
By John Doe

Published on Aug 16, 2021



The following is a work of fiction loosely based on real life. Any similarities to anyone are purely coincidental. The story is intended for a mature audience. This story depicts supernatural creatures, such as Vampires and Faeries.

Thank you for such a good response to the story. I hope you enjoy the new chapter, as each character starts growing closer and as we grow the story slowly but surely, and the events begin to unfold.

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The final bell finally went off; school was let out with a rush of noise and excitement. Dylan was just as excited to finally have a weekend of nothingness; to truly take the time to process his thoughts and feelings. He hadn't been able to process much of anything after that experience with Luke. It was all that filled his mind. Still processing the utter deviance of it - in a storage room, of all places. It was something most people wouldn't even dream of.

He got to his locker, basically throwing his books in with little care in his head. He shut his locker and made his way for the exit; as he walked through the courtyard and made his way towards the dormitories, he spotted him; leaning against a pillar near the dining hall. Dylan stopped; his heart fluttering as their eyes locked. Conor smiled at him as they saw each other; a smile that still made Dylan feel all fuzzy inside.

"Hey," Dylan said, as he walked up to him..

"Hey," Conor replied. "School alright today?" he asked.

Dylan had to stop a small laugh from escaping his mouth. He just shrugged instead. "It was okay. Some... fun things happened. But that's about it," he told him, leaning against the same pillar just in front of him.

"Well, now you've got some time off," Conor told him. Dylan had the strongest urge to kiss his cheek; but he held back, very aware of the other boys that walked past them at a consistent rate.

"Are you staying this weekend?" Dylan asked him. But Conor's smile slipped a little bit; he shook his head.

"Unfortunately not. I've gotta go see someone," he said. Dylan tried not to show the visible disappointment in his posture; but it wasn't very successful.

"Oh..." he said. Conor gave off a little laugh.

"I'll be back on Sunday," he said, and raised an eyebrow. "Gonna miss me?" he asked.

Dylan couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Duh," he replied, giving Conor's shoulder a little punch. "Isn't it obvious?" he asked.

"A little," Conor said. There was a moment of silence while they just looked into each other's eyes. Dylan swam in them a bit; he knew they were particularly bright for a reason. But that didn't make them any less pretty.

Dylan looked around, seeing if anyone was in earshot before he spoke. "Vampire business?" he asked.

Conor smirked. "Something like that," he said. "Not really. But sorta," he said. The confusion racked Dylan's brain.

"Not really, but sorta?" Dylan asked, giving off a little help. "That helps,"

"I'm glad," Conor jokes. "Just to see a friend," he reiterated.

"Oh," he said. "Sorry, I'm... kinda new to this whole idea. Still kinda wrapping my head around it," Dylan told him.

"I understand," Conor said. "You take as much time as you want to. It's a whole different world. And... well, I haven't really told you anything, really," he said.

Dylan gave him a smile. "Surely it's a bit cool? Being the only magical creature within miles?" he asked.

But Conor didn't respond immediately. His eyes darted to the floor; he gave a little laugh. Dylan saw it; he realized something.

"You're... you're not?" he asked. Dylan looked around; as if he might just see a unicorn pop out of somewhere. "Is... is there another vampire here?" he asked.

But Conor shook his head. "No, no vampires around but me," he said.

"But...." Dylan started, his head dropping a little bit as he waited for an expected reply.

Conor's turn to roll his eyes in amusement. "I'm not the only magical creature at this school," he said.

Dylan's eyes widened. "W... what?" he asked. Conor nodded.

"Yeah," he said. "Don't worry about me, though," he added. But Dylan shook his head.

"I'm not worried," he said. "What... what's at this school?"

Conor seemed to contemplate whether to tell him or not. He gave a small sigh, looking down at the floor as he spoke.

"There's a faerie on the grounds," he said. Dylan almost laughed. But Conor looked at him with only seriousness in his eyes. He was telling the truth.

"A... a faerie? There's a faerie here? Who?" he asked.

But Conor only gave off a laugh. "That, unfortunately, is not my right to say," he said. Dylan moaned.

