
By moc.loa@skcoscexe

Published on May 17, 2021



As you know, I now work as a doorman/security guard in a residential building in Brooklyn, New York. Besides my responsibilities including maintaining the doorman/security post in the building lobby, patrolling the fire exits and patrolling the building perimeter and parking lots, it is also my responsibility to investigate any complaints that the tenants call in to the doorman/security guard command post The majority of tenant complaints are "Noise Complaints." Recently, I was asked to investigate a noise complaint in an apartment on the 12th floor of the building. I was told that a gentleman named Devron had called the command post and reported a tapping sound he was hearing... ...adding that the tapping sound was coming from the ceiling in his living room... ...and he instantly accused the people living directly above him of making the noise... With that in mind, the command post assigned me to go to the apartment directly above Devron's on the 13th floor and investigate if the tapping sound was indeed coming from there. When I got to the apartment on the 13th floor I dutifully turned on my bodycam. When speaking with tenants all that transpires between doorman/security guard and them "must be" recorded for records purposes. I rang the doorbell and an elderly couple, a man and a woman, greeted me, saw my doorman/security guard uniform and I politely told them that we had received a noise complaint. When I explained to them what the tapping sound was the told me that they hear it as well, only in the mornings on the weekends. Needless to say I found that to be very odd. So, being that their response had been that they heard the same tapping sound that Devron, in the apartment directly beneath them heard, it was evident that the noise was not coming from their apartment. I reported this in to the command post via my walkie-talkie and was then asked to go see Devron... ...as he had just called the command post again... ... and had again reported hearing the tapping sound coming from his living room ceiling. I told the command post that I was on my way to Devron's apartment; also adding that there was no way that the noise was coming from the apartment above his... ...seeing as if the tapping sound was heard while I was at the apartment above his there was no way it was coming from there. When I arrived at Devron's apartment (my bodycam still on and recording) I rang his doorbell and a few seconds later the door opened... ...and at the sight of Devon my heart jumped up and into my mouth... ...he was exotically handsome... ...with dark, marble shaped eyes, almost completely bald, approximately five feet seven inches tall to my five feet nine inches tall, and he was in really good physical shape as well... ...lanky but well-toned at the same time... I guessed his age to be in the early thirties. He was wearing a yellow tank top, (which showed off his sinewy arm muscles) a pair of knee-length blue print nylon shorts... ...and ankle length grey sweat socks... I quickly said hello to Devron, told him that I had been sent to investigate the noise he had reported hearing, and he smiled and admitted me into the apartment. I followed him to the living room, loving the sway in his walk, which caused his butt cheeks to move real sexily... ...and he pointed to the corner of the ceiling in the living room. "That's where the tapping sound is coming from," he said... ...in a very masculine sounding Ukrainian accent. I listened and said that I didn't hear anything. He told me that just as I had arrived the noise had stopped... ...but that he had videotaped it with his phone. I asked to see the video. He stepped close to me, close enough that I could smell the cologne or aftershave that he was wearing, along with his own natural scent...totally arousing. Holding his phone so we could both see and hear it, Devron played the video. It showed the section of his living room ceiling that he had pointed out for me a few moments ago... ...and on the video I was able to hear the tapping sound he had described... ...AND... ...as I looked down at his phone I stole a few glances down at his feet... ...and saw that he was wiggling his toes in his ankle length grey sweat socks... ...AMAZINGLY AROUSING... I told Devron that the tapping sound sounded as if someone was knocking. I also told him that I had spoken with the people who lived directly above him and that they too heard the tapping sound. I finished by explaining to him that at that moment there wasn't much I could do except record my findings in my logbook and for him to keep the video... Devron thanked me for coming up to his apartment and politely led me to the door to show me out... ...me stealing glances down at his socked feet as we went... I found out the following weekend, seeing as I am only in that building on Saturdays and Sundays, that Devron had made several more complaints about the noise during the past week... ...and would complain again that Saturday... ...when I would be on duty... ...AND when I had a bodycam with a dead battery in it... Thank God for small miracles, Ray. It was during the first couple of hours into my shift that I received a call from the command post to go again to the 13th floor apartment above Devron's, because he had complained yet again that he was hearing the tapping noise, and it had woken him up... ...and he had wanted to sleep in a bit because his wife worked on Saturdays and he was alone... As I headed again to the apartment above Devron's I found it to be a bit superfluous that he had informed the command post of the fact that his wife worked on Saturdays. He could have just reported the tapping noise again and been done with it. But nonetheless... ...I did my due diligence and went to the apartment on the 13th floor. After having reported to the command post that my bodycam's battery was dead, I was told that that was not a problem, and if need be, I could use my site-phone to take any