Sweeney Todd's Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on May 21, 2009



WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


Well, if you don't know Edward Sanders and Jamie Campbell Bower you need to go and hire the DVD... it's worth it.



G. Cutter

Ed hopped into the lift glancing back across the hotel's foyer. It was bucketing down but he had a weekend to himself wet as it may be. It was a Bank Holiday and the fim making had ceased for three days. Tim Burton, The Tim Burton had decided a couple of weeks previously that he would allow a long weekend for the cast and crew to 'refresh' as he put it. As the bulk of the company (as Ed had learned to call them) were English this arrangement suited well, most of them were already on their way to their various homes and families. Ed would miss them as there were a couple of kids attached to parents and doing time in local schools. These kids were Americans but he wasn't a racist and they were good company. His co star Jamie Campbell Bower had the next room and they occasionally talked. Jamie at nineteen was the nearest in age to Ed.

Ed would have normally gone home to East Sussex but his family had decided to take a two week break in Mallorca which had left him up in the air. Normally he was accompanied and safefguarded by a company chaperone for most of the time but had been handed down to the top camera who was very much a more laid back character. He wasn't even lodged on the same floor so when Ed left the lift he felt as if he was stepping into freedom. Dobsey, or Mr Dobbs the camera guy had his wife and son staying with him so didn't mind keeping a watching brief on young Ed plus Ed at fourteen provided a playmate for his young son Rupert who was only twelve.

The young actor and singer had his own room, a set breakfast, lunch and evening meal and a virtual blank check on what he wished to purchase in the hotel itself. Rather similar to Home Alone 2 he thought but he wasn't a dizzy young Kevin or Macauley Culkin, he was quite serious which he proved almost immediately by running into his room and throwing himself onto the bed.

'Whee, whee. Free free...' He giggled and hammered on the bed with his heels . 'Fuckin' free for three days.' He lay there and looked at the ceiling. He was fourteen coming on fifteen and probably a little short for his age but had begun to sprout up, he seemed to growing out of things especially trousers all the time, even the Wardrobe Mistress commented on it but everyone loved 'little Eddy'. 'Everyone loves, Eddy,' he sang as he lay on his bed. Fine, how come he wasn't getting any? He was at that age where all his bits and pieces were growing but the only exercise they got were his eary morning and late evening hand jobs.

Another thing was that the caste were so 'camp', it was a term used by his father who had carefully explained the difference between somebody camping it up and someone who was a boy fancier or a gay. Ed was still having difficulty telling the 'campos' from the 'pervos', he had a few suspicions amongst the cast and crew but no one had made any sort of a move on him. He wouldn't have been interested anyway, he liked his own age group, the lot they called teenagers or youth. Now a roll in the hay with a good looking seventeen year old would do the trick. He didn't quite know what they would do other than mutually masturbate but there was more. He wasn't a complete dummy and by some quirk of fate the delicious Jamie was next door, a great pity Jamie seemed to be permanently glued to his girlfriend Zoe... a great shame.

He lay there luxuriating in the freedom, he had to meet Dobbsy and family at seven for supper and would probably spend the evening with them and Rupert. The night was his and he had no one to share it with. He lay on his bed and fumbled with his jeans, he had an urge and soon felt his pecker raising it's head with interest. He quickly shot over and locked the door, he didn't really want any visitors at this moment. Laying back down again he unclipped his waistband and ran down the zip. This was the bit he liked, the fantasy bit. He gently stroked his burgeoning erection through the thin cotton of his briefs and this is where he closed his eyes and let his imagination run riot.

First of all it was Rupert's small hands and then Jamie's much bigger ones and then a series of faces or images flashed through his mind. Jeremy from Peter Pan, the long haired kid from Third Rock, Reese from Malcolm in the middle and then his fave, Freddy Highmore another English kid. Mind you he'd watched The Thief Lord the other night and fallen in love with the whole cast, well, the younger ones at least. He opened his jeans further and shucked them down to his knees. Opening his eyes slightly he could see the outline of his penis at it's full five inch stretch clear inside his thin cotton briefs and there was even a damp spot at the tip. He was on heat.

Grasping it almost tenderly and imagining Rollo Weeks on the bed with him he groaned, Rollo became Scipio, Scipio became Prosper and then Prosper morphed into Riccio and finally Riccio grew into Jamie next door, full circle. His second bout was Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy from Hogwarts but he kept coming back to the lanky and long haired Jamie.

'Fuck it,' Ed grunted and peeled his now damp briefs down allowing his meaty boy cock to spring clear, he shoved his briefs down to below his knees and bent his legs and slowly and sensually half wanked and half fucked into his hand with his smooth and gently rounded bottom lifting and dropping as his hips pumped upwards. 'Yeah...' Ed gasped imagining the boxer clad Prosper in reality Aaron James naked on the bed and belly down besides him. I was the first time he'd envisaged fucking another boy and he hissed his pleasure as his ragingly hard cock speared between Prosper or Aaron's smooth cheeks and pentrated his tight boy cunt.

