Tax Payment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 24, 2023


Usually, Kyle was an early riser: he got up when the fish were up. The events of the last two days had exhausted him, and he was in a deep sleep in Farrel's bed. His sleep was dreamless. He had fallen asleep on his stomach, and his face was turned directly to Farrel who, unlike Kyle, was already awake.

It was warm, and Farrel had tossed the blankets from the bed. Kyle was sleeping so deeply he didn't feel them fall to the floor. Nor did he feel Farrel's eyes moving over his back. "So perfect. Just such a perfect body. I couldn't have asked for more," Farrel was thinking, as he cupped one of Kyle's ass cheeks and squeezed it. He got a short moan in return, and an attempt by a sleeping Kyle to move away. Farrel smiled. That wasn't happening. He had ideas and moved his mouth over Kyle's ear.

"Wake up sleeping beauty," he whispered, getting a moan and more stirring from Kyle. "I'm awake and ready to go." He kissed the edge of Kyle's ear. "I'm not the first person to tell you this, I'm sure, but you are one of the most handsome men I've ever seen, angler." He couldn't help himself and climbed onto Kyle's back. He began massaging his shoulders, which succeeded in getting Kyle awake, trapped under Farrel's weight. It was the first time Kyle had slept in Farrel's bed, and it took him a while to get oriented.

"You seem to have slept fairly peacefully, comrade kyle. Full of energy, I hope, for your first full day." Farrel reached down to the spot where he had toyed with Kyle's ass the night before. Kyle pulled his legs together, to try to block entry, and pulled himself as tightly together as he could, in view of Farrel's weight.

"I want you to roll over, handsome. I really haven't had a good opportunity to see your torso and your... other parts. "When he said that, Kyle tried to pull his body into a tight ball. Part of him knew he had no choice, but he wasn't going to make it easy. Farrel laughted. He pressed his thumb to Kyle's ass with more pressure. "You'll roll over, fisherman. Keep in mind that I'm only toying with this." He pushed on Kyle's ass more firmly "and it's MUCH easier for me to get in this way. All I asked was for you to roll over. Your choice.' Farrel pushed his thumb against Kyle's ass opening and Kyle gave out a loud moan. "OH GOD! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?" he cried out, almost begging for an answer. Farrel leaned forward and whispered in Kyle's ear.

"Because I can. And because I WANT to. Now, shall we expedite your breeding, fisherman, or will you yield?" Farrel felt Kyle's muscle go a bit looser, and he was able to slip his arm under Kyle's elbow, and "chicken wing" him. As he manipulated Kyle onto his back, he saw why Kyle had resisted.

"My, my, my. Now, isn't that a FINE mast, Kyle? I certainly didn't expect to see THAT." Kyle had a full-on hard-on, rising directly from his pubes. Farrel smiled. "I presume that my thumb did more than cause you pain, then, didn't it, Kyle?" He slid his body up and pinned Kyle down, as Kyle squirmed.

"What do you want? It's sensitive! I didn't know it was that sensitive?"

"Did you like how it felt, Kyle?"

"NO!" Farrel laughed. "I don't believe that for a minute, handsome. Can we get that mast up any further?" He began to move a hand toward Kyle's cock.

"DON'T TOUCH IT! JUST DON'T TOUCH IT," Kyle screamed and then he felt Farrel form a circle around his dick. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT." Farrel started to laugh more.

"You'll need to start getting used to this, Kyle. From now on, the only time you do anything with your dick, is when I'm there and with my permission. And trust me, I have ways of making you comply. But for now...hmmm. In the hustle and bustle, I never got a chance to notice what a beautiful body you have, fisherman. A great chest. And these abs... I know the tradition is to say you could grate cheese on a hard set of abs, but wouldn't we grate dried fish on these?"

"FUCK YOU!" came out of Kyle's mouth, just before Farrel's hand started stroking his torso. That hand was rougher than Kyle expected. He thought a bureaucrat like Farrel would have soft hands -- what he always called "lady hands" when he wanted to talk about someone who didn't do physical labor. Farrel's hands weren't calloused and hard, but there was "something" of substance to them. Part of Kyle's squirming was because of the pleasant way the hand felt on his body.

