Taylor Lautner and Nick Jonas

By Alex M

Published on Mar 1, 2011



Taylor Lautner/Nick Jonas: the boys get roofied and lose their cherries to each other.

Disclaimer: this is pure ficion, not meant to imply anything about the persons portrayed here.

Taylor wanders through the throng, hands tucked into his pockets as he looks for someone to hang with. He spots a few familiar faces, but most seem to have already split off into impenetrable cliques.

Taylor's passing through the ridiculously ornate living room when he hears a familiar voice, just behind him. He turns and finds Nick Jonas facing down a couple of older ladies in business suits.

"I'm sorry, that's not something I'm willing to discuss. If you aren't interested in cleared topics, perhaps you should move on." Nick's voice is soft, but there's a coldness, a determination about him that makes one of the women literally take a step back.

Taylor's caught. He's never met Nick, but he's heard an earful about the kid from Selena, and none of it good. Taylor believes in reserving judgment, but it's difficult when you know so much. He's reluctantly impressed though as he observes Nick calmly and politely check the aggressive execs from Seventeen Magazine, again and again.

One lady leaves and comes back with a couple of glasses of punch. She hands one to Nick and then thanks him for his time, thanks him for attending. She swivels on her heel and Taylor realizes he's been spotted as both ladies move towards him.

"Taylor, dear! Hello and welcome. I'm Alexandra Pittenson, editor-in-chief for Seventeen, and this is Sandy Edwards, head of production design for our website," Alexandra pauses, but before Taylor can respond, she runs a hand down his chest and says, "Oh! This is the suit you wore on the Tonight Show, isn't it? Excellent choice."

"I- T-thank you," Taylor stutters, embarrassed and flustered. He left his bodyguard outside, thinking he'd have no need for security inside the party...possibly, that was a mistake.

"Taylor, hi!"

All three of them turn to Nick, who's just sort of shoved himself into their little circle, between Taylor and his assailants.

Nick offers the ladies a closed-mouthed smile and says, "I'm sorry, but I just remembered something really important I need to ask Taylor."

He doesn't wait for their permission, he just takes Taylor's elbow and pulls him into the next room.

Once they're out of sight, Taylor laughs and clamps a hand onto Nick's shoulder.

"Wow. Thank you, man!"

Nick offers him a crooked grin and shrugs. "I've been there...though I can't believe she actually groped you."

"Women are...well, I've been learning a lot about them since New Moon came out. They can be pretty wild."

"Oh? What's changed since your movie came out?" Clearly Nick hasn't seen it.

Taylor starts to tell him about all the shirtless-ness, but Nick abruptly holds up his drink.

"Here, I can't drink it."

"Why not?" Taylor takes the punch a little warily.

"I'm pretty sure it's got sugar and I'm diabetic," Nick explains. "I'm sorry, you were saying?"

Taylor's not sure how long they've been talking when it hits. His eyelids go heavy and his skin starts to feel tight, overhot. Nick is going on excitedly about a softball team he started over the summer, and Taylor can't look away from his mouth. Nick's a crooked-talker, which is adorable, and he's got these full, almost red lips that look really soft.

Without thinking, Taylor cups Nick's cheek, brushes his thumb across Nick's open mouth.

Nick recoils and knocks Taylor's hand away, but even feeling all weird and spaced out, Taylor's able to catch Nick's wrist. He twists it behind Nick's back and pins Nick to the wall.

"Mnnn," he hums, face pressed to Nick's soft curls. They smell good. Nick smells good and he's slender but solid under Taylor, which is nice.

"Taylor...Taylor!" Nick's urgent tone finally pierces the fog around Taylor's mind.

He pulls back, looks Nick in the eye and releases Nick immediately when he sees that the other boy's actually scared.

"Sorry, sorry," he slurs, frowning in confusion.

He doesn't know what came over him. He tries to straighten Nick's suit jacket, but Nick moves to the side, away from Taylor, hands raised.

"It's fine, really." Nick's using this soothing voice, but Taylor knows he messed up.

He stumbles forward and presses his face to the wall, and wow, that feels good; the wall is so cool.

"Hey, Taylor. Taylor? Are you all right, man?"

Nick's there again, at his elbow, so Taylor forces his eyes open. He blinks blearily at Nick as Nick frowns at him, obviously worried.

"Hmm?" Taylor prompts.

"Are you feeling okay? You don't look so good."

Nick lifts a soft, dry palm to Taylor's cheek and Taylor sighs, "Nick, you're so sweet. Not like Selena said."

"Is everything all right?" Some lady asks from behind Taylor.

He's too lazy to turn around and see who it is. Instead he watches Nick as Nick talks to her. "I don't know. Can you call a doctor? I think he's sick."

"Oh no! I hope not, but...yes, of course I'll call someone. Why don't you take him to one of the bedrooms? The third one on the left, down that hallway. I'll have the doctor meet you there."

Nick nods at her and wedges himself under Taylor's arm, one hand tight on Taylor's waist.

