Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 23, 2022


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 72. Communicating without emails

Justin gets dressed and is ready to leave for Mom's while the slave is still groveling on the floor after getting out of bed. He's aware of the fact that the morning's "activities" have left the boi still deep in sub space even after its relatively long nap, and wonders what He might do to help the slave stay in that space while also having to be somewhat "normal" in the presence its mother and Barry. Was the morning too much for it, He wonders. And yet, at the same time, He's looking forward to meeting Gary and thinks it wouldn't hurt for the slave to be in its usual submissive condition when seeing Gary for the first time since it's become a real slave to a real Master. Delicate balances have to be struck this evening. Of course, Justin loves it when brandon is this subdued and obedient and would really like Barry to see it this way. However, what to do about Mom? Will she pick up on anything? Will she be upset seeing brandon in this condition? Or will she be sweetly oblivious to what's been going on?

What to do? He decides to give Barry a call. After the usual greetings, Justin gets right down to the point.

"Barry, I've had a really good time with brandon today, such a good time, in fact, that the boi is still rather deeply into a sub mentality, if you know what I mean."

"Somewhat spaced out, would you say, Justin?"

"Yes. In fact, at the moment it's still resting in a deep sub posture and doesn't seem to want to, what should I say. . . . come back into the regular world. Very submissive. Silent. Looking adoringly at me, not wanting to stand up and walk around like a regular guy."

"I've seen that before, Justin, not in him, but in one of Kurt's boys out on the coast, especially after a heavy night out at the clubs. The condition even lasted far into the next day if I remember. The first time I saw it I was rather surprised and even a bit worried, but Kurt explained to me at the time that the fact his boy was in that condition was a sign that his boy was having a really nice time and Kurt didn't want to do anything to bring the boy out of it. We went out to brunch that day. Kurt was thinking of leaving the boy home but then He figured that He would just order the boy to snap back as much as it could, and although the boy was quiet throughout the meal, I don't think anyone else would have noticed anything other than perhaps the boy was a little stoned on something."

"Barry, that sounds like what's happening here. Usually it wouldn't be any concern to me, and certainly I've had subs in this condition before and always happened to enjoy it for what it is worth. I'm worried about Mom, though, and how she will react to seeing him this way."

"Interestingly enough, Justin, I remember her telling me that sometimes when brandon was with Gary for long periods of time he would get to be really quiet and a little spacey, but at the same time he would be extraordinarily affectionate with her. She told me she rather enjoyed it when he was in moods like that and it even didn't bother her that she suspected something had happened with Gary which caused him to be in that mood. So let's not worry about it. If anything concerns her, you could just say that he's having an off day and might need to take an extended nap. And don't forget, Justin, that Gary will be here tonight. That might really have an effect on him. We'll both keep an eye on him, keep him out of his mother's sight as much as possible, and if you are concerned, then you can just bring him upstairs and put him to bed. As far as I'm concerned, I'm glad you let me know. Let's play it by ear."

"The fact that she enjoyed him this way in the past is a relief, although I doubt Gary could have had much of an effect on brandon. Maybe I'm wrong. We'll just have to see what develops. Thanks for the advice. We'll see you in about an hour."

"Sounds good. Take care, Justin. Gary won't be here until 8:30 so there's plenty of time before that for brandon to find some stability. See you later. Also, I'll tell Sheila that you guys will be later than usual. Let's say, 7 pm?"

"Sounds good. Thanks, Barry."

"Any time, buddy."

Justin puts His phone down and goes back into the bedroom. brandon is still on the floor and Justin sits down right next to his head and starts playing with his hair.

"I heard what You were saying to Barry," he says. "Are You really worried about me behaving tonight?"

"Baby, I don't know what to think. Tell me the truth: are you okay?"

"Depends on what You mean by `okay', Master. I thought it was a rule that I should be in this position if I didn't know what else to do. Your rule, Sir. I'm just being obedient."

Justin laughs and pulls brandon so his head is in His lap. "You freaked Me out a little."

Now brandon laughs. "Wow. I love how much You worry about me, Justin, but I'm perfectly okay. Just feel like being subby for a while longer before we have to go to Mom's."

