
By John Doe

Published on Aug 8, 2021



The following is a work of fiction loosely based on real life. Any similarities to anyone are purely coincidental. The story is intended for a mature audience. This story depicts supernatural creatures, such as Vampires and Faeries.

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Dinner came and Dylan was excited for stir fry. The meals had proven to be good. He and Jack stood side by side as they dished up - they gazed at each other with a small knowing smile. Dylan made an effort not to look around - on the off chance he might see Conor or Luke. He had no idea what to think of that.

And Dylan and Jack chatted happily - his friend really got his mind off of it. It was almost like the night before had been surreal, with Conor. And it was still the most amazing experience he'd ever had. But his anxiety just... seemed to make things up in his head.

After he finished his meal, he cleared his plate to the cleaning area and made towards the exit; but as he and Jack exited the dining hall, a hand gently grabbed his arm. Dylan turned... to find Luke. The freckled boy's eyes looked at him with a concerned look. Dylan felt butterflies in his stomach as his heart rate increased. He was just... adorable.

"Hey, can... we talk?" Luke asked. Dylan blinked and turned to Jack, who looked a little confused. Dylan nodded, telling Jack he'd meet him back at the dorms. Jack nodded and walked off, and Luke pulled him to the side with a nervous smile on his face.

"Hey, ah... how have you been?" He asked. Dylan raised an eyebrow.

"I'm... good. Yeah, school's been okay." He told him. No shitting on. No weird vibes. Luke nodded, looking at the ground.

"I'm glad," he said. He seemed... hesitant. Like he wanted to say something but... he didn't know how. It was at that moment Dylan realized... He was wrong. Luke didn't hate him. Not at all. He couldn't help but smile.

"So what were you and Conor talking about?" He said. Luke's head shot up with wide eyes. He was silent for a few seconds.

"Ah..." he said... before he smiled as he turned a bright red. "Um, well.... You," he said.

He knew it. It didn't take rocket science to figure it out. But Luke still looked a little bit awkward.

"Me?" Dylan asked, pretending to not have figured out; Luke smiled at him, picking up his humorful tone. He seemed to relax.

"Yeah, he... I know you know about him. His... secret." He said. "Also..." he said, looking at the ground again. "I know... that you saw us. In the bathroom. And... Well, he told me about your... adventure, last night." He said. He struggled to make eye contact with him. But the comment made Dylan blush this time, as nerves punched through again.

"Luke... I'm... I'm sorry, like... I know you and him have a thing... It's just... it just happened..." Dylan started.

But Luke blinked in confusion; before he shook his head. "No... it's... it's okay!" He said quickly, and smiled. "That's perfectly okay... I don't mind," he added.

"You don't?" Dylan asked. Luke nodded.

"Yeah. I mean, yeah, Conor and I... We have a thing, I guess. But it's not... like, we aren't in a relationship," he said. "And just because we have a thing... Well, doesn't mean you and him can't have a thing," he said.

"Oh..." Dylan said, his eyebrow raised. He swallowed hard, looking at the floor. "Well... I'm sorry for spying. In the bathroom," Dylan told him. He heard Luke laugh softly. Dylan looked up.

"That's okay," he said, and smiled. "I mean... it's kind of hot." He said.

Dylan blinked at the comment; as the words came out his mouth, Luke seemed to realize what he'd said as he turned a shade of red.

But Dylan smiled. "Well... it was hot for me, too," he told him. The awkwardness seemed to disappear in an instant, and Luke gave him a warm smile.

"Yeah, Conor tends to have that effect," he said.

"Yeah, he does..." Dylan told him. "So he ... he's fed on you, too?" Dylan asked in a whisper.

Luke looked around, and nodded. "Yeah. The best fucking feeling I've ever experienced," he added. Dylan nodded.

"Oh, yeah," Dylan agreed, and they smiled knowingly at each other. Luke looked at the floor.

