Then I'd be concerned,"

Dylan smiled. "Nah. Not shitty," he said with a smile. "I've met some... nice people," he said.

"Thanks," Jack said jokingly, bumping his shoulder. Dylan laughed at his comment.

"Yeah, I mean... you're not too bad," he said.

They chatted lightly; the small breeze picking up and rustling their hair. Talking to Jack really did get his mind off of everything. He hoped it carried through to the next class. Dylan's eyes found their way across the beautiful fields... they came upon the bleachers on the other side of them. There were small groups of kids spending their break there. Dylan's eyes found one particular group... in which he noticed a figure. He knew who it was instantly. He also knew he looked right at him. Even from a distance, Dylan would recognize that ginger hair anywhere. Jack's voice seemed to fade a little bit as he zoned in on him, butterflies flickering in his stomach.

"...You feel?" He heard the words come from Jack's mouth. Dylan blinked as he looked at his friend; Snapping out the trance. He nodded quickly; unaware as to what Jack was talking about.

"Yeah totally," Dylan told him; Jack looked satisfied enough. Dylan's eyes made their way back to the bleachers... but Conor was gone. Dylan blinked in confusion.

"Hey, Dylan," he heard his voice next to him. Dylan jumped in fright, his heart nearly stopped. Standing next to them... was Conor; the bright blue eyes and ginger hair gently rustling in the breeze, who smiled down at them.

Dylan's head zipped between the bleachers he'd seen him, and the beautiful 12th grader standing next to them. How? That couldn't be possible. He was... he was on the other side of the field. Dylan was sure of it. Was he...? He couldn't have been. His eyes must have looked confused... Conor gave him a small wink.

"H... Hey, Conor," Dylan said, looking at Jack; who looked confused at first; and slightly intimidated by the older boy.

But Conor held out his hand to his cubicle mate, with a friendly smile. "I'm Conor," he said. Dylan knew that he knew who Jack was - Dylan couldn't help as a small smile spread on his lips as Jack shook his hand.

"Jack," he said, looking a little more at ease... Dylan could see it the shock in Jack's eyes. "Y... you're in 12th grade, right?" He asked, and Conor nodded.

"I've seen you around Sabre. Good to meet you," he said, and looked back at Dylan. "Just came to check how you were," he said.

The comment made the butterflies return. Dylan suspected it was also to meet Jack -- Conor had seen him in Dylan's memory the night before. But he didn't say anything; he just nodded with a knowing smile.

"I'm good," he said. "Well, besides... you know, struggling to pay attention in class a little," he said. Conor smirked at him. He knew exactly why he was struggling to pay attention.

"Well, I hope it's not affecting your work too much," he said. He looked at Jack. "You taking care of the new kid?" He asked. Jack blinked in surprise; turning a little red.

"Y... yeah, I guess so." He said. "Well... trying my best," he said. Dylan's eyes glazed over Conor's beautiful flawless skin; he found himself swallowing hard.

"I'm glad," he said, "I've got to go - I'll see you guys around?" He said. Dylan and Jack nodded; Conor gave them a wave and turned and walked away. They sat in silence as they watched the ginger boy make his way back to the school building.

"You ... you know him?" Jack asked Dylan. He blinked, turning to his friend with an open mouth.

"Well... yeah, I guess," he said. Jack nodded, looking back towards the ginger boy in the distance.

"He seems... nice," he said. Dylan found himself smiling.

"You have no idea," he told him. Jack gave him a confused look, but didn't go further into it. A little bit later the bell went off, and the two made their way back towards the school to prepare for the rest of the school day.

The final bell was well received. Dylan almost died of boredom - the last lesson, the Science teacher had called in sick; so they'd spent the last 40 minutes of school sitting around, reading books and finishing homework. Dylan finished his extra work he'd been assigned... and ended up daydreaming for the rest of the period. That went well - he'd sported a hard on for almost 30 minutes.

Out into the hall, Dylan couldn't wait to relax. He needed a book; he used to read a lot back at the foster home. It was one of the ways he stayed sane. He also ended up vanishing into his fantasies; probably why he had such a hard time focusing after he'd experienced what he had.

After placing his books in his locker he made his way towards the exit. Outside, the gardens smelt lovely - the overcast weather looked like it threatened to rain. As Dylan walked along the path, following the flow of students heading towards the dorms, he stopped around halfway, near the dining hall.

