Swim Club Exhibitionist

By Jane Parks

Published on Apr 21, 2013



Swim Club Exhibitionist

Sweet Kira, edited by Jane Parks

F/F, f/F, Exhib., Hum, Pedo

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters or events herein are based on real people, either living or dead. It was produced for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or if reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, do not read any further! By reading further, you certify that you have accessed/requested access to this material willfully, and that you are an adult 21 years of age or older. You also certify that to your knowledge, this material does not offend the standards in your area, nor is it in violation of any of local, state, or federal law.

Sweet Kira's confession to Me:

i have a small red 2 piece swim suit. It covers me pretty well, but does look nice on me. The color looks good on me. i threw the suit in my bag, and started off. The pool is a few minutes drive from my place. i wore a tank top and shorts, no bra ( or course ) and no panties. i got to the pool, checked in and headed to the changing room. There were only a couple of women there when i arrived. i could hear more people up at the pool though. The women were together and i took a spot just down from them. The women were in their late thirties or, maybe early forties. One was really attractive, the other not so much. The attractive one was about my height, African American, really pretty. Long black hair, and a nice body. Really nice breasts. They looked so firm in her swim suit top. She was wearing a black one-piece that really looked good on her.

i was so nervous. They looked up at me and smiled when i arrived. i smiled back and proceeded to undress. Pulling my top up over my head, i watched through the thin material as my breasts were bared. Usually in this situation, i would have gone to an empty area and changed there. i was almost hoping that the women wouldn't look up at me or, worse, watch me. i could see the black woman glance over at me just as my breasts popped free. Her look lingered a little and i could feel myself getting excited. Worse, i could feel my nipples hardening, just a little now, but i knew it would get worse. i guess she didn't realize that i could see her through the top, because she kept staring at me. i took a few seconds getting the top off, pretending to fuss with my hair. Finally, i removed my top and folded it into my bag. When i straightened up, i looked over at the woman, and saw that she was still looking at me, although not staring anymore - just glancing.

i smiled, just a little, as if i was a little embarrassed ( which i was ) and then bent over to slide my shorts down and off. That was the really hard part. Displaying my breasts was one thing, but to be naked, my bald puss also on display, was a lot more. i slid the shorts off and straightened up, facing the woman, letting her see my bald, little girl puss. i didn't look at her this time, but could feel her eyes on me. i thought about what You would expect me to do. How You would expect your little puppy slut to act now. So, i slowly turned around showing the lady my cute little bottom, then bent over to get my suit out of my bag. i pretended to be looking for something in the bag, and stayed bent over for several seconds. i could feel myself flushing, knowing the show i was putting on. But i also knew that this was just the sort of slutty exhibition that You would want your little girl slave to do.

i pulled out my suit, then with my bummy still facing the woman i slowly slipped it on, letting each leg linger just a second and i lifted it and slipped it into its leg hole. I imagined that from this angle and with me bent a little, with my legs spread a little, she was getting a good view of my bottom and my pussy from behind. Finally i slowly shimmied them up, making sure to squeeze the waistband over my cheeks. Then i turned to face sideway, letting her see my profile and put my top on, making sure to take some time adjusting my breasts within each cup. Finally ready to go, i picked up my bag and walked past them, smiling at the woman again. i could feel her eyes on me as i walked to the door so, knowing You would expect the extra little slutty behavior (and actually liking the attention i knew it was getting me), i gave my bottom and hips a little extra wiggle and sway as i walked away.

Up at the pool, i really didn't feel like swimming, so i just jumped in to get wet, then climbed back out almost immediately. Water dripping off me, my hair trailing long and wet behind me, i sauntered over to the one of the chairs. i stood by the chair and dried myself off a bit, taking a few seconds longer than necessary to run the towel over my breasts and then down, over and around my puss and bummy. i couldn't put on too much of a show here, because there were lifeguards and pool staff around.

i sat on a lounge chair and pretended to relax, putting on a pair of sunglasses. i sat back, but made sure to keep my legs spread a bit, so that people could see up in between them and the nice tight red material cupping my pussy.

As i sat there, the black woman from the changing room and her friend, walked by. i could see her glancing at me as she approached, so i used my left hand to lightly scratch at my right breast, scratching, but really more caressing and fondling, my breast as she passed. i knew she was seeing it and i could feel my pussy moistening and my nipples were already hard and starting to ache a little. It has been several days since You had allowed Your little puppy slut to cummy, so i was very horny and it did not take much to get me going.