"I'm wondering, Kyle, just wondering. I'm not sure I can count on you to be still. So, should I tie you down, or should I ask Bruno to come in and hold down your wrists while I explore your body?"


"Very well, Kyle. I'm not going to take the risk of you injuring yourself so, the wrist restraints it is." Kyle felt each wrist pulled up and felt the strap go around each one. He pulled, gritting his teeth. He was helpless. Farrel took his ankles and began spreading his legs.

"AH, OF COURSE. The yoga. Look how flexible these are. Oh, I'll have NO trouble bringing these up to your wrists to keep you restrained at breeding time. Should I do it now and let you experience it early?"


"I AM going to fuck you, Kyle. But not yet. For now...Oh, I want to glory in this body of yours." Kyle tried to bring his legs back together, but Farrel was pushing them apart, and said "I could always bring in Bruno for that Kyle. Just enjoy it." He looked at Kyle's quivering penis. "And don't tell me you're not enjoying it because, comrade, your body doesn't lie." As Farrel began licking one of the striations on Kyle's abs, a drop of pre-cum shot out. Kyle saw the smile play over Farrel's face.

"What's going to happen when I play with these..." His fingers moved up to Kyle's nipples and the sensation went through Kyle like electricity. He wanted desperately to grab his cock and start jerking off, but he couldn't. Farrel nibbled at Kyle's peck expertly, alternating the nibbles with brushes of his facial hair.

"How badly do you need release, Kyle?" He looked at the thrashing ginger underneath him.


"Shall we perhaps schedule your initial breeding tonight, handsome?" Kyle gulped hard. He was going to yell "FUCK NO," but Farrel began stroking his balls, and Kyle's cock responded.

"YES YES YES. Whatever. Whatever. You're gonna do it anyway. Just... please."

"I am gonna do it, Kyle" Farrel responded. "Just not right now..." Kyle was perplexed, because as he said that Farrel grabbed Kyle's ankles and spread his legs apart. Kyle wasn't sure he would have been able to fight back if he hadn't been restrained, but he certainly couldn't now. And he couldn't figure out what was going on. Farrel's fingers were seemingly massaging the area around his ankles, and the sensation was, well, making his cock twitch even more.

"You need to understand something, Kyle. I'll call you companion, fisherman, sexy, handsome, a lot of things. Ultimately though, you're a slave -- MY slave, MY property, and I can take you whenever I want."

"I'm beginning to understand that" Kyle thought to himself. "What do you want, then? You said you'd take something before you'd let me...cum."

"Have you ever been kissed by a man, Kyle?" Farrel let go of Kyle's ankles. When Kyle tried to pull his legs together, Farrel gave him a look, and he stopped.

"OF COURSE, I HAVE. I have a father. Brothers. Friends." He sucked in his breath because Farrel began massaging his torso again.

"Silly fisherman. I meant a REAL man to man kiss. Frenching I think it used to be called." He saw the look on Kyle's face. He knew his answer. "Yeah, you want to loose your juice, you're gonna French with me. " He began to climb up on Kyle, and Kyle began to twist his head back and forth as Farrel's face got closer. Farrel dropped a hand to Kyle's balls and squeezed them hard enough for Kyle to stop. He began to whimper from the pain.

"Nice and easy, ginger man. Nice." He pecked at Kyles lips. "And easy. Open up." He squeezed Kyle's balls again, and when Kyle moaned, Farrel slipped in his tongue. It was thick and muscular and after a few minutes, Kyle began to suck on it.

"Must be my cock speaking," he thought again. "This is hot." He felt Farrel go deeper down his throat. Every now and then, he'd pull back and give Kyle a lip-on-lip kiss. Then he'd dive back in again. Kyle couldn't help it: he moaned more and more, and louder and louder. His cry of "OHMYGOD" was muffled by Farrel's tongue, when Farrel began running a finger first on the backside of Kyle's cock, and then the front. He pulled his tongue out of Kyle's mouth.

"Sexy fucking stud. SO fucking sexy," Kyle was writhing now. He needed to release desperately and then Farrel touched the head of his dick, and he lost it. His scream was loud: VERY loud. So loud he saw Bruno at the door, smirking. Kyle couldn't help it at this point, and he just kept shooting.

"They say that fish is good for semen production, Kyle. I guess you just proved it." Kyle had pulsed at least ten times before he finished.