'Yes, yes, yes,' Ed chanted fucking his fist like mad and he felt the beginning, the warmth and the tickle below and then his balls went uptight. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck...' he groaned as the first creamy jet soared over his belly and splattered on his throat and chest, the second splashed down onto his sternum and the third and last did a mini squirt into his sunken navel. He lay there with his heart beating rapidly squeezing his foreskin up and over his glistening glans and watched the last thick trickle run over his knuckes and into his healthy pubic bush. He was done and he lay there in the lonely room listening to the beat of the rain on the window.

'I wonder how much I would cum if I let Prosper shag me,' he thought idly. He was torn between Prosper and Riccio and would jump at the chance of filming with them. He loved The Thief Lord, the plot, the scenery, the interaction and most of all the handsome youngsters they'd collected for the cast. They must have done things together surely. That Riccio or George, he looked such an evil little sod and Prosper was so sweet and laid back... surely Rollo must have had them unless he was into girls of course.

He eventually wiped himself clean with tissues making sure to flush them down the toilet, the less evidence the better. He knew a couple of the young chambermaids or whatever had their eyes on him, he wouldn't want his spunky tissues being sold around Pinewod Studios, now that would be the pits. He showered and changed his clothing for his dinner with the family Hobbs.

He wandered around their room and mucked around with Rupert whilst Rupert's mum and dad got ready, they had a full sized suite as they were living there permanetly so Ed reckoned he must be a man with clout or a man that Burton wanted. What Tim Burton wanted he got , he'd selected Ed from mass of about eighty or ninety boy singers who could also act and Ed was eternally grateful. Where he went from here was anyone's guess but his father was his manager and secretly Ed hoped for more work with younger actors, maybe on CCTV.

Jaime was at the next table with a couple of the studio guys but the place wasn't busy as most of the company had headed off for the Bank Holiday. Jamie flashed Ed a wink and Ed winked back, he quite liked the long haired eighteen year old or was he nineteen, he sung like a frog but he must have had something.

'So what have you in mind tonight, Ed?' Mrs Dobbs asked.

'I thought of hanging around with Rupert, he tells me he has the last episode of the Pirates of the Carribean.'

'Which you want to see,' Rupert laughed.

'Only if you want, I can carry on teaching you chess if you like?' Ed offered.

'No way, it's a Bank Holiday,' Rupert squealed in protest bring a few smiles from the diners sat around.

'Monday's the Bank Holiday,' Ed pointed out. 'Anyway, chess is good for your brain.'

'We'll watch Pirates,' the boy decided. 'You want to watch it, you just mentioned chess to blackmail me.'

'Diplomacy they call it,' Mr Dobbs laughed. 'You watch it in your room and no fighting.'

Ed nodded agreement the last time he'd been closeted with Rupert they'd finished up in a mock fight halfway between bottom grabbing and willy grabbing and Mrs Dobbs had broken it up but she'd clearly passed some comment to her husband.

'Can we take some ice cream up?' Rupert asked determined to get as much as he could whilst Ed was visiting.

'Yes, I'll put it in the room's cooler and you can have it at half time.'

Ed settled in with the family for the evening and he admitted to himself it was better than spending a Saturday evening by himself, Rupert was a pain but what twelve year old wasn't. All the same he looked at the boy as Rupert concentrated on the film, he was quite sweet but way too young to risk anything with. They watched the film in Rupert's darkened bedroom and were disturbed by ice cream being served at the half way mark and in the end Ed bade them all a good night and wandered back to his own room after promising to meet them at the breakfast table. It was nine thirty and he determined to watch Saturday TV with the volume right down, he wasn't in the least tired and the actual fact that he was on his own and unguarded brought a spring to his step. Had his company chaperone been on the scene he'd probably be studying scripts or doing homework, the man was a slavedriver and had as much idea about boys as the man in the moon... that was Ed's opinion at least.

'Hello, Edward.' Ed span around to see Jamie trailing him down the corridor.

'Hi, Jamie... no Zoe?'

'No, her parents have dragged her off to Corfu or some damn where. Crete? Cyprus? It begins with a C.'

'Canvey Island,' Ed laughed.

'Har, har,' Jamie grinned. 'Off to bed like a good little boy?' There was a hint of mockery in his voice.

'I've just finished up with the Dobbses and there's nothing else to do,' Ed replied defensively thinking back to his wank from earlier. Jamie plus Zoe equalled a loving couple forever snoggling in corners. Jamie minus Zoe, now that was something different and the long haired and slender six footer was rather nice.

'Visit me, we can catch a video or two, I've got some decent horrors.'

'Have you?' Ed's eyes lit up, he did like horror movies and the thought of watching one with Jamie sent a certain quiver down his spine. Not a shiver of terror rather one of what might happen. He'd been warned by his father and by his chaperone never to stray into the actor's rooms and here he was disobeying. 'OK. got a good ol' gory one.'

'You might say that,' Jamie smirked and casually draping his arm around the boy's shoulder fished his key from his pocket. 'Will Dobbsey come checking up on you?'

'Wouldn't think so,' Ed answered without thinking. 'Him and his missus are putting Rupert to bed and look like they're going to go for a couple of bottles of wine complete with romantic music.'