"Well we've got more time. Barry's going to tell her we won't be there until 7."

"Oh good. Then that gives us a little bit more time to just be Master and slave."

"That's what you want, baby?"

"Is it okay?"

"Everything you want is okay until I say it isn't. But if you just want to feel like My slave some more, I could give you all sorts of things to do, boy."

"I don't just want to feel like Your slave, Justin. I want to be Your slave. Especially tonight."

"Why tonight?"

"Because of what You did earlier. Because of what You told me after You came in my mouth."

"Because of saying I might piss in your mouth?"

"Yes. that."

"too much?"

"Justin, why is it that we're not on the same train right now?"

"Because I'm momentarily stupid, I guess. A little off balance because I really pushed you hard and now I'm thinking maybe I pushed you too hard. I do worry about these things, you know. That's My job."

brandon gets off Justin and sits up.

"I am Your slave. You are my Master. You own me. That's what You tell me all the time. So what I don't understand, SIR, is how it would be possible for You to push me too hard. After all, I have safe words. You once told me that's so we both can be safe."


"so? Did You hear me using any safewords today, Sir?"

"No. Of course not. You just surrendered to anything I wanted to do to you. Like a total slave."

brandon throws his arms around Justin and kisses Him under His neck. "brandon wants to be Your total slave, sweetheart. brandon wants to surrender to anything You plan, anything You want to try, anything You get in Your mind to do in order to subjugate Your slave. AND brandon has safe words. Which brandon did. not. use. And now brandon isn't in sub space any more because its Master is making it think too much because its Master once again is feeling off center because its Master really acted like its Master, more than ever before. And did it make brandon want to run away? No. Did it put brandon deep in sub space? Yes. Until now."

"And we don't have to be at Mom and Barry's until 7 pm. And now it's only 5 pm."

"So there's time for brandon's Master to be brandon's Master for real for at least 90 more minutes. And brandon is in love with You, Master. More than ever before. And Your slave is telling You the truth when it says that You did not push too far. In fact, what You did send brandon deeper into sub space than ever before, so all it wanted to do was grovel on the floor until You gave it another command. Please trust Your slave, Master. There is nothing You can't try because Your slave isn't afraid to use its safe words unless You take them away because it's being punished."

"So what I said about pissing in your mouth some day . . . "

"Pushed Your slave right down the rabbit hole for slaves."

"It didn't frighten you?"

"Maybe a little, but so what? It's good for a slave to be frightened from time to time. I know alex was."

"hmmmm..." Justin strokes His chin. "I guess I have to learn to trust you a lot more than I have been. I mean, I keep thinking that you're some delicate flower and I have to be very careful about what I do because I don't want to break you."

"Baby, the only way You could possibly break me would be if You told me You didn't want to be my Master any more because it was freaking You out."

"Okay, let me get this straight. Damn, I wish we could just write each other emails."

"That's the disadvantage to being together 24/7 for a few days. So would You give this slave permission to tell You something very important without putting it in an email?"

"Of course. Go ahead, boi."

"My Master told me that I have to hold the tip of His cock in my mouth after He cums from now on, and that one of those times, He's going to fill His slave's mouth with His piss. And I'll never know when that will happen. Yes, it scared me a little, but that's just an old habit of mine before I met You and You claimed me for Yourself. But now I'm Yours. And since I want to be the best slave for You that I possibly can be, Your slave has surrendered to what You told it. Completely. No safe words. Master Justin, Your slave is ready. Your slave is willing to be broken in that way when You decide it is time. Just like Your slave has surrendered to everything else You have decided to do to train it. Master, Your slave is not a beginner any more. Master, You have broken Your slave's beginner-ness."

"Nice to know. I should have realized that."

"How could You? We haven't emailed each other in four days now." and brandon giggles. And Justin starts to laugh and really messes into the boi's hair.

