Sweetness Follows

By Jamie Lovechild

Published on Oct 12, 2011


Corey woke up that day late. The alarm's batteries died midway into the night while Corey was tossing and turning on his bed, flailing around under a cover of cotton sheets. It was only when he opened his eyes for the slightest second and the sun split through the curtains and showered on his face that he knew he was late. Not just "late", no Corey was "fucked" with a capital "F". The test in Mumford's class on Geometry was already gonna be a bitch but the fact that he was gonna be late for it made it a snarling bitch. Thrusting out of bed using his slight arms to vault himself out, he ran to his closet and rummaged through to pick out something that was decent enough to get him through the day. The entire time he ran down the stairs and shot out the door as fast as any bullet could fire from the barrel of a gun, he was thinking about how god-awful the entire year would be if he flunked another Geo test. It gnawed on his already stressed mind.

When he saw the school, he ran faster doubling up his speed, it was just over the small hill and then he could sneak in through the bathroom. As Corey ran, his mop-headed light brown hair was blown back by the wind and his cute facial features were more prominent. He wasn't so much feminine in his beauty; he just had a very rare sort of boyish good looks that made him quite cute to look at. It was those same looks that made Cyndi, the most popular girl, gawk at him and about him while his back was turned or when he was just out of earshot. And as Corey ran like a dog, his clothes pulling back against his slender figure, Dennis the school's most known delinquent flicked a cigarette as he watched Corey run, smiling a callous and menacing smirk under his ruby-red dyed hair that went down over his left eye.

Corey's feet moved in blurs underneath his torso, his eyes were keen on not the bathroom window but the heating vent under it. Thin metal bars covered an elevated heating vent that, if he jumped up at the right time, would help him crawl in through the bathroom window. Corey looked around, detaching his eyes for only a few short seconds to make sure Principal Pratt wasn't out and about, walking around to make sure hooligans and whatnot weren't out skipping or trying to sneak into school late. Corey chuckled then, half a second later, he jumped up, shooting off the ground in his sneakers, hit the heating vent's rusted bars, and flung himself through the open bathroom window in one uncut motion sliding arms out and face first on the bathroom floor. Had the window been shut, a loud shattering sound would have been heard through the mathematics wing in the highschool and his ass would have been caught...but the window was open. Corey took this as a sign of divine intervention or luck and ran with it. Whatever it was, it was looking out for him today and was on his side... hopefully on his side all the way through the test at least.

After he was done sliding, he jolted to his feet and straightened himself out then opened up the painfully brown bathroom door that had a bright bronze handle to it and a wire mesh, strewn through the thick glass and walked into the hallway.

While Corey ran down the halls, through the Math wing, and to Mumford's room, Dennis sat on the metal hand-rails out by the football field. The cigarette he just flicked lay smoldering and broken on the blacktop cement of the parking lot. Dennis untucked his left hand from his tight faded black jeans and used a finger to slip a lock of his ruby-red hair behind his ear and out of his left eye and then crossed his arms. Ambidextrous. Dennis also called Denny by his conquests, his little slaves with numbers, had been watching Corey on and off for a month now. It was just preparations. Preparing to make Corey a number. Dennis loved the boys with the cute looks, the ones that didn't look all-that masculine. Denny himself was slightly masculine; the way rock-stars like Iggy are masculine, muscled but not gruelingly so, not disgustingly. He hated that, something he discovered after number one. Number one had laid up Dennis in home for two weeks recovering from the "hot sex" and in return, when he got out he broke number one's jaw. Forevermore, Dennis was known as the tough guy who broke a senior's (who was a notorious rapist around school) jaw without a second breath, no hesitation. The senior was rough, too rough, and broke Dennis down a bit himself, but Dennis didn't break bones or lay you up in your house in a state of agonizing recovery. He just found those who didn't act like they wanted it and gave it to `em. Ones with the lustful spark in their eyes.