"Look ... I know it's weird, you know... that he has us both. But it's works differently for vampires. Monogamy isn't... well, it isn't a thing," he said. "So don't think he doesn't like you or mean what he said cause... well, he does." He said. "But I promise... Conor will talk to you about it. He's just... letting you settle in," he said. But Dylan's eyes widened.

"He... likes me?" He asked. Luke nodded, looking at the ground.

"Well, I mean... you're cute as hell, so it's hard not to," he said. Dylan felt the butterflies go off again as Luke looked back up.

"You think I'm cute?" Dylan asked jokingly. Luke went a little red, and shrugged with a smile.

"Well, yeah," he said. "I thought that was obvious, when I came up to you at swimming," he said. Dylan didn't know what to say for a second. It was his turn to blush.

"I'm not too good at picking that stuff up," he said. Luke chuckled.

"I don't think anyone is," he said. Dylan looked at the floor.

"Thanks... for talking to me, you know? And like... the monogamy thing... it's not gonna be a problem," Dylan said. As he said that, Jack slipped into his mind and he swallowed hard. He knew it wouldn't be an issue.

Luke nodded with a smile. "I'm glad we talked," he said. He looked around, and after realizing no one was near... he leant forward and gently kissed Dylan's cheek.

"I'll see you at Swimming?" He said. Dylan nodded in response, and his friend was gone; leaving him with butterflies in his stomach again. At least he didn't hate him. No, to the contrary... It seemed he liked him. What an interesting turn of events.

A few hours later, the night was relatively cool. The dormitories were nearly dead silent. Dylan lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. He could hear Jack fast asleep. It was nearly 12; but Dylan wasn't tired. His mind swam with thoughts in his head. Thoughts of what had happened the last two days. His conversations with Conor. Meeting Nathan. Luke. Jack. It was... So much. All of it. At this point in time, Dylan didn't know how to feel.

He knew what he didn't feel - tired. He sighed as he turned on his side, but it wasn't any more comfortable. Would his mind ever relax? He didn't know any more.

He closed his eyes, and tried counting to 50. Didn't work. He knew there was something that could help, but he had no idea what.

So he started thinking again. Thinking about the school... that turned to the boys. Eventually, to Luke, Jack. He saw their dicks, hard and throbbing.

Dylan felt his dick get hard again. He sighed - even after such a big orgasm with Jack today. Then that thought got him even harder - he'd wanked with his friend and had eaten his cum. Eventually, his dick was throbbing against his briefs. He sighed - he knew he had to sort it out again.

He looked at Jack; but his friend was fast asleep. He hadn't even wanked that night - Dylan knew why though. It was only because so many thoughts plagued his mind that he was still awake, and now thinking about it.

He sat up with a sigh. He was aware of the quiet that surrounded him; Dylan softly planted his feet on the ground and got up, heading towards his room door and down the hallway. But he only got halfway. Near the stairwell, he stopped. He saw him, halfway up the stairs, leaning against the wall... like he was waiting for him. His ginger hair and fair, perfect skin were hard to miss. His smile made Dylan feel fuzzy inside. He only wore a pair of boxers, and nothing else. Dylan's eyes wondered about his flawless, pale body.

"Struggling to sleep?" He whispered. Dylan smiled back, shrugging.

"A little bit," he said. "But... mainly because of you," he said.

Conor's eyebrow raised. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" he asked. Dylan just smiled wider. That gave him his answer.

Conor held out his hand. Dylan looked at it, and raised an eyebrow. "Are we going on another adventure?" he said. The comment caused Conor to smirk.

"I guess you can say that," he said. Dylan stepped down, and took his hand -- and Conor led him down the stairs and towards the exit. There was a fear in Dylan's mind that they'd get caught... but he knew with Conor, he didn't care.

The night was chilly, but bearable -- Dylan was still only in his briefs. He looked up; the stars lined the sky. The overcast weather had disappeared. Again.

"Do you...?" Dylan started, as Conor led him across the courtyard; the Ginger looked at where Dylan looked.

