Tax Payment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 7, 2023


Farrel looked at kyle in the bed they shared. He knew that kyle was awake: fishermen get up early to get to work, but kyle was "playing possum," a phrase Farrel had just learned. He could definitely take kyle a second time: he had so enjoyed being the fisherman's "first," and thoughts of what he planned to do next were filling his head with lust, rather than the matters of state he should have been thinking of. Kyle was laying on his side: when Farrel stroked his chest, kyle curled up slightly, into more of a fetal position. Farrel bent his head down and whispered into kyle's ear.

"We both know you're not sleeping, my handsome fisherman. That is okay." He stroked kyle's hair gently. "I can think of few times when I've enjoyed myself more than I did with you last night, and I hope you did too." Kyle felt a shiver go through his body because whether he would admit it or not, he HAD enjoyed it.

"You pretend to sleep as much as you like, slave kyle. It won't be for long. And then we'll go and see your boat. Just remember: the longer you remain in bed, the longer it will be before you see -- what's the name you gave her -- Dora? Remember: she's waiting for you. As am I." He kissed kyle's cheek and got out of bed.

When he heard Farrel leave the suite, Kyle relaxed his body. He had felt Farrel's hard cock against him for most of the night, and he feared that Farrel would take him again that morning. He didn't think he was ready for that. Kyle admitted to himself that he had enjoyed bottoming for Farrel. He didn't think he would. "He must know something about pleasure points, or that kind of stuff," he thought. "But if he can do that, what else can he do?", and he began to fantasize about what Farrel might do to him. Involuntarily, he gave out a moan, and he reached down to his cock. It was hardening. He pulled his hand away as fast as he could: he didn't want to give into this.

Kyle heard a soft knock at the entrance to the suite. "Kyle? Good morning. If you're awake, can you please let me know?" He heard a young, but masculine voice speaking to him. "Yeah, I'm up." He sat up in bed, and saw an attractive youth, perhaps about 23, with curly blond hair and blue eyes. There was a slight smile on his face. He was carrying a tray with a glass of something ruby colored.

"I am Curtis. I am part of both the court of Lord Farrel, and also the Spirit Masters." It was the first time kyle had heard that phrase.

"Spirit Masters? What's that?"

"May I come in, Kyle? Perhaps even sit while you drink your tonic."

"My tonic? CURTIS, have a seat and explain all of this to me. And why aren't you calling me slave kyle?" Curtis' expression didn't change.

"I, too, am a slave here, kyle. As you'll learn, the slaves refer to each other by their first names, sometimes more formally as Brother' or Sister.' If you'd prefer for me to use a more formal form of speech, I will do so." As Curtis sat down, he placed the tray on a side table. "You can choose to call me Curt if you like. I actually prefer it. And what should I explain first: the tonic, or the Spirit Masters?"

"Maybe the tonic?" Kyle asked.

"Yes, of course. Forgive me for any embarrassment I may cause you, kyle, but the guild was advised that last night was your first time receiving a man's semen. We know that there is always a corporeal shock when that happens: stress molecules enter the blood, there may be some tissue tearing, and other factors. The tonic I've brought you is intended to alleviate all of those issues." Kyle eyed the glass. "Does it?"

"I do not know personally, kyle. But the comments that the guild has gathered suggest that it does. You won't find it unpleasant. It's based on an old recipe: I believe it's called hibiscus fresca, or something like that." Kyle picked up the glass and took a sip. It was pleasant. Slightly sweet, and at a cool temperature. He drank more of it, before putting down the glass.

"I'll finish it later, curt." Curt's face changed immediately.

"Oh, NO, KYLE! You must drink it down now. The efficacy is lost after two hours, and its potency weakens as it sits." He dropped his eyes. "If, as I assume, Lord Farrel will take you again tonight, you will want the restorative." Kyle gave a short, sarcastic laugh. He didn't ask his question: Curtis answered it before he did.

"When Lord Farrel is taken with a new companion, he has the companion at least once a day, but usually more often than that. It is that way with all of the regent officials: they seem to have a sex drive much stronger than any I've ever seen."

"ANY that you've seen? You seem so, well, young." Curtis smiled. "Much can happen in a life, kyle. I am originally from Flumin."

"AH" kyle thought. "That explains the coloring. All of the Fluminians had light hair and blue eyes.

"Perhaps you've read or heard of the Fluminian hunger. Many died. They said that those of us who had been sold were lucky. At least our new owners provided us with plenty to eat. I was sold to a family from Rastin, to the west, and then, when our school Master determined that I had more of a spiritual bent than a physical one, I was apprenticed to Kayla. She was the high priestess of Rastin, but now, she reigns as the high priestess of the Spirit Masters, and I have come here with her. I am her liaison to the court."

