Survivor - King of Samoa

By Adam Redford

Published on Jan 25, 2011



This story is a complete work of fiction based around the season 'Survivor: Heroes vs Villains' and should not be taken as real. This is my first attempt at doing any sort of erotic story and hopefully you enjoy. Any comments would be appreciated at

Sandra rolled her eyes at the two arguing men in camp, these two had been together all of two days and already they had been bickering constantly and it always started the same way thanks to Parvarti setting everything up. First would be Parvarti asking one of them to do some sort of chore, wood cutting, fishing, generally normal camp work. She would then, a mere two minutes later ask the other to also do the work, pointing them in the direction of the other.

Not that Russell and Rupert were angels themselves though, whenever Russell would come upon Rupert, Rupert would fly into an angry frenzy, accusing Russell of trying to 'Sabotage' him. Then on the occasions Rupert went to Russell, Russell was just as bad, giving off snarky comments designed really to piss Rupert off. Jerri walked aside Sandra as she attempted to get away from the two men.

"Those two annoying ya too?" Jerri sighed, the constant arguing was effecting everyone in the tribe, Parvarti and Danielle excluded of course,they were too busy gossiping or laughing at what was going on. Sandra suddenly stopped, an idea forming in her head. "Hey Jerri, I think I got a plan going on" Jerri tipped her hat a little.

"Well then, lets hear it" To the point as always...

Much later Russell was deep within the Samoan Jungle, he'd been searching this damn area for what he thought was hours, he'd used every single one of his usual tricks to finding the idols, in a tree, a noticeable place, an odd looking bush. Where was this damned hidden immunity idol already? Worn out a little from the search, he sat down at the base of one of the trees, sweat dripping from his forehead. Part of him thought to forget this, likely one of the others had found it already, hopefully Parvarti... It was only when he had got his mind back a little, he realised that he was completely alone, no cameraman, nobody had been following him... Shit... How'd the cameraman vanish? Shit Shit Shit...

Okay that alone settled the deal for him, it really was time to retrace his steps and find somebody from production to lead him back, you cant be the ultimate survivor if you get booted off for breaking safety precautions, that really would be a sucky way to go. As Russell got him, he suddenly noticed something however... Rope... Rock.... YES! Russell smirked on seeing it and started his way towards the small object. Suddenly out of nowhere he felt as if a tree had just hit him round the side and was laying on top of him, Russell struggled for a moment to try and get the... the... well whatever it was off him. Suddenly Russell felt a large beard on him...

"Get the fuck off me you dumb shit!" Rupert roared in response as Russell continued to struggle underneath the large man. Suddenly Russell knocked Rupert on his side and got up, ready to go for the idol once more. Rupert rolled across the ground and reached out, grabbing Russell by the angle and pulling him to the ground with a thud.

"I'm never letting... you... get... the idol!" Russell snarled, that was it, he span round and jumped Rupert, landing on top of him, striking him hard round the face with a punch. Rupert roared once more, taking hold of Russell by the head and headbutted him. The two continued to roll around the small clearing, both kicking, punching each other to try and get back at the other. Soon the two were right next to the idol, seizing his chance Russell grabbed the idol out from the ground as Rupert tackled him again. The two men looked suddenly at the idol... Russell laughed wearily, slumping on top of Rupert... All it was... It was a freaking stone with a face drawn on it... Jeez...

The two men were bloodied, battered, bruised and drenched in sweat, both worn out. Suddenly Rupert began laughing.

"Its a fake... Its just a fake... Stupid... Hah..." Russell smirked, now starting to laugh alongside Rupert. How stupid... All this fighting for a fake idol? How... How... Russell calmed down, still slumped on top of Rupert. Suddenly though he became aware of something... Now that wasn't right... He could feel Ruperts cock under the pants... Rupert sure was all excited after that fight... Come to mention it, so was he... Rupert smirked at Russell, the same thought flowing through his head. As the two men picked themselves up quietly, Rupert moved forward, coming within inches of Russell and picked the man up, holding him against one of the trees.