As i sat there, i saw a mother and her young daughter come in. i watched them as they walked towards and past me. Both were in swim suits. Mom was really nice looking. Mid-thirties or so, long blond hair, cute face, really, really nice body. Medium sized breasts, and a nice figure. She was wearing a light blue one piece that hugged her nicely. The top part was low cut so there was a nice little cleavage. She looked kind of yummy and i think she knew how good she looked. As she approached, she glanced over at me and i smiled at her, but she quickly looked away, so i guess she wasn't interested.

Her daughter was adorable. Maybe 11 or 12, long blond hair, like her mom. Cute little budding breasts, just starting to push out the top of her swim suit. Her little girl body just starting to grow. As she walked past, i couldn't help but look at her darling little bottom, all snug inside her suit bottoms, with her cute little girl wiggle. i watched for a few seconds as she walked on, then quickly realized what i was doing and was a bit mortified. i wondered for a moment just what i was doing. She was just a kid, and here i was watching her sweet little bottom as it walked by. What kind of pervert was i turning into? What were You turning me into? i quickly looked around, hoping no one was watching me watch that little girl.

As i relaxed again, i saw, well really heard, three young teenagers enter the pool area. i looked over at them and almost had a cummy right there. One of the three girls was so beautiful, but i'll get to her in a minute. All three girls were about the same age, maybe 14 or 15. The first was maybe just over 5 feet or so, with short brown hair. She was a little on the heavy side - not too big, but a little. Very nice large breasts though. i find myself lately really liking large breasts on other women and girls. Not sure why. i find as i walk around now, i really do notice a nice pair of large breasts and wonder how much fun it would be to play with them, rub them against my own breasts and nipples. She was wearing a black one piece and her breasts really filled the top and bounced wonderfully as she walked past. As she passed, i watched her butt, which filled out the suit bottom very nicely. It jiggled a little as she walked and i found myself wondering, just for a second, what it would be like to crawl up behind her and push my face in between those cheeks, running my tongue up her crack. OMG, i was so hot. Sitting there, i could feel my pussy creaming.

The second girl was Asian, like me. She was not much to look at. Kind of short, maybe 4'8. A little too skinny, but a nice face. She was wearing a blue one-piece. Her little breasts barely pushed out the top at all, but i could see her nipples pointing through the thin material. She didn't have much of a shape, maybe she was a late bloomer. i glanced at her bottom as she walked past, but honestly, it was more fun to look at her two friends.

The third girl was the one who almost made me cummy when i first her. She was perfect, really, really perfect. About my height, 5'4, long light brown hair, pulled back in a pony tail. Her face wasn't just cute, it was beautiful. She was wearing a little pink two piece, that was really small. Her breasts, probably about the same size as mine ( C cup ), were pretty visible inside the top cups. They swelled around the top quite a bit. The pink bottoms were snug and so perfectly hugged her puss. As she walked past, she looked at me, but gave me this "who are you, bitch?" look, then turned away and kept walking past me. i stared at her bottom. What she was wearing was very snug and hugged her cheeks, maybe just a little too tight, as if the bottoms we just a bit too small. Her natural walk had a sway and a saunter that just made me drool. Her cheeks and hips swayed seductively and i couldn't take my eyes off of here. Between her and her slightly overweight friend, i was in heaven.

i would have done anything to be able to snuggle up to her and worship that body with my hands, lips and tongue. i think she could have ordered me to do anything and i would have done it.

i knew it was time to get out of there, before i did something really stupid or before someone noticed me ogling all these girls. i got to the dressing room, flustered and scared over my reaction in the pool area. i had flaunted my naked body to the women here earlier, and then i had watched and lusted after a young 12 year old girl. i could still see her fresh, smooth body in that little pink two piece she was wearing. As disgusted as i was with myself over those thoughts, i could also feel how excited i was. My nipples throbbed and i could feel how moist my puss was, begging for attention. Without conscious thought, the fingers of my right hand trailed down over my tummy and then slipped inside by suit bottoms, sliding over my already wet puss. At the first touch of my fingers on my wet lips, a small spasm of joy rippled through me. i willed myself not to cummy, as i did not have Your permission for that, but i left my fingers there, ever so lightly stroking myself, as i thought of that sweet little girl.

