Tales of a Night Walker

By moc.loa@KcMtreB

Published on Mar 17, 2011


Tales of a Night Walker By Bert McKenzie Copyright 2010

Chapter 28

After the production company released me from my contract, Craig and Peter made all the arrangements to have me flown to London where I would start my film career. My new interest in Craig was suddenly smashed. I asked if he would accompany me and he said he could but would rather not leave his girlfriend that long. So he was straight and wouldn't be interested in me. It hurt a bit but was a good thing. It was time to do the job and then retire from humanity. I had no desire to continue getting involved with these people. My heart may be immortal, but how many times could I survive the feelings of loss. Vladimir promised to come for a visit before the filming ended. He told me he would show me around Europe and I could see what life was like in the old world. "Much more civilized than you will find here in the colonies," he remarked.

"Vlad, you need to get with the times," I said with a laugh. "These haven't been colonies for over two hundred years.

"I was two hundred years old when they won their freedom from England. I still think of them as rebels," he replied with a smile.

The flight to London was uneventful. I took dark glasses, gloves, a wide brimmed hat and long coat. All of these were provided by Craig and had been specially `insulated' with some sort of thin aluminum. I was able to avoid most of the sun staying indoors and eventually ended up in a hotel for one day before catching a connecting flight to Italy where they were filming some of the location shots. All of my script called for night locations and I was fairly pleased in the knowledge that I would be able to perform this part of the movie without compromising myself. I had to laugh at the irony of the film. I would be playing a vampire from America who ended up in Europe. I was to be an older vampire, teaching a young one how to survive and of course avoid the vampire hunters. The good thing about playing a vampire meant that all of the scenes would be filmed at night or indoors. My co-star had a few scenes in the sunlight before he is transformed, but those wouldn't affect me.

Peter and Craig had assured him before I left that the film company had been apprised of my severe allergy to sunlight, so they wouldn't be surprised if I had any daytime meetings, and arrived in hat and gloves. As it happened, my first meeting was in the late afternoon. They were filming in the ruins of an old castle in northern Italy. I met with the producer, director and cinematographer and was then bustled off to my own personal trailer. It was more of a lounge area for me to relax between takes and meet with friends. I was taken to another trailer for makeup and by the time they were satisfied with my look, the sun had set and I was able to walk to the wardrobe area without worrying about covering up.

I met my co-star on the set. Terry James was also fairly new to films, but had done a few other pictures as well as some modeling in California. He seemed very outgoing and friendly. He was excited to meet me and told me that he had seen me on Broadway in my show just a month ago. He was in a layover on his way to begin filming the earlier scenes of the movie and had taken in the show so he could see the man he would be acting with. I asked why he hadn't come backstage and introduced himself, but apparently Terry was a bit shy and also a bit overwhelmed by the idea of appearing live on stage. He seemed to hold me in high esteem for being able to act in live theatre. We quickly became friends off camera which only added to our chemistry when the filming began.

"But what have I become," Terry asked as the cameras rolled. We were in an old monastery, hiding from the vampire hunters

"A creature of the night, like me," I replied after a pause, I turned toward my friend as a camera dollied in behind him. "I'm sorry to tell you but you'll never see the sun again, never look at a green meadow with brightly colored wildflowers, never hear the laughter of children at play on a summer's afternoon. We are condemned to spend eternity in shadow, living off the victims we can lure into the darkness. Never knowing love, the tender kiss of a sweetheart, the gentle touch of a soul mate. Outliving our families, seeing all about us whither and die."

There was a long pause with total silence. Everyone seemed frozen. Finally the director yelled. "Cut!" The entire company broke into applause. Terry ran forward and hugged me. "That was wonderful," he said. "It was so moving, and how did you get the tears like that?"