"So now we have 75 minutes. And I know how I'm going to spend the next 20 of them or so." Justin gets up and goes to sit on the bed. Get your ass over here, boi. Over My knees."

brandon breathes a big sigh of relief that their conversation is over and things have gotten at least a little settled. He gets up slowly because he's been on the floor for so long, but He goes over to his Master and sets himself over his Master's knees, thinking that he hasn't been in this position for a long time and he likes the physical contact.

Justin pulls the poppers out of His pocket. "This is the type of spanking you're going to get for being uppity, slave. Just to give you an idea of what it's like, notice that I am going to take a hit of the poppers, but I'm not going to give you any. I'm going to beat you right back into sub space so you'll be in a good mood when we get to your Mom's house."

brandon says "ulp."

Justin takes a hit and then starts in on His slave, not even providing much of a warm up. And the more He hits the boi's ass, the more He feels like they have crossed another line in their relationship, the more He feels like He is free to be the Dom and the Master He wants to be. And He keeps on thrashing His slave in a way He hasn't done in a long time with anyone. And brandon is crying out "I'm Yours," and is writhing now, trying to get away from Justin's large and serious hand which is now concentrating on the tops of the slave's legs making sure it will be painful to sit anywhere tonight. And even when brandon begins sobbing, He doesn't stop until He can't continue because His hand hurts too much. And He realizes that this is the most severe hand spanking He has ever given anyone before. He has really beaten His slave and nothing more needs to be said about it. He lets go and brandon falls to the ground, still sobbing.

"Wash My feet with those tears, slave, and do what I taught you to do after a spanking," He orders, and brandon moves into position and wipes his face on Justin's feet and begins to lick them while actually developing a case of hiccups after all that sobbing. And what he feels besides the pain of the thrashing he just received from HIS MASTER is that he doesn't even care that his face is going to show that he was crying when they get to Mom's.

Justin leaves the slave down there and enjoys how good it feels to have His true slave serving Him in such an humiliating way after just getting a beating from its Master.

He checks the clock after a while. 6:10. "Get up and go pee," He tells the slave. Crawl in there. Crawl until it's time for Me to dress you, slave."

brandon crawls into the bathroom while Justin retrieves the third bowl He brought and takes it into the bathroom and puts in on the floor where brandon is down on all fours. "Raise your leg, slave, so I know where to put the bowl. Then let it go. Piss like a puppy. Don't get any on the floor or you'll be licking it up." And brandon knows He isn't just threatening; He'll really make the slave do it. So brandon is really careful. For some weird reason He's more okay with having Justin's piss in his mouth than having to lick up his own. Go figure. He's just weird.

Justin spritzes some water into the slave's cage to rinse it and the holds a towel over it to dry it a bit. Then He goes over to the toilet and takes out His cock and snaps His fingers. Immediately brandon is kneeling there alongside the toilet, watching the way Justin likes him to do.

"Three fingers in the flow," He orders the slave who immediately reaches into the stream. "Lick them clean," He says and brandon doesn't hesitate. Justin finishes pissing and then says to brandon, "You know the way Billy would make alex clean His dick after He pissed? You do it like that from now on."

"Yes, Master, says Brandon, who takes his Master's cock in his mouth and sucks the end of it and then licks the slit and kisses it."

"Good boi," says Justin. "Now stand up and let's see how we can fix your face a bit." He runs warm water and soaps up a washcloth. "Close your eyes, baby." Gently, Justin wipes the slave's face with soap and then rinses it off and gives the slave a fluffy towel to dry its face in.

"Brush your teeth and use mouthwash then crawl back inside. I'll put your clothes on the floor so you can start to get dressed. Only stand up when it's time to put your pants on."

He goes into the suitcases and takes out what brandon will wear: white socks, boxer briefs, track pants (very roomy) and a cartoon shirt with a blue hoody and watches brandon getting dressed while remaining down on the floor and enjoys watching the slave putting on its clothes while trying to avoid making its burning red butt touch the floor. Finally, He walks over and stretches out a hand to help the sub stand up to put on its pants. Once dressed, brandon hugs Justin and tries to stay molded into His body. Justin warns him, "Walk on out of here on your own two legs, boi, or I'll start swatting your behind again."

Next: Chapter 73

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