Sweetness Follows

By Jamie Lovechild

Published on Oct 18, 2011


"Are you going?" Demanded Darren. He was crouched over the desk whispering to Dennis in the back of the Chem classroom. Dennis was twirling the pencil between his fingers contemplating the idea, mulling it over. "Well?!"

"Don't get pushy Darren. I'm thinking, I'm thinking."

"Hot girls...booze? Come on you know you'd at least go for the booze!" Dennis looked up a bit, his face half glare, half contemplative.

Dennis gave a slight sigh, "Whats the when' and whats the where'?" When those words left Dennis' lips, Darren's eyes lit up like Madison Square Garden on New Years.

"Jared Steinbeck's crib, out in-"

"I know where his place is." Dennis chimed in with a dominating tone, cutting off Darren "all you had to say was Jared Steinbeck's. God you really are way too excited for this."

"Come on man, you're way to under-excited for this. Who know's, we might get laid tonight." Darren smirked raising his eyebrows comically.

"Riiiiiiight." Dennis said, turning his focus back to the bunsen burner. The flame, blue as a clear day's sky flickered and turned green when he prodded it with the wire coated with a random chemical cocktail. Booze and horney girls? There's so much more to life Darren, catch up with me please Dennis thought as he turned the Bunsen off.

When Dennis was getting ready for the party, he blitzkrieged through the random catalogue of clothes he had stashed in his closet. Even though he wasn't going for some special girl he figured that looking good wasn't a bad idea. This party, the way he presented himself at it, it could build up or decimate his public appearance at the school...and being that this was highschool...well not to sound shallow but in highschool appearance is everything. Dennis looked from top to bottom, except for in the big square box at the floor of his closet. It had a light brown top and had a "EXPLICIT" sticker stuck to the top diagonally with the edges peeling back into loops. He never even gave this box a glance. He knew what was in there and had no intention of wearing the contents to this party...or any for that matter.

Flipping back and forth Dennis finally decided to wear a lust-red band t-shirt. It was his favorite band and altogether his favorite shirt. Maybe it was the color of red that put it over the top as his go to shirt. As soon as Dennis pulled a pair of faded jeans over his well-muscled legs and his virgin-white boxers, his cell began to go off in a torrent of rings and chimes. He didn't even have to look to know who it was sending his phone into a fit of musical turrets and violent vibrations.

"You have the patience of a-"

"Dude we gotta go now man while the girls are still fresh and untouched, get some...you were about to insult me weren't you?"

"The thought never crossed my mind, Darren" Dennis spoke into the receiver before he put the phone down to fit the t-shirt over his head. His well-cut and beautifully sculpted muscles moved like animated piece of art while his red shirt fell over his top half to cover it all up in a hope to make him decent looking for the party. When he picked up the phone again, he mildly played with the thought of the weight of his cell in the palm of his hand before immersing himself in the conversation again.

"-nis! Wake up buddy!" Darren was yelling into the phone, he must have picked up on Dennis' lack of attention.

"I can hear you just fine, I had to put a shirt on" Dennis said as he straightened out the shirt around his firm abed stomach.


"You picking me up?"

"I'd guess so unless you wanna walk all the way to Steinbeck's." Darren spoke sarcastically and he didn't need to even need to be told Dennis had on his trademark glare. Glaring at some random spot on his wall as if Darren was right there in that single line of focus. After a few seconds of no replying to his verbal jab, he spoke up again "Be ready, I'm like five minutes from your place."

"Already am." Dennis said as he abruptly ended the short and simple conversation then hung up and shoved the phone in his faded jeans pocket. With his left hand's fingers he brushed the sandy blonde hair out of his face and behind his ear on his left side and looked at himself in his closet mirror. He was somewhat doe-ishly good looking. His face a sort of beautiful instead of a caste of handsome. That hair, nearly shoulder length and thick yet very well pampered and healthy looking helped him look like an androgynous man. Outside a car drove by and instinctively Dennis stood up straight from his slightly craned position to look into the mirror. His hands met the window sill and he looked down outside looking around the big tree near his window and saw the headlight roll on down the street without slowing. It was there, that feeling in his gut, like butterflies but less lovely. More like moths with tapered wings like sharp blades. It was his mind telling him something, somewhere was about to go south, and it was gonna change the whole way Dennis S. Leering would look at the world from then on. It was coming, rolling down the street, that large metal carriage on four rubber wheels, barreling down at him to transport Dennis to a new way of life and a change of mind and heart. Coming now to take him to another shore, to see from place newer and bolder than before, like the River Stynx ferryman.

"Well Darren," Dennis spoke to the night sky "take me away and to it, friend."