"You tell me there's another creature on this property and you won't bloody tell me who?" he said.

"Exactly," Conor said. "Pretty sure you'll figure it out eventually," he added.

Dylan thought for a second. "Is... is it Luke?"

"No," Conor replied, a smile spreading on his lips. "Luke's as human as you. And again... I'm not going to tell you."

Dylan's eyes looked at him pleadingly; but Conor only laughed. Realizing not many people were around, he leant forward and gently kissed his cheek. "I'll see you on Sunday, Dyl. Take care," he said; before he walked off, leaving Dylan to bask in his thoughts that were racing at the new realization.

But then his eyes moved towards the end of the walkway. He spotted a head, looking in his direction. A short kid, brown hair. Spectacles. It took Dylan a second to recognize Nathan. But he didn't look all that happy. He had concern etched on his face; but he disappeared before Dylan could even move to acknowledge that he'd spotted him. Dylan moved towards the place he'd been, but he was well gone when he got there. Strange.

Dylan made his way back towards the dorms; in his room, his roommates all packed their bags. All but Jack, who lay on his bed on his phone. He smiled at Dylan as he entered.

"Ready for sweet nothing this weekend?" Jack asked him. Dylan sat on his own bed, pulling off his school shoes and undoing his tie with a nod.

"So keen," he said, laying down and kicking up his feet. They didn't have any work to do or anything. And Jack was staying in, too; he was so grateful he had his friend here to entertain him. He had chess with Nathan the next day. It was definitely going to be a good weekend.

Dylan sat up; and realized that every one of their roommates was packing. Dylan looked at Jack, lost in his phone; his heart beat a little quicker as he made the realization... They were alone this weekend. Just the two of them.

The thought made his heart flutter a little bit. He caught himself in the feelings, smiling at himself. So strange how one week could change so much about how you felt.

Jack and him hadn't had another opportunity to do what they'd done a few days before. It was one of the things that constantly filled his mind. He wondered if it did with Jack, too. He'd had a couple of wanks after lights out with him; each in their own beds. They hadn't been brave enough to do anything else. It had become almost a nightly ritual between them. After lights out, they'd look at each other sneakily, before they'd start doing it; climaxing together and cleaning themselves up like Jack had taught him. But that was it.

Now... they'd be alone together. Dylan felt tingles inside his stomach as he felt his dick lurge a little at the thought.

But for now... they had the rest of the day to chill together. Dylan dressed into some casual clothing. Soon, their roommates trickled out as their parents came to fetch them; and then they were alone. Dylan finally took the time to pick up the book that had been sitting on his side table since Nathan had suggested it to him - the Vampires Tale. He smiled at the memory; he'd had hardly any time to read, but now he dived in.

It was a good story. Dylan got through a good few chapters before he and Jack decided to go for a walk through the school. Walking through the dorms, out into the courtyards, around the property and onto the field they hung out at break, they realized how desolate the school had become. It only made Dylan happy; realizing the slightly claustrophobic feeling he'd had most of the week seemed to vanish entirely; making Dylan aware of its existence in the first place.

Soon it was time for dinner; no bell or anything. Just time; they were hungry as they entered the hall. There had to be only 20 other boys or so in the room. Dylan spotted Nathan, sitting with two friends his age. His eyes found Dylan; at first they had a little bit of shock in them. Dylan remembered what he'd seen earlier; that was still fresh in his memory.

But then Nathan smiled; giving him a small wave. Dylan smiled, waving back. He'd have his chance to talk to him about that.

Dinner was just spaghetti. It tasted pretty good, too. Jack and Dylan sat by themselves, chatting about political views and the climate of the world; something he didn't realize he'd had an opinion on at all. The conversation turned to aspirations. Jack told him he wanted to be an entrepreneur, start his own business. But as he told him his ideas.... Dylan realized then that he actually had no idea what he wanted to do with his life.

That was inevitable, being trapped in the foster care system. You took it day by day - exactly like Dylan did now. But... he didn't have to anymore. He could use the time here, in a stable environment, that's given him the opportunity to do whatever he wanted to do.

