Taking One for the Team

By Black Monk

Published on Jan 13, 2016



by the Black Monk

It had been a few days since the game that sent Rutherford to the state championships and Cameron to the coach's office. Cameron returned to school a hero. Somehow, everyone knew he had scored the only two goals in the game, and that he had been injured so badly he had to be carried out of the pool by the team captain. But no one seemed to know the nature of the injury, to Cameron's relief, and he was happy to keep his schoolmates in the dark. His testicles had continued to ache for a few days, but with anti-inflammatories and his young body's own ability to heal itself, they were soon back to normal.

What had lasted rather longer and remained vivid, however, were his memories of the events surrounding his injury. For those first few days, with his tender organs a constant reminder, Cameron continuously replayed the sequence of events in his mind, trying to understand exactly when and why he had gone from being thoroughly humiliated – as he lay helpless and naked while Dr. Gill fingered his butthole and the team captain gave him a messy handjob – to lost in ecstasy, as a part of his body he had never known was awakened. His thoughts focused on Jeff, who had come to his rescue after the attack and then was so turned on by pleasuring him. Did Jeff think about it too? Did Jeff wonder when and how he had gone from reluctance, when the team doctor first asked him to touch Cameron's dick, to grinding his Speedo-shrouded hardness into Cameron's arm? Cameron's breath quickened and his heart raced when he remembered how badly he wanted to feel that hardness again, filling and stimulating him in a way Dr. Gill's fingers could not, and how eager Jeff seemed to oblige him.

As the days passed, though, it lost prominence in Cameron's mind as his attention was diverted by the rest of his life, mostly in the form of schoolwork. Distracted by a history paper, a lab report for chemistry, and someone called James Joyce, Cameron's thoughts had returned to the demanding realities of teenage life at a competitive, exclusive place like Rutherford. He tried to keep his various obligations straight in his head as he waded through a crowded hall on a Friday morning en route to his next class.

"Hey, Cam!"

Cameron turned in the direction of the voice. "Oh, hey Mitch. What's up?"

"Nothing. How are you doing?" Mitch caught up and walked beside him. "Hey, man, you're a hero now, you know?" Mitch grinned like a Cheshire cat.

Cameron looked at the freckles on Mitch's comical face. "Aww... come on, dude," he chuckled, slightly embarrassed. "What're you talking about?"

"False modesty doesn't become you!" Mitch teased. "Everyone's talking about it. You know it!"

"Yeah, well... OK." Cameron looked away, with more genuine modesty than Mitch knew.

"Taking one for the team like that... So what happened anyway? Jeff had to carry you out of the pool or something..."

Jeff. Cameron suddenly remembered him. "Hey, have you seen Jeff lately?"

Mitch shook his head. "No. You?"

"I haven't seen him since the game, actually," Cameron realized. He turned, and the two started up a flight of stairs.

"Haven't you been to practice this week?" Mitch asked.

"No. We only had one on Wednesday, and Mr. Macleod let me take it off, `cuz of... well..." He stopped short of mentioning the injury.

"Hey, speak of the devil!" Mitch pointed to the landing at the top of the stairs.

"Hey hey hey! Wassup, ladies?" Jeff beamed as he sauntered down the stairs. Cameron's heart jumped. He hadn't seen Jeff for days, and now here he was, in the flesh. It sent his mind reeling back to what happened in Coach's office.

"Hey, dude!" Cameron smiled coyly. Seeing Jeff in the halls of the school, clothed, always jarred him slightly because he usually saw Jeff in the pool and the locker room, nearly or completely naked. But this time, for some reason, the difference struck him even more. Cameron supposed Jeff looked as he always did, but he noticed, perhaps for the first time, how the black blazer suited Jeff's glowing complexion and set off his broad shoulders, and how casually the school's gray and blue colors were tied around his neck.

"We were just talking about you and the game!" Mitch said excitedly. "Everyone's talking about it! Cam's a hero!"

They stopped on the stairs, and Jeff looked at Mitch. "Yeah, I know. I was there. The whole team was there," he said coldly. He put an arm around Cameron. "So, a hero? Is that right?" he chuckled. "How you doin', buddy?" He lowered his head to catch Cameron's eyes, and then he glanced down at Cameron's groin.

"I'm alright, thanks," Cameron said awkwardly, peeking out the corner of his eye at Mitch to see if he noticed the direction of Jeff's gaze. He hadn't. "Where have you been?"

"Yeah, he said he hasn't seen you since the game!" Mitch interjected, but Jeff barely noticed him.

"You feeling better?" Jeff brushed Cameron's tie across his stomach and grabbed hold of his belt buckle. "You need help with anything?" Cameron fidgeted as he felt his organs jiggling from Jeff's shaking. What was he doing?

Jeff moved in closer and said softly, teasing him, "You need me to give you anything?"

Cameron wiggled out of Jeff's embrace. "Dude! What?!" He glanced at Mitch, nervously feigning confusion, and changed the subject quickly. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you for days!"

"Just busy, I guess," Jeff said coolly. "Where you been?"

"Busy..." said Cameron.

"Well well well!" said Jeff sarcastically, pretending to dust the lapels of Cameron's blazer. "Heros are busy people."

Cameron looked into Jeff's big brown eyes, and he felt them pierce through him like laser beams. "I was... hoping to see you this week," he said meekly.

"Yeah, sorry I haven't been around. Look, it's the weekend. Wanna meet up Saturday or something?" Jeff asked.

Cameron's heart jumped again at the prospect of seeing Jeff outside school. "Umm, yeah definitely! I'm not doing anything besides homework."

"Cool, I'll call you." Jeff turned to Mitch. "I gotta go. Buh-bye, ladies!"

"Bye..." said Mitch.

Jeff started down the stairs, but not a second later, Cameron jumped as someone pinched his butt.