'Excellent,' Jaime grinned and opened his door ushering the boy into his room. The kid was bored. Jamie was bored, they made a fine couple and it really was a bit early for either of them to think about going to bed... yet.

'Wow, you collect DVD's?' Ed knelt to look at the pile racked up under the TV and DVD player.

'Yeah, I go to the local Blockbuster when I have free time and buy up all the cheapos.' Jamie slumped into the big armchair facing the television screen and the kneeling young actor. 'Make your choice.' He studied Ed as the kid raked through the stack of shiny cases. He really was good looking and this was the first opportunity he'd had to talk in private. Maybe his last if he didn't handle it well but he had a feeling about young Mr Edward Sanders, just a feeling.

'There's such a lot,' Ed scrabbled through the pile.

'Like a drink, a WKD?'

'They're alcoholic, an alcopop aren't they?'

'One won't kill you,' Jamie smiled. 'Just one though, if you don't like it I'll see it off for you.'

'OK,' Ed shrugged and watched as the tall young man got from his chair and walked over to the chiller. There was a certain atmosphere about the place, a certain tenseness and he wondered if Jamie was thinking the same as he was. He was thinking back to that afternoon wank again and his image of Jamie, was he really as big and as smooth as in the daydream. He decided to play it cool and let the older boy make the moves which he was sure were about to come. DVD, drinks, a private hotel room on a quiet Saturday night? Jamie was going to make a move on him he could feel it in his bones and to his surprise he was almost looking forward to it. It had to beat being by himself and what was a hand job between friends even if that friend was a very youthful looking young man. 'You've got it,' he dug a CD from the pile. 'The Thief Lord', one of my all time favourites.'

'One of mine as well,' Jamie admitted. 'I'd like to have done the Scipio role for that.'

'You'd have done brilliantly,' Ed cast around looking where to sit. The sofa was at the wrong angle and it was too large for him to move.

'Stick it in the slot,' Jamie ordered and turned the fire on, the room was getting chilly and he turned the lights off as the screen flickered to life. As Ed was messing around with the video he grabbed a big cushion annd put it at the foot of the armchair between his feet. Would the kid go for it? He gazed at Ed's tight jean clad bottom and felt himself begin to stiffen inside his own faded jeans. Jeez, he was heading for so much trouble here but he couldn't hold back.

Curious but that was just what Ed was thinking. He'd seen the cushion placed on the floor by Jaime's feet and between his legs. 'Fuck it,' he thought. 'Let's go for it.'

'Sit here,' Jamie held out the bottle and waved at the cushion. 'Nice and warm by the fire.'

'Right,' Ed didn't need much convincing.

'Loved you in that blond wig,' Jaime ruffled the boy's untldy dark brown mop as he sat.

'I've still got it,' Ed giggled. 'The makeup people let me have it for a souvenir as it won't fit anyone else.'

''Have you?' Jaime gulped. One of his top line fantasies was raping Ed or Toby as he was in the film but in his blond mode when he was Pirellis barker. The boy looked absolutely delicious. He idly stroked Ed's brown hair and Ed was suddenly inspired.

'I wear it in my room sometimes,' he admited. 'It keeps my head warm.'

'Jeez,' Jamie grinned inanely. 'Like the WKD?' He'd noticed that Ed had taken a sip and then a healthy swig of the blue drink.

'Great. I could get to like this stuff,' Ed smiled over his shoulder wishing Jamie would get on and roll the film.

'Well you could have a second I suppose but you'd have to wear the wig.'

'You're pulling my leg?' Ed giggled. 'That is so camp, I'd look like a drag queen.'

'No you won't,' Jamie protested wondering how much experience the kid had of drag queens. 'You look...er, great.' He had been going to say 'beautiful' but had stopped short. Ed did have a rather sulky face a bit like Thomas Sangster but when he smiled it was worth waiting for.

'I can go to my room and get it,' Ed said shyly and thinking about a second bottle of the blue stuff which was pleasant as in bloody tasty.

'Go on then,' Jamie croaked. He daren't stand up to let the boy from the room, he was as hard as a bar and he was scared of Ed spotting it and doing a runner. A quick grin and Ed placed his bottle on the table and shot from the room. Five minutes later he was back and he was blond. The long flaxen haired wig lay thick on his neck and overhung his eyes but he'd mastered the knack of tossing it back like a normal boy's cowlick.

He smiled at Jamie and spotted the second bottle alongside the first. 'Thiefy Lord,' he hinted and sat down on the cushion with his back resting against the chair. He wasn't surprised in the slightest when Jamie's legs closed him in with the lightest of pressures. He now knew perfectly well that the older boy fancied him and probably had a thing about long blond hair, Zoe was a blonde. The film started and Ed relaxed, Jamie was in command position slumped in the armchair as if it was a throne.

Ed loved the start where Prosper rescues his younger brother Bo from the evil guardians and they make their way to the magical city. The scene after the title where they arrive by boat on a sunny day on the choppy waters really got him. How he would have liked to be Prosper or even one of the others.

'I love the music,' Jamie toyed with Ed's blond wig. 'It's so soft,' he stroked the hair and suddenly began to stroke Ed's warm ears.