He saw two figures, talking a little away from the crowd, leaning under a tree. He recognized the ginger hair instantly. Conor faced away from him. The 2nd boy had brown hair and a freckled face, Dylan noticed as he got closer. It was Luke. He looked... concerned.

Dylan had to walk past them to get to the dorms. As he neared, Luke's eyes found him; and they stopped talking. Conor turned and saw him; the look in his bright blue eye told Dylan that they were talking about him.

Dylan's heart started to beat fast. He realized... What if he was telling Luke about last night? Because surely... surely they had something, the two of them... Would Luke hate him for it? The memory of Luke sucking off Conor plagued his mind again... only this time it wasn't erotic. The emotions started storming inside Dylan's head. He didn't want any trouble. He gave the two of them a quick wave and quickly walked passed; he could feel their eyes on him as he walked away.

It could be in his head, Dylan realized as he neared the dorm. He could be imagining it. His head felt fuzzy as he climbed the stairs to the 2nd floor. As he entered his room he froze at the doorway, and for a second the thoughts left his mind.

Jack sat on his bed, wearing a pair of running shorts, undoing his laces. Dylan's eyes lowered to his bare torso and body - his friend made the butterflies return. He forgot about Conor and Luke temporarily as Jack looked up and smiled.

"Hey," he said. Dylan gave a small wave, pulling off his tie as he entered their cubicle.

"Hey. You got sport now?" Dylan asked, sitting on his own bed and sighing in relief at the end of the day. Jack nodded.

"Yeah. Running. It won't be too long, though," he said, pulling on his shoes. Dylan's eyes wandered again...He watched Jack's little nipples as he did up his laces. His friend's naked body and hard boner entered his mind again, And Dylan's own dick throbbed unexpectedly, causing him to adjust himself a little.

He didn't expect Jack to notice, who smiled at him as he reached for his vest. "Hey - you keen to watch that special anime when I'm back?" Jack asked him, as he pulled it on. Dylan recalled the night before, when Jack mentioned it.

"What's Special Anime?" Dylan asked; but Jack smiled even more.

"It's a surprise," he added, standing up and limbering up a little. Dylan sighed as he shook his head at him.

"Fine," he said playfully. "But don't take too long," he added. Jack nodded.

"I won't. See you soon," he said; and was gone, leaving Dylan by himself in the cubicle.

Dylan was tempted to socialize with his other roommates; but decided against it, due to his shyness. He didn't know how. But as he sat on his bed, his mind returned to Conor and Luke. He had no idea how to feel about it, but he felt bad. He felt like Luke might hate him now.

Dylan shook his head. He needed to get his mind off it. He needed distraction. He got undressed, throwing on some comfy civvies before he made his way out of the dorms; heading in the direction of the library.

He was grateful it was open until late - as he entered the building for the first time, he relished in how quiet it was. Near the main building, the library was big - two stories high, with racks of shelves containing a multitude of books.

The librarian gave him a small nod as he entered. It wasn't busy at all; he could hear some light whispers, but otherwise it was nearly entirely quiet. Perfect.

Dylan made his way towards fiction; there seemed to be a near endless selection of books he could read; old and new, long and short. He walked slowly up one of the aisles, gazing at the book titles and authors as he tried to decide what to pull out. As he made it near the end of the aisle, he realized there was an entire little section, hidden from the entrance; a small cleared space, with a few couches and coffee tables, but most importantly - a few chess boards.

Chess had entertained him at his old school. He's even joined the chess team for a little; only he had to focus on swimming which made him drop it. Only... Dylan stopped as he realized he wasn't by himself back here. In fact, his eyes widened as he realized he recognized the younger boy who sat at the furthest chess board, still in his uniform, playing by himself. He had fair skin, a small figure and his cute young face was hidden behind a pair of thin spectacles.

Dylan recognized that face, that skin... It took a few seconds... but when the memory came back it came back hard, when Dylan realized what he remembered most about him. In the showers, the night before, there was a younger boy down the row of shower heads with brown hair... who had a boner. The reason Dylan had almost gotten a boner.

The memory filled his mind and Dylan instantly felt his dick respond. He studied the boy's face; gentle features, a soft nose. The image of his uncircumcised dick, with the hard purple head sticking out the foreskin as it gently bounced with his heartbeat, got stuck in Dylan's mind.

As Dylan realized this, the boy looked up and noticed him. Dylan felt himself swallow hard as he looked around to try and look like he was preoccupied - but it didn't work. He looked back and the boy was smiling gently.