When i heard a noise directly behind me, i froze, my hand still inside my suit.

i started to turn, but before i could, i heard a voice - a very young voice.

"Well, well. Doesn't that look cute?"

As i heard the words, i saw that same young girl walk around in front of me, her eyes alternating between my own 'deer in the headlights' eyes and my hand still down inside my bottoms, touching my puss. Stupidly, i stood there, transfixed, unable to move - even to take my hand out of my suit. i looked at her, at once scared, but also feeling an excitement well up inside me. My heart hammered in my chest and i felt lightheaded. My mouth was dry and i knew i would not be able to speak, even if i wanted to.

i saw her looking at my hand down my suit bottoms and a small smile played over her lips.

She looked up at me, but i couldn't meet her eyes. i could feel my face burning with the shame i felt inside....or was that just lust?

"i saw you looking at me out there, watching me walk past you. Why were you watching me?"

Dumbfounded, i couldn't even speak. i finally got the courage to look at her, but when i opened my mouth to speak, nothing came out. i just stood there.

"ummmm.....you might want to at least take your hand out of your pants." She said, smiling wickedly.

My face burned even more as i realized how i must look to this little girl. A grown woman, standing here, her hand down her suit bottoms, playing with her pussy.....scared of a child. i pulled my hand out of my suit, and could feel the wetness on my fingers. i could also smell something. My arousal was evident in the air. i could smell how excited i was and i knew she could too.

Hastily, i rubbed my slick wet fingers on my bottoms, realizing immediately how that looked. She smirked again, watching me clean my pussy juice off my fingers.

"So, why were you watching me out there? Do you like little girls?"

i looked shocked. "ummmm...no" i stammered.

"You better tell me the truth. if you don't I'll walk back out to the pool and tell my mother you were bothering me in here. How would you like that?"

"What are you talking about? i never bothered you at all. You can't do that."

I can and I will. I'll run out of here crying and tell my mother you were trying to be a perv with me. Bothering me. They'll find you in here and who do you think they'll believe. You'll probably be arrested."

She saw the stricken, scared look on my face and laughed.

"I know why you were looking at me. Because you are a perv. You like little girls, don't you?"

"No, i don't. i mean, yes i was looking at you, but only for a second and not in any pervy way. i just looked at you. Please let me go and please don't tell anyone."

i cringed inwardly as i heard the pleading tone in my voice. i felt so humiliated and ashamed. i'm a grown woman and here i was pleading with a 12 year old.

She smirked at me again and said "Well I think you were perving after me. You like looking at me in my swim suit. You like little girls. Say it!! Admit it!!"

"i don't. Please just leave me alone."

"You better say it right now or I'll run out there and tell everyone what you did. SAY IT NOW!!"

i looked around frantically, hoping for a way out. i was so scared. She stood there,arms crossed over her little chest and stared sternly at me.

"I'm waiting and you better hurry up!"

Finally, unable to think of what else to do, my voice barely a whisper, i said "OK, i like little girls."

"Hmmm, what was that? I didn't hear you."

Louder....."i like little girls."

i could feel my face burning with the shame i felt. i couldn't believe i had said that. i couldn't believe this 12 year old girl had made me say it.

She smiled so sweetly at me. "There, that wasn't so hard was it....to admit the truth?"

"it wasn't the truth. i wasn't lusting after you. You just made me say that."

"Well, if you don't want me to go tell my Mom and get you in lots of trouble, you better start behaving. You better start doing exactly what i tell you."

"What do you mean behave? What do you want me to do?"

"Well first of all, tell me why you were watching me. And the truth."

My face red, a heart hammering, i looked at her as she smiled back at me. She looked so sweet, but i knew she was trouble for me, if i didn't do what she wanted. So I told her the truth.

"There's someone who made me come here to look at the women and girls and then report back to her."

"What do you mean - someone made you do it? Who made you do it?"

"ummmm....her name is Jane. i call her Miss Jane. i'm...well...i'm her slave. i do whatever she tells me to do and she sent me here....to look at girls."

She gave me an incredulous look, as if not believing that anyone could be that pathetic.

"So you call her Miss Jane. What does she call you?"

"She calls me Puppy Slut."

She burst out laughing, right in front of me. She was having so much fun at my expense.