"Change the weather?" he finished his sentence. "Well... I can't walk in direct sunlight," he said. "So... yeah. I guess you can say I do," he said, giving Dylan a smile, like it was a perfectly normal thing to happen.

Conor started leading Dylan away from the buildings, down towards the sports fields. Dylan felt his heart rate increase.

"Aren't... aren't there guards on patrol?" Dylan asked him. Conor shook his head.

"Usually. But... not tonight," he said. Dylan felt his eyes widen.

"Did you...?" he started. Conor stopped them dead; realizing what he was implying -- and he looked him in the eyes.

"I didn't hurt them," he said. Dylan felt relief. He just... didn't know what to think. Conor stepped towards him, and touched his face.

"I promise," he said. "Look... I don't... I don't like hurting people. Or pain. I know you might have ideas about vampires, and honestly... they're true." He said. But then he shook his head. "But not for me," he said sincerely. Dylan knew he spoke the truth.

"I believe you," Dylan told him, and smiled, lifting his hand and gently touching Conor's face. "I don't know why I trust you. Just... something inside of me tells me to," he said. Conor smiled at the sentence.

"I promise I won't let you down," he said. Dylan nodded, and looked around -- they were around halfway towards the fields.

"What happened to the guards?" he asked. Conor looked at the floor.

"Um... well... you see..." he started, looking up at Dylan. "I've got... some powers," he said. "It's how I've managed to blend into the school. And survive all these years. I can hypnotize humans," he said.

Dylan's eyes widened. "You can... hypnotize people?" he asked. Conor nodded. "Have you... hypnotized me?" Dylan asked. But Conor shook his head quickly.

"No," he said. "Not one bit," he added; and his head tilted to the side a little. "That's what's so amazing about you," he said. "I mean... I've only hypnotized Luke once. And that was to take away his fear... when he learned who I was. And before I had Luke... you know, when I fed... I took away fear, pain... and then afterwards, I made them forget," he said. Dylan took it in; Conor's face looked concerned, like Dylan might suddenly fear and hate him.

But he didn't. Dylan nodded. "I understand," he said. "To... you know... protect yourself," he said. Conor nodded.

"I want you to know Dylan... I will always be honest with you. I don't want you to ever feel like you're being controlled, or manipulated," he said. Dylan's eyes widened... he saw Conor's eyes get a little wet. He was tearing up. "I was controlled, and manipulated for a long time... and that won't happen again," he added. Dylan nodded, and smiled.

"I don't feel that," he said. "At all," he added. Conor nodded.

"I'm glad," he said.

"How long have you been at the school?" Dylan asked him.

Conor took his hand and started towards the fields again with him. Dylan loved the feeling of Conor's soft touch; it made his butterflies flare. "I've been here for about 2 years now," he said. "I won't stay for much longer. I'll move on, after the end of this year," he said. Dylan's heart seemed to jump at the thought. Conor looked at him suddenly... almost like he felt it jump. He smiled.

"But don't worry,' Conor said. "That doesn't matter now," he added. Dylan nodded at his words, as they reached the fields, and Conor led him beyond them... towards the pool.

"How old are you?" Dylan asked. Conor was silent for a second. "I'm 17," he said. Dylan gave him a look, which made him snicker. "When I turned," he added. "In 1898." He said. Dylan stopped.

"Hold on..." he said. "You're... 123?" he asked. Conor nodded.

"I've been on the earth a long time," he said. "C'mon," he said, and gently pulled at Dylan's hand.

Dylan followed him on the last leg towards the pool house. Conor gently pulled open the door -- the room was lukewarm. The moonlight shone through the massive skylights, lighting up the whole room.

Dylan immediately noticed him, sitting at the edge of the pool with his feet in the water... Luke. He turned, his freckle face seeing them both, and he smiled. He got up, and moved towards them; Dylan couldn't say anything before Luke hugged him. He only wore briefs, like Dylan -- he could feel his bare skin against his as he hugged him tightly. The older boy squeezed gently. Dylan was glad his boner had disappeared.