Dennis shifted slightly in his clinging leather biker jacket which went perfectly with his black crotch rocket parked out there in the field of cars. Out there in the fields. His bright greenish blue eyes looked out for a second and thought he spotted Principal Pratt (aka, Principal Patty-Cakes) making rounds around the school and smiled as he reflected on Corey's goodluck. Had he been any later, he might have gotten picked up by Patty-Cakes and whatever he was running to woulda been lost. Lucky for Corey, he left the bathroom window open so he could climb in and out of school with no problems and the late guys could sneak in. When Principal Patty-Cakes came into view, now close enough to make out his brown tie, Dennis grabbed his sunglasses he stuck between the metal fence mesh that housed the football field and put them on under his side-wafted hair and then walked back to the bathroom window. He didn't need trouble today, if he got in any, he might just lose that chance he's been gunning for and planning for the majority of the week, the fact that he got to see his future babe beforehand was just a quirk of his non-caring demeanor. Shooting the invisible shit to the sunshine day.

Corey got out of class last, walking backwards a bit as he psyched himself out about the Geometry test. He would have bumped into Eric had he not spun around that second. Eric towered over Corey, a senior jock now for two years running, could make it three if he was dumb enough. Eric was a known for his misshapen jaw, which was broken about a year ago by Dennis, the local highschool badass. The kinda guy Corey never ran into, and wished to god he wouldn't.

"You fucking touched my jacket"

"No I-I-I..." Eric's face got red and his bullheaded rage filled up his eyes, emanating off his body like heat off of a bare furnace.

"Your fucking dead!" Eric boomed as Mr. Mumford stepped outta class

"Excuse me, Eric Marsters?" Mr. Mumford chimed underneath his glasses which seemed outta place considering his athletic build. It was safe to say that Mr. Mumford, a teacher with Sandy blonde hair who used to be from Oregon and even had a Garage Band known as The Bloody Sissies, was handsome in a very clean cut way. "Lets go have a talk with the principal about how you tend to get violent around others"

As Mr. Mumford swept Eric along with him, Corey breathed heavily, his chest about ready to explode and scatter all the stuff inside on the hallway floor and walls. A few steps away from Corey, Eric whipped around and yelled out at Corey "I'm gonne fix you, shit-head! I'm gonna make you regret waking up this morning! YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!" And Corey's heart pounded harder than ever before. He's heard stories about Eric, a jock who used to rape people for fun, beat the teeth out of this freshmen's skull a month back for no reason at all besides just being there. Wong place, wrong time, wrong life. Corey ran to the bathroom instead of heading to his next class. Hell at the moment, he couldn't even remember the name of his next class. Just that it wasn't located in the fucking bathroom so he obviously was gonna be late. But he could stand to be a little late. Today was just one of those days that he seemed to be late for everything. Maybe he could even say he'd be late to his own funeral if Eric saw him again today, because Corey knew if he did, he wouldn't see it coming and if no teachers were around, he'd be very dead.

Slamming into the bathroom door he came out of just a class period before, he slid to the sink, his sneakers grabbing no traction. He almost slid right into the tiled wall, a sea-foam-green shade, but he balanced himself out. Propping himself up by his wrists as he rested his hands on the ledge of the bathroom sink, he locked his elbows and looked dead straight at the reflection. He felt fear, the kind a driver feels during a bad car wreck, the sort of hazardous and flamboyant kind. The kind that was unordered and spilled out from every pit and crevice and crack. His eyes were bright with a menacing frenzy. His system was overloading. He was gonna die soon, even if it wasn't today, it'd probably be soon, probably be this week. And he hadn't even gone on a date yet, hadn't even kissed a girl. He was gonna die...a virgin...in the highschool bathroom...from a panic attack no less. Eric wouldn't even have to touch a soft strand of hair on his adorable head. Just a malignant look would do him in. Would put him a thousand feet under.

After a few minutes to gain some resemblance of composure back, he numbly walked over to the urinal at the farthest end of the bathroom to let his bladder go. Without a thought, he unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped his fly, his fading blue jeans still hugged his hips and didn't slide down one inch. Closing his eyes, he let go holding onto his dick. His body fluttered a bit as he relinquished the yellow flow. His body went from tense to an ease as the teenager in the stall behind him swiftly crept out and run up on him, seizing the muscle between his legs in his right hand. Dennis rested his chin on Corey's thin trapezoid, nestling his head right up beside Corey's ear. Corey's eyes shot open the way lightning strikes. Bright and faster than even a god could react.

