Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 6, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 58. First piss and its aftermath.

As He said He would, Justin came by with luggage to pack brandon's clothing in. He did it all himself and had the slave groveling blindfolded to press home the notion that the slave owns nothing and clothing is merely a necessity from time to time and its Master determines what and when and how and how its clothing is to be worn is none of its business. brandon was in sub space bliss during the entire process. Once things were packed, Justin had the slave stand and dressed it in an old tshirt and shorts despite the fact that it was cold outside.

When they got to the house and the slave was naked once again, Justin kept it pretty subdued while Lou's slave was cleaning downstairs and realized that He had to invest in some kind of cage or prison cell to store the slave when He didn't have any need for its attention. In this case, however, He bound the slave's wrists to its ankles, blindfolded it and just stored it in a corner of the dungeon with a drop cloth spread over it and that is how it spend its first hour in the house prior to the Thanksgiving vacation.

Once the slave (which had no name) was finished and went upstairs, Justin was delighted at how everything sparkled. He released the slave from its bonds and ordered it on the bed and they had a lovely cuddle and make-out session before Justin decided to inform it that this was the night He would begin its "urinal training."

"You own this slave, Master. all things are in Your hands. this slave surrenders itself to You, Master, for whatever You wish or think it deserves to become a better slave."

"Not better slave, boy; simply, more subjected slave. Stop worrying about it and just trust that your Master know best about how to train you. do you understand, brandon?"

By this time brandon knows that when Master uses his name it means something intense is going to be taking place and works hard to open itself up inside for whatever it is that Justin has planned.

Justin orders the slave to walk into the bathroom. "I want you to stretch your back, slave, and slowly bend down as far as you possible can go, feeling the spine stretching as you try to double yourself over." He has to use His crop to help position the slave exactly the way He wants it.

"This would be a good punishment sometime, slave, simply to have you hold that position until you have to collapse to the floor. But for now, I only want you like this so I have a good shot at your ass with the wooden spoon."

"this slave's ass belongs to You, Master. Permission to ask a question, Sir?" "Yes." "it this punishment for any fault of the slave, Master?"

"No it isn't. It is actually a vital part of your urinal training, slave, which will always begin with some kind of beating so you remember what you are and who I am. Now silence unless you have to react to what I am going to do to you just to show you what I'm capable of."

brandon closes his eyes and just hopes it will not send him into a safe word. Justin gets the spoon and taps it lightly on the sides of the slave's flanks giving it time to adjust. "Who owns the flesh of this ass, slave?"

"You do, Master, You own it inside and outside for whatever You want the slave to learn to take."

"good answer, boy." Justin strikes not too hard, but covers the entire ass as well as the back thighs all the way down to its knees and brandon cries out. Justin has to keep one hand on brandon's back because its natural reaction is to try to stand. "Stay down, slave. be a good boy for your Master. Stay down." Justin give another round of shots, concentrating mainly in the exact center of the sit bones. Finally, brandon yells YELLOW and Justin back off and simply caresses the slave's now red cheeks and then lays a few lighter smacks with the spoon. The slave is breathing heavily but is only near tears. "One more round," the Master states and when really wales the daylights out of the slave's ass until it yells RED! and starts to weep.

Justin helps it to stand up straight again and then holds it while it weeps onto Justin's neck. Once it has calmed down, Justin giggles a bit and tells the slave, "Be a good boy and lick all the evidence of your tears up off my neck and shoulder, brandon."

the slave goes about it, eager to lick up the salty tears as Justin encourages it. Then He goes to the toilet and takes out His cock while having the slave get in its usual position on its knees and focusing its attention on Justin's exposed cock. "That's a good slave, wanting to see what its Master can shoot from His cock. Watch intently, slave, at every move your Master makes." Justin begins pissing, full force and brandon watches intently actually hoping the time will soon when it won't seem like such a fearful sight even though the humiliation is turning it on so much.

brandon doesn't know what to expect and it trying with all its might to simply experience what the Master is doing and blocking out all other thoughts. Then, just as it seems that the Master is completely finished, He moves around so that He is actually peeing on the seat of the toilet and , once He is done, He puts His dick away and orders the slave. "Lick this toilet seat clean with that piss-loving tongue of yours, slave. Lick it all up," and Justin cracks the crop against the slave's back and pushes it down onto the seat.