"Are you looking for something?" The boy asked. His voice was only half-broken; and still had a tinge of youth to it. Dylan tried to think of something, but he couldn't come up with anything on the spot. So he just sighed.

"I came to find something to read," he said. The boy raised an eyebrow.

"I mean... this is a library," he said. Dylan realized how stupid his reply had been and he turned a shade of red.

"Well... yeah," he said, laughing nervously. "I just... I've never been here before. I didn't know there were chess boards," he said.

The boy looked down at his game, and back at Dylan. "You play?" He asked. Dylan blinked in surprise. The boy was definitely younger than him... yet he didn't seem perplexed.

Dylan nodded. "I mean, I used to go back a little... where I came from," he said. The boy smiled.

"Um, well... you wanna play?" He asked. Dylan's nerves seemed to spike... but he found himself smiling. His mind had escaped that which had plagued him earlier. He didn't know how to say no, either; so he nodded.

The boy quickly reset the board as Dylan say opposite him. He looked at his delicate face; he looked like he was only just hitting puberty now. Skinny form, yet soft. Dylan realized he was staring when the boy finally finished setting up the board, and stuck out his hand.

"I'm Nathan," he said. Dylan shook his hand; also soft and gentle.

"Dylan," he said, smiling back. They began the game - 4 moves in and Dylan was quick to realize he was a formidable opponent, and started to pay attention. Yet Nathan won the first game, and quickly. Dylan shook his head.

"Rematch?" Nathan asked. Dylan smiled and nodded, as the younger boy reset the pieces again. The 2nd game was longer, but Nathan still bested him - but Dylan put up a fight this time.

"You're pretty good," Nathan told Him. Dylan shrugged.

"Not as good as you, looks like," he said cheekily.

"Better than anyone else I've played against here," he said. "Not many people like chess at school, either. No chess team, even," he said.

"So, you just come here and play by yourself?" He said. Nathan shrugged.

"Not all the time. Sometimes. But it's only fun if someone plays with me," he added. Dylan found himself smiling as their eyes locked.

"I like chess," Dylan said. "And hey, maybe you can teach me a few tricks," he told him. Nathan laughed a little.

"I can try my best," he said. Dylan's mind felt more at ease as they started their last game. He wasn't nervous anymore. He liked this kid; albeit the most random meeting he's ever had. And finally, Dylan beat him - leaving Nathan's mouth ajar.

"You... won," he said. Dylan smirked.

"Surprised?" He said. Nathan smiled at him. "Nah. I just... I haven't been beaten in a while," he said, sticking his hand out. "Good game," he said.

Dylan shook his hand; his soft touch was pleasant to feel. As Dylan swallowed hard, looking into the boy's hazel eyes, Dylan realized... the younger boy gazed into his eyes, too. They seemed to get lost for a good few seconds before Dylan realized they just held their hands together. They blinked at each other, letting go quickly -- Nathan turned a bright shade of red as Dylan smiled at him.

Another crush - and on a younger boy. The image of the boy's boner from the shower entered his mind again. At this point in time, he didn't know what to do anymore.

"You wanna play again soon?" Nathan asked; his tone shy now. Dylan nodded.

"Yeah. This was fun," he said, standing up. Nathan shrugged.

"Well... I'm here most of the time," he said. "I know I seem easy to talk to but... that's just because I feel safe here, in the library," he added. Dylan blinked in surprise. Not what he was expecting. Nathan's eyes widened, and he quickly got up and moved to the shelf, pulling out a book and handing it to Dylan. It was called... The Vampire's Tale. Dylan almost laughed out loud as the face of Conor entered his mind.

"You came looking for a book. This one... it's pretty cool," he added. Dylan nodded.

"Thank you," he said, and Nathan nodded.

"I'll catch you soon?" he asked. Dylan nodded, giving him a wave as he turned and made his way to the front. He checked out the book, and with one last glance back he left. He could feel that Nathan was a special soul. He just... seemed to come out of nowhere.

Dylan made his way back to the dorms. Up the stairs, as he entered the room, Jack lay on his bed. He'd taken his shirt off, and wore his shorts and his running socks. His face was a little red from the exercise he'd done - he must have just gotten back.

Dylan realized they were alone; none of the others were in the room. Jack smiled as he entered. Dylan tossed the book on the side table; Jack shuffled over, as Dylan pulled off his shirt and lay next to him, getting comfortable.