"You still haven't explained who the Spirit Masters are, curt." Curtis took a breath. "It is a bit difficult to explain, but the best parallel I can give is that they function as a hybrid of political advisers, and spiritual guides. This region, while it may not be apparent, is deeply religious. For example, I understand that your boat is being brought here for you." Kyle nodded. "You will not be permitted to use that boat until Priestess Kayla give it her blessing." Kyle shook his head. "I guess we're just backwards fishermen in Rivel. I didn't know any of this." Curtis had his hands folded in his lap. "Please finish the tonic, kyle. I believe you may already be feeling its effects. " As kyle drank, Curtis continued. "One of the ways that the Magistrates keep control of all the provinces is by restricting information. The libraries here, however, are very well stocked. I will show them to you sometime if you are interested."

"I'd be more interested in learning about this place, curt. Is there some way to do that?" Now, curt smiled. "I would be happy to be your guide, kyle, but I would want something in return." Kyle looked at curt and he thought "NO! He can't want what Farrel has already declared is his. Does he want..."

Curtis began to laugh. "I have seen the look in others' eyes, kyle, and you are mistaken. I have no sexual desire for you. In fact, I have NO sexual desire. See, after a certain point of instruction in the priesthood, all men receive treatment so that they have no desire and are inaccessible to anyone who desires them."

"The men? Not the women."

"It is a matriarchy, kyle." He dropped his voice. "Your minister Chiara is smart, but she does not realize that the issue with Rivel is not the result of nature. It is Kayla's spell. Put on the province because Chiara repulsed Kayla's advances. The same thing happened at Flumin. None of us know how Kayla obtained such power, or what the extent of her power is, but we must live with it."

Kyle stored this information in his head because it might be useful. "Well, then, what is your condition, curt?"

"I'm sure you are aware, kyle, that Flumin has a marine culture not unlike Rivel's."

"Yes. I know that. Different fish types, but a busy port."

"My father is a fisherman, kyle. I served as his first mate. I miss the task. You will need a crew and, I would ask you to accept me as your first mate."

"But the priesthood?" Curtis smiled again. "Yes, Kayla will be upset; however, if Farrel puts a request in, she will have no choice. He determines the amount of money the Ministry receives and, well..."

"You're a very crafty young man, curt," Kyle smiled. Curtis replied "We do what we need to survive. Make me that promise and I'll do my best to teach you everything about this place. Including the things that Farrel likes best. They are well known to the initiates in the Ministry."


"Finish it, kyle, please. I will be at the blessing ceremony. I will see you there.

"For reasons I do not understand, Lord Farrel has been specific: you are NOT to be bound in public today. Still." Bruno had a very tight grip on kyle's bicep.

"OUCH. THAT HURTS, BRUNO!" Bruno laughed. "GOOD. Then I'm doing my job." As they approached the harbor, kyle could see Farrel standing there, talking to a very tall, very severe looking blond woman. He looked for Curtis but didn't see him at that point.

"YOUR COMPANION, LORD FARREL." Bruno released kyle in front of Farrel. Kyle was not certain what he should do: should he kneel? Should he embrace Farrel?

"You HAVE been instructed that slaves put their hands behind their backs in the presence of a Lord and Magistrate, have you not, slave kyle?" The words came from Bruno. Kyle saw Farrel smile. "He's right, fisherman. For now, that will be sufficient if you behave. " He winked. "I don't think you want to provoke Bruno. He doesn't much like being in public, but protocol is protocol. Priestess Kayla, you were not able to attend the dinners these past few evenings, so let me introduce my new comrade to you." Kayla smiled. "You have chosen well Gil. Would that he had a sister!"

"High praise from you Kayla. High praise indeed. AH, I can hear the boat coming. Yes, here she comes." Kyle saw his boat as well. For a fisherman like kyle, the relationship with his boat was hard to define: a mixture of a best friend, a lover, a spouse, and so much more.

"DORA!" he cried out and began to move toward the harbor. He felt Bruno's hand on his shoulder, holding him back.

"HEY. LET GO. I WANNA SEE MY BOAT!" Bruno's fingers dug in, and kyle whined in pain.

"Slave, you clearly do not understand. It is not YOUR boat anymore. You, and all you owned, now belong to Lord Farrel. It is HIS boat."

"NO. Let me GO you brute." Kyle fought against Bruno's grip, which resulted in Bruno twisting his arm behind him. He grabbed kyle's other wrist and pinned both arms behind him.