Mindlessly, brandon starts to lick and only when tasting something it has never tasted before does the slave realize what it is tasting and wants to back off, but the Master keeps holding it down and says sternly, "slave, lick up your Master's piss like the pig you know you need to become. come on, sweet boi, you can do it. Get it all up, slave and be grateful there isn't more of it."

And brandon licks up its Master's piss off the seat and when it is done the slave collapses to the ground weeping. Justin walks away for a bit, leaving the slave there on the ground and when He comes back He's holding the rawhide whip He first used on this slave and He starts lashing it everywhere and anywhere and the slave starts writhing on the floor under the lashes, realizing just how far down into the slave pit it is being driven. Finally, Justin has finished whipping the piss-licking slave and says to it, "Get your disgusting body into the shower slave, and be quick about it."

The slave scrambles into the tub and Justin immediately turns on cold water which makes the slave scream out loud, and then slowly increases the temperature until the water is warm. He tosses the slave a bottle of body wash and orders it to get clean quickly. As usual, He leans back against the sink and watches as the whipped slave uses its hands to wash itself all over and then when it washes hit hair it stops weeping and hears Justin say softly, "Good boi. You are a good boi. You have pleased Me very much. You are now more My slave than you have ever been. You are My good boi. My very very good boi and I love you for being so brave and letting Me break you the way I want you. Now, sweet faggot, crawl into the bedroom and show my feet what a total slave you are for Master Justin."

He goes inside and sits on the side of the bed and watches the slave, still a bit teary, crawl toward Him and He can see from the way it is moving that it has indeed been broken a bit more but hopefully not too much. Justin, as usual, hopes that He has not moved too quickly, but believes from what He is seeing as this humbled slave makes its way to Him that He has managed to give the slave exactly what it needs once again. And when brandon's tongue first touches Justin's toes, He knows He has ruled this slave the way it needs to be ruled.

It is a very slow, very deliberate bath the slave gives to His feet, holding them in its hands as it worships the only Man Who has ever been able to show it what it is meant to become. Justin watches carefully, allowing the slave to express its subjugation and devotion the way it needs to. This is a very precious moment of intimacy. This slave who for the first time in its life ever licked up a Superior Man's piss is now using that same tongue to bathe every inch of its Master's feet and has lost its mind in what it is doing with no thought to what happened inside a little while ago.

"Now get yourself up here and suck my cock, faggot. And keep your hands behind your back. Come on, slave, pleasure My dick with your piss-tasting mouth."

brandon moves himself up to the Master's crotch and then puts its hands behind its back as it licks its Master's cock from the root right up to the tip and then wraps its lips around its Master's tip and toys with it with its tongue the way the Master enjoys.

"that's right, slave. I fucking own that mouth and throat. Give it to Me. Give Me pleasure. That's the purpose of your existence right now, faggot cocksucker. Do a good job and I might let you have supper tonight."

brandon sucks its Master's cock the way it's been trained to do, but after a while Master stops it and give new commands. "sit on the floor with your back to the side of the bed and our head tilted back. Keep your fucking hands behind your back. Let your Master fuck your mouth this way. After all, this Master owns your fucking mouth. Open wide, slave. Mouth and throat. Show Master just how much you love its dick. Show Master just how much you love ALL dick, cocksucker." And with that Justin goes silent and concentrates on ruling this slave's throat because it belongs to Him.

He gets a good rhythm going and every so often pulls out to slap the slave's face back and forth a few times and then assaults its mouth all over again, each time faster and harder. He sees the tears falling from the slave's eyes as He plows deeply down its throat and revels in the power and sense of ownership He experiences. Yes, this slave will be kept under His subjugation for a long time to come.

And as far as the slave is concerned, it is trying to empty out its mind and simply experience what it means to be used and ruled and disciplined and owned by this Master it adores and worships, and it is so happy to know how much Master Justin is taking possession of its life and its heart and its mind and body, more so than it ever imagined possible. And for a moment it is slightly distracted as it realizes it hopes that Gary will get to see how its Master uses it, that Gary will approve of what it has become. Suddenly, Justin starts slapping it harder and harder, and it realizes that it lost its focus by thinking about Gary and it accepts the pain of its Master's punishing hands because it knows just how much it deserves to be better trained and disciplined. It wants to speak but Master keeps assaulting its mouth before it has a chance to form a word, and so what. This is what the Master wants right now, this is what the Master gets. That is what a slave does, continually giving its Master whatever He wants, not matter what that may be.