necessary pics or videos. When I rang the doorbell for the apartment on the 13th floor I was again greeted by the elderly couple that lived there. Once again I informed them that we had received a noise complaint... ...and once again they told me that they had heard it too that morning... ...insisting that it wasn't them who were making the tapping sounds. I apologized for the inconvenience and they closed and locked their apartment door. I called the command post on my walkie-talkie and reported my findings to them. I asked if they wanted me to speak to the people who lived in the apartment on the 13th floor next to the elderly couple... ...wondering if perhaps the sounding sound could possibly be coming from there. I was told that that apartment was vacant, but to go to the 14th floor above the elderly couple and see if perhaps the noise was coming from there.. ...so off I went to the 14th floor. I'm sure by now you can tell that I was beginning to feel very annoyed by all of this... ...but that annoying feeling would soon be replaced by a much better feeling... When I went to apartment 14C I rang the doorbell and the person who greeted me was a tenant I had become friendly with since I had begun working in the building, a gentleman named Joe, a real macho shit head, to put it bluntly... When I explained to Joe why I was there he said he knew nothing whatsoever about any tapping noise. I politely thanked him for his time, he closed and locked his apartment door, and I reported my latest findings to the command post via walkie-talkie... I was told by the command post to return again to Devron's apartment, 12C to be exact, as he was again hearing the tapping sound. Even though I was feeling VERY annoyed at that point, I was glad that I was going to see the exotically handsome Devron again... ...and very soon you will know why I was glad that the battery in my bodycam was dead. I quickly made my way back down in the elevator to the 12th floor, rang the doorbell to apartment 12C and Devron let me in. On this day he was wearing an off-white tank top, navy blue thigh length nylon shorts, and navy blue white toed ankle length sweat socks. As soon as I entered his apartment he told me that I had arrived just in time, that the tapping sound was happening, "right now." Devron quickly closed and locked his apartment door, grabbed me by my upper arm, and hustled me as quickly as possible to his living room... ...where I definitely heard the tapping sound coming from the section of the ceiling he had indicated the last time I was there... ...there, in his apartment. As I stood there listening to the weird tapping sound, Devron stood beside me, holding my arm tight, and saying, "You hear it? You hear it?" I nodded that I did indeed hear it... ...and as he held my arm, we both listened... ...till it stopped. Looking at me from the side, still holding my arm, Devron said, "What do you suppose it is?" "I'm not sure," I replied, still staring at the spot on the ceiling where the sound had been coming from. "It sounds mechanical...and it actually sounds like it's coming from the apartment next door to you, not from the apartment above you..." Still holding me arm tightly, he looked at me from the side and said, "But no one lives in the apartment next door to me..." At that point I have to say that the way he was holding my arm was starting to have an effect on me... ...that effect being that my cock was getting hard in my uniform pants... ...and then, the way he was suddenly not just holding my arm, but kneading and squeezing it as well, wiggling his fingers against it, there was no doubt in my mind what this guy WANTED... ...and fuck, but I was prepared to give it to him... ...and while I was on duty at that... I glanced down at the floor and saw that he was wiggling his toes in his navy blue white toed ankle length sweat socks... ...totally arousing... ...totally fucking arousing... Then, Devron sideways and was suddenly holding my arm with two hands, as he pulled me close to him... He leaned his face close to me ear and said, "If no one lives next door to me then how can the tapping sound be coming from that apartment?" And as the exotically handsome guy spoke directly and so closely into my ear, his sweet moist lips were grazing my earlobe. Breathlessly I said, "I really don't know. But I'm sorry it disturbed you and your wife's sleep..." Finally, he let go of my arm, stepped in front of me and said, sounding sexy and horned up as hell, "My wife left for work an hour ago...and we don't have any kids...it's just you and me here..." That was all I needed to hear, and obviously it was what he wanted to hear... Without a word we leaned in close to each other and our lips met, our tongues explored each other's mouths... Devron grabbed my face in two hands and we kissed harder and harder... I moved my hands under his tank top, found his nipples, squeezed, pinched and twisted them... ...and he kissed me harder yet... ...making sounds of hunger as he did so... A few moments later, with his hands now caressing the back of my neck, and as I went on teasing his nipples, Devron kissed my face all over, slobbered all over it and kissed it some more, sucked my earlobes, kissed the sides of my neck... My God, the guy was so hungry!! And so was I!!! "OOOOOO yeah, eat my ass, fuck me, please eat my ass, fuck me..." he pleaded breathlessly in between kissing the fuck out of my face, my neck, my Adam's apple, and sucking and bighting the fucking fucks out of my earlobes... I let go of his nipples, reached down, hooked the sides of his shorts and briefs in my fingers and thumbs and pushed them down and he shucked off his tank top. As they pooled around his ankles and as Devron now stood there bare chested, I leaned down and slurped one of his jutted up (jutted up thanks to my teasing of them) nipples into my mouth. "AWWWWWW yes!!! YES!!!" he groaned, running his hands over the back of my neck. "My, my wife...she never goes near my nipples...she