"Maybe I'll swim at the Olympics one day." Dylan said, without much thought. Jack looked surprised at his suggestion; but it grew into a smile.

"I bet you can do it," he said. "You're here on a swimming scholarship after all."

Dylan nodded, smiling at his friend. "Yeah. Besides that... I have no idea," he said, shoving a forkful of spaghetti into his mouth.

"As long as I get VIP access, we are all good," Jack joked. "Maybe you can get famous and give talks and stuff, like Michael Phelps," he said.

Dylan shook his head. "That sounds dreadful. I just wanna swim," he said with a laugh.

But Jack shrugged. "Gotta make money somehow," he said.

Dylan gave it some thought for a few seconds. There wasn't anything that stood out in particular. He didn't know if he had what it took to be a doctor or a lawyer or something like that. None of it really interested him. But... as he sat discussing it with his friend, he realized he had all the time in the world to think about it. Well... three more years anyway. But to him, that felt like a lifetime.

They finished their dinner; giving another wave to Nathan, they left and headed back to the dorms. It was so quiet as they walked through; most of the rooms were empty. He knew there was a prefect on duty; but he doubted he would really do much. Just stop the place from burning down. They didn't really have lights out during the weekend, either. More just don't be an idiot.

Jack went for a shower; but Dylan lay on his bed and read some more of the book. It was about a lonely vampire, who struggled to fit into society in the early 1800's. As he read, he started wondering about Conor; about where he'd gone, and the life he'd led. Dylan still struggled to comprehend the fact that he was 123 years old. He must have seen so much... Dylan couldn't even fathom the idea, considering he'd only been alive for 16 and he barely even remembered most of it.

Jack came back; towel wrapped around his waist. Dylan pretended to read as his friend entered the cubicle, pulling the towel off and tossing it on his bed as he fished for a pair of briefs. Dylan's eyes gazed at his bare behind and his skinny nude form. He never got tired of the sight.

Jack's head turned; their eyes locked as he caught Dylan looking at him. But he only smiled.

"Enjoying the view?" he asked, twisting to look at his own behind and back at Dylan. Dylan felt his face turn a little red as he fumbled with his words.

"Um.. I... sorry,' he said quickly.

"Sorry for what?" Jack asked, pulling on his briefs. "I like you looking at me," he said. The statement made Dylan's heart flutter.

"O...oh," Dylan said, his gaze lingering on Jack's skinny form as he turned and sat on his own bed.

"Thought that was kind of obvious," Jack said, his cheeks becoming a little flushed.. "You know... with everything we've done," he mentioned. Dylan closed his book, sitting up in his bed; a smirk forming on his face.

"So that means that you like looking at me, too?" Dylan asked.

Now it was Jack's turn to go red. He wasn't expecting the question. "Um... yeah... Yeah, I guess I do," he said, looking at his hands that started fidgeting a little. "Do you... like it? If I do?"

Dylan nodded his head. "Yeah. It feels nice," he said with a smile. The honesty made Jack smile wider as he looked up at him.

There was a moment of silence as they processed what they'd just admitted to each other. It felt a little awkward... but in the best way.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Jack suggested. Dylan nodded his head; frankly, he'd do anything with Jack. He stood up; getting ready for bed himself by pulling off his top and his shorts. Jack lay on his bed; Dylan, now down to his briefs, Jack shuffled up to make space for his friend, who lay next to him. As their skin touched Dylan felt the energy course between them. It felt all too familiar to another memory of his; his gaze lingering on his friend's bare upper body as he chose a movie on his phone.

They settled on John Wick. It was a cool movie; engrossing as the two of them watched side by side. Dylan's hand rested on his stomach; subconsciously fiddling with his belly button as he watched. But he couldn't quite focus too much; not because of Jack's presence, although that didn't help - but more, every few minutes or so, he felt Jack's eyes dart up and down his own body, before it returned to the movie. Dylan suspected that Jack didn't think he'd notice - but he most definitely did. As the movie neared it's ending Dylan yawned, covering his mouth as he did, before his hand moved to his side; only to land directly on top of Jacks.