"Keep your lips around the tip only slave. I want you to feel Me shoot my load into your mouth where it belongs, you cumdump" brandon obeys and in just a moment, Justin shouts out "I OWN YOU!" and shoots into its mouth. "Swallow, bitch. Swallow a man's seed since you can't spill your own, you dickless cumdump! And then lick your Master clean all over. And look your Master in the eyes so it can see into your fucking soul, slave."

brandon is going out of his mind being talked to this way, being formed into the perfect obedient inferior tool for this Master's pleasure. It devotedly cleans its Master's cock and surrounding area until Master stands back and lets it fall to the floor.

Justin speaks more softly now. "You have pleased me yet again, boi. Now crawl into the bathroom and brush your teeth and use mouthwash so I can claim your throat with My tongue when you crawl back in here to Me. I don't want to taste My own piss in your mouth, pig."

Justin cannot believe how turned on He gets watching this adorable little faggot crawling all over for Him. Never really got into it before because usually went right for bondage, but it is particularly arousing watching this slave's body move in response to His commands, and the lower it is, the better because that is where Justin wants it and where Justin knows it needs to be.

He gets dressed simply while the slave is in the bathroom but stays barefoot. He goes to sit on his couch in the living room and when He hears the slave leave the bathroom He calls to it so it knows where to crawl to.

When brandon arrives in the living room, Justin orders it to lie on the couch on its back with its head in Justin's lap. One it is in position, Justin uses His hands to toy with the slave's body, especially toying with and torturing its nipples, sticking His fingers down the slave's throat, opening it wider, making it gag, and then simply running His hand over the slave's face, beginning to slap it lightly but also drooling spot down onto its face and spreading it around. "You are My sweet boi and this is how I like to enjoy a sweet slave, brandon. Not all hard stuff. Lots of gentle yet humiliating stuff as well, but you already have learned that, haven't you, slave?"

"Yes, Master, very much, and slave is grateful for anything the Master wishes to do with it."

"Well right now, your Master wants to bring you upstairs to give you something to eat---food, that is. Get up off the couch and stand up with your head bowed and your hands behind your back, slave."

brandon obeys. "Stay here. Don't move." Justin goes inside and come back with a pair of manacles and puts them on the slave's wrists and then clips them tightly together. "You don't need your fucking hands when I want to feed you, slave. Unless we're in public. Think I'll feed you a ppnj sandwich, slave, good food for a boi like you. Master will have some soup, maybe drool some of it into your mouth, slave, now that it's all nice and clean. Come."

Justin goes up the stairs and brandon follows. Justin orders it to kneel in its usual place by the side of His seat on the cushion and brandon does as it has been trained to do. Justin takes soup out of the fridge and nukes it and while that is happening He makes a ppnj for the slave, cuts it into little pieces, and puts it on the table. Goes back for the soup. Once He's settled He eats some soup and holds out a piece of the sandwich for the slave to take from His fingers. Nothing unusual about this. It's happened often by now. Justin enjoys his soup and even takes a small piece of chicken from it and puts it to the slave's mouth and the slave sucks it right off His fingers. Another piece of sandwich.

As they're eating, Andy comes in and reaches over and messes up the slave's hair in greeting. "What's up?" he asks Justin.

"we're hanging here until Monday morning then heading down to the slave's home for its mother's wedding. Nice things happening. Looking forward to dinner tomorrow too."

"Oh by the way, I've invited Alan and Michael as well. Alan is looking forward to it and said He'd be okay with Michael at the table, naked like brandon—the two roommates enjoying a meal before heading home. but I think Alan is keeping him around for a while. Apparently, that's going somewhere. Maybe brandon knows more than I do.

Justin slaps brandon lightly and gives it permission to speak about what it knows.

"Michael is very happy about things, but Alan insists that He wants Michael to serve other Doms before He'll be willing to make a commitment. Michael told me that Alan wishes for him to get more training from Doms with different styles rather than have to do all the training Himself."

"Yes, I heard that," says Andy. "I'm considering working the boi myself a bit sometime soon, and I understand there are two seniors who have already worked the slave's mouth recently. Know anything about that, slave?"

"this slave knows that Michael was exhausted when he finally got back to the room, but not sure it was anything more than a lot of sucking as they tag-teamed Michael."

"I know Jake and I know He like spanking a sub to tears, so I'm sure there will be more activity with them. Not sure about Jack, though"

Justin cuts in. "Jack likes punching balls, I know that. I've seen Him at a club. Not sure what else they might be interested in doing with the sub though." Justin orders brandon to open his mouth with his head back. Justin takes a mouthful of the broth from the soup and dribbles it into His slave's open mouth."