The party spread out down the driveway with spaced out car, drinking teens, and decorative lights spanning the entire road to Steinbeck's house. It was one of those mansions you see out in the middle of nowhere. The kind of place that screams doctor or lawyer. Maybe it was the pillars out front, or the clash of intrinsic and innovative architecture, or the abnormally large glistening pool out back that you could spy on through the large glass doors at the back side of the mansion or it could even be the enormous size of the place. It was a while castle on the horizon line, a view someone might take a picture of just so they could look at it and wish for a future this grand.

Darren parked on the large open lawn among a rash of other clustered cars randomly parked with no order or form to them. They were spread out comfortably but at odds with each other. Dennis didn't use the door, he just hoisted himself out the rolled down window while Darren watched. "You always have to make a scene, look cool don't you?" He said with his arms crossed on the hood and his chin resting at their intersection. Dennis just looked over at Darren but didn't respond.

A man in a Varsity jacket was chasing around a girl through the cars. Dennis guessed they were both a bit drunk . When the girl passed by she had a sort of playful smile on her face and the guy in the varsity jacket was stumbling, but only the slightest bit with a stupid smile painted on his face. He had that weird impulse to trip him when he came close but kept his legs to himself. Darren of course started to lead the way, too giddy to be acting like anything but a school girl. Sometimes understanding what Darren was about seemed to make him appear to be more shallow than he actually was to Dennis.

When they got to magnificent mansion, the front door was propped open with a keg. Darren went inside first and Dennis followed a little less amazed, a little less giddy, and a little less interested. Darren's eyes were dancing around in his head like he was at an amusement park filled with half naked women and booze and, oh lookie there in the back, there's a pool too. Dennis leaned against a wall and watched Darren for a bit then went into the kitchen to grab a beer. It was on that linoleum island-counter in a basin of ice. A monument to the common drinking man built of different brews and exotic names to match. But Dennis just stuck his hand in and grabbed a single beer and noticed he picked out a dark beer, for just a second, then he spun the cap off with his thumb and let it fall to the floor. He carried the beer between his fingers, passing a few public make outs without stopping. That's not to say he didn't look at them as he passed...it is to say though that he didn't stop to gawk.

Eric Marsters was around, he saw. A public jock-slash-rapist. Well Eric liked to call it rough sex. But people...they talked. Especially the girls. Once or twice Dennis could remember hearing about it at his locker or in the row right in front of him during a class lecture. They talked about how aggressive he got, which was putting it mildly. He often would do his thing after a football game. Single out a girl, sometimes but not that many times he'd go after a cheerleader, usually it'd just be someone...anyone he could slip his hard cock into. Oh and they did talk about his tool. They'd describe it like it was a taboo painting or sculpture. Dennis even saw it once in the male locker room between his gym class and the start of football practice. It was eight or nine inches of undeniable hardened girth. A meaty pole that made him almost feel bad, now reflecting on it in the party, for whatever girl Eric was gonna pounce on tonight. If she was a virgin, her first time would and had the possibility to become a scarring experience.

Moving out of Eric's direct line of sight, Dennis walked out to the back door. The crystal clear glass showed all the teenagers. This was their time. It wouldn't get any better than this. But he himself felt off-put. Something eating at him, grading away at him. A drunk girl offered to dance so he placated her drunken desire till she got tired and spun right onto a couch. Dennis watched her lay there, flopping around like a fish on land. It looked like she was trying and failing continuously to get comfortable but Dennis couldn't be sure. He chuckled a bit then walked back into the kitchen.

Four scattered beer bottle caps later, he came out. It wasn't to be social or anything. He wasn't even doing it to find Darren who was probably thrusting in and out of some girl's wet netherlips by now, it wouldn't even surprise him if it was in Darren's car, a constant party-sex mobile. The party was still booming, it just seemed slanted now. Everyone was a little more drunk than they were when he went into that kitchen and now everything seemed louder and wilder. Dennis wanted sanctuary. Well actually he wanted relief but they seemed to go hand-in-hand. The royal thrown. Dennis slid his hand up the railing almost gliding above it and not making full contact as he made precious steps towards Steinbeck's bathroom. Two rooms down and to the left from the staircase, he heard the heavy bouncing of springs in the mattress in the room between him and the bathroom. Loud screams of ecstasy and moans of unbridled lustful pleasure.

Dennis kept walking though. He may have slowed for a second but instantly he sped right up again. Luckily the bathroom was open. Wide open like legs waiting for someone to move inside. The light was on inside already and the door half cocked open and half closed but Dennis didn't pay this any mind. He just pushed the door open and closed it behind him. Fumbling with his zipper like it was trying to keep him pent up inside of these faded jeans all night. He didn't see the guy ready to pounce on the intruder to his "sanctum". All he felt was the big body move on him shoving a pink handtowel in his mouth. Dennis tried to scream but to the attacker's advantage, the cloth muffled his yells and beckoning for help. He could see the attacker's jacket as Dennis thrashed violently trying to get out of his grasp locking him tight against the largely muscled body of the varsity player. His thickly toned muscled wrapped around his upper body and he felt himself get jerked towards the ajar door. Dennis would have spat the towel out if it wasn't stuck in so fully. He even tried to move his hands up to his mouth but always came short.

