Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 23, 2022


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 71 Wednesday's trials

Big sleep-in until Justin, hungry, gets up, goes to pee and calls room service to order breakfast. Once again, Robby delivers it and Justin gives me a sign to be quiet and walks him over to the bed and lightly lifts the covers so he could see the marks on the slave's body, then puts the covers back in place and kisses the slave on its head. brandon, still half-asleep, mumbles, "Love You, Master," and Robby pats Justin on the back and gets ready to leave.

Before he goes, Justin hands him a card. "This is my personal information. If at any time in the future your or your friend decide that this is something you want to explore further, don't hesitate to call. I'm quite willing to help any way I can to develop good people for this lifestyle." Then Justin signs the check and Robby thanks Him and leaves the room.

Justin prepares the slave's breakfast and sets it on the floor, then goes to help brandon wake up all the way and gets the slave situated on the floor. He orders it to crawl over and eat its breakfast while He goes to sit at the table for His own. This time He ordered extra scrambled eggs to feed the slave from His own fingers. He misses doing that.

brandon is having a bit of trouble waking up totally and practically lets his face fall into the oatmeal. Justin watches what is happening and considers His options: (a) baby the boy a while longer; (b) be the Master! He selects option B because He had already told the slave last night that today would be a genuine Master/slave day all day. No bullshit.

So He goes inside to get His crop and comes back outside and lays a few good hard lashes in various places which immediately wakes up the slave and gets it feeding itself more eagerly. When done, it pushes the bowl away with its head and proceeds to lick up the few spots of cereal it splashed on the floor. Meanwhile Justin has laid a pillow alongside His own seat and He snaps His fingers, making the slave crawl quickly over to Him and kneels up. Justin places some eggs in His hand and holds it out to the slave. "eat this up," He commands, and once the slave has finished, He holds out some more while still feeding Himself at the same time. Once the slave has eaten up all the food its Master gave it, Justin wipes His hand clean in the slave's hair and then slaps the slave's face a couple times and sticks His thumb in the slave's mouth, taking ownership of it again and forcing it open with His other fingers.

brandon has his eyes closed and is swooning in the humiliation and the way the Master is taking possession of it all over again. Justin pours half a cup of black coffee and tells the slave to take it and drink. brandon does so and wonders if it would be okay if he safeworded black coffee, but doesn't want to take on that battle quite yet. Maybe he'll get used to it after all.

They've been invited to Mom's again tonight for a very light supper, just to enjoy one another's company. Both she and Barry are working tomorrow in a program that serves Thanksgiving meals to the poor and homeless, and Justin has decided that is what He and the slave will do as well.

Until then, Justin has several things in mind to make this day memorable for both of them. To start with, Justin takes His morning piss all over brandon's body and forces the slave to remain covered in it for quite a long time while He showers and then has the slave dry Him Then He has the slave sit back on its heels on a dirty sheet in the sitting room and He binds its wrists to its ankles, binds its balls and pulls them out as far as He can, and proceeds to whip them lightly, just enough to get the slave crying out and offering them to its Master. Finally He pulls the balls in the other direction and ties them to the slave's collar, while also chaining the collar from the back down to its wrists and ankles so the slave must remain with its head pulled back and down, its chest thrust out as far as possible which increases the tension of the cord bound to its balls. It is being forced to be in almost perpetual motion, trying to figure out a position that doesn't hurt as much as others, but finding no relief.

Justin sits back and enjoys the sight. "Look at My faggot slave, learning what its Master can to do it. Look at it struggle there, causing new pain by trying to avoid old pain, no relief in sight."

After a while He gets up and stands over the slave, spitting down on its face so the spit drips down and into its outstretched mouth. He lets the crop dance here and there, mostly frontal stuff that the slave is extra sensitive to.

"Yes, slave, I am taking new ownership of you today, making you My little ball of pain and discomfort, suffering for Me because it pleases Me very much. Yes, slave, learn how to please your Master." Of course, Justin pokes here and there, and each poke elicits a new outcry with occasional cries of "You own this slave, Master."