"Shall I bind him, Lord Farrel?" Farrel gave a look to kyle. "No, that won't be necessary. Just keep him immobilized." Bruno changed his hold to a bear hug and, struggle as he might, kyle was trapped. He struggled for a while, and every time Farrel looked at him, with a leer that said, "I'll be in you soon," he fought more.

As he watched helplessly, Kayla began a slow walk toward the boat. Kyle saw 6 or 8 blond women, and a similar number of blond men fall into formation behind her. Curtis was one of the men. When all of them were on the boat, Kayla began to chant.

Kyle knew the legends about mermaids, and sirens, and how their song could bewitch any sailor. He had always been skeptical, until he heard Kayla's chant. He stopped squirming and he felt as if he had been immobilized with a tranquilizer. The others joined in the chant, and kyle felt himself nearly overcome with emotion.

"Now you know why she accompanies us on raiding missions, slave. To fall under Kayla's spell is to become helpless."

"Then how are you..." Bruno laughed. "The court wears a filter in our ears. It cuts out the most potent of her sounds. Still, we are weakened, but of course, you are weakened more." He put his mouth over kyle's ear the way Farrel had "and helpless."

"The purification is completed!" Kayla called from the boat.

"Shall we have a look, fisherman?" Farrel came over to kyle. The remnants of the chant were still affecting kyle. He answered, "Yes Sir, thank you Sir."

Kyle saw Curtis observing everything he inspected as he walked around the boat, with Farrel on one side of him and Bruno on the other. He bent to inspect a piece of equipment, and he heard Farrel, who had stepped behind him, mutter "exquisite. Just exquisite." Kyle didn't want to give Farrel the satisfaction of knowing how mortified he was, so instead, he positioned himself, so his ass was even more prominent. Farrel spoke: "I would have no trouble fucking your ass right here on this ship, right now, fisherman. Just know that." He turned to Bruno. "Inspection is over. Bind him for the walk back to the quarters."

"With pleasure, Master," Curtis saw the smile on Bruno's face as he bound kyle's wrists behind him. It was a slow walk back to the grounds, and kyle saw gary in the crowd gazing at him with envy.

"Help me, Bruno. I wish to shackle my handsome sailor for some fun." Farrel had untied kyle's wrists, and he pushed him up against a wall, where kyle saw the built in restraints. He hadn't noticed them before. Farrel and Bruno both locked a wrist in. "The ankles, too, Master?"

"No, not this time, Bruno. Thank you." Bruno left to go to his post outside the room. Farrel moved his hand to kyle's shirt. "I made sure to make a selection from your old wardrobe when they brought it, kyle. I chose what I liked. I believe this shirt could be tighter, but...I don't want too many more people lusting after you.

"YOU WENT INTO MY HOME? COCKSUCKER." Kyle snorted and pulled at the cuffs. He only irritated his wrists. "I get even more excited when you show your anger, kyle. OF COURSE w went through your possessions. MY possessions."

"LET ME GO FUCKHEAD." Farrel simply continued the slow unbuttoning of kyle's shirt. "To be clear, kyle, the only cock sucking that will be done in this room will be done by you. As for fuckhead, well, I'll ignore that, and I'll answer you. NO. And I think, given your agitated state, a gag is in order." He produced a cloth from his robe pocket and tied it around kyle's mouth. "Now, let's begin." Kyle's chest was exposed. He saw Farrel take a small metal rod shaped object out of another pocket. His eyes showed fear: was it a blade?

"MMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!" he pleaded. "Relax, fisherman. This is not what you think it is. It is a stimulator. When used properly, it can make a man beg for mercy, depending upon where it is used." Kyle felt the cold, smooth metal beginning to run a circle around one of his nipples. "The alloy stimulated neural gaps, kyle. I am sure you have never felt anything like this before."

"mmmmmmmmmmmph," kyle began to moan as Farrel moved the rod to his other nipple. "Think of how this might feel, oh, on your scrotum. Or the contours of that beautiful ass of yours, kyle. " Farrel placed the rod on the very center of one of kyle's nipples. "Neck, please," Farrel instructed and, moaning, kyle moved his head to the side. He felt Farrel's tongue working almost like a cat's tongue as he "tasted" kyle's neck, then his ear. He whispered, "You're going to be glad you drank the tonic this morning kyle." Farrel's tongue was putting kyle into a somewhat of a state of delirium. Farrel stopped and looked at kyle: "Shall I do the same to your pecs?" Kyle could feel his eyes open wider. He saw Farrel's smile when he pressed a knee into kyle's crotch and felt the hard cock there.