"Told you I'd see you at swimming," he said, letting Dylan go, who smiled.

"You weren't kidding," he added. Conor had walked over to the water's edge, and looked back at the two of them.

"I thought I'd bring you both here, because... well, swimming is special to you both," he said, and shrugged. "And... guess it's time that we spent some time together," he added.

"In the middle of the night," Dylan said. Luke smiled.

"The best time," he said. Dylan saw his eyes... the way he looked at him, made the butterflies returned as he blushed. Luke pulled him towards the water. "Cause no one can disturb us," he added. Without warning, he gently pushed Dylan over the edge, who fell into the water with a splash.

It was far warmer than the lake; he came back out. Luke was laughing at him. But then, Conor grabbed Luke; and with strength Dylan knew wasn't natural, picked up Luke and through him near the middle. He landed with a splash; before coming back up and laughing. Dylan had to smile. Conor jumped in, next to Dylan, coming up and pushing his hair back. Dylan could see his beautiful skin glazed in the moonlight, shining at the perfect angle through the skylight.

Luke swam towards them; the water was nice and clear. "So warm," Dylan heard himself say. It was Olympic sized; and shallow enough for them to stand. Luke got to them as they gently stood near each other.

"This pool's the best," Luke said; and smiled cheekily. "Especially now... when no one else is here," he added. With a quick movement under the water, Luke suddenly had his briefs in his hands; he tossed them onto dry land and gently swam backwards, smirking at them both. Dylan could see his skin under the water as his heart started beating fast -- he was stark naked now.

He looked at Conor, who shook his head in amusement. Conor looked at Dylan, and nodded. Dylan smiled, taking the invitation; the two of them pulled their underwear off under the water, and both tossed them over the side. Dylan's dick instantly responded; they were all naked now. He felt himself start to get a bit hard as he swam out.

They swam to Luke, and without warning the older boy dunked him. Dylan came up and retaliated; and he and Luke started to wrestle under the water, while Conor watched in amusement.

Dylan felt Luke's dick touch him; it was as hard as a nail. That did it for Dylan's own dick, which stood to attention. As the two of them tried their best to get each other under, it was inevitable that their cocks brushed against each other's skin a few times.

Luke got his hand around Dylan's neck from behind; Dylan felt his hard nail push up against his bare bum. Dylan half-fought him... but he liked the feeling. Luke realized it wasn't much of a fight anymore either, and the choke hold turned into a hug from behind. Dylan gently squeezed Luke's arms closer; he felt Luke's warm breath against his neck, which gave him goosebumps. His dick started to throb in response. He heard Luke sigh gently; the boy's hips pushed forwards, pushing his dick up against Dylan.

Dylan noticed Conor to the side, observing them in interest. He looked happy. Luke and Dylan noticed him, and after Luke let Dylan go, together they moved towards him silently.

"Having fun?" Conor asked them. They both came up either side of the ginger; who took hold of each of their hips and pulled them closer. Dylan felt his hard dick push against Conor's hip; Luke was positioned on the other side that he knew it was the same for him. Dylan's leg brushed up against something hard... he knew it was Conor's own raging boner. Their faces were just inches apart; Dylan felt his heart rate nearly explode as Conor looked at each of them.

"I want you both to know that you're special to me," he said. Dylan felt warm at the compliment... he saw Luke's eyes light up a little, as the two of them hugged closer to Conor. Dylan felt Luke's hand gently start to caress his neck, sending tingles down his spine. "I've... I've been alone for a long time. I almost forgot what it was like to care about someone." He said, with sincerity that made Dylan's eyes widen.

"You're special to us," Luke told him. Dylan felt himself nod; the butterflies in his stomach going crazy.

"This is... all pretty new to me," Dylan said to them both. "But... I guess I'm glad it's happened," he said. "Life... life's been pretty shit," he added; feeling himself tear up expectantly.

"Life has been shit," Luke added. "I know how that feels," he said.

Conor looked at each of them. "So let's enjoy it as much as we can," he said. Luke and Dylan looked at each other with a smile. Then they looked at Conor.