Justin considers whether this might be a good time to introduce wax, but instead decides to use one of the dildoes He brought as a way of raping the slave's throat the way it saw done in the clip they watched at Pete's the other day. The one He chooses is about nine inches long and quite a bit thicker than Justin's own cock.

"I want to teach My slave to open its throat better," says Justin, as He takes the dildo and simply inserts it into the slave's open mouth and while doing that, nipping its nipples with the crop to get it to open wider. Slowly but surely He presses the dildo into the slave's gaping mouth and listening carefully to the sounds it is making in its throat trying to cope with the invasion taking place.

"Open, slave, open for your Master. Show it how much you want your Master to break you in the way He wants. Take what I'm shoving down your throat. Let Me claim that throat for Myself."

And He presses further until He actually hears the slave struggling to breathe, and quickly He withdraws the dildo and the slave coughs up the phlegm that dribbles down its face.

"Not bad for the first time, slave. Now do better this time." And Justin starts again, only moving in faster this time and holding it just a bit longer until the slave tries to dispel the dildo with a heavy cough and thrust forward, but then immediately screams at the pain it causes itself by moving that way.

"You can't win, brandon, so don't try. It's going to hurt somewhere or another, no matter what. You are here to hurt for Me because it gives Me pleasure to observe you in the pain that all slaves deserve."

A third shove takes place and this time the slave just tries to submit, its spirit a bit broken. Justin holds it deep inside waiting for the slave's reaction, and just as it is about to pass out, He pulls the dildo out all the way and spits into the slave's open mouth several times while it tries to choke.

brandon is hurting everywhere and panicking at the loss of breath, but beneath all of that there is a sort of chant going on over and over: "Give it all to Him. Give it all to Him. Surrender. Surrender."

Finally, Justin decides it is time to give the slave a bit of rest. Where to start? He unties the slave's had from its wrists and ankles, allowing it to raise its head upright and then He massages its neck a bit. Next He unclips the slave's balls to its collar as well and it heaves a sign of relief. Justin reaches down to hold the slave's balls in His hand, and rolls them around, trying to relief a bit of the pain from the cord that bound them. Noting that this is all quite easily undone, Justin unclips the slave's wrists and ankles and then knocks it over so it is lying on its side on the floor. Justin spits on the slave again and walks away.

Standing in the doorway, He watches as the slave slowly begins to move, trying to sort itself out, intensely curious about how the slave is going to move after all that. He notices that the slave is trying to use its hands to soothe its body in the places where it must be hurting the most. He makes note of those places, picks up the crop and begins to beat the slave in exactly the places it touches itself, eventually teaching the slave that it is better off not trying to soothe itself in any way, and it begins to sob.

He reaches down, takes the slave's wrists, and clips them to its collar once again so it cannot touch itself and orders it to stand.

It takes some time but finally the slave is able to stand upright. "Stand taller, faggot!" the Master demands, cracking it with the crop on its ass. "Taller yet!"

"Now bend at the waist, stretching the back as far out as possible. Bend all the way down. Double yourself over for the Master's entertainment and hold it there. do. not. move."

"Up" This is also difficult, so the Master waits patiently. As soon as the slave reaches the correct position, the Master speaks again.

"Bend down again, all the way."


He goes over and unclips the slave's hands again. "You've been a good slave. Go and take a warm shower, get dried and then crawl over to the bed, get up on it and suck My cock."

Justin goes to relax on the bed now, quite satisfied in what He's been able to do to the slave.

He dozes, and wakes up to the sensation of a warm mouth feeding on His hard dick.

"Suck it good, boi, and I'll let you rest for a while."

brandon always does its best when its Master's dick is in its mouth and now is no different. If anything, it seems as if the slave is worshipping the Master's cock more lovingly in response to the Master's ability to give it pain.

"That's right, cocksucker, do what you're meant to do best. Service your Master's hard dick like it's the only dick you'll ever get to suck again and you want to memorize it for all time. That's right. Let Master's cock sink deep into that throat that your Master opened up for His greater pleasure. Fuck that throat deeply with your Master's cock. Swallow it down, cocksucker. Suck like the slave you are. Like the slave I'm training you to be."

Finally, Justin erupts and commands the slave to drink it down and then hold the end of His cock in its mouth and not move at all.