Andy looks on. "that is hot as fuck, dude! I have to try doing that with a sub."

"Practice on Michael," urges Justin.

"Good idea. Think I'll have to make arrangements with Alan to have the boi spend a night with me sometime soon, maybe after vacation if not during. brandon, is it still a virgin?"

"believe so, Sir."

"Well it's Alan's call about that. I wouldn't mind plugging it though."

brandon is about to tell Andy what Alan's been making Michael do with plugs, but then decides not to give out too much information or he'll just seem like a gossip. so he keeps his peace.

Justin keeps feeding the slave a combination of the sandwich and soup broth from His mouth. Andy says He's going to His room. "Want a blow job?" Justin asks.

"Good idea, J. Send the slave up when You're willing."

"Right after I work it over a bit. I know it sucks better after a beating, dude. I'll send it up to You all ready to serve You."

"Looking forward to it. thanks, J."

"What's Mine is Yours, roomie."

Andy chuckles and goes upstairs.

Supper finished, Justin gets up and puts things away then orders the slave down to the dungeon.


Don't know what came over me, but when Master told Andy He was sending me up so Andy could use me, I went crazy inside with sub vibes stronger than anything I had ever had before. I wanted that humiliation more than anything that had ever happened to me, and as soon as I got downstairs, I fell to the ground and crawled like a fucking worm over to Master and began to lick His feet while He was still standing. I craved punishment from Him in a way that I never had before.

"hey, slave, what's come over you?"

"Don't know, Master, but need to become more of a slave than ever before."

"I want you to taste more of My cane before you get your mouth on Master Andy's cock, boi."

"You own this slave, Master. Please, Master. All over, Master?"

Justin went to sit on the couch and called brandon over to kneel between His legs with His head in Justin's lap and He began to play with the boi's hair.

"I know what's going on, boi. It happened a lot, actually, once a slave gets its first taste of piss. It seems to awaken something inside, a stronger desire than ever to be driven as far deep down into sup space than ever before, to become a total mindless slave in search of actual annihilation. Apparently, just the little taste you had has set you off, boi, and actually at this moment you would easily become My urinal."

"Whatever You want, Sir, You can have from Your slave."

"I know that brandon, but at the moment, what your Master has to do is wind you down quite a bit. I understand what you want, but it is too much for you right now, boi, especially considering what this whole vacation is going to be about. If I had no morals and no decency, I would indeed fill your belly with piss and whip you until you were bloody and still begging for more. It's just a damn good thing you are with Me and I can protect you from this wild burst of wanton desire to be destroyed. This is fucking dangerous, boy. If you were with Lou right now, you'd probably end up in a hospital somewhere. This might feel wild to you, boi, but it is not good. It is not suitable for a loveable slaveboi like you, My slave whom I love so much. Settle down, boi, settle down. Climb up here into My lap and let Me hold you and treat you like the sweet boy you are and the sweet slave you are meant to be."

brandon crawls up into its Master's lap and begins to sob.

"I know, boy, I know, this is difficult for you to understand. You just have to trust Me, boi, trust that I love you and trust that I am your Master and will always have your best interests at heart. Sometimes that means I must degrade you, sometimes it means I must punish you severely, but other times it simply means that I have to protect you. And that is what I am doing now."

He takes out His phone and calls Andy. "Something's come up, buddy and My slave needs calming down. Sorry about that but I can't send it up to you tonight. . . . . . okay, dude. See you tomorrow."

"stand up with Me, boi," He orders and brandon obeys, still trembling a bit.

Justin takes the boi by the hand and leads it over to the bed. "Lie down with Me, boi."

He holds brandon in His arms and runs His hands up and down the boi's back. "No more tonight, sweetheart. Surrender all those desires to Me and let Me handle things for you. Don't think too much. Let Me kiss you."

brandon puts its mouth to Justin's lips and Justin makes love to its mouth and bathes it in His juices and slowly, but surely, the boi calms down.

"Good boi. good, good, boi. Gonna see your mommy soon, boi. Gonna be with ur stepdad, boi. We all love you and they know you're My boi and stepdad is beginning to understand how I am training you. Just trust your Master, boi, and let those desires calm down. too much for now. sleep now, my angel slaveboi, sleep."

And just like that, from the sound of Justin's sweet voice, the slave lets go of everything and falls sound asleep

Next: Chapter 59

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