"Alright," Dylan said. "Show me this special anime," he added. He was all too aware of Jack's skin against his own. His friend looked at him; Dylan took a moment to realize Jack was observing his face - just for a second. Dylan looked back at him, and they smiled at each other. Jack looked back at his phone, opened his browser and typed something in.

Dylan realized something. Jack's heart... It was beating super hard and fast. Dylan could feel it, too; In Jack's arm. Was he okay? Why was his friend so ... nervous?

The anime started. It seemed pretty normal. Set on a pirate ship. The main character was a girl with big boobs - just like all the anime Jack showed him. Maybe this was just another one, with more randomness.

Then... It took a turn. It was night on the boat, the girl was on the deck when a handsome guy came out. Maybe a love story... They spoke a little. But then, when they kissed... They kept Kissing. Dylan could hear Jack's heartbeat now. Then... Dylan's eyes widened as the male character stuck his finger down the female's pants; and a boob of hers slipped out - fully and completely. Then the other boob.

It clicked. Special anime... it was porn. Dylan's dick responded immediately as he made the connection; Jack and he's eyes were glued as they watched the girl get on her knees, and pull down the man's pants; a cartoon dick flopped out, hard and long.

"Whoa," Dylan muttered, as he watched the girl start to suck him off. He became all too aware that he lay right next to another boy. His heart was beating super-fast now; he knew Jack could hear it. His dick got hard; he felt it push against his pants and underwear as he watched the scene unfold further.

"What do you think?" he heard Jack ask. Dylan blinked as he watched and tried to come up with an answer.

"This is... wild," he said, as he watched the girl deep throat the guy again and again.

"Yeah," Jack said; he moved his phone, revealing the front of his shorts to Dylan, which stuck out. Jack used a finger and pushed the bulge forward, and it bounced back to where it was, and he smiled at Dylan. He and Dylan looked down at his own pants; Dylan quickly adjusted himself, and his boner stuck out proudly, and he did the same thing; pushing it forwards and watching as it sprung back in place beneath his pants.

They watched some more; before long, they were both gently playing with themselves over their pants. Dylan hardly watched the special anime, honestly... he found himself watching his friend constantly adjust and touch himself more. It made his heart go nuts. Dylan became aware of Jack's light sweaty smell; if anything it drove his hormones through the roof.

The characters were naked now. The two boys half-watched - Dylan saw Jack stick his hand into his pants. Dylan swallowed hard - he had a suspicion he knew where this was going. But one thing was certain -- he wasn't going to complain. He followed suit; sticking his hand in his pants, he managed to give his hard boner some relief as he gently touched his pre-cum covered dick head. As his fingers made contact, he felt himself sigh; he knew Jack heard him.

Jack didn't ask before he acted first. Using the same hand, he gently pushed the front of his pants down; Dylan's eyes landed on Jack's hard uncircumcised Dick - around 5 and a bit inches long, Dylan watched as his friend pulled his foreskin down and up gently and slowly... almost like he was ... showing it off.

Dylan was too horny to not comply, now. He pushed the front of his pants down, and freed his cock; standing instantly to attention, he felt Jack's eyes on it immediately, as Dylan slowly pulled down his foreskin, and pulled it back up. The feelings started fleeting through his body.

The anime was forgotten; it played softly on Jack's phone, but neither of them watched. They watched each other, as the two of them gently caressed themselves to each other. Dylan's heart felt like it was going to explode.

Jack's dick was so hot. Gentle veins along the side, and a tuft of black pubic hair at the base; as Jack pulled down his foreskin, the head revealed itself in its entirety - Dylan could see a speck of pre-cum on the tip.

Wordlessly... the two of them started lightly jerking off. The anime was more background noise as their eyes found themselves glued to each other. Dylan watched as Jack's hand moved up and down, pulling the foreskin back and forth and he knew his friend did the same.

They jerked for around 2 minutes before Dylan felt himself edge closer - so he slowed down. Jack did the same; the jerk slowed down to a simple movement of up and down, just like before.

"That feels good," Jack said. Dylan smiled, pulling his foreskin down to reveal his cock head to him. Jack did the same thing, and Dylan became aware of how shiny the head was - covered in pre cum.

"Yeah," Dylan agreed. "I've never... jerked off with someone else before," he said. The memory of Conor last night entered his mind... but he was being honest.

"Me neither," Jack told him. He looked at Dylan, who looked back at him - as their eyes locked, they basked in their vulnerability towards each other as they smiled. "It's ... nice," Jack added. Dylan nodded.