A makeup person rushed in to dab at my eyes, not wanting my tears to spoil my face. "That was great," the director said. "Now let's set up for a reaction shot from behind Jeff. Terry. see if you can get tears as well." By the fourth time they ran the scene and the director was satisfied with it, I was a bit bored with the lines. I no longer felt the spontaneity that had pulled the emotions from me. But I had to wonder if the writer might not have experience with my condition. His writing was a bit too close to home.

After the evening's filming was finished, Terry asked me to go out with him for a drink. I declined, thinking it wasn't a good idea to fraternize with the humans. I had learned my lesson with Tony, and Frank and David before him. Although being gay and loving another man was possible in this new age, I was still a creature that had to live beyond the boundaries of humanity. But Terry was very insistent. "Come on, Jeff. I really need a buddy here. You and I are just about outnumbered by the Italian extras and I feel kind of alone. What could one drink hurt?"

Feeling a need for companionship as well, I finally agreed. We ended up in a small tavern and had a difficult time making our wishes known until a young girl who spoke a bit of English helped us out. Terry ordered a Scotch but all the place had was beer and wine, so we both ended up with wine. I drank very sparingly, knowing that the drink would probably not agree with my converted system. We both sat in a corner, ignored by the other locals in the tavern and spoke together, first about the film and our work on it, then about the director and crew, and finally about acting in general.

"How did you get those tears on that speech?" Terry asked. "It was like you were really the character and knew how he felt about living so long and being separated from humanity."

I smiled a winsome smile and said, "Sometimes I can really identify with that loneliness. Do you imagine what it will be like to live forever, and see all you love die around you?"

"You lost someone recently, didn't you?" Terry remarked perceptively.



I sat silent for a few minutes, thinking back about Frank. I thought he and I would be together forever. I had even thought about converting him so we could stay together throughout the years. But that was a long time ago. I finally said, "My lover. He was murdered some time ago."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Terry breathed quietly. "I didn't even know you were gay."

"There's a lot you don't know about me," I laughed softly.

"I know you're twenty three years old and this is your first picture. I know you have a weird allergy to ultraviolet light and you're on some sort of restricted diet because of it. The caterers said they had to order some weird stuff for your dressing room and that no one has seen you eat off the buffet or snack tables. In fact," he went on, "this is the first time I've ever even seen you take a drink of anything, even water."

I was a little shocked. "I'm kind of surprised you are that aware of what I eat or drink," I replied.

"Well," Terry confessed. "I've been watching you closely. You see, I kind of have a crush on you."

I pulled back, stunned, first that this stranger developed feelings for me, and second that he would admit it so openly. "I'm not sure that's a very good idea," I replied.

"Oh come on," Terry said. "You're 23 and I'm 28. We're both of age and able to make our own decisions. If you're worried about the publicity, look at where we are. No one in this little place would ever even notice."

"You're 28?" I asked. "But you are supposed to be younger than me."

"Well in the first place 28 is quite a bit younger than 500 if we were really the ages we are playing in the movie. But I've always looked young," Terry responded. "They have me playing a 20 year old in this film. But back to what we were talking about. Are you worried that someone will notice us together?"

"It's not that," I answered.

"Then what?" Terry asked, reaching across the table and taking my hand. "Oh, babe, your hand is so cold," he exclaimed as he tried to rub it between his to warm it up. "Just like the vampire in the movie," Terry laughed. He then had a startled look on his face as if he began to realize something. "Wait, you don't eat or drink, you're allergic to sunlight and you are really cold. I know what this all means." I sat stiffly in my chair. Here was the moment that Terry would run screaming into the night. But instead his face broke into a wide grin. "You're a method actor! What some guys won't do to get into their character. So you're living like a vampire to feel how the character feels. No wonder you were so in tune at the filming. I really admire you, but I just couldn't do that. It takes to much energy." I relaxed a bit. My co-star seemed to think this was all an elaborate act to make me a better performer.

"Well, you caught me," I laughed.

"But how do you get your hands so cold."