"Ooh! Cameron's my hero!" Jeff screamed in falsetto, smiling at him. Mitch laughed as the other boys on the stairs stopped to observe the commotion, and Cameron frowned at Jeff in embarrassment. Jeff turned and continued down the staircase.

"OK... That was a little weird," said Mitch.

Cameron continued up the stairs. "Yeah, I don't know what he's been smoking."

"You guys OK?" said Mitch.

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know. He didn't seem keen on talking about the game. And you seemed nervous or something."

Cameron looked at Mitch. "He was crazy or something! Wasn't he?"

Mitch laughed. "You know him better than I do." They arrived at a classroom door. "Here's where I get off. You wanna work on the history paper together sometime?"

"Yeah, let's do that."

"Awesome. Later!" Mitch trailed off through the door. "And don't forget! You da man!" Several other boys passing in the hallway heard Mitch's praise and patted Cameron on the shoulders as he walked by.

An air of satisfaction settled over him Cameron. School hero might be overstating it, but he was certainly the man of the hour. And his heart was still pounding from his encounter with Jeff on the stairs and its promise of a weekend rendezvous. He floated off to class.

The next day, Cameron got up earlier than usual for a Saturday. After a morning run, shower, and breakfast, he sat down to his homework, determined to get most of it behind him so he could give his undivided attention when Jeff called. As patchy clouds rolled in over the course of the afternoon, he even delved into the history paper, hoping to be prepared when he got to work on it the following week with Mitch.

Afternoon became evening, clouds began to obscure the sky, and Cameron grew anxious. He distracted himself by trying to read the Joyce stories assigned by his English teacher, but after working for so many hours in expectation of Jeff's call, it was all he could think about. At twilight, impatience got the better of him, and he dialed Jeff's cell phone. It went directly to voicemail. Dammit! Cameron thought. Where is he?

Cameron had dinner with his mother, then retreated back to his room for another stab at reading Joyce. The hours evaporated away, and long before it should have been, it was nearly midnight. He stared at the clock by his bed and heard rain pattering outside. His mind began to race as doubts presented themselves, one after another.

Fuck you, Jeff. How could you leave me hanging like this? I want to see you so bad.

He replayed in his mind what happened in Coach Macleod's office. Had he misinterpreted Jeff's intentions? He remembered feeling Jeff's erection pressing on his arm; he was sure he had not imagined it. He recalled the sensation of the firmness radiating its heat through the lycra as Jeff rubbed it against him, the memory of it so vivid that he felt the bulge on his arm as he sat alone in his room. Then he recalled how Jeff had gone for broke by playing with one of his nipples; the memory sent a shiver through his chest. No, Jeff's intentions had been clear.

But maybe it had just been the moment that turned Jeff on, and after thinking about it, he had decided he didn't want such intimacy again. Cameron considered whether he, too, had been swept up in the moment, intoxicated into thinking he wanted more by the extraordinary situation and what his body was feeling. But the stirring in his cock as he thought of Dr. Gill and Jeff caressing and stroking the most secret parts of his body affirmed it was still something he wanted badly. His hand wandered down to feel his maleness through his jeans, and it immediately struck him that he was in the same position as when he had grabbed his balls while laying by the pool, futilely trying to relieve the pain while Jeff had cradled his head. Again, he could almost conjure the sensation of Jeff's comforting touch, and he longed to feel it again. He rubbed his crotch, which now ached in a different way.

He thought of how he had stood in the doorway of Mr. Macleod's office, pressing his naked body against Jeff, feeling Jeff's smooth thigh against his cock, and grabbing Jeff's bulge like an animal in heat. Had he been too aggressive and scared Jeff? But that wouldn't explain Jeff's behavior yesterday. He had been plenty assertive as well, shaking Cameron's belt buckle on the stairs where everyone could see it while mumbling suggestively in his ear. Cameron rubbed his crotch harder and felt his flesh becoming engorged. Those were not the actions of someone who was intimidated, and Jeff was too bold and confident for that anyway.

Then he remembered how sarcastic Jeff's tone had been. Was Jeff mocking him, knowing what he wanted sexually and teasing him about it in front of the entire school? Did he leave Cameron hanging just to toy with him? Would the same trusted teammate and friend he knew, who looked out for him in the pool, really do that? Or rather, had his pride been wounded, as the veteran player who brooded over his team was outshone once more by someone younger who simply had the good fortune to score a few lucky points before taking a shot in the nuts?

"Yeah, I know. I was there. The whole team was there," he had said to Mitch. The words stung with resentment when Cameron replayed them in his mind, and he could still hear Jeff's voice, as clearly and presently as the other memories he had replayed in his mind: "So, a hero? Is that right?" The voice was mocking and acerbic.

Cameron felt a pit in his stomach.

I didn't ask for this, Jeff... Don't you remember how much pain I was in? I would never try to steal your thunder – if you only knew how much I look up to you.

Frustration welled inside Cameron; he simply did not know what was going on. His mind returned to the reality of his surroundings, he heard the rain continuing to fall outside, and he felt alone. Cameron needed to see Jeff. He didn't really need to talk to him, he just needed the assurance of his presence. And until that happened, the questions in his head would remain unanswered. They only thing he could be certain of was that he desperately wanted to recapture whatever energy had connected them that day in Coach Macleod's office, when they were in the heat of the moment, both aroused like wild animals and unafraid to let the other know. He stood up and felt his erection straining for release from his jeans. His body needed to be touched.