"Sir, is there anything you'll need?" Bruno was standing, arms folded. His expression hadn't changed.

"I could use some cloths, Bruno, to clean up comrade Kyle's little mess here."

"Right away." Farrel lay down next to Kyle. "Be honest, fisherman. That was better than any time you did it solo." Kyle didn't want to answer that, but when Farrel started nibbling on his left pec, he did.

"Yes. Oh, GOD yes. "Bruno came back with the cloths, and Farrel began mopping up the spill. "I'm keeping these, Kyle. I'm a very big fan of gagging my slave, and what better way to piss you off than to shove a cloth crusted with your own jizz in your mouth?" He laughed, and Kyle pulled at his restraints. Farrel looked at him.

"Now, just so you know, Kyle, seeing you struggle is very VERY hot." He showed Kyle his own hard cock. "But IF you got loose, first you'd have to get past Bruno. And if you did that, you'd have to get past the two other guards outside my suite. And then, should that happen, you'd have to eventually escape one of the best hunters in the province: me." Kyle looked at the sneer on Farrel's face.

"Yes, you'll hear talk of my hunting prowess. For now, just think about how the hunter has taken the fisherman. That's how it will be. "He stood up, his cock stretched out. "Just a bit longer for you in that position. I need to be satisfied, and this is the last time you'll be relieved before I will. For what it's worth, I believe you'll find out tonight that your friend Gary has already been bred. Probably twice, maybe three times." Farrel didn't close his eyes when he shot, all over Kyle's torso. "This one you clean yourself, slave. Unless you'd like to let it dry on you as a memory."

Kyle DID think about it after Bruno came in and untied him. "Master Farrel has ordered that you be dressed and given a tour of the house. You and comrade Gary both."

"How do I get dressed, Bruno? Where the hell are my clothes?" Bruno gave a smirk. Yes, you could tell he was related to Farrel from that smirk.

For now, Master Farrel wishes that you simply wear this. You'll change before evening sustenance, but for now..." He handed Kyle a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans. The jeans looked familiar.

"These are MINE. Did you already go through my house?" Bruno laughed. "Just get dressed, slave."

About a half hour later, Kyle was walking alongside Gary. Their guide, Jessique, was about two steps ahead of them. Bruno and the guard who watched the compound for Gary's "companion," Lucian, were at their sides. Lucian smiled much more than Bruno did.

"Did he take your ass?" Gary asked, staring at Kyle. "How was he?"

"That's none of your business, but NO," Kyle spat back.

"REALLY? GOD, I'm surprised I can walk. Kyle, these guys... they're all, hung like horses."

Kyle laughed. "ALL of them? Have you been that busy?" "Well, no, but Commander Craig sure is. Long. And thick. And he let Lucian jerk off on me after he was finished." Lucian put a hand on Gary's bicep and squeezed.

"Talk of a private nature does not get shared in public, slave Gary. I WILL have to report this to Sir Craig." Kyle saw the smile on Gary's face. "Does it mean punishment?" Luican didn't answer, but just shook his head, as Kyle thought "well, I guess I can't count on any support from Gary."

The tour of the house took about 90 minutes, and Farrel was not back at the suite yet. As Lucian brought Gary back to his owner's suite, Bruno pulled a shackle chain out from underneath the bed. "Sit, slave Kyle. "His eyes motioned toward a corner of the bed.

"Bruno, come on! You don't have to do that! Farrel explained how escape was not possible. Where am I going to go?" Bruno took his usual position with his arms folded, and his legs slightly spread. "DO NOT EVER refer to Master Farrel without his title. Not if I am in hearing range." He smiled wickedly. "And I will almost ALWAYS be in hearing range. And when MASTER Farrel gives instructions, they are to be followed. There is adequate slack for you to use the facilities if you need to, but you WILL wear the ankle restraint. You may lock it by yourself if you like, but I will still check it." Kyle sighed. "I understand, Bruno." He held out his leg. As Bruno shackled it, he explained "There will be times when Master Farrel will wish that you be restrained in other positions and with other means. As you are new to our ways, he is using this. He will return as quickly as he can." He paused. "Do you wish for anything slave Kyle? A beverage? Food? Reading material?"