'That tickles,' Ed grinned and reached up to hold Jamie's hand.

'So smooth,' Jamie crooned and Ed heard him move up in the chair. Ed closed his eyes as he felt Jamie's long fingers lightly run down his smooth cheek. Jeez, the guy wasn't wasting any time. he didn't mind a giggle but what was Jamie's end game? He wasn't another boy after all, he was nearly a fully grown man with a girlfriend.

'You've got the touch,' Ed whispered eyes glued to the screen as the boys ran from the chemist down dark and rain slick alleys.

'Sit up,' Jamie murmured and put his hands under Ed's armpits and lifted the boy into the space between his thighs. Ed went willingly enough and lay back virtually into an embrace. There was no going back after this, he could even feel Jamie's hard lump pressing against his bottom but pretended not to. Maybe playing the dimbo might be the way to go but to his shock and horror he found he was as hard as the proverbial choccy froggy. He just gave up and rested back against Jamie in the warmth and comfort of an older boys arms. He tilted his head to one side to let Jaime see the film and imagined it was Scipio behind him. 'Now that's the role for you... Riccio.'

'He's blond,' Ed laughed. 'And his teeth are rotten.'

'Makeup,' Jaime laughed. 'You would have been ideal.' His warm breath touched Ed's neck just under the blond wig's edge and Ed held his breath. 'So smooth,' Jamie breathed as his lips brushed against Ed's bare neck. 'Sorry, sorry,' Jamie jerked his head back.

'No probs,' Ed wriggled himself backwards aware of the lump pressing into his bottom. 'I don't mind.' He smiled at the screen. There, that was as good as holding his hands up and saying: I surrender. There was silence for some while and they watched the film but Jamie had taken encouragement from Ed's remark. He had slid his hand inside Ed's sweat shirt and his hand lay on the bare flesh of the boy's belly and Ed squirmed again. He liked this and when Jamie's lips touched his neck again he felt a distinct kiss, Jamie was upping the stakes. 'Nice, you have the touch,' he whispered. He wanted to try a kiss on the lips but he knew that Jamie was feeling his way literally, maybe a proper kiss would come later. Seconds later Jamie's second hand slid into the warmth and slipped up rubbing his nipple between his fingers but the other hand had dropped and unclipped Ed's waistband. Ed groaned and parted his legs a little. He was still watching the film intently but he could watch the film at any time, what Jamie was doing was far more interesting.

Jamie slipped down Ed's zip exposing his white briefs and the rock solid boy cock encased in the thin cotton. Jamie couldn't see his target but he could certainly feel it and softly ran his finger the length tickling the bulging glans through the now damp cotton. Ed wriggled, he was very willing and up for a game, that much was so obvious and Jamie thanked his lucky stars, it could have turned out so bad. He grabbed the sides of Ed's jeans and briefs and tried to shuck them down but after a moment Ed raised himself slighly allowing his lower garments to drop down to his knees. He felt the warmth of the fire on his bare leg and now his fully exposed. cock.

'Now that is so nice,' Jamie purred as his grasp encircled Ed's swollen organ and squeezed gently and then moved up and down slowly. As a bonus he rubbed his thumb over Ed's leaking pee slit smearing the thin precum around before licking his thumb unseen by the now squint eyed boy. Ed had never thought it would go as far as this but the handsome and lanky Jamie Bower had half undressed him and was actually wanking him, he had to offer something in return.

He had a damn good idea what Jamie's end game was but he knew he was in command, the older boy was clay on his potter's wheel. 'Kiss me. Jamie.' Ed craned his head around and with a struggle they finished up side by side in the over large armchair and then he was in Jamie's arms and Jamie's lips were on his. God, that was an experience. A virginal family kiss but then the flickering of tongues and Jamie's slippery and demanding organ was in his mouth and he loved it. They tongue tangoed and Jamie abandoned Ed'd erection for a little while fondling the pert, tight and smooth fourteen year old bum in his hands. Twin globes of delight, soft yet firm when he squeezed them and Ed's little moans and sighs told him the boy wasn't acting, he was really getting off on the action. Jamie smiled and dropped his head hoisting the boy up further in the chair. Ed didn't know what was happening until he was held firm in strong hands and he felt the first brush of a wet tongue run under his twitching cock.

'Oh, my Gawd,' he moaned as he felt the licking, the lapping, and then the ultimate, the heat and wetness as Jamie's mouth took him in. 'Bloody hell,' he groaned as he felt Jamie grasp his buttocks again and pull him in so that his complete five inches slipped into the older boy's mouth. As he felt Jamies nose in his pubics he ran his finger into Jamie's overlong hair and began to move slowly in and out. From Jamie's reaction and the soft caresses of hands on his thighs and cheeks he knew that this was exactly what Jamie wanted. Well, Jamie wanted other things but they were Ed's to deny or give. He grinned, he had mastery over the older teenager and was determined to make full use of it.