He stepped in front of the mirror in his room and pulled off his shirt. He ran a hand through his blond hair, letting it fall where it wanted. The light of his desk lamp in the cavernous darkness of the room exaggerated the definition of his young muscles, casting a bright glow on this and obscuring that. His fingers slowly glided over his smooth, lean torso, sending electric pulses through his chest as they coursed over his nipples, and rippling over the subtle undulations of his developing abs. He thought about Jeff's embrace, with an arm across his chest as he dragged him to safety at the side of the pool, and how the concern in his voice that day was such a marked contrast to his mocking tone on the stairs the day before. And he thought again about Jeff playing with his nipple. With a mind of its own, Cameron's hand floated up to the nipple, and he watched intently in the mirror, like a voyeur, as his fingers fondled the small pink nub.

His erection screamed again for release. He stood in profile and watched the reflection of the mast tenting inside his jeans. He slipped his thumbs into the elastic of his underwear and slowly pushed both garments down his hips, performing a striptease for himself in the mirror. The engorged meat bounced out into the air, waving at its own reflection. The jeans and underwear fell to his ankles, and Cameron stepped out of them, standing before the mirror fully naked. Still pinching his nipple with one hand, the other began stroking his slender pink cock. He thrust his hips forward, as if he had pulled himself along by his dick, and he watched intently in the mirror as his hand glided back and forth on the smooth pole.

Damn you, Jeff, why aren't you here to touch this right now?

Racking his memory, he tried to remember what Jeff had done to him that transported him into such delirium. Cameron touched and caressed his maleness in every way he could think of, seeking the sensations he remembered, but he could not find them. Nothing he did felt the same.

How do you know my dick better than I do?

Cameron sat at the corner of his bed. Like Narcissus, his gaze dwelt on his reflection, admiring the young, athletic male in the mirror rubbing his cock in frustration. Nothing satiated the feeling he hungered for. It didn't even feel as good as it normally did when he touched himself. Despite its earlier swelling, there was now an odd discomfort in the base of his penis like congestion. Cameron snorted and closed his eyes in annoyance.

His memory teased him once more by projecting onto the darkness one final image, of Jeff massaging his wet, glistening prick through a thick mess of lube and precum, enveloping the organ with his hands and ministering pleasure to its every surface. Cameron's knees felt weak at the thought.

How could I do anything but surrender to your touch?

Cameron opened his eyes and saw that his erection was waning. He sighed, resigned to the fact that his body needed something tonight that he could not give himself. He crawled across the bed and burrowed under the blankets, naked and lonely. His body curled into a fetal position, but his hand maintained its desperate grip on his dick, again like the position he had assumed by the side of the pool. So this is how it feels to want someone, he thought. His eyes closed, and he heard the rain again, like the fingers of someone absent tapping on his window.

Mondays were always difficult, but the disappointment of the weekend found Cameron in a depressed mood. He took some consolation in knowing that he had used the time productively, but a dark cloud had hung over his Sunday, and all the work he had done could not compensate for his discontent. And while Jeff had finally begun to recede from his thoughts at the end of the previous week, he was all Cameron could think about now, and the questions of what had happened over the weekend left him anxious.

Cameron navigated through the crowd of boys in the hall, with an apathetic lack of urgency about getting to his next class. A few of the students still congratulated him on the game as he passed them, but he knew it had become old news, and the thrill of their attention had lapsed with it. He realized with some satisfaction that he had managed to focus his thoughts on something other than Jeff when the voice of one who had disappointed him so badly called from behind.


He kept walking, wishing Jeff would go away, and hoping the crowded hall might prevent Jeff from catching up to him.

"Cam! Wait up!"

He heard the heavy, brisk steps of someone running behind him. He turned around to see the other boys parting like the Red Sea before the popular older boy. Cameron turned ahead and kept walking as Jeff came up beside him.

"Hey, Cam!" he huffed. "I'm really, really sorry about this weekend."

Cameron didn't look at him. "Whatever, dude," he said, shaking his head.

"Hey, seriously! Look..." He leapt in front of Cameron, blocking his path. "You're upset with me." He looked intently at Cameron, trying to establish eye contact as he always did.

No shit, genius. Cameron stared at him for a second to consider his response, or whether to try going around him, but he was surprised to hear himself yell, "What the fuck, man?!"

"Aww Cam, I'm sorry. Really, I am!"

"You left me hanging all weekend! Not a phone call, nothing! What the hell?!"

Startled by the intensity of Cameron's outburst, Jeff's mouth started running. "Please, man, let me explain! It was my stupid aunt. She got back to her house Friday night and someone had broken in, she got scared shitless, she called my dad, we drove all the way up to Riverview on Saturday, she kept us there all weekend... We only came back down last night because I had to be at school this morning."

"You coulda called, Jeff!" Cameron said indignantly.

"We left so fast Saturday morning I didn't even have my phone with me! Come on, Cam, please don't be angry with me," Jeff pleaded. "You know I wouldn't stand you up like that."

Cameron looked into Jeff's eyes, which seemed genuinely remorseful. His gaze burned through him once again, and Cameron felt his anger melting away.

Not hearing an affirmative response, Jeff grabbed Cameron's shoulders, but there was something tender about the gesture. "You know I wouldn't do that to you, right?"

His resistance crumbled. "Yeah, I guess so..." he admitted reluctantly.

"Because I wouldn't... Please let me make it up to you."

The words rang in Cameron's ears. "Whadya mean?"

"Can you come over tonight? My parents are gone; they went back up to Riverview this morning to stay with my aunt again tonight. My mom left some stuff in the fridge. You can come over for dinner, hang out... Can you come?"

Fuck yeah, Cameron thought, but he feigned reluctance. "OK... I guess so."

"Just you and me." There was a mischievous glint in Jeff's eyes, as he slowly and deliberately said, "I'll make it up to you. I swear." A cold chill swept through Cameron's body as he wondered exactly what Jeff had in mind. "Say, seven-ish?"

"OK," Cameron nodded, managing a sheepish smile.