"Puppy Slut!! She calls you Puppy Slut? OMG, that is so cute. You let her call you Puppy Slut?"

She was speaking way too loud and i tried to shush her, looking around frantically, hoping that there was no one else around.

"So are you her puppy?"

i shrugged, my eyes on the floor, unable to look this little girl in the eye. "i guess so. She likes to call me her puppy."

"So, let me see. if you are her puppy, then you must like being treated like a doggie. is that right?"

"ummmm...no...i mean...i don' think so. No one has ever actually treated me like that."

She stopped laughing and then said something that made my heart stop. "Well maybe we should find out. So tell me puppy girl, do puppies stand on two feet?"

i looked at her and she must have just loved the look on my face - part disbelief, part fear, part pleading.

"I think puppy girl should be on all fours. And i think she should get down there now...right NOW!!"

My eyes still on the floor, not believing what i was doing, i found myself slowly sliding down to my knees and getting on all fours. i felt my breasts swaying a little underneath me as i settled into this utterly degrading position.

"Well, that's a good start puppy girl. Are you going to be a good girl for me now?"


"Do you promise?"


"Say it. Promise me, now."

"i promise I'll be a good girl for you."

"Good girl." She petted me on the head, like i was a real live obedient puppy. "Now let's see if you know how real puppies act. What do puppies do when they meet another doggie? Do you know puppy girl?"

i honestly couldn't think of an answer. i didn't know what she wanted. "i...i don't know.

"Well that's OK, little puppy. I'll help you. Puppies sniff each other when they meet. Do you understand now. Do you know what I want you to do now?" "i don't know. i'm sorry. You want me to sniff something?"

"Not something. Me. Crawl over here and greet me with your nose. Sniff me like puppies do."

i couldn't believe what she was asking. i couldn't do that. i couldn't act like a real dog and crawl to her and sniff her. But i knew i didn't have a choice. i couldn't have her screaming to her mother about me.

i tentatively starting crawling towards her, my head still down.

"No, stop! i didn't like the way you hesitated. Now you have to ask me to sniff me. Ask me, puppy girl. Ask if you can please crawl to me and sniff me." i cringed. i didn't want to do that. i couldn't do that. But before i knew it, my mouth was opening and i heard myself saying: "May i please crawl to you and sniff you. Please."

OMG, please no. i felt like such a godawful slut. i was asking a 12 year old girl if i could crawl to her and sniff her.

"Yes you may, puppy girl. Come and sniff me."

Hoping desperately that no one would come in, i crawled towards her, my eyes still on the ground.

"Look at me, puppy girl. Watch me while you sniff me." she commanded.

So ashamed of myself for not being stronger, i nevertheless looked up into her eyes and saw the knowing smile on her face. She knew i was hers.

i crawled up to her, my nose almost touching the front of her swimsuit bottoms. i pushed my nose forward a bit more, actually touching the fabric, feeling it's softness. i breathed in deeply, taking in the fragrance of her sweet young body. i almost swooned. It was wonderful. i breathed again, wanting more of her smell. i nuzzled her puss through the thin material, hearing a soft moan from her. The she turned around, giving me a wonderful close-up view of her so sweet little girl bummy.

"Sniff me some more, puppy girl."

i didn't wait to be instructed twice. i pushed my nose deep into the crevasse between her lovely little cheeks and breathed as deep as i could. She smelled so good. i wanted more of her. i ran my nose up and down her crack, sniffing and smelling. i could feel her squirming and i knew i was pleasuring her. She shook her bottom in my face, rubbing both of her soft cheeks over me. i was i in heaven. i wanted more of this little vixen. i wanted her to take me, to make me her puppy slut.

She suddenly turned back and took me by my hair, dragging me across the floor, using my hair as some sort of leash. She pulled me into the handicapped stall and closed and locked the door. Pulling me to the toilet, she sat down, me on all fours facing her.

She told me to take my swim suit off. i was so hot by now, so wanting to be taken, that my hands fumbled at the clasp of my top. Finally it came undone and i slowly lowered it to show her my breasts. She gasped a little as they came into view. i could feel my nipples, so hard and throbbing now.

i then struggled, while on all fours, to lower and remove my bottoms. When i was naked, she took my suit and told me to kiss it goodbye. She was keeping it as a souvenir. i got so excited to think that this little girl was going to be keeping my swim suit.