The hall served as a short intermission from the very glamorously lit bathroom to the dark bedroom across the hall he was thrown into. The jock pushed Dennis onto the bed and watched him squirm as he pulled the towel out of his mouth. It was Eric? Really? Oh no, what'd I do to piss him off Dennis thought. Then the fear really set it, but it was the wrong fear, this was a fear of getting pummeled to death. Eric was known for beating down a few "weaker specimens" in his tenure at highschool, beating `em right into the hotel where all those girls dress with red crosses on their white uniforms. But Eric was thinking a little more with his lower head then his rageful muscles. He wanted to fuck something, and Becky already sternly said "No!" before she left because he was getting too physical. So Eric was gonna get his tonight. And so was Dusty, who was lurking in the room with them.

"Look, whatever I did Eric I'm so fucking unbelieveably sorry." Dennis pleaded wrongly for his life when he should have pleaded for his virigin asshole...not that it would've done any good. It just would fell on deaf-roid-rage-induced ears.

"Shut the fuck up bitch boy." Dusty said

"Sissy likes to use its mouth" Eric kept his eyes on a worried Dennis pinning him to the bed with his forceful gaze.

"Oh yeah, you think its any good." Dusty chuckled before Eric unzipped his pants and that's where Sissy got what he was into. When he tried to leap off the bed and head for the door Dusty pinned him to the bed pulling his hair so he couldn't bury it in the sheets. "If you scream we'll beat the shit out of you after we have our way with you. And believe me, we are gonna have our way with some sissy pussy."

"You know Becky wont let me fuck her in the ass. Guess this is sort of a gift. Think of it as you...paying tribute to me...and Dusty of course." They both laughed while Eric pulled out his semi hard rod. All this excitement was getting to him. It made his meaty dick thicken as he started to rub it to get it hard enough. Pre started to squeeze its way out of his slit. It was when he could smell the must Eric's well endowed package and saw that pre that he started to really squirm.

"If you keep fighting I'm gonna fucking knock you out, do our thing, then tie you up and leave you here with all that cum dripping out of you tore open ass. You want that? Well you fuckin shit, you better answer me!"

"N-n-no, please don't!"

"Then fucking open your mouth like a good bitch" Dusty said pulling his hair back with a jerk which trigger a reflex that popped Dennis' mouth wide open and Eric rammed his cock right in wasting no time on tact. The thick appendage filled his mouth and even took up some room in his throat. Dennis gagged as Eric pulled out then thrusted right back into his mouth again just as forcefully as before. He could feel it in his throat rubbing the walls of it with that thick cock. Sometimes Eric would pop it all the way out just to hear Dennis gag some more making him feel a false sense of relief that it was over before grabbing his long hair and thrusting it right back in again. Eric's throat fucking marathon must have went on for a half an hour before he finally came. His white salty cream filled his mouth spilling out the corners and then a few choking coughs of sperm tricked down his chin.

"Swallow it all, don't waste any of it bitch!" Eric yelled but what was done was done and Dennis could only swallow what was still in his mouth. The rest was coating his lips in a thick gloss of white and clear and then there was the lot that spilled onto his chin. "Just for that, you're getting more!" Dusty pulled Dennis' hair back as Eric jerked saliva covered dick feverishly till thick stringy wads of cum shot out and covered Dennis' face in a thick gooey glaze. Eric nodded at Dusty and he let go of Dennis' sand blond hair which now had small clumps of man seed in there. Dennis hoped it was over but knew it wasn't. While his head was planted in the sperm soaked sheets, he heard buckles unbuckle and pants fall down as they were shed.

He felt weight get added onto the bed then felt his arms get pinned down. When he looked up he saw Dusty in front of him without any clothes on. Nothing, just bare naked. Below his perfectly sculpted abs was his shaft. It was smaller than Eric's but not by much. It hung low, shaven and smooth between his legs. There wasn't a trace of the brownish hair Dusty had on his short cut head. Eric himself was shaven too, no bush or even bristles from the thick raven haired jock. Dennis tried to pull away but was slammed down on the bed by Dusty as a warning while Eric took off his pants then his boxers. When that was all off Dusty tore off Dennis' favorite shirt and threw it aside. Dennis watched it for a second in the corner before he was flipped around on the bed.