Dylan could feel the hormones pumping between them. Dylan's eyes widened as he watched Conor lean towards Luke, gently planting his lips on his. They kissed for a few seconds, before Conor pulled back; then, he looked towards Dylan and gently leant forwards. Dylan's eyes closed as he felt Conor's lips touch his; fire raged in his chest as it happened. Conor pulled back; Dylan blinked in surprise.

His eyes found Luke; who smiled at him. It was wordless, as the two of them leant forwards, their lips finding each other for the first time. As Luke's lips touched his, his heart started pumping at a million miles per hour.

But the kiss didn't part; Dylan felt Luke's tongue gently push against his lips. His mouth opened, and Luke's tongue found its way inside. Dylan's dick throbbed hard as his own tongue touched his friends. Then his tongue pushed back into Luke's, as they started to make out.

Conor's hands moved from their hips to their bums; the older boy seemed to push himself back, and Luke and Dylan ended up letting go of the ginger and moving to hugging each other as they kissed -- their tongues wrestled as their dicks touched for the first time. Dylan was in ecstasy -- his mind was going wild. He thought he'd experienced the most sexual thing with Jack that day -- but he was wrong. Luke held him close as they made out; Dylan felt their warm bodies against each other, and their hard dicks pushing against one another. They felt Conor's hands gently caressing their backs as they did so.

They parted after what felt like 5 minutes; their eyes locked for a few seconds. Luke smiled; so Dylan smiled back. They turned their heads; Conor watched them happily.

"Glad you're enjoying yourselves," he said. Luke looked at Dylan, his eyes lighting up.

"Hey Dylan..." he started. The blonde boy blinked.

"Yeah?" he asked. Luke looked at Conor with another cheeky smile.

"Have you ever gotten your dick sucked?" he asked. Dylan's eyes widened at the question. He looked at Conor; who looked at him in amusement and shrugged.

Dylan looked back at Luke -- who looked dead serious. He shook his head. "No... never," he said. Luke's smile widened -- just the answer he wanted. Without another word, he took Dylan's hand and quickly led him towards the pool's edge. Conor followed them closely behind.

"Get up," he said. Dylan swallowed hard; becoming all too aware of how hard he was. Then again... that's how Luke wanted it. Dylan signed; before without another word, he pulled himself out the water, planting his bum and leaving his feet in the water.

His dick pointed to the sky; the foreskin gently pulling back as it throbbed with every heartbeat. Luke moved between Dylan's legs; his face edging a few centimeters away. Conor ended up to the left, placing his head on his arms as he watched the interaction take place. Dylan felt his heart rate increase tenfold, as Luke's hands gently caressed his thighs; aware that they both watched his member closely. The freckled brunette looked up at Dylan with a smile.

"You have a nice dick," he said. Dylan looked at Conor; he just watched with a smile on his face.

"Th... Thanks," Dylan said, swallowing hard as Luke's own fingers started gently feeling into Dylan's pubic hair. Without warning, Luke took hold of Dylan's dick and pulled the foreskin down; causing Dylan to gasp. He looked up at Dylan one more time, before he leant forwards.

As his lips touched Dylan's phallus he couldn't help but let off a moan. Luke's lips were soft and wet as he slowly took in Dylan's cock; passed the head and down the shaft, until Luke's nose effortlessly touched Dylan's pubes. He gave a hard suck, causing Dylan's eyes to roll backwards as he moaned in absolute pleasure.

He was getting a blowjob; from a boy. He couldn't believe it. Luke's lips started moving up and down his cock. Dylan couldn't help but sigh and grunt with every movement; his hand finding its way into Luke's hair, caressing it and scratching it lightly -- causing the brunette to make a small moan. Luke's head bobbed up and down, and suction noises filled the air as Dylan let the feelings overtake him. Dylan watched in absolute ecstasy.