I laughed, "Months of practice, and I've always been cold blooded." We stood to leave but Terry almost collapsed on the floor. His legs didn't seem to want to support him. I felt guilty for not drinking more and making my friend drink less. I wrapped an arm around Terry and partly carried, partly guided him out the door and back toward our hotel. Once inside the man all but passed out. I carried him to his room but was unable to open the locked door. I thought for a moment trying to figure out what to do. I could easily break the door and take him in, but then he would be in an unlocked room all night and probably be charged for the door. So I carried Terry to my own room. I opened my door and brought Terry into the room, dropping him down on the bed. I stepped out onto the terrace for a moment, inhaling the scent of flowers climbing up the trellised walls below. It was a lovely night. I thought of Frank again and wished I had someone to share my first trip abroad. It was indeed a lonely existence. After a while I turned and stepped back into the bedroom.

Terry was lying on the bed, totally naked and looking expectantly at me. "What is this?" I asked in surprise.

"What does it look like?" Terry answered. "It's a seduction."

"I thought you were drunk. I thought you had passed out."

"The thought of making love to you has revived me," Terry answered and reached out for me.

But I resisted. "Terry, I think you had best get dressed and go back to your room."

"Why, are you afraid of what you might do to me? The big bad scary vampire alone in a room with a helpless and naked victim," he joked.

I came over to the bed and sat beside the other actor. "This is no laughing matter. I can't do this. We can't do this."

"Why not?" Terry asked and sat up quickly, throwing his arms around me and kissing me. "Oh, your lips are cold too," Terry said in surprise.

"I know. So I've been told...repeatedly. Now please..." but I got no further. Terry kissed me again and began to run his hands under my shirt. I couldn't resist and returned the kiss. It slowly became one of genuine passion. The burning at the back of my throat intensified and I slowly sank back onto the bed with Terry in my arms. I moaned in pleasure as Terry pushed me onto my back and began to unfasten my jeans.

"Your lips may say no, but this says yes," Terry said after pulling off my clothes. "Do you have a condom?" he asked.

"No," I said and pulled back for a moment.

"Oh, what the hell," Terry said after a moment's thought. "Just do it. Take my ass. I want you inside me." The sex didn't last long. It was too intense. All too soon, Terry screamed in pleasure.

We lay there for a minute, enjoying the afterglow. "Man, you are better than I dreamed," Terry said, kissing my throat. "I really wish we were vampires so we could do this forever."

I rolled over onto my back with a sad sigh. "You would grow tired of it and need someone else soon," I replied thinking of Tony.

"Is that what happened with your lover?" Terry asked.

I turned my head and looked at the man I had just made love to. Terry was propped up on one elbow, and he ran his hand slowly over my chest, rubbing small circles over my nipples. "For a human, you are remarkable perceptive," I said.

"For a human?"

"I mean...I mean for a man," I tried to cover.

"So tell me what happened to your lover."

I looked at the ceiling and sighed, thinking back all those years to David. "He was my first. I had never done this with anyone before him. I thought we were in love. No, that's not fair. We were in love. But, David," how it hurt to say his name even after all these years, "and I ran into some very bad va...men. They broke into our house when I wasn't home and they murdered him. I never had the chance to say goodbye or to tell him how much I loved him." Even after forty years I still felt the tears run down the sides of my face.

Terry leaned over and kissed a tear. "I'm sure he knew," he said and laid his head on my chest. We stayed in this position for a bit. Then Terry sat up, looking at me. "Why can't I hear your heartbeat?" he said with a wide-eyed stare. "Now that much of a method actor you can't be." Terry fell back with his ear pressed firmly to my chest. He listened intently for a moment. "I ... I don't hear anything!" He then sat up and grabbed my arm, holding my wrist firmly. "There's no pulse. What are you?"

I sat up. "I was just as surprised as you are now when I found out that there are many things in this world that we know nothing of. Many of the legends and stories are real."

Terry backed up, his eyes wide in fear. "You ... you really aren't just acting."

"No, I'm not. And I'm really not just 23. I'm a bit older than you are."