"Great." Jeff beamed. "Again, man, I'm really sorry, OK? See you tonight!" Jeff slapped Cameron on the shoulder and roamed off.

It was absolutely ridiculous, and Cameron knew it, but suddenly everything seemed alright. Was he really so easily swayed? The agonizing uncertainty of the weekend was over, and though none of the many questions that had passed through his mind had actually been answered, just seeing Jeff had made him feel better, as he knew it would. Cameron continued to class with a renewed sense of purpose, but his heart beat strongly in his chest when he thought about what might happen that evening.

He was taking no chances. Cameron knew what he wanted that evening, and he dressed to make it happen. He put on a short-sleeved, button-down shirt that he left unbuttoned to a rather unlikely degree for the time of year. Below, he wore cargo shorts and flip-flops, and under his shorts he had put on one of his workout togs, a mostly lavender suit that he thought looked good on him.

To Cameron's surprise, Jeff answered his door that evening in even more summery attire. Cameron surveyed him from top to bottom, noting how Jeff's completely unbuttoned shirt hinted tantalizingly at the muscles underneath. Below that were white nylon soccer shorts, and nothing else.

He smiled at Cameron. "Hey, bro. Come on in."

Cameron smiled timidly and stepped through the door. They tucked into something simple that Jeff's mother had left, eating casually on the sofa in the living room. Unimportance droned on the television.

"Mom would never let us do this if she were here!" Jeff laughed.

The conversation drifted here and there, spending some time on the upcoming state championship game, how excited they were about it, and how they couldn't wait to find out whom they would be playing. Eventually the food disappeared.

After a lull in the conversation, Jeff asked, "So, I guess you were pretty upset with me, huh?"

"You mean the weekend?" Jeff nodded. Cameron thought about all the conflicting emotions he had over the weekend, but he tried to find something concise to say. "I didn't know what was going on. On Friday, you seemed... like you were teasing me or something. And when you said to Mitch that the whole team was there, I just thought you might be..."

"You thought I was jealous," Jeff said, completing his thought.

"Well... like you felt people were talking about it too much or something." Cameron was pleased that he managed to find another way of putting it so quickly.

"I didn't mean anything like that," Jeff said. "You won that game for us, man. You deserve it."

"Yeah, but you're the captain of the team. And you know, I..." Cameron looked down, searching for the words to express what he meant without sounding sentimental. "Well, I look up to you, man. I owe you... everything. You've been there for me all year, and shit, if you hadn't been looking out for me in that game, I don't know what would've happened." Jeff smiled sympathetically at him. "And when you said to Mitch --"

"Oh, Mitch is a dork!" Jeff said dismissively. "I was just trying to get rid of him... `cuz I wanted to talk to you." He paused, then shifted his body closer to Cameron. "And since we're getting all girly here, I didn't know what to think after the game either. I kinda hoped you were gonna call me, and when I didn't hear from you, I worried you got weirded out by things."

Cameron looked away self-consciously. "Yeah well... I guess it was kinda weird, wasn't it?"

Jeff stood up and left the question unanswered. "Lemme clear up these dishes."

Cameron sat on the sofa by himself. He heard the sounds of Jeff in the kitchen, as dishes clinked and the faucet whistled. After clicking between several channels on the television, he noticed Jeff had silently re-appeared behind the sofa, supporting himself on the cushions behind Cameron's head.

"So, you never answered my question on Friday. How are you doing?"

Cameron craned his neck around to look at Jeff, but the angle was very awkward. He looked off to the side. "Whadya mean?" He almost heard Jeff's smile expand across his face.

"How are you feeling?" Jeff put his hands on Cameron's shoulders and gently rubbed them.

"Umm... Yeah, I'm fine, I guess..." Jeff's touch soothed him, but Cameron was getting nervous.

"Did you go see Dr. Gill again?"


"I was hoping you would call me." Jeff leaned over and spoke softly into Cameron's ear. "You said you might need me again, remember?" One of Jeff's hands slid into Cameron's shirt and rubbed his chest. He felt Cameron's heart pounding, and when he found a nipple, Cameron gasped. "I saw everything he did to you. I could do it to you too..."

"Urrhhh..." Cameron was suddenly at a loss for words, and he stared in amazement when Jeff effortlessly launched himself over the back of the sofa and landed next to him on the cushions. Jeff looked at him and laughed.

"What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

Yeah, what's the matter with you? Cameron thought. You wanted this so badly two nights ago. "Umm... I, uh... got busy. Y'know, homework and stuff..." He paused. "I'm sorry I didn't call," he said meekly.

"Come on, man." He put a hand on Cameron's knee and slowly made his way up the inside of his smooth thigh. "Let me help you again, dude. The way you said you wanted me to. Remember?"

Finding his resolve, Cameron looked squarely into Jeff's eyes, the eyes that had melted away his frustration and regained his trust earlier that day, and undid the remaining buttons on his shirt, baring his chest and abdomen to the older boy. Jeff's hands lost no time roaming onto the newly exposed territory, finally exploring and touching Cameron's body the way he had wanted to that day in Coach's office. He felt the thickness of Cameron's chest, the firmness of his young abs, and the obliques seizing up as he found the ticklish spots on the sides of Cameron's torso. Jeff pushed the shirt further back, exposing Cameron's shoulders

Cameron tried to reach around Jeff's restless arms to undo his shorts, but Jeff stopped him, pushing his hands away.