Luke sucked and sucked for a few minutes, before he came up for air; gently jerking Dylan off as he caught his breathe. He smiled upwards. "That feel good?" he asked. Dylan nodded, his head still blissful. He looked downwards as his friend.

"So good," he said. Luke smiled; just the response he wanted. He went back down; Dylan felt his wet lips touch his cock again, and he moaned. Luke bobbed up and down and sucked for almost 5 minutes, before Dylan felt himself fast approaching the feeling he'd become so accustomed with.

But Luke seemed to detect that; he pulled back up, breathing heavily and smiling widely at Dylan's blissful face, as he gently pulled the foreskin up and down. Dylan smiled back at him, watching his friend handle his cock gently.

Conor came forwards; he gently kissed Luke on the cheek, as he gently felt up Dylan's thigh. Luke looked at Conor. "Think I showed him well?" he asked. Conor smiled up at Dylan.

"I know you did," he said; Dylan nodded his head in agreement.

"That was... insane," he said. Conor looked back to Luke, then up at Dylan.

"You wanna try?" he asked. The question, although should have been obvious, was a surprise to Dylan. Luke's eyes seemed to light up.

"I... I've never done it before. But I'll... I'll give it a go," Dylan said. Luke smiled happily, and nodded.

"I'll teach you," Luke added, looking at Conor. "We have a test dummy to practice on, too," he joked. Conor smiled sweetly, kissing Luke's cheek again, and looking up at Dylan.

"You alright with that?" he asked. Dylan nodded quickly; he knew what that implied. Luke moved to the side and Dylan climbed back into the pool; his brunette friend hugged him; their boners pushing against each other.

"That was really fun," he told Dylan, who hugged him close.

"That was really nice," he added, their hug parting. Luke gave him a small peck on the lips, and they both looked at Conor.

"Go on," Luke told him. Conor couldn't help but laugh; he turned, and pulled himself up onto the pools edge. As he sat, Dylan's eyes found his cock -- the circumcised phallus pointed straight up, around 6 and a half inches or so, with a tuft of Ginger pubes at its base. It looked so clean... so good. Dylan looked at the beautiful vampire, who looked at them both with loving eyes.

Luke pulled him forwards; the two of them swimming between Conor's open legs. Dylan's hand gently caressed his calf, as Luke moved forwards.

"It's not too difficult," Luke said to him. Gently, he took Conor's dick in his hand; causing the ginger's eyes to close as he groaned softly; letting them take charge.

"The key is to make sure your teeth are out the way, and that you're... you know, sucking at a consistent rate." He said, looking at Dylan. Their eyes locked; Dylan couldn't believe he was getting a blowjob lesson. He nodded.

"Okay," he said. "What if... like, what if I gag?" he said. Luke smiled.

"I have a trick," he said. He lifted his one hand. "I don't do it anymore because my gag reflex is gone -- but if you push your thumb underneath your fingers," he said, putting his hand into a fist and squeezing. "It takes away your gag reflex." He said.

Dylan looked at his hand with wide eyes, doing it himself, and nodded. They both looked back at Conor's dick. Luke gave him one more look. "So teeth, and suck," he said. "Like this,"

With that, Luke leant forwards and took Conor's cock in his mouth; as he did, the older boy sighed happily. Dylan watched closely as Luke bobbed up and down for a second, then came back up.

"See?" he said. Dylan swallowed hard, but nodded. Luke moved to the side, and Dylan moved forwards. Conor's dick ended up centimeters away from his face. He tentatively reached and took Conor's shaft in his hand -- it was warm, and rock hard. He looked up at Conor, who gently touched his face.

Dylan looked back down, took a breath, leant forwards and gently slid Conor's dickhead into his mouth. It tasted like skin, with a pinch of salt -- some pre-cum from Conor. He gently suckled as he felt the shaft move further and further into his throat; he felt the hard cock against his tongue, against the sides of his wet mouth as Conor sighed, sucking gently.

