Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Jan 8, 2013


This is an original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. And it is still a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

– Part 16 Realizing





Darryl grunted deeply as his cockhead made contact with Tim's lips...

then without hesitation continued to lower down, pushing in to the waiting mouth. Feeling the exquisite pleasure of moist lips...and a moist mouth...open because he said for it to be...

..then feeling the limits of the open-ness...

..and pushing down in further...forcing the small man's mouth to open wider...

...to expand..

...to accept the huge invader...

...to serve

"UUHHHH" grunted Darryl again, deeper, as he enjoyed the sensation of the submitting mouth..

...and of making the small man submit.

"Yeeahh, that's the way it should be" intoned Darryl, with another grunt when feeling the slight pressure on his cock as his words reached the small man servicing him. Darryl chuckled as he felt Tim involuntarily contract his mouth as part of his brain fought the image...not realizing that such resistance was both futile...and providing even better service to the giant man.

Feeling the contractions as Tim's brain partially processed and objected, Darryl smiled and enjoyed the service to his cock. And the thought that Tim had not yet been completely trained into submission. Which brought a crooked smile to Darryl's masculine face. "Oh yeah, little man, there's more to do...more to put you in your place...and make you feel it...make you accept it as your rightful place," thought Darryl as he considered the next step in Tim's training.

Slowly Darryl stood up higher, pulling his cock head out of Tim's mouth. "Open wide" he said, to which Tim tried to respond. Not wide enough...Darryl still felt the light and steady pressure from the small man's small mouth as he withdrew.

Until finally his cock was out. And he looked down at the small man, kneeling with his mouth open...brain to fogged to realize he still had his mouth open because he hadn't been told to close it.

Waiting a beat, looking down on the rightly proportioned small man, who otherwise was an independent, decisive, engaging and even forceful man, who was suspended with his mouth open pending another instruction, Darryl took in that Tim's hands were behind his back, as instructed. And his little dick was pointing up, as expected. Eyes narrowing like a panther sizing up his prey, Darryl decided how he was going to make Tim feel his subordination even more.

"Time to dry off," said Darryl, and then he turned and stepped out of the shower.

Surprised, brain still in a fog, Tim could only watch the huge man exit the shower.

"Come here, Timmy," called Darryl. The smooth, simple, controlled voice and clear instruction prompted Tim to get up and step out of the shower.

"Use that towel," pointed Darryl, and then held his arms out to his sides a bit, clearly communicating that Tim was to dry him off. Which Tim proceeded to do, starting with the mighty arms...

...then the massive, hairy chest...

...around to the tremendously wide back...

...then down the tree trunk legs in back...

...then scooting around to go down the front...

"I have a couple calls to make," remarked Darryl as Tim carried out his task, "As I'm doing that, wipe down the shower, then dry yourself off. Hang the towel on that rod, then come to the living room."

Immediately leaving the bathroom, Darryl closed the door, went to the bedroom and quickly put on a pair of dockers, a polo shirt, and socks and indoor shoes. Then went to make the calls, standing at his desk which was around the corner.

Standing in the warm bathroom, Tim slowly realized how heavy the towel was. "So much water off of that huge body...hmmm, this towel didn't seem oversized before," thought Tim in a jumble. Almost out of compulsion, his mind trying to comprehend, Tim wrapped the towel around himself, amazed at how much extra there was. Holding still in the thick plushness, Tim thought "hmm, nice and warm". Then blushed as he realized the heat from the huge man was wrapped around him.

Suddenly Darryl's words popped into his head again, to wipe down the shower. Concerned about how much time he had spent wrapped in the towel, Tim quickly stepped in and wiped down the huge shower. Then stepped out, and, after a moment's hesitation, picked up the huge towel again and dried himself off with it. The primitive part of his brain feeling the big man's essence rubbing off on him as he rubbed the towel on himself. Without even a coherent thought process, Tim ignored the idea that he should simply pat himself dry. Instead he ran the towel all over his body, barely processing how he needed only half the towel to do the job.

Then again he jumped as he realized he had lost track of time. And quickly hung up the towel where Darryl said to, making sure to hang it evenly before heading out immediately to the living room before Darryl had to call him.

With purposeful strides Tim walked down the hall, then around the corner, breathing a sigh of relief at hearing Darryl's voice, knowing he hadn't taken too long and made the big man wait.


...as he turned the corner and took the next couple steps toward Darryl's desk..

...he looked up...

...and saw the giant man staring right at him.

Causing Tim to startle, catch his breath, and freeze all at the same time.

Even while continuing his phone conversation, Darryl intensified his gaze at the small man. Freezing him in place. Holding him motionless. Suspending him...even while Tim's heart pumped faster as his eyes and primitive brain sent frantic signals to his body, as he knew he had taken too long.

Slowly raising his right hand, the phone in his left, Darryl crooked his finger three times quickly, then pointing down to the spot beside him. Words couldn't have been clearer...Tim knew without question that he was to come to Darryl and stand beside him.

But the base primitive reaction to freeze and be motionless in the face of a mighty bear kept him from moving. Except for his eyes, which had widened with slowly dawning comprehension.

Too slow...

...SNAP shot through the air, penetrating deeply down through the ear canals of the small man...

...then one sharp motion to come and stand pushed through the evolutionary defense mechanism, and pulled him forward...toward the mighty giant of a man, his eyes finding the spot and not looking up.

After a couple moments standing still, on the spot, Tim raised his eyes as he saw, or rather heard, movement. Darryl was moving right in front of him. That huge body...now directly in front of him...filling his vision even as his ears heard Darryl's continued conversation.

Finally Tim took a breath...and inhaled the utterly masculine scent of the huge man. Part of his brain wondered "how can this be, since he just showered". As he took another long, slow inhale, lungs filling up with Darryl, it hit him.

..Darryl had clothes on.

...Then he blushed furiously as he realized he was standing naked

...in the living room...

...buck naked in front of a fully clothed man holding a business call...

...in the living room, with windows...

As the realization was pushing in to his consciousness, Tim started without thinking to move his hands to cover. Only to be surprised that his hands were behind his back, above the small of his back as Darryl had instructed him.

Blushing, he hesitated. Then saw Darryl's free hand reach up and scratch his shirt covered stomach. Ears reddening Tim groaned in embarrassment as he took in Darryl being fully clothed while he stood naked.

And just as he was about to move his hands, to cover, Darryl shifted slightly, and Tim let out a grunt and moan as Darryl's pants rubbed over his erect dick-head.

To be continued...

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