"Hey cutie, nice tool you have there." Corey looked down to see Dennis' hands grasping his tool, his soft hands holding onto it like he was both caressing it and claiming ownership. Slowly his hand slid down to Corey's balls and held them tightly as Corey bit down on his lower lip and closed his eyes in fear. "Don't worry, I don't wanna hurt you. That's not my thing, but if you don't cooperate..." Dennis gave Corey a playful squeeze.

"What do you want? I don't have any cash, I swear." Corey threw out there trying to disassemble this awful situation. Dennis just smiled slyly and gave Corey another playful squeezing, this time moving his pinky and ring finger lower still, feeling Corey's warm thighs part to where his butthole puckered tightly. He took his left hand and slid it gently up Corey's shirt starting at his pelvis and then moved higher from there. His abdomen was thin and had a sort of natural six-pack. The definition on it was rock-hard.

"Do what I tell you to and I won't break your babies, babe." Corey breathed deeply and then nodded on time with his exhale. Dennis playfully licked his ear and smiled again, pulling him around with a bit of force into the stall behind them. Corey opened his eyes once Dennis shut the stall door behind him and saw what exactly this badass had planned. The stall was set up with tons of sexual toys. A red ball-gag laid down on the floor in a slump, furry leopard handcuffs swung around the toilet's pipes, some assorted cosmetics were strewn out with detail on the windowsill to his right, the window of course shut. And on the floor, like a shining diamond among a treasure trove of sexual machinations, was a black and orange butt-plug. Corey's heart raced again and his asshole instinctively puckered and tightened.

Dennis smirked as he saw his new plaything's reactions to what was just plainly imminent by now. Unzipping his pant, Dennis let his long shaft out of the tight space, his boner scrapping with a rebellious malic against the inside of his black jeans. Stroking it up and down, he watched as it got harder, veins becoming visible like the layout of a stream or a river on planes of his phallus. His eyes bore into Corey with unprotected lust. Corey saw what was playing in Dennis' mind, like a movie behind his eyes.

"Get down on your hand and knees like a good doggie and suck my shaft."

Corey's eyes stared blankly and his refusal at the task was plain. It was written on his face in bold sharpie. In fact, Corey himself couldn't utter a word that would explain how he felt more than his face could express it.

"Do it or..." Dennis pulled out a dull grey metal hunk from his right back pocket. It flipped open with a metallic sheen and glimmered loudly as it spoke without vocals. "Get the picture, cutie?"

As his eyes darted from Dennis' blade to his dick then his face, he read how serious Dennis was and remembered the story of the day Eric had his jaw broken with a monkey wrench. Upsetting this guy...yeah that wasn't an option Corey had on the table.

Corey slunk down to his knees, his eyes carefully on Dennis' right eye, his left covered by emo-cut red hair that fell down over Dennis' left. Corey looked into his eye and felt almost lost in that jade opal presence. It was more alluring then anything he'd ever seen before, anything he'd ever wanted in his life. As his eyes seemed to pan back from that, Corey realized a sort of beauty that remained on Dennis' face even while holding Corey against his will. And his dominance was clear there. Dennis ran his fingers through the mop-headed brown hair Corey had and pushed him down farther. Corey's eyes took focus off of his threaten-er and shifted focus to the long fleshy rod jutting from under Dennis' black jeans. A musky scent invaded his nose and mouth and his eyes.

Hesitating just a bit, he slowly opened up his mouth as he was guided gently to the hard cock. His lip wrapped around the tip and Dennis gave off a sigh deep in his chest while his eyes rolled back into his head. Corey rationalized the situation, it was rape or death. Now was not the time to get cute and bite down, it was the time to comply and give the guy what he wanted. When it was over, he'd be alive if he was lucky. Pumping his head up and down slowly as Dennis offered his guiding hand, one that rested on Corey's head, he closed his eyes as the musk surrounded him and he went gradually deeper and deeper down the shaft. Corey's tongue slid smoothly against Dennis' phallic underbelly. Soon the pumping became faster. Dennis' breathing came out louder and faster as well. Corey pumped his mouth around Dennis' hot throbbing cock as his musk ate away at him. Eventually Corey was deep-throating Dennis' rock hard tool, his balls smacking up against Corey's face. And while all this took place, unknown to Corey as he throat fucked Dennis, Dennis recorded the whole thing via his jet black phone.