Once the slave is in that position, Justin says to it, "From now on, when you are done milking your Master's cock and swallowing down its juices, you will come back into this position and hold it there, just like you are now. And one of these days, your Master is going to fill your mouth with His piss and then order you to swallow it. Just the one time. That will be your next lesson in taking your Master's piss like the future urinal you will become. You won't know when it will happen. It just will when I decide it is time. But you will always be ready, and always begging inside that I will give you My piss at last. Always expect it. Always begin to want it. Now come up here and lie in My arms, boi. your Master is pleased with you."

brandon, to be sure, is exhausted. It has been the most difficult day of subjugation it has ever experienced to this point. If it weren't so tired it would be proud of itself. It soon falls asleep. Justin holds the boi in His arms and is generally pleased with the way He has pushed the boi and the passive way the boi responded and surrendered for the sake of its Master's pleasure and entertainment. His heart is filled with love for His boi.

Michael's escape

Michael wakes up in the early hours of the morning, around 4 am, and notices that Alan has turned His back on the boi and is curled up facing in the other direction. Michael is able to get out of bed without waking Alan, and he makes his way into the bathroom to relieve himself. As he stands there in the bathroom, he is aware of the cumulative effect yesterday's activities has had on his body, of the pain from the beatings and the bondage, and also the welts and other marks on his body that will probably last for the next few days.

Once he is finished pissing, he takes himself in hand and in a significant gesture of resistance to Alan's strict control over all hope of orgasm, he quickly jerks himself. it doesn't take long for him to have a wonderful orgasm as he spills himself into the toilet. Of course, once he has achieved orgasm he realizes that his appetite for more of Alan's "instruction" and abuse is practically gone and he makes a mental note to himself that Doms like Alan tend to deny their subs the right to orgasm because enthusiasm quickly wanes afterwards. By denying the sub orgasm, the Dom is assured that the sub will continue to submit simply because it is horny and in its horniness is able to drive itself to take more and more of the Dom's special treatment.

But now, Michael simply wants to get away from it all. Fortunately, he had been stripped in the living room, so he is able to sneak back in there and put some clothing on and pack up the overnight bag Alan had permitted him to bring into the apartment, and still feeling resistant and even quite a bit resentful, he decides to make his escape without even waking Alan up to say good-bye. At this point he is thinking that he would prefer not to pursue anything deeper with Alan, although he is realistic about the fact that he may feel different a day or two later.

All of a sudden, however, the idea of being home with his Jesus-freak parents is slightly less odious than the idea of being further under Alan's brand of control and laid-back practice of sadism. He picks up his things and ever so quietly, takes his leave, making sure to close the door quietly.

He stops off at a local Dunkin for coffee and something to eat and continues on his way. In a few hours he will be at home, and although home doesn't seem to offer anything all that appealing, at the same time he is enjoying the sense of freedom and self-determination that is lifting his mood after a dark and dreary day before. Maybe he simply isn't cut out for this kind of stuff after all. Maybe it would be a good idea to find someone who would make love to him without anything kinky involved.

He is so confused. Two hours later he makes a "pit stop" at a local rest area and can't resist looking at the very hot young guy who enters the bathroom as he's about to leave. The guy tells him to get on his knees in the nearby stall, and Michael can't resist. Once again a hard cock is forcing its way down his throat and he grows hard again as the guy he just met keeps saying "Suck it, faggot," and uses his mouth to get a load ready to shoot down his throat. After he puts himself back in his pants, he helps Michael stand up and brushes off his knees and actually thanks the sub for a good beginning to the day. They sit in the guy's car for a while and chat a bit. It turns out that Patrick, the guy he serviced, doesn't live too far from Michael's parents and invites him to stop by again over the weekend if he has time. Patrick promises Michael that he'll return the favor should they get together again and asks him if he likes to get fucked and Michael indicates that it would be cool as long as the guy isn't too rough with him.

Michael returns to his own car and continues the drive home, thinking that Patrick is really a nice guy and hoping he'll find a way to go to spend more time with him before returning to the U on Sunday night.

Next: Chapter 72

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