Taylor leans on him heavily as they make their way down the hall. He could probably walk fine on his own, but he likes having Nick so close, likes touching Nick.

When they reach their destination, Nick pushes him back onto the bed, but Taylor pulls Nick down on top of him.

"Hahaha. Okay, let me up. Now." Nick's probably not kidding, but Taylor can't let him go.

Taylor gets a hand on Nick's ass and pushes, grinding Nick against his erection.

"Whoah!" Nick starts fighting in earnest and Taylor flips them, pins Nick so easily.

He's got Nick's wrists twisted behind his back again, so Nick's arched up into him, staring at Taylor through narrowed eyes. His mouth is open on harsh, panting breaths and his cheeks are red, curls falling loose around his face, perfect skin all sweaty-sparkly.

"You- Didn choo kiss Slena on the firs date?"

"Are you drunk? No, you only had--" Nick's brows draw together and he cocks his head, like he's thinking, then his eyes go wide. "That drink! There was something in the drink I gave you."

Taylor doesn't really care, he just wants Nick's mouth. On his. Right now.

Nick feels terrible. He'd just been trying to help Taylor--save him from the vultures--and now Taylor's drugged, and it's all Nick's fault. So, when Taylor kisses him, Nick lets it happen. Maybe if Nick doesn't fight, just lies back, Taylor will lose interest and just fall asleep. He looks sleepy, but his dick is hard, a thick line of heat digging into Nick's hip.

Nick closes his eyes and breathes through his nose as Taylor licks and bites his lips, breath smelling of fruit punch. He's trying to shift his weight off his wrists when he hears the door open.

Oh, thank God, he thinks as Ms. Pittenson and a swarthy, doctor-looking man enter. They pause just inside the door, shock clear on their faces, and Nick tears his mouth free.

"Get him off, please," Nick begs, closing his eyes again as Taylor groans and ruts into him.

"Oh my!" Ms. Pittenson exclaims, just before Nick feels Taylor pulled away.

"Oh, c'mon. L've us'lone," Taylor whines, hands hard on Nick's wrists. "Jus- just wan'im to suck me."

Nick's face is on fire, or at least, that's how it feels. He can't look at anyone as they pry Taylor completely off him. Nick jumps to his feet once he's free and Taylor faceplants onto the bed, groaning theatrically about how all he wants is Nick's mouth, why can't he have it?

Nick starts to back out of the room, but the doctor straightens up and motions Nick closer.

"Keep an eye on him, while I check Nick," the doctor tells Ms. Pittenson, who's sitting beside Taylor, stroking his back.

Nick frowns at both of them and follows the doctor over to the dressing table. "Doctor?" Nick prompts.

"Carbonell," the man offers, taking a syringe out of his bag.

"I'm fine, really, but..." Nick puts his back to the bed and whispers, "I don't know if Ms. Pittenson can be trusted to watch Taylor."

The doctor raises his eyebrows and glances over at Ms Pittenson. "Oh, and why not? She seems genuinely concerned for him- oh!"

Nick turns, alarmed by the doctor's change of expression, and Carbonell wraps an arm around Nick's chest, trapping Nick to him, Nick's arms pinned at his side.

"Shouldn't have given him your drink, Nick. You just made things a lot more difficult than they had to be."

"What? You...what's going on here?" Nick struggles, but he can't break the doctor's hold either. He hates being small.

"Stay still, or you're really going to get hurt." There's enough menace in Carbonell's tone to make Nick freeze up. "Good boy," he mutters, just before Nick feels a sharp prick at his neck.

The drug hits Nick much faster, having been injected straight into his bloodstream, and Nick droops in the doctor's arms. He can't focus, can't make sense of what's happening. He's vaguely aware of being stripped down--the cool air on his skin feels nice--and laid out on something soft.

"Nick...pretty Nick," someone whispers, mouth hot on Nick's cheek.

Nick forces his eyes open and sees Taylor's flushed face close to his.

"Hey," Nick drawls, smiling, happy that it's Taylor touching him and not the lady or scary doctor.

"Oh," Taylor says, eyes heavy on Nick's mouth. He shifts, moving to cover Nick completely, and Nick groans. He can't help it; he's never been all-the-way naked with someone before. He can't believe how good it feels. Taylor's skin is hot, like Nick's, and smooth, though he's a little hairier than Nick.

"Taylor," he breathes, wrapping his arms around Taylor and arching into the bigger boy, legs spread to cradle Taylor's hips.

"Nhhh--" Taylor takes his mouth again and this time Nick opens to him eagerly.

Nick's head spins and his dick aches, trapped low against his belly as Taylor ruts against him. He kneads at the taut, shifting muscle in Taylor's back, sucks on Taylor's tongue and rocks up into Taylor's thrusts. They're both sweaty and shaking, and Nick wonders if Taylor's ever done this before.