After so much, Dennis tensed his hand on Corey's skull and shot a large load that seemed to keep coming straight into his mouth. Corey's eyes popped open and Dennis pulled his cock slowly out of Corey's mouth with a sly smile. Dennis' shaft slapped back against the front of his jeans, glistening with Corey's saliva. "Mhmmmm..." Dennis sighed as he leaned up against stall wall looking down at Corey, his eyes more alive and cheerful than seemed possible. Cold and metallic. Corey tasted the remnants of what he swallowed, is has an aftertaste for sure. Salty.

"Time for part two."

"No, let me go. I did what you wanted now i..." Dennis held up his phone and played the video he just recorded. The participant was clear as day. Corey, blowing what could be just some random guy in a bathroom god-knows-where. "Please..."

"Don't worry, I won't post this on your Facebook wall, that is if you cooperate like a good little boy. I still have some tricks I wanna play out. So either you go along for the ride...or everyone sees you sucking some cock...I gotta say, the angles on this video are really amazing. Not to boast or anything." That menacing smile took a diabolical angle and Corey knew what was at stake. It wasn't rape or death, it was sexual favors or social death. He would become a Pariah. People wouldn't think it was forced upon him.

"What do you want me to do?" Corey slunk down, his butt resting on the back of heels now. His face looking down hoping for some sort of mercy. Dennis pointed out what he wanted.

"Put on the black lipstick and eyeliner, beautiful." Corey got up off his knees and went over to the window ledge. On the sea-foam-green tiles where rows of lipsticks and eyes shadows and eye liners, there was even some blush too. He picked out the black eyeliner first and then looked up from the selection at Dennis. His eyes were full of something, thought over something. Dennis took Corey's free hand in his left and exited the stall. A freshmen at the sink saw only Dennis and hurried out without drying his hands and Dennis couldn't help but smile at that. He led Corey over to the mirror and motioned towards it with right hand as he locked the bathroom door.

When he slowly walked back, Corey had applied the eye liner and then Dennis went for the black lipstick. Corey had the feeling to run, to bolt. But to where? And with all that eye liner on? That would be social suicide. To walk out into the halls with this stuff on his eyes would brand him gay forever. And he wasn't gay, just a straight guy stuck in a gay situation. He looked in the mirrors and oddly felt some comfort in the face that looked back...then banished that thought to the dark of his brain.

Dennis returned and instead of giving the lipstick to him, he applied the black lipstick himself on Corey's soft supple lips. The black made Corey look like a seasoned Goth-boy. But this was only his first time, he never even had anything strikingly black in his wardrobe. When Dennis finished he tore some white paper-towel from the paper towel dispenser and folded it a few times then pressed it up against Corey's lips taking away the excess. After he got it, Corey with his sweet innocence looked back at Dennis and all Dennis wanted to do was ruin that innocence. To lewdly tear apart his walls and rebuild him. Grabbing a handful of Corey's hair, he tugged his head back and a gasp escaped the lines of his mouth as he looked up at an angle at the florescent. Then slowly Dennis met his lips with his own. Harshly they mashed and tangoed. They danced as Dennis assumed control, showed dominance to his submissive slut. He darted his tongue around in Corey's mouth, feeling the smooth insides and coiling around Corey's own tongue.

Corey's head flashed to this morning as he wondered how long this was planned out. How long had he been a future victim? How long had this "hooligan" and "delinquent" planned to rape him? Had it been Dennis that left the window open. After all, the principal often goes around and haves them closed just so people can't sneak inside. Was he the one watching him run to class this morning, that blur he felt over his shoulder and he kicked about his feet? How long had he been watched? And why wasn't he more worried about this then he was at the moment? Was he in shock?