"So nice," he said, looking back towards Jack's dick. Jack locked his phone - the anime was now completely forgotten about. He put it down, and the two of them lay side by side, watching each other's dicks. Dylan felt so safe; so comfortable with his friend.

"Hey, Jack?" He said.

"Yeah?" Jack replied; his eyes still glued on Dylan's dick.

"Can I tell you something?" He said. Jack nodded his head; Dylan was all too aware of their hot skin against each other.

"Yeah?" Jack asked, looking at him. Dylan swallowed hard.

"I think... well, I know... I'm bisexual," he said. The words came out his mouth for the first time ever. As he said it, a huge sense of relief flooded him. Jack smiled at him; looking in each other's eyes again.

"That's awesome," Jack told him. Dylan smiled in happiness at his response. Jack looked back down at their dicks. "Well... I guess I should tell you. I think I'm... well, I think I'm bi, too," Jack told him. Dylan felt a warm feeling in his stomach.

"You do?" Dylan asked. Jack nodded; even though it wasn't that possible, Dylan felt Jack move just a little closer to him.

"Yeah, I kind of realized I could get with guys a couple months ago. But... I only realized properly after... well, after what you and I did yesterday," he said; Dylan could feel him blushing.

"Yeah... that was really cool," Dylan told him. He felt Jack nod in agreement.

"And um... thank you for telling me," Jack told him. "I haven't ... really told anyone," he said.

"It's okay," Dylan said. "I haven't told anyone either," he said. After that, the two of them sat silently for a little; gently looking at each other's hard-ons again. Dylan's dick throbbed with every heartbeat.

"Hey... Dylan?" He heard Jack say; so quietly, it was almost a whisper.

"Yeah?" He asked. He could hear Jack's heart again - he was going to ask something wild again, Dylan knew it. But his own hormones were going crazy, he didn't care.

Jack pulled his foreskin back before he spoke. "Do you wanna... well... do you wanna like... touch... each other?" He asked.

Dylan's heart exploded at the suggestion. He found himself speechless; but seemingly independent from his brain, his head nodded. They let go of their own dicks; there was a few seconds of no movement. Jack reached and put his hand on Dylan's bare stomach; his touch made Dylan's heartbeat at a 1000 miles per hour. Dylan's own hand gently reached; he found his fingers lightly touching Jack's tuft of pubic hair. It felt interesting; Dylan could feel the heat from Jack's throbbing dick, less than 2 centimeters away from his hand as it throbbed in anticipation.

Jack's hand gently lowered down Dylan's stomach, passed his belly button. When Jack's finger touched the tip of Dylan's dick, he gasped. Jack traced his index finger along the hard head, gently rubbing the pre cum along in circles. His finger moved downwards, gently pushing underneath Dylan's foreskin and around the sensitive head. Dylan had to hold back a moan.

Dylan's hand moved sideways; his hand touched the hot piece of skin and his heart nearly exploded. He took hold of Jack's foreskin with his index and thumb, and pulled it downwards; Jack let out a sigh as he did, and Dylan felt it pulse hard as the head revealed itself.

Jack's hand wrapped around Dylan's shaft and he gently pulled Dylan's foreskin down, as Dylan's index finger found its way to the slit of Jack's dick, lightly touching it. He heard Jack breathe hard in response.

The two boys explored each other slowly. The most amazing feelings zipped through Dylan's being, and he knew Jack felt the same. They touched each other's shafts, balls, pubes - feeling through the experience. Dylan's hand moved down and gently felt his friend's balls, as Jack started to lightly jerk off Dylan.

The feeling came so quickly, around 30 seconds later - the edging he'd done earlier and the erotic nature of the moment made it hit super-fast - so fast, Dylan didn't have time to warn Jack before he felt himself hit an orgasm. He groaned softly as his dick pulsed in Jack's hand; Jack's eyes widened as his glued eyes watched as Dylan's cock started to pump out white seed from its slit. Dylan's hips convulsed with his body, pushing his dick into Jack's hand as his cum shot onto his stomach and belly button, before it flowed out all over Jack's fingers and his cock and pubes as Dylan's body shook in pleasure.

The orgasm lasted a bit, before 6 shots had gone and it left. Dylan was breathing hard as the afterglow flooded through him. He looked down, breathing hard; Jack gently squeezed as he pulled the foreskin up, pushing out any last remnants.