"No. Let me do it." Cameron leaned back as Jeff took control, slowly undoing his shorts, pausing frequently to squeeze the growing mound of flesh inside. He undid the zipper and saw the lavender togs underneath. "Aww," he chuckled knowingly, "nice." Cameron lifted his hips as Jeff pulled the shorts off him, and he wriggled out of his shirt, letting it slip off his arms onto the cushions under him. He leaned back, now clad in nothing more than he would wear to the pool, and surrendered to Jeff's wandering hands, which were now focused on the hardness inside the swimsuit. Jeff locked eyes with Cameron as he explored the growing bulge, but after just a few seconds he grew impatient and pulled the togs off Cameron's legs. The boy's erection bounced out into the air, and Jeff smiled at it in recognition. He held the flawless member, recalling how it had felt in his hands and how he had touched it before. His fingers wandered down to Cameron's sac and felt the heavy orbs suspended within. He gently squeezed one of them to gauge Cameron's reaction. "You OK?"

He nodded. "Dude, you should get naked too."

Jeff considered the young blond lying naked and submissive before him, and he smiled. "Naaah... I like it when you're like this!"

"That's not fair! I was naked like this in front of you last time!" Cameron objected. But Jeff picked up the lavender swimsuit, held it to his nose, and inhaled deeply, clearly not listening. "Jeff? Dude... that's..."

"Yeah, I've heard enough from you." Jeff rolled the swimsuit into a ball and stuffed as much as would fit into Cameron's mouth. Cameron giggled, and Jeff smiled gleefully at the sight of the school's water polo hero draped naked across the sofa with his kit hanging out of his mouth. "If you're very good, I might let you talk later," he said playfully.

Cameron groaned unconvincing objections through the lycra, but fell silent when Jeff's hand wandered to his hole. His eyes glazed over as Jeff explored the area, feeling the smoothness of his butt become the soft, tender skin around the entrance to his body. Cameron melted into the cushions, spreading his legs as wide as he could to open his most secret places to Jeff. He wiggled his hips several times, causing his prick to wave back and forth, drawing Jeff's attention to it. Jeff stroked the pole a few times, while the other probed Cameron's entrance with a finger. Cameron moaned objections again.

"Ah ah ah! No talking!" Jeff said teasingly. He flicked the head of Cameron's erection a few times. Cameron convulsed and shook his head frantically, and Jeff noticed an expression of desperation in his face. He pulled the gag out.

Cameron clicked his tongue a few times and licked his lips to restore moisture to his mouth. "Please, Jeff," he panted desperately. "Lick it."

"Your dick?" Jeff said, as if the possibility had never occurred to him.

Cameron nodded hopefully. Jeff paused to think.

"Let's go up to my room." He pulled Cameron up from the sofa and led him to the stairs, leaving behind Cameron's clothes. He wouldn't need them where they were going. Jeff led his naked friend up the stairs by his penis, gently rubbing the exotic leash, while Cameron's hands wandered over Jeff's shoulders, hoping to coax him out of at least his shirt. As Jeff hadn't bothered to do any of the buttons, it came off easily, and Jeff let it fall from his arms as they entered his room.

Jeff suddenly grabbed Cameron by the hips and tried to throw him onto the bed, but Cameron wrapped his arms around Jeff's bare torso and brought the older boy crashing down upon him as he landed on the mattress. There was a silent moment as the two stared at each other, their chests in full contact, before Cameron's hands started exploring Jeff's back. He knew Jeff's body from seeing it so often in the pool and the shower, but although they helped each other with something as intimate as shaving each other's ballsacs, he had never touched his team captain like this. Jeff's trapezius and shoulders, all firmer from a few more years of training and experience, seemed to vibrate under Cameron's touch. Jeff gazed back, astonished at the way Cameron had suddenly taken the initiative. Without thinking about it, he found himself lowering his head and pressing his lips against Cameron's. The contact completed a circuit, sending a shock through both their young bodies. The first few touches were brief, neither pair of lips knowing quite what to do, but the boys quickly found their stride, and their mouths undulated hungrily over each other, tender lips exploring and being explored. Jeff was the first to put his tongue into the mass of quivering flesh, first brushing across Cameron's lips but then pressing through, demanding their parting for him to enter. Upon admission, he felt the warmth inside Cameron's mouth contrasting with the solidness of his teeth. Cameron's tongue met the wet invading muscle, darting over and under it. The boy on the bottom suddenly jerked his head away and started to laugh hysterically.

Still lying on top of him, Jeff said, "What?"

"Dude... I can taste what we ate for dinner!"

Jeff raised himself up on his elbows. "Oh fuck you."

"I'm... I'm sorry, man!" Cameron said between laughs. "I'm so sorry!"

Jeff lowered his head again to steal a few more kisses, as the two of them giggled, but then he rolled off Cameron's side and gazed at his nude body. His cock, now rock-hard, stood in the air like a defiant flagpole. Remembering what he had done to it in Coach's office, Jeff rubbed the tip of the prick, pressing into his slit.

"Oh God..." Cameron sighed, remembering how he had been unable to pleasure himself like this two nights before, and he watched Jeff's technique in amazement, almost unable to believe it was his tool that Jeff was working yet feeling the pleasure Jeff administered to him. But the older boy stopped suddenly and got off the bed.

"Get up further on the bed." He moved to the closet, the protruding mast in his nylon shorts floating before him.

"Why? What are you doing?"

"Just do it."

Cameron did as he was told, crawling up to the pillows and turning on his back again. Jeff turned from the closet holding his school tie, the gray and blue colors of Rutherford.

"What are you doing?"

"Sshhh..." Jeff wrapped the tie around Cameron's eyes, knotting it at the back.

"Jeff! Jeff, I can't see!" Cameron said with agitation, reaching for the tie.

"I know," Jeff purred soothingly. "That's the idea." He gently put Cameron's hands back on the bed.

"Jeff, I dunno about this!"

He gently caressed Cameron's chest to calm him. "Don't you trust me? After everything..." His hand squeezed Cameron's dick. "... everything we've done?"

Cameron thought of it all: their camaraderie and intimacy, Jeff rescuing him in the pool, Jeff jerking him off before, and holding his penis again now. Yes, he did trust him. He trusted him completely.