The film was forgotten and Jamie dragged the boy onto the floor and knelt over him bobbing his head up and down taking Ed's slick root deep into his throat. Ed was in paradise he squirmed and writhed on the carpet finding the zip to Jamie's jeans and tugging it down. Jamie grinned around Ed's sweet meat and pinched off the kid's scrotum to prolong the pleasure. He ferlt Ed's hands for the first time grasp his own hardon through his boxers and moaned. This had worked out so well and he could see and feel from Ed's reactions that the boy was a virgin. He Jamie Campbell Bower had seduced a fourteen year old and the best was yet to come. There was no going back now as as he tasted Ed's thin precum he unclipped the waistband of his jeans, he may as well help the boy.

Ed for his part continued to fuck up into Jamie's delicious warmth whilst tearing at the older boy's jeans finally getting them fully open and slipped down a little. Now for the prize. He slipped his hand into the front of Jamie's boxers and tugged Jamie's very hard and very big stiffness out into the flickering firelight. It was probably no more than the so called average six but it looked huge and the swollen glans was shiny with precum, in fact, it was oozing precum and Ed made his move. He shuffled around until he'd worked himself under Jamie's hips and drew Jamie down until he could take a quick lick. Jamie was over the moon, he'd scored. He sucked and slobbered over Ed's steel hard shaft as he felt the boy take the first tentative steps and then let his hips drop until Ed with mouth wide open felt the smooth and spongy lump slide between his lips. That was it, they were off in a traditional sixty niner and Ed felt the fingers removed from the neck of his scrotum, he was cleared for takeoff.

Jamie reached under Ed and grasped his firm boyish bottom pulling the boy's hips upwards as he sucked and that was it. Ed let Jamie's thick cock slip from his mouth and spasmed as his cock jerked and fountained his thick juvenile cum deep into Jamie's mouth. Jamie gently let the boy's body down still sucking the massive cum until he felt Ed dry up and his hardness began to wilt. Ed looked dazed for a moment and then grinned. With his jeans and briefs around his ankles he rolled around so that Jamie was on his back and dived. He was determined to repay the pleasure he'd felt. All thoughts of dirty habits and perversions fled as he slowly worked his mouth up and down on the groaning six footer's swollen six inch member. 'Yeah, yeah, Eddy... go for it,' Jamie gasped fucking up into Ed's sweet sucking. He had to have this boy all the way and this was only the first step, he was pretty sure Ed was up for experimentation, the point was how far was he prepared to go. All the way from the blow job he was giving. Ed was tickling Jamie's tight scrotum and even running his finger into the heat at the base of Jamie's crack but most of all he was rolling his tongue around Jamie's leaking glans and sucking right down the shaft or as much as he could take. 'I'm gonna cum...' Jamie gave a strangled moan and flopped as he felt his heat arise and squirt and spurt into Ed's eager gobbling. It was to much for the boy, he settled for keeping his mouth around the fleshy fountain but let the after shock and spillage run down Jamie's pale shaft and pool in his pubics..

'Now that was good,' Ed grinned happily as they went face to face again and kissed each tasting the flavour of the other's cum. They slowly removed the rest of their clothing and lay naked by the fire and watched the tail end of the film.

'That was what they call ice breaking,' Jamie cuddled Ed's boyish body running his hands up and down the firm flesh and flawless skin. The boy's body at this stage of growth was superb, an nice sunken navel at the present puddled in cum and the sweetest of tight dark haired and curly pubics.

'Ice breaking big time,' Ed agreed. 'That thing of yours is so big,' he fondled Jamie's still slippery cock which lay limp and inert at least for the moment.

'It's not a lot bigger than yours, you're a bit oversized for a kid.'

'Gee, thanks,' Ed laughed. he rolled and looked at Jamie from the side. 'What about tomorrow?'

'What?' Jamie raised his eyebrows and smiled. He knew what the boy wanted and that was to go further. Ed had a taste for it and the rare freedom without any real supervision plus Jamie could see the kid had a crush on him.

'I though we might share a bed,' Ed muttered.

'And have sex?' Jamie slipped his hand down and stroked Ed's firm bottom, he could feel from the involuntary clenching that Ed was on the same wavelength as himself.

'Make babies,' Ed sniggered. 'I'm not one of those catamite thingies you know... I want my share.'

'Of course,' Jamie grinned. The thought of the randy and quite virile young teen inside him was a turn on all of it's own. The thought of topping the kid was an additional pleasure. His hot cock between Ed's tight little cheeks and then in his virgin hole was a dream. 'Mind you, if we showered off you could stay the night... tonight.'

'I knew you'd get there in the end,' Ed giggled. Tonight was his, tonight it was going to happen, he was going to lose his cherry but he was going to fuck the lanky and smooth bodied Jamie. He was going to do something that even Zoe couldn't manage, he was going to give Jamie babies... not right now but most certainly before the night was over.

Jamie and Ed played around with the shower until it was a decent temperature and then slipped inside the cubicle. It easy accomodated them both although they squirmed and clung to each other as if it was much smaller. Ed was hard again almost immediately and Jamie grinned as he handled the boy's stiff wet flesh. The advantages of having a young lover, he thought although he soon gained his full stretch shortly after. Probably the thought of doing the ultimate was driving them on and Ed was caught a bit by surprise when he was spun around and he felt Jamie kneel, flathand his cheeks apart and then lap and suck at his sweet hole.

