Tales of a Real Dark Knight

By Author James (James Geckler)

Published on Apr 18, 2003


Real Dark Knight Contest

Greetings faithful readers! I have been planning a storyline that will follow "Judgments of a Real Dark Knight" that will take place in the future, approximately fifteen years. There will be a new Huntress, one with blonde hair. I've been having difficulty coming up with a costume that would suit her, which brings me to the reason behind this posting.

I would like to have a contest to see who could make the best Huntress design. You are free to design the costume any way you wish. I only ask that her hair be visible and that black and purple are the primary colors. You can take elements from past designs if you like.

What's in it for you, I'm sure you are wondering. Well, this was the only thing I could come up with. I will send the winner a CD-ROM with all 50 chapters from the first 5 stories: "Tales," "Adventures," "Chronicles," "Trials," and "Judgments" along with all the pictures I have drawn.

If you are wondering if I would pick someone that I know well, I promise you I will not be the only one looking at the pictures. What I will do is let several people who are fans of comic books, possibly the writers of the other stories set in this universe as well look at and give me input. I will ultimately decide, due to the fact it is my story and character. But I will treat all entries equally.

On your entries that you email to me, please include:

Your full name Your email address Your mailing address

The winner will be announced in January 2004. Deadline for entries will be the end of November 2003. Please, do not send your entries to the email for replying to the story. Send the email to: author_james@yahoo.com (There is an underscore between "author" and "james").

Thanks and good luck to all!

Next: Chapter 213: Judgments of a Real Dark Knight 12

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