"Get on your hands and knees! Now!" Eric yelled as Dennis assumed position too scared and in shock to do anything else. Dusty kneel on the pillows in front of Dennis while Dennis could feel Eric move around behind him. Dennis wanted to cry a bit but he couldn't muster any tears. Was this the big change he felt coming. He didn't think it was literally gonna cum on him. Then something snapped him back to earth and outta thought. Something pressed firmly at his anus. The it forced itself inside his tight virgin ass without apology as he gasped. Dusty took the opportunity to shove his cock into Dennis' vacant mouth. Dusty tasted different from Eric. And as his member ran cross Dennis' lips and the underbelly of his beefy cock skidded back and forth across the flat of Dennis' slick and saliva coated tongue, Eric plowed his virgin rectum with blitzing thrusts into him. His firm inner walls gripping at his shaft as he charged in with his pre-cum and saliva coated cock then pulling out slowly to savor the constricted asshole. Dusty thrusted his hips right into Dennis' mouth, increasing his rhythm as his cock started to spasm and flood his mouth with rich white creamy spunk. Dennis swallowed as much down as he could while still getting orally-fucked by Dusty who was ready to keep cumming. Dennis felt the sharp tearing pain in his puckerhole with each thrust which slowly turned into a numb sort of throbbing except for the times when he hit Dennis' prostate just right causing a lusty groan. His cock bobbed wildly against his finely toned stomach muscles as he was see-sawed between the two invaders.

Dusty grabbed hold of Dennis' hair while Eric pulled at his hips, using his hips to pull back and to mash into Eric's own while Dusty made Dennis deep-throat his cock gagging him. Both of their rhythms sped up and became more erratic. Dusty's member violently massaged Dennis' throat. Eric ravish Dennis' tight and firm anal walls. Dusty eventually came a final time, his heavy labored breathing the only sign or warning Dennis got before he got another creamy injection. Dennis swallowed as he didn't want to dare upset either of his rapists. The when Eric came, a firey explosion right into his inner fleshy walls of his rectum as Eric slammed his pelvis right into Dennis' firmly athletic ass cheeks. Dusty pulled out and let go of Dennis' head moving off the bed to his side. After a few final rageful thrusts getting all of the cum drained from his balls and filling up his ass, Eric eventually pulled out too leaving Dennis' ass right up in the air.

Dusty and Eric laughed as they saw him from behind. The cum starting to dribble down his inner thighs. Dennis was too far gone to realize that they were leaving or that they had even put their clothes back on. He just laid on his stomach, his ass propped up in the air as the sum started to flow out in flooding rivers onto the sheets below...

Everything healed in time. There was a long time there where he couldn't go to school because of the massive tearing and the bleeding...but in the end everything healed. Only a few days ago did gain back the ability to sit on his ass again which felt so weird since he'd spent so long lying on his sides or his stomach crying into his pillow. Dennis looked into his closet mirror. It what he saw that made him mad. Staring back at him was this kid anyone could pushover. He was a victim. Always would be. The person looking back at him...just had to go. Dennis went straight to his window, opened it up, and jumped onto the tree. From there he climbed to a height where he could jump down from and not twist and ankle. The he let his feet do the talking. And they talked about him making a voyage to the local 24 hour pharmacy. When he got inside, the flourescents made him wince a bit. He scoured the isles of the massive store and found the one he was looking for. A stereo nearby blared a musaq version of Everybody Wants To Rule The World as he scanned the hair colors.

"No, no, no, no, no, fucking no..." Then he stopped, it was like a sign from a higher power. It was as loud as a kick in the balls. "Its fucking perfect." Dennis grabbed the box and walked straight up to the cashier. He had this intense desire to headbutt him but that was just because he recognized the guy as a ex-jock-wannabe.

"Really?" The brain dead drop out said snickering.

"Fuckin just give me the price before I jump across this counter and beat you to death in that gay fucking smock." Dennis replied. A lot of things had changed, and it was time to make the outside match the inside.

"7.58" The guy muttered. Dennis dropped the money on the counter then grabbed his hair dye. Before he left he pushed over a display of random candies then feeling satisfied he walked back home with the hairdye gripped tightly in his clenching left hand. Dennis threw the hairdye through his window then climbed up and crawled inside the window. His converse didn't leave a sound as his feet hit the floor of his room. He slunk with his back resting up against the bit of wall below the window sill. He looked over at the mirror for a while then he kicked the closet door shut. Goodbye old frailty, hello gorgeous firmness.

He left the hair dye in longer than the box said. That's because he craved the color. Lusted for it even. Lusted for that perfect deep rooted red. There was a picture, there at the forefront of Dennis' mind, that blotted out all other thoughts or feelings. This mental snapshot was the lack of vulnerability. It was the hate, anger, raw lust, and something else...something deeper seated in that picture, deep in the dots of articulation, in the three dimensional brush strokes. It made up ever bit and essence and it came out in the eyes. They said it all, told you the story, and laid you out.