The she did something i was never expecting. She stood up in front of me and slowly lowered her own bottoms, exposing for me her sweet little bald pussy. i moaned out loud in pure lust. i wanted to taste her so badly.

i found myself speaking without even realizing it, without being ordered to. i cravenly begged to lick her, to taste her....oh god please.

She giggled at my state, at how easily she was able to control me. She spread her legs a little, opening her little girl slit just a bit. i pushed my nose forward, barely touching her lips and inhaled. It was so sweet, the fragrance of innocence.

She sat on the toilet seat and spread her legs for me, beckoning me forward to lick her. i suspected that i was the first to ever taste that sweet pussy...at least i hoped so. My nose touched her lips again, then i slowly slid my tongue up her slit, tasting her for the first time. i licked her, over and over, back and forth. i loved the way she squirmed, as if i was tickling her. i could hear little moans softly escaping her lips. i clamped my mouth over her pussy and licked. A few seconds later i felt a small shudder pass through her. It lasted for just a couple of seconds, but i knew she had a cummy. Probably the first cummy of her young life. i almost cummied myself knowing that my mouth had helped her orgasm. i licked her a couple of times softly, then sat back, looking up at her.

She stood up, a little dazed looking, and directed me out of the stall. She pulled on a pair of shorts and told me to get dressed. i pulled on my top and started to put on my shorts, when she stopped me. She had been behind me and i turned to see her standing there watching me. It was what she was holding, dangling from one finger, that made me pause. Her little pink suit bottoms. She smiled at me.

"No puppy girl, no shorts for you. i think you can wear these home." As she swung the bottoms back and forth on her finger.

"i can't wear those. They're too small for me." And they were....much too small.

"Too bad. Put them on...now! Wear them out there and let everyone see you wearing a little girl's swim suit bottoms. Put them on now!!"

She threw the bottoms at me and i caught them. Holding them up, i could see that i would never fit into them and, even if i could, they would be so small on me that i would look ridiculous. This was worse than the shorts i wore in the mall.

i held the bottoms open and slid one foot in, then the other. i tried to pull them up and made it over my knees before they stuck. i struggled to pull them up while she giggled at my dilemma.

i had to pull each leg up a bit at a time. By the time they were at my upper thighs the material was biting into my skin, bunching it up. i finally pulled the bottoms on, but they didn't cover me adequately. The front barely coved my puss ( thank god i'm shaved there ) and the back of them didn't fully cover my bum. i was peeking out all over.

i finally got them settled as best i could and stood there, so humiliated. i could see myself in a nearby mirror and cringed when i saw how they looked on me. Front and back, i was bulging out all over the place. It was obvious they were way too small and i looked like a fool, or at best a slutty little tramp.

"Now you can leave." My tormenter instructed me.

i turned to leave and she started giggling.

"OMG, you should see how you look from back here. You ass is bulging out everywhere. Everyone is going to know you are wearing a little girl's bottoms. They are all going to know what a perv you are."

i started for the door and once back in the pool area, she was right. Everyone was staring at me. i could feel my face turning so red as i displayed myself like this. The worst shame was that i liked it. My nipples were throbbing and poking out the front of my top and i could feel my pussy moistening. My own body's reaction shamed me the most.

i had to walk right by the girl's mother on my way to the exit. i didn't dare look at her. i kept my head down and walked past. Out of the corner of my eye, i could see her watching me. i wondered if she recognized her daughter's bottoms. God i hoped not.

i walked the long way around the pool back to exit. i approached the black woman i had seen in the changing room and slowed a little as i passed her. i looked her way and smiled shyly. She smiled back, and then i saw her eyes drop from my face to my chest, and then to my too tight swimsuit bottoms. Then I saw her smile change to a knowing smirk. She knew exactly what I was, and it amused her.

i kept walking and made it to the exit, big, wet tears of humiliation running down my flushed cheeks. I left the building and ran to my car and left. Driving home, i was going almost crazing with my puss so hot and burning. Oh god, i needed a cummy.

This work is copyright (c) 2013 by Sweet Kira and Jane Parks. You may download and retain a copy for your personal use as long as the author's byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copy. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.

If you wish to contact Sweet Kira, you may do so through Jane Parks, her owner. Jane Parks may be contacted at janeparkshot@yahoo.com

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