He didn't need to voice his answer, or perhaps Jeff didn't need to hear it. Jeff launched himself onto him, smelling and licking his neck and chest, making his way ever further down. He had a sudden urge to taste every part of Cameron's body, to lick and suck as much he could, and to mark it as his own with his saliva. Cameron's chest heaved and his back arched at the sensations, rising to meet Jeff's mouth.

When Jeff got to the base of Cameron's manhood, he felt the blond's pelvis shaking in nervous anticipation. He hovered over the bright pink tip of the long prick, breathing on it, slowly placing kisses again at the base, squeezing it several times with his hand. But his mouth never came down on it.

"Oh Jeff!" Cameron panted in frustration. "You fucking tease!"

Jeff laughed. He stroked the dick quickly a few times, as if he were loading a rifle, and he grazed the head with his tongue. Cameron threw his head back, whimpering as the licking progressed. His arms extended fully at his sides, pushing his body off the mattress in an instinctive attempt to thrust his organ into the mouth that teased it. Jeff ignored him, pushing his hips back onto the bed. He grabbed the base of the fleshpole with one hand and continued licking the head like a lollipop, until it glistened with his spit. Then pursing his lips, he lowered his mouth on the wet head, letting it push his lips apart as he descended on it. The roughness of his lips chafed slightly over the slick, sensitive cockhead, tickling Cameron. Jeff filled his mouth with the prize, his oral urge finally satiated.

"Aww shiiit..." Cameron whispered.

His head bobbed up and down on the dick, but in his inexperience, he was unable to take much of its substantial length without gagging. Still holding the base of Cameron's meat with his hand, he remembered the various things he had done to Cameron on the examining table and tried to reproduce the moves with his mouth, wiggling his lower lip at a sensitive spot here, pressing his tongue aggressively there, and soon Cameron was squirming on the bed in ecstasy, thrusting his pelvis into Jeff's mouth.

Jeff grabbed Cameron's ballsac tightly and pulled the pelvis back to the bed. Cameron moaned in pain and pleasure. With his head still impaled on the young prick, Jeff's thoughts turned again to the mysterious, delicate hole further below. He pulled himself off the member, releasing it from his tight lips with a popping sound, and pushed one of Cameron's legs back to reveal the boy pussy. He spit generously on his index finger and rubbed his saliva into the opening, watching in fascination as the hole twitched nervously in response to his touch, now opening, now winking shut.

He caressed the inside of Cameron's thigh with his other hand. "Relax, buddy." Cameron inhaled deeply, and Jeff watched as the hole seemed to release itself. His finger eased in, and Cameron exhaled a puff of air, adjusting to the feeling. "You OK?" The necktie nodded. He pushed further in, exploring the soft passage, wiggling the tip of his finger, and rocking his hand in and out of the hole. He thought he found the soft bulb deep within, and he lightly pressed against it. Cameron groaned as the tender gland sent a shock through his body, and it all came flooding back: writhing in pain on the table in Coach Macleod's office, Dr. Gill's finger up his ass, and Jeff stroking his cock while his own got harder and harder. Cameron could almost smell the mustiness of the locker room, and the memory intoxicated him once more.

"Is that what Dr. Gill did to you?"

"Uh huh," Cameron squealed. Jeff tried to touch the spongy bulge in different ways, but it was too far inside Cameron's body.

"I'm gonna put another finger in."

Cameron didn't respond. Blindfolded and with his mouth hanging open, he looked catatonic, bereft of any self-awareness, caring only for the pleasure coming from deep within him. Jeff spit on his middle finger and eased his hand back inside Cameron's hole. With the longer finger, he could reach around to the far side of the soft bulb, and he used both fingers to massage it.

"Oh faaacking Jesus..." Cameron whimpered. His hips moved around, as if trying to trap Jeff's fingers in one spot. His cock had turned a bright red, and it swayed back and forth in the air obscenely as his pelvis responded to Jeff's touch. "Oh fuuuck..." The older boy beheld the spectacle of it all, and as he witnessed Cameron's ecstasy, he realized how aroused and in need of pleasure he was himself.

He gently withdrew his hand from inside Cameron. "OK, my turn," he said playfully.

Cameron felt an emptiness inside him as the bed shifted and Jeff got up, and he heard the sound of Jeff's shorts coming off. The bed shifted again as Jeff rejoined him on the bed; Cameron touched what felt like Jeff's knee with his hand, and then he felt an intense warmth near his mouth. He suspected what it was, but he needed to see it for himself. He fumbled with Jeff's necktie and lifted it off his eyes. Jeff was straddling his chest, and hovering in his face was Jeff's erection.

It startled Cameron. He had seen Jeff's penis before, though never in an aroused state, and yet here it was before him – rigid, burning hot like a pillar of fire covered by skin, and just inches from his mouth. It was very different from his own organ, not as long, but noticeably thicker. The shaft was rough and gnarled, like the root of a tree burrowing into the ground, and punctuated with veins of different sizes and colors. The end curved upward defiantly, and the bulbous, swollen head seemed to be precariously balanced on the end. Cameron could scarcely believe it was the same penis he had seen before. It looked like an alien appendage, made to perform some rough, savage function.

He looked up at Jeff, who gazed back silent and pleading, beseeching Cameron to accept the cock he offered him. Cameron thought it was the first time all evening that Jeff looked vulnerable. He looked back at the root, still radiating its heat radiating on his face, and knew he needed to taste it. His lips puckered and kissed the head, and his tongue flickered against the opening.

A gasp of gratitude escaped Jeff's lips. "Please, Cameron... suck it!"

Cameron parted his lips, and Jeff pushed himself into the warmth. Cameron's tongue teased the soft surface of the voluminous mushroom.