After he'd waited intentionally long, he turned on the stainless steel faucet in the tub and let his head rest under the flowing ocean that ran down his neck and rode every single strand of hair like a stripper, sliding down a pole, his legs wrapped tighly, nearly choking the pole all the way down. Red lakes parted from his head and filled the tub like the scene of a budget horror movie. Dennis imagined all the possible insane and demented titles. He ran his fingers through the potent blood-red plains of his hair as he let the water wash over him. And all the way through he couldn't help but smile.

Flipping his hair out of his eyes and the hair hit the nape of his neck with a wet smack. Flashes of his brush with crude sodomy ran and danced in front of him like a circle of children, their hands joined as they bobbed up and down twirling around and in his face constantly. Dennis walked over to the sink and gripped the sink as he looked into the mirror. Better...but not there yet. No, this was still him. But a new thing was working its way out, clawing its way through, layer by layer. Shaking his hair wildly, the ruby red strands twirled around cutting the air and laying themselves to rest in their natural positions on his head when they did decide to rest that is. Pulling scissors from behind the mirror, Dennis hacked away. Cutting like he was trying to save something trapped down underneath trying to breath. Red hair fell like a downpour into the sink till the last strand fell down slowly and with a sort of independent grace...the way leaves fall in autumn. The face looking back had an ruby red emo haircut. An asymmetrical testament to disobedience with one extra large bang, an "emo sweep", so that only his right eye was visible.

After Dennis violently dried his new hair with a white cloth, leaving behind a ruby stained bathroom towel, he feverishly walked back to his room from the bathroom in a stride that never broke...even when he slammed the door behind him. There had been a sleeping thing in his closet that laid on the floor. A box that wasn't meant to be opened again. Maybe that's what the feeling was, a rush inside him that made his cock feel a slight sensation. It emanated from his lower stomach with those beautifully carved abs down his to his pelvic area. Dennis opened up the box and stared at it carefully before he touched it. Almost as if trying to disarm a bomb, he stared at it, studied it, imagined the insides of the box as what he once remembered them to be and longed for now. That box, a gift of fortune from one sibling to another, stared back in wait.

This wasn't his first venture into the realm of sexuality. He'd had his episode of sexual exploration. Dennis could even remember the time his sister caught him, dressed up in nylon fishnet stockings, black eye liner, red lipstick, and lace up fingerless gloves that went just above the elbow. He even sported a black leather collar that had red stich lacing on it. His sister, a college student majoring in Art walked in on him while he was massaging his cock through his lace panties. In turn, after the event Dennis halted his sexual deviation and vowed silently to stop any further exploration. His sister, on the other hand opposed this and embraced his sexuality openly, even so much so to get him a gift as a parting gift before she left for college again. Her college was a few states over so it was, of course, a big thing. As a parting gift she gave him a box filled with suggestive gay clothing. And till now, Dennis had no desire...or at least he thought not, to try on the clothing.

His left hand reached out apprehensively towards the box lid. Its fingers flipped the top off and then his right hand reached out too to grab the box and hoist it up and onto the bed. His fingers dipped inside as he pulled out the leather jacket. Next was the leather pants, and then after that the boots. Underneath all the clothes was a black vibrator and a note that made Dennis smirk. After reading it he stripped down and grabbed the leather pants. It was like wearing a stiff second skin. They clung to his body outlining every curve...and bulge. Firmly, but with room to breath and move, the leather grasped his package and showed it off in highest regard. Bow down and bend over. He grabbed the hightop leather boots and strapped it up overtop the bottoms of the leather pants. Dennis looked in the mirror and smiled as he shimmied the black leather coat on.

Dennis picked him out. Through so much consideration and contemplation, he chose him. But there were things that needed doing first. It was a crime against him that made the thing in the mirror. That separated the current Dennis from the previous one. And although, for the better he now figured it was, Dennis had no desire to be played as the victim. Not anymore. Not ever. So he wanted his dish of revenge. And he would get it too. Not on Dusty, who'd been arrested for exposing himself to a minor. The sick pervert was on his way to county. He was hit with karma on an epic and lifelong scale. But Eric...there was a problem worth fixing. And it just so happened that today was the day it all came to its climax.

Eric went to the gym every Saturday and Sunday morning. Today...was a leafy autumn Sunday. Dennis had it all planned out. It would go down in the parkinglot. A strainful workout like Eric's would leave him somewhat exhausted. A lot harder to fight back when you're still trying to catch your breath from an Olympic workout like his. Atlas Gym. Dennis was ready. He shut his bedroom door and grabbed the tool he needed then jumped to the tree and climbed down. Eric's gym was only block away and while Dennis walked, he hid the tool in his jacket and partially tucked into his pants. Not the black leather ones he had come to be so fond of and love, but a pair of black jeans. Dennis felt the cold of the metal on his skin, digging into his pelvis as he took each step.