'That is so dirty,' he giggled supporting himself against the shower's wall. 'Ooooh... it's nice though,' he wiggled his bum back and spread his legs. He squealed when he felt what he imagined was a tongue in his hole but that sensation was soon followed by something firmer. Jamie's finger slid inside Ed's tight little arse and began to move to and fro relaxing the ring and giving Ed a taste of what was to come. 'Yeah, yeah, yeah...' Ed pushed back. He liked this and when Jamie found the prostate and began to massage it Ed nearly collapsed. he was so hard now that his penis had started to leak, in fact, precum was drooling from his slit and he felt on the verge of collapse. 'Go on, do it,' he demanded.

'No,' Jamie rose and turned Ed around. 'Showers are for quickies, beds are for proper loving.'

''OK.' Ed smiled fondling Jamie's swollen organ. 'Let's go to bed then.' Ed was a bit unsure whether he could handle the tall boy's massive organ but he was going to try and try his best. The thought of that long lump of muscle inside him and climaxing had his cock jerking and his pucker twitching. He had to have it.Ed was a bag of nerves, he never thought it would end like this but he was glad it had. He was doing something new, something interesting and something so dirty that he was in love with the act itself. All that cum, the sweet lanky Jamie in his arms and now the ultimate, he was going to lose his cherry. He didn't know whether he was going to like it or not, he didn't know if he could even manage Jamie's long cock but one thing was crystal clear... he could and would fuck Jamie, he didn't nesd any instructions on that one, he'd dreamt enough of fucking people and now it was for real. Everyone called him 'Little Ed' but now it was payback. They could make a porno of this he thought: Little Ed hits the Big Time.

Jamie had the bedroom all romantic or as he saw it, the dim bedside light left the room in shadow and although a little chilly they'd soon warm it up. He was surprised that the kid had gone down so easily but he'd had a feeling about the boy for some time and he'd proved himself right. He'd never risked anyone as young as fourteen but the opportunity had been there and the kid cried out for a bit of comforting and more. To Jamie's delight Ed had taken to manmeat and sexplay like a little fishy to water. The kid was good and with some expert tutoring would get better. Jamie was in love but then again he fell in love with everyone he bedded and he'd done so well on this round of filming, some of the crew girls and even one of the crew boys but not one of the major stars and he considered Ed as one of the main stars of the film. He loved that blond wig and thought of Ed wearing it when they had sex... but maybe the sex first and try the wig later.

'The idea is that you get into the bed,' Jamie draped his arm around Ed's bare and still damp shoulder.

'You're not going to hurt me, that thing is bloody big,' Ed grinned nervously as he took a quick feel of Jamie's hardening cock.

'Listen, Lover Boy,' Jamie held Ed closely feeling the boy's cock arise in sympathy with his. 'I'll take it slow and gentle and you can tell me to stop if I hurt you... another thing. You can go first.'

'What? Fuck you?' Ed squeaked reddening as his voice broke.

'Make love, not fuck,' Jamie grinned bearing the boy's naked body back onto the bed. 'Love all the way,' he whispered as his lips mashed onto Ed's and that was the start of it.

Ed clambered into the bed but not before Jamie had given a quick suck and removed the precum dribble. Ed didn't know if to feel proud or ashamed, actually slipping into a man's bed and being prepared to commit a sin. But he wasn't a religious boy and the idea of sin was a bit outdated. It had crossed his mind that he was a budding actor and what he was going to experience with Jamie may well be of use in the future. He wasn't dim and he had heard of young actors getting their roles and advancement via the famous casting couch. He lay in the centre of the bed and felt the chill abate a bit, Jamie was raking around in his case and finally produced a tube which he held up and grinned. 'Smoothy glop, specially formulated for a clear and zit free skin.'

'It says Sex Gel on the label,' Ed pointed out grinning.''

'That too,' Jamie slipped into the bed. 'Brrr...' he snuggled into Ed's warmth and pulled the boy onto his side so that they lay belly to belly and cock to cock rubbing together and gently kissing. 'You ever done this sort of thing before, Ed?'

'No,' Ed croaked feeling one of Jamie's hands on his smooth bum binding them in closer.

'Do you want to do me... have sex with me?'

'Yes, you know I do.' Ed said firmly realising that this was the crunch.

'And are you going to allow me to have sex with you?'

'Yeah, I reckon,' Ed muttered not quite so firmly.

'OK then,' Jamie chuckled. 'You first.'

'What?' Ed bleated. 'How do I...'

'You do me from the front first... I'll show you how,' Jamie spoke softly and almost into the boy's ear. This was essentially a seduction but Ed was also a willing partner - so far. 'Then, I'll loosen you and relax you and we'll do it on our sides, spoony, spoony. Understand.'

'Vaguely,' Ed muttered.

'The first time is always a bit stange but once you get going you'll like it.'

'I know I will,' Ed was on firmer ground now. He knew perfectly well he would like the fuck it's what came after worried him but things were happening. Jamie pulled him over so that they were laying belly to belly although Jamie was now on his back.