"How old?"

"I'm 195 years old. I was born in 1800."

Terry collapsed back into a chair. "You really are one of them. What we are playing in the movie. You really are real."

I nodded. "It's actually a relief to have someone else know. What will you do with my secret?"

"If I tell will you kill me?" Terry asked. Then a thought occurred to him. "Will you kill me anyway? Am I going to die? Is that how your last lover was really murdered?"

A profound sadness came over me. I shook my head but I couldn't answer for a moment. Although I didn't murder David, or Frank, or even Beorn or Tony, they were all gone because of what I am. "Of course I would rather you didn't tell anyone. But if you must, then I'll either deny it, or I'll have to move on. I'm not going to kill you. And I didn't murder my lover. He was killed by another...of my kind, someone who did that just to hurt me."

"You really drink blood?

"Look in the refrigerator," I said. Terry stood and opened the little hotel refrigerator to see several bottles of bright red liquid.

"So you don't go out and kill people? You just have it brought in already bottled?"

I managed a laugh. "It's pig's blood. I've only killed a very few people and then it was in self defense or to protect someone I cared about. I don't want to be a monster."

The fear in Terry's eyes was slowly replaced by wonder and then excitement. "Wow, this is so cool," he said in awe. "And can you fly? Can you turn into a bat?"

"No," I said. "There are a lot of misconceptions about the real truth. I'm just a different kind of person from you. I may not be human, but I can't fly or turn into anything different. Oh, and before you ask, I can be photographed and I show up in mirrors."

"Well, I'm glad about the photography or this movie would pretty much be a bust. But you do have that sun thing..."

"Yes, there is that," I replied.

Terry began to walk around the room in excited agitation. "I can't believe it!" he said. "I can't believe I was just fucked by one of the real undead. I mean you just shot vampire jizz up my ass." He suddenly looked worried. "What will that do to me? Will I become a vampire now?"

I had to laugh again. "No, I don't think so. It didn't do anything to my last lover."

"But you don't know," the actor said. "After all, he's dead. Or maybe he isn't."

"No, actually he's still alive," I replied sadly. "My first and second lovers were murdered."

"Crap, does that mean someone is going to come after me as well?" Terry fell back onto the bed beside me and put his arms around me. "I'm so sorry. I'm being insensitive. It's one of my biggest flaws. I can tell you must have loved them." He hugged me, leaning his head on my shoulder. "How many lovers have you had over the centuries?"

"In the first place it hasn't been centuries. That's the movie script, remember. In the second place, I haven't asked you how many men you've taken to bed." I felt a little uncomfortable by some of Terry's questions about my past loves.

"I guess I'm gonna have to get used to this body temperature of yours. Man, you really do feel cold. I guess that's the dead thing. But it will be nice sleeping with you in the summer." He then pulled back a bit. "You don't...you don't sleep in a coffin, do you."

"Not in about forty years," I joked. Then I thought about what Terry had said. "Wait a moment. You have to get used to me, sleeping with me in the summer?"

"Well if we're going to be lovers, sure."

"I think you're moving a bit fast," I said, concerned about my friend's enthusiasm.

"But if we're going to be lovers..."

I looked at him in surprise. "We're going to be lovers?"

"Well who else is going to look after you? I mean someone has to watch out for those vampire hunters while you're in your coffin. Oh, right, no coffin. Well then, while your, whatever it is you do, during the day."

"Actually I have an organization that takes care of that," I replied, thinking back on Craig in New York. Terry just laughed and began kissing me. We fell back into the bed, our bodies beginning to react to the passion again. After our second round of love making, Terry fell asleep with his arms around me. I lay there, deep in thought. I knew this was all going too fast. I was afraid that the young man I had just had sex with was only infatuated with me because of my vampire nature. It was a novelty. It would pass. I knew I didn't want to let my heart be that vulnerable. Then I laughed a chagrinned laugh at myself. What heart?

Next: Chapter 29

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