What on earth, Russell panicked a little inside though also... well... its not like he wasn't enjoying this either. Without thinking Russell began wrapping his body round Ruperts and suddenly began kissing him, Rupert holding tighter, Rupert's beard tickling Russell's neck. Soon both men had completely lost control to their lust, both kissing roughly and wildly, both holding on tight and both toying with the back of each others pants.

Rupert broke off the kiss, both men panting a little for air before Rupert began kissing down Russell's body, lifting him higher off the ground. Russell shivered slightly as Rupert began down his neck and chest, soon reaching Russell's nipples. Stopping for a second, Rupert nipped one of them, Russell giving off a small moan of appreciation.

Both men slumping to the floor, Rupert continued to kiss lower and lower down the smaller mans body before finally reaching Russell's pants, his cock clearly visible through the fabric, growing a little under his breath, Rupert began nibbling at the visible shape, Russell breathing even more heavily, rolling his head back. Suddenly Rupert pulled back on Russell'sss pants and took the whole cock down his mouth in one quick motion, Russell, part in shock, part in pure bliss moaned loudly as Rupert continued to practically deepthroat his cock, throwinRussell'sls pants aside and acting almost like a beast uncaged. Grunting, Rupert tugged Russell closer, letting his enemy wrap his legs around his neck. Russell continued to moan orgasmically, gripping tight onto the ground as Rupert continued his frenzied assault on his dick.

Without warning Rupert stopped his assault and spat into Russell's ass. Russell grunted "Yeah, come on then, fuck me big guy" in reply to this and was a little shocked to hear the words coming out of his own mouth. What the hell? Rupert smirked, laughing a little at this request. Throwing his own pants aside he spread apart Russell legs and positioned himself to enter. The two stopped for a second, panting, still both in some shock... Rupert grunted and made one quick push into Russell's anus. As he entered Rupert howled in pain, Rupert's thick cock entering inside him. Within seconds his hole cock was inside Russell and, taking a moment for Russell to calm down, he began thrusting back and forth, Russell's head straining, his voice now slightly hoarse, howling out in a mixture of pain and pleasure as Rupert began slamming into him, each thrust becoming faster and tougher than the last one. As the fucking continued, Rupert leant down and began kissing Russell again, silencing his moans.

Rupert continued to ram into Russell, the kiss now broken, both men grunting, both sweating profusely once more. The two suddenly rolled around, Russell now sitting on top of the giant dick inside of him. Smirking a little both in pain and amusement, Russell started shifting up and down, within seconds both men were wildly thrusting away, Rupert pushing up as hard and as fast as he could while Russell repeatedly impaled himself on top of Rupert, grunting all the way.

Rupert's grunts soon became louder and louder, Russell could feel Rupert's cock inside his ass swelling up ready to blow. Rupert gave out an almighty roar and pulled Russell down as hard as he could with one push, Rupert's dick shooting out cum inside of Russell. Russell crawled off Rupert, his ass dripping with fresh cum and began letting Rupert finish him off. Grabbing hold of Rupert's head he began pushing it towards his dick and soon, within minutes, Russell cried out as his own cock exploded in a stream of cum, splashing across Rupert's face, mouth and beard. The two slumped on top of each other once again, Russell giving Rupert one last kiss before falling asleep.

The next day Sandra was airing out one of her tops over the fire. That plan worked brilliantly, she hadn't even seen the two nitwits since she mentioned to them about the 'Idol'. She did have to wonder where on earth they were though... Suddenly the sound of arguing could be heard once more.

"Its your fault we got lost! If you hadn't have gone that way!" Sandra rolled her eyes as the two walked into views looking slightly bruised and battered but eh... Couldn't care less. The two were now arguing about losing the cameramen during their search for the idol. Rupert grunted and shouted at Russell one more time before storming off. It didn't matter Russell thought, secretly he made a note to get 'lost' once more. Next time though he'd make sure that he was the dominant beast though, after all... he was the self proclaimed king of Samoa...

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