"Oh fuck." Jeff closed his eyes and threw his head back. "Aww Cam... Cameron...!" He reached down and ran his fingers through Cameron's hair. Cameron groaned as Jeff's hands and cock cradled and penetrated his head. But the gentle embrace became more assertive as instinct took over and Jeff began pushing Cameron's head further on his cock, and his hips began thrusting into the mouth. "Oh fuck, Cam..."

Cameron gurgled on the thickness and backed off. He lowered his head on the bed, beholding the young meat dripping with his saliva. Jeff followed his move and leaned forward to force the cock back into Cameron's mouth. Cameron obliged, putting a hand on Jeff's waist to soften the impact of the older boy's increasingly frantic thrusts. They continued in this way for a while, Jeff pushing himself further into Cameron's mouth with each thrust, and Cameron taking as much as he could of Jeff's hairless balls slapping against his chin before pushing Jeff's hips to a safer distance, only to start the cycle over again.

Jeff suddenly pulled himself out of Cameron and replaced the cock with his mouth, now kissing with confidence. "Goddammit, you make me so fuckin' horny, Cam," he mumbled between kisses. His hand wandered back down to the blond's groin, searching for Cameron's hole. "I wanna put it in you so bad."

He looked up at Jeff. "Uhh... for real?"

"Yeah... for real, Cam. I thought you wanted it," he murmured into Cameron's ear as he nibbled on it. "Remember what you said in the locker room?"

Cameron's mind raced. He didn't know what to think. Jeff had been so gentle and playful until now, and he suddenly sounded like a horny jock. "Umm... should we... like, use a condom or something?"

Jeff hovered above him, smiling. "I'm not gonna make you pregnant, buddy."

"Yeah, I know," Cameron said, rolling his eyes. "But... You know what they say in school about diseases and... stuff..."

"Well, I dunno who you've been sleeping with, ya dirty slut," he teased. "But..." Cameron noticed a pause, which felt much longer than it probably was. "I've never been with anyone. I'm a virgin."

Cameron froze. Had Jeff really just said that? He had always assumed, as a popular, athletic upperclassman, that Jeff was a stud with the girls. It was a stunning admission from Jeff, and a demonstration of vulnerability and trust. And yet there he was, lying on top of Cameron, wanting to give his virginity to him.

"What? You got a bunch of STDs?" Jeff asked.

"Oh, fuck you," Cameron laughed. "You know I'm... You know I..."

"You're a virgin too, aren't you?" Cameron nodded, but it hardly mattered. "See? We don't have anything to worry about." Jeff's fingers caressed Cameron's anus again; "I want you so bad," he whispered.

Cameron pulled Jeff's head down and kissed him again. It was all the response Jeff needed.

"I'll be right back. Lemme get some lotion." Jeff lifted himself off the bed, and Cameron watched as the stiff knob seemed to lead him out of the room.

When Jeff returned from the bathroom, Cameron was lying in the same place on the bed, but had pulled his legs back, lifting his heels to the heavens and presenting his boy pussy like a bitch ready to be mounted. Whatever uncertainty he had a few moments before was evidently gone. Jeff stared at the eager, pink hole, with Cameron's round taint bulging out over it like an awning. Jeff knew he needed to bury himself inside it all.

Kneeling on the bed, Jeff squirted some lotion into his hand and greased his thick root. He primed Cameron's hole with the lotion, and the boy winced.

"You OK?" Jeff asked as he worked the cream into the opening.

"It's cold. Like when Dr. Gill did it."

You won't be cold for long, he thought as his finger teased the opening. "You ready?" Cameron nodded.

He touched the head of his dark, burning cock to the virgin bud, now covered with gobs of lotion. Watching Cameron's face for a reaction, he pushed his meat against it. Cameron gasped in anticipation, and Jeff waited for his breathing to return to normal before he pushed further in. He watched his flared head disappear into Cameron's opening, where it was gripped tightly by the warm, slick canal. Wanting more, he pushed further in.

"Jeff!" Cameron's eyebrows were knitted together in pain. "Jeff, nonono it hurts! Take it out... please!"

"Aww man! Don't make me stop now! You feel so fuckin' good."

Cameron writhed in pain. "Please... pleeeaase," he whined.

His dick still lodged halfway in the boy's orifice, Jeff leaned over Cameron, pushing the boy's knees onto his shoulders and immobilizing him. He got as close as he could to Cameron's ear. "I thought you wanted this," he purred gently. "I thought you wanted to give me your hole."

"I... I do, it's just..." Cameron whined.

"You feel so good, bro," he said again. "Tell me you want it. Tell me you want me inside you."

Cameron inhaled sharply, but before he could think about what Jeff had said to him, he heard the words flow involuntarily out of his mouth: "I want you inside me, Jeff."

Jeff kissed Cameron sensuously as he pushed further into him, easing his thickness into the tight, smooth cunt. "Unngghhh..." he moaned as his tool probed inside the hole, and the soft tunnel of flesh enveloped and ministered friction to every surface of his bare meat. He rocked his hips slowly in and out of Cameron, savoring every sensation from his member as it moved inside Cameron's gut, and he finally knew what his manhood was truly for.

Cameron's eyes were still clenched nearly shut as the young blond endured the sharpness of his first fuck. His jaw hung open deliriously, and tufts of his hair shook with each increasingly confident thrust his body sustained. But though Cameron's face indicated pain, his maleness told a different story. His nuts had retracted slightly, and the smooth pink sac was drawn up tightly around each orb, adorning either side of his throbbing organ. The upper half of his shaft was flushed a deep purple, shining like a glowstick against his fair skin, bouncing and shaking in rhythm with Jeff's hips, and the swollen head looked like it might burst open.