Dennis grabbed the undersides of Corey's thighs, wrapped them around his hips and sat him up on the rim of the sink as he got more intense with their kiss. And Corey responded appropriately. Well appropriately for what Dennis wanted. He slung his arms around Dennis' neck and let his lips feel up on Dennis' own. Soon Dennis was moving down from his lips to his chin then down his neck and Corey moaned.

All of a sudden, without the slightest warning, Dennis ripped Corey off the rim of the sink and brought him back to the stall. In the time it took to do that, Corey's mind shifted back to his norm. What were you doing out there? You're not gay!

Dennis circled around Corey, his eyes bright, his prance a cross between a mating dance and a predator before it pounces on a fresh piece of unclaimed meat. Gliding around him, he stealthily picked up the ball gag as Corey looked panicked and wrapped it around his face. Corey's eyes went so why that you'd think they would fall out. His eye liner made the effect so much more exaggerated and pronounced. With one hand, Dennis cupped Corey's balls and with the other he used his hands, pressing forcefully and firm against his upper back. Body language for BEND OVER. As he was bent over, on his hands and feet, Dennis admired the view and then was swift to take advantage of Corey's dazed state. He started with the shirt, it had to go and as he moved it up Corey's back, his hand brushing against Corey's backside, his dick stiffened. Then he unzipped Corey's pants and pulled them down and off the same with his white boxers.

Corey was naked in front of him which made Dennis hard as hell, harder than ever before when doing this. Doing what came natural to him. He was a hunter, Corey and others were the prey. His eyes went a fiery lust. His face a diabolical twist on a smile. Hastily he took off his leather jacket revealing a thin almost fishnet-like beater on underneath that accented the chiseled curves and contours of his muscles. His dick already rested in the opened spot in his jeans, which he pulled out so it could grow now. Without being restrained like a criminal. Nothing his cock was doing was criminal at all. Dennis tossed his ruby locks so he could appreciate it all.

Moving over to Corey's face, he knelt down and applied the cuffs to Corey's wrists chaining him to reflective pipes on the toilet as he looked back at Dennis, the red ball-gag making his face comical almost in its apprehension, his eyes through the fear were quite lovely to Dennis. As he moved around back to his rear, his ass jutting out at Dennis tempting him, he knew he couldn't take this one-timer bone-dry. Pre wasn't gonna be enough, no matter what kind of flow Dennis was working up, and he was working up a lot. Exiting the stall, he went straight to the sink he water his dick finely then spread some soap on. The result was an ecstasy ridden wet pleasure that he knew would make the experience heavenly divine and hellishly sinful. And as Corey panicked in the stall, thinking he was going to be left here for whoever would come in to the bathroom, panicking with no way out, Dennis returned faithfully to his pet.

Dennis wasted no time on anal foreplay. He rubbed up and down Corey's tender pucker then with a forceful thrust, he pushed he head deep into Corey's asshole. Corey finally got it. THIS was rape, the other stuff was just foreplay. He was gonna get the full idea, the full feeling. At it started with a thrust. Dennis pushed in deeper still as Corey half screamed and half moaned but the sound was obstructed by the giant gag in his mouth. All that came out was babble like residue of his call. Gripping the cold pipes harshly, Corey's large eyes that looked so gentle with that eyeliner stared straight ahead as his dick tapped his stomach with another thrust.

Dennis, strong and often very physical in sex, raised up Corey by his hips and made him wrap them around his own making a sideways cross of sorts. Dennis' strength pulled him off the ground as his dick dangled down at his groin. Dennis started off slow, not wanting to break anything in Corey, not wanting to harm him. So he was gentler with his thrusts than normal, but each one was forceful enough. His small, slender build would never make you think he could pull it off but he was, he was holding Corey up as he fucked him deep into the metal pipeline on the toilet, the handcuffs jingling. Each constant thrust rubbed Corey's prostate and unknown to him, made his own shaft grown and harden.