'Kneel up betwen my legs,' Jamie instructed and Ed felt the young man's legs part. He knelt and then jumped as he felt an oily hand massage his achingly hard cock inside the wigwam made by the bedding as he knelt upright.

'It's cold,' Ed whined as he felt the cold oil being massaged into his hardness and the chill around his exposed shoulders.

'You'll soon warm up,' Jamie assured him. 'Move in.' Ed felt Jamie's legs lift and the young actor's legs pressed against him guiding him as he edged in. He could feel the warmth and the fine hair on Jamie's shins and then felt Jamie as he appeared to fold his knees back to his chest. Ed felt his cock being pulled and he edged in until he felt his smooth, oily and precuming knob touch flesh. 'Take it easy, I haven't had dick for some while.' Jamie seemed nervous and Ed grinned. He leant in and felt his swollen organ press against flesh and as Jamie whispered he pushed slowly but firmly. Some resistance but then it happened. The flesh yielded, that important circular muscle parted and he felt his oiled erection enter warm and very tight flesh.

'Jeeezus,' he moaned realising that he was actually inside Jamie. Jamie's hands grasped his hips and drew him in but controlled him so that the penetration was slow and smooth. 'Gawd,' Ed sighed and Jamie laughed.

'They all feel so big,' Jamie whispered dreamily now moving his hands onto Ed's smooth flanks. 'A bit more... aaaah... nice,' Jamie purred as he felt Ed's crisp pubics touch him and then the boy settled in. 'All the way, Big Boy,' his arm snaked out and he wrapped it around Ed's neck bringing his face closer for a kiss. 'Now fuck me,' Jamie growled clamping on the hot boy cock in his belly. Ed started slowly at first and then gained confidence as he moved to and fro, Every now and then he kissed but he was in some sort of heaven as his virgin cock got it's first taste of a tight and very willing bottom. Jamie was one of those truly versatile people, he liked fucking and he liked being fucked and the cock of choice was usually somebody younger that himself. He usually hunted the sixteens and seventeens but Ed at fourteen was good. Better than good, the boy was fucking slowly and steadily, the madness would come in a bit.

'Jamie,' Ed ducked his head for another breath taking kiss. He was now in tight and fucking with short sharp jabs of his hips delighting in the heat and the smoothness. He'd never realised that sex with another boy, another man really, would be like this, for all his long hair Jaime was so smooth and even although his pubics had a little treasure trail it was no big deal and between his cheeks he seemed to be as smooth as a kid. 'Jamie, Jamie...' Ed sobbed, he could feel his balls uptight and the heat rising. 'I'm gonna... aaaah!'

Ed gasped as he spasmed. He'd never imagined this, he felt himself go ultra hard, his red hot spunk shot up his thick boy's shaft and blasted into Jamie in what felt like scalding hot squirts and spashes. Jamie moaned underneath him holding him in a death grip but as the climax eased his hands slipped down and cupped Ed'd tight little buttocks again holding the boy deep inside his flooded and slippery gut. 'Now that was a big cum, you randy bastard,' Jamie closed his eyes and ran his fingers up and down Ed's sweat sheened back. This kid was good, he had to have more but now came the hard part.

'Was it a big 'un?' Ed grinned down clearly fishing for compliments. 'That was absolutely incredible.'

'Good,' Jamie squeezed his arse feeling Ed's softening cock slip free and nestle between his legs. 'Yeah, you come a lot, a flood for a kid your age.'

'Great,' Ed grinned proudly. 'How many people have fucked you, Jamie?'

'A couple of street boys, that's all. People seem to prefer my meat,' he grinned up in the gloom.

'I like it,' Ed slipped down the bed back down into the warmth and lay his face on Jamie's belly taking a lick at the older boy's extended flesh. 'It tastes nice as well.'

'Pervo,' Jamie laughed softly and ruffled the boys curly brown hair. Yeah, perhaps when they knew each other a little better little Ed with his blond wig and a bit of play bondage, he felt his cock jerk at the thought of it.

'You're ready?' Ed spoke nervously, he'd felt Jamie's hardness twitch against his face.

'Yeah, gonna give you loads of babies,' Jamie grinned. 'You can tell me to stop any time you like,' he added more seriously but it's finger work first to relax the back end.'

'Delightful,' Ed giggled. He could manage a finger, the six inches of rock hard cock was another thing altogether.

'Lay on your belly and relax. All I'm going to do is relax your muscle.'

'Don't just stick it into me,' Ed's body trembled.

'Calm down, calm down,' Jamie soothed the boy. 'Nobody's going to do anything you don't like.'

'OK,' Ed gave a resigned sigh and rolled onto his belly and parted his legs.

Jamie pulled a pillow down and slipped it under Ed's crotch elevating him just a little but first for a treat. He knew the boy was sweaty but he was also recently bathed. He knelt between the boy's open legs forming a tent with the bedding as he found his way in the dark. He kissed each of Ed's smooth cheeks and then licked from top to bottom slowly sinking his tongue in as far as he could. His end move was to spread the boy's soft flesh sinking his tongue in deep and licking the smooth pucker. As Ed moaned his pleasure Jamie increased the pressure and dribbling now munched between the boy's cheeks and dug his tongue in deep.