Jeff suddenly noticed a foot planted against his shoulder. He considered the oddly orange-hued sole and the long, spatulate toes, realizing he had never paid attention to Cameron's feet before. It beckoned him as it moved with his body; here was a part of Cameron he had not kissed or tasted. He grabbed the ankle roughly and brought the extremity to his face. He was so transfixed by the sole that he didn't notice Cameron who, now distracted from the pain of his fucking, had turned his head and was curiously observing Jeff's new fixation with his foot.

Feeling the heat of the sole on his face, Jeff planted his nose in the toes and inhaled deeply, taking in the funk of Cameron's foot.

"Dude... What are you...?" Cameron wheezed in astonishment.

Jeff looked down at Cameron, peering over the toes. His hungry gaze captivated Cameron again. Jeff's mouth opened, and his tongue planted itself in the soft arch of Cameron's foot. Cameron felt the tongue slowly massage the length of his foot, and the warm, wet mouth suddenly surrounded his toes.

"Oh fuck... oh fuck..." Cameron squealed as unimaginable pleasure came from his foot, as if it were being given a blowjob. He was being dominated, penetrated, and now devoured by Jeff, and it was glorious. He impulsively reached down to his engorged boymeat and began rubbing it.

The toes popped out of Jeff's mouth. "No. Don't touch it," he ordered, pushing Cameron's arm away. "I touch it." Cameron obeyed and watched cautiously; Jeff resumed the toe-sucking but kept him waiting for any stimulation of his aching prick. When the hand finally arrived, it knew exactly what to do. High-pitched whines floated from somewhere deep in the blond's throat, his body twisted on the bed, and he grimaced in apparent agony once again as the physical intensity of Jeff's fucking and wanking overwhelmed him. Here was the pleasure he had yearned for two nights ago, a cocktail of pleasure and pain he knew only Jeff could serve him. He felt himself being pushed past the limit of what he could endure, and he realized there was no return.

The muscles in his pelvis suddenly gripped Jeff's cock. His anus offered new resistance to Jeff's thrusting, but the more Jeff pushed through it, the stronger the contractions seemed to be. Jeff rubbed Cameron's head furiously, and the boy's body began to shake wildly.

"Oh fuuuuuccckkk!!!" Cameron screamed, throwing his head back.

A torrent of hot cream erupted from his cockhead, spraying like a nozzle around Jeff's fingers and drenching the blond's torso. Jeff felt the rigid sex pulsate and throb in his hand, spewing forth a seemingly endless supply of boy nectar.

"Jeff...! Jeff, FUCK ME!"

"Goddamn, Cam, you're so fuckin' hot!" Jeff mumbled. He gazed down at his own thick column of meat, furiously tearing open the fair hole. His fingers still gripped Cameron's cock firmly, massaging the last spurts of cum out of his body, but the internal pulsating and throbbing that accompanied Cameron's orgasm had done their work on Jeff's tool and pushed the older boy toward his own climax. "Cam! I'm... I'm getting close! You want me to pull out?"

Still in the throes of his orgasm, Cameron lowered his free leg behind Jeff and kneaded his heel into one of the fleshy buttocks, pulling Jeff deeper into him and locking him there. He wasn't going anywhere.

"Aww, fuck!... Cameron!... Cameron!" He stared into Cameron's eyes, screaming the blond's full name as his thrusts became violent and irregular. "Unngghhh... unngghhh!!" He exploded, depositing his seed deep inside Cameron's bowels, held in place by the boy's foot pushing against his hind. "Cameron..." he gasped hoarsely as his eyes rolled back in his head.

He collapsed on top of Cameron, still inside him. His lips found themselves at the younger boy's neck, and they instinctively kissed and licked it. Cameron's legs fell back on the bed, and his arms cradled the older boy against him. He could smell the jism on his chest being smeared between their bodies and feel their hearts racing as the two gripped each other in a quivering, wet, sticky embrace.

Jeff felt himself deflating inside Cameron, and the stimulation of the blond's sphincter snapping shut around his dick as it slipped out made him shiver. He lifted himself off Cameron and knelt before the used orifice. Thick boy essence gurgled out of it, betraying the loss of its virginity and his own, and he caressed the wet, spent hole, playfully pushing the seed back in.

"Fuck. Let's get you cleaned up."

Cameron looked at him, smiling sheepishly. "You too," he said, glancing at Jeff's chest, glistening with his juices.

Jeff extended a hand and pulled Cameron up. He realized it was again wet with Cameron's nutcream, as it had been in Coach Macleod's office. "Let's go take a shower."

"Together?" Cameron asked mischievously as he rolled off the bed. He raised himself uneasily and tried to stand. "Oh fuck... Jeff, my ass... I don't think I can walk!"


He took a few tottering steps. "It really hurts, man... Help me!"

Jeff slipped under one of Cameron's arms and held him steady as they crept toward the bathroom. They passed Jeff's discarded shirt in the hallway outside the door. "You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah. I guess you just fucked me really hard."

Jeff froze as he realized the truth of Cameron's words: he had just fucked his buddy. They had lost their virginity to each other, and whatever they had been to each other before – friends, teammates, comrades – was now irrevocably altered. What were they now anyway? Boyfriends? He wrapped his arms around Cameron, bewildered.

"Cam... What did we just do?"

Cameron gazed at the older boy, who had always been so self-assured and his rock of support, and he knew Jeff needed him to be that now. He pressed his forehead against Jeff's and kissed him, trying to give him the assurance he needed. "I dunno... but I'm glad I did it with you."

Jeff smiled self-consciously and looked down. "Do you forgive me for the weekend?"

Cameron reached between Jeff's legs and caressed the wet, viscous appendage. It was still firm, and it felt heavy and thick in his hand. "Not yet."

They limped together into the bathroom. The last traces of sunset glowed dimly through the bathroom window, but Cameron knew it would be many hours before either of them went to sleep that night.

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