"mmmhmmmm" kyle shook his head up and down. Farrel smiled at him. "The man knows how to take pleasure." His lips moved to kyle's right nipple and began sucking, while he used the rod on kyle's other nipple. Before he switched positions, he looked at kyle: you WANT to get fucked, don't you?" Kyle wanted to cry, but he shook his head yes.

In due time, sweet man. In due time. For now, let's get the gag off, and get you in proper position." Farrel took the restraints off. Kyle was too weak and overcome with sensation to put up any fight as Farrel undressed him. "Lie on your stomach. And maybe I'll let you take care of that", he pointed to kyle's cock, which stood out in front of him, just before he touched the wand to kyle's balls, which provoked a loud moan. Neither of them saw Bruno chortle when he heard it.

"Please Master Farrel, please. "

"Maybe. Now, let us continue." When kyle began humping the bed Farrel reacted.

"No, no, no, big guy. No. Better get on your knees. I've seen yoga students plank. Plank for me." Kyle sighed but did what he was told. He felt the "prod" as he was thinking of it move up and down the sides of his ass crack. When it stopped, he expected to feel Farrel's dick the way he had the night before. But he didn't.

"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD WHAT THE..." Farrel had begun lapping the inside of kyle's ass. Kyle knew what he was doing, but he had never experienced this before and he bucked back, trying to get more.

"Ha, ha. Part fish and part pig. GOOD. I like that in a slave." Kyle continued to moan as Farrel pushed in, deeper and deeper. Finally, he stopped.

"I KNOW you can spread your legs further than this, kyle. Move your knees. Give me a bigger target." "Yes sir" came out of kyle, as Farrel put his cock head right at the entrance of kyle's ass.

"Push back, kyle. Let me see how much you want it." Kyle wanted to cry: part of him didn't want it, but that was the intellectual part of him. The physical part of him was desperate, and it was winning. Slowly, very slowly, he began backing up.

"Like leaving a dock, only this time, I'm docking, right slut slave?" Kyle felt the crack of Farrel's hand across a butt cheek. "MOVE FASTER. TAKE IT. YOU'VE GOT STRONG GLUTES." When kyle didn't move fast enough, Farrel pulled out his dick.

"Maybe you won't get it, kyle. Maybe you need to wait a few days and just let me do things with my toys and my tongue." He slipped the rod underneath kyle and ran it around his cock head.

"NO SIR NO. PLEASE. " Knowing he had won, Farrel moved his cock head back to kyle's ass and this time, kyle pushed back hard and fast. As soon as he did, he knew it was a mistake. He wasn't ready.

"TAKE IT OUT SIR. PLEASE, TAKE IT OUT." Instead, Farrel tightened his own glutes so he could push in further. "Once I'm in, fisherman, it comes out when I'm done. I'M THE ONE IN CONTROL, RIGHT SUB BOY?"

"Yes , Sir. Yes. You're in charge. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGH" Farrel had tightened his glutes again, and kyle was ready to pass out. Was it pain or pleasure? Or was it both. He didn't know. What he did know is that Farrel was reaching underneath him and had begun stroking his dick.

"You wanna cum, sailor boy? You wanna cum for the captain?" Farrel was embarrassed by his own jokes, but he was enjoying this fuck so much, he didn't think much of it. He stroked kyle slowly. He could feel his slave's dick hardening.

"You look so damn HOT when you're tied up, kyle. I think I'm gonna have to tie you up at least part of every day. On the ship, or in this room, or....maybe even in public." Kyle didn't understand it, but his dick was responding to the last comment. He began to utter a series of sounds between grunts, and moans.

"OH GEEZ YES. YES. OH GOD. OH GOD. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." He shot. He shot his load so far it hit the pillows. Just as he released, kyle felt Farrel shoot into him. This one was bigger than the first one, and the liquid was somewhat soothing because he felt like Farrel had ground an inch of skin off of his insides.

Farrel pulled out. He rolled kyle over onto his back. "Now kiss me. Kiss me the way I taught you to kiss." Farrel's tongue snaked into kyle's mouth. Kyle's mind began to think: now that he had spent his load, he was wondering: could he? Could he just.

He felt Farrel's hand encircle his wrist, and then slam him down on the bed as he climbed on top of him.

"Not happening, fisherman. I know how to read body language. And you, Sir, still don't quite understand that you're not going to escape. So, I think tomorrow we may prove that. I'll even give you a guide to help you: your precious Curtis will try to help you escape. But when you're captured, as you will be, " his eyes glinted. "I'll give you your punishment in front of at least ten people."

Kyle lay there, as Farrel teased him. "I don't want to escape, Sir. I promise. I just want to use your boat."

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