When he got to the Atlas gym parking lot, Eric was just getting out the back doors. There wasn't any cameras, Dennis scoped it out beforehand. Made sure. Had to be sure. He didn't want any alarms or alerts being broadcast out about what he was doing. And as Eric made his way to his beautiful car, each step seeming so slow to Dennis as he savored the moment, the walk to his vehicle seemed so fast to Eric...until his feet stop upon hearing the explosions of glass.

Dennis through a rock from the parkinglot, some half-assed piece of gravel or pavement, right through Eric's driver side the way a baseball pitcher would throw a baseball. Eric's fists balled up and he dropped his gym bag than started running for him. Dennis pulled out the orange-painted monkey wrench and clothes-lined Eric straight across the jaw with it. He could hear the teeth rattle and bone crack and crunch. Eric spun and fell right to the ground landing on his face. Dennis came up above him and slammed the wrench down on his left hand breaking it while he heard the muffled screams of a broken jaw.

"Remember me?! You son of a bitch, do you remember me?!" Dennis yelled out in the empty parking lot. Eric nodded with a bit of defiance in his eyes. The kind of look a dog might get when just about ready to turn on its master. Dennis bought some steel tipped boots just for this occasion and planted one right in his ribcage. "I want you to remember my face! Remember the sissy'! Remember the bitchboy'! Remember me!" And Dennis kicked him a final time before stepping away and smashing his car windows with the wrench.

Dennis knew Eric would keep it locked up. He wouldn't tell the cops because then they'd know. Every single one of them who'd ever been so much as touched by Eric would come out and talk. And he feared it. He didn't wanna be where Dusty is now. Replace the football scholarship with the bars of a cold cage. And then everyone would know he raped guys too. His life would end the second the cops heard Dennis' name come out of Eric's mouth...which would be a very long time. Dennis walked off and Eric could only stare at the back of the guy he raped. Stare and take it. This was Dennis raping Eric back.

Dennis focused again on his new project. After he finest hour in Atlas Gym's parking lot, he had to return to the more conventional task. The one that he had devoted more time to than even planning what he'd do to Eric if he ever got the chance. He came up with the idea, a little seed at first, that had grown with the girth of a decade old tree. He didn't know where...just yet. But he was constantly ironing out the details in his head. Every second of every waking moment. As the wind passed by his bedroom window and shook the final leaves from the tree outside, he got an epiphany of sexual proportions. He knew where to set the stage, what to do, how to do. He knew how to dress this up in a pretty little bow, nice and neat. Now all he had to do...was invite his victim to his house tonight.

Dennis grabbed his cell and dialed. He heard the tone and waited for that sound and there it was...a receiver's click "Hey Dennis, what's up?"

"Oh nothing man, just sitting around. You know my parents are like outta town for the week right?"

"No shit, and they left you alone in the fortress?" Darren joked while Dennis laid out on the bed sliding his hand under the waist band of his black jeans and into his boxers to rub at his stirring cock. Just talking to him, setting up his sly little plan, it made Dennis horney in the best of ways. He sat up for a bit to look at his closet trunk. It was something new to join the vacancy of his closet. Inside was an assortment of gadgets and toys he'd collected since his `transformation'.

"Oh yeah. Wanna come over, hang out for a bit?" Dennis said with a sort of wicked and sadistic smile across his flesh colored cute lips.

"Why not? It'll be something to do to pass the time right?" Darren asked rhetorically while Dennis pictured him naked. Stipping him down to his boxers and bending him over the bed. Violent thrusts racking the shocks of the mattress springs and the walls. Screams of painful pleasure. Ecstasy of anal formula and potency. "What time?"

"Eight tonight ok?"

"Well I'd say eight in the morning is a bit too early so yeah, be there." Darren joked before he hung up. Dennis let his fingers tease his ready cock as it started to strain against the fabric of his jeans. His body wanted to cum here inside these tight, ass hugging jeans, on this bed. It wanted to arch Dennis' back as he blew his punk all over the inside of his boxers. But stopped it before it got out of control

"There's enough time for that tonight"

When the moment came, Dennis felt such an overwhelming anxiousness that when the doorbell rang, he almost jumped right off the couch and ran to the door. But he composed himself. He had to act like there wasn't anything up. Nothing out of the ordinary...not at all. In fact he even changed into an old outfit that he knew would make Darren feel more comfortable. The hair however stayed but Darren attributed that to Dennis' love of music. Probably just got into the punk rock phase of life just a little too much, he might have thought. But make no mistake, Dennis had all of the extra-normalities of the night's coming events collected behind his bedroom door. Waiting for that moment.