His body froze; he felt Jack's freeze, too. He felt his fingers; long, smooth, gentle. He didn't move them; after a few seconds, he felt Jack's fingers slowly but surely start to move into his. Dylan's eyes were on their hands; he could feel Jacks were, too. Soon, their fingers were entangled; Dylan gave a gentle squeeze, and Jack squeezed back. They looked at each other; Dylan could see complete and utter surrender from his friend, who looked him deeply in the eyes, before they both looked back to the movie. Dylan felt a smile etch onto his face as they held hands; so intrinsically aware of Jack's touch.

After everything that had happened this week, he was surprised this little thing made his heart race a little.

The movie finished. Jack switched off his phone, leaning over Dylan to put it on his side table. In that second, Jack's chest was so close to Dylan; he could smell his freshly showered scent in his nose. He almost closed his eyes to bask in it. But Jack didn't move back; instead, he looked down at Dylan, and wordlessly lay on him, snuggling into him, wrapping his arm over his chest and resting his head on his shoulder.

Dylan wrapped his own arms around him; held onto him, squeezing him tightly into his own bare upper body. Jack wrapped a leg over Dylans, and Dylan did the same. The two lay in each other's arms for some time; just basking in each other's presence. Dylan's fingers started lightly tracing along Jack's back; he knew his friend could hear his heartbeat pounding in his chest.

As a response, Dylan felt Jack start to trace his fingers along Dylan's upper arm; moving up and down with the slightest, sensual touch. At the same time, trying to process what was going on, Dylan breathed in deeply; taking in as much of Jack as he could.

As he did, Jack pressed up against him; Dylan's eyes widened as he felt something hard against his hip. Jack had a boner. The effect was inevitable as his eyes widened; it took less than 4 seconds for Dylan to feel the blood rush to his own cock, causing his briefs to stick up a little as it did. He heard Jack give off a little laugh; he'd spotted it. Dylan couldn't help but smile, too; he felt his cheeks flush a little red.

Jack's tracing hand moved up his arm to his shoulder, then to his chest; moving along before it traced down his stomach. Dylan was frozen; enjoying the touch so much, it made him shiver a little bit, goosebumps forming all over his body. Jack's hand didn't stop; it slowly moved downwards, over his belly button and down his pubis. His hand hit the bulge; it didn't stop, moving over Dylan's briefs and over his erection, and stopped there. Jack gave a gentle squeeze; Dylan let out a sign, feeling his eyes flitter as he did.

Jack rubbed him for a little bit; Dylan squeezed him tighter, letting him know how he felt about it. Jack took the invitation; the rub moved upwards to the elastic of his briefs, and silently Jack snaked his hand underneath. As his warm hand wrapped around Dylan's shaft, he gave a little whimper, causing Jack to laugh a little again. He squeezed gently, before he maneuvered the front of Dylan's briefs down, revealing his uncircumcised cock, which throbbed with every heartbeat.

Jack took hold of it again, gently pulling the foreskin down, revealing Dylan's entire cock head with a little blip of precum at the slit, before he came back up; and started masturbating him slowly. The pleasure rocked through Dylan's body as he did; his nails lightly scratching along Jack's back. Jack gave a little sigh; he liked that a lot. He pushed himself against Dylan's hip, his hardness pushing against him again as he did. Dylan's eyes fluttered closed as he basked in the feeling - it felt so pure, so gentle.

Jack pumped him for a good few minutes; taking a couple of breaks every now and then because his wrist started to hurt a bit, but went straight back to it. After a little bit, Dylan gave him another gentle squeeze.

"Your turn," he whispered in Jack's ear. His friend nodded; letting him go and laying back onto his bed. Dylan perched himself up; his dick still throbbing, now free. He looked Jack's body up and down; meeting his friends' eyes and they smiled at each other. Dylan's eyes moved down, to the front of Jack's underwear which stuck up high. Dylan lightly touched his stomach, before he moved down and pulled the elastic of his underwear over his cock; he didn't stop there. With both hands, he wordlessly pulled Jack's underwear all the way down, and off; leaving his friend naked as day, throbbing cock pointed at 45 degrees.