'Oooooh...' Ed warbled as he felt the heat and wetness at his hole. This was so dirty and so nice. He poked his bottom up and Jamie smiled as he tongued into the heat and smoothness. He lifted his head and as Ed gave a little moan of protest he slipped one gel coated finger into the wetness and coated the pucker before steadily pushing his finger against the yielding muscle. 'Aaaaah...' Ed spasmed but relaxed again as he felt the finger move inside him with a gentle stirring motion. He liked this as well and when Jamie hit the spot again he pushed up even harder. After a while and when satisfied Jamie slipped his finger free. 'I was getting to like that,' Ed moaned.

'Good,' Jamie grinned and as before entered Ed's tight little arse but this time there were two fingers and they were more demanding. More stirring and now it was a regular finger fucking with the fingers driving in deep and hard. 'Alright?'

'I'll live,' Ed husked. This was such a turnon, he was as hard as a pipe again, it was weird but the gel smoothed the passage and he could imagine two fingers were a cock with a stretch of the imagination. Jamie's final act was a series of deep thrusts and a screwing motions which had Ed whimpering but not with pain. If Ed never took a cock in his life he's settle for being finger fucked, it was great. Jamie coated his own dripping erection with gel and prepared himself.

'As I enter you, you push back and we go onto our left sides... got that?'

'Yes, Teacher,' Ed giggled and readied himself, it was his big moment.

'Relax, relax,' Jamie lowered his hips so that his gleaming weapon slipped between Ed's smooth cheeks. The boy tensed but as he relaxed again Jamie pushed in further feeling the kid open up. As he parted Ed's pucker he pushed harder burying his knob inside Ed and then drew the boy onto his side.

Ed moaned and clutched the pillow. The pain was there but fleeting he was delighted to admit and although his hole felt as if it was stretched to splitting Jamie was now firmly inside him and was cuddling him in closer. Spoony, spoony, he'd said and this was it, just as if they were sleeping together with one big difference. He could feel the fat six incher sinking into his body and filling him with heat and mass, he squeezed on it and pushed back getting a pleased moan from his lover.

'It's so big, so hot,' Ed moaned but he was pleased with himself. He was taking the big and meaty offering from Jamie and it was easy. He felt the mass move inside him and Jamie was fucking slowly moving in deeper and deeper at each thrust . 'Go on,' he grunted spurring Jamie on.

Jamie grinned. This was so cool, to his surprise the boy had taken it with a minimum of fuss and was now begging for more. Ed was so incredibly tight and hot he could feel his precum drooling from his erection making things even easier. With one final push he felt himself bottom out in Ed and his belly pressed into the boy's spine. To his surprise Ed rolled onto his belly taking him as well and parted his legs tugging both pillows down the bed to ram under his crotch.

Ed laughed out loud and pushed his bottom up. He'd done it, he had Jamie's six inches buried in his once virgin bottom and the older boy was on the move. 'Yeah, nice,' he grinned into the pillow. He felt Jamie move faster and even thrust harder but he was loving it. He'd been imagining pain and hurt and it had happened so easily, the finger fucking had served it's purpose and now he had Jamie Bower fucking him silly. The older boy was now moving faster and faster and the sound of damp and sweaty flesh meeting was music to both boy's ears. Ed pushed himself right up to meet the thrusts and Jamie hauled him up into a kneeling crouch, a doggy position and holding Ed's hips drove intohim like a piledriver. He knew perfectly well the boy was a cock hound now, Ed was pushing back onto the harder and harder thrusts whimpering and moaning his pleasure and when Jamie came they stopped glued to each other as Jamie's fat cock spewed it's thick creamy load deep into Ed's sweet body. Ed sighted, that was it a minute of frantic fucking, the hot squirts and now the fluid feeling as he felt Jamie's spunk insiode him and even oozing from his hole. He'd been fucked and now he didn't know whether to be ashamed or not. He'd been fucked and he liked it..

Exhausted they fell onto their sides with Jamie still working in and out slowly feeling his cock coated with cum and the stuff between Ed's cheeks, he'd flooded the boy.

'I got a bit carried away there,' Ed mumbled. 'I couldn't help myself.'

'Our secret,' Jamie whispered cuddling the shamed boy. 'I liked you fucking me so we're quits.'

'Great,' Ed grinned. He wasn't really ashamed, he just needed a little reassurance. He gasped as he felt Jamie withdraw and cum trickle from his hole which was quickly plugged with a towel. 'It got me as hard a bloody rock again.'

'Betcha can't cum again,' Jamie said idly laying Ed onto his back.

'Bet I can,' Ed giggled.

'Go on then,' Jamie ducked his head and took Ed's straining and twitching five incher into his mouth. It was going to be a long, long night.


I got carried away with this one but as soon as I saw Ed (and his blond wig) in Sweeney Todd , the Demon Barber, I had to do something with him and Jamie Campbell Bower seemed the best choice. A very minor bit of reseach showed that at the time of filming they must have been around fourteen and nineteen respectively. I hope you like reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


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