"Hey Darren." Dennis opened the door to him and waved him in. Darren followed behind, closing the door behind him and sitting on the couch next to Dennis. "I was just watching a movie" Dennis lied as he turned on some random movie. Dennis was thrilled that Darren was so engrossed in the picture because so many thoughts raced through his mind that he felt like it was transparent what he was gonna do to Darren on his face...and in his pants. "let me get us something to drink"

"Got a beer?" Darren asked as Dennis got up to go to the kitchen

"Yeah. Of course." And as walked through the hallways to the kitchen, the new Dennis took control of the wheel and discarded the disguise of the old Dennis on the floor. Everything about him exposed his as he gradually became more himself and less of his old self, from his mannerisms to the way he walked. Fetching a beer from the fridge, he popped the top and dropped in a pill. Something to make the process easier on both of us, Dennis thought to himself as he smirked. He then grabbed a coke out the fridge and walked back through the hallways, assuming again the dreadful disguise of Dennis-long-since-past. Walking by him, he gave the beer to Darren then slumped down on the couch and popped the can open while he sipped on it waiting, just waiting now.

Darren eventually passed out on the couch. Dennis picked him up and took him upstairs to his room then locked the door. Nobody was coming home but he didn't really want his new sex-kitten getting out before he had been fully trained and broken by his master. Dennis pushed Darren over on his stomach then pulled off his shirt first. After he pulled it off, he grabbed a nifty little constraint to bind his arms behind his back. It was a black leather mono-glove that laced up to a few inches above the elbow. This device would keep his arms tightly bound to each other and would cover his hands wrapping them together so he couldn't get out or use any sort of arm movement. Then he filled his mouth with a ball gag with red straps and a black ball. It completely used up the open space of his mouth silencing anything that would come out of his mouth but crude grunts and lustful moans.

Dennis unbuttoned Darren's jeans carefully savoring the moment. Recently he'd thought about just how this would go down. And now, with moans filling his brain and resting on the tip of his tongue ready to leave his mouth whenever they would be allowed to, it all seemed so surreal and erotic. With fingers hooked into the waist band of his friend's boxers then slowly tugged them down and off his legs till Darren was bare assed in front of him. Dennis started to grind a bit on Darren's firm ass, swiveling his hips like an exotic male poledancer. But before his body could have its way, he slowed to a stop then walked over to the closet and pulled out his special toys for Darren. Lubing up the vibrator egg, he slowly eased it right inside the pucker of Darren's clean anus. Then he snatched the special introverted latex underwear off the bed. On the inside was an inflatable butt plug which he also eased into the sleeping Darren's ass then expanded the plug till it started to seem harder to squeeze. Dennis could tell Darren seemed to be waking up so he hurried up and put on his outfit. A black and red lace-up corset with a flat chest, elbow high lace up fingerless gloves, eye makeup, and black lace-up stockings to match as a set.

Dennis sat in his chair that was at the corner of the room. In his hand was the remote that controlled the egg vibrator. He set it on the highest setting then hit the button and watched jerk up in the kneeling position he had put Darren in, right in front of him as if he was worshiping an idol. Darren's eyes rolled as if he was trying to gain consciousness and then he was hit with another vibration deep in his rectum. The open slot cut out in his latex panties for his cock came in handy since his cock was starting to wake up...or more so stand up from the shocks. "Hello pet" the ruby haired tran-sexually dressed god/goddess in front of him looked down into Darren's eyes with a sadistic look. "Today I'm going to be teaching you, well actually...i'm going to be breaking you in. From now on, do as I say and I don't have to do this-" Dennis pushed the button and Darren's back arches, his pelvis clenching and thrusted outward as his cock solidified before he rested again breathing heavily though the gag.

"First things first, my name is Master Denise, got it?" to which Darren slowly nodded

"Second thing is that I am going to do with you whatever I like unless you want me to post pictures of this encounter all over Facebook." Dennis lied, he had no intention of doing something so cruel, just the intention of turning his old friend. "Do you agree?"

Darren nodded again after trying to say yes through the gag.

"Now first order of business...is to give you a haircut." Darren jerked away at this which was immediately met with a lengthy vibration alert as to wrongdoing in this situation. As a new pet of Dennis he had to be taught that defiance wasn't acceptable. Darren leaned heavily again the bed as his anus felt the questionable and possible perks of the vibrations running through his ass. When Dennis stopped, Darren labored breathing was the sign of his broken will. A layer stripped down to nothing. A layer of heterosexuality. He could tell that Darren, deep down, was questioning the feelings he just got. And whether or not this was a real punishment, or and anal reward.