"I think I'll just try to be relaxed, Bruno. Thank you."

"Relaxed is good, slave Kyle. You will need to be for your breeding tonight. As you know, I'll be outside the bed quarters. Do not hesitate to call if you need something."

After Bruno left, Kyle began looking around the bedroom. Yes, he already knew about the wrist restraints. He saw that there were also restraints at the bottom of the bed (they would eventually be supplemented with a set that pulled Kyle's legs further apart), and he saw what appeared to be a stock in the corner of the room. He saw a chair equipped with bondage materials and what appeared to be electronic items he wasn't familiar with. The drawers of a side table were not locked, and when he opened them, he found the cloths from the night before, and a set of other items that appeared to be gags of different types.

He jumped when he heard Farrel's voice: his back was turned to the entrance. "I see you're finding some of the play toys. Good. If you know where they are, I can leave instructions to you for what I will want when I wish to enjoy you." Kyle looked at him. He was almost pleading.

"Gary is enjoying himself, Master Farrel. And he's so much fitter than I am. Shouldn't you choose him?" He saw Farrel smile. "I chose you. Gary bores me. He is clearly not going to be a challenge." He walked toward Kyle until he was nearly nose to nose with him. "You, however, are already beginning to present a challenge. And I LOVE a challenge." Kyle felt Farrel's hands close on his wrists and begin pushing them behind his back. He resisted, and the strain showed in his face.

"Remember what I told you, Kyle? You fear Bruno. I am the one who taught him what he knows. Pray that if you have a choice of being tortured by Bruno or by me, Bruno is the one who does it." By now, Kyle's arms were behind his back and Farrel was pushing them up to a painful position, right past the position where Kyle's yoga trained body moved easily and comfortably.

"Oh, tonight is going to be SUCH a treat, Kyle. I will release this hold, but in return, you will bend over. Touching your toes as it were. I wish to see how your ass appears in those jeans. Sighing, Kyle did what he was told. He knew this pair of jeans very well: they were his "on the prowl pants at home, and they showed off his ass very well. He heard Farrel's purrs of approval, and then he felt his new owner's hand passing over his ass cheeks.

"There is very little reason why I shouldn't tear these off you right now, Kyle, and take you hard. The only reason I can think of is to be more powered for tonight." He lowered his voice. "I assume you've never had a man's tongue up your ass, Kyle." Farrel had put his arm around Kyle's waist and brought him back up to standing position.

"I haven't, "Kyle answered, feeling Farrel grind his pelvis into his ass.

"Trust me, fisherman. It is MUCH more satisfying than French kissing."

There were some "business casual" clothes for Kyle to wear to the communal meal that night. He looked around, seeing the other members of the "tax party" as he had heard them called. Some looked happier than others. Gary seemed the happiest, asking Sir Craig if he wished to be served more of any of the items. He saw the look Craig gave Gary before he said: "I wish for you to get to your knees with your hands behind your back, slave."

"Yes Sir," Gary answered, and as the table looked on, silently, Craig put a collar around Gary's neck. Farrel whispered to Kyle: "I prefer NOT to make public displays of that sort. I do not enjoy them, and they only humiliate the companion. Rest assured, fisherman, that, if need be, I will have no problem with putting you in a similar position." He squeezed Kyle's knee.

"I understand, Master Farrel," Kyle answered. "I hope not to give you reason to do so.

"Of course, should I simply wish to see you humiliated, which can be very stimulating, I will do so." He took Kyle's hand and put it on his crotch. "As you will note, there will be no need for further stimulation tonight. I have spent the day thinking of you in those jeans, and I am MORE than stimulated."

"Gentlemen, I may arrive at counsel meeting a bit later than usual tomorrow," Farrel grinned to the table as he rose, taking Kyle with him, his hand firmly on Kyle's right shoulder. "When leaving the table with your comrade, Kyle, you should assume submissive position." "I apologize, Master, but I don't know what that is."

"Of course, you don't. My mistake." He looked at Gary. "Apparently your countryman did not advise you, thinking that punishment would follow." He showed his teeth. "It will. Will it not, Commander Craig?"

"Absolutely Sir," was his response. Then Farrel turned to Kyle. "Your hands go behind your back, and your eyes go down. Think of movies you may have seen where captive slaves are moved from place to place."

