Talk With An Old Friend

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Feb 12, 2005


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I had just turned 30 and was not a happy camper at this stage in my life. my high school sweetheart and I had just ended our 5 year marrage. that God We had never had any children. I was bought out of Our home by Her parents and now living in a small studio apartment near my work. The only thing that had remained steady in my life was my love of keeping in shape and the gym. Now single again I was hitting the gym much more. At just 6 foot and 185 pounds I was in great shape and enjoyed knowing that. I have a thick head of hair jet black a winning smile I am told and so I had not fear of being back into the dating game only I just couldn't bring myself to get back in the swing.

I was at the gym this one day changing from my workout things to cloths when this tall blonde haired man caught my eye. he was at least 6 foot 4 with a perfect set of hard big pec's and the perfect six pack of ABS any man could hope for. His legs were so muscular even for a gym full of muscular men. I just couldn't keep my eyes off Him and was really afraid he would think I was some kind of queer the way I kept stealing a look at Him as He was undressing. A few times as He sat to peel off His sweaty white socks he looked up and smiled kind of knowingly at me, Which made me blush even more and get mad as hell with myself. He stood then and slowly was peeling down his jock strap looking at me as he did this with a kind of grin on His face. My eyes against my wishes were on what came into view then his fat long semi hard cock. I looked up to Him and he spoke with His jock strap under his big hairy balls holding still.

He said "Your Kevin right?

I stammered and managed to pull my eyes from the sight of his manhood to His eyes and said "Yes I am how did You know?

As he was now bending to let the jock strap fall down and pulling it over his feet he said " Cause I am Rick, Rick Gears, We were great friends growing up. you remember me?

Like a bolt of lighting it hit me We had been good next door neighbors for a year or so growing up and then Rick and His family moved away. I smiled and said " holy shit yes Rick, fuck Yea buddy I remember You sure I do. hell how have you been buddy?

He was completely nude now and I had on just a pair jock strap he actually came to me and took me in His arms and was patting my back as he hugged me saying. "Oh Kevin You don't knnow how many times I wished We could hook up as adults I really missed you pal"

As He was hugging me like this I was looking around hoping to God nobody saw us two like this. I did feel His cock against the fabric of My jock strap and then just as fast He broke the hug and stood back looking me up and down with that grin on His face. I was checking Him out as well. his thick blond hair that handsome face and the Adonis body he had.

Rick said " So kevin looks like You've kept in great shape too Hell that is one hot body you have on you there buddy"

I blushed now and said " rick that is good to hear from a man like You with the body you have. So Your living back in town again?

Rick turned to get a clean pair of white briefs and as he was stepping into them He said. " Yep got transfered here from New York. staying in a cheap motel for now until I can find a place. So You married now or what buddy?

I was getting dressed and said ' Well actually I am getting a divorse now and living back on my own in a small apartment until I can find something better myself. I only live like two blocks from here"

Rick stepping into His jeans said " hey since We are both free now how about stopping for a few beers to catch up on old times?

I said stepping into my own jeans " Sure I would like that and I know a little watering hole down the street. Its called Uncles Bar and it is just a block from my place.'

Rick now fully dressed smiled that handsome sexy smile of His and said. " Holy shit man my room is above Uncles so we are neighbors. Cool Lets go man"

At the bar which was nearly empty that night We were catching up on the old neighborhood and old friends. Rick was single and now promoted to manager of his bank branch in town. He had never married. the bar maid was after him the whole time we were there and this bothered both Rick and myself so much that at one point he said when she was busy down the bar " look kevin this bitch is hanging on every word We say how about We find another place to talk where We can really talk?

I agreed and said " Well the only other bar near by we would have to drive to and i don't like to drink and drive" I saw the look of disappointment that came over his face so added " my place is free and just down the street how about we grab a few six packs and talk there I even have plenty of food in"

His smile came back at that and he patted me on the back saying " Cool I'll grab two six packs and you grab two and we'll leve the bitch to find her lover"

Walking into the apartment with Rick behind me I was glad I had cleaned up that day. The bed was made and the small kitchen cleaned. We put the beers away and soon were in fromt of the TV on the sofa drinking and talking. We nust have gone on for a few hours about the old days and at least half the beer when Rick shocked me by saying " You know what I remember the most about You Kevin?

I said " No rick what is that?

Rick kind of laughed and looked down then up again to my face and smiled and said " Ok I am not sure if You are gong to like what i do remember the most about You and me but here goes? I remember the time You slept over my house and we slept in my bed and Well we kind of got into messing around with each other"

I blushed and now I was looking down and I said " Oh yea, We were two horny kids back then and I guess We did do some experimenting around with each other. Shit I had almost forgotten about that Rick"

Rick looked hurt and said " Really I never forgot about it Kevin and by the way you were checking me out at the gym I thought for sure you never forgot about it too?

I knew He was hurt now and I had to be up front with him so I said while using my best smile and wink " well that has always been on my mind it was kind of hot Rick but I guess I just had to force myself to put it all on the back burner?

he got up now and was getting us more beer walking back he smiled handing me my beer and said " What We did was the first time for me kevin and i guess I am just one of those romantics who just never forget the first time, i know what you mean and all. we have to go on with life in this world but hell buddy here alone We can be more open with each other right?

I wa hearing His words and yet not hearing His words. I was looking at his hard body and handsome face remembering that night so very well as he sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. we had gotten into bed in just briefs and with no warning rick came on top of me his hard dick pressing into mine theough our cotton briefs then He pulled both our briefs down and bare back we were humping our cocks and balls until I shot my load up into his cock and pubic bush and then felt him shooting His load down into my bush and cock. His legs against mine. We continued to hump each other like this for the rest of that year until he moved away.

Rick pulled me from these thoughts when he said " You mind if i take off these sneakers buddy and get comfortable?

I looked at him and feeling his powerful arm around me said " Oh No sure take them off make Yourself at home buddy in fact Hell it's Friday You are welcome to sleep over if you want?

Rick's face was a glow and I was so happy to know he was going to sleep over again like the old times. he pulled His arm off me and was undoing his sneakers. I was now undoing mine and the sexual tension in the room between us was so hot. Now bath in our stocking feet Rick brushed His foot against mine taking a drink of His beer and then keeping the contact up with our feet He said " Kevin it would be great if instead of the sofa We could maybe sleep in the bed together, kind of like when We were kids?

I had never had male on male sex since the two of us did as kids and thought little of it really but now at this moment with this hot strong take charge man by me touching my foot like this I wanted it No I needed it. I said " Oh rick Yea man I would like that. But look I've never done this with anybody other then You so I may not be all that good at it?

The bottom of Rick's socked foot was rubbing the top of my foot as he pulled me to him and our lips made contact. he was holding the back of my head and his tongue came into my mouth forcing my lips apart to push into me. I did not try nor want to resist him. My arms were under His arms feeling his powerful stron back as We kissed like this. Then Rick's mouth came to my ear and he was licking me ear saying " Oh kevin You don't know how many times I have dreamed of holding you like this, This is a dream copme true for me, this whole night"

I whispered back " Oh Fuck rick You are so hot I have forgotten how good another man can feel in my arms and you are so good in my arms.

More to come are they now at the point of no return? can two men who had been lovers as kids just pick up?

Kevin kelly Nj and Montreal

Next: Chapter 2

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