never eats my ass...OOOOOOOO..." As I sucked, slurped, chewed, kissed and licked and bit Devron's right nipple I teased the left one with my fingers and thumb, twisting it, pinching it, squeezing it... As he pressed against me, I could feel his erect cock throbbing like a thing alive... I stopped working his nipple and moved to his other one, treating it the same way I had just treated the first one... ...and as I did so, Devron now ran his hands and fingers over the top of my head, squeezed my earlobes and breathlessly said, "OOOOOOOOO...feels so good, feels so amazing..." I got the definite feeling that besides his wife; no one had ever worked his nipples over for him... I prayed the command post would not call me on my walkie-talkie... After working Devron's nipples to the point that both of them were jutted up to the size of two pink pencil erasers, I stopped working them, and as soon as I lifted my head away from his chest the guy again grabbed my face in his hands... He clamped his mouth down on mine once more and his tongue was quickly exploring the hole in my face... I reached down, cupped his delectable ass cheeks in my strong hands...and hoisted him up off the floor... As lifted him his gym shorts and underpants fell from around his ankles, leaving the guy now wearing just his ankle length navy blue white toed sweat socks... He wrapped his legs and arms around me stopped kissing my lips and I lugged him to his bedroom... I was about to grant him his wishes... Once in the bedroom I put Devron down on the bed... ...and without having to be told to do so, he was instantly on his hands and knees with his coconut shaped ass globes looking up at the ceiling... Oh my God, Ray, he was one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen... I quickly got my shoes off my feet, climbed up onto the bed behind him, grabbed his rock hard ass cheeks, and pried them apart... ...revealing one of the pinkest bungholes I had ever seen in my life... In a microsecond my tongue was licking and flicking around in his rosebud of a pucker hole... "OOOHHHH YES, YES, oh please, eat my ass, please eat my ass," Devron pleaded breathlessly. "My, my wife never does this for me...oh please..." I gripped his ass cheeks tighter, wanting to inflict some pain, dribbled liberally into his hole, and when I sucked up my saliva, sucking his ass walls as I did so, I swear Ray; I thought for sure he would fly off the bed; his reaction was that intense... ...and based on what the guy said about his wife never eating his ass, all I could say to that was that his wife was one stupid bitch...LOL... It tasted musty and raw, and I felt as if I would never get enough of it. I came up for air, still gripping Devron's delectable globes, and breathlessly said, "Devron, you have one of the best looking, best shaped and best tasting holes I've ever come across. It's my pleasure to do as you've asked to it... ...and with that, I spit numerous times into his hole, jarring him each time, and then plunged my tongue back into his deep depths... I meanly hummed on his asshole, as I sucked up my globs of saliva, causing Devron to break out in goosebumps... As he shuddered and quaked in ecstasy he moaned, "OOOOOHHHH, never before has anyone done this to my hole, it feels so good...so good...I've craved this for so long..." Ray, by then, and needless to say, my cock was hard as steel in my uniform pants. I was at what I've come to call the boiling point... ...and let's face it, Devron's asshole was primed and ready to be deflowered. I stopped licking his asshole; let go of his sweet ass cheeks and hunkered myself up a tad higher behind the exotically handsome tenant. As I extracted my erect cock from my uniform pants, I ordered Devron not to move... I gripped his ass cheeks again, once more pried them wide... ...and then, oh God then, inch by inch I slid my pulsing pre-seeding flagpole of a cock into Devron's hole... ...taking my time about it... He keened in a mixture of pain and ecstasy, the sounds of a man's hole losing its virginity to be exact. Once I was fully inside him, I began a gentle back and forth thrusting motion... "OOOHHHHH, magic, this is pure magic..." Devron muttered breathlessly, sounding as if he were crying tears of joy... ...which he was actually... Then, my gentle thrusting in and out motion became faster and more aggressive, as I began slapping his ass cheeks and driving in and out of him like a jackhammer... AND, as I did so, Devron begged and pleaded for more, for me to fuck him deeper... ...and harder. My God, it felt as if his hole was literally sucking my cock in and out of it... "OOOHHHHH my, I-I feel I could cum just from what you're doing to me..." Devron reeled, as we were both rocking on the bed now. ...and sure enough, he did just that... ...as I went on and on fucking the tar out of him the handsome as hell young man shot his load... ...all over the bed sheets under him... "AWWWWWHHHH!!!!" Devron thundered, as thick spurts upon thick globs of his ball juice erupted from him. And it wasn't too long after that I too came like a madman... ...filling his beautiful rosebud of a pucker hole with my juices... ...both of us sounding like trapped animals, as we climaxed... When we were both spent, my cock slid slowly from Devron's hole... The guy was panting, sweating and whispering, "Thank you, thank you..." over and over and over again. As I was packing my cock back into my uniform pants, Devron stretched himself out on the bed on his back, smiling up at me. "I'm so glad I made a noise complaint," he said, grinning... ...and we both laughed. A short while later, with my shoes back on my feet, I exited Devron's apartment, the ankle length navy blue white toed sweat socks he had been wearing in my uniform pants pocket, a nice kinky souvenir... I called the command post on my walkie-talkie to let them know that I had completed my noise complaint investigation...LOL...

/The End/

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