Jack sat up momentarily, pulling at Dylan's underwear in response. Dylan lifted his bum, letting Jack pull off his briefs. Then, he was naked, too. Dylan jerked himself off a little as Jack lay back down. Dylan let himself go, and instead took hold of Jack's dick instead, pulling down the foreskin slowly, before he started jerking him. Jack let off a little moan; his hips shifting in unison to Dylan's hand as he worked; he used his other hand and masturbated himself at the same time.

Such pure feelings coursed through their veins. Dylan wanked him for a few minutes, before they swapped again; Jack having another go on Dylan for a few minutes, before they again swapped, Dylan having another go with Jack. Dylan felt his friend come so close to orgasm; but he stopped before he let it happen; instead pulling down his foreskin in its entirety, letting the throbbing head calm down a little bit.

Dylan felt his eyes glued to it; it was covered in precum now, glistening in the light of the room. Dylan felt his mouth begin to salivate as he did. He blinked in surprise at first; he looked up at Jack, who looked at what Dylan was doing with a blissful look in his eyes; his one hand lightly traced along Dylan's arm. Dylan looked back at his dick. He felt conflicted. He didn't know if he should do it; that which lingered in his mind. But the urge was so strong.

Silently, slowly, Dylan swallowed hard before he shifted downwards a little bit more. He leant forward, and calmly put Jack's cock head in his mouth, giving it a gentle suck; tasting the salty precum all over his tongue as he did.

Jack took a sharp intake of breath as he realized what was happening; but he didn't move. He gave a little whimper; and Dylan felt Jack's hand in his hair, tickling his scalp. He was in. He traced his tongue along the head, causing Jack's body to shiver; and then, slowly he moved downwards; taking in more and more until his nose touched Jack's thin pubic hair, and then he came back up; his cheeks concaved as he sucked.

"Oh my fucking..." Jack started through deep breaths, but couldn't get the rest of the words out as Dylan started moving up and down his shaft. He felt Jack's cock touch the back of his throat, over and over, filling his mouth, tracing along his tongue. But it felt so good. He made Jack feel good.

He started moving a little quicker; both of Jack's hands were in his hair now. With every stroke, with every hard suck he felt Jack shiver. He was in control. He came off the top of his cock with a suction pop, before he traced his mouth down the shaft, towards his testicles. He took in each of them with a gentle suckle, pulling Jack's foreskin back up as he did.

"Dylan... Holy fuck..." he heard Jack whisper. Dylan's eyes drifted to his friend's face; his eyes were closed, his mouth ajar. He loved this, every second of it.

Dylan focused back this attention on Jack's cock; letting the ball fall from his mouth before he licked up the shaft; taking in the head again, letting his tongue dart underneath his foreskin, tracing around the cockhead before he took his shaft in again, moving up and down with slow motions.

Then he came up and popped off again, sitting up a bit as he took hold of Jack's saliva-covered dick, gently wanking him as he looked up at his friend, who was looking at him with an elated smile.

"Where did you learn that?" he asked. Dylan smirked; giving him a shrug.

"Just picked it up, I guess," he said.

Jack blinked a few times; coming back into reality. He looked at his throbbing cock, putting his hand over Dylan's and they jerked him a couple of times, before Jack looked back at him.

"Can you teach me?" he asked. Dylan's eyes widened at the question.

"Um... I guess so, yeah. Sure," he said with a smile. Jack nodded; with one movement they swapped places; Dylan lay in the warm spot he'd been while his friend shuffled down, laying on his one leg as he took Dylan's dick into his hand; his eyes looked hungrily at the head.

"So... I guess, just be gentle. Try to move your teeth out the way. Oh... and if you think you're going to gag, just squeeze your thumb under your fingers in a fist. It takes away your gag reflex."