Corey's tight ass sucked up the invader. His long cock felt the intensely tight rectum around his cock rubbing against it fiercely. Each thrust a lust-ridden ecstasy. Dennis massaged Corey's hips roughly with every blow to his cavity. And as Corey was getting plundered and ridden like an eroticized animal, his cock stiffened above the toilet bowl. Glistening water reflected on the tight skin of Corey's cock, the tightest he ever felt before. Like he was about to split open. His eyes went big, his pupils dilated, his irises that looked like they were made up of watery strings, flowed in and out.

This was it. Dennis felt his bulging throbbing dick start to express its own climax. It started down in his balls and flowed up his shaft's inner workings like someone was pumping water and the presser had shot it out like a cannonball. The feeling, the explosive burst, white liquid bullets firing from the mouth of his cock and straight into Corey's meaty cavity. Even after his orgasm, he still pumped a few extreme thrusts into Corey before he slowed, then eventually...stopped altogether. His dick still semi hard and in Corey's puckerhole.

And as Dennis was finishing up, each final thrust of his pushed Corey a little more till finally his own solid mass blew a load of cum into the toilet and all over the rim of the seat. It was his most power orgasm ever, it even provided the most semen ever, even when masturbating three times a day. Nothing came close to this. And a part of him wondered...

Dennis' breathing was heavy and dramatic. He pressed his abdomen up against the small of Corey's back after he let him down, Corey's knees and lower legs touching the cold. His feet splayed out on opposite sides, avoiding facing each other. Dennis laid his hands on Corey's tight stomach muscles as he regained composure. Corey just limply sunk his head as he absorbed the moment. A smile crept into Dennis' face as his breathing became more regular, he looked at Corey and licked him from the shoulder-blade, up his muscles, through the valley of cords in his neck, along his jawline, then to his ear. He pulled out as he smile.

Putting his clothes back on, stuffing his cock into his tight black jeans and zipping them up, and putting on his leather jacket again, Dennis was done for now. He gathered up all the supplies and undid Corey's gag, leaving him gape mouthed with an aching jaw. Exiting the stall, Dennis grabbed a black bag hid securely under the bathroom sink and walked back inside. He pulled a set of silver keys from the side pocket and unlocked the cuff, twirling on around his finger as the other of the two flailed out in circles through the air.

Corey rubbed his wrists until he was jerked back into position by the malevolent man, that force of nature that just crammed his hard rod up Corey's ass, the oversexed teenage boy. Dennis pulled out a black sharpie and wrote the roman numerals for 13 (XIII) right about Corey's plump ass, on his lower back, writing right over his spine that swam in the skin underneath. Corey, wondering what the black caress was making on his back lifted a hand to touch the marks but had his hand slapped swiftly and nonchalantly down by Dennis.

When he was done writing the conquest number on Corey's back, his own personal record system, and a varying signature, he looked down and to his side. Squatting down he picked up the butt plug with some secret interest behind those ruby locks and Corey's eyes immediately shot open. He isn't gonna stick that in me is...

With some already pre-applied lube, he shoved the black plastic, possibly rubber phallus into Corey's ass with a sly and wicked smirk, then inflated it till it was tight in there. Un-adjusting the tube and squeeze pump, he gave it a harsh slap with Corey groaned at then stood him up.

"Keep that in for the rest of today unless u wanna shit yourself involuntarily." He said with a smile as he handed Corey his shirt. "Oh and I'd also wash that make-up off your face. People might think your some kinda...I don't know, `faggot' or something."

Was he joking? Was this all just a joke to him? Corey was too stunned to do or say anything. He just stared at Dennis who was very calm and rational in this sorta situation. Then again...Dennis didn't just get something long shoved straight up his ass.

"Oh by the by, I will be seeing you around." He said, patting Corey's ass, his green eyes, one under his thick red hair looked at him. Dennis then lifted up the black bag which swallowed up the cosmetics and sexual indulgences, then went to the window and jumped down onto the heating grate.

The stall door slowly crept close, the metal door shutting on Corey who was holding his shirt in one hand and rubbing his ass cheeks close to the black intruder in his back-door with his other. Creaking, it finally closed with a light metallic thud...

Next: Chapter 2: A Prelude to Love

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