Dennis walked over and grabbed some scissors and went to work cutting Darren's hair down. After all the hair had been brushed away and thrown out, Darren was left with a very feminine pixie-haircut. Denise' smiled in the revel of her triumph. Darren just looked up at Dennis. Has he lost his mind, he thought. But he didn't even try to mutter the theory through his gag. Then Darren got up and got some makeup from his trunk. Darren thought about jerking back but knew the consequence. Best to just let it happen. So Darren let Denise' apply the eye shadow around his eyes and the blush to his tender cheeks (as if it was needed in this situation).

Dennis grabbed a mirror and held it up so that Darren could see his transformation into a feminine figure. Deep down, even if he didn't want to admit to himself at the time, he didn't hate it that much...or even at all. In fact...he kind of liked it. That and the idea of his master taking care of him. But it would be buried for the moment.

Removing a strand of hair from his own face, he looked at Darren and hoisted him up on the bed. His face inches from Darren's. Impulsively he slowly undid the gag and before Darren could say one word, he mashed his soft lips against Darren's own. He was stunned, taken aback in every sense of the meaning. So astonished by that one move, Darren kissed him back. It was hotter than fire, hotter than the sun. Their lips locked and their tongues danced with each other so lustfully and passionately that Darren seemed lost in this odd fairytale. Darren couldn't help bust grind his body against this god of his. His idol. His new lover. His master, his owner. But just as wildly it started is how fast it came to a cold end as Dennis pulled away from his new pet.

Going to the trunk, he left a flabbergasted Darren on the bed trying to come to grips and but in coherent thought what just happened. What he just did. Dennis returned with a collar and a leash which he attached to his head board before locking the collar around his pet's neck. "There, does my pet like" and all Darren could do was nod numbly.

Dennis slipped off his panties to reveal the large girth of a cock, the thick and long meaty rod pointing right at Darren. "From now on your name is...Diana." He said before the open mouthed Diana' had his orifice filled with Denise's cock. Diana, for a first timer sucked like an expert. As Denise rested an open hand on his right butt cheek and the other behind Diana's pixie haired head, Diana did most of the work. He bobbed his head up and down the long shaft, his tongue slicking and massaging the underbelly of his great cock. It deserved the greatest worship Diana could give. So he gave it as much. Whatever portion wasn't in his mouth one moment was soon thrusted right inside his vacant oral cavity. Denise rolled his eyes as his tool started to spurt then blow with hot male-cum inside Diana's mouth with one final powerful thrust. His large balls draining out down Diana's throat and out the corners of his mouth. The thick spunk coating his lips like lip gloss running down the crack of his chest muscles.

"Did you enjoy your master's juices?" Dennis looked down mockingly almost with a slight tinge of magnanimous quality. Darren just nodded fully embracing the homosexuality of the now. The male spunk under his nose flooding him with lustful desires and needs. Undoing his pets back bindings and taking off his buttplug underwear, Dennis noticed the change. The person that went into the bindings was a proud man, the person that came out was a submissive transsexual with a lust for refined cock and cum only. Dennis flipped his pet over on his stomach and pulled on a wire thin string that pulled out the egg vibrator. Diana gasped and came with a few spurts on the bedspread. But Dennis wasn't done. He licked the entrance of Diana's pucker hole then grabbed some lube off the side of the bed on the nightstand table and applied it to his still erect but saliva and cum coated cock. Then gently he pushed it inside into that tight fucking asshole. Darren grabbed handfuls of the sheets as he bucked back into the thrusts straight into his rectum. His tight insides rubbing and sliding against his thick master cock. Darren started to cum just as Dennis' thrusts pulled out farther and charged deeper into his cock-hungry ass. His ass cheeks bouncing up again the powerful blows from Dennis' pelvis. Dennis reached a point in his ass that made him instantly cum harder than he ever had before. The thick appendage then came filling up the anal cavity and dripping out sparkly. Most of the sum stayed inside, Diana' could feel it in his belly. Dennis then flipped him over and started in again. He plowed at Darren's asshole while Darren arched his back. Not being able to control it, his cock violently shot a whole cum load onto Dennis' face while Dennis blew a second load of creamy spunk into his full ass.

As Dennis pulled out, the cum came flowing out onto the bed as well. Darren breathed heavily as Dennis just stared at him with awe.

"Such...as stallion." Darren gasped between breaths. Dennis pulled a permanent marker from his nightstand and scribbled the number 1 on his lover's pelvis then kissed it gently.

--hi, my name is Jamie Lovechild, please email me at jamielovechild@yahoo.com with your reviews, thanks. And give me some feedback on whether or not you'd like me to write the sequel to my original piece "Sweetness Follows" --

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