Taylor breaks the kiss, dragging his mouth down across Nick's jaw and throat before he sits up. He's flushed, chest heaving as looks down at Nick, thumbing Nick's moles and touching Nick's sweat-damp curls.

"What?" Nick asks, not understanding why Taylor had to go so far away.

Taylor shrugs and smooths his palms down Nick's chest, pausing at Nick's belly. It's pretty flat when Nick's on his back, but the skin there is still softer than most of the rest of Nick. Taylor's touch is too much, feels too good. Nick gasps and digs his head back into the pillow, reaching for his dick.

Taylor makes a displeased little sound and Nick looks down at him.

Taylor knocks Nick's hand aside and grips his dick, starts working Nick with strong, hard pulls, and Nick fists the sheets, loses himself in all that good feeling. He starts talking, all these ridiculous words pouring out of him as Taylor milks his dick.

"S'perfect, 'mazing...Taylor, nghhh--" Nick fucks his pink dick into Taylor's hand, and as Taylor starts to come back to himself, it's easy to tell just how far gone Nick is. "N'ver had a guy- oh, do this. S'much better."

Nick's gasping little confessions are killing Taylor. He knows he should stop, but he's never been with a guy like this and Nick--sweaty and flushed and wild under him--Nick is doing more for him than any girl ever has. He's heard so much about Nick Jonas being a control freak, it's completely mind-blowing to see Nick fall apart this way.

So Taylor drops down and pins Nick's slender, pale hips, lifts Nick's dick and drags his tongue over the tip.

"Ah!" Nick cries out, his whole body jerking with the shock of it, and Taylor tastes him again, amazed by Nick's responsiveness.

He traps Nick's leg between his thighs, rubbing his erection against Nick as he sucks the head of Nick's dick into his mouth. Nick sounds like he's crying, whimpers shaking his frame as he clutches any bit of Taylor he can reach. Taylor closes his eyes, wincing when Nick pulls his hair a little too hard. He doesn't stop though, just works a bit more of Nick past his lips. Taylor runs his tongue around the shaft, licking curiously at the salty, sweaty flesh, breathing hard through his nose. Taylor's as wrecked as Nick, his dick jerking and spurting pre-come--marking Nick's thigh, balls dragging heavy and hot over Nick's knee--as Taylor rides him.

Nick stops all of the sudden--stops breathing, stops moving--and the next thing Taylor knows his mouth is flooded with spunk. He chokes and pulls off, and Nick lets out a great gasp as he finishes, losing his load in hard pulses against Taylor's face. Taylor wipes it from his eyes and raises up, wrapping his spunk-covered hand around his aching dick. He starts to jerk himself, desperate to come, but Nick sits up--panting, barely-recovered--and gestures Taylor further up the bed.

"C'mere," Nick mutters, tugging at Taylor and then pushing him onto his back.

Taylor flops back shakily and opens his legs, biting his lip as Nick rolls atop him and then slides down, putting his sweet mouth right on Taylor.

"Ohhhh," Taylor moans, breath hitching as he watches Nick Jonas suck him. He clutches Nick's curls and Nick glances up. "Oh God," he whines, dropping his head back as his balls draw up and his orgasm hits like a punch to the gut, almost too hard to be good.

Taylor wakes when a beam of sunlight hits his eyes, finds himself in a strange bed, wrapped up in someone else. They're both sweaty and sort of stuck together, and the other person is definitely a guy; he's spooning Taylor, dick nestled right up against Taylor's ass. Taylor's heart starts to race. His head is pounding and his mouth is dry, a thick, sour taste on his tongue.

He tries to work himself free without disturbing the other guy, but it's impossible and just as he slides to the floor he hears a groan.

He kneels next to the bed and lifts his head, meeting Nick Jonas' bleary but horrified gaze.

Nick pushes himself up and Taylor just stares. He does not know how they got here, but Nick's all soft and unguarded, naked. Pale, smooth skin peppered with moles and freckles, curls a mess, cheeks flushed from sleep.

He licks his lips and croaks, "What happened?" He looks around the strange room. "How did I get here?" He meets Taylor's gaze again and his voice drops to a whisper. "What did we do?"

Taylor shakes his head. "I have no idea."

Nick drops his gaze and suddenly seems to become aware of his own nakedness.

He scrambles for the sheet, covering himself before he stands, muttering something about how he has to get home. Taylor grabs the other sheet and wraps it around his hips, painfully aware of the dried come all over his belly, between his legs. He watches Nick hobble toward the bathroom and feels his face flame. Oh. He takes a few experimental steps, but no, his ass feels fine.

He checks the bedside table and finds a room service menu. Apparently they're at the downtown Sheraton--God only knows how they got here. He hears the shower turn on and starts working his way through the rest of the room. He finds their clothes in a duffle bag in the closet, along with a blank dvd in a generic jewel case. There's a note in the bottom of the bag.

Wonderful work, boys. Think of talking to anyone and you will be sorry; we'll release the recording at the first sign of police involvement. Go back to your picture-perfect lives, we'll be in touch when the time is right.

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