"Whoa," he heard Jack say. Dylan smiled, as he looked at his friend. Jacks eyes found his; and they smiled as they realized what had happened.

"Whoops," Dylan said between deep breaths. Jack let go of Dylan's dick, and the two of them looked at Jack's cum covered hand. Dylan heard Jack swallow hard, and Dylan looked at his friend.

"So... what does it taste like?" Dylan asked him. Jack looked at him with wide eyes.

"W... what do you mean?" he asked quickly. Dylan just smiled.

"Well, ah... I saw you. You know... last night and the night before," he tells him. Jack blinked in surprise as he looked away, his face turning a shade of red. Their eyes looked back at Jack's hand.

"It's salty. It doesn't really taste like much. It's more... for like, easy cleanup. You know?" he said. Dylan looked at the puddle on his stomach. Using his finger, he gently scooped a little up, and put it in his mouth. He was right, it didn't taste like much. It didn't taste too bad. He realized Jack had been watching him with wide eyes.

Dylan looked back at him; he realized Jack's dick was still as hard as ever; throbbing hard. Jack looked at his hand, before he looked at Dylan... and silently licked all of Dylan's seed off his hand, their eyes locked as he did. Dylan found himself swallowing hard, and Jack gave him a small smile as he licked up the last bits.

"Tastes... nice," he said. Jack looked down at Dylan's stomach, just above his dick which started to go flaccid. He reached with his finger and scooped more of his friends seed up. Dylan did the same - together, they slowly consumed Dylan's cum off his stomach. Jack gently took hold of Dylan's deflated dick, pushing his finger under the foreskin and getting as much cum as possible, before putting it in his mouth. Dylan's dick reacted again, as Jack reached back again, gently rubbing under the foreskin, and then the cum on the rest of his shaft; Dylan tried not to moan as he watched his friend eat up his cum. When he finished... Jack gave him a smile.

Reality burst into their heads as they heard footsteps down the hallway. They realized where they were. Dylan pulled his pants back up, and without a second thought Jack threw his blanket over both of them, just as their roommate entered the room.

But he didn't even look at them as he walked towards his own bed on the other side of the room. Jack and Dylan looked at each other and laughed silently. Jack picked up his phone, and unlocked it. The special anime still played - only this time, Jack switched off the sound. But he kept it on, and both of them started watching again.

Dylan realized something. He still basked in the afterglow of what Jack did for him but... his friend hadn't. Dylan sat up, seeing their dorm mate sitting on his bed, preoccupied with his own book, before he lay back down. Underneath the cover, he reached over; his hand found Jack's warm, hard dick; he hadn't even put it away. Jack's eyes widened as he realized what Dylan was doing. Dylan gently took hold of his friend and started to jack him off; the covers lifted by their legs to make it nearly invisible to anyone outside.

Dylan loved the feeling of Jack's hard cock; his friend tried to keep silent, but couldn't help grunting every now and then. It didn't take long; not even 2 minutes later, he felt Jack tense up. Dylan moved his other hand and cupped just above Jack's dick, and Dylan felt his cock pulse as his friend started shooting cum into Dylan's cupped palm; his body convulsing in pleasure. 5 or 6 shots later, Jack sighed quietly. He was done. Dylan brought his cupped hand out from under the blanket; sure enough, he'd caught all of Jack's cum in it.

The puddle of white was slimy; Jack lay in bliss in the afterglow, as Dylan gave it a lick. Jack's tasted a little different - a little less salty. But... good.

Jack's eyes found Dylan, noticing what he was doing. Jack quickly sat up, looking to see if their roommate had noticed anything; he was still in the same place. Jack quickly stuck his finger in his cum, cupped in Dylan's hand, and tasted it. Dylan followed suit - the two of them gently lapping up Jack's seed. The moment was erotic, but pure. As they finally finished Dylan sucked on his Palm and finger, getting the last bit of saltiness.

They looked at each other again; almost realizing what they'd done. Dylan smiled; Jack did, too. This moment... Would be with them for the rest of their lives. As Jack turned off the special Anime, he turned on his side... and cuddled into Dylan, who wrapped his hands around his friend's back, and they hugged tightly' laying in each-other's arms. Dylan felt Jack squeeze tightly in their moment of affection. Jack's hair was by his nose; he smelt of lavender.

Dylan felt himself basking in the feelings of security he felt in that moment; next to the best friend he'd ever had. His mind registered what had happened, but he didn't care. He felt so good to be where he was at that moment in time.

Next: Chapter 5

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