"Because I'm a captive slave, being moved from one place to another," Kyle thought. When they got back to the bedroom, Kyle could barely keep from shaking. He knew what was going to happen. He began to unbutton his shirt, and felt Farrel's hands behind him, stopping him.

"No. I will undress you tonight, handsome ginger. I will take my time and..." He kissed Kyle's ear before nibbling it "Enjoy you fully." He opened two buttons on Kyle's shirt and began to circle Kyle's nipple with his finger. It's hard to think that Kyle was a novice to nipple play, but he was. He moaned loudly, and either intentionally or unintentionally backed into Farrel who whispered "good boy. Now let's get you on your back. I want to see your face for your initiation."

"Yes Sir," Kyle answered in a weak voice, and then asked, "please be gentle," which provoked laughter from Farrel.

"Novice, understand that the way to guarantee a Master will try to cause you pain, is to show weakness as you just did." Kyle closed his eyes as his wrists were secured the way they had been the night before. Then he felt Farrel loosen his pants. He unlaced Kyle's shoes, and then slipped off his pants. They hadn't provided Kyle with any undergarments, which would be something consistent. Kyle's body betrayed him with another hard-on.

"This time, trust me, Kyle. You will WANT me to keep your legs in the air." Farrel spread Kyle and ran his facial hair over his balls. He then put the tip of his tongue exactly where he had put his thumb not that long ago. "Like picking a lock, Kyle. You're already opening." Kyle knew it, too. He felt his muscles relaxing. Farrel knew what he was doing with his tongue, and the instrument that had brought Kyle so much pleasure via his mouth, now tripled the pleasure as he teased nerve endings Kyle didn't know he had.

"Salty. Just like I'd expect from a fisherman. EXACTLY the way I like it." Kyle began to writhe. He didn't want to drop his legs, but the squirming was involuntary: his nerves were stimulated in a way they hadn't been before. He sighed and tried as much as he could to yield to the pleasure. Farrel felt it. He said one word "Time."

Kyle felt Farrel's cockhead pushing against the same spot his thumb, and tongue, had pressed. This was more insistent, and stronger. He began to whimper. He tightened his glutes in response. Farrel spoke, in a low, calm voice: "Kyle, I can be very rough, I can be rough, or I can be gentle. I suspect you'd prefer gentle, and if you would, then I'd suggest relaxing your body." Kyle clinched his teeth and whispered, "Yes sir," as he pulled up all of the relaxation skills he knew from his yoga training. He focused on different "chakras," trying to get them to react or to stop reacting.

"Good boy," Farrel said, and Kyle felt his owner's penis begin to slip in. It didn't hurt, but it was odd. His body's first reaction was to try to push it out but then, when he saw the look on Farrel's face, and the beads of sweat, he whispered "I'm trying, Sir." Farrel winked "I know," he said and pushed a little harder. It was like a gate opened. All of a sudden, Farrel was in him. Fully. Kyle screamed, but this time, Bruno didn't come in to investigate: he knew what was happening.

"We'll see your boat tomorrow, Kyle, but for now, relax." He pushed Kyles' legs back. "That's right big guy, just like a frog about to jump." Farrel began to pull back and push in. "At some point, we'll find where you're most sensitive, baby ginger boy, but for's all about me." He pushed hard, and "OH FUCK" came out of Kyle's mouth. That seemed to stimulate Farrel, and he pushed harder. "There we go you fucking hot assed slave bitch! This is what I wanted. This is what I paid for. And I'm the first one in here." He bent down to kiss Kyle. "If you're lucky, I'll be the ONLY one." Kyle could feel and hear the slap of Farrel's balls against his butt. Did he feel pleasure? No. But he didn't feel pain either. What he felt was "I need to do this. I need to accept this. I need to..."

His thoughts were interrupted as he felt a "whoosh" go into him and heard the scream from Farrel. "DAMN I haven't had a virgin in so long. "The cum kept on flowing, and Kyle felt a certain amount of satisfaction in having satisfied his captor. He thought about seeing his boat the next day. He'd have to try to learn to adapt to this.

He felt a shower of kisses all over his face. "So handsome. So fucking sexy. And mine. ALL mine."

Next: Chapter 4

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