Jack tried what he asked; looking at his fist then back up to Dylan. "You're definitely not being honest with this. You learnt this somehow," he said with a smirk on his face. But he didn't push further. Instead, he looked down at Dylan's dick. He had to hold back a grunt as Jack pulled his foreskin down; before he felt his friend take his cock head into his mouth, giving a gentle suckle. Now, Dylan moaned softly as he felt Jack's tongue flick against his slit. His hands immediately moved into Jack's hair; he guided his friend as he slowly moved down about a third, before he came back up. Dylan could see his cheeks concave as he did. He was really good for someone who'd never done it before.

Jack went down a little too far and gagged, coming back up. Dylan felt concern at first, but Jack only looked more determined, immediately going back down again. This time, he didn't gag. He slipped down about halfway, before he came back up, focusing on the head for a few seconds before he tried again. He made it 3 quarters of the way, coming back up.

All while Dylan absolutely relished in the feelings that coursed through his body. This was really happening. Jack moved back down; this time, he stuck to it, slowly moving further and further down until Dylan felt his cock head touch the back of Jack's throat. Jack gave an almighty suck, and Dylan left off a sigh as his cock pulsed in Jack's mouth. The orgasm came up without a warning.

"Shit..." he said. Jack got the message; pulling up and off just as Dylan fired his first strand of cum. Multiple shots erupted from the slit as Jack slowly started masturbating Dylan, watching his semen land all over his chest and stomach. Dylan's body convulsed with every feeling of pleasure that racked his body.

Then he slowly came down; his body turning blissful. He looked at Jack; who had a massive grin on his face.

"I made you cum," he said; and Dylan couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah... that tends to happen when you get a blowjob," he said. Jack let his softening dick go; instead tracing a finger along his puddle of semen. He took some on his finger and tasted it; Dylan could see the wheels turning in his head.

WIthout warning, Jack leant down, and started lapping up the cum slowly; starting at Dylan's dick, sucking it from his pubic hair and gently squeezing out any remnants in his cock, before he moved up to his stomach, lapping every drop then moving up to Dylan's chest. Dylan's eyes closed as he basked in the sensation. Soon Jack had licked up everything, and his face looked at Dylan's, only centimeters away. Dylan smiled at him.

"Your turn," he said. Jack blinked.

"Are... you sure? Like... you just came, I can jerk off if you want..."

But Dylan wasn't hearing it; he shifted himself around, forcing Jack on his back as he shuffled down. Without another word he took in Jack; only this time, he sucked with vigour and skill. Jack moaned and thrust his hips as Dylan's head moved up and down his shaft faster and faster. It took less than 2 minutes before Jack spoke.

"Okay... yeah, I'm cumming..." he said. But Dylan didn't stop. He kept going; he felt Jack's body tense up, and he came up just to cover his cock head as he felt Jack squirt inside his mouth; shot after shot after shot. Jack's moan was audible as he did - and Dylan swallowed every drop, until Jack came down from his own bliss. Dylan slowly moved up and down, before he came off with a pop as Jack's dick started to deflate.

"Holy... Fuck...." Jack said. Dylan shifted up, laying next to Jack. They shuffled onto their sides, looking at each other, still naked as ever as Jack smiled at him. Their eyes were so close; Dylan felt Jack's hand on his cheek.

"That was unbelievable," he said. Dylan gave a little nod.

"It was for me, too," he told him. "You're a natural," he told Jack, who laughed a little.

"I'm glad to hear," he said. "You are, too," he said. They lay in silence for a little; their eyes darted along each other's nude bodys before he and Dylan lifted their bums as Jack pulled his blanket over them, and without words Jack cuddled into Dylan again. Dylan could feel his flaccid cock against his hip; holding him close as they snuggled. He felt so close to him; so intimate. Dylan was starting to suspect that maybe Jack was a little more than a friend to him. They'd shared some incredibly intimate things. Done incredibly intimate things.

He pulled Jack tightly against him; they lay for a while before Dylan felt Jack's sleeping breath against his chest. Dylan's eyes fluttered closed, as he moved into one of the most comfortable sleeps he'd ever had.

Next: Chapter 8

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