He followed Luke's advice, squeezing his fist; and as the dick moved further in, he felt Conor's dick touch the back of his throat... and he didn't gag. A tiny bit further, and his nose touched Conor's pubes. Down there, he gave a suck; causing Conor to moan out loud as Dylan came back up, catching his breath, and then went back down.

Dylan's head bobbed; his heart beat so fast, and his own dick throbbed. He felt so good. This felt so good. He was sucking cock... and he loved it. It made his dick harder than ever. He felt Luke's hand on his bum, and the younger boy moved behind him and hugged him while he sucked.

"You're a natural," he whispered into Dylan's ears -- who could only grunt in pleasure as he felt Luke's hand move around and take hold of Dylan's hard dick.

"This feels so good, Dylan..." he heard Conor sigh. Dylan came up for air, breathing a little and gently moving his hand up and down Conor's wet shaft, looking up at the older boy and smiling.

"Do you like it?" Conor asked. Dylan looked back at Luke, hugging him close from behind, and nodded with a smile.

"A lot," he replied. He looked back down to Conor's dick, and went back in for more; taking it in deep, bobbing up and down in pleasure. Dylan felt Luke's dick up against his bum, and he moaned as he felt his brunette friend pull down his foreskin, while he started humping against him -- Luke started to jack him off, while he gently kissed and suckled Dylan's neck. Dylan's hormones were going ballistic, causing him to suck harder.

The moment was beautiful. He didn't think; he kept going hard as he felt Luke start to openly hump him, sliding his dick in between Dylan's bare bum -- that felt good as it was. Luke's hand jerked him off properly, too. The erotic moment felt like it needed to last forever.

"I'm... cumming..." Dylan heard Conor say -- but he kept going. The sensation was so strange, as he felt Conor's dick pulse in his mouth -- but he didn't let up. He felt Luke look at him with wide eyes as Conor moaned, pushing Dylan down his cock as he started shooting his load down his throat. And Dylan just swallowed it all; one after the other after the other. Seed started flooding outside the sides of Dylan's mouth, down Conor's cock to his ginger pubes.

The sight made Luke cum; he moaned as he pulled Dylan so close to him. Dylan felt Luke's body start to pulsate as he felt his warm cum start shooting onto his back. As Conor's last cum shot fired down his throat, Luke's hand jerking him reached the edge.

His body pulsed as he started to cum; moaning hard with Conor's cock in his mouth. Luke's breathe on his neck made it even more erotic as his cock started firing hot seed into the pool.

For a few seconds, they came together. As the three of them entered post orgasmic bliss, Dylan swallowed the last load and finally came up. They breathed hard; Luke held Dylan close. Conor leant forwards, kissing Dylan's head. Dylan looked up at Conor, who smiled widely at him. Conor's fingers gently traced the sides of Dylan's mouth, taking the rest of the cum remnants... before he put his finger into his own mouth. Dylan's eyes widened a little.

"Holy Shit..." Dylan heard Luke say. He let Dylan go, swimming to the side of the pool. Conor climbed back in; grabbing the two of them and pulling them into a hug. Dylan found himself holding them close. He felt so safe, so good, in their arms. Luke kissed Dylan's cheek, so Dylan kissed his lips, before they both hugged into Conor, who held them tightly. They sat for a few minutes, basking in the glow of each-others feelings. Dylan's mind was going crazy, as he felt Conor's light touch.

"Thank you," Dylan heard himself say. He felt the two of them hug him closer -- he knew his anxious thoughts from earlier weren't called for. He realized now, too, that it wasn't Luke and Conor, and he and Conor. It was all three of them, together now. Dylan felt so close, so special -- and he knew Luke felt the same. Conor was so special... Dylan felt his heart jump as he looked into the ginger boy's deep blue eyes. Conor smiled at him; Dylan pecked him on the lips. Conor's eyes gave him a look that Dylan could only imagine was the same feelings he had.

He was falling for him. Hard. And it had gone so fast, so quickly. Dylan hadn't even been there for a week but... life was not the same, and it never would be.

Yet... Dylan had no